Published Jan 24, 2024, 2:50 AM

The one and only Love Dorsey brings her electrifying energy to BIG FACTS to discuss relationships, black family structure, black women, black men and more.

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This is Big Facts and we are welcoming today by Hid the Man, No One and Only Love Dorsey.

Here it's palpable with what's somebody feeling today? I'm good? What's up with y'all? Everything are great?

Yeah, and I love y'all talk about anything.

Oh, that's what we're doing today, though. This is gonna be one of them conversations.

We just let you know. So we hope you brought your Your energy is on me. Yeah, I want to them.

I want to start like shout k K was asking like, what's the problem with niggas, right, and he kind of attributed to niggas and fatherhood and not having fathers and all that type of ship. So I think you're the person, perfect person to ask, like, what do you think is the problem with African American women?

He jumping right ahead. We got to get to it.

If you don't know, I'm the one that I keep pushing on our people for us to accept the logic the facts that single mother households produce the worst fucking product. Now you can say it like that, or I could dress it up where females won't get offended, and I can say fatherlessness is the biggest issue in our community with women and raising children and then expews into the dating pool. So for me, when you ask what's up with us nowadays? Fatherlessness coming from these single mother households, and even if you didn't directly come from one, they leave when we talk about low income. They lead the opinion leaders in our community.

They are you know what I'm saying.

They the voice in the hood, the mamos that's raising the babies by theyself with no daddy's around. Like, that's who's leading right now in regards to you know what the children are taught. So now you're looking at an adult generation that came from a lot of fatherlessness, a lot of women, female headed households.

Let me ask you, it's a problem.

I have a question.

I'm gonna let you finish, But once you get done with that, I want you to touch on whether or not you think that single mothers get offended about their lack of ability because they are female, and because they are emotional.

I feel like so I feel like they get offended because they triggered and can't manage their emotions. The offense comes from and let me take a step back, right, you can't receive information if you're in your feelings and how you hear shit depends on your temperament and your energy. So off top, if you defensive, if you feel some type of way, if you got these traumas on you that you haven't seen about with yourself, you're not the right and you're gonna come at the conversation or you're gonna come at the information listening with your inner child, your insecurities, the stuff that you know you dead wrong for, that shame, the guilt you know won't let you stand on you know what I mean.

So when it comes to us, it's a struggle to just.

Receive the information. And then outside of that, we struggle with accountability. Like I'll be the first female to say, like, when you put women alongside men, women have a real fucking problem with being accountable.

Hey no, but but how did you tap into this because you want to always this mindset right, how did you tap into your right mindset.

So okay, so let me say this, Like growing up, I was a nerd in school, right, and then when I jumped into young adulthood, I was in the streets. So I went from being in the books to now being in the streets.

By personal choice.

Yeah, okay, basic environment.

When I'm big on the way your life looking, the ship you go through is based on your choices, So I won't put shit on anything else. But environment plays a big role in the choices that we are. You know able to choose from exactly, so environment play the role in it. But I jumped in the streets, and then you know, from being intelligent in the books but then also being street smart and then being able to be that homegirl to a lot of street niggas. Like there was a lot of ship said and done in front of me to where it molded my perspective differently. You see a lot of ship sitting in the track with niggas that they ain't trying to fuck.

On you you like, bro, but to help you get it, like damn, we do do these niggas to the point that these niggas wild want to be a good nigga. But I can't do to the fact that the ship you done showed me. Yep, that's it is.

And the thing about it is my platform, Like I give so much game that helped females, but the whole emotional side they can't see through, you know, feeling some type of way because I said something about the state of parenting in our community when we talk about, you know, a certain demographic with us, they can't hear past that. So it just turns into a fence. You you know, your type of paragraphs and your feelings. But it ain't hard to look around. I mean, you know a lot of what men struggle with nowadays as a grown man, being able to try to manage your emotions, and you know a lot of what women struggle with in relationships where you want a nigga to be, you know, head a household, but you can't. You know, it's a power struggle. You don't know how to be feminine. You don't know how to you know, be in that role once you make it home.

And you also and it's another thing too, I think with that house situation, with like being the head of household and all that, is that a lot of women lack the proper skills to be the foundation for that man to be that head.


Yeah, and I'm gonna kick it to y'all blood row.

Like in a lot of other cultures, they're raising their girls to be women, feminine nurturers, to embody everything about us, even that emotional side, to learn how to use that intuition as a way to.

Be valuable to a family unit.

Right, right, We in our community, we're mothering one another from a space of like, I'm gonna raise my daughter to be independent, right, I'm gonna raise her to do everything for herself, not need a nigga for nothing.

But you know, our biology as human beings, especially as.

Women, we're wired for companionship, Like it's our DNA in our biology. So when I see people that be talking about you know, I'm independent, I'm gonna be by myself up these niggas.

They ain't shit.

You going against your nature, Like, regardless of what you want to say online, of what you want to say to us, there is something in you that's.

Gonna pull you towards companionship.


And then when you're being raised with the program and in an opposite direction, this is when you become psychologically fucked.

Up a lot of issues.

Like you know, we talk a lot about you know, the males. Yeah, women, To be honest, we struggling right, not psychologically. We are they showing us how to take advantage of all our knew rights.

Be boss bitches, start businesses, earn all this money.

But then you don't know anything about being submissive in your household. Like you know, men won't respect over love any day. So it's like, in order for you to really be that woman in your household, you got to be able to take that hat off at the door from that business. You might be the top realatory, you might have three folk salons that got that online hair brand, but can you turn that shit off and be a woman at home Because a nigga don't give a fuck about you being a boss in the house. Right, this nigga gonna put his mic down, like you ain't gonna talk.

What do you think where you think our culture when that changed though, Like when you thinking black coature, that all changed.

So for me, I mean I could go, I could go way back, but I like to just kind of bring it to a you know, we're both okay, So so on the surface level.

Late nineteen sixties early nineteen.

When took them out of the house.

Yes, them fucking welfare programs.

And I see so many people trying to rebuttle the fuck out of this online. It is a fact that those programs were set up a certain way to continue with the economically castrating black males, but then also putting our mindset in the space where psychologically we raise our children to not be supportive of the family unit. And when you go all the way back to slavery life, you know the number one thing a way to control a nigga, take the mind, keep the body strong, but take the fucking mind. They'll work hard towards your agenda without thinking twice about what the hell they're doing. And you know, really, even when you go back to slavery, it's started with females. Just while they took the biggest, strongest male nigga, bring them in front of all the women and kids, beat the fuck out of them.

You know what I mean?

Similar to what we seeing today when you see niggas being murdered over and over again, they publicizing that it's everywhere, police killing niggas. Niggas killing niggas is constantly being put in front of our faces. So you show that this nigga looks strong, but he ain't really strong compared to the system or the white man, so to speak, just giving you the imagery. Right, So then you got mothers raising children based on you know, let me, let me train my children up, my boys, I'm a baby them, I'm you know, raise them a certain way.

To basically desensitizing our people to the black male masculinity.

Yeah, and so now we're.

Used to seeing niggas get fucked up to the point where we okay with fucking niggas.

But used to seeing niggas not being solid in no capacity. Shit. Niggas get locked up, they tell, yep, you know what I'm saying, Niggas bitching up in all types of ways. So it's like it's just like, yep, this ship, it's really okay now because this is there's no consequences to this ship.

And if you understand psychology and condition, and you show a bit something over and over again enough times, I don't give a fuck who you are is gonna affect your mind. Me y'all included, show a motherfucker with an agenda over.

And over the same type of shit.

We don't even realize we programmed to believe black men ain't shit before you even interact with a black man that ain't shit.

It's it's in your mind, you know what I mean?

So you you got it?

Yeah, So look, I'm mean to cut you out, but this is okay speaking on that about believing that a nigga ain't shit before you even for real see the niggain' shit. There was There was this thing on Instagram the other day. It was a girl talking and shout out to my Boyfriendessa's only. They were having a conversation about getting to know like she was speaking from a female's perspective, so she was saying, you gotta get to know a nigga's family, how he was raised, if he watched his mom get beat on. You know, I'm saying all that shit because it's almost guaranteed that he's gonna repeat that cycle. And she was saying, if I find out that a nigga watched his mama get beat on, or if I find out that he did certain other things or whatever, I'm not fucking with him because I know that he's gonna be like that. And my thing is, I don't agree with that because some people have a reverse reaction to that type of shit, Like I saw my mama get beat on, so I don't want anybody else that I love to have to go through that. So I'm going to make sure that you know I'm the right kind of man to not beat on women.

And you know what I'm saying, all.

That kind of shit, And I also feel like you if everybody, I feel like everybody deserves a fair chance at least once, Like if you give a nigga a chance, you know what I'm saying, and then he shows you, Okay, this is what I'm about to turn into, then okay, yeah, get the fuck on. But you can't just prejudge people and automatically be like, Okay, this is what you saw or whatever. So I'm not fucking with you because this is what you're gonna turn into, because that's what has niggas afraid to open up in the first place, because they already feel like, Okay, if I tell this bitch what's going on with me, then she's gonna make an assumption and figure out think that she knows how to play me or knows how to treat me. And it doesn't even make sense for me to even try to be ship to her in the first place. If if I can't even fucking have a safe space with this boy.

As soon as soon as you show me that this is who you think I am, I'm gonna be their time, Tine.

That's just how niggas be.

Okay, you already, I'm already. I'm already convicted, right, So you know this shit and a nigga nature to do some of the ship that you think I'm doing, right, just be real. So it's like a nigga gonna just bruh. This shit is fucked up, I'm gonna tell you.

So it is relevant what a person has been through and they upbringing right, definitely it is, but their understanding of what happened to them determines how they turn out. So it's not just oh, you went through that, so you're gonna be like, this is what is your understanding of what you went through?

How did you process.

What you saw with your mother or your father or you know, whoever was raising you, grandma, whatever the household looked like?

How did you process that?


How is that relevant to.

You as an adult?

You know, what are you doing with those experiences? And this is why we need to go back to fucking Dayton. We need to go back to getting to know one another. But like I always say, raw sex feels so good, and we don't talk about that.

We don't talk about that. We just you know, we talk about, Oh you need to wrap it up, Oh you're gonna get pregnant, what about STDs? But we skip over like.

You got to tell the human and program the mind to understand sugar taste sweet? So this is what you up This what a real discipline lie. It ain't in knowing what the consequences are. It's knowing the exacts that ship that's gonna feel good, in deciding that I'm a do different or I'm a you know, shy away from that until we get to know each other.

You see what I'm saying.

Yeah, bringing life.

But basically all the ship boil down to man mental illness, bro. Everything, everybody fucked up a little bit. So how you're gonna get with another motherfucker that's fucked up and both y'all fucked up?

It ain't gonna work out, trauma.

You gotta get some help, We gotta get some helpful it is.

But so for me, the root is in our upbringing.

Right exactly you and you can you can overcome, you know, anything you've been through based on understanding that ship, really looking at the traumas, how it affected you, the beliefs that was programmed into you, your paradigms and ship about life. But the other part of it is we don't want to be real that there's a problem with the way we're being raised.

But I don't know.

In our community, all folks don't want you to tell them they did ship wrong. They want to pass on. I did the best I could on every everything that I had, Yep, with everything, and it's like so it makes generations after them not be able to confront you. So niggas and bitches is walking around with mental health issues. But if I go to, yes, if I go to but if I go to therapy, even start talking about this and you know, they start bringing up things from my childhood, pulling it out of me.

I got the damn fight with Mama.

She gonna damn don' want to knock me out, you know, even as an adult, because I'm saying things that makes her feel the top of way.

I asked me some therapy too.

And then that all goes back to accountability too, because the whole not taking nothing away from older people or no ship like that, but all I did the best of what I could when I had and all that shit that kind of negates accountability.

Yeah, it because that's the excuse it does.

And I'm gonna tell y'all, like when I was growing up, you couldn't tell grown people they was lying. Even if they were lying, you couldn't know that they flat out telling the lie.

You're gonna get popped in your motherfucking mouth if you say that.

So it's like from young age we was trained to like fuck with flaws ship if you raising one households well.


What I'm saying is they okay, they never gonna call theirself flowed.

But we've seen a lot of fla ships.

How older people like Aunty, I know you lying, But if I say, Auntie, you lie, now, I finna get a whooping.

Yeah, I want to get my ask saying what's real?

And you can't even if you didn't say the word lying, If you just tried to say Auntie Fibby, you in trouble because grown people ain't never rown.

You know, what's the sigma?


Like I told, I told her one time before I told him my grandma like, it's just like you inherit being a hater too. I used to see my grandma like I'm telling you. As I get old, I realized that hate.

The grown faul business. The kitchen is grown.

Y'all talking about By the time she got a new store, that ragging motherfuckers she got she need to be cooking outside. He's eating on the lady store. But you couldn't.

You could never say that. You could never come out like and say what you see. And the other thing is, and I say this all the time like I do zooms and ship, just talking to people like about confronting where they get their ways from.

Growing up? You you you can.

Tell your parents is at odds they separated or whatever? You know, you can see from the energy. My mama don't really fuck with my daddy. No, mama, Dad don't fuck with my mama. And then when you go around, you gotta be faith. When I go with Daddy, I can't say certain ship about Mama.

I can't act excided about certain ship when I'm with Mama.

I can't excited up, you know, like I'm too in my feelings about my daddy because I'm she.

Gonna give me the energy like I'm aggravating her.

You should be fucked up, especially like on kids because.

Already, yeah, you you know you want to say, mom, I want to go with my daddy, but she gonna give you a certain energy or hell if you fuck with some of these new age mama your dad about mom my daddy said he gonna take me here.

Fuck your dad. I don't want to of that ship now, lying when.

Was the last time he took you anywhere?


So now I'm around my mama acting like I'm onna fuck with my daddy like that, Go with my daddy.

Don't say too much about my mama.

You see what I'm saying. Like him.

By the time you get along away from both of them, you crazy as head, flaw.

In the bitch, we'd be six seven flaweding the bit fact because of a nigga just say I don't want to be in a relationship no more.

She'll tell them.

Kids he left us. Yep. Yeah, So nigga be like, well, my dad, like so many niggas in this world, feel like, why my daddy leave me? No, bro, I left this bitch because she was crazy and I know I won't end up doing the wrong shit right now, you know.

But but you know you can't say that. You know, all single mothers got a dead beat baby daddy and they all went through some damsel and distressed struggle that oh he left them with.

I'm like, I'm so over that shit.

I see that should not be like these bitches got to think we retarded to keep believing this narrative like we we seeing holes outright trap niggas. We seeing bitches outright crazy as fucking niggas is walking away from them and them bitches making it Well, you're gonna walk away from the child too, if you leave me alone. We're seeing the parental alienation were singing holes.

Like And another thing too is a lot of these niggas are not legitimized, so they technically.

Don't have rights and mix of that. I ain't gonna try to take my name out to how the suit for the baby. I ain't making no excuse for a nigga that don't take his kids.

You know what I'm saying.

You find the way, you find a way that God put yourself on something I don't know.

Listen, I'm gonna tell you on that one point though, for a lot of men, because I'm in the trenches with they ask I disagree. It's a lot on what I'm saying is it's a lot of niggas that you know, they got the same you know narrative that I'm saying. If as a woman and me and you had a baby, I could keep you from that baby if I wanted to.

But if you want it's a way though, listen, especially if.

You're in the streets and you you still currently in the streets. Bro, Come on, now, we know how to keep a baby from a nigga. Like we gotta stop with ending like we don't know this ship. We have a baby right now, you do me wrong. I can't get out my feelings nigga and make it where you never see this jit again.

And I know holes right now they gonna tell you ass, that's what they do.

They don't give a funck. Nigga.

Don't want to be with me, nigga, you ain't finna be around my baby. It's gonna be my baby. And anytime somebody bringing you up, I'm gonna pay your ass to be a deadbe even though you're willing to pull up and give money by shoot. Like you said, I ain't willing to get in front of the crackers and put myself out there because I'm knowing my baby mama get too upset, she'll tell him I see still sell dope. But bro, come on now, we got to start being honest about this shiit same way we willing to be real that it's some dead beat ass niggas, it's some holes by the masses on this bullshit.

I'll really, I don't really what you.

Think calls that, like what you think calls be like that?

It go back to programming from let me let me put it like this, right when you raised in the household, yes.

Thank you, thank you.

Single mother headed households produce the worst product. And I'm gonna tell y'all like when you okay, so as a young girl, you being raised as no daddy around, you don't know what it feels like to get correction or you know, be in the presence of a man as an authority figure. When yo, you can have a man or like your mama could have a man around, or your daddy could have been around, but if he's not allowed to have influence, like make decisions without your mama because that yeah, and put without your mama put your two cents.

When a man make decisions, you ain't got no daddy around.

If he ain't have influence, right, So that's what I mean by fatherlessness. A nigga might be round, like your mama might have had a boyfriend or a stepdaddy, but that nigga couldn't tell y'all shit without her pointing her two cents, or your daddy really couldn't make no decisions for y'all without your mama speaking on it.

Fatherlessness. All that shit is fatherlessness.

So if you're a young girl and you raise your whole your whole upbringing seventeen eighteen years, you don't know what it feel like to be in the presence of a man that has some authority. How you gonna feel comfortable with this shit out in the world. This while we end up struggling as young ladies trying to process and like feel comfortable around y'all feel like a nigga trying to control you for like you're trying to tell me what to do, for like you're trying to use your money to do. It's a lot of shit we misperceived or you know, we take it the wrong way because we don't know what it feel like. They have a daddy that say this is the decision as a man. That ain't no woman coming and put her two cents on it. Right then, you always seeing how a woman solves and processes and run the household. This is your programming, it's conditioning. Now flip the same shit to a young boy. You sixteen seventeen, fully grown in your bills, but you only ever saw a woman run shit.

You only ever saw your mama, you.

Know, decide how stuff gonna go in the household, and we nurture her. So a lot of times women don't even realize all that fussing the way you handling your son. You fucking them up, and we think because they a bitch, get grown, get a job, and they're paying their bills, that we did a good job. Meanwhile, like you said, a bitch working a job, psychologically fucked up, mental health issues like a motherfucker.

But you get your check, you.

Go home, you pay your bills like the average American living paycheck to paycheck up maybe a little bit above that, but you got issh shoes. When it comes down the character, when it comes down the conflict resolution skills when it comes down to talk, and it's a lot of niggas that they're not gay. They heterosexual males. They are attracted to women, but they can't stand a fucking woman.

Hold up.

It's a lot of niggas that come from this fatherlessness that on the surface like I ain't gay, I'm not attracted to men.

I'm a heterosexual male, but I can't stand.

Bitches like I pursue them to fucking engage with your physical but talking.

To you all sick, Yes, you make me sick, like up.

Yep, because his ship you got.

Shut the fuck up?

Man, talk to like I can't even talk to you and you can't attract one hundred Yeah, no, he ain't.

They try to. Well, we're gonna talk to her about like that's why you see mostly women like men. I can't like I don't. I don't want to show this side because you can get really frustrated the ceiling life.

You actually think like this, bro, you can't father, you can't, you can't penetrate. You chin gonna let you influencer when you look at the family unit that she go get advice from. When y'all talk and how y'all problems is all women. None of them ain't got no man. Nobody ain't got no successful marriage. Every bit of what's driving her has to do with being independent. Why she's saying she wants to be in a relationship with you. So then what you do is I start watching you more than I pay attention to myself. So I'm watching all your moves, how you is with your phone, your schedule, just looking for ship because I can't sit with my own thoughts.

It's cold, cold.

And then when you I'm telling you when you're when you're a lot of these grown men coming from single mother headed household, they don't have no father during their upbringing, no actual male influence. You get to the point where you realize, like I be wanting to slap the shit out of a bitch, like because from my perspective, like I don't know how to really process as a man, and she acted like a man. Niggas and men, notice y'all run out of words out to a certain extent, like in an argument, a nigga gonna reach that cap.

Because you you're gonna touch me like your words, don't touch me like a lick. See some niggas be fucked up to the point where they don't know how to control themselves either. The best thing to do what camera with a camera. The best thing to do is eject yourself from that. Yes, because you're not gonna be able to if you know you can't control certain emotions, you gotta re move yourself.

And then and then because the back and forth is only going to escalate because every I'm gonna tell you, women, we could go for days in arguments.

We come up with clever ship, make up ship, take shit out of our imagination.

What else?

Nigga ain't processing ship that fast.

They run out of words, so not like like you said.

If you don't leave, and and the way these women are.

Nowadays, so bitch, I'm gonna make you shut up.

Yeah, and then you got a lot of women they don't realize this nigga out of words, so you ain't saying nothing.

You're trying to leave.

Now she challenging you even more because a bitch thinking she a nigga. The independent boss ship got you believing to a grown ass man. Damn, there are two times your side you're finna make him do something. This is when you see niggas walking away in a bitch, following by at him, poking him in.

The back of the head. Put that as nigga, you're gonna do that?

Come on?

What protect that all? God bless her soul. Somebody needs to fix her.


I'm gonna tell y'all, sh I had a femily member one time, right, Liz. I had a family member.

She arguing with her dude. So, and I was real young. So I'm just watching him argue. So I get to the point where I can see he ran out of words.

I ain't know that's what this was back then. But he went walking down down the sidewalk. He like this ship, I'm finna leave. She followed him, She pushing him. She's selling out, She yelling real. It was like you've seen something click and that nigga turned around and he just started chasing it. He never could get to it, like she running. He never could get to it. When I tell you, he beat the car up. He beat the car.

He was punching.

It was like, but I watched to push him to that point, like, and I'm like, bro, and I'm knowing like this family, so I'm knowing this nigga don't got no real father. Figures in his life. Men teach men how to process anger. Women don't teach men this because we don't know. Yeah, you gotta get that ship from a man. And when you're a black man in America, you have to have a mature, positive black male role model, like help you process and understand what you are because anger looks different on y'all. A Black man mad don't look like a white man mad, or an Asian man mad, or it don't look the same.

Bro, Do you realize you black? I told you, bro, what you look like anger? No other shit. It just looks scary. They'll shoot your ass and lock you based so hot.

You see how that just did Kroy beer Man, This nigga say, I ain't even remember his kids. He was yelling and screaming at the police. They didn't do ship.

You can't be afraid to be wrong with your boy. That's why my boys I make sure I stayed around them forever, no matter what I went through my relationship with the fuck that ain't. I can't do that, you know what I'm saying. The niggas grown up, but they processing ship differently. But all the time you were calling me a bitch, I was being a bitch. You gotta let niggas know, bro, that's I'm not saying you're a bitch, but you're acting like a bitch for me. So you're not a bitch. Yeah, but you're acting like a bitch. You doing your face and ship. Just say what you want to say, nig you're making your face and fresh, and that's what your mama do.

You might bitch you a nigga, but you have to teach boys boys up. Yeah, that you you saying some real ship. Boys have to be taught to process what's happening with them and articulated or walk the fuck away and go see by theyself.

Yeah. And when you when you ain't been raised to do this, like, we will eat you up. Emotions relationship, Like, your emotions and feelings are the same. But you gotta be able to child on yours because you're a man. Women, we can get away with a lot more you got Yeah, yeah, okay, but that's acting like a bitch. Okay. If she said, if she said somebody of her mouth that she can control cuz was a mouth.

That's what bitches do.

How you doing this right? So we gotta make that shit look like some bit shit the nigga like broy argue with the bitch.

We don't do so, bro, when you ain't throughout your whole upbringing, if you never had no men to show you that this is woman behavior.

This all you've seen. It's a fact.

Children model what they see facts. So you get to a point where you know you a boy, but I got so many of my mama ways because it ain't never been no men, because you've never seen anything to the contrast, and.

You can't that.

The thing is, how can you argue with this ship like your son that you raise, it only has ever seen you problem solved you and how you are with emotions, running the household, with just certain shit, with family, your decision making.

He gonna grow up and make decisions like a bitch and women.

We be knowing this, we just.

Don't want to admit our accountability in it. So we will say it's a lot of bitch as niggas in the day and pool. It's pissed in the dating pool. These niggas be acting like holes. What's wrong with these niggas? But then, like when I want to talk about where they got it from, why these niggas got these problems?

They're not already.

We don't want to talk about that. No, No, you can't talk about single mamas. No, don't talk about some of the mamas.

Be trying to be real though, because I'm gonna keep it one hundred like I told, because my wife she gets to my boy the rock like but now I had to break it down and flip it on it, and I feel like this when she finally got the ship. You teach your boys not to go for you want me to go for. Women know the difference because you're gonna tell your son like, nah, if she acting like that, she mean this. But so when you I was taught this too, mm, so don't you You're gonna run some shit on meet it. You don't want to be bringing on your son, right, So you know the difference, right, I can't argue with that, that's say. But but you can't argue with that cause you just tell her like, hey, you should never go for this. If she say this, you should never this. You will tell these boys that, But you'll turn around and say this shit to me and be mad at me because I'm I'm not accepting that. You were just owning your feelings because I heard you say, if a motherfucker say that, THEYMN fuck with you like that, or.

If motherfucker do that, you get what I'm saying. So he'd be double standing too.

They know they know right from wrong, but I'd be so far in my feelings. Fuck it, I teach negativity just because I'm in my feeling that I know I'm leaving you the wrong way.

Yeah they say anything else, Yeah, but a lot of it have to do with like the relationships in which these kids was born from the situations like we don't talk about that enough, right, please, they're not Like there's a good part of of this new generation that was not.

Relationship because a lot of.

That's why they was born because it puts it feel good without a rubble. That's why they Yeah, that's why she got pregnant, and it's why for me, Like when I'm talking to young girls and I'm raising girls, like, do not believe that just because a man want to fuck you wrong, he want to have a baby with you.

Because that's not the case anymore.

And we're not going back to that until women change their standards, Like niggas is fucking wrong for the feeling.

And you got all these young.

Girls screaming, well, he slept with me raw and he nutted in me.

He knew what was gonna happen.

And now you're a single mother and the nigga is not stunning you. He don't give a fuck by you saying that dad beat baby daddy. Shit, gonna get on welfare and struggle and say you did the best you can. Yeah, like, just like you gonna just keep repeating the same for as shit and don't get you better now, no facts, you know better, not saying you know better, you know better.

You know this nigga ain't even being baby dadd of material or how he pull up on him.

But when you can't attract no difference from when you can't attract no different you be like fuck it because your inner is saying I need a man. I don't go fuck with a bitch, say out they mouth. Our biology is wired for a companionship. Like there are species of animals and organisms that do not run in groups. But then there are the animals in species and humans that we are wired in our biology to collectively group together, to socialize. That's why if you isolate a nigga, your mind will organically fuck up, fuck up, like when you put a nigga in solitary confinement long enough, he go crazy because we're not wired for like being it along.

Yes, we're not built for that.

So what about the women who complain since there's more women than men? What's your philosophy on that there's more women than wen So if it's supposed to be one one to one, that ain't numerically possible.

So what's your thought? Those are facts?

But you got to look at history, right, So when we talk about historically the whole agenda that economically castorate black males, when you look at mass incarceration, who's mass incarcerated the black males. So the idea is if you look at what's going on with black males getting killed, and you look at what's going on with black males being incarcerated, this is why it is a fact that the ratio is off. There are more women in regards to like dating and relationships than there are men, and this is why a lot of women do end up sharing and you know, the shit end up crossing over with you know, you fuck with him and then I fuck with him.

That type of shit. We got to be honest.

So now it still goes back to what I said about fatherlesseness, like it is a statistical fact that single mother headed households produce the worst product. And if you just want to talk about the imprisonment statistic, when they do polls in prisons or they go through and you grew up with both parents, you grew up with both majorities, seventy five to.

Ninety percent of men black men locked up.

I can even say in general the population locked up, they came from single mother headed households.

So here we go.

You want to complain about the dating pool and how there are not enough black men, you know, in ratio to women, but then you don't want to do anything about the problem or the root of what's helping route them.

To be locked the fuck up.

They need male influence, they need fathers, they need men. Nobody give a fuck if you like your baby daddy or not.

Your child will.

Turn out better mentally, physically, emotionally, psychologically if there are men and women.

A part of his or her upbringing, fear and styles. Even if you get it, even if you still getting it in a negative way, you getting how to be a man, matter what, even if you're getting it in ways that that may not be you're conventional. You're still gonna get some type of something.

But you know how you uh, you know how you said earlier, like a nigga will conform to what you're accusing him of. Right, we gotta change our verbage if we start genuinely saying to men in general, I need help raising the boys. Hey, I need help, Like, I don't fuck with you the more you're still a bitch ass nigga, but I need your presence for my children. Like if we change the narrative as mothers and as women in regards to letting men know that there's a certain standard we need y'all. Fuck, men want to be respected, They want I feel needed. Right, All that lovey w shit that ain't what push a man to be a man. It's him knowing that shit counting on me is stuff that is is you know, a necessity that I show up for.

If we change that, you will see.

The mindset of Nigga's shift and the boys that were raising, we will push them towards understanding men that are stepping up. Those are the men to be praised, not the ones just walking around with wads of cash and design on. You see, what I'm saying, like, we gotta start changing the narrative because for us as females, you gotta think about it.

We keep screaming we don't need a nigga for nothing.

We're where I be fine, had a baby still in their stomach, Tomo, I'm gonna raise mind by myself.


Ain't shit like he said.


Damn there conformed to your narrative because you saying it out loud so much.

Okay, you want to raise baby? Bye? Sorry bitch. John yone is.

Just like y'all didn't see the y'all didn't see the shit today. Well, my boy, I ain't gonna call his name, but he had a situation. I guess.

I don't know if he actually dealt with the girl or whatever, because I didn't read the whole thing, but she was trying to expose him through text messages, and basically he was saying.

Like, Bro, I don't want to kid.


He don't want to be bro.

I don't want a kid like. I don't want a kid like. And then she was like, so what do you expake me to do?

And he was like hey, she but that goes into something else, Like these days they feel like, Okay, you knew what you were doing, but that's not true. That's what I'm trying to say, Like this, this is my thing. Right.

If this didn't know what they was doing, there was fucking wrong. I was trying to get some raw pussy. That's what I was doing.

That's what I knew that I was doing.

You also know the same way you you can say a nigga know that fucking you all gonna get you pregnant. You know that fucking a nigga row that is not your man, or you're not in some sort of serious commitment where the man shows behavior that he's gonna step up, or you're not.

You knew that was a risk too.

So it's like we just gotta start being real. Men need to start being more honest upfront. Baby, I want that pussy wrong, but not.

For no kid, and females need to start.

Being honest that.

But but I mean, just I know this probably sounds like you ain't.

Got to want to hear but it's bad, but you but I mean, how could you?

How could how could you not know that a nigga don't want a kid? If y'all don't have no type of nothing in common.

We know they just don't give a fuck.

Y'all understand, we don't give a fuck.

The cycle we don't get, we're gonna repeat and this is the thing. We're repeating it because the women before us showed us that.

It's all right.

But that's like but and I hate to sound like one of those what they be calling those people, one of those pigmy people or whatever.

But like, wouldn't that be common sense?

It is, it's very much common sense. It's for women.

We deal more.

We deal more in emotions and you know, just going off of what we came up with in our mind, our imagination than actual fact.

Because I'm gonna tell you some shit.

But I mean, who wants to go through that and emotional turmoil having to fucking try to deal with a nigger or try to capture a nigga with a baby that.

You don't that you don't but something that you feel like there ain't nothing.

So if I attach myself to something that's halfway something, I'm still being a murdering on this nigga life because I got this. That guy got a bargaining chip. No matter what, I can make you a fuck, nigga, I can make you a real nigga. You gonna take it whatever. I got somebody that I can, you know, because everybody looking for somebody to blame while they not who they're supposed to be victim. I got this.

We want to be a victim.

I got this person, this baby, I would be out doing my things. I ain't have this baby.

I did my baby.

My baby, yep is my fault cause you a piece of shit, But it gives them an excuse to be a low life exactly like, and this is that whole best you can I'm gonna tell you all this right. So I did a live and I was explaining to young women because like I said, I'm raising daughters, so I want the generations under me to get the real I don't give a fun make us a look. I'm one of those people that baby. If I'm older than you, I wanna give a fuck.

How make me look?

I want you to know the truth.

Everybody you see before you what's dumbling a motherfucker keeping a baby from a nigga or allowing a nigga the fuck because I go before the whole pregnancy, allowing a nigga to fuck them wrong without getting to know that man's character first and get an understanding for if he's a family man and wants children. We was dumbed at the bitch in this community digging has a disease, right, But even just character like it comes down to it, if you could co parent, you could equally together, you know, produce a successful product. Here's what I'm saying, though, as women, we keep screaming niggas bear the responsibility for getting us pregnant, but scientifically we already one hundred thousand in in regard suggests the blood, sweat and tears wants a baby gives.

So let's let's put it.

How does a nigga?

How does a nigga bear the responsibility for getting a bit pregnant if he purchased the pussy.

That's it's it's I thought.

I thought the.

Exchange financial because we hold all liability and responsibility.

Baby, Well, we were in the day, right, she right?

Because even outside of just the tricking, we're in the day and age of transactional relationship.

You is you buying the ship.

Basically, what I'm saying is, Okay, I get.

It's like once I pay for this, once.

To hear nothing else.

Yeah, because that's what I pay for.

Yeah, baby cares and scream has a heart. That's why he's.

A baby. But okay, so what I'm saying, it's like accountability.

I'm just playing Devil's advocate.

So so but let me okay, so let me say this scream from a from a keeping it real and just being accountable. Right as as women, we're saying it's the responsibility like is on you as a nigga.

You is your sperm? You can't.

Responsibility is supposed to be on the John from a pro.

He's speaking from he's speaking from that's logic. But he's speaking though, because it is. It really is on you. It's on you. You you you, that you, that you that week, that you'll get a bit pregnant, that you no hold on, hold on, hold on, because go both ways.

But I'm a I'm a pig pick up person or whatever you call that ship whatever.

Oh I'm sorry, I'm a I'm a yeah whatever.

But my thing is is okay, true enough, part of partial responsibility relies on the nigga because it's his firm and all that ship whatever whatever. But at the end of the day, if you as a female, know that you're in a situation where.

I get what you're saying. Nah, it's on the nigga bro that should be talking. Listen, you gonna listen one thing about it. You see what your mama went through, You see what everybody go through. You said that this is the type of bitch that may have you in a situation that you might not like this bitch in nine months, So how are you gonna play with yourself like that?

No, but what I'm saying, But what I'm saying is if there if there's if there's an agree, if there's an I feel like, if there's an agreement or if there's a mutual understanding, that whatever happens after this, like this.

Is, this is what this is, and it's not supposed to be anything else after that.

Cause let me ki.

No, what I'm saying this is advocate, you know what I'm.

But it's like, but it's like if if if you know for a fact that Okay, again, this is a transaction.

This is not a relationship. This is not a love making session. This is not like none of that ship. This is I'm about to fuck you, I'm about to pay you to let let you let me fuck you, and then after that, like call it quinch. You might be able to hit me up every now and then so we can pay the fuck again or whatever.

But other than that, like I.

Got motives, You just gotta look at most women like they all got terior motive until this. Okay, so listen, and so does the same thing go.

That's what I'm asking you, so basically is the same Does the same thing go for a prostitute that's walking the street, but.

A prostitute me let me, let me kill this whole ship. You're you're correct about? Is your sperm and where you leave it at?


There are in any other animal in the world, Yes, behaving, that's my kid, right, But I'm just trying to say, is.

Right, it's your you. You not in a prostitute or not. It's right, but you okay, you not in a prostitute or not. That's your Your.

Child is growing your your sperm.

Right. What I'm putting into perspective is and I won't your yes or no answer, who is carrying the majority of the weight the wind is?


So here's what I'm saying, right, and I'm gonna put it in street terminology right, We're finna go in on the reel.

You gonna put in a hundred thousand.

Hold on, you're gonna put in a hundred thousand, right, and then I'm gonna put in ten thousand. Who should be worried more about if the peck knows what I'm saying?

Who should be No?

Come on, bro, no, but let me finish my point though, who should be worried more about if the peck make it back? So in baby making, the female is the one putting in a hundred thousand by the time the baby born.

Hold On, let me finished, though. By the time the baby born, you still intact physically.

You ain't gain no weight, Your hormones ain't changed, Your nose ain't spread, your hip the same spread. Your shit ain't but stopen. You ain't got no stretch marks. Your tea is ain't sagging, You ain't got certain stuff. You ain't got to take off from work. You ain't gotta miss no bread. I'm one hundred thousand in over your teen.

When the baby born.

So if you ask me when we talk about raw sex, who you need to pay attention to the column be.

And put on us.

You ain't right.

Walk away? About it. Listen, this is what they missing, what we're missing Black. As a man, you should already know, especially if you was a nigga the hell of your business period, you should already know that you was a great candidate for a baby daddy, So you can't buy her character. Baby nine months may be the best nine monthslf like, because I just attached myself.

To this nigga who taking the risk. But what I'm saying, this is what I'm saying, what risks.

Listen to what I'm saying.

Nowadays, we're not dating really.

Getting to know a nigga character, so half the time holds don't even be knowing the character of the man they're pregnant from.

Now, you could be every bit of a good nigga, right, But.

I'm taking a chance on if you gonna make this nine months light on me, I'm the one risking one hundred thousand.

You just risk your tea he holder. But I ain't got to make the nine months light on you.

You already know what kind of nigga you normally held on.

My business, You normously nigga regardless of this, whatever it takes, because this is my sea, I'm gonna hell of my business.

How do I know?

It's plenty of bit that, right, But it's plenty of holes that thought that bout that baby daddy.

And that's when they turned because you get what I'm saying. They think either way, I'm in your business. Bench of a risk. Bring a whole child here to be in your business.


But that's what I'm saying, right, because I didn't have no business.


But bro, this is what I'm saying.

I'm saying you this good nigga, Right, I fuck around and get pregnant from you. I don't know for certain that you're going to show up like you.

Saying you is the other side of the law.

The other side of it is the law don't even make you show up as much as I gotta show up a worst case scenario. The law make it where you drop a child support check once a month and I gotta do the other ninety percent of the work.

It's never gonna be equal unless you want to be around.

And you is a good nigga, So we we we're risking. More So, what I'm proposing to.

Women is why are we viewing it like y'all need to be the responsible parties to show up with the I'm coming with a purse full econdomies.

I'm putting in a hundred thousands.

So what do we do so that that kids or kids ain't fatherless? Because we're saying that that's the problem.

So what do we do?

I'm I'm saying women, because we're the ones taking the bigger risks.

It's just like the scenario I gave bro.

You gonna care more about that pack making it cross state where it need to get from Cali back to Florida. You gonna be worried more than me because the loss is so much bigger in regards to your money that you put in. So for us, because the loss is so much bigger, it's damaging the fuck out of us. We need to be the one setting the standard that you can't get no pussy if you ain't gonna wrap it up. You can't get no pussy if you're not coming in here showing me certain things. We need to go back to dating and requiring men. I don't give a fuck, young, old, fat, skinny paid pole nigga. You got to show me that you got some real nigga ways about yourself.

For I let you hit this wrong the minute we start doing that, the minute you.

Will see the dynamic of the situations of babies being born changed.

It's just that simple and more than you that's taking agree with that. But still we can't let these niggas out of the hook because nigga, if you want piece in your life, bro, and you see what people go through it that baby dadd the baby mama ship like all the niggas do see like man, any crazy baby. It's just something happens. After you don't want the bitch no more, something happens.

Why so answer me this.

So what I'm saying, if you want piece in your life and you know you you you're trying to do some ship, why is you even doing yourself like that? Because put yourself in there, That's what I'm saying.

Why why you think Why do you think if all women right now decided that niggas ain't getting no more pussy to they show character, why do you think that's letting them off the hook. Because niggas love pussy. Everything is sexualized nowadays. So for me, I don't see it that as letting nigga off the hook. If women raise their standards, how the fuck you off the hook? If you got to step up the standards. That's not letting the nigga off the hook. That is making it work. I set some new rules and in order to get any cat my nigga, you got to step up to these new rules.

So it's every bit of making you be responsible.


I said that a long time, not trying to control you.

That's now. That's what sucked it up. When the bitches, when the don't know, I'm just bitching the worst lay on them with y'all. When the women thought fucking any kind of niggas, that's what there you're going because certain of nigga cadn't get puts it from a certain condition. Just what it was. Not that just what it was.

Not Going back to what she said, the nigga got a little bit of money or a little image or a little status or some cloud online, they're doing the transactional sex. Like Baby said, like, that's when this ship got out of here with anybody, that's when it went wrong.

That's when it went wrong because you renegade the renegade it ship was different back then. Bro, you had to have a certain thunderd That's why it's like it's like a mix up. You really don't see older women with young because they mindsetting on be saying you know what, they would, But nigga looking.

At it like now you're seeing you know what, bragging the ass niggas fucking with beautiful women.

You're like, damn boy, back in the day, your nigg couldn't get a bitch like racking her down and niggas even the.

Movies you want to see a nigga be like in old school movies. That's just showing the streets and ship. Bro, I gotta get my bread up.

I want to get them.

You know, you gotta get it out together.

Bro, I gotta I gotta do that.

Now take that page, look like something they sliding that DM say the right ship?

They fucking he wanted to fly my and show him a good.

I was breaking the bos down hard you said, So you say.

What you said?

So when you said, would you say that the value of pussy is down? Yeah, That's what I'm saying. Love, Do y'all raise the mother fucking price and come out the money down?

But but it's so many How do you value pussy? What I was saying before, so much pussy knows so much as it is what we y'all gonna go back up, be personally up. We Baby, I'm gonna tell I'm gonna tell you it can it's on.

It's on us.

We have to raise our own barge.


Like I said, Bro, most of the niggas our age.


We really have already been through our heartbreak. So if I meet a woman, you know what I'm saying, if I was to get a divorce and meet another woman and try to you know what I'm saying, I already love her over here, ain't nothing gonna do that and I'm never gonna It's just okay, let's see we get some money, get let's build whatever this, let's connect and make a business transaction that was a relationship. To the days you gonna be single, you're just gonna be working around it.

It's just two many But see not like now you're you're interested in like if you were dating, if you weren't in a relationship, you would be interested in seeing where the woman in mind are.

None of us.

I don't care about all that.

Listen, we can get some money or we can.

I feel intrigued, you know what I'm saying.

And when you when you procreate with a good woman even if you even if your relationship don't work out, she might have left you because you was a terrible boyfriend her husband. But if you got a baby with another grown person that's mature, y'all could co parent, just fight. It's a lot of niggas got good situations with their baby mamas.

They got influence over their children.

She ain't no problem. She's more for the family unit, like the kids getting what they need. She not trying to create these scenarios. It's some good women out there, and they own what I'm saying. They more worried about my child getting influenced from both parents, my kids being able to say they got a mother.

And a father over their feelings.

This is just worrying about they feelings nowadays, just how nigga makes the feel or what you're doing with the next bitch after the relationship didn't work out. It's like I'm to the point now where I'm calling holes out, like you don't know your kids like that, because if you did, you wouldn't even be doing all that extra ship, Like we're going out of our way for stuff that don't mean ship to the well being of the child or even our lifestyle. He's just to make a nigga man or to show a nigga what he had us fucked up.

At, or to show a nigga that, hey, I can control you because you'll have the.

Power over this kid ship too. You know how many how many women I talked to that shot side to the one that he exact it, And I really feel kind of sorry for them because niggas looking past them, like bro, time to get to know.

You try to get everybody else and you're talking about you want to.

Go in to you court. You pull up this ship fucked up for for the ones that's really would maybe want to be deserve that.

I'm gonna tell you something else that that that y'all not recognize. But like fatherlessness, it makes a lot of young men know how to manipulate women because they done set up under their mama so much.

They see what al's and polks and jugs.

At a woman.

They see the things that can manipulate the woman. They've watched their mama go through stuff with certain men. And you ain't got no positive male role model around you, Donna turn this ship into manipulation. So they get these type of niggas get a lot of pussy because they know how to play up under women and manipulate them, make them feel a certain.

Type of way.

Go yeah, hear you out.

He ain't lie because a nigga that that got they they they own, you know, ship, they building. They ain't necessarily going around trying to heal bitches eye. So it's some niggas. He ain't got nothing but dick in an ear.

What's what you say?

Happened? Baby?

That's it? You e f gonna let you vent now you trauma body? You feel connected again?

All that ass.

It's going on down.

That's when I'm gonna started taking care of your heart. I feel like part of your purpose and your journey to try to fix what you can. You know what I'm saying. But deep down in your heart, do you also feel like it might be a lost Cause I.

Don't, And I'm gonna tell you why. Because I see women by the masses like flocking to my platform, my zooms, the one on one phone calls that you can book with me, like women.

Want to do better.

We're struggling with and this new babies being born every day every day, and we're like I can show y'all like some of my dms where people are genuinely like you help me go apologize to my baby daddy and my son is over there night, people back and back. They don't got nobody to tell them this shit, this raw and is real. And because I'm raising daughters, I ain't gonna stop. You think I'm gonna let you put some assholes take over online and influence my daughters to do this bump ass shit, No, sir, Like I'm gonna put my foot down and make my mark every chance I get to help women really see shit different and for me to understand, like the women that are top notch are the ones that have a standard for you. Fact right, all this free ass out here like anything for you ain't worth ship, And we really got to start.

Like being honest about that.

It's easy and feel good, But like he said, you know what I mean, the niggas having all kinds of problems with their life because they just fucked the wrong bitch.

That's all they did. That's what you feel like? That make me feel like it's on a nigga bro. You should see like that's the only thing that men can't control is how you feel about a woman. If you're a man. You can't control that you really love a woman. Bro. She can say that the simplest ship or the worst ship that make you feel the same way. So it's just because you tap into all your emotions trying to feel these feelings way.

That sometimes men know that it ain't right. They know like how women got that intuition. That's what I'm saying. They know what they're getting too, that you know this it ain't right.

Feel good. Like you said, you don't feel right. Go you gotta get locked into something. You got a kid now, ye nah, But on some real ship, niggas got.

Definitely women.

But I'm speaking from my point me because I know a lot of shit you have to take accountability for. If you know like this, she's gonna shift my life. It's just what it is.

No, it is.

You can't make them them short term decisions with your dick, Like Okay, I'm gonna get a bit pregnant, ye, but you gotta done that. Be on the same Hey, you know you know anything hell or plan be take this.

It's a lot of it's a lot of niggas too on the flip side of that ship that you trying to get bitch is pregnant.

It is, Yeah, it'd be that way in and when you y'all, y'all know it's that that homosexual thing. Well, it's niggas that they homeless and they're looking for a place to stay there and so I call it survival mode. And when a motherfucker survival mode, you can't really come with no ethics. It's like you, we go out here and we see a homeless person and then we see them eating out of trash, You're gonna be like, bro, that's not the right thing to do.


I'm trying to survive. So when you meet a nigga frush out of prison, know where to go. Don't got no family or one of them niggas that just can't get right. He's been struggling since the words struggling was made up.

Like a nigga is a like a predator and a lot of them have that that ear where.

They wouldn't listened to a woman problems get in there and they is trying to get up pregnant shit so they can be attached to some ship because they ain't got shit going on.

Because they know if I get this bitch pregnant, and no other nigga gonna fuck with her, so at least for nine months, I'll have a warm place, yep.

And he can be like a baby mama because he was raised by a single mother, so he gonna beat her baby straight and play that role.

So well yeah now, and did a lot of them niggas have mamas that she know her son and shit, so she gonna, you know, support them in his bullshit with you as the baby mama, like you're trying to go to the mama thinking she gonna help you, like talk some senses to this nigga, so he can act right, step.

Up for seed. He's a product of her exactly.

And you know how it is in our community with the older mothers and the grandmama's and the big mama's. Boy, you can't bring no shit up that showed it they did something wrong. They ain't trying to hear that ship think you know, I.

Said, when I can't talk to a woman like period I have a conversation with I feel like they try to vince everybody to feel how they feel, and they feeling that's what want people to operate inside of their feelings. That's what we think because I feel this way about this person. You should feel this way. It's some relationship ship like this sayings were in a relationship. Now I want scream to feel how I feel about her because she hurt my feelings. Yep. I can't attack your character because of some emotional shit. Bro, that's just hurt my feeling. That's what is good.

You could be a good person to him, a good person, yes, I'm just in my feeling.

But you could be a terrible boyfriend and be a great father. You could be a fucked up friend and your dealings with him, but be loyalist, fucking straight to me.


And when you see it online, soon as you see one of them celebrities get with it could be male or female. They get into a new relationship, they finna have a kid or something. He'll come to ex.

Oh he don't take care his kid over him?

He was finding this nigga ten years ago.

They talking about some shit from ninety two.

Now you know that's the new thing.

Like when the like with these niggas and they separate or fall out or break up.

Either the nigga is I'm sorry, I'm just saying, either the nigga.

Is gay or the nigga is a deadbeat or it's like one of the three deadly sins, like he's gay's a dead beat?

Or is ya like that?

And we're gonna try to convince yeah, but we don't try to convince everybody to feel like you said you cheating on me. I want you to be viewed as a fun up ass nigga say anything an I'm finna get on my page, bitch, I'm finna go.

Up tell you what did yeah, because I can.

I can live with some truth, you know, for some truth with it. You know what I'm saying, and make it believable. Cry. They know how to cry to cry life.

So when you make your eyes and the lies, it makes it sweeter.

Tell the truth all that one thing women know.

The more emotional I seem, the more believable, Like I don't quick to be like bro, you can cry, holler, do out that you're still like which just talk to yourself for a second, and do I seem like the type of nigga that you could tell that type of lie to right? But people go for it them nigga really don't go for a niggas just some niggas just none confrontational and don't want to.

Go back and forth.

They know if it's lining, they just sit up there.

You don't even really care about you. You know what I'm saying something. No, you ain't lie. Yeah, yeah, but I'm gonna take snap out.

Of you, gonna kind of yeah, you gotta put the soft voice on basing line.

You know that true. We passed that point of just lying to each other. I used to lie. That's how you know, get where you're coming from, get what you're trying to do. But it ain't working no.

More, it ain't working. That ship still work though we do it to each other. Why you think like if I'm your ex and I see you with her, that's your new lady.


I just want to get in front of her so bad. I just need you to see me. I need to DM you because I can do that. I can start and I can make it.

Bitch. He was in boxing me yesterday, or he was talking to me last week. We just need to get in front of a bitch. We can sell that ship trying to cross pass back. If you're working, and women know what work on other women.

Because we go off of what's in our minds. If I could plant that seed like the Bible, say what you take a little mustard seed?

Niggas a borship.

Now, I got your lady walking through the house looking at your funny He ain't doing nothing but get in front of you.

Were doing it.

That's just like.

Colashes and.

Yeah, you know gonna find you know, oh.

What the.

Hell? Like hell puting the hair that's leaving it on purpose.

Because it worked. I'm telling you yeah, because the thing is, you ain't. I ain't happy you stayed with me. That she ain't work out.

I caught you fucking with another. But you think I'm gonna let you walk out in the sunset with her company.

It ain't.

It's a cycle that The thing is.

It makes me feel better in the moment I seen a woman like it was a It was a It ended up on tiptop, but it started on Instagram. So a girl posted a picture and another girl got in the on in the comments and said something negative about how she looked. She went to the girl page, found who her boyfriend was, went to his page.

In d M two. She just said hey handsome, He said hey back.

She screenshot it Just that made a whole little TikTok thing with the screenshot, and all the women in the comments telling the woman she should leave her man, They all saying he lame, he should never wrote back. All we gotta do is just plant that little see. We'll fuck up everything. Women start wars, We tell out. You know you gotta you look at history, bitch. We will make Babylon fall.

Goddamn it.

We's every beam, damn near Almost every is a bitch. Everything the underlying issue, no matter what you try to put on top of it, how you try to make it seem like it's about something else, it goes back.

To the bitch.

Like Park said, bitches, uh nig bitches get horny, niggas start dying ship crazy man.

Else when I got big, how do we get the good women to the forefront.

Y'all got to prioritize them. Don't give a y'all got a problem. You y'all got men.

Y'all have to prioritize them. You got to celebrate them more. Yeah, who you thought like you, but sometimes sometimes quote uncle worse than that, y'all because they be lying and acting there like good good girl too. As a man, you will take certain ship from certain niggas that them good women can't like I bually be all in love you be all in love with one of them women, and she just wanted them one shot to bitch like, but y'all love you either, I can't for one time you go forever one see then you know you can tell the difference.

But y'all, y'all ask men, y'all got to start prioritizing those kind of I don't really want.

I don't know how to put no value on that though, Bro, how do you? I got friends like my friends, my homegirls and ship. I value them and I pushed them out there like this is a good woman. I try to turn them on. The good men. I ain't trying to introduce you my partners who think how you know what I'm saying typical niggas. I'm trying to interest, but they don't like them. Niggas that too, don't get me start. This is a good woman and this is a great man. Hey, y'all need the link. I didn't want to time they hunk out. They both I know they players. They not square.

He's a playoff. He just ain't giving her that he might be doing some energy.

Women don't like them. Count of niggas. Man they like the bulls shit what not. I'm not speaking. I'm not generalizing because people be thinking I'm saying women certain type of women like, certain type of niggas, certain type of.

Let me say this, we like what we programmed to like. And I'm just keep it real.

Your environment and your upbringing, and then what you sit up and watch NonStop as an adult is going to shape and mold what you like. That's why it is niggas laid up with bitches right now that they don't even really fucking like like that. But she fit the image of what I'm supposed to like.

Right. But what I'm saying is what you what makes you feel the best, Like you said, every time, everything that feel good probably ain't good. But what makes you feel the best is some ship you'ret supposed to.

Fuck with, right, Yeah, it's always always like you.

Turn it to, all right, I figured it out. Once you figure some shit out, you tired of. What do you understand?

That's a belief?

Like what you just said is a it's a it's a But I'm gonna tell you just me.

You need a business gonna keep you ducking and keep you on your toes.

But that's that's I don't believe you out you you have a belief like like.

Okay, everybody be saying, you know, I protect my piece, be a nigga piece, give a man piece.

But looking what he's saying, he basically saying, nigga ain't really looking for no people. You're talking about from the from the mindset of what niggas that, what niggas that who listen to us? Like I'm different now now I can't I can't even argue. I can't even have an argument because I'm awaken. I can't have an argument. But but okay, so what you've awakened to, Okay, just just living in the moment. Man, I'm not going with you. If that's where you're at, just tell you, no, you you you're here now you're thinking, you're still thinking that I'm somebody that I'm not. That's it, That's all.

That's what I always say.

Yeah, you're right, And I understand the way you feel like that because I've been that person that you're thinking of. I'm not that right. I ain't in the all game and go back and forth. I give you a month, six months, three days to think about it. I don't longer take you to think about it ain't.

That And that's my thought, Like, before you start trying to all these relationships, this is work on yourself.

Them facts niggas you say, But I see what I was going to ask him next, is what changed his taste? What got him to the point where he ain't on all that arguing all of that stuff. If you look at men, you guys, start building and finding a purpose.

That's what changes your fact. Women.

So if you talking to the younger niggas, idea is, bro, You're gonna like what you like until you get you a purpose.

When you get a purpose, just a believer.

It's just you believe that because you ain't no real ship going on. Get you some real ship going on. As a man, some you working on buildings, start working on your credits, start looking at to buy property, looking at multiple streams of income, look at too, having some sort of retirement plan for yourself, look into being something to your community.

You will start to change your taste.

Understand you got That's what I'm saying, Like, I get what.

I get there. Man, I don't all that, man, because because you really it's really fear.

You know what I'm saying.

You really fear territory, not fear of being hurt because you don't been in a relationship. You know how I feel it Like like when the man heart is broke or some ship he feel hurt. You nigga be distraught. I can't do shit fuck with the nigga talking about you be fucked up when you fucked up by the person. So with all that said, nigga, if you niggas feel like bro, I'm just in the move and shape because I don't want to.

I'm in fear of being that.

Yeah yeah, but that can't assume my mind.

So I get, like you said to a nigga a purpose.

Yeah yeah, but that's why the blast man need a like a resource pool. Niggas need and I call this the well rounded set up. As a grown black man, you need o Jesus that's older than you that you can tap in with, peers that's your age, that you can tap in with and bounce ideas off of and go through ship with and talk about ship. And then you need some niggas younger than you that can keep you up at speed on what's coming. This will will help you be a well rounded man. From there, you will figure out your purpose and you will start to care more about real life ship other than just pussy, and it will change your taste organically. Like you're not gonna get these young niggas to change, like you said, just off of saying what they should be on.

Yeah, and we gotta change what's a flex because see, like.

A lot of time ago, it used to be a flex to have a family, purchase a home, show up as a man.

That used to be a flex. The things that are a flex right now. That's why I say.

Shit is just a belief at times. The ship that's a flex is this new age ship that we're saying is a problem. Nigga thinking just getting the bag, no bitch, no foundation, no real you know.

Stability to theyself is a flex.

And then you got a bunch of other niggas online, you know, Big up in him and a nigga called another nigga Big Bro, just because he got more money than him, the bitch Big Broy. Big Bro put me on Big Bro and Big Bron come over there with y'all, Bro just cause that nigga came across a bag at this particular season, nigga flooding the bitch paper up.

I told her, you know how you like grew up around certain nigga. This nigga ain't never been right, like nobody's never listened to his story. He's always been push it boy puts it by jump. That's who he be.

And now he got money.

That here here like bro saying, ain't nobody never said it like what he was saying in life.

You just got some money.

Yep, he got him some money and now he right.

That gotta change.

This the ship that niggas got the old niggas accountable for. Then them niggas that niggas is putting on pedestals. Then women are chasing behind them niggas Like you said, a nigga that never knew ship just came across a credit bag or some ship. You ran across one of them niggas in Atlanta somewhere that helped you, you know, get some funding and ship. Now you got all all this design and show this money and they quoting you, y'all.

Don't take that ship down.

Ship though, hard Right.

Here about your platform where they could check you out.

Look on so on Instagram everything love door set on everything Instagram, love love underscore doors. You could google me all this ship to come up the i'mna pick me, Like, yeah, I'm the one they call it. Pick me until you really over your mind and sit down and listen, you'll realize and really fun of people.

And I do zooms.

I got e guys, just really helping you reprogram your mind because our people we need to do better. We just and we need to do better because we say we need to do better, not because outside source telling us this.

So this one of your own from the trenches, been there through the ends and eyes. I can meet you where you're at and.

Help you understand. We just need to do better both sides. Okay, it's all on the crew.

And I was gonna ask you to what's what's what's the mistake? Like you would say that like young black women, like that one mistake along your journey, like this is the biggest mistake I made, Like this is the biggest one, Like please stay away from making that same mistake where.

I prioritizing your feelings over reality. And I got a little singing. I say, they fucked us up in like kindergarten when they taught us about imagination early on, because it's a lot of us as adults we living in our head like it's just whatever we come up with, whatever.

We can't manage our thoughts.

Right, it starts with that, because when you're not healthy and you didn't have a clear understanding of your upbringing, you end up as an adult that your thoughts run you and the bitches is coming from the beliefs program in your subconscious mind. So in a nutshell, you imagining or picturing shit, or your anxiety got you playing scenarios out that ain't even happen, and you can't hear the facts, you can't go off of.

What's really happened.

This is where you see people acting crazy, especially us as women, and when you look at the extent in the reality, it's like, bitch, why are you doing all that? Like it ain't even that bad, but you perceived it to be that bad because you done played out five or six different scenarios. So really, just as a woman, you know, if you a young girl, prioritize staying out your feelings and being able to manage genuinely what you feel.

Versus reality versus fact versus.

What is really going on Because it's a lot of us we have no real hard up relationships. We perceive shiting to be bad because we play scenarios out like you was going to know you probably was with that bitch.

And I told myself in my mind after the nine times, believe, yeah, I believe that, Like I done did it.

I just sat there and I fuck with this nigga so hard he ain't answered the phone for an hour.

I don't play that a whole scenario of what he's probably doing.

And then he did that.

Yeah, when he got there, I reacted like he did what I made up in my mind.

Nigga, Like, bitch, what the fuck you're talking about? No, I know you was with that bitch.

And y'all went to the store, and I'm I'm pretty sure you was with Roy, your homeboy, because that nigga always lied for you. How to put everybody in your mama, I'm put some ask everybody fuck up?

Fun wrong with y'all.

Later on, I realized, like, noamn, what if he didn't do it, But I ain't gonna be.

Account was getting something for you? Bring it up? Wanting the old ship that's.

A new one of mine?

Like was that what if I ain't doing what you thinking that you gotta just usually gotta gd folks key words to younger that fuck you up, that statement fuck you up.

But that's our to tell the untriggered. Somebody that's all a triggered person. It's hard to tell the un triggered. They have to bring themselves down. That's like that, like, but it's the responsibility. I'm not saying it's never too late, but that's damn there, Like putting together one of them fifteen thousand piece puzzles.

You you ain't gonna do it. They got to, they have to do. They gotta want to do it too.


So some people, like I said earlier, you know when you're doing some shit like you just said, that's it. You knew you up in your mind.

I ain't told you, but it felt it felt it matched what I was feeling. Like you you ain't answer the phone. I called you five or six times. My insecurities is not coming into play. I'm sitting in my thoughts. I'm thinking back that ship I seen in my upbringing and certain stuff.

The intuition sometimes okay, it is lying, you just lying. Let me let me be Really.

Our intuition as a woman does not work if you're not in a healthy mental space.

It don't work. It's it's not cold does intuition? Your intuition is created by your reality, and some of you people reality is folly. Your intuition is all type of thinking about number. That's what your beliefs fucked up.

Like, yes, it is like a woman that is genuinely intuitive. She has a feminine calm demeanor. When we hostile and worked up, and even when we overly stressed with parenting.

I'm gonna give you a point too, right, we're overly.

Stressed with parenting.

This is why I keep pushing against that narrative of being a single mama. You will stress yourself the fuck out and lose what makes you a woman. You will lose it because you you annoy it twenty four seven.

The kids, ain't you rut?

You get up in the morning, kids moving slow, You start cussing them out and rushing them, fussing you late, the word you get, the people.

On the job annoying you.

Your whole demeanor becomes an energy. That's an attitude twenty four seven. That's why we're normalizing resting bitch faces and niggas is calling it cute for bitches to be her mean, her fine, mean ass y'all even willing to accept the shit now because we're doing it so much, And it's that's not what a woman is. Intuition comes from a place of peace. It's a much mother nature thing.


It's just it's a fact, you know what I mean, Like you can spend it how you want to spend it.

This is just truth as a woman. Do you think do you think women are just making like a false wall like you said earlier, like they know they want a man, they know they want to be a woman, but they just got this false wall reality. Yeah.

And I'm gonna tell you something because I struggled with this when I stepped out here, like after coming out the streets and realizing like, like bro, I can I can be something on both ends of the spectrum. Right, So now I'm a boss bitch, like I'm stepping into business. I'm understanding how to touch real money and shit like that. You realize, like, Okay, I pop my shit in rooms like a nigga a lot of times. Right when I get home. No man wants that in his household. We don't have enough conversations about how to manage that ship. So get to the point where it's like I'm feeling like I got a compromise my being a boss bitch for having a man.

It's like I can't have both. But we we're not.

We're not nurturing the conversation that like boss women got the talk and bitch, how you turn that.

Shit off when you go home? Because you're running the company in the world.

You gotta be that. Anybody know, you're running a team of people are.

Youssive to the right situation, So so yes and no.

Right, obviously the man has to come with that energy.

So yes, But the no part is, I don't give a damn how much of a excuse me a provider or alpha male you are if you're dealing with one of the women that it is embedded for her to be independent and there's a flex she ain't gonna do nothing, but it'll be a power struggle.

She gonna she's supposed to be the leader.

Can't turn it off. It's listen.

It's a lot of men that I do one on one phone calls with that are successful men and they have boss females.

You know.

They woman got her own business, She top of the food chain in her career field. And when they come home a lot of times like it's a power strung and it's like, I love my woman, I don't want to leave it, but it's like a battle. More successful she is, the more I feel like I'm with a nigga. You see, I'm telling you, as a woman that's really getting to it out here, you have to intentionally tackle this shit. They gotta be something on the front of your brain that you're nurturing as a woman, Like I'm not trying to be this with my man. When when we started getting more rights as women coming from history, you know, we getting jobs.

We we aiming to earn what y'all earn.

The first thing a bitch flex on a nigga when she paying for shit is the money we start.

Doing what we said we ain't like niggas doing.

This is why them dudes that be homosexuals living with a bitch makeup, man suit and she that's I bought everything you got on fuck nigga, Like we're finna fuck. I paid the bit, get your ship and get out. This is what the fuck you got to get out and then then we get back together. How fuck this nigga gonna be your nigga?

You just Sunday here in front.

Of the kids, always said, wants to respect on this man like, but then, but a nigga, you know what I'm saying, a hobo sexual nigga stay around still. I hate this bitch brother, this bitch my wife, get on my ship and I would deb when you fuck all that that's what they're going over.

But then that's what that's same, that same ship that you're talking about though, like with the hobot sexual, that ship that's that ship will go back to like you said, when a nigga doesn't have any other alternatives or any other auto box and he has to do with that, that ship will push a nigga over the edge because you got it.

Like niggas just can't live in like city like Atlanta trying to be you know, like it ship fucked up. It's two too many to one.

It's two many.


Like I said, they just saying what it is like. But I ain't trying to do all that.

I'm trying to do that, right, They saying what it is like a nigga like, hey, fuck out it.

I ain't trying to I ain't trying to nothing.

Even the women women not doing that nothing like you know what I'm saying, I ain't Finna keep sitting in the cut man waiting ROVERO. Hey, it's fucked up, man, it is. It's fucked up. They just I don't know how to explain, because how you're gonna not be seen if you're not seen, that's how they're looking at us. They just coming to women are getting more bold, like hey, approach your niggas.

Yeah, but we this was getting on the knees and ship this.

We gotta stop this masculine overlea.

The more we're going into that road, the more it's pushing niggas into whole ass rolls.

That's why I'm.

Saying that, like the balance need to lean back the other way because we moving niggas in with us. We paying for everything we and then we're doing it because by nature there's that urge to have a man.

That's why we.

Laid up with fuck niggas and niggas that he ain't gonna get it ship together no time.

So and we know that like if you ask a.

Bitch and you aren't gonna tell the nigga, but she said she gonna.

Tell you, Like I know he ain't ship but I love him though, just being able to say that they got companionship, cause that shit lonely, especially when you start to become successful and you realize like, I'm in this bitch by myself, and you could see it when women be for other women. First thing we throw out there, well help men that this without a man being a part of the conversation. Bitch go to bringing up how fuck your nigga or you ain't got no nigga? Like, we really got to start embodying just being feminine, being in a space where you could be as boss as you want with your business.

But in regards to men, require.

Them to step up and flex what they have naturally, which is masculinity. It comes out when the environment demands that it does, otherwise it won't.

That's what turned boys into men. They got to be a part of something. There has to be a purpose.

There has to be some sort of rules or wants that the man chooses to discipline himself to have or follow, and it has to come organically.

From that dude or in our community.

They gonna get.

Pushed towards the system where you're gonna conform to that shit in prison, or you're gonna be another nigga, bitch ass homeboy.


See, there's plenty of artists in the niggas and they entorage. Hey, go get this ya as crossing the bridge and get cheesecake for another nigga trying to get on like until you figure out your own purpose.

It just is what it is for men.

And this is the this is the reality that we need the state to black boys.

Like, bro, if you don't see about you, your mental health, what you want for yourself, like some women gonna come and run you and conform you to her idea because, like you say, bitches is stepping up, just setting households up how they want it like a nigga, or you gonna end up out here like lost, the world gonna run you.


But it's a lot of niggas too though, that are not bread winners and that are not the quote unquote leader in certain aspects of their household. But it's still like a glass clayer understanding in their household that they wear the pants.


I come from a time where and I you know I've said this before. This is one of the videos that first went viral when I started making Lives and Shit online but I explained, like a lot of niggas don't realize if you because in this country, you're only valuable in like three or four ways as a man, right if you have to be intellectually successful men, and you're smart enough to touch success. A skilled labor where you actually can work with your.

Hands and build things.

Infrastructure is every bit of what represents men, the worlds, the buildings, the fucking you know, every job that a woman would never want to do, you got men handling that. And those jobs are the basis of how society functions. The garbage truck drivers, the truckers, the people that do construction work, plumbing, Sue's roofing, all the real shit that allows us to exist, right right, It's exactly, it's only certain areas, of certain pockets that society deems a nigga successful. When when you when you look at yourself as a man, if you realize that I have, for example, those skilled labor abilities, I take a trade. You got to be able to walk in a room full of women even though you ain't got the biggest bag or the most expensive designer or the nicest car, and say, bitch.

I'm rich.

I'm like you marry a nigga like me. You can build us a house.


I can like your cop break down. I can take the motor apart, put that bitch back together your breaks. We ain't got to pay nobody all changes. And this is money without being direct money.

It's currency. Niggas that work with their hands, that is money. Like I grew up.

Watching my dad.

That nigga could build a house, do roofing, take a part of the car landscape. He digging up the yard, putting down sprinkling systems. He ended up doing electrical work. Hold this right here for me, baby, do this, get in there. Pumped them breaks me ja Mama, don't let too much aye in this bitch bleed the line. I stop now pumping.

When I take like these this niggas that like they're aware of what they are.

Everybody looking for a nigga to have a bag or some flashy fancy shit and were getting away from what makes a man a man. This is the real responsibilities, the stuff that like when you look around, women should be valuing that in men. This is where y'all can get together and you could build and you could grow. You can start worrying about the real shit.

So let me ask you this then. Okay, so.

When it comes to the niggas that have the trades, that have the mental capability, that are able to do the financials and all that stuff, what do you suggest to the little dick niggas.

They're gonna have to work even ha you got You're gonna have to have some bread and.

It can't be smart. You gonna have to come with it.

You're gonna have to come with and the head got on your feet and the hair got to be exceptional.

You got to go work on that. Yeah, you got.

Guess what our bullshes side. They'll try to see these days. Women will try to get a nigga that's good with his hand and feel like, Okay, I make the more money. But like you said, this money, this ship. I'm doing the money because we got to pay for this ship. Right. You know what I'm saying. I got whatever little company or whatever.

But she runs whatever. Yeah, she running ship.

Now I got to be masculated by her because what she said she got with them. Man.

But that so I put that on y'all like as.

But but I'm gonna say this though, Hose is doing that because even amongst men. I I don't see y'all out in the open like on the internet and where it could be seen by the masses. Given props to men that are skilled laborers and everybody praising the flashy niggas. What about like y'all garbage got to be carried off y'all street, But it's gonna be staying, like somebody got to come fix the plumbing.

When the toilet clog up breaks.

Yes, like what we need to start really advertising that these men are.

Men, that we need some of the new kids in the new generation to be something else gonna have to be.

Come on, not even entertainers. Niggas gonna have to do like you.

Said, you gotta lights, building, building type of ship money.

But I feel like, for for men, y'all got to say that more to men.

Y'all gotta we were saying episode won't get a job, Yeah yeah, job, yeah it.

You gotta learn some niggatta, learn some niggatta unlearn some of the bullshit and learn a lot of the more this other ship man.

But and the job ain't gotta be flashy, like it ain't gotta be one of them, because I ain't gonna lie. I go in places and the vibe is different here in Atlanta, but like you know, I'm you know, back in Tampa, Florida. You go in places and you know you see a young black dude in there working. He damn, they're like if you are pretty, bitch like.

You walk in you somebody like you, neo.

He turned his head like you don't want you to see this.

When I go done, andy boy, I see you get that check boy, you in here like if you're working in food service, this nigga, I'm smiling all that because I need the young boys to know, Bru, Everybody don't gotta be no fucking rapper. Everybody don't gotta be no street nigga, and everybody job that's borified.

Everybody got. Everybody gotta start at one hundred.

You can start at zero.

You gotta know that. You know what I'm saying, because you hear so many niggas like I can't do this because I ain't got this man.

You gotta start the motherfucker's on later. You know what I'm say saying.

You can start at zero, bro, make it to But we need some niggas to go into careers where you ain't trying to ever get off this and go to some flash you're trying to grow this Like, we need to see niggas go into being airline.

Pilots and just areas like these bridges we drive across. Somebody got to be an underwater welder. Some niggas got to be willing to go out on that boat and do you know the real work with oil and whales and all kinds of shit just there are we We need to really promote niggas doing the real jobs that make the world go around. We need to be honest at them, the jobs that make the world go around, just keeping it real. For like, every nigga, even the flashy nigga need a nigga like what I'm talking about women, We need them kind of niggas. But you take the richest nigga, he need one of the talking.

I was one of them niggas.

Man, y'all wouldn't be able to tell me shit, bitch, I'm rich. I wouldn't give a fuck how much money the next nigga got that you fucking on you, and that nigga got to call me when you're caught up. Did I work at the dealership in the back at the beer's dealership. I'm the one fucking with you motive.

God damn it, y'all need me straight up.

I love it.

I love it.

We just need this need to be the verbage more often.

Yeah, I agree.

I feel like we were being programmed and marketed to so much other ship that these ain't even the conversations that's being had we sold, you know, just talking about the celebrities business and making some ship look a certain way online and then y'all know, everybody get online and they're showing or they trying to show the highlights.

That's really what it is.

Everything gets the highlights after the.

Game real ship, you're gonna you're gonna get them small little clips and making it look like a whole like facts, we all do it because I ain't got there waking up in the morning and posting go damn all in my eyes and ship me wake up and go.

But I'm gonna tell you the really platforms, platforms like y'all, were you willing to talk about the moments where you're waking up and the ship in your eyes, beefing with your bitch or certain stuff?

Ain't right.

A nigga took a loss on certain cause people got to know, like, sh it ain't all flashing come with this. That's why the younger generation, they're thirteen, they won't but lissiaga and they want you to like just no no real understanding for what it takes, the earnest kind of money. They just feel like they deserve it because everybody on TikTok got it. And that's how they're coming at their parents and then.

TikTok got these kids fucked up.

They want everything on the trim it could be, and I mean it could be anything. They feed it to them enough in front of their face, that condition and kicking.

Ox tail, French fries, all kind.

But this is why we gotta explain more to what the internet is, because it's a tool, Like it's a tool that kept.

My guy maybe asked me for I tell omlet the other day. I'm like, you're talking about you six years old, like she's seeing it on TikTok.

Yeah, I'm like, bro, we want you to commit to come back two times, y'all.

Locking it in now, lock it up.

We need like just like I read the forty eight of Power, every six months, need to come back like every what five months?

Whatever you feel, whatever, someone hit us. Yeah, we're about to drop more ship like we about to drive.

We got next.

Ye were driving three times week like you said, we're talking to the regular people the college. I'm talking to everybout it. Like we was dropping once a week. We're wanta start driving two three times a week.

And that's what's up I'm looking for because y'all platform though, anywhere I can go and we can really talk about the real ship.

I fuck that. Yeah, likewise, too much.

Ship water down and I turned down a lot of opportunities to speak with people because I'm knowing you're finna ask me some bullshit stuff that don't got nothing to do with my people really get some game like.

We hate it. Ain't no clickbake. We ain't trying to get no clickbak.

We're trying to help nas.

We're saying this ship in the ways niggas can get it. Like the motherfuckers who don't understand or feel like we talk a little country. I ain't talking y'all anyway, right what I'm saying, y'all don't get what we're saying. I'm telling this ship to while we once was when we see still there's people that are still like every day, Like I do this ship every day.

Now, I don't just on it. People call me they real ship and just look at it like our perspective.

And people won't help regardless of how we make it look online.

Like you said, ain't nobody really on there trying to show their flaws, But people won't help because they reach out to me.

All my platform is that it's therapy.

I remember it was a time I took my Instagram down for maybe I think I did it for like a week.


The people were going crazy. I done did it with Facebook before in the past. They started a damn petition to make me put my page back up because they they saying the videos are therapy. Just need somebody to tell them shit that even their own mama and daddy never kicked it to them straight like that, just to get up off their ass and really be accountable for their own life.

No facts. Everybody got a conversation.

Right, right, and they can relate when you when you're kicking it to the ground level, like we ain't talking up with it and we ain't sitting up here discussing celebrity business and you know what I mean, just shooting the ship using the platform to talk about unnecessary shit like everything just need to be relevant. It needs to be brought back there. How can it help somebody? How can it motivate while entertaining? How can it teach?

You know what I mean?

What can it be and learn from watching this ship?

In fact, I agree total mm hmm love Dorsey, salute you appreciate you pull it up.

I appreciate y'all follow her.

But she ain't like she ain't.


As soon as I walked in, you need to move that.

I'm like, damn you do.

I'm telling you, brother, when you come up in and talk this ship, man is the way they can hear it where they can get it.

Bro, you know what I'm saying. Even just I don't know, we're gonna do what we gotta do.

You know, when I first got this ship, I came on it, motherfuckers, just to talk. My ship kicks ship, you know what I'm saying. But then I started saying, oh, now people resonating with this ship, because sometimes come on here and say the wrong ship. At first, you know what I'm saying, Like I'm just being real, But now I know that they tuning in and they texting me bro perspective, Gonna make sure they give him the right one.

Y'all, y'all realize what y'all are, like genuinely just y'all platform like together with y'all. Like it's a lot of people that this is therapy. This is not just entertainment. It's something, you know, like back in the day when we only had a certain amount of channels on the TV.

This is like one of them channels.

Like you know how Channel thirteen was the news your grandma, Like, this is one of them channels.

Yeah, yeah, trapping mother. But lords, we love you. I appreciate your perspectively. Thank you for having me. All right, w w W dot Big Faxpod dot com. Salute Nick.

It's a the new website today, Big factspod dot com co.

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