The creator of one of the hottest street platform's, Famous Animal, stops by BIG FACTS to talk transitioning from the street life, staying out of rap beefs, how he built his brand and more.
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Big Bang, you're gonna be on nothing. I'll be okay, So let me ask this bring you big big visit the new website today Big Facts. Paul dot God from the Trap Music Music Big Bankers, Hed DJ Screaming seeing Baby Jadson were team Big Facts in the Streets asked for this one today. You know, if you're trying to get hut in the streets, you gotta go see the one and only Famous Animal. Then pulled off what's what's uthing? My brother, We made it happen. We manifested it, and we talked about a couple of months ago, said we was gonna make this happen, and now we're here. How you feeling, I'm feeling great, feeling great. So before before the viral platform with the freestyles and everything, tell us a little bit about who famous Animal was before that and what you was doing before that and what it was like growing up in the mtown. Okay, Pole famis Am. I was animal, Like how animal in the streets? You know, I was animal on the streets like That's how I got That's how I got the nick name in the streets being an animal, you know, going through Oh, I grew up in like walker Home, Salthmanfish you know, seven of us staying around. Yeah, ground grew around like you know, the familiar rounds and sho go around. You know a lot of people like that. Oh, there's a real neighborhood. Went from walking home the real side, real side. It was more like walker Home was stealing bikes. Real side went to breaking the houses and all that type. You know what I'm saying, something like, you know, growing up in the streets. You know what I'm saying, like growing up in the streets, being in the streets, gang banging, you know, ship like dude, it was row. Yeah. So at what point where you were like this ain't it. This ain't gonna end good. I gotta do something else. She wants a legal Oh. I was like, I was like seventeen years old in a situation. I had got a situation like, oh, arristed like a fully automatic you know what I'm saying. I like seventeen. I was so blessed because like the charge was like fade. You know what I'm saying about me being a juvenile, you know, handing it in the juvenile situation. By the time I turned nineteen, you know what I'm saying, it was dumb with you know what I'm saying. I just feel like that point was like man, I just saying, like who was really hurt for me? You know? And you know how my mom was doing this? And then then like certain people want dirt for me? Who I speaking out the streets? You know streets you know doing it twenty or thirteen by Savon Town, Like yeah, something new, got to do something else? So what was the first step of But I mean it's getting away from animal and that that that ain't it? Like what was the first play out the streets before? Like before the platform? Was a play before that? Or do you just jumped straight into the platform? I hot on? You know, I wanted to work in the workhouse job working worthhouse job, you work it for you got a job, which I always tell people on being fast, its okay to get a job. Ain't number getting a job. I want to get a job. You know. It worked there for a couple of years and um, just going through the difficulties for dealing with people outitudes and I go on to work in They're like dann this ship you know, going to work stretched out of the day and a point and realized like this hy I need. You know, one day, I just woke up one day and I quit. I walked out where I had a old got a tool, one of the lighters, and you know, talking smart to me, like fuck this ship quick, this ship I quite like a couple of days light of red dude. So it's like shit and they got figures home, shit out you know, Oh I oh, A little situation had happened, you know, and the um and I had kind of just dropped a YouTube vidon You know what I'm saying, Like a little situation with somebody chine, she got to you know, I want third. I want to hand those ties in the part I Joel like mine Memphis with the ship. You know what I'm saying, Like the ship out of her, I'm in the streets, you know what I'm saying, Like I can tell you how it heels out her if I like the fuck didn't heed, you know what I'm saying. But the situation they took place home like mine, this rap can't go get the chain back two day lighter that rapper want he got the chain man out of this nigga. No, you know what I'm saying, Yeah, Like this ship was gonna take place like that. You know what I'm saying, Who the fuck is? Didn't he? You know what I'm saying, did y'alls? And picking though like on hundred two peo hundred thouns on YouTube, Like couple of days, I like, who it? Didn't they out? Like, Man, I'm in the streets, you know what I'm saying, Like she you know, I was just so being gonna trying to prove how I was in the streets for real and how I was really doing this shit. You know what I'm saying, shit like the NFL like they were toning in because the shit I was dropping with facts, you know what I'm saying. So like that's when I realized, like I am broke if I want to see me And I was like when I put the finis on top of the animal with the TV owner, like man, that wanted I want viral that when I put Fighters TV on you know animal, But I always been animals. It's the streets. And that's how I kind of started. I always like, man, if I use this street energy and put it into something, but she's gonna work. And what I kind of were doing like using the street shit like fucking so let me answer this, what made you make the decision to be a YouTuber instead of being a rap nigga Like the rest of the whole entire world. I tried to wrap it wasn't making me no money at night, and they're like when I dropped the YouTube, I as a fighting it just I had it did like I would record the ship, you know, closet studio and shit like this, so it like the same one third, you know, but like far being street all the pistels in the video game back, I had a name in the streets, like people were tuned in fucking with this ship, you know what I'm saying. Then, like you know, she got too high. The shit out was rapping, like nigga really couldn't have gotten in trouble throughout those situations that nigga you know here because like I do even work and just for inspiration though, I want everybody know how much you paid for that camera again, the camera started with three hundred loss for me on the paunch, I had like four hundred loss. I played three hundred lolls on the count and I went out to hit the streets. I didn't I wanted my attention, want to interview rappers, how the people see me? Went Viarl talking about house in the streets and show like, man, I'm gonna go around intergrawing people in the streets to get the side of the store. I don't know. I ain't cavin know this shit facts. So I went around intervrow and street niggas. You know what I'm saying. Niggas, Like some niggas were like, I ain't went the camera shit, you know what I'm saying, Like probably we ain't gonna say nothing, you know what I'm like, you can talk about how all that shit on this motherfucker you know what, to throw it out like we ain't got none of that. And this had come of play niggas. Street niggas was coming on their motherfuckers saying that shit. You know what I'm saying, were tuned in, you know, like damn this this white get the street shit it you know what I'm saying. Oh, it become interverse street niggas. A lot of niggas started called dude round like want that exposure. E. That's when I went, I was doing this shit in my my, my room, my living room, while I was living it. Sign in the back. That was it I turned my house and took You know what I'm saying, like block boy blew up. Like if you go back and look at the interviews in my house, Drake and the sim shit, this is my house. You know what I'm saying, Yo, real to start this shit in my room? Ye So, um what I was about to ask you. I was about to say, Um, have you ever thought about doing like hosting niggas nicka tapes and narrating nigga nick tapes? Ship? They've been trying to give me the oh, trying to hold some ship. You know what I'm saying. I even just getting on nigga song because it's like some ship that could be. You been making them nigga shit sound. They're like, shit, I want to listen to the song. That shit I'm gonna sound, not like the freestyle bro legs and ship. You know what, I got some ship in the works. I got some ship I'm gonna do. They fucking with it. You know what I'm saying, I'm not because on the mofucker you might hear shit on your ship and then you gonna listen to me like shit ain't really the sign sign? Yeah, they ain't happen that shit ain't happening to sing. I think I bring the extra energy to it. You know, you're saying, like the most slept on nigga that came on your show, like this nigga hard most slept on nigga that came on show shin A lot of had a bunch of hard ship. I think a lot of folks sniper thone wrong. You know what I'm saying, because but I don't say they slept on now because now it's at the point to where NAS come on She with the right She nigga day they Major Laye was signed. Yeah, I'm like, I'm like, Bro signed the counting here bro saying the count you're saying paperwork. I ain't. Bro, ain't day or two. You know they signed the niggas on freestyle and I ain't. Like a lot of more fuckers slept on, you know what I'm saying. But like that, I was kind of providing the platform to help Healthy Moore the same. You know what I'm saying, health Chin, They like, you know, I'm put them in better situations. You know what type of feedback you get from niggas like nigga behing you up. Still like afterwards and shit like, bro, fuck which you turned me up? Mine? I'm gonna say, they're like more like the new generation, more new generation shit they they they like, Bro, man, did person just threw me out? I didn't Person trying to sign me. I'm on the whole step of the way. Come in the middle of me. Bro, what you think I'm like, Bro, Like, you know what I'm saying, Take like yo, I got like the more new generations, they keeping it more solid, you know what I'm saying. They keeping me more in tune because they realized, like, broke your platform hit me. You know what I'm saying, your platform at the time my life, Bro, and I salute you for this. So like the new generalation, they fucking women salutely on that obscs. You had to get old after you put the fingers in the TV on them oscars. I had to get out, Bro, coming from the streets and doing this shit. I think that obschool is like a lot of niggas, like hand the nigga from the street or heard about me in the streets, So a lot of niggas didn't want to fuck with me, you know what I'm saying, Like I don't know you know what I'm saying. The nigga might poot me for freestyle song and then you know what I'm saying, So like I hain't to kind of proved myself to like my ain't knowing this shit. No, you know what I'm saying. Like I'm in the middle of the hood. You know what I'm saying. I'm saying, so I had to kind of like so so people like, my, look, I'm hamming it now. You know what I'm saying. I go bout my own jerish ship. Now I ain't. I ain't don't know looking at when it's in your pocket. I ain't know this, you know what I'm saying. But but I come from this so nigga like I heard a boutance, so I gotta you know what I'm saying. But as I kind of showed me like I was gonna getting my own on something dude this, they kind of salute me man, like I respect bro man. Yeah, getting out of the mood. How you keep like everybody know, like Memphis would be a lot going on and sometimes there's a lot of division and everything like that. So how you keep yourself out the mixer? Oh the BS rapping my own brand, building my ship from the ground up. You know what I'm saying. I could have easily started climbing this side of this side, and I'm rocking with this side of this side, and I just looked at like, bro, I know so many the niggas climbed this side of this side and didn't heat CoA sing nigs when I were real particting. I'm ready to kill for this side of this side, and nest even get a change. You know what I'm saying. Nigga can't even get the music reposted. Yeah, so I'm like, I'm going to climbing. Sh I didn't even I was saying, Yeah, you know I don't I come to guy by my own time. You know, I don't need nobody getting me no time. So now I'm being my own. If a nigga I wants to big what I got going off fun, Yeah, now I don't need nobody else coach signed me putting that step on me. You know what I'm saying. I mean, it's cool. You know what it's like because some folks, you know, I wish I had a dan, but now that I didn't kind of made it to where I'm in. Then like, man, I'm glad I didn't take that because I would have been affiliated. I want I want ever to be doing freestas and interviews with it, you know what I'm saying. So then like my being separated from all that buys she didn't know famans like knowing this shit, so I can I can do business with D niggas or do business with D nigga, you know, because of my own business. You know what I'm saying. You know what I'm saying. I ain't coming to the game partnership lord, you know what I'm saying. Shit like this, So they kind of keep me divided from all the bullshit be of my own brain time. At the at the end of the day, like once you get to the last step in the final part of all of this ship, what's your end game that you want to pull out of everything that you're doing, Like what I'm trying to get a lot of this ship. Yeah, Like what's your what's your end goal? Like what's your final aspiration like that you want to reach at that last level. It's more like I really want to I want I want I want to change. I want to change to like I want to change my community of course, you know like times the generation of wealth of my family. You know I come from I dropped out of school, go breaking hands to my vide. You know, I ain't gonna do it to be cool. I want to do this to help out saying yeah and leak, did I hear? I can't back and split it with my mama. You know what my mama knew. My mom used to cray and time I leave the house because she knew when you're on that, you know, But any time I come back, like mom, this is what I'm doing. If I ain't doing it to be cool, you know staggers right. You know I'm saying, so the whole perpect I was, I was doing this shit to put food on the table. You know what I'm saying, are the cool shot the whole o what you were saying, It is more like the time the generational gap between come from where I come from, poor and all that ship. Then everybody look to me and a family. You know, I want to scat my nigby. You're gonna back scatter day. You know they the money to Jerry and ship ain't about the family. Man was looking at me want to use my bearded facility. You know, they more looking up to me now your family. So I feel like I'm gonna rich. Yeah, like yeah, I got I got people to feed, you know what I'm saying. So I think the old round outcome and I don't want to jip be able to know every better be straight that Sorry, I'm supposed to be what someone sets you feel like, different from the streets to the industry like and what someone sets you feel like. This is the sac different far as m conducting yourself around certain people. You know, you know you can't just come around the street, you know, like a better you come around two street. They'd be scared, you know. You know what I'm saying. So like conducting handing yourself as a person, know when you come around people, you know, that's kind of like you gotta handle it in a different way. You know, a lot of industries shop be fake whatever they say. But I know how to fuck out the fake ship. Yeah I'm trying to you know what I'm saying. The face I'm saying, so it's something shit I'm be understanding, Like you know, like this ship fake, ain't with it, man, shit, fucking you know it's fake. Handle the house you know what I'm saying. You need to handle it. Get what you need to get out of, the take care of being to fuck out. It a lot of games trying to be around to be cool. Now give what's gonna get get out? What's different is oh the difference he is more like now I'm more to communicate with just ahead of different. Yeah, I did it with street motherfuckers. You know what I'm saying. I say that I was still dealing with street motherfuckers. You know some more still coming in more a third and deep. You know what I'm saying, Steve, you have been able to hang around. You know I'm doing the preesta. I got third the niggas behind my head, you know what I'm saying. So like certain ship, I still you know, got a down two wats beyond point. You know what I'm saying. Shit like, but it certain ships you stuff need in order to be comfortable. Yeah. What you see different though, like like just say vincetent when you go into like because you finished that, start doing big. What means like you say, these labers and ship, they start booking the arts to come on your ship all that shit. Like what you see different and what you see the same, Like you get what I'm saying, Like we might look at exact as if this is exact, but he'd be cut through just like a nigga in the street from a pistol. Yeah, you get what I'm saying. That's what I see is the same about the ship like we might think because the nigga pants ain't saying he shi yeah, yeah, nigga, the the whole fuck nigga. You get what I'm saying, trying to do the same ship that nigga trying to do, but he's trying to do it with for Ni. Yeah, he's trying to do it and I'm gonna wait, he's trying to do it with for Ni. Get what I'm saying. I feel like this shit really the same but different. Yeah, like you just said, you know what I'm it's more like yeah, like it more to sign because like you still did it with the Sign, you know what I'm saying. Fucking shit, some the mentalities and you know, the different vibs you gotta bring when you bring come around people. You know, you come around the more fucking like a nerd or as you think here nor you're gonna try to act nerd. This and ship. You know what I'm saying, so like just trying to own but at the same time being yourself. You know what I'm saying the same time that this more what you need to steak with. You know what, I'm gonna say that because like I was at the point of time and I used to change up how I used to act or move around. People that can't do this. You just gotta twelt yourself. You can't change yourself, you gotta you know what I'm saying, Like you said, I ain't gonna bring an animal to it. I'm gonna bring that famous animal, right, but I'm gonna come here at you as animal business. Why trying to talk a little bit specially more you know, shit like this for real though? But nah, yeah they said it help We'll not got big fat a lot of nick feel like you old him something now Yeah she nah they've been not for what. I ain't I actual nigga for nothing, you know what I'm saying, Like, ain't nobody really oh just really you know, come through from me. You know what I'm saying, Like the really motherfucker, I mean it was outside of my city, you know what I'm saying. Jackson missippy, you know what I'm saying. So, look like she had a draft through els awaiting me. Really this nigga I can seller for I'm saying. So she like the people that didn't have name with you, you know how my fucking to have name with you? Like you come up so it's like I ain't looking up at you like what you're gonna do? Yeah, you got a motherfucker, asked the ball something something. Then you probably like you ain't got it or a normal son. They probably get mad or something like that. You know what I'm saying. But i'd be kind of just I kind of throw it off, don't I just kind of placed you a different way. Now, I feel like I own summer song. And then he get mad about it. So I did throw it new press shoes out of blue. I didn't get out damn minded the chain. I think about this ship. You know what I'm saying. She liked it, But from my understanding, I don't know about like I don't know, you know, no, Mama, Mama cool. You know what I'm saying, Like she's straight or brothers and sisters and them, they'd be straight. I ain't. I still help the people that be around me. So it's like, if they feel like they entied to more than that, I think that was some greedishit, then yeah you had to clip that. All that was kind of going viral ship where you were saying, man, look at me. You know I'm saying I had to do no bullshit. You ain't gotta do no bullshit. You can do this shit just motivating everybody. But what's the what's the process of the person that's looking at that that don't believe that that They only think that the bullshit is the only way they can get where they're gonna go. What you doing? My whole reason for saying that, But it was like I come from the streets and sh I know high Wood, like I wanted some juries, so I uhould go try to break in the house and I look for the jerry box and the dress and you know what I'm saying. So I was saying that to say like, man, did you know what I'm saying? Like I ain't doing it to be cool. Yeah, you know what I'm saying right now, I just feel like, man, the position I'm in that and like the creator note, I be feeling like she sh I broke here. I want to go leave someone on that porch. I don't know if it's the same people who stay there. But then my heart be feeling like you know what I'm saying, so it yeah, you know what? So it one like I don't know shit like maliciously you know what I just had to I mean, this is all I to figure out, Like yeah for sure, yeah, talk so long, just kind of just letting people know, like mine ain't got to do no folks, she ain't got to take nothing, no bad. He ain't got to do that. You know what I'm saying. If you believe you know what I'm saying, believe in song, write it down, you know, have a vision. You know what I'm saying, Oh, talk to the creator, you know, Like that's the biggest thing I can't. I can't you know, suggest that people talk to the creator. Write it down. You know the village and Chase the dream Like a lot of people don't know what Chase the dream Man is. But I'm I'm gonna give my example of it. Like when you come up with a vision, if something like telling you man, go to make donards today instead of Burger can't go to make down because like every time you went with your second opinion. Someone went wrong, Damn, like some I'm talking me to have first Damn. Something told me to make a stop first. So it's like get first thought, intuition. It'd be like, that's what it's telling you to do. You know what I'm saying. Something sign with the platform. Someone's telling me, bro, look do this, go out of the interview people in the street. I did it, weren't you know what I'm saying, even when the interviews and she got dressed at my little changed around, even from bro, even from going to home deep out. I went two three days straight. I'll get this piece of wood, come back and look at some shit smoke me. Want to look at this piece of wood. I can't build this ship together. I'm bildad thing. Am I vieling from the ground. Look, I'm someone just telling me go get this, and I did it worked out. It's called believing in your process. You got most people feel like because they can see I can see scream do it this way. I'm gonna jump in his lane and not even got them. And I'm gonna get in this nigga lane and crash when I could have just my ship clear. I probably got them. The motherfucker might be bumping, but it's a clear role to my family. You know what I'm saying. That would either be sucking up and you're trying to jump on another knee that's really ended. Yeah, I see what you're doing. Let me try to do this. I want what you got, and then that's gonna be my shortcut instead of me doing what I need to do and taking however long I actually need to take for my shot from myself exactly exact. Yeah, No, that's that. Yeah, that's we see that a lot, just because the nigga like he could have have rap friends, you know what I'm saying, feel like because I come up behind round wrappers, I need to be a route. Yeah, the raps don't work them man at the routs. Yeah, it stood up, but I'm less cune. You gotta figure out your own, ain't bron just don't understand that ship. You're mad on another nigga, and that ain't even what God got you here, fucking right. You probably way better as something else. Ye, but you're watching this man ship and trying to now your ship blurry because you can't even see what the pastor bank. That's the truth though. Rock see that ship so much like Bro me, I'm the type of me I don't tried every hustle you can think of. I wouldn't give a damn weather it here if if it fit, being it thick, if it don't fit or quick. You know what I'm saying, Like, I ain't been enforced little ship. Yeah yeah, And I ain't gonna be mad at it didn't work out. I'm gonna take that energy and be onto the next shit that I need to dry. I'm on them, nigga, that shit ain't working. That shit need to work fast, says, not just work. I don't have to get no money off of it, man, but I gotta start feeling comfortable, you know what I'm saying. Like when you start got them interview on the niggas in the streets and and seeing the energy that you what you're not, I'm pretty sure you want making no money off the rip. Yeah nah, you get start making up, but you start loving this shit like I love what I'm doing. That's when you're gonna make the money exactly by coming to motherfucker frown them up there every day. Bro, I ain't getting no money off this shit. I'm happy to do this shit, he said, we got You know what I'm saying, Yeah, yeah, right, that's how that shit go. B Yeah. So it's safe to say you love you love your city, you love Memphis, you love the coach, the artists and everything. How does it personally impact you? You know, to see the headline that jumped off, passed away, a big scar passed away against the bull passed away, How does that personally affect you? Person Because you know, they put it down for the m. You know what I'm saying, They put it on for the m. You know what I'm saying. They Oh, they held it down and made me look good. You know what I'm saying. So I salute them. You saying anybody putting it down, I salute them. You know what I'm saying, Like, oh, I used to boom. Yeah, I met up personally like the club and she knew I would. So the guys chat, they loved me, you know what I'm saying. So like chat like my and the legend a player flat skin, and they loved me. The legends loved me. Eight ball. So it's like, so you had Juicy on the in the background real and they come to me there knowledge what I got, Like, bro, you know when we love what you're doing, love what you built, man, and it should be So let me ask you this on a more serious no, um, what are your thoughts about the whole situation with Tyree Nichols, Risk and Piece. I don't want to say too much, you know, and they're kind of speaking on it, but oh, Risk in peace. You know what I'm saying. It's a sad situation, you know. Oh, you know, I'd have been doing stuf myself, Like I don't seventeen shit, you know what I'm saying, but not not not to this thing. You know what, I'm still here, you know, so like you know, I just send my adults to the family, you know, things like that. Oh but yeah, I really can't get too too. You have kids. I got a little boy, so you do have something. Yeah, And like I mean, I know you don't want to really like go into it that far, but what do you kind of like teach your son as far as you know his dealings with people in law enforcement to kind of try to do what you can to prevent a situation like that as much as possible. Pomp its Just like if a nigue got a pillston you telling get it up, get up, comply. Yeah, yeah, he's still a bit software. You know what I'm saying. That's at the end of the day. If you didn't, if you want a no win situation, you win situation. It is what it is and how I look at it, you could be the poleague could be a nigga. Nigga draw a stick out right here, man, I can't put it. Get the motherfuck out in time. I'm gonna get you what you want, but I can get them over that. He's gonna get what you need. You get what I'm saying, what it is, bro, I don't know. I agree. Don't fol have to tell me to put my hands down because mean my hands up to the max. Bro, I'm not reaching for shit. I'm not nothing. I'm my hands is up. I'm complying to you telling me how you to catch authorizer? Are you telling me put them down? So in that case, in that case, though, this is just healthy conversation. In that case, when it just becomes because I think that's some police be having other shit going on. It ain't got nothing to do with the cur but sure a personal vendetta with the fucking adrenaline of authority, and that from my honors, I mean from what I've seen, that's what I believe happened in the case with you know, mister Nichols or whatever like like like he said, R I P to his family and our condolences and everything like that. But the whole situation with some bullshit. That whole situation with some bullshit, because there's no fucking way that all of that was supposed to have taken place because of what they were allegedly stopping him or questioning him for or about or whatever that was. That was like that ship was funny. A lot of the people are regular people too, everybody everybody the police sounds they come from, if they came from maybe they come from. Shouldn't that make it? But should that make them? Shouldn't that make them like understand more about like how to dofuse a situation that isn't that serious? Like you said, you know, when you feel like you got more, you know, you know you because you know Sony black Man, I see you without the badge and then be a whole nother is you know what I'm saying, or you know, vice versus so you know I said, Man, I really came, which was the should you do? Just stay out to meet? I think screen asked it, but you know, just that the mix about the shit oh man, about this playing form and hempty artists. You know what I'm saying, blow like shit artists saying something the artists blow off my platform. Then more like s I gotta stay focused on this, bro, you know, so I can change people lives now with this ship. So the more lives out trying to help me stay out of bulletsh you know what I'm saying, Ship, Then I gotta go home my fane some sh flam and you know, trying to other people lives and take care of my folks about the club shod gonna club and shit, I don't like bro, me going to clue. They gotta play me like an art you know, because I'm coming in big with j Vibe. He niggas gonna be into a whole other situation. But me being there, you know, I'm in the middle of this ship, so people gotta understand that clubs shit like bro, I can make more money sit my age where I'm at. You know what I'm saying, something like for you to get for me to come from the club and shit dawn like I can do a freestyle day after they leave out there. Yea like the club shit, I don't want to really, Yeah, I did this shit like I indeed it didn't do. Who's the ultimate freestyle? Like on the platform, like I got to get this nigga. It ain't got it. It could be a big nigga. That could be a nigga on the car like I got. I know, I know he'll go crazy and I'll turn them up even more. Oh, turning them the more or niggas's already made, don't matter. I turned up the niggas that Mike could have really lose the juice, you know what, to see them do something. You know what I'm saying. With the platform and generation helped them. You know what I'm saying, read jun Night back to the streets. You know what I'm saying, nigga lose respectful niggas and when they see him come back and help. You know what. I nigga salute them, but I mean him. I don't want to. I've been heaving niggas some guy who had a name, you know what, to recover. You know what I'm saying. She like did, but the ultimate free style sh you ain't chase behind the names and ship you rather you get your ship. You're drilling out of the young nigga. Bro. My no, my nigga had to tip. My folks had to convince me to stop turning down the big interview, the big freestyle. I was like, fuck, once I start my ship started going to where I can get a Oh, I see how the big rapper went. I don't need big platforms. Indeed, two three hundred dollars project did something with a person at the streets that nobody don't get two three hundred dollars plus. Yeah, you know what I'm saying and with a No. Nine and I need it over and over over over go real bloss up blog boy, let me go keyboard muther. You know what I'm saying, like she and this goes on saying. So to see how these artists come from nothing and didn't be able to get on a platform didn't know you like I don't have birth verse. You know, months later, superstar Bro're trying to catch them right down, like right now, getting the raw conversation from a person, Bro before they got damn get dare all that fact? Yeah, so I signed the music. What are the type of ship you into? Like, oh, I'll be trying to let me trying to get into the real estate ship. You know what I'm saying, A little building this ship. You know what I'm like, I used to be said, I grown up being, and she tried getting real estate. Let me try to get into the air thin. But then I try to stay in my line. You know, I'm I trying to stay in my line with this ship. I know I didn't. I an't okay cool, Let me get into some by some movies and ship fit to sit calm and you know, hey, I think I got it so sh and fit the sick and kind of put together, you know. So she like that I got some ship. I gotta lay out the feed it. You know, you really ain't never been a movie that represent Memphis at it. Give me, ye, give me. I got some choices, choices I'm saying that go be like like how you know how how I hustling flows down? Went hard? Yeah yeah, yeah, fash yeah yeah, my black DJ. I forgot about that because he's on sail Street, y'all. St yeah yeah yeah. And then so okay, so outside of like the real estate and everything that you do outside of the YouTube stuff. What do you like to do to have fun? Oh? Now it's I got all that shit. More like my niece, I got third times an effort, you know, so like you know, to spend time with down you know, don't have any activities you like about? Yeah, Pholos and ship, pold the third vice and ship. My mom got a field across the street like dirt vis Pholos and shit. I like having fun. What's your favorite food? Favorite food? It signed? I focus it, signd like it possibly. Yeah, I got to figured it out. You know what the restaurants and Sholam ship didn't like. Now I'm fig this ship. I'm trying. This ship ain't even though I know, but falling off the ball. Yeah, I got the work. Besides, God damn breaking them for hous want to give him this ship? That what's the shit? You feel like? If I could take that back? I take that back? She did that, I honestly, bro twenty men cried, don't I don't think I should take nothing back. You know what I'm saying, because like my journey that got me here, got built me to what I am. You know that shit doesn't went through the shit I did made me the person I am, feel the person I feel the way I feel about the situation to do you know what I'm saying, look on the other side of damn with me or dude, dude. They made me feel like you know, you know what I'm saying. But to take it back, I think by me doing it, I don't want to take it back because I had not already been through it. Nothing guy got over and Overcolm met, you know, and I feel like all this undeeding, the pad and the pains now you know something place now Like if I think about I thought about being back, you know what I thought about being right here in between you know, Big Bank and Jay like right there, like I seen this ship, bro, No, like I don't know, like I seen me in my part of time, Like like I seen me right for me to be right here, you know, And like so you're gonna travel, You're gonna travel your ship. I've been state. People don't know if you go man, you go back and look at me, bro, I was traveling back and two down the seventeen, don't. I went to Old I hain't went down to Jackson and City Lincoln that she doesn't want a career. Really, you know what I'm saying that, Like, that's the first stop I went to Jackson me to see if I started calling folks on my phone who I did an interview with us? Something When I've been traveling since to the seventeen with the platform state to state standing up front an empire standing in front, the ruck of LA would be on this counter fourteen fifteen hours. You know what I'm saying to three years later Capital Rug, I'm rug Atlantic Rugger. Yeah, I used to go stand in front that being a fifteen I don't looking for somebody with a shirt. Don't looking for somebody I know off the end of it. She liked me and my pot of real time. We used to travel just gonna do this shit. So man, they call on my phone. Bro, when we see the labors call the phone, I call, Yeah, it's Atlanting, Bro. You know what I'm saying for real? Yeah, listen, when you got your first like real check, a real like sum of money, What's what's the first thing you say? This is the first thing I gotta go do. I know you say, I know you got moms right, but like and how far into it. Did you say it's trying to get the chain and the jury and show these folks was going on. Did you buy that shit off? I ain't lying about I put up I like my I need, I need to put up a sign of the mount before I do anything. I was still running around the beach with dirty shoes and dirty cal signed Cold Bro partly had like a hunted put off, but I weren't a sign ship, you know what I'm saying. Like real, I was like assuming there was somebody else's money out then, or I got a peppe long what I'm saying. This shit with public roles fun TV didn't get no p p P. I ain't get no I ain't getting no coach like real talk, it's in public rock that you're gonna have. So I think people were kind of looking though, trying to see what the nigga doing. They're like, damn, the nigga ain't in the street and didn't really making money out and she's doing this shit. So like I was, I put up with like I had a goal and put up this turn. When I put up this turn, okay, I feel okay cool. And then when I kept looking in like hey, this shit rid of that. It was kind of okay, I'm good myself. Yawn was like, Bro, I don't want to be sitting and saying right now, go have fun. Nigga did my nigga like I got the build and my nigga came on like, nigga, I'm gonna donate. I was doing good a life, like I want to donate eight thousand to your company? Like what you could? I want to sit Shi go right? You know what I'm saying. I'm like, what you know, like this ship? I got money? You know I'm saying this ship, Like this ship, it's my nigga. You did got firms of lights and how that type shit? What you did with how you got to be able to set up? Oh? I eventually got still, I got a studio in the back. You know what I'm saying for oh, come arts to come record and shock got the podcast ship. I had a call and stone the back out something. You know what I'm saying. Um, I'm still dealing with the merchant stuff and then looking for different builders and stuff. But oh, I got like different sections in them on the podcast. Lets set up the prestaff ship, ye know, so I got them over right, who's bin did that you want to do? Like now I need to get anything on my ship? Oh I think I want to. I think should eventually come into play, you know what I'm saying. But of course I want all the niggas from my city. You know what. Put it down, mate, you know what I'm saying. And I went to them to coming with the platform and showing I think it. I don't be right, you know what I'm saying. Shit, me being a someth got something going on. She bring this ship together, you know what I'm saying. So I live to do the ship with the big dolls on the niggas from my city. You know what I'm saying. Putting it down, sho. It was a young generation to you know what I'm saying back. You know what I'm saying. I wish I could have had some ship with thug being on it. You know what I'm lay would have killed them allfucker. But you know, so on your playlists, what's on your playlists? Like what you what you riding too? When you're sliding, Like what's on your playlists? Out the freestyle you bump all on like Y's on the mare would be so jammed bro, read listen to this nigga didn't nigga different? You know they get any big going crazy? Like really then, like people don't know when I really I do the freestyle sit there. I had to edit the motherfuckers. I'm really listening to this ship. Everything that's saying, I'd be ready the same all fucking before I even post them. I've been telling my pot like, bro, look watch the program, watch this ship. Bro. You know what I'm saying, Like, Bro, I did you start the motherfucker you MoU signed to the label or something? You know? Yeah, so what you what you do? What's what you do with somebody sitting that chair next to you? You know, you put your headphones on the beat and all that, and they ain't it ain't you're feeling. I gotta bring the energy because like you know, everybody, she ain't gonna fuck. I don't listen to everybody moves. You know what I'm saying. What you're coming on the platfone, you're trying to present it to the world. I'm presented to the world wat you. But what I ain't gotta together? They fucking up and they ain't prepared. I got a black bro look you got some else in the box. I ain't feeling that ship. Nah, I ain't getting it. Here's something milk she hard o. Controducers get that beat and you know what I'm saying to do that, they go something better. I do get the options to kind of like you know what I'm saying. Yeah, but you know something wa be like I think this in I think that's the one famous You know what I say something need to listen to my opinion, go viral and a better situation. Thank you find me. I love you, bro. You know what I'm saying. You get chant in my life? Well, you know what I like? So it's famous Animal TV. Do you see famous animal records or entertainment a famous animal. You're gonna have to give us some facts on big facts, man, I know you're over the facts on the way Okay, these situations don't want to tell us about it. But by the time this dropping, it'll be out. Anyways. With the fact the big facts I got people ready to come in and give me means of dollars to start it like a reason I took it because I'm just looking at like how I did this from the ground though? Do it is? You know I got multiple questions. Is he gonna take over my platform? That's I'm gonna lost controller high. I want to like, I don't want to come with it, couch, you know what I'm saying. You know, like I think you know the authentic white. You know what I'm saying, it's the best white. I don't want to come without it, couch. You know, you know I don't want to come boosting it. Now, let it go. If the streets folk, where do they funk with If they don't gonna know that white, you know, if they funk with, he gonna know what they funk with it that you know what I'm saying. That's how they're looking at my ship. Like, Okay, if this ship Peko famous, you know the streets fucked with it, shouldn't you know what I'm saying? Cool two three hundred thous people, that's really two three hundred thousand people fucking with it, you know what I'm saying. Versus two three hundred thous You don't know what's cap You don't know what's real, you know what I'm saying. So like, keeping the authentic you know what I'm saying, keeping it authenic White ship staying down with it. You know what, Ship, I didn't take a minute real so famous, I got media on the table on the table you know you know it's on the way, so you ain't trimming either way, because like I didn't got offers from the people. I got off from these people. They see what I got going on catching the artist super early, super early like your aan nas, I don't even catch the artist is are I don't before how much money you're paying them? You might will not no disriment to the aana, but I ain't trying to cut them out the box. But simply you can just get on. He knows you know the tune did with the streets, so he knows you feel me did everybody want to be on famous? Everybody won't get soon you know it's her and so sh I'm going around the world providing a platform state to state where it's it what a talented. I won't bring some hot shit across the small folk because I want time, don't like you know what I'm saying. Hopefully you know we look out for each other. You know what I'm saying. Ship, We coming this ship together and sh che people when I get big fair, what's the hardest thing about the situation, like I don't know, like dealing with the artists on the platform, like maybe them not being on time, or maybe bringing too many niggas or maybe in the artists out of tudes, you know, the attitudes or have people artists be asking, you know what I'm saying, like they already made it. Sometimes some niggas be feeling like, oh they got it. You know what I'm saying, if you had the nigga, you would be out of you be know what I'm saying. So you really need to chill out here. You know what I'm saying, quick anking out. You know a nigga who come in the game toe be get put in total situation, to get you put in total situation. I understand. And then so I mean, I mean people nigga's energy when they come to the room coming out, they speak to some of the coming in, don't speak. Let me gont get this ass out of here. Nigga coming here, that was up. You ain't even you good? What's up? Brought up so far? I was sitting the motherfucker five season down type of ship energy. You know what I'm saying, is right. So it's like you know, then some people travel eight nine two hours to come fuck with me. Strike you come kicking on the counter, back on back there you're striking. Do we need to get some sleeping like that time of the you know what I'm saying. So they loved me, you're toad? Yeah, with you in relationship? How you feel about relationship? Relationship like I could animal Naw, I'm saying, I'm gonna say this. I'm gonna say this right here. Yeah, I don't want to find no bad I gotta, I gotta, I gotta look what so I do have another mother, my little boy. You know what I'm saying. But they strike. You know what I'm saying, nothing, you know, she don't gotta worry about nothing because I haven't understanding. Yeah, you know, but I did. No, man, I got some beating right hand in front of me. And the relationship, the marriage, I don't believe in it. Maybe when I get older we are. But right now, find out the TV even take out of my family, your family, the kids. You know what I'm saying. The kids are not mine, you know what I'm saying. Shit like that, So buying down TV? What we need to be focused? I don't know what I'm saying. The other ship right now the window. You know what I'm saying, I ain't, I ain't with no relationship shit like you know what I find beating this ship to the bank. You know what I'm saying, distraction. I think it is a distraction, bro, because the energy. You know what I'm saying, y'all ain't needing to get on seeing a bigger picture. This person feeling like, okay, you ain't bringing it, ain't providing the time and elf. Mine I'm put the time and the elf and until what's gonna be able to beat Roof over thehead at the hood. You know what I'm saying. Good community, that's a good schools for the kids. You know what I'm saying, I'm looking at the bigger picture. But how the feeling ship? You know what I'm saying, She'm looking at the bigger picture? Bike account straight create everybody created straight. I need most need memory by pumps into it then and I was I was coming from cloud. You know what I'm saying through that real talk. Even sucking with the sports shit too, like you like Grizzlies fans and all that. You're going to the games, my rent, I poke with my rent. You know what I'm saying. I poke rent, You know what I'm saying, like a long way and she got some ship coming out. I got from roll seats and ship. Okay, agreed in the game. It's on the wood. Somebody reached out to me, like, bro, I want to take you to the game from roll seats doing Do you know what I'm saying something like this, This is blessing on the shout out some of the artists you helped get to the next spot. They reached back. They're still tapping in what you call you call your e all. Me being me, I understand certain when certain people get with certain people, they can't do the thing that we're doing for folk. So me, I don't ask for nothing out of the artists and shit like that, you know what I'm saying. We still communicate probably like Instagram liking each other shit or some shit like that. But like I said, I just know when people get a situation, get what the labels and ship. You know what I'm saying, something shit they can't do, can't do. So people can't they do? You know I don't. I don't really be trying to get into that, you know what I'm saying, because I don't want to try to bring a bad back to the relationship. You come and try to Okay, bro, let's do this and do this, and they I feel like they can't do it, and I want to tell you they can't do it. So that's kind and communication. Like they just say like, Okay, well I can't do it because the label might trip then like you might understand that, but in their heart, they don't want to. They're going to disappoint you, so they just don't say nothing. And then they look like most of the times people want of time. People can't do that. They know and that they ain't coming from the real place, so they're gonna act funny like it's something else they know they ain't come from the real place. I can do it, but I can't do it because I don't want to. What's gonna come with me doing it? Yeah, that's what it is. I don't do it because I don't know what I'm talking y'all. Yet that wasn't so I ain't even finish what you ain't even finis in what you call it. Ain't even finding make this a subject exactly like I can't do it exactly, and that's what it really be. But sometimes I want to throw niggas on the But but I know, you know what I'm saying. I know y'all, you know what ship it's like, God, I gonna see how you been kicking it when you come to Atlanta. Because you've been in Atlanta. I'm starting to hear more and more about you popping up in Atlanta. So what you'd be doing when you kicking the day with eight? You know? Any time come to the I haven't come to any more. If I got inniversial two seventeen, come to hey, I ain't drive to the eighth bro make a hundred feet in two honey, able to pay for gas, and don't go back back about ten to laws, you know. Like but I it was the Johnny, it was the joy. I got some content. I did some interviews with some niggas, niggas seeing I came there. My hope is some old nigga's card. You know what I'm saying. The whole time, when I was going back with no money, I still would happen. I was actually going to a line up. That's a free trip to a line I ain't paying of ship, you know, what I'm saying, ship. I was listening to it that way, and then when I was a little broke, I asked the creator. I remember this, I asked the create, all like, I want to be able to travel the world and not have to work for nobody. And I thought about this too. It yeah yeah, you know people, Yeah, clearing it up for but it might not Yeah yeah yeah. I was like traveling the world paying for sale the individuals. I started making money traveling the world. Now I'm making traveling the world, seeing these places, meet people, building content sh this. Yeah, what's the main more you stand on? Oom ain't more I stand on. It's being there for who are done for you? You know what I'm saying, I'm the staying Some many niggas switched up they own people. You vieing me like I ud saying. Some many niggas change of how they you know what, act with their own people. You know what I'm saying. I just realized on the same niggas fall off for not staying down with the people who help them get to what they know. What I'm saying, I like, that's my big more. Stay down with the people who are dene for you when you know what I'm saying. The most you beeing me. We ain't had nothing to eat. Somebody can't do for you know what I'm saying. They brother had something el guys and they hey, they can't do for you. That's you know what I'm saying, That's what you look out for. You know what I'm saying. How you react when you don't get that shame energy like you know, you'll go to distance for that person, but when they maybe fuck over you and don't do right about you. I desided from a situation. It helped me better to get away from your situation. What I'm saying, if I held somebody, they probably I probably need him down hilled up from me. Sh Okay, cool, it's understand. I know that ain't duck for me. Why would I kind of hold it accountable? Man, Dawn, They're gonna be there for me again. Don't go now, ain't I ain't got no depending, I ain't got nothing to depend on. Fuck it. Let my back against the wall versus somebody to lean now. You know what I'm saying. She once, I know I ain't got my well, I ain't even trying to lean no more. You know what I'm saying, fucking yeah, absolutely man. Game of motivation for the people, Game of motivation for the streets. Man, the biggest gym you can give everybody watching big fast right now, what's the biggest gym? The biggest gym he is Stay damn she come you seeing me? Oh? You know he got steak ansistent whatever you do. You know what I'm saying, don't go for what you're doing. You know you got stake assisted with it. You know what I'm saying, You steake ansisted with you know something, Whatever you do, it's gonna work out. You know what I'm saying. You gotta have faith and belief in it. Don't be out here. They're doing something and you really don't feel like it's you. You know what I'm saying. I heard trying to be a guisting. I ain't shoo you get called up already, gun charges. You need to be sitting behind that. So you got a little boy and then he's telling and ship and you knew fronna jump that want to you know you felt it. It's your intuition, Like, come on that I had the intuition. If I don't leave this street shit a lot. No, we're saying cool. You know what I'm saying, Come on street now, legite lights is a cab. You know what I'm saying. Something shit I had to overcome earlier. But you know what I'm saying, Like state I am. You know what I'm saying. You even stay consistent. You know what I'm saying. Don't change up? U s keep you one hunting out that line and shit like I know the more you laugh, all right, like my ass don't work someone you start telling the truth about shit, just staying forward, take standing on responsibility. You can't start trying to push a brother fall for me doing no bro Joe, mother, let me add something to that right now, My bad that nigga just said. It's some real shit. You know how how much your anxiety go when you know you lying and when you go around to the motherfucker you're laughing about but you would tell the motherfucker the truth even if it hurts them. You feel better. Feel dam still better. I told you. But if I'm lying to you, bro, I feels kind of nervous. Yeah, not that you're gonna do that to me. I just know I'm doing some suckle ship ain't some shit that I ain't right, Yeah, yeah, that's real shit right now. I felt that that's a bad line. Shit ain't ship. That ship's anxiety. You know, it's crazy because people lie to their self and they start believing their lives. I feel like the only way you can truly, truly, truly be positive if you can look at yourself as a negative. That's the only way you got a baby to look at yourself as flaw as possible and then figure out what to correct. Right now, I'm saying, you got some motherfucker never feel like they're wrong, like never wrong never never never never never never never. You know what I'm saying, So you ain't gonna never day to be right because you can't even see your wrong? Should I do? Never? Like I was telling y'all le them a few episodes ago, I actually listen to the people that we will call haters, like people that say you'll come in saying little bullshit. Yeah, I'm listening to them and analyzing it before I say it's hey, because you can't be telling me the truth. You know what I'm saying. I might don't need the well a blue hat. You know what I'm saying. I don't know. Let me, let me go look at this shit again. Yeah, I'm saying yeah, like real shit. Shit. We we jumped to say it's hate. It could be motherfucking God telling the pussys neig to tell you that real shit, bro, because we don't see that, I won't see wrong in ourself. And that's a that's a that's that's wrong. That's a flaw in itself, a big flaw. How many people you see make excuses you know, they know they're wrong, but they're gonna keep making excuses to be wrong to make it right. That shit ain't gonna right. You gotta look at yourself as a negative in order to be positive. I'm really truly believe that, I really truly believe that if you can't analyze yourself the good and like I can take all my good qualities and make myself a good person. But I gotta throw in that bullshit you be on too bank. Either fix it or just which is called adjusted, fix it or look at it in an accountable way. You gotta be accountable for it. How you get to that moment though, For people out there that we're trying, I told you just you just figured it out. You got everything that makes you mad. And analyze it, like if somebody say something about it, if your wife come tell you something, right, you're yeah, you're getting marriage. Like a lot of people, like even when you talk about like the comments and all that shit, a lot of people don't want to accept the hate as a possible constructive criticism because of hate arts, thank you, That's what I'm saying. So you gotta be able to hurt yourself, yes, to fish yourself stopping wound. Yeah, You're gonna have to be able to be like hold loup, I do need a little dish, you know what I'm saying, Like real shitt buying bigger clothes and made this ship look money getting this shot because I know I want to wear a large right. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like we we started, we started making this to stay in a negative face to me? Right to me too, Yeah, like real shit. So I just feed off of your ship. That's right, brother, that line. Because you can lie to your motherfucker's self the worst, that's the most toxic shit ever, lying to yourself. How can you love yourself if you're lying to yourself? How can you expect somebody to love you when you see that they clearly don't love themselves like you. Mad of the motherfucking fo them not loving you the way you want to be loved. But they don't even love themself. Look how they treat themself. Are you lying to yourself? Bitch? How I feel like you're not gonna lie to me? I feel like this. I don't be one of those sitting I say them off with lying everybody you've told me, I gotta go back and lie like a motherfucker man like you lying to yourself about some ship. You know what it's like. And I figure it out. Okay, you told me, might be the line. But in the in the in the in the space of in the space of hope, somebody like that can't turn it around and be truthful with theirself and everybody else. Yeah, they got time. I ain't. I lied about a lot of shit. Then when I figured out like there was a problem, brush started working. I ain't lying the more. I ain't gonna lie to nobody about nothing more. A man, you know what I'm saying. Like, whatever I tell you, you know what I'm saying. If it ends you in some type of way, it's your feelings. In my truth, though in my truth though I feel better about telling you the truth. Version lying to you have you feeling you know what happened. Now I'm gonna tell you what's real. Yeah, the truth. And I don't feel good on't it. I told the truth? Yeah? Sorry how you took it? But the truth truth set you free. And before we get out of here, I gotta give a big, huge shout out. I thought free style hit the tables, nah, but I gotta give a big hue shout out to my family An Area twenty nine, the world famous DJ Eric Chris, the whole everybody down there in Houston. They got the fucking the best strip club ever in the world with all the z yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, Like it's sh they said, like some merch for all of us and all that kind of ship. So that's my family. I foke with him with Mush on the club. Bro let everybody on the Wales site the channel. You know what I'm saying that they ain't tapped in yet man Famous Animal TV on our platform. If you google Famous Animal TV, my want pop up. You know what I'm saying something, I gotta put the TV on it because I tried to google his fame Google Famous animals and Famous Animal TV on our ups. You know what I'm saying, It's fine, no two double letting out Famous Animal TV. Yeah you know what's and it's been like some little scam and shit going on. But if you google family, I don't want TV scanning what you mean like somebody crant the page. That's that's when you know you big yeah yeah yeah, but they sitting the money to they're quicken than that. But now what's up? But now like the creek that maybe Google Finally, I don't want TV my business nomble that's gonna pop up, you know, the same thing, and to buy all my Instagrams and all that. You know what I'm saying. So I don't know how people being around it, but yeah that's the only enough. But you can get the book me. I don't want TV a little the Famous Animal TV. Yeah, pulling up the big facts. We appreciate you, streets, the streets. It's a big facts bitch,