Published Aug 20, 2024, 10:00 AM

The hosts of the Big Facts Podcast sit down with Atlanta rapper Jose Guapo for an in-depth conversation about his career and influence in hip-hop. The interview covers Guapo's personal growth and artistic evolution, touching on his time with the group Rich Kidz. The discussion also explores his connections to other Atlanta hip-hop icons, including T.I. and 2 Chainz, as well as his relationship with the Migos.

Guapo shares insights into his creative process, including the origin of "Guaponese.” The conversation also delves into Guapo's role in popularizing the "Dab" dance move, which became a cultural phenomenon. This interview gives fans an exclusive look at Jose Guapo's journey in the music industry and his contributions to Atlanta's hip-hop scene.

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Big Bank. You don't be on nothing.

I be on okay, So let me ask bring you big big facts right now. Visit the new website today, Big factspod dot com line.

For the Culture Lab and the A t L.

It's time for big facts, Big Bank, Baby J D J Screen, Welcome in today A T L, Young O g none other then Jose Guapo, don't pull it up to big facts.

Finally, what's shund what's shine? What shout?

What sounds like that?



I like that?

I like that Young O G Man.

You know, the creator of a lot of lingo, the creator of a lot of style. You understand I'm saying whether you get his credit for it or not. But we're definitely gonna get into the Big Fact today and get conversation.

I thank y'all three of them, three other people that can really about qualify to about for it to why I ain't gotta say it myself so like I'm two of my horn or I'm bitter about something like you know, y'all have been following my whole career so right quick. But I got to hit it from bank?


What uh?

Where where'd all start?


Jose Guaffo, Let's just say, even even before the music and everything, like where did it start with you?

Just knowing you was going to be a part of this culture from day one?

It just started basically like from me being popular, me being popular, It started from me being populer because you know, when you when you like when you, I think it such an eight when you live on you know, they may they may move you so many times.

So it's like we moved so many times or so many sides of the city. So like I got cool over here, cool over there, cool. So I was already kind of like a little popular little bit and then like I really didn't. It ain't like I had no aspect it. So I want to be a rapper when I grew up. And then like that, it's just like I just was a cool kid, wanted some money. I wanted it better for myself and my family. I ain't really know that I was gonna take to make that happen, but yeah, that's just like how it started, just me wanting more and knowing knowing that it's more out there, you know what I'm saying, Like knowing that the world is bigger than twenty five Oh for sure, you know what I'm saying, because you still got some people that hearing that, I don't know the world bigging in twenty five.

It tripped out like some of them old hoods used to stay staying now to see they gentrified, like to see that they was once the hood and now they like a million dollar spots and shit.

It don't really trip me out, but it's just be like like crazy to know that I have seen it from the chant from when it was privately to drive into What is that now? Like that what kind of tricks me out? Like yeah, they throwing them up an airwork, like knocking them down, rebuilding them. It's more so than knock them down. And when they rebuilding how they look when they rebuild it. You don't even white, black, miskin whatever.


There's just with how it looks in the inside and outside. That's more so like ship like because I'm a greater baby like born and raised. So it's just that the more so like that, like when I see it, like damn, you know what I'm saying.

Did I remember I saw Starbucks on old that the other day? I thought I was tripping man.

Listen, man, they just put a public right down some of here right of Crowger, but the public. So I'm like this coming yeah, just to see that, so it be like yeah, then you know, me being high trouble one and out of town for shoals and business. When I come back, it's always something like I may ride run through a certain area and they put this off type ship. So it's always something like that when I get back in town. Ship like that. So but I like it though it made the city look good. I really say they need to go ahead and fucking turn our underground up downtown underground five points because they used to be the ship back in the day and I ain't dead ship.

To it to turn You think if they did that that let me just say straight up, think they did that, niggas, that just mess it up.

I wouldn't say they'll mess it up because I think like the.

Because first you got to figure out that there's a lot of displaced people down there.

So first we have to figure out those people first where they right right right.

But you know, my joy, one of my jaws is downtown, so you know, I be still going down there, and they like they kind of like strict, a little way more strict than what they used to be. So like I think they just can keep that in line, it'll be fine everything.

So I feel like, like real ship, like if they were to do a one turnaround and like clean it up and make it look nice, I feel like people would act accordingly to what they would see, like if it was nice.

But I agree with that, and you know what I'm saying, It looked like something you don't even feel like you to be doing that here basically, So why they're doing it in the buckets? Do out of town? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, nigga know like when you're from John one two six, we know the areas not it's hard out of town.


They feel like these niggas from out of town coming here and doing it out there, So Ship, maybe it's a way for us to do it out there too. And then they figured it out a way and then now just fucking free range on everything.

Like yeah, that's why you know, Bucket it was as trying to make their self a whole other.

City from Yeah, they were trying to segregate.

Yeah, they didn't even want to be Atlanta. They wanted to be Buckhead, Georgia. Yeah so yeah, but nigga poppling Linux, let y'all know, anybody come hell head.

Like even even with the works like it, don't be nobody with it at the works you know the works right that ship used to be just nothing over.

There right right right, you know bolt there run the corner from bolting bro like you should just be nothing.

But that she look like that Apharella looking ship. They do like that trying and the technology with these cameras, and like I said, they're securing everything the right way, having at least police officers unseen and mother can see the police and security guards and ship like that they visible mother accordingly because they don't want to go right street there trying to go right straight on the cap because there what bucket is the cap? Go ahead, Jake?

So yeah, no, But what I want to get into is I got a two part question.

So I want you to you always got two park, all right, you know I watched.

I want to know. I want to know the history in the background of Guapanese and how you feel when other niggas taken and run with it.

Okay, well we all know before Wapenese it was the rich kid days. You personally know because you was you play a big hand in it. So after that it's just a way. Like I was telling them before y'all even got here, I was, I don't know, like I'm a lingo god. I come up with a lot of lingo and ship like that. I have my own ship, be like what that means. So we were just, yeah, we was just basically talking like that to keep like saf man, you having a conversation. We don't want to stream, not not screaming lane, but likeline, but yeah, we don't want to stream. Well it's basically like a like an advanced version of hood Pig this exactly. So that's just like nigga be like, no, I got a hind like ship, Like you know what I'm saying, it'd be somebody right down there. They won't they won't know what the hell niggas come about. So we were just talking like that, and it was a zec. It was Exec that was just coming around. When he coming around, he just sending the flavor and ship like that, and he's like he just staying on a nigga about making it into a song. Like he was just staying on a nigga about making it into a song. But it's like, you know, like nigga ain't wanting too much on like forcing how we do or how we talk, like we just too much trying to force it into a song. And then it was smart. So I don't want to put niggas down. Is that once we make it a song, we don't put a niggas down and it's like it's not a secret, that's no more. We gotta make it something else. So it was like that's how the song came about. The executive stayed on us. That song produced by el Wait south Side off too. That's what a lot of people don't know, but south Side so. But when people I'll be more so like after I made the song, I was already old okay with and had the knowledge of knowing people is gonna start talking like it and start using it and ship like that. So like I be really respecting it, Like I don't. My only thing that I don't respect about it if like somebody try to say like they started it or made it up with some ship like that, like that's about it. But besides that, like you got some of the biggest are like Pulo like on that least, I'm like Simmer. You can see the chick name Bush your brit name. So it'll be like then on that King knees and kod that black I speak walking me mom, Like you know what I'm saying. So like when I when I see when I hear it, it be like motherfucker help. It'd be like a oh these folks no, you know, so it'd be a flat it'd be like a good feeling.


But when I was younger and I ain't have that mindset, when I was just in the streets a lot, so on the bullshit, it was like yeah, fuck. But when I got older to understand, like that's what we make music for, Like, yeah, it comes with maturity, Like you want somebody to be the sing your song that's across the country or that may be in the same way, but day in La day in Detroit down New York, Like that's what we're making this musical for. So once I got to that stage of my career to understanding things and growing up mature, I'll be loving it. Like I tweeted Instagram it making my captions what was said, Like you know what I'm saying, I like it. I love it. I just be wanting like people to know where it came from. That's about it. That's about it. Do you think you've put your one hundred percent in this ever? Like never, No, I think that why got I ain't let me go while I need to go.

Yeah, you think you're trying to try and got there and think you can have do it aventy five percent and you.

Know it on get you know, but you know what I mean, bank, you know you know what I know? You know like you know, then't go right like that no matter what you're doing. I don't care whatether, if it's podcast you're trying, if you ain't got your one hundred percent and it ain't gonna go right, it may be doing us on some but it ain't gonna get your buy it. You're gonna get your way. You're trying to go. He's gonna maximum the potential exactly. So No, I don't really feel like I was. I was ever two foot in what's the distrection? What's your main distrection? Myself? Myself? Like I done got so aged. So while I'm taking four accountability ship, you don't you've been around nigg in the studio and ship, you know how I used to come around that cup used to be glue to me, like he was a part of my outfit. You know what I'm saying, So like I don't think I was. I was never paying full attention niggas just getting money, the money coming so fast, specially like when she started popping and you getting them showed and features and ship like that nigga wanted. I want to never really paying attention to the business side one hundred percent. I would give my one hundred percent studio, my hundred percent on the stage, But just as far as being in this industry and business, nah, ain't I wantn't give them one hundred percent.

I know I want.

I know That's why God ain't let me going on on even though I done made it. I got a household name, but I know and I know for a fact that I got so much more work to do. But yeah, I feel like, no, I'm a hundred percent, like I don't got enough signs and spankings from God to know, like, hey, you want to play get well.

When you look back and think about it, what you think your biggiest Like our school was inside of your own head since it was you, Like what what was what was holding you back?

Missing? Missing business with what's the word I want to say, missing business with? I don't want to. I don't want I don't want to say. I don't know if it's emotions, feelings or personal personalized business like like you know, like, man, you got a relationship, we might got a business relationship, but I'm used to when I lock in with somebody, when I fuck with somebody, you know that personally like your son a little one, Like when I was locked in with somebody, I fucked with him, like I don't have way fun with him. I ain't trying to fuck with my fault because I can gain or nothing like that, Like I fucked with them. So it's like I felt like that was a problem of me attaching myself to artists and rocking with artists and being on frontline for artists and ship like that, and I was taking ship personally that that was reallygious business facts. I believe that was a big, big, big, big, like big problem because then I started like had to understand, like this shit ain't personally even grow old folks like I don't know. I never felt like nobody old me man, no shit like that. But it's like if you don't, you just started, I'm gonna tell you what it is with people broad y'all.

People started expecting them from other people exactly, like because you knowing what you would do if you was in that situation for them exactly.

And that's what I stopped doing. I swear to god. I just put some on I don't know one of my social media is. This ain't even been a week. I just put some on my social media saying that, like, you can't expect people to be you or do what you would do in situations. But I just feel like it was more so this. Okay, I got a lot. I done met all type of rappers, so many of them I know, I know, I know a good two many of the nine and two many of the write down it's type shit. But it's a difference when you build a relationship with me and you're telling me this and were rocking like this, like family, are we supposed to be there and all? And then it turned around and you do some sucker shit or you start acting like we ain't that after a year or something, eight months, you know what I'm saying, for six something eight months straight, you've been working. Oh we family, it's beyond but this shit deep been alright with me and you then once you get a break or something I guess, or you get a situation where you going on on it's business. So it was more of debt. It was more of debt with me because I knew with certain artists there, or it's just business and producers. Is that being it? I don't know. You won't got no good relationship. We know each other off of just being in the studio. I'm working O. But it's different when you let a nigga house sleeping on the floor with them, or when you at a nigga house and you send at their mama table in food with them, or in a nigga house and the baby mama cooking food for you. That's different that I ain't really business. That's personal. You got me in your house this way you ahead it like your kids running around. It's a difference if I done healed your child, It's a difference live.

What can you what can you say you was in the right mindset to even like you saying you it was you that was holding you back right from a lot of things you could have did. Yes, all right, so just savings and me and use poplins and were wrapping together whatever whatever like you're saying this person that you explained just says if I see gapping ready to be one hundred.

Percent, okay, cool, But get what, I can't even say that no artists ever saw that. I can't say that.

How you gonna say what another person saw if they observe it, like because you you can see somebody like he ain't ready, because because right now today, can't you see a nigga that be like he got it, he got you got to hear him, but he ain't ready for sure.

But I felt like I felt like me just being getting high and ship like that would probably make somebody feel like saying it could be just anything. I ain't. It was never like no ship to were like, oh he don't go to the studio work my work as around and the artists well, whether it was business or personal, I ain't playing. I ain't bushing like we in the studio of you the artists and this show session and you boorshing. I record a song and I all started working in your session, like in every ropper that I ever did a song, well been in the studio would know that. So like as far as the work part and willing to do whatever I gotta do to make it to the next leve Onlde. I'm trying to go and make a name for myself. I know I ain't no artists really ever seen no slout as far as being a rapper or art isn't working. I just think about about when I'm chilling times when we ain't at a studio or we ain't doing that, they got do it rout and niggas sit and drink or smoking weed. Well you know what I'm saying, They probably thinking that don't watching the character, watching the cacter like in the Gagin's that like type ship. But what I want people don't understand is in a relationship like I ain't really never burnt, no bridges or ship like that, like I had any problem I had that what I had it was, it was and we done got it straight. But what I want people to know now is that like even if I was like rolle somebody the wrong way or they thinking I wrote it in the wrong way, like it wasn't even me for real, Like yeah it was when you high, Like yeah, like it's like you nonchal lunch, So motherfucker probably thought I was arrogant. You see, now you're going into what I'm saying, like it's is thaying that that that that they look with a clear mind take this week. Yeah, it can't be tookay because you got look at stuff from more than my perspective, thank you. So it's like it's like I get it. I get it. It can't get looked at like, oh, you know what I'm saying. So you may be like a nigga may be trying to tell me something that's important or whatever, but they don't know. I'm listening and taking heed. But my response is to what they're saying, what I'm gonna be where they wanted to be aware it needs my words learn something like that you know what I'm saying, cause nigga gonna drink or whatever, so they it would make it seem like, man, don't you know what I'm saying, Like but it wasn't you feel like you get us gave on the cold shoulder, Yeah, on some ship like that, like like they probably took it like that. But anybody that know me or no jap off from my no name that doesn't paid me pay me features niggas know like I like I just said when I funk, what something that I fought? Somebody like they don't even be about the money, like niggain send me the song. If the song ain't talking about it now, I'm cool, like especially if you ain't got my feet out, I won't anyway, I'm cool, Like I book man, I don't want to get on that song. So it don't even be about the music with a lot of people, And I think that was another thing that had a nigga not one hundred percent in two because it was like, I'm so lawyal it, I donet been loyal to a default to where like I put myself on the front line for somebody that ain't even stunned. I wouldn't say it ain't stunned, but they ain't putting themselves on the front line for me.

Okay, So let me ask you this then, So now that you realize and understand that you can't expect you from people, because I know you, like you're a person like you go hart first. You know, you know that you do, and like you're all the way in or all the way out, like it's no in between. Right, So now that you understand that you can't expect you from people, how do you how do you move with that knowledge? Do you still go hard? First and just be like, fucking I'm just gonna deal with it however it comes. Or are you skeptical of locking in with people because you know that there's a strong possibility that they're not gonna give me what I'm expecting your return.

I'm skeptical on locking down on people. But it's like I'm big on energy now. Yeah, I'm big on energy now. So it's like I really believe in that. I really believe in when you like at first you know how they that ship like love at first sight. Yeah, I just be thinking that's that's cliche, that ship and ship cap and I love at first sight. But it's like, I be skeptical about it, but it'd be like ship when I meet somebody and we kick here or we hang or we talk, You're like you can tell out now here with so you know, we have a lot of female artists now, so they're like, no, I don't know all that's but I more so now, I let them destrive the relationship first before I jump out there and be like big bro or or so yeah, what I'm saying, I'm gonna let them destrive, you know what I'm saying. So once they desdrive it, I go out. I'll play out for that. I play out for that. And then, like like you just said, I just go from the goals and and then I have no expectations of them being the rialiest person to me, because.

In a lot of cases, expectations lead the disappointment exactly.

So it's like they go back to what we just expecting somebody to be. You, So like I don't think like that, nor more so like it's some sucker ship or some ship. I don't agree with it.

Go on. I was really kind of slick already, like just.

Alright, alright, cool boom. That's why I like that's like, that's like even back, and it was a moment of my career. I want to say, probably like two years ago or so. I had really slowed up on features cause motherfucker do the song and don't want to do the video type ship. So it's even down the ship.

How does that make you feel?

I really won't be giving it down because like I really don't be giving it down. I just go to her because I always I'm I'm somebody that gonna produce. I'm gonna reproduce, like I can go make another one.

But you don't feel like sometimes like why would you even do the song and like you know, we gotta shoot the video there.

Like I feel like that about Big Records. I feel like that if I get that motherfucker doing what it needs to be doing, yeah, hell yeah, I'm a blow nigga. Phone up. But it's like these days a nigga won't if a nigga like say, maybe if if you're trying to get an understanding with somebody or somebody that you can call and you can text some or whatever, they won't respond. But let you get on Instagram and put someone in your store or something like that, motherfucker right down your damn Yeah you could have to my then that's going to be that nigga be quick and say, oh, you could have called my phone. Hey, But I ain't even talking about me understanding in general, Like I didn't call you. I called you probably a hundred times. I text you probably right, So it like that. So it's like it's just like I make sure because you never know what's hit. So like I just I just make sure I know if I'm doing the song, somebody they understand like Befolk that studio session know with hey man, when the time to do the video, and man, I gonna get lost type ship like that, how nigga ready to talk like Lingo wise and studio nigga be like, hey man, my vote go walk and we gotta go video. No, I don't get lost. Nigga really be talking to a nigga. And then plus I understand people. I understand now, like with me being a bigger artist than what I well, I understand people be having personal ship going on in their life. People got their own schedules or their own people go through ship. So it's like I understand if a motherfucker like gotta gotta not I don't want to say reschedule, but he motherfucker be like stalling you out. But they still end up doing it. So I understand that and stuff of like man, they lain man and keep that and take it back. I didn't want to shoot the video. No, I don't think I understand like you, I'm telling what what the pussy ship? You don't seen the rapper do like that? You did a song with like man, it just wasn't pussy shit he did. I don't hold on. I'm not to think cuz.

I got it.

You say I did a song with him, right was anything? You know how you just know a rapper just rap niggas, you know how, Oh the pussy shit on sing was when a nigga gets when the nigga got on, a nigga add out there, ain't even know where I was from a can of paint, and we done, I know each other like the back of our hand, like like you don't know you man like they don't know me, man like don't know me, like like I'm chasing or something or like I'm just trump like I just don't jump that. No, they go there and they go back to the relationship ship or what you got with with that artist. So it'd be like that that that that ship go on that ship. That's you know what I'm saying, what happened like like like like how like how did that happen? Niggas to try to keep walking niggas. Niggas have they security. Yeah, Like but me, I ain't gonna never put myself in no peon situation to where a nigga just sign me or make me look like I'm ship like that. I ain't never gonna. I don't I don't jump in niggas conversations I ain't no referee. I ain't instigating their old type of ship. So like the way I set my ship up to even when I am trying to holler at a nigga or see a nigga, it on being a way towards like, oh you can, it's visible to that the other person was nigga stopped you, like, nigga, lets security stop you and ship like that. That kind of ship, now, Nigga, that's secure to stop me. Nigga, that's cure to stop me. I wouldn't say that. It's like that's cool now do that. That's no nigga do that. Maniga might go there, you might go especially if I know, you know, you're working on like you know what the hell I am secure and secured and put their hands on it. Nigga going upstairs, they're gonna go vioul. That's gonna be academics or something. But it ain't been no pushing ship to where like that. It would be just more so like in the cut because I go out there a nigga, like if it's a video shoot or were at the studio type ship, nigga, you know what I'm saying, Like, oh, I mean dry ship then like motherfuckers do dry ship like dang when they went high and use a hotter artist or whatever mother ship like that, that'd be some push ship nigga be doing. I forgot. Yeah, I been a lot of little push ship like maybe, but you're a gyminutough bro, so you know you take a lot of ship the wrong way too, because I yeah, yeah, that's how that go back to how I was saying, Hi, I used to think until I had the mature and talk to my els because you know, since the younger, I ain't nothing hung around nobody my age. So it was just more so like yeah yeah so yeah, so like I just just continue to lock in back with that.


So it was like, no, narn't really matter, man, We're getting this ship is business, not personal. Let's keep this money.

They said anything else when I got big Fat.

I'm gonna tell y'all something though, And this for any nigga that when the niggas see that you're a nigga that takes ship personal, they stay clear to you.

Because I'm a nigga like that like a personal taking. As nigga, I can't deal even people ain't gotta be no nigga be a dude female Like, if you.

Just take everything personal, I know me and you're gonna get into it because I'm a nigga.

That will make you take some ship personal. Right, But but what the I'll camera own camera. This is my uncle. So if you do something or if I do something or you, let's put back on you because you say you know you're a person, gonna make somebody tell you personal. If you do something that make me take it personal, you're my uncle. I'm I really supposed to take a person. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. You're not no podcasting, you're not no social like to me, like, you're not what the fans of the internet that people see you as to me, none of y'all there for real. So if I couldn't get a little bit back interview, I was took a person. But I'm gonna keep it one hundred with you. While we've been calling trying to hook it up.

No, I know you ain't been one hundred percent on your ship, right because every time I'm hell, we're supposed to be dead this ship.

Let's let's be real about it.

When I first test you, I tested you and I said, hey man, how how the name of the big facts and missed the big old fats ain't been on them, and you like, hell, when you're ready, how long go? They were?

How to?

Yeah, but then let's keep it y, Let's keep it really, let's do it.

Let's keep it real about this.

You gotta take your phone.

Let's keep it real about this morning? Though?

What happened this morning's morning? Feeling like mine?

I did.

That's true, that's true. But guess what I didn't do. I didn't say my prayer when I first woke up. That's my not It's not a Rachel. I don't want to say Rachel will because I think they got something to do with like rich something of that. But every morning I have a little smallert, a couple of words I said to the high power. I didn't say that when I first got up. So things with my driver and everybody that worked for his cost service start going how I was going, and the time and and everything like when the needles is getting close to me. Yeah, I'm just saying that said I said, Okay, I said that prayer and it worked.

It worked. I called you said, nope, it worked, and what.

I told you though. But what I say though, what I said, well, trying to count.

Sure, I think.

I do not want to be unprofessional. No, but that's the day of so that's still unprofessional.

Yeah, keeping it is it is, And get.

What if it would have came out, I would call, but we hear them. We here now.

But I'm just saying, yeah, yeah, you're here for but you get what I'm saying. Just man, if it didn't go through it, it'll be like, man, if if it was what I'm saying, you.

Really wasn't bullshit exactly exactly, and get how something get looked at. But I was in the house trying everything. I'm in the house because I got a car. I gotta drop. I gotta drop. I really don't be doing uber blacks and you know ship like that. I do it on like out of town or something like that. But I gotta drop. And he know me, that's my mom. Yeah he'm a blood, but you know what I'm saying. So he has a whole car service business. So if he can't get to me, he has sent somebody or but would have been so last minute of him waking up telling me that oh he forgot he had to go and he had an eye, he had an eye on because he was glass. He had an eye. He really had a doctor of appointment for Yeah, he really did. And so he was like I'm fineling. He was like, he was like, it's my bad. Im Like man, the interview at twelve. I ain't go off on him because that ain't how I talk to people no more. I don't even do that no more. I used to do that too, like to fill the truck whein your mind shift ain't gonna cut you. We're gonna cut that where your bid shift? Like how did it ship been going to jail? I went to jail one, I went to jail. I want to say, cause, nigga, I've been in jail a couple of times, but I want to say twenty twenty one, Nah, twenty twenty two. I want to say, twenty twenty two. I'm going to jail and just shit once again, talking to elders against some wisdom and shit like that. And they were like, motherfucker down there talking to me like he knows me, like type shit like he would Jai let me know, sirn he it was just sertain little keys and pockets. He was hearing that all that, like you know, I ain't been talking on nigga. You ain't talking about man. I ain't even gonna bake sit right here. This nigga in jail, man beat it. But Nah, this particular person was like, hey man, he was like me know you been a fan Sawapa nigga, you like fit something so shp like that you shocking me. That's another thing about when you like like my mother and he's smart. So yeah, I went to jail one time. I stayed in there for probably like a week and then it just like basically like you're playing with this ship, like you got a way out and you playing. So that's what I mean by God spanking the nigga like godland, you know, like as in Boom, I put you in this situation and get you out of it. You know what I'm saying. I put you in this situation and get you out. Just let you know I'm wishing. But if you want to play with the opportunities that you're getting because you've been a good person and been blessed, I shut all that shit down quick. So basically, you know in jail, they got a sober mind, they blessing. Yeah, nigga got a sober mind. I had a sober mind, a clear mind while I'm talking to this person. So that would make me just be like, I ain't getting out on the same ship, bro, I ain't even get out on the same ship. Like no, man, like you had to change, like and then you be urging to go back to stop fucking in this minute. A lot of holes had to cut holes out the holes the biggest, big distraction, Like like I seen some ship one time where it was like I think it was. I think it was with one of the wide receivers that play for It's two arm it's two brothers that's in the league. They mama German and their dad are black over the Makeloon story short. He was like, he was like he raised them up to a certain age of that. Girls are dream killers, Like if you're chasing the dream, girls can kill your dream because you fall in love and you know, love makes you do crazy things like that. So I just looked at like, man, the holds the distraction, Like even though it wasn't getting in a way of my work, it was getting away at my work if you give it on saying, Because if I'm in a studio and you and were arguing about this and then I'm talking this other one about this and got a good vibe going with the other vibe. It's a vibe in here, you know, it's to my going on.

So wholes U s one? One woman, I'm saying, or you just kicking it? Or what did that result in? You got one? Are you? One woman?


Single? Fair enough?

No kids? No girl sing? So and then there was that drank and I start uh paying attention to what people would say about me when I came in the game. And you know, I don't even fun when nobody got about me, Like I always been a person that will fun with a nigga. Think I'm gonna do what I wanted to do. I'm gonna do me like you damn like what I got to say about it. Now, I started paying attention to a little ship like that and another chot that can fuck with your head that moment, especially when you gotta cup mind, you know what I'm saying. So ship like that and a whole lot of emotion and shit was rushing me at one time, so like damn, I just had to really sit down and like lock in on my inner self, like you gotta better yourself, bro, Like better yourself and do it because you want to do it, Like you know, that'd be a million motherfucker telling you, like you need to do that, bro, Do that, bro, Like I had to just really look in the mirror and better and know that I wanted it for myself. So when that happened, I ain't. A lot of good ship started happening for me. Like a lot of good shit started happening for me. And then I kind of got pulled back hand some other ship a little bit, and then God showed me again.

That's what I was saying, What's what's one promise maybe this year or recently you made to God?

And are you keeping good on that promise? Yeah?

Yeah that I ain't that I ain't don't really be going against the ship, I tell him, mm hmm, Like if I like, if I pray and or if I have a conversation and I talked to him like here my pommer, I was walking in out of the start, hey man, you know, yeah, I don't know why people look up because God is not in this guy like everywhere might be thinking on tolling to myself or anything, but I don't know. I having a conversation with God so I made sure I stay on top of that. I made sure I stay on top of that. And then I know, like I didn't. I don't. I didn't. I don't have the repercussions of if I lied in him but happen. I don't have no repercussion like a lot of them. I played with him, and I don't have no repercussions.

So I did.

I did do one thing this ship that I told him I wasn't going to do, and I got spain and but he also made it good. He got me right, you know, like, hey man, I was just showing you. You told me you want to do that, and you did so you just obeyed me. So I had to spank you. But what you type ship? So yeah, but I've been I've been keeping my work. I'm keeping my work standing just like not trying to make something going on go on. It ain't not going on. Now. I'm at the house. If I ain't in the studio, I'm at the house, I ain't going outside of I ain't going outside. They know what I'm saying, like, it ain't nothing going on, Like I don't got knowing no on the schedule as far as business or the other work I have and on schedule. That's something I think a lot of young niggas, old niggas, whatever age you is, you need to understand it ain't ship going on. Don't be the one that tried to make something go on. Get your ad down. I've been so what you looking for? Like I've been bench watching shows on Netflix. Ship like that, like that I used to be watching no TV at all. Case nigga wanna go, you're gonna go? Like you know personally all you.

Sound like breathing breathe in the house watching her show, know, like.

Like like that's why I said I can't. I say I want one hundred percent and it worthwhile because I was working my moves like the best way I can put my all into making sure I'll go up. So like if like I said, if it ain't nothing going on, I don't got to go no studio, no show. I don't got to go out of town. Man, I don't make them go on because like every time you try to kick it, man, you've done that can end up with a sentence. So like ship like, man, ain't no sense of me going to the hood no more. If it ain't ain't going on, just going to the hood just to go on board. So I'm going to go to the hood. Nah, that don't going on more like I say I don't. Yeah yeah yeah like a motherfulder like that's something. That's another thing too, because mutherfols used to like not just the whole Adana, but my hood. They used to see me so much. It's like, damn like I ain't I still I never been regular. The doctor said that when I came out of m I never been regular. So it's like, you know, I didn't want to making me regular. It was just making me like familiar. Yeah, we're familiar with you. We know yesterday, we know what you do today.

You don't see you in the money tune you see, and it's little I ain't nigga eventually gonna turn into some hate. I see you so much, just like anybody you don't see bro, you be kind of happy to see them.

If you fuck with you're gonna follow me long term. It definitely long turn and to hate if if a nigga send you too much, because it already might be some envy or jealousy somewhat anyway, and then if you know me, when I come around, I ain't trying to ship on no nigga or be little no battle like. I ain't never looked down on the on somebody that's poor. I ain't want them like cat like. I don't get down like that because I come from properly, so you know what I'm saying. So I ain't shitting on nonig especially. I don't give a fuck what walker life you come from. But it's still be like saying, you push up to a nigga spot well and all the whole they're coming in and the spot that will normally be on this person did so. So now look like man, you know, little ship, get mama, the brother, you know. But they don't even know I'm pulling up to your spot and turn your spot up, so they sing, walk and just keep coming back. You know, I'm doing it from that perspective, go back to got a little that ship from water, prospective ship like that. So that's another thing I cut them hold. Gain no value of doing that though at all. They might do what you don't gain a little value and can end up in some trouble on fucking I always see you. They'll never pay the seat exactly. That's why I sit mass in the house. Hey man, what I'm paying all the rent for? And I got all this flash it in my house and coming from sharing bedrooms and ship and I got enough bedrooms? What got them? They have their own? They want to move. Men, bring everything to this motherfucking house. Man. The studio one, nigga want to bout all the little studio home. Ship nigga got p F five. I ain't even used to play the game. I'll play the game.

You know.

He ain't doing that. Just ain't nothing going on, like oh, I'm just going to jump fresh and pull off being through the city. No man like I like I do that like safings like on the date, like when this with this juicy concert concert going on, defending that we got come up on that day. Yeah, I'm gonna pop out. I'm gonna be out, gonna be moving around. I'm gonna come out. I'm gonna get up soon as I leave out the door. I'm already stage ready. I'm gonna live. I'm gonna be pushing them through the town, I know, and second and go down here and be gonna be stayed. What I'm saying, that's about it type ship or niggagna pu a ship studio ever, everybody put the studio pregame ship like that, but it ain't nothing going on. Nigga ain't into making something going on. Want to look for some finey ad then that high end up in the hole in the wall after our spots like ship burnt out man and your mother forck God, you put yourself in situations that ten dollars ain't being. That's very destruct for Jake answering the fun while you got men all a kid right now. You know you might tea so it's that personal. But like I said, you be putting yourself in a situations that you ain't even got to be in, Like a nigga bigger than that, Like not saying like a nigga bigger than anybody that's doing that, like cause I don't, like I said, I don't look down. I don't know nobody because I ain't got more money or got some little fame whatever. But nigga cut out a whole lot of bullshit that nigga doing that, damn make no sense, Like why you doing it when you got to ask yourself like I don't know, like even with and ship like that, like r I P trouble like nigga used to be doing the same ship, like pushing all houses and shit, like what hell I'm doing? Like they got your rider ask hisself there they go back when I said here looking in the mirror like what he is you doing?

Like they break down the situations like that you had like rich kid beside the QC. You know what I'm saying, break down all your situations like from start to now.

Okay, cool, So the rich kid. I became rich kid just by being popular and fly. I ain't no none of them personally except charge Baby Charle and I knew school from now drew On, I told you when you're on say Snata moved here, it wasn't it was on Cameting. I went to L Cameron in the field grade that that's how. That that what made a nigga be so popular, having no moves so much. They're like, no, your baldy, no your realy, no where. But back to the question, Rick kid, come about ship. We had a football game and late well that you know it's in his three. I'm from zone three. I was going to what I was going to all the popping high school games there, whether I go to that school or not. I just like even in yall generation, y'all know what what game finna be popping whether you go to this school or not. So I go to a Doug Versus on Washington game, which is there was a rival. Shit gonna be lit. I don't know how they're number. Back when I was in high school, lendy onto my both sides sold out. They got a clothing gates. Boom. All the rich kids that are so charged introduced me to uh Kalo I mean Calep and I mean Rashad that same night. Met them that night boom. So once they told me that Rashard with t I cousin, I'm a nigga that I come from working my move and game. So you know right now I'm nikka say they's somebody could they be like, okay, yeah, back then somebody cut well listen to Coasal shop. We got this before Instagram, Twitter and of that. I know social media. No, no, no, you can't really see the fault unless you see these folks. So hey man, when they told me cousin I had never read a rock before, I rapped probably once or twice fucking around on just the phone. They told me, because I'm like, she start folks like not even trying to rules because we definitely built relationship and it was evan and it's our brothership is real. I was like, man, this is the way of the niggas gonna try to go So boom, make a long story short day. I'm in the group. I'm in the group. We do the risky as ship the split go about, because it split go about. And how I met a lot of the rappers after I left the rich kids or they used to be serving. They used to want reef. So I used to be serving ship like that. So I'm serving. I'm serving straw treyvor Porter some weed. It's a long time ago stats the limitation. We ain't worry about that, serving some weed. He like ship whatever you finished up? You know Ricky and treport we was out at the same time. So boom, when I go solo, they steal nobody am type shit and die. You got my number? Even call they at the studio. You're like, shit, ain't gotta leave, you stay up just want so I stay up there kicking the air. Nowhere else it goes around. I stalled there kicking the boom, like I just was telling you about my work. After I can't be in the studio. I don't know how just be in the studio and just be looking around. Hey, man, we got an engineer right here, I got beat. Somebody email. Man, I'm like the here man. We sit around for all little minute. I'm like, man, man that do one and the enginet was he was an intern at the time. But when I tell y'all who the engineer was, gonna for y'all a little in the world, I for f k I first mhm remember that he was. He was the intern. So I rapped on his first beat he ever made. Because when I started telling him like, oh, like make me just like so, I'm like, hey he made me. Hey, I'm like ship, you know what makes a beat? Fuddy dude right now, Like you know, I'm outspoken, you know what I'm saying, like in a player way on you know what I'm saying, like not we like, man, what the hell you doing? Go like like hey, like player ship. When I said so, they were with it.

We do it.

That song called Sideways, that was the first song that I made with somebody outside the rich kids. Me being so we made that song and we started like this, I start, you know, continue doing things that I was doing before then and stuff, and we grew a relationship to now I'm got all the bros. And one thing I can say about them, them niggas, some real niggas. They ain't never did no so ship ever when we're just talking about ship, they never did no ship ever. So boom. Once I started being around so much, it was just like they were giving a nigga the opportunity to come on the road with them, opening up ship like that. Oh damn, I can't skip. When I got rich kids, I Withdrove for a second. I with Drove for I can't even but the one not Droe, no, I love, but even He'll tell you like he wasn't really that serious about his career at the time. So it was like, once I started catching on to to, I ain't really doing too much right here. I just left the situation because I know I was on no paperwork with him, you know, I know him for some of him che Burger so were just rocking. So when I left that situation, that's when I started fucking with brought On and then she. I've been around On so much that going to the show, they learning to push up for the studio ship. They learning the record at the studio, all this old ship here they keeping it. So one on a Nigga end up getting a situation where a management situation where Streets acts because that's what they were managed by. So they they ended up getting that situation. Then we made that Guapai record, so that now, like it just lit with me and Trevor Porter. So we had that wave going. We had that wave going from that Zone three to the east side, connect a zone sits, connect that deeper Decatur, all that connect So after that, it wasn't nothing Travis Porter did, because I never was signed to Travis Porter, just streeting. I just go back to when I was taking things personally. My two chains came out with the Kritnet song. I'm like, we got the same management I been around. You hold up what you know what? Yeah? You know you said? He came out with that. We came out with the print that song you too young. I'm young, I'm young. I'm probably nineteen twenty. That she went up, Hey man, they ain't never took enough for me bank, they ain't never win my pipe, ain't never took a head on my head. They ain't never So I'm in that when I go back to the ship. Oh you know what I'm saying, nigga, deal with them jokes crack, you know that don't really matter. They ain't really taken nigga. Nigga tear me up, So I'm tearing them back up with without no anger or wrestling type ship. It's just fun ship. But it's like when that happened, I really I was just in the mindset, well, I ain't have no understanding of how they can happen. And then it was like she I was looking for like a Ali who that same management I beat with, you be around you pretty sure something's gonna happen good in this situation, Like because I was even when when I heard it, I heard like thirty seconds of the song before the concert, and the nigga head at the Fox the Air heard thirty sixth of the song. Immediately get on Twitter. All boys over with got two chains speaking and wopping these on their album. I'm rhying for it. It was like when I yeah, so it's like I'm room with it because I was really with everybody, no, like I chain like change, we're trying to sign me he at the time, right, So when that shit happened. It was like I took that ship personally ship like damn, like when the ship. I'm looking forward to the breath of Club because they back there don't want no podcasts and then out birth Club probably the biggest music platform. If you go to a birth Club interview, I'm looking for Ali Hoop and the broth Club intervew remix or video like a shout out. Yeah, just any type of acknowledgement. Oh so you're saying you said basically feel like just say he just took it? Hey, man, like, bro, you ain't this just me? I ain't. I wasn't even saying it was me. I got this going. What I'm saying, he he he came out with it. You're saying you respect it more if he'd been like the watch it yeah, like and like he would call me your nephew, yeah, because he nobody like here granddad like like like let's go back to deepen the roup. She's like like here, mama, like she doesn't hold me so niggas in Atlanta Ben kind of talking like that, you just put an So I just put it. You can go check the old interviews and everything I never said. I came up with that way of talking, doesn't you know you just put I capitalized, put the name on it, and I got it back popping at this moment.

That just like how Tip fact categorized and generalized trap music, like niggas been trapping, niggas been doing such and such. He was the one that put a focus on it.

That's it. So it's like, and this ship popping to what you done? Heard the song before, it's on radio, grad street, all the folk hop or something I want doing radio interviews, all those type of ship. It's even before it was a streets nath one five type ship. So I know for a fact that you know I got this record out because I'm in book for shows all this ship. It's up up type ship. And once again we got the same management. We go pick our chicks up from the same office.

You think a remedy would have been him putting you on that record or jumping on your record with that remedy.

Fucking with men any type of way, because because he was fucking with me. Yeah, like I fell after that.

Yeah, like for what y'all ain't never had.

No conversation, want to have a conversation. We're good now, Like then, no, like nigga wann't want to talk. You didn't, No, I ain't want to talk young and doum.

Yeah yeah, okay, So it was like you because I know, like thinking about he would have been with whatever you'd have been with back then.

I just I just looking him this wabb A couple of things took place to walk. He was still showing that he sucking with me. Like I told you he had an install signing for the album and the Adidas store because I think he had, you know, getting a Das deal. Somebody he get me all the jam Scots. I won't ship right that boom. I go to the band and make her damn video shoot with him like I was with like after this this after okay. Yeah, So I'm ja Wayne on the moment that you're gonna do some real ship as far as us whatever. It ain't nothing that I'm saying. I'm is Zach looking for. It's just I know something coming at in which span of time, man long enough, not even on all your nigga ship, but long enough, long enough, I promise. But how you gonna how you're gonna have a and its just me, it's just mean. It could just be me.

I'm just playing how you're gonna have an expectation without communication.

You're right, you don't say when I said conversation. You have to say, hey, look this, I feel like this, bro. Let's do this. Bro. I feel like this will help me too. Or did you even bring to his attention the fact that you felt the way about what when I when I started feeling the way I did it, but it wasn't it wasn't the right way. That's what I'm saying, Like you niggas still a man like you, so so I can respect him being on what you were being on that time. Cause how I would come if I came on the right, like, man, come on, man, I need you. I'm coming from hearing all them jokes and yeah, I'm coming like yeah, lame man, I'm coming like that.

So with a nigga and he go home and his bitch all in his ear like yeah, and then when he see the nigga, he's snapping on him because of this bitch that was in his ear.

Not really, because it's that the internet. My personal self went on like I am lame, like, but you're looking at the street ship instead of being instead of being But that go back to the business. I was saying. I was looking at it front of the business side because we got the same management. So I'm like, why not kill two birds on one stone, you know what I'm saying. But you said you want you didn't. You didn't bring it in a way that a nigga can receive it. No, No, I ain't bringing to him. I ain't bringing to him. I brought it to management though in a way that but you already made me feel the way. So man, it came about and telling me to do you already respect did respect that? Spad that? I respect that? I respect that? And I and I and I was saying this ship on Twitter and everything. I was going so crazy that I was trending that day in Atlanta. I was trending that day, so like, yeah, so that happened, and it made me just on ship to it, like I if because I was the story I was sold. It's not what played out with the management situation. And I'm not knocking them like there's some bad that like the bad management and now like that, it's just it didn't work out with me. And now so I felt like when n can go on with that, I don't want to be on the same management. But yeah, you know, I'm telling them drop me, let me go over whatever, y'all I gotta do, Like I ain't true, Like I know I'm finished. I know, I know who I am. I know I'm still gonna go out in make some shape musically so booming after that, I'm so heated. One night in the studio taking taking Metro, pulling up on Metro shout I'm so he didn't got twelve niggas with me, geeked out Miley Man Metrol like that who says this is? He's like, man, I'm like, you know all right, like what you making some beats? Like just saision was cool and he said doing up. So I'm so man with them man rolling on rolling, I'm like, man, play me some beats. Tell ship. But by how I'm talking is it's coming off the wrong way. But Metro my friend friends, so you know, I ain't trying to try him or nothing like he know what. So I'm like playing some beats. He go get his left like playing some beats. I'm so on with my mom. I tell him, nah, play me the beat you play for Podo nigga That trim trim keeping it real, just Trump all on the man, says Trump telling him what to do. So he goes to another folder. He play me his beats I find. So I go through the beats. I find the beat a beat out like it's hard as it beat. I listen to him up for probably like ten fifteen times. Ship. After I listened to it, I was like, shit, who've been record? No about recording now? Like wich I just gonna see her. He was like, shit, why I've been record? Like shit, I'm ready to go down on their beat right now, so make along so shorter. He was like, go ahead, engineer came, let me go in, let me do it. On my way to the booth, Sunday Digital was the last person I had to pass to get actually in the book we had dark Yeah yeah, so you know I got to pass him before I go into the booth. And while I'm passing him, he getting He's saying a little shit like but he's like what man, you know you one of them? Like he's like you you're gonna make some ship like you want nigger that man? You fire like you you you that like you're a star, roar like you're gonna do it. Raph saying. So I tell him, man, fucked up, and I'll tell him nick this man some asshole ship like you he trying to you know what I'm saying. Yeah, I'm telling I'm just something. Soak the boys there, tell him fucked roup, bro. So I'm I going to booth the engineer like, let me do your uh you know, you gotta your voice, your MC checks and ship. So instead of a regular check check check or yo yo yo, I'm mocking with I just see it he did. So my mic check was fuck a round gang, fuck around gang. That was my mic check. So when I do that, I ain't know like.

She got a ring to it.

Yeah, that shit, I'm like ring into it. So I make a whole song called for the Rock Gang and this no bullshit like that song. I say, that song is like one of the songs out of my career that like you know, a nigga and Emily and Dad and they hit him with that the little shocking shit. That what that song did for me after walking like because I wasn't even booked like that, like that ship was flowing down, like you know what I'm saying. So when I dropped that motherfucker, the motherfucker, Like I'm right back in book? Is that like it? Want know this song now like that? Like it was just how I was feeling. And everybody know inner rapper know like you're gonna make the best music when it's your real emotions coming out. So want to make that song in some type of way peeting the hand that motherfuckers. So he pulling up on men a long way. That motherfucker bean a vic he got a motherfucker bean and that when he pulling up, so he's getting that nigga like, hey man, I'm all right here. Man, what you're doing just pushing up on nigga and the nigga he didn't want a nigga to arm you know, you no bit the mother streets and ship like that? Like you talented like I think now I think you like I know, like you could be something like like he he was staying on that. He was staying on there, pulling up on the nigga. Wool say keep holling the nigga. Can you try to sign me a long way before he even had me off, you pulling up on me a long way at the lobby, the back and rip you got, I don't know about lobby, you know about live too. He pushing up at the lobby like he's saying, we got the music. He's saying, we got the studio and the motherfucker working, you know, so you fucking with it. Make a long story, show you fucking with it so much. You're like, here, he gave a nigga an opportunity, no paperwork involved, Like he was like, man, just don't he ain't want to see a nigga that bit the mother Street type ship. And we had a little bit of prior relationship off you know and from the streets when I get to speak on that, but probably it wasn't major. It was just I know you were bit nod, you know, lying no sign a type ship. So he give a nigga opportunity. So now niggas that got down rocking with rocking with him on just as the fact that he tried to giving the opportunity. So maybe we end up had to go on to Orange crush some ship. And I ain't even really know the me go like that yet, but we went down there like that's who we linked with me along way. We went down there and the Lincoln when they had it then when they had ship fucked up with that. Your nigga, your nigga, your nigga trapping bando. They probably had bando, young nigga. All that ship. The famous that sucked up were down there, were like, hey man, we're going whatever whatever they we want them type ship really a long way on, you know what I'm saying. So we end up leave the ship down there when we pushed out and the Bigo did some real ass ship, like that's real ship that they man Caine really to get spoken on, like, but they did some real ship when they did that. That same day they did that and pulled up on the Manebo did a song and a lot of it called Barry Sanders. We put this out on the end that ship like that. We did a song that same day. So just like you know, if you're in the studio with a nigga for so much enough many hours and you equipped how you equipped to know when you when it's boardshit cap or ain't turn out. Man As niggah I was talking breaking up my father. I knew there was some genie niggas. I was just being on that and how they was giving me my prop song out of their favorite risk kid. This and that and just give me my frocks like ship, So wanna do that song now, Nigga fucking fucking with them man a fucking with the nigga A type ship like cause they studio right up in the zone three D on the fourteen seventy nine studio studio right here and three I'm from paper Hurgh right.

Down the corner and go up to the deal.

Right this ship right and be up there every goddamn day, right and I got the assets. Like when I pull up, it's like, I'm like it's my stor there as far as buzzer or anything like that, Like I ain't getting held up at no doors and ship like that, Like yeah, they see my camera door all right on the lock before I get to it type ship. So Nigga took advantage of that start working. I got to fuck the rock there and rush it out. It's doing what it's doing. But it's like, how can you at that time, how can you market a song called fuck the Rock and till the rock? You know right now, I'm living in different times. You can come out and say fuck whatever, and if it's hard and marketable, you have enough money put behind it, you go this back then you want to like that feeling like I'm bitter or but I'm really giving all the game of how you can get played.

Take anything else about when I got big. So it's a modern day right now from Jose Guapo whoever from the past. Whatever is the QC situation? Street is that situation rich kids? Situation is your heart pure? Is what I'm saying. How you got pasted all that?

Yeah, I'm past all because even like that's how I well part of the store I was at. The answer finished answering head question was I was. I was getting to the high I got with C so boom P gave Nigga that that opportunity. No paperwork, no nothing like I want to sign on, no paperwork or nothing. It's just like I want to see you like he didn't want to see a new.

That's when you may run it up.

No, no, non, run it up in Kanyac. So it was after that running up in Kanyac for the Rock Game remix came, so okay, cool that came, and the Damn movement came. See I never made a damn song, but.

I forget about that.

Yeah, you know we've got a refreshdrated memory that come about. But that ain't what we're talking about. We'll talk about that in the minute.

Hold we got to talk about that. I got an energet.

I just want to go ahead, get it question out the way though this platform, even though I'm probably answer your question before I got it. I got it.

But as we're giving you your flowers, and it's not we're just saying that, you're saying that you you cranked up the gapine and made that what it was.

I was the first person to do that. I didn't have no name for it, none of that. It was just me getting in there. Hey j Jay, no person was going on when you just get in there. It ain't it ain't yeah, it ain't not getting in out like I ain't go no name for this ship.

What you said, the homies doing, y'all was solid, moving around and the lobby and everything, you know, everything was solid.

It was a lot of niggas in the lobby. Dog, There was a lot of niggas in the lobby. A lot of niggas came from that lobby.

Like yeah, like yeah, yeah, shout out shout out to like here pee, we gotta get it propped because I like peel like let me lead like it was like he was a real student, like to he was a student and when he got that ship, he'll lead to like it was U point of time. So well, I'm start this song. You got start ship like that so out a long way. But yeah, he gave me the opportunity. I mean, you know run it Up? Did I mean? I made I had a song called Hustler produced by DJ Plug was like a girl felt like a girl song, little underground. It'tn it was it wasn't bigger than Running Up, but it was big like it was big in the Southeast region. They know it at my shows. It's got over a mean view ship like that. I made Hustler, so I'm toring. I mean, I'm getting off of this. Then I made run it Up and then round it Up, made this ship like I was sing this artist all of the till it was all so round up. And then ship big old fact Cone right after that. So that like one thing, one thing about fucker always even my product song. They can hate my guts, so we're really they nobody hates my guts. If they do, it is because of what they hold one. But I don't don't talk, talk down and they don't do no some ship it ain't allowed. So I had the old them lock me.

But how big you think though, like if there was never no separation with the original rich Kids, how big you think that movement or that group would have gotten because you if you can name all the original Rich Kids and the talent that came from that movement.

Wow, at the time, man.

We had we had bedding wars on the table want just no one label trying to sign up. We had bidding war. So like, ain't got a bidding war? You know what your work? What what you got? Like if they made it off? Okay, y'all made all off? What's y'all? They had four people biddy? So it was like ship. I ain't no telling how huge that ship would have been?

And what what what was the separation? If you don't was it? You think it was just pride and.

Just be one pride and you go a little more so like everybody went on the same page because we were old enough to sign and had no say. So if it's five to six members in the group that brains and five or.

Six different sets of parents and guardian.

Opinions and like that so me, I always been a husted to it my ho. When I get my money, it ain't gonna never be dependent or the term another nigga. I'm gonna go get like you if I don't, don't mane today because of me, you were I was waiting on shoulder people so at the time, and I just felt like me getting my money off of the there was it was in somebody else's hands because I was signed. I had signed to paperwork, and I told her then my way out I should signed. Man, let's go, man, I need a need to get when they see this ship we out here. So that was really called split for real. That's why wen't never know bad blood. That's why any time we do shows, you're gonna see that we're still together. They don't look fake on stage and like we still hang together off camera, all of thold type of ship, still pull up on each other, crack jokes, all that ship. So it was just must So I stepped away because I was feeling like my career was in somebody else's hands. And then you know you had KT and and also like you know, ship on your own, not to what they're trying to bringing it to your bring just in case. I know, like like, hey, man, you know you start yourself now, So I'm like, all this ship. So but it was really the controlling of the money and the decision it's being made to where all these people got to be involved because we want old enough to sign no papers. So that's really the only thing that split the group. No ego, nobody, nobody feeling like they nobody. Hey, we already know school is a single, So it's all Michael Jackson Brown, right, you know what I'm saying. We already knew the characters and the ego or whatever of each other.

Like, but I feel like, really shit, I feel like if y'all never would have, like if it never would have been a split, if it never would have broke up, and if everybody could have gotten on the same page and become old enough to be able to make their own decisions and stayed on the same page, like y'all would have been like a cult classic to this day, Like.

I ain't gonna lie, I wish I wish it would have went like that because you can see it on my face every time we perform. You can go back to when we just did Birthday Bad, when we did the soul when we didn't talking our concert like you you can see it in my face and my body and shit like every time I'm on stage with them, like I enjoy that shit like it's not fake bro, like, like I really love when we get back together for some I rehearse for some like Nego tim By Old Times and shit like like. So I wish that it could have worked out, like I swear like that's why I say it won't. None of those ships were like niggas would like fuck you and all those shits. We wasn't never none of that. So I wanted to work out. But it's just me being a hustler and that I'm like, man, I can't just you know, sit around and be waning on some type shit like So.

Let me ask you this, do you think it could ever be revamped? Even though I know, like technically you guys aren't kids anymore, But do you ever think that now that everybody has had their life experiences, they're older now, they have they're more mature, and they have like a lot more knowledge and understanding of certain things under their belt, that you guys could ever come together and like revamp the rich kids and come back out.

Yeah we want to. Actually we got to perform a state fum rental for the Juice Show on the Cell Ceptmber. Like every time we get together, we talking about shit. Like last time we were saying there somebody burn the bag and they ready the album. I ain't gonna be still rich, right, we don't grow up still rich rich kid, still rich ship. Like, So we had ideas and meetings and all this on the old ship on our own, just about things we can do and try to set it up. But you know, like I say, people got personalized people that have kids, so like it's just hard. You know sometimes let's you know, gather together all the time. If that ain't everybody focused, you know, I think everybody biggas gotta gotta put their priorities first.

Like yeah, that shit cool, but there's something else outside of them already doing to keep.

The lights on it. But you gotta a couple of members and stuff that's like they like because one thing about us, ain't nobody fell off in those type of well as far as like living and all that. Everybody's still way above water for sure. So it's like niggas got ship going on exactly on somebody like I see all the time. So it's like niggas more so like what they put the bag in danger that bag in front of us. Yeah, I guarantee young exactly. Sound like they muscle like that. Like more so like hey man, they got ship, they got bills, real ship going on. We got older, so danger that bag. Then we'll show y'all I see it. We can get in and put our one hundred percent focus into it. That's pretty much where it's because we ain't never got no problem coming together, like we just did, say the ship last year, Like you see all the members be there.

We show up, show out, Yeah, shout out, shout out the player flag president.

That my cousin. And yes he is a member of the group. No, he's just not a side person that comes out or hands with us. Is an original member of the group. He's just not a rapper. You know how they had fat Man, Schoop and the old type of people. That's what he was was the group. Like you just can get in there because they ain't it up on a song, but he actually is on a song. My planner, Like that's him and me every time my plan Like every time, that's us saying it together like I said it and him and now it's like his voice, his vocals, like it.

Ain't it couldn't be. It couldn't be no rich kids without like slave without you, without school, without Klo, without shot, without Charles, like.

Y'all came together so well, like ain't nobody already from the same side of the town like that, Like so it was like but.

That's what made the ship so hard, because it was like it was like everything was covered, like y'all had like the o g niggas from the west side, the old niggas from the east side, the old niggas from.

The like everywhere, like we probably had my respect and street niggas room for us. And the older truck, some of the older truck rather than dead at the time, like the city definitely embraced us the worst way. I can't use y'all tight, yes, like for sure. That's why that's why we had to make the song upon them. And that's why I had to be the person on the hook to say all those I mean and she like that, because I was really bouncing around not saying nobody else in the group wasn't. I was just muscle one like.

That whole like that whole era, like was just a great time. Were alive in Atlanta with y'all boot like fucking everybody that was out.

And a ship was fun that one. He has been the club clutching you could going to club. It's sure a damn move man. You ain't had to be trying to like you tougher nigga means ship now it's your damn move. Got a mohawk or whatever going on? You got the time and I cut well, ship flying s your head to toe crucial, man, know what I'm saying. Damn nigga been backing around and crucing. I was sixteen fifteen. I ain't don't like, I don't let me get lost in oil on the coach, and I'm gonna really a part of this ship man like. But like I say, I'm a household name. But I still know, like, I got so much more work to do. Don't think that on content or I feel I got encompassed or nothing. I'm good. No, hell now, I got so much more to do, so much more to do.

What's the biggest misconception or misconceptions from the fans of the industry about Jose Kappa.

All that the people down there, don't give a fuck. H People just think I just don't give a fuck, like he don't care type shit, But I do, though I do care about it.

Do you think they have that perception of you because of what they've seen from me on previous like interviews and internet clips and stuff like that.

Probably so. And then I also think like people think like I like, because I know so much and been around for so long. I think people think like I still get mad like I used to and exploit them my son, you know, but that ain't well a nigga never been on like I'm been around down that ever rapper from Atlanta from the A List D List, I ain't no gossipling ad nigga telling on nigga buses. And they're like, man, I had to be in the brick factory where you got young school. Yeah, you got all these folks over there. You couldn't even be pushing none of that to be over gap like not Gucha Man Goo Wap and that he got sent to jail for. You couldn't be on no pussy nothing gospel now, like you know what I'm saying, Like they don't want to vibe like they ain't even t long a dogs over the wood was over there like a long way, like everybody can't be some ship and survived, o g and you come you can. It willn't even add up with different everybody go up a kick ass yo body and mama a kick ass out yo man, go get out, kick out. You gotta go. Sorry that gu you that raised Google walks and then different man go wal go walk walk, talling nigga a lot to man people, mistercession here. That's just like.

I don't know.

I don't know because people be thinking what every thinking, and I don't think, you know, like I'm just a nigga that if you ain't a real, stand up, real nigga, solid nigga, you ain't gonna tell me how you thinking. If you think in a bad type of world.

So so the biggest thing is that they think you don't give a fuck, but you're saying that you do give a fuck about what you need to give a fuck about.

Yeah, now, back then I actually didn't go like I ain't gonna lie. I didn't. So one of them makes conception World War War. But now it's like people still there's people thinking that I'm still on anything that I used to be.


It is the business makeslf like people. Now, you grow, you elevate, you learn, you changing for the better. You know, you don't switch up and no ship like that. Just you better yourself and I don't better myself.

So two thousand twenty four, squad, I think this is a great conversation for people to know your history.

You understand of saying like you contributed to the culture hip hop as a whole.

Gotta put them down, you know what I'm saying. But twenty twenty four from today, moving forward, what you on? Like what you're on as far as man your energy, your business endeavors, Like what's you on right now?

Moving forward?

I got a little podcast situation. I can't speak too much on it because I'm telling you all camera contracts ain't all the way in place. A little podcast situation, you know, like what.

What you're popping on your podcast?

I can't you know that we got the viewers got to wait and see you know what I'm saying. I want you to wait and see you I tell you off camera. Yeah yeah, I'm fucking with that because like she getting paid the toll, I know, y'all love it. Blessing oh shit, fucking with that. I'm still doing music. I'm working on tape right now and know it and be that'll be coming out soon. Niggas still doing show, Biggs still doing show. One thing a boy, The Chipping circles still getting tow up. Follow niggas tobody, they want hunt and all that. I'll take twenty fifteen twelves sh add up, okay, then ship, So chip circle is still getting tow up and ship. I'm I'm the more so looking into like eighteen wheelers laying ship like that like a store front like I was telling the teen earl, I'm looking for a space like this for an actual st right now everything and like a house. We running out of a house for It's like I said, like this like a room b room type ship, but it's a house, so Niga won't getting into. Well, Nigga got like an office space type ship. Yep, ship like that. And I've also been getting a little little niggas out of the city and just all from over a little little distribution deal and ship like that, like labels and ship and reaching out to me like hey man off of my featureless offer, who I got features with? They know like ain't the way the hell he just got me. Whatever he is with all with them features from folks from it. He gotta be somebody in Atlma. So like I say, label res out to me and they like even my time. I won't say her name, but one of the laders we even said, we already know you can go in certain places. We're afraid to go in and find that dope for all talent. So they be having me looking for talent. I get a checked for that, get on their distribution deals and ship like that, get shipped for that. I don't even have opportunities, so I won't get into it. They want me to write for certain artists or like Nigga looking at this ship to where like, oh man, this ship is so much bigger than just being a rapper, Like you know what I'm saying. The niggas that do that steps through to I got a strand that's gonna be on the way. Like Nigga just trying to endure herself and a whole lot of shit like the merch finna get turned to a cloth line and then point you ain't even on merchant no more. It's just a call on line. You know what I'm saying, So they're gonna be on the way like and also just linking up with people and learning like still be in the student of the game, you know what I'm saying, Like all whatever game. You know what I'm saying, Like, ain't gonna be.

The wrap game.

You can be the podcast game. It can be the vending machine game. Like just finding ways to be making money too well making money in my sweet regards, So I ain't depending on nothing, like you know what I'm saying. You know how they say, oh, I don't put your eggs in one basket. You can put all your eggs in one baskets, just gonna get small eggs in another basket.

I see it.

I can put all my eggs in the baskets. They're gonna get another basket and small eggs with inflation. You know, the head might cost a little much, but we got it, so said nigga, just capitalizing on all business administers that a nigga probably don't even know shit about ten years ago. Stock ship like that, like little ship. They be on your phone and the apps and investing in apps. You know what I'm saying, niggas that keeping in mind open I got financial advisor. Now to what I get taught about ship, like I still I'm still I'm still learning about so much ship I was like, Damn, I wish I knew this, you know what I'm saying. But it's never too late. I don't believe in over too late, like and never too late. So that that right now. And also I want to I'm finna kick my ley ball man take that far back, ceo role man, come just walk.

Gonna be XBL or something else.

It's definitely gonna be XBL because that actually means somebody. You know, I had a niggas like this ship I had, but swimming for sure, it ain't gonna change it. Ship tatty everywhere on me, on my face everywhere, like I'm dead and gone. You're gonna be able to see it when you walk past my cast, you know what I'm saying. So yes, there's definitely gonna be sbl mos. So we still living. We still live in trafficking style. We come from nothing. We come from red clay. Our dirt went he and brown. It would have red clay, no grass. So ship where we're at now, we we ain't, we ain't what we want to be. But we're closer to the finish line. Then we stopped right now back and try to go baffle. Now we got along as a wait or walk back to what we started a then to the fender line. So they just trying to make sure you stand focused and just staying like on positive ship, Like I'm on my healthy ship too. I want well know that like my healthy ship, see my black black seed, or I'll be working with the damn called the core field ship like putting yeah, kick the cook the cook, kick no cap on it, Like, ain't no, how hard was it for you to do that? It wasn't that hard. Make my mind up, like it was still like temptations and I you know, you know, of course I would relapsed to the point where I probably the relacs will start with I'm still around people. I was still being around people. That was a dodging and drinks. So it's like sho, I might you let me hit your cup? Then my brother, somebody just tapped the my motherfucker, man, you know what I'm saying, get the tapping the motherfucker two three more time and now like bought me a little bit, but nahigg the cup completely ship, Like that ship really was slowing nigga down like I wasn't paying attention to it. But don't get it fucked up though, Like the cup, I can't blame the cup for just everything. Yeah, the cup and the readmi of ship went.

Up to how you feel, That's what I'm saying, how you feel about.

Hey man?

You know.

In the studio and you and your mind is being influenced by something else, and you always and you put your thoughts with what that particular subs is making. You ain't can you make the same music or better music after you? I don't need nothing to make music. I ain't want the niger They got an own boy. I gotta add purpse, I gotta add we need nothing shit easy, I don't. I'm I'm a reality rapper. On I tell they even get money. I don't all if you go back, just go look. I came out on my first on my first solo mix tape, it say I'm kicking pimpy. That would say on the cover, I think you did that part of that, I think you did. Yeah, they said I'm kicking pimpy. Like I'll let you know, like I'm coming fucking with the bushes. I'm only get money ship, like yeah, we don't, we'll spanky you can get all of that. We do all that too, but that's the image niggas gotta have or none of that. So like, yeah, that was go on, so get ready for the new music though, like right now, I got on a song called ppp out. They're doing good for me as far as at Lina wise, it was just some ship that like I just gave the fans. Then I gave my a mix tape on free platforms, not on Alpha Music, Spotify, not on now you Gotta Stride to Pay your money. It's on all the free platform it's called Sorry for the Addiction. And it's like I did, like the Wayne style, Yeah, like the Wayne style dedication Jack and Beats did like twenty twenty one songs that So that's out too. Just I'm not ain't even like I'm ready to promote it cause it's for like the fans. Fans like it ain't feel like like this for apology to my fems, y'all felt like I want to putting out music consisted like how are y'all used to here? Y'all go on from the show, I'm back on it. So pretty much, Yeah, that was going on and making shell on locking there relationships because when I do drop my album, I don't know when it's gonna be, but the name of it is gonna it's gonna be tighter relationships. It's worth more than money. So I'm just making sure all my relationship is good. You know. Like I said, I ain't burning too many bridges, but if I burn some and I think I gotta go back awsome what I'm saying, they ain't catch nobody ask no ship like that. But nigga, my nigga, know, like nigga. Man, I'm like, oh man, like I'm a probably a kid thinking I was growing man, but I'm a man now. So like I said, I'm taking counterbuisits follow my ass and I a single with no kids. So any women they've been going on, Kamela Harris, somebody like DM DM me hit me up, shoot your shot. It might be swish yeah yeah yeah. And that's a big old fat This is a big fat podcast.

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