BIG FACTS welcomes 19 Keys for a conversation about the black community, black family structure, street culture, his affiliation with EARN YOUR LEISURE and more.
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Big Bag. I'll be okay, So let me ask how this bring you Big Big visit the new website today, Big Facts, Paul dot com. Come into your line from the Blue room. You know what it is, DJ screen, Big Bang, Baby Jay, It's time for big Fast. We've got a special guest in the building today by the name of nineteen Keys. Give it up for nineteen Keys on Big Bag. They've been add us about you, My brother to have been add us about this high level conversation. So we're looking forward today to to the situation. Hi, everything good, everything good with you, man, Everything a blessing man. It's good to be here on the street's favorite podcast. Man. There you go. So we gotta start off like the biggest question on Twitter, a social media is what does your name means? Nineteen Keys. Nineteen Keys got many different deep references to it, but I first was inspired to go by nineteen Keys out there hearing a quote from Massifar Mohammed and mass Far Mohammed is the one who taught you Lijah my lis. Muhammad of course taught Malcolm X and Minister fire Kind and so many others. But the quote was in the thirties and he said that there're seventeen million original people in their two million Indians original people representing black people in America. Of course the Indians represent Native Americans. But he said that that two million people represent nineteen million rusty locks, putting them together seventeen plus two, and he said that there's nineteen million well oil keys to unlocking those rusty locked minds. Now, for me, that interpretation of well oil keys the representation of knowledge itself enlightenment right in many different methods, so that the people can never be oppressed again. But that number nineteen is just not a fine nite number because now we're forty five million plus and throughout the world. But it's a representation of that masklin, that feminine, that conscious and that subconscious. Everything is this between that one through nine spectrum. Those are only numbers, right. So for me, it's all about giving the type of knowledge, information and truth to unlock that rusty locked mind that we all have that part of that potential that most people can reach. But if they had that knowledge than they would. So what will you say to somebody um starting off in the journey of higher consciousness that might just be at the level of they don't understand nothing. You just said what I'm saying. What's the beginning point of, in your opinion, of reaching the higher level of consciousness man? Study and knowledge yourself. You know, I think that first book, any book you know, or any black man in America or a woman or anybody should read Message the Black Man. I think that's the start of guide to consciousness. You understand me, And I think once you get that, you got a you know, a foundation to build off of. Because when I was taught at an early age, when I was young, and I'm a god, right, I was taught who the black man is, who the white man is, what the world is. So therefore I'm never shocked by, you know, events that happened in the world, because I was already taught the type of world that I was living there. But for me, knowledge yourself is that study of who you are. Most people can answer that question who you are, you have the person, how you're doing. They're gonna be like, good, you ask a person who you are, they get stopped for a second. Some people even get offended by the question, right because they're ignorant on themselves. So for me, it's about literally studying yourself, right, understanding how you was programmed, the type of language you speak, where you grew up from. Like, nothing about who you are now you understand me is accident. It's all from your programming from a child, your doctrination and things that you have taught about the world, politics, education and gender, everything right now, right, So it's about gaining knowledge yourself and starting from that reference point. So let me ask you this, what a person I guess who has moved past that oblivious state of their self conscience technically be considered a paradigm shifter. Well, a person who a paradigm is, you know, can be conceived in many different ways, like, um, your habits is your paradigm. If a person is stuck making fifteen thousand dollars a year, thirty thousand dollars a year, it's because they habits add up. Every single thing that they do in their life adds up to fifteen or thirty thousand dollars. So you have to do something to shift that. Right. A person that's in the bad relationships, they're in a bad relationship paradigm. We're in a certain kind of economic paradigm and paradigm shift. That's one who really, you know, throws the rules to the side and the side to something new to the world. Right, So, yes, you're shifting your paradigm when you're adding new value, new knowledge to yourself. So you start executing, moving, speaking, and doing things in a different way. Now you're entering into a new paradigm. So what's the what's the first step of knowing who you is? Like what you think the first step is? Um, It's many different steps. But like I said, knowledge yourself really encompasses the whole idea of it. Right. If you've got somebody that's in the streets, you understand me, and they want to figure out like, yo, you know, how do I take a look at myself and start evolving past where I'm met? Right? Always look at the ease that can grow a person. You've got your environment number one, right, because your environment is connected to your nature, but it can override your nature. You understand me. So if you influenced by people that speak a certain language, that do certain things, then you automatically most likely go simulate to the same way. You start acting like the people that you're around. So you gotta audit your environment. Right, do you want to become your environment or do you understand the same environment. If you're happy with the level of success that everybody in your environment has, you can look at that as your selling, right, that's essentially your dream, right, same thing. Then you got the next emotional intelligence. Most people don't have enough emotional intelligence to understand. They don't thinking and feeling process, right, So you got men and women who are jealous and envy of each other because they don't understand where those emotions arrived from. Always break down. Jealousy it's like when you see somebody have something and you want it, you don't want them to have it. And envious is just when you see somebody and they have something you want and you don't particularly don't want them to have it, but you wanted to, so you envious of them at all times. And so most people don't have enough emotional intelligence to check themselves, you understand me. And so this generation I feel like it's operating more off emotion than feelings, and I mean than logic and rationality. Right. So then you've got education. You can't do nothing with the people without them having some knowledge, right, like what skill sets that you have that can pay you, What skill sets that you have that can allow you to be independent. What skill sets you have that allow you to build a life that you want. You understand me, So your education levels automatically matter, but we loving environments where the education levels are low, so the people in those environments only make a certain amount of money, never able to rise out their conditions and things of that nature. Right, So looking at just emotional intelligence, your environment, your education levels, right, and then for me, it's about experience and execution. Right. Your experience dictate how you view and see the world, right. Like most people never lead a hood, so their mentality is completely based in the hood. Right, even when they get on social media, they're looking at the hood on social media, people from that environment that's like them, so they curate that same sort of thing. Is so they never go outside. They box, right because they're really not trying to change, because we was taught that change is not good, right when change can just represent growth, that's all that really means. But human beings fight to stay the same person, right, even if it's not a good person. Right. So you know, understanding your experiences and putting yourself into new experiences forces your mind to change and think, feel, see and perceive the world. In different ways and then execution. Do you actually take action off the things that you learn and know, right, because you can. This generation were informed about a lot, but we're not knowledgeable or we're not educated on most things. You just got information on it. That's facts, right, Information is getting facts. A person can get big facts, but they might not operate a part. You can teach a person how to build a whole business and they just sit there and be like, thank you, I appreciate that, but they take it as entertainment, right instead of like instructions to execute off of. So me, I like to create these systems of analogies because I feel like it's easier for people to remember and they can literally go and grade themselves from a one to team. What's my environment? Like? What am my experien rances? Like, what's my level of execution? What's my emotional intelligence? Right? And what's my education levels? Mm hmmm? So what what are What are some of the things you think? Um, you think a lot of the things that people consume, whether it's what they watch, what they hear, what they eat, effects like the energy level that they're right, Like if I meet somebody who's you know, on the biological level, your body, your physical feat you understand me. You're eating good right, you're working out, um, you're taking care of yourself, so your good health, heart, health, mind, brain, all of that, because most mental health is brain issues, right bearing brain health. Most people never put anything in their brain that actually like positively charges them. So you may want to have a positive day, but you got a negative body. You understand me because of the things that you eat. Right. Then you can look at it from a spiritual level, right, like, is what you're doing align with who you are? Right? Your value? So most people you can make money, but you may be doing something that don't spiritually for feel you at all, So you become depressed because you und aligned with yourself facts. Right. Then you have sociological level, which is environment again, the people you're around. Like often times when you start making changes, it's the people that around you that start to make you feel like, perhaps I shouldn't be doing this because they're not changing too. But then you realize that you don't make change for others, you may change yourself. Right, So because they're not changing that that's not a bad thing per se, because each person has to go that They speak like You can motivate a person with words, but you inspire person with actions. Right, even when you're speak And if I tell you about a story that sounds good, that's motivation. I'm trying to give you a motive to do something. But if I'm telling you about what I did, or if I'm leading by an example, that's inspirational, you understand me. Then I'm telling you how I did it, that's educational. You understand me. So now you have an actual foundation to go build off of. And most people, they do more motivation than inspiration and education. Right, So if you grade yourself from a of course in the last one, of course, it's psychological your mental levels. What do you know, right, People who actually learn are happier, they live longer. Right, this is scientifically proven. Right. So it's like, if you're not constantly learning, you're not constantly growing, so you're not even gonna be happy at your own life. Everything is that you meet somebody asking what you're doing? Man, same ship, man, you know what I'm saying, Well, you come back five years later, then you know I'm on the same thing, but kind of proudly a laugh about it, like, but that's not good. Like life, like my pops told me. You know, time is the measurement of motion. You run out of moves, you run out of time, and only dead man don't move. So you got to find something to do every day. Like to me, work as a prayer. You can ask for that, you can do something for it. How did you tap in? Like? What made you tap into this? Man? I didn't had an interest in life. You know. I grew up and I was born in St. Louis, moved to Oakland when I was two, Right, So I grow up with a black Muslim background, a black Muslim family household. But my father and my older brother's more street Muslims, if you will, right, because in Oakland, California, was just a different dynamic, you understand me. The Muslims out there, so the move like a mafia, right, they ran in control, they blocked the hood that they had in that parameter because they was very militant, you understand me. So I grew up seeing black men with power, with structure, with their own school systems, things of that nature. So as a young and this was already programmed. And tell me from based on what I've seen. Then, you know, as you get older, teenage years. You and your rebellious years, we're in the streets. I didn't caught many cases, you know. Last one, when I was nineteen years old, my father and my brother co defended some the saft type situation. Somebody snitched on me, said I did something that I didn't do clearly because I'm not guilty. But uh so justice works, you's talk about. But I remember I was locked up and I was reading this book. Was a storybook, you know what I'm saying, fictional and I read it. It was about like a bank robbery or something, and it kept me entertained for the time that I was in there. But when I closed that book, I look around, I'm still locked up, and I'm in no better position mentally, financially, getting myself, you know, any closer to my freedom. So my older brother who was behind the bars find his case. When I end up getting extra dotedto Oakland because I was traveling at the time. Um, he gave me a list of books to read. You understand me, These books with stuff that can actually you know, help me be strategic in my case, like help me think during this situation. Because we used to go through the whole process with the lawyers picking the drug. You know, I remember my lawyer he was just, you know, big fumbling. He reminded me the flint Stones guy. You understand me. That was the main character. And I remember even after be my case, he was like, man, this is the first case I want. I don't know if he was joking of you serious to this day, you understand me, But he acted like it during the whole case because I remember reading certain things and like accidental foul, certain motions, and he was like, I don't know about this, I'm gonna do it anyway, and he would do it and then actually helped the case. Right, So when they got to that point, no, I really have a lawyers like I was never gonna put my my freedom his hands anyway, you understand me, Like I always be thinking what will God? Do? You understand me? And I'm not. He not gonna let like somebody else's knowledge or experience dictate what happens to them next in life. Right, So when I read that those books that actually helped me engage my reality better and strategize and execute. After that case of getting that none guilty verdict, you know, I never wanted to learn read and do things that had nothing to do with my freedom of progress. Right, And then I thought about, you know, the eight of young men that just plead out guilty or have a lack of finances right to end up getting in trouble in those situations and have to do time because of you know, lack of support, lack of finances, lack of education. Right. And you know, growing up in St. Louis and Oakland, you see it oh day all the time. Like I go back to St. Louis now, probably the people I grew up with dead on a gym, you understand me, or on drugs somewhere. So it's like when I think about that, you know, I always wanted to be that key in somebody's life because at that time, my older brother was that key in my life, you understand me. He gave me that game and that knowledge. And everybody don't have somebody that gives him that that unlocks him at that point in time. But I didn't. Had so many different experiences in life. It was never just like one thing that made me who I am. It's like this cultivation of things. So I empathize with people going on the journey because I don't I can't just point you to a book. You understand me. It's like it's life experience you have to go through. But you gotta have, you know, foundation, dad, can you know, point you back into the right direction even when you were off to the wrong. What's the main obstacle though as you go through to this day, Um, I think it's dealing with family, you know, right, Like I hired my family, and you know, there's it's all his family and trouble. Family needs something, right. Um, I got seven brothers, two sisters, So statistically, when you got a big family, something negatives gonna happen, right, So I think about that a lot. But at the same time, I can't feel my own success until my brothers and my sisters are successful, right. And I think, you know, I always talk about doing family business, And I hired all my family, right, They worked with me or for me, right, And that was important because I don't want to talk about things that I wasn't doing right. But that's probably the biggest obstacle is just dealing Like mostly I can deal my own issues like that's that's light work to me. But making sure the family is straight, that's a different kind of responsibility. Because whatever you think you have, Let's say your net worth is your assets. Money is your liability. So like the money you got coming in mine is the debt. Right. Money's assets that you want, like things that actually work, something that make money. So you could be making a hundred thousand dollars a year, but if you gotta give that to family to help them up, then that's not your real networks. You've got to decrease it by the liabilities as in your family, right, So, like educating them is key, and educating the people around me so that everybody on the same level is key, because I like leaders around me. I like bosses around me, I like gods around me. I don't like followers. I don't like people that don't know how to think for self, right, So most of my worries is about other people. None of them is about myself. So let me ask you that. Just going back to when you were talking about knowledge of self and like kind of knowing who you are, I was I saw somewhere um where you were having a conversation and you were basically saying that when somebody asks who you are, you don't really have an answer for them because you're like forever evolving. So what exactly does that mean? And how can somebody kind of take that and apply it to their daily life without being offensive? Right? You know I heard too I say this before he said I got thug like tethered on my chest. But he say, that's like high school, right, Like, even when you leave high school, you still keep your high school diploma. It ain't gone, but you graduate, right, And I feel like every level of life, you should be thinking what's my graduation point? Right? Like It's not that I'm I'm you know, uh, disrespecting where I came from, but I'm thinking ahead where I'm going. Most people don't have a vision, so they don't have nowhere that they see themselves in the future. Right, So for me, it's about evolution. Like people asking where you're gonna be in teenyars, twenty years, thirty years, right, you know, what's your plans and his God plans. I just try to line in mind up with God as much as possible. But I'm always thinking what's my next vision? As soon as I'm doing something else, I'm not about to be relish and on the past, like I can't relive it. Plasts Besides, nowhere in my memories, right, so instead what am I doing next? Like I gotta constantly feed my vision and my imagination with an idea, and I can't do nothing without a vision. Like if we want to collaborate and do something, you to give me time to see it. I gotta see it fully and then let's gonna activate me to where I'm up and I'm ready to go at it. But until I get that vision, I can't make a move. So it's like your vision could be long term or what I'm doing for the next two years, or it can be one I'm about to do for the next few months. So I live life in cycles. You understand me. You have up cycles, then you have cycles where you cool off, you find your average, then you go back up and you continue to peak. And it's like you gotta keep rising and keep rising. Right, So a person to have a vision and got no problem with moving forward. It's only when a person that got a vision they don't know where they're going. Big fact, do you think everybody is going to be great? I think everybody born with the potential to be great, You understand me. I think destiny is based on what you think, right, Like everybody I don't think all people are equal. I think we are different. I think greatness looks different on everybody else, but we start chasing the way greatness looks like on somebody else. Right, So it's like a person may want to speak like me, but you were never born with that gift. You never studied and trained for that gift. You understand me, So all of a sudden, you want something that ain't even for you. Right, But you may be amazing at being on the camera, you may be amazing as a writer, and you could be a genius at this, but instead of focusing on that masterly level gift that you have that I can't even do, you're focusing on my gift. So it's like social media created this reality of just compare and contrast all day long, and you're disrespecting your own its hella disrespectful. I think everybody a genius to their own degree, but it's like, you know, you compare Einstein. He came up with thought experiments about scientific formulas. He didn't write anything down, he didn't do anything actionable that you can see. He sat there, he was just thinking. He published that, and he let the world right try to dismantle his theories, and then they had to call him a genius because they couldn't. Then you got somebody like let's say Kanye West, who had the ability to get you know, put out his music and become one of the greatest artists of all time, become one of the greatest fashion designers of all time, right, and become at a certain point in time, you know, the richest black men in America, if you will. How do you compare those two geniuses? Because Kanye West genius, right, it's a whole different kind of level of calculation and execution. Right. So that's the dangerous thing when we start comparing our geniuses instead of looking at them like, no, it's your genius. Whatever you genuinely bring out yourself, you understand me. So it's like, there's geniuses in this room, but society don't quantify certain geniuses with the same level of respect that we do everybody else's. And can they measuring against something else? Right? And that's that's a completely round measuring stick. So like my genius, it's hard to quantify. It's all the skills ain't even created skills for this. So what's your definition of high level masculinity? High level masculine. Well, we live in a very low level masculine society. So most people trying to get the base level they they they are in a negative right now. Right, So it's like for me, high level masculinity is based on your values. You understand me based on your value, not what you have, right, it's based on who you are. So like we know certain people that's respectable, that's honorable, right, they have integrity, they got class right, that that's educated. You understand me that that that move in a certain way and degree. Right, they got an energy when they walk in the room, they try to raise everybody else's value and vibration. Right, Like when even when they're going for things, it's not for theirselves, it's for the world. Right, that's a high level masculine individual. They stand up for other people that may not even stand up for themselves. That's high level masculine. Like when there's there's a woman that's being disregarded or disrespected, that high level masculine energy steps in front of that or thinks of a way to make sure that that situation doesn't occur again. Fearless, right, courageous. They know how to operate with autonomy, instead of having to be told what to do. That's high level masculine, right, They you got just regular masculinity, where you know, it's the typical traits of just being a man. The way you move, the way you talk, the way you dress, right, the way you appear, the way you act your character in society. Right. But most people at a low level of masculine. Instead of them thinking from a logical standpoint, a mathematical thinker, right, most of them just emotional and they and their feelings and they operate off ego, they operate off jealousy, and they operate off envy, and you can't trust them, right, And they have no self respect or no real power. They don't even want to be men. That's the problem with this generation. They don't want to be man because they feel like it's too hard to be a man because of the way society portrays men. Mm hmm. You you spoke a little bit before about like family structure and everything to it from your perspective, what's a what's a healthy family structure? Oh? Man, you know I always talk about you know, they say don't do business with family, but that's because we have dysfunctional families and we have a functional family that everybody plays they roll, right. So a healthy family structure is when everybody has a function in a role that they play. If you look at every other race, right, whether it's the Jewish people, whether it's the Asian people, whether it's the Messican people, they have roles within their family. The son acts in this way, the daughter acts in this way, and not just in that in relation to each other. So the son and the father relationship is a certain type of way. The daughter and the father relationship with a certain type of way the son and mother like. So they have clear guidelines on how each relationship was supposed to be intended exactly. So it's a certain way they respect the father, right, it's a certain way you respect the Mother's a certain you know, relationship that the son has within that family household, and a certain dynamic that the daughter has. Right. So now you're not guessing on what people supposed to do and you know, wing somebody out of line. So the greatest degree of family gonna always be man, woman, child. You can't get away from that. Everybody got here from there, you understand me. So that's one that everybody on the planet Earth has to respect, but it's also the one that welfare destroyed. So the most dangerous thing is when you see black men and black women. Instead of you know, weaponizing our accomplishments against each other, we find figure out ways to work with each other. You understand me and built with each other. And so even when we talk about family, it really just goes to the spectrum of how you do proper relationships and the science of relationships. And that's something that most people don't understand when I get speaking of relationships, um, because I've been studying you ever since they taught us that we were gonna have you or whatever, So I saw where you were saying that. Basically, when it comes to like I guess the quote unquote romantic relationship, the man is expected to be the secret service, the treasury and the holder of the intellect and ideas to a woman that doesn't even want to be a helpmate. So technically, what is a helpmate and how do you how does the secret service, treasury intellect man find that particular helpmate that would be perfect for his life. Oh man's high levels the real high level conversation. Now it's a tough question to ask at first, I gotta the elephant in the room is that most women idolize two percent of men. Those are the man who make a hundred two hundred thousand dollars, right. But the reality of it is is that you got to get to a point in society where a woman can love the average man, right because the rest of everybody else that's out. So when we have a society based on idolizing the two percent, we become disillusion about what we want, what we can get. Yeah, So first of all, you have to think about it. I just had an interview with this good sister, ain't Tiffany j And she's a millionaire, and was having a conversation with her, and she was explaining, how you know, even with her being a millionaire, you of her man didn't have much, she would help him. Right now, I know most women, they think I'm not helping them no more, right they tied. I don't understand that, Like, why would you not know if it's somebody that you love and that isn't a bum and has the potential to be greater. And you guys are supposed to be building together the independent, independent woman, boss woman dependent there, that's probably part of that that's that's the whole idea of the dependent man and the independent woman are repelling each other. They're going opposite directions. The dependent man can't be dependent upon and the independent woman depends on no one, right, so they have no need for each other. Right. And so that's when we talk about functioning roles again. When a man is in his proper role and a woman is in her role. What does a woman have that a man don't have? She has a wound. Right, when a woman is given that sperm to that egg, right, it produces something. I think nature provides gender roles, not man. We can just study the differences between en us. Right. So a woman, when that baby comes out, she nurtures that baby right with that milk. Right, she is the one that holds that baby. She has a connection right when human beings that man could never get. We will never go to the point of brink of death to produce life right into reality. So that's a connection from a physiological level that we just will never experience. Ever. We can empathize, but we can never experience, which is a completely different level of wisdom on that. So a woman is always going to have these nurturing qualities biologically that she's set up for right. So with that and you take that, what does that exist and look like in the household? Right for a man for the most part, especially a man that has something that's on the move, he won't support right when he gets home, can she make peace? I was taught that, you know, a woman provides gentle challenge, right, because you don't want a man that she's coddling and he's not doing nothing. But she also has to understand the finesse of challenging the man right without putting them because the woman most powerful, you know, element is her words. Domestic violence on women saide happening with her words. What man for the most part is physical, but they actually say with words it can damage a person long term. You can heal in the physical, but in that mental when she tell you ain't ship, it cut deep already, like in fact. So it's like being a helpmate. But you can't help a man that don't have a vision, right, If he don't have a vision and he don't submit to nothing, then you can't submit to him or you can't help him with that. So a man without a vision don't need a woman first he needs a vision, then he got to figure out what he submits to. So when he speaks to his woman, he can ask that she submits to that same thing, and she's going to submit to that through him, and so she can keep him on track. Like, Bro, you said that so and so, but you're not even doing this. Now she can check you, right, because the only way she can submit to you is if you actually align with who you said you are. What if she never do submit to you, then you gotta find you a new one to submit. You understand me, I think you shouldn't force to try to make things work that's unaligned. The moment you find unalignment. For me, unalignment is like, all right, we're going on the same path. Then you get to a point you start talking about religion, face, beliefs, vision, how you should move around other genders, how you should go into different spaces and places, and then it's gonna get to a point where that we find agreement and cooperation in this whole thing. Or so get to a point where I don't agree with that. Now you're going in different directions, so you have to, Like anytime we sign a contract, it's what's terms of agreement? So a relationship is a business. Business is activity of life. So as long as we're moving in the same activities of life, we were conduct in the same business. But the moment that my business partner don't agree with my activities, now we've got a disagreement, right, so now we got to create new terms. Sometimes our current terms can be we gotta know, avoid this contract, right, because we're no longer working together, So we're working relationship. Right. A woman is in her proper function and like a man is doing the details of what he supposed to be doing. But understanding, if y'all believe in the same God, submit to the same God, understand the vision that same function, have the same mission, values, and purpose. Those are conversations that's normally not had because the person will look at what you have and ignore all of the things that you're not high level conversation level, you know what, what kind of shoot you go through just just being by being you? Like from the public man, I think you know anywhere I guard. Now it's at this point where you know, I've been doing this for almost ten years now, so I'm used to being known, but now it's just at this level and it's a good thing, because you know, every time I see people sometimes they have questions all the time. Like I would be in the airport and the restaurant, people want to ask me some high level questions and that ain't the time, Like that's just not the time, you feel me. But you know, I'm always respectful for the love and the energy that I get. But I find myself in this position awhere there's certain things that I don't like to see in the courtyard, and I end up being that one that speak on it. Right, So sometimes I have to make these secret enemies because they're mad at something I said. But it was truthful, right, So for me, as long as it's truth, I don't mind losing a friend over it, right, I don't mind creating a secret enemy. You understand me, And so I think what I deal with behind the scenes and secret enemies that have let me never let me know, you understand me. And then but with the public, the love and the energy that I get is unparalleled. You understand me. People act like they see Michael Jackson come back sometime, you know, and I appreciate that because I know that the only reason is because you tuned into some knowledge. So I tell people like, it's not me. You're tuning into yourself and you're using me as a conduit for that frequency. Right, So I'm just happy to be that element. But you know, I don't be dealing with too much suckers ship though, to be honest, you know, I keep to my own You understand me, Like I said, I got a big family, I got solid partners that I've been knowing for a long time, so I like to stay in my environment. I know that one of your one of your other many attributes is that you're also a fashion designer. So my question to you is, did you have any interest in fashion before you worked for product or did your tenure there kind of provide the motivation for your clothing and your head wear lines. Honestly, it was my older brother, my older brother real street though Muslim at the same time, but he is an artist, so he got us into art when we was young. Great artist, and I remember when I seen him design his first shirt and clothed and that inspired me. I understand me at an early age. So I remember when we used to wear certain things catching the neighborhood's access, you know, to make something for their hood, right, or make some sort of design that they want to customize. This is years and years ago, and for me, I'm just one of those person the moment that I feel like somebody go pay for something, it's valuable, right, So you got a skill set that you can go produce at home, something you can do and the rest of the world see value. One person funding value tim, but will telling people a hundred a hundred people of thousand. So also that was just this time at point where I was working with them, just doing their marketing. I wasn't designing. I was happy to just help. Right. The design came about because I wanted them to design certain things and he didn't want to design it, right, So I just designed it myself. That's just the type of person that I am. Then I realized like, actually good at this, right, you feel me? And then when my older brother and his baby moms they kind of stopped doing it because of their relationship. I picked it up myself. Right, he was locked up at the time, and I'm designing things and people's paying me to customize stuff. Like I'm I'm literally in the house painting, hustling, trying to get money on side of my job. But this actually felt good because people liked it. So you know, that turned into me like having these shirts that said as Salama Lacom and that to me, it was like a protest shirt. It was at the height of like nine eleven or everybody against the Muslims, right, So I went outside with my Asalama Lacom shirt off. Right, that's like me talking ship to the world, like what But when I were it was love though, like people hunting, ain't horns, white lake on salon, white people walking up to me telling me their stories and stuff that I don't want to hear and U but that just let me know, like that was that was another level of value that I had, So I started reproducing those in masks. I remember my bro Mr fab By the Oakland Um. Yeah, he had his shop and he has to put something in his shop and it was just one. It was things at the Folando because still I think that's his name. He got shot to a time and he put out a music video called twelve Shots, but he was wearing a slum the lake I called the musa Hill at the time, and one of the ox out from Kansas City was like, man, I didn't know you had that. You know, a dope error. He was like, no, that's key stuff. So BRO end up flying out maybe like a week later. I'm working that product at the time, but I'm ready to fire them, you understand. So yeah, look, yeah, getting it's a two way streak there. People don't think about firing their boss. You understand me, to become one. So I put them on notice, you understand me. And then but that day he taught I happened to be off, and he like, look, I want to come by like a bunch of stuff, but he said, I only got a little bit here. So I grabbed up all this stuff that I had through it in the trunk. I pulled up on him. You know, I bought like two thousand dollars worth of stuff, And I took that as a sign like if I was working, I wouldn't have a time to actually get the capital to invest in my dream, you understand me. So this time and I'm spending over here will actually never allowed me to be free. So I never knew what my life would be like unless I fired them. So I took that opportunity before I was even ready. I fired them. End up getting me a shop downtown Oakland for supposed to be short term. I end up having it open for almost two years. Right. The owner, you know, he ended the contract, wouldn't allowing me to extend in the more, even though he was popping right. Well, I think at the time, and you know, he's a good brother, shout out to Babo, but I think at the time he wanted the shot to be representative of his brand. And I feel like my brand that kind of like took over the energy of that block. You understand me, So I understand. But at the same time, I was flowing on social media clipss going viral every single day, so I'm like, you know what, We're just gonna take this ownline, right. I didn't have time to continue to like put out my full clothing, right because we had stars like a Mari Hardwick and Lakis Stanfield and Tessa Thompson and many different people come in there and buy stuff. So I just focused on the crown. So we created Crown Society. I traveled around the world crowning people. You understand me, and that crown is a representation of your higher self, right, Like if you think about bad Dannas. When I was younger, listening to Juf antana. You understand, dipset that they used to have all the bandanas on and everybody around the world ran those, creasing them up, putting them on a certain way. But that represents the streets, right, I'm like, it ain't nothing that represents the gods. So that was the reason when I first did it, I had them printed. It was bandanna, this particular status I created, and I remember people like, nobody go wear that long behold man, And we just sold tens of thousands, you understand me. So people have been locked in because everybody you need something that represents a new world, a new courture, something of a higher self. So we put them crowns on. And when people weird, I just say, what represents who you are? That's all. How are you hook up with to earn your legion movement? And how how important is it? You know what they're preaching the black people in financial little ship shout out to my brother's earn legion. Man, we didn't do some incredible good brothers man, they and um they ain't another continent right now doing some some boogie stuff. We we went to um, we went and we sold out real Albert Hall in London. You know. Um I was able the headline the show with them, and that was powerful because right before I was going on stage, you know, lots Fire can He is banned from coming to London. He's been banned since the eighties. I just hate you, understand me. They said they didn't want him to influence the population over there, right, same thing with Tarik Nashi. He's banned from London, so they literally put a band on him because they just felt like his voice was just too powerful. It's only like one point five million black people in London, so you could imagine where a person that has a power to bring two million black people together in America. I'm sure he could unite all the everything. So they felt like, yo, if you're not a person that's gonna bow down to the crown, they don't want your right. So he actually the minister actually out there. He sued them in one though, right, so they were supposed to let him through but they didn't honor it. Still. But anyway, before I was going up, the minister was telling me. He was like, you know, the Minister had World Alcohol booked right when he was on his white coming out here, so it felt like we was doing something bigger than ourselves, right, So we came out to j Electronica and the Minister and it's a it's a three thousand plus people and it's one of the most prestigious halls in the world. And this is not something that's for entertainment. But people like literally came out and they showed up to be an education and leaves, right, So we really created a model that can replace concerts. You turned up a bit. Shout out to Wall Street Travel two Beattie was there, uh in done lap um man. I hate when I started naming I'm gonna forget people and stuff. You know. Oh y'all love y'all, all the financial literates, yeah, all the financial revolutionaries. Man. But anyway to that point though, like the media, I don't feel like covered how important that moment was because we like we shift in paradigms when we do stuff like this. This is unheard of. The owner of us like, he ain't never seen nothing like this before. People literally came to learn about entrepreneur business, real estate stocks right real fast. And then they went home and they went to sleep and they chilled, and that replaced then going out to the club and going to a concert. That day, we did the same thing in Atlanta twelve thousand plus people. You understand me out here, and these models of what we're doing is, you know, most of the time we think about saving our else is politics, right, or it's a job right. But we teach and do for self right. We teach you how to create your own business. We're teaching skill sets for your assets. Right. Like they tell you to go to college, get a degree, get in debt and hope that you can pay it off. That's a scam, right, that benefits somebody else community more because we paid out all of that money when we really could have just learned how to manage that money, and we could have got paid way more than a degree ever has. So I feel like what we're doing, and you know, some of my activists and political people that follow me down like when I say this, but I know what we're doing is the most important. We didn't put all the mainstream media they put you know, a billion plus dollars each year right trying to get people elected. That same money can just go towards education. That same money can go directly towards the people that actually needed and putting together programs that educate people on financial literacy, right, because financial insecurity is when you don't have access to somebody who has a financial education in your environment. So therefore everybody making the same mistakes and nobody can up each other, right, and for the most part, you're probably gonna be giving each other bad advice. Yeah, it's the same thing to happen with food. Death is when you got a food insecurities when you don't have access to nutrient available food. So we got financial insecurities, and nobody can teach you about stocks. Nobody can teach you about real estate. Nobody can teach you about land. Nobody can teach you about blockchain, the crypto, or how do ulize artificial intelligence in your business? You know, how to create your own book or become an author. There's nobody in these environments. But that's a damn shame. And so I don't need to vote a politician then so they can create a program to do this. This generation is independent thinkers that just do it like well, like if we can get all of the celebrities, athletes, media people to push out of politicians so they can possibly get into office so that they can possibly do something, or we can go to the young men and women that's already doing it right, elevate the platform that's already got organic reach, and then watch that hit the masses. So we challenge media to make sure, like what y'all doing here is is give a voice right to those who are doing the work. And so voting has this place, but after we put somebody in place, meaning that lobbying is number one key when it comes to voting. Right, you have these you know, um these super PACs, these political you know um um action committees that pour all of the money right when you talk about billions of dollars going to political campaigns, these are corporations, right. So they're saying that they're calling these people, are saying do you need money? Well, if you need money, I need you to do this. The black community do the same thing with reparations. I was talking to a shot about this. If every congressman right that's in office decide to hold they vote until reparations is on the agenda, then we can get that done overnight. But what we're waiting for so either we got the wrong people in office or the people don't care. Right, So look at things are going on with Joe Bien. We put him in office, but Sleepy Joe ain't did nothing, you understand me. He's so called, what's gonna push out the thing about school debt, but then that got knocked off. I don't even think he know he president, right, but we voted for him. We're not we, but you know he did. I'm just saying, we got to have practical solutions to our problems. You know. I got it with my brothers from Oasis, and they're doing a real estate fund. They currently have the only active, you know, UM regulated real estate fund as SEC approved, which means that they can take money from uncredited investors for real estate projects. And so we went out of New York to Brownsville. We went to Mount Vernon. We was up there with Justin Combs and Groovy Low and good People's they were showing as their neighborhoods. My brother I'm he or and Fa him and you know, just going through and seeing like it's different on the high level, but when you go through the neighborhoods and see what needs to change in order for this environment to get better, it's tough. And it's like they got programs out there that would literally educate you know the environment, uh, and the people that's in it, but ain't nobody get and no money to it. So you will give them money to a politician before you give money to somebody else in grass roots. Now, this grass root person got to ask the politicians instead of people giving directly to the grass roots, they gathered the community and they can decide they want to give money to somebody that's in the community to become a politician that represents the agenda for the people, right, because we tie the politicians line exactly. So it's like when you've got people that's doing actionable things, that's teaching hundreds of thousands of people financial literacy, that's allowing him to create their own job things, own businesses, new skill sets, to be able to buy the house, to get investment portfolios. That to me is the root of the problem because poverty, you know, comes from ignorance. So we don't know nothing. We got to take our options. Right. So, now, when because you're not educated like everybody else's community, the crime increases, prison rate increases, recidivism rate increases, right, family dynamics slow down, right because now the man can't take care of the household. He's on parole. He got issues. It's mental health issues. So I feel like those who have money have to be financial generals right to where you don't always have to be the person that say something, put money behind the people that's doing something. Okay, so let me ask you this going back to the family dynamic that we were talking about earlier. Um, I was watching something where you said, basically like, just because you have kids doesn't make you a parent. You're basically just a manager of someone else's life. Talk about that, Well, most most parents don't actually they watch their children. They don't raise their children, you understand me. The they're more babysitters. The world raises their children right between them pivotal years in life. You know, a child doesn't think for itself. You don't have consciousness yet, right, Basically, a child is like in sleep state where they just taking in everything that they're being programmed. So you're watching your child. Then you sent them to school. Their experience that things that they actually go through that makes them think, that shapes who they are. Right then you have to teach years who now have agendas that they're saying certain things in the classroom, doing certain things. So the child is thinking about those things. Then they got these little, you know, over sexualized kids that may be doing some other weird stuff with your kids, and your child may not come back and tell you about it, but that's shaping how they see themselves, how they feel about themselves, and who they think they are right now, when they start thinking for themselves, they're that person that was programmed. Now you between those those times that you get them after school, right, maybe on the weekend, right or maybe you know, from you know, late afternoon when they get out to the evening, you gotta prepare food, you gotta go to work, like you only have a few hours with your child, right, So you're talking to them about the way that the world is raising them. So, but the parents job right should be to raise the highest level of child that they can. But the best way to do that is to teach them about the world and teach them about themselves, right, Because otherwise we pointed off to everybody else to teach their child correctly. Right, And this world was not built to raise geniuses, right, Otherwise you would start defying the system. When you start getting so called free thinkers and people that think for self, they start asking why why do I gotta go to that job. Why do I gotta do this? Why I gotta do that? And government is to govern mind and mental. It's about compliance. We need to raise people just so they can work for us. That's it. There's no other reason for this school is to raise people to become smart enough to work for us challenge. So that's why people who often don't have traditional educations, they think different and they're more ready for the world. That is because now they got to think for theirselves, and it's become one of the greatest skill sets. I don't need you to tell me how to use my I don't even call this a phone. This is a computer. Right. The phone is the least thing that you do with this thing. You don't even like people calling this no more, you understand me. But Steve Jobs and them they created a computer and they gave it to everybody in the world. You understand me, those who can afford it. So now you can literally go on this computer, create your own media machine. Right, like money be screaming at us, you have to be you have to ignore money. Now catches like man, write a book to get some money, you understand me, do airbnb to get some money. You understand me? Do social media? Get some money? Right, dude, getting on the stocks and get some money. Like it was never like that before. Ever, we only had a couple of options on how to get money. Now we got to ignore the thousand options. So it's hard to be lazies. Being lazy is a skill set now because you got to ignore the money just so that you can be lazy, right, sit on the couch and watch Netflix and binge all day. But you think that, um, the ages, the problem ag is to have incensed conversates with your kids. I think early. Man, it's hard to say with the exact age because all children, people are all different, right, try to develop at different ages. But you know, I think when you get into around the age of like even I think from earlier it's like five years old, you start programming because nowadays you don't know how early they're going to see and experience that exactly. If you put that tablet in front of your kids, you have no con troll over who they become. You never know what they they Some can just pop up on them. They got a question, but they don't know if they can go ask you. They don't even know what they're saying, but the images in their head, right, So I think like children have a comprehension level very early on, but we treat them like kids for a long time. I think it's a minister that said, don't say Google God got to your kids. Well, you just they don't even make no sense, you know, I'm saying, it's so a child looking at you stupid like Google God got you understand me? But actually, like speak words and speak life into your children, and at an early age, you're not just talking to them about like yo, this is sex, this is this, but it's like you're giving them a foundation of like, yo, this is what men do with women. This is that kind of energy that you're seeing over here, like, because you need to get them filters right. Otherwise, if they don't feel comfortable talking to you, right, they're gonna ignore you. They're gonna look it up on Google, or they're gonna ask a friend. So now when you want to have that conversation, they are comfortable happening, right because they didn't grow up doing that. So they're dynamics. It's not that. So you gotta catch at an early age where you make them comfortable with just being open and transparent. But I think also the biggest thing is not being a hypocrite in the household, because if they you say one thing and do the next, they're not gonna believe you no more, right, And I think that's probably one of the issues we had our parents. Sometimes you said, don't curse, but you're cursing, right, You said don't do this, but you're doing that. So it's like a child learned to just be sneaky and kind of double minded with the they things because they're like, you can tell the person one thing, but then you can do another thing. So we learned that in the household early on. We're not get big. Another thing that I was watching and you were saying basically where the people that don't want to have kids will probably be way better parents than the people who had kids by mistakes or who didn't have plan on having kids. What exactly did you mean by that? Well, I was thinking about the idea that if you don't want to have kids, most people, like millennials, don't have children because they're fearful of the world. That is, there'll be more cautious with you, right, So they're actually thinking about how this child mind would be shaped in the type of world that we're living in. Right, So I feel like growing the child, you're going to be more cautious and implementing things to make sure that child is real the right way. And understand me, because you you're assessing the risk of raising a child versus somebody who just have a child by accident, and sometimes they put that energy on that child, right, and that child is caught up in a dynamic of two parents that never wanted them in the first place. Right, So when you're thinking about it beforehand, it's like, damn, I'm not ready to have a child. Why Probably financially you don't feel like you're in that space. You haven't met that quota that you want to get to. So at least this is a person that's more cautious and that's thinking about it and that's more intentional about their reality versus somebody, right, and no disrespected. We had a lot of you know, accidental children in society that did great things. Shout out to the accidents. You understand me, but we actually, you know, such things were all here for basically it's kind of like that part I'm called accidents were like these parents were presented with a problem without a toy, right, and they were forced to go on it. So like I wouldn't never want a woman to have a child before she wants to, you understand me, because there's gonna be a certain level of regret forever even if she might oh this is still I love this child, but there's still an energy I could be doing this instead of raising you right. So like a woman that wants to have a child, it's a certain energy that she's gonna have towards that child because this was intentional. She got a vision on you know, I want to raise him this way. I want to dress them on, them go to school like this, I want them to learn this. I want to be like this. Right. But without having that intentionality and what you're doing right, then that child will be raised any kind of way. So I think it's just dangerous. You gotta plan to have children. And I know a big thing now is like playing parenthood, but like playing in parenthood is literally about a boarding children, but planning parenthood supposed to be about raising children. Damn, high level conversation we love at nineteen Keys. Let me ask you, so, what's the soundtrack to nineteen Keys? Like, like, what do you listen to? And then are there's certain is the certain music you stay away from because of the level of consciousness, consciousness you achieved low level ship. It's hard not to you feel me. Uh, you know, I grew up at open in St. Louis, so you know the environment curate low level. Um, I said, soundtrack to nineteen Keys is like Nipsey Hustle, though, you understand me. Like Nipsey Hustle music is like it's inspirational music and like a big factor in my life is like inspiring people but kidding them active and in the mode and like being on that marathon the movement. You understand me, So like Nipsey Hustle. But then my brothers make music, so I gotta shout them out of course by sharing jack Hella. These are my brothers. They think like me. But my younger brother he music that sound more like like a street god. You understand me. This is like on the verge of a little ignorant but elevated. And then my other one is is he liked the spiritual future. You understand me. That's how I feel he is, That's that's how I'm pooped. Um. But then you know, I like a lot of some of the new cash like La Russell Man. He should be slapping, you understand me. And I like the business model that he got going on. But you know, I'm gonna listen to some joints on that new NAS album that just drops, even the Drake and the one you understand Me. I think ten one was a wild about the Nas comments. But you know, as hip hop, you feel me. But I listened to it was a vibe you feel me because when I'm working on I'm go onna move. You know, I like to get turned up. The only problem is I just don't like one. That ship is in my head, understand me. Like when you listen to music, you always not in agreement. That's when you're in relaxation, and your relaxation your mind is distracted so that your subconscious mind can be programmed. So a person talking about man fun these niggas man, fuck them bitches, like you know, slut them out. I kill these niggas, Hunt these niggas down, like that ship is in yourself conscious. So you may get angry at somebody and then your self conscious is how you go treat them. Baby music, you're listening to me, Yeah, we got both of our music is sentering around death right, not life right. So like even in the court where we celebrate death more than life, that's why we don't give people flowers while they live in we give them when they did. So it's like it's it's fast sex, right, It's fast death, fast lifestyle. How do you speed up this process of dying quicker? Doing drugs? Everything is senting around like a very death courture. Do you think that's why we're losing so many? I think you know with the artist man, it's it's it's it's terrible because it's always before they time. But it's like if we understand the power of like what we think is reality, so if we're always talking about it, we're always creating it, you know, so when it happens, it shouldn't actually be a surprise, right. So like if somebody's talking about you know, niggas might catch you slipping and kill you. I might do the same to them, and then it happens to you. But that was something you've spoken to existence, you understand me. Like if your environment is curated with people who hunt rob you understand me. Treat people all kind of different ways and then you caught up in that environment. Because most people just caught up in their own environment, right, you happen to be in a situation with the same type of music that curates that type of situation. So if you play a person's music based on the way that they die, they got a soundtrack to it, you understand me. Like, but if you got a soundtrack, you don't see certain rappers you know that speak about life, like j Cole, like the Kendricks and things of that nature, you don't normally hear about them caught up in situations where they dine, You understand me. Their music wouldn't match the reality. But most rappers who died, their music matches the way that they died. Damn. So how do you think we disturbed the narrative that these people are making a certain type of music because they only think that's the type of music that will make them money or make them a livelihood. Well, I think, look at the top, Drake don't make that kind of music. Drake ain't no killer, you understand me. Kendrick ain't no killer. Cold ain't no killer. You understand me. So if they are and he talked about the guys around on that. But it's like when you want to go do not a boy to turn on drake when you feel me that ain't that you you might go throwing some future you feel me, you might throw on the flip side to it, right, But it's like even that in that reality right when you think about you can make music that reflects your reality, or you can make music that reflects what you want your reality to be. Right, So it can be aspirational as well. We don't always have to make music. Yo, I so crack to my mama, So I'm a rap about it. I can rap about the fact that I don't want nobody to sell crack to their mom. You understand me. So we glorify the same circumstances we're trying to escape. Yea, it matters like your subject matter don't have to change to where you're talking about something that you're not living, but you are trying to get out of it. That's why you're making music actively. So talk about that energy. Talk about I made a lot of dumb decisions when I was young. That's why I got locked up. That's why I did dump stuff. But we glorified instead of letting these know like my intelligence level was so low. Even though I knew it was wrong, I still did it right. So we glorifying people for making mistakes. When you get locked up, that's a mistake every time, you know what I'm saying, But we still glorify them in stripes. So I feel like hip hop, unfortunately it's not ran by us. We don't run nor control hip hop, so we can't even dictate who gets the type of contracts. Right radio, if they played, if they played My Brothers or the wrestle right now, every single day it becomes a new sound and they're not talking about killing right, So now other cats can talk about those things too, and they can get spinds as well. So then you got, of course YouTube, which is independent music though, so a person just put out. But then even those sounds is based on what's being curated. You've got a NBA young boy, my nephew, love him, you understand me. So he's independent and he but he ain't doing that. Ain't crazy? Yeah, actually tripping on it, man, that's it's like that's like version of like like rock music, like rock music is just just chaotic. That type of music is that version of rock music, pump rock and ship like that. So unfortunately, I think that it's going to be a generation or fortunately rather that changes that. Right, Like we've seen us go through the mumble Rap phax that's not even there. Dumb Wrap is actually phasing out a lot, but we're not noticing that change that society kind of went back a little bit, say something, just a little bit at least, you know what I'm saying, so I can catch that vibe, right, but it has to be intentionally done about those at the top. And or I've seen Meek Mills talking about he gonna drop an album where he's not gonna dropping on the mainstream platform. So it's not based on the numbers. Number skew reality. It's what people like, right, and then what people judge based on Billboard and the numbers them. Numbers don't matter to good music, right, because you can push out a program to force people to listen to something acts every DJ and the nation be on them. Give them money. However it worked, that's just money that pushes the sound. It's not what the people want, it's what's pushed on the people because it's a machine behind. So reality is skewed between what people actually like and what's forced on them from mainstream industry. So the idea now is I tell rappers, yo, it would be better for you to have a discord channel than to have a record label contract. You got a discord channel, you got a thousand core fans. If you can get a thousand cored fans, because who's one of your favorite artists? Keep it real, J I mean, I like my friends, Like, how much money have you got one for his music? I buy everything in yourselves. So how much you think that that was about? Mm hmmm, from music to March to like all the rest and ship probably several thousands of dollars in yourself, none amounting don't keep ron Z ro do I buy Apple music and listen to it for free. That's the average fan. This is this is a core core fan. Yeah, you send me something. Average person based on streaming probably doing five to thirteen dollars right from like who they love though? Right like you love Michael Jackson, the amount of times you stream to listen to him, you probably still gave his a state twenty thirty dollars over a lifetime. So the idea ain't to get a million streams. Idea if average rapper based on Google Analytics, which I think is way lower. They say seventy thousand. Reality, you know, because there's a lot of rappers, so we're talking average probably getting five to ten thousand dollars. But if you can get a thousand core fans to pay you a hundred dollars, that's a six figure career. People want to make a career. I think music exactly. Get you a discord, drop your music every year to where you create a subscription base. It's a hundred dollars per year, understand me, summing around less than ten dollars a month. You understand me, and they get your music. Now you're getting a hundred thousand dollars from that core fan base. Right, get you a thousand fans or a hundred fans, and if you've got a solid base and you already got a platform, get a hundred fans to pay you a thousand dollars and you don't get music to nobody else. So now you guarantee six figure releases when you drop. Right. This is the idea kind of constructed around Web three. It's not being the product, but like leveraging your intellectual property. And that's what music is is content but we've learned now to everything that we do, we give to ocean media companies. We give to record label companies and we let them manage it, get all the money, and then we get paid on the back end. Right, So you do a concert, but you're not getting paid from your albums, you understand me. Instead, go direct the customer. The average fan would love to say, you know what, I didn't even think of it like that. I'm not actually supporting this artist that getting me through the bad times? Right? They even we celebrate to them, we love them. When they die, we cherished them. But I probably I didn't gave Starbucks more money than my favorite artists, you understand me. So for me, you know, creating a merchant smart, right, and but creating a community around your music, so even them fans are connecting and communicating with each other. So dual releasing the discord. Don't put it on the platform so they can get paid. Do it so you can get direct you know, m salves. Kanye West put out that steam Player, He got direct sales. He didn't care about what the billboard charge was. That ship can be manipulated, we know it, But what the fan loves can't be manipulated. You understand me, not if they consume in that. So you have to focus on new business models on how you go leverage your content in your music so you can actually make a viable career out of it instead of trying to make it look like you've got money in success? How do how do people are determine between the faith woke smart and the real smart um? You know, you can't fake me and smart because you have to do intelligent things. You understand me like a smart person can. You can play dumb, but dumb person can't play smart. You understand me because it's gonna be revealed each and every time. So it's like for me, it's all about actions though if you're not actually doing nothing, because it's indirect leadership and direct leadership and it goes to indirect manipulation and direct manipulation. Manipulation is trying to get a person to do things, finding a clever way to do it. So if you're a leader and you have indirect manipulation, right, you're trying to figure out a way to incentivize a person to follow what you do, not directly, like you know, if you follow what I do, you know It's like an artist that's saying, if you listen to my music, then you get a hundred dollars. Right, it's indirect or like there's going to be some sort of reward connected to it, you know. But direct leadership is walking by example. You ain't got to follow me, but if I do it, then you see me do it. Now you can follow, right, But the person is trying to make this ship sound good. So this is the reason you follow me because I made it sound No, like, look what am I doing? What's my resume in life? Because consciousness is just being aware of something, right Like that. The word woke is is now like people use that in all counter ways now, But do you see a lot of fake for surely? Yeah, it's like a fake street nigga. Same thing, and somebody's fake woke. It's like they know it sounds good. Rappers do it all the time, you understandment. They have moments where I'm about to put this out because everybody black right now, the biggest fake woke month black history. Everybody listen, man ain't no better. Everybody get to be black now you can show up your job. I'm black, true, No, all of us saying you. Lebron James with the Malcolm X autobiography booking on had you understand Me? But he on the first page shout out to Lebron. He didn't post it some stuff he was tripping earlier with Kyrie. But it's a lot of faith wokeness man, because most people awareness is tied to they check the integrity is so they won't they agree with me, but I can't say it because my white boss over there, Bron can't say nothing. You understand me, or you just don't actually putting on study behind those things, right, like most politicians of faith woke probably of him, right, most entertainers are dumb, like not even just not woke, they're just not smart. They don't. They have the same thing with athletes. You have somebody managing your whole lifely, your money, your finances. Even before people get to you, there's somebody that checks them first. So there are certain people you were just ever have a conversation with because you've got somebody that filter your whole life, so you're not even aware of real reality. You understand me that that you ask somebody can I post this? You gotta handle it. Awareness is like being aware of reality and what's going on. But first with yourself, right, and if you understand yourself, you can understand the world because everything you deal with the world is how you deal with yourself, how you see yourselves, how you see the world. Right, So you know, fake wokeness. I think it's something that's gonna continue to spread, right, Like now what they called wokers crazy, I don't really know what woke me. No, Now, woker's kind of the opposite of woke, right, Like they put their agendas in it, and then you got what they called the Republicans and something to say that's fake woke, And I'm like, no, when I grew up, like work was like a person that like understood, like the government ain't force you know what I'm saying. What was understanding the agendas of crack in our communities, like you know what's going on in the world. But now it's like this politicize thing to say you woke or a woman when you see a black man that's too intelligent or like standing on this ship, you're gonna call them hotel. So it's it's a hotel. Hotel, Yeah, what it really means to be at peace? Right, But it's been weapon up. We find everything that's good and we turned it backwards. Yeah, you understand me. Like early, somebody that's smart, you understand me, we treat it like it's wrong. Yeah, just the exactly. But that's the unfortunate reality. So now it's about like how do we make actually being intelligent a good thing and a cool thing? Because we know the person that run the streets ain't just the person that's killing. Everybody's the smartest person that can run everybody else. They can manipulate the crowd, you understand me, They know personality types or everybody gonna move what they go function on. They can actually create a plan and then everybody can move around it. Right. They might have a soldier that got more heart than them, but the soldier can't think, you understand me. So now you're a boom, but a goon don't think he just takes orders without thinking. That's what an actually is. So what you understand is that we got to get back to this place where people honor Malcolm X, people are in their minister for people are honored. You understand me, huie Pe Newton. But these were people based on the intellect. You understand me, Like huie Pe Newton was an intellectual revolutionary. He went to college, he studied the constitution, then he spoke facts based on that constitutional law, and then they backed it with programs. So every time we look at a black man in the history that we love is because of the intellect. But how do you counter that? Right? You got to get people to hate intellect. Right now, when you see somebody that's smart, the community goes against them instead of supporting them, like, yo, we need you to leave you intelligence. Look at herschel Walker. He he doesn't have to have any intelligence, right, Man, don't do that, man, don't do that. Bang. I don't know. I'm not a political person, but I'm just saying the fact that the way he has to communicate it doesn't have to of politicians don't have to be the smartest people. They have to be the most powerpular and influential. So even in politics, it ain't based on intelligence, right, Otherwise we would have engineers and scientists as politicians manipulating deceptive people that can speak well, that's charismatic, that's different. They can move people. So it's like in courture, it ain't we don't care about who there smart. That's not why you get awards. You don't get awards even based on whether you do something good. It's just whether it was influential and popular. That's it. We don't have awards based on good marriage at all. So that means that nas can be getting an award and six nine could be getting the same award. You understand me, because it's not based on characters, not based on morals, none of that. So that's our curture at the moment. It's unfortunate, but we just don't care about morals. Let me ask you that, um, we go as far as like, I'm not gonna like go too deep into it, but with the Kyrie situation, how do you feel about the way that his peers of his same kind tried to demonize him in that situation? And then after all of the damage was already done, the owner of the team comes out and says that he actually does not feel that he was anti Semitic. But all of this ship has already happened and he's already been knocked down, if you will, I think all of that was about emasculate in Kyrie Urvan that was the only point of it. Joe's aside must have had an issue with Kyrie Irvin ever since you know, he didn't take the job, and I met up with Kyrie at that time speaking with him during the height of the controversy. You understand me, Kyrrie Irvin is a cool dude. He has to be like one of the most humane, level headed, like spiritual people that's authentic and the like. Often time you see somebody that presented on TV, you gotta wonder, like, I really like that, and that's like who he is and nobody's looking you understand and me. So when you're on a spiritual journey, you start to uncover knowledge, information and things that help you on your journey, so you share that information. So it had nothing to do with him anti another. People had everything to be him bla blah blah, being pro himself, understand me and learning himself. And so his colleagues know that thought they noticed about Kyrie Irton Lebron knows this shock knows is anybody that has met him, they know the man that made a three sixty or one eighty in his life rather where you know, he was the brother that was wilding and now he's learning himself. But when you do that, you know you encourage everybody else to do that. You start encourage people to think for self in a league that seventy black, right, but like owned by white man, you understand me, So you can't be out here encouraging other black men that we want, yeah to think for self because you already know if you've got people around you, they would have advised you against it. But he's like, no, I gotta be me, right, But the league should be the league should be cured it based on the ethnic background of the players, not the other way around, because they are the dominant. It should not be around the sensitivities of the owners, but the players, because without the players, there's no league, right, And so the players don't realize their power. And what happens is they get scared of them being next. Right, So I gotta say something I might lose Lebron James. We're saying, and you know, like I said, Lebron and posted some stuff that I didn't put out, you know, and before this, we felt like Lebron had a nice, perfect record, you know what I'm saying, good black man, good family, all of these things. And he kind of like exposed himself a little bit because he overtalked, and he didn't need to. He could have said, you know, I know Lebron, don't know, he's not hateful. Hopefully you know, this situation gets resolved. I think we all are against hate. So hopefully everybody has an understanding so that we know this is not about hate. And I can't wait to see what Kyrrie Irvan does next so that you can get back to basketball in the game that he loves, press comforts over. But instead you see what I did to Kanye. I took his platform off because he was saying hate for stuff I'm not with hate. He kind of reheard a lot of people, so it's like, come on, man, you're the most influential man in the NBA. You can't do that. You can't speak against your brother like that, because what happens when is your time now? Like something you said, you're gonna want everybody to come to your a. So we've seen a lot of people turned right at the Minister fire Content said something that called him out. The Curture was like, Brod, that's some suckers ship, you understand me, And they had to think, like, Brod, that's not good. It's not even good for business. You understand me. Not only is I was wrong morally, but it's not good for business. Black people ain't gonna support you going against another black man publicly because you were like the black man. You understand me. It was them. No, he didn't make it because the owner of or not the owner, but the CEO Andy Jesse of Amazon as a white Jewish man. So if he puts it on his platform and it gets filtered through the process to see if it has hate, and they decide that they can still go up, then how is it not me as a black man, can't cat share a link right of content that you put on the platform where there was a white Jewish owner and it's a filteration system for the quote unquote anti or the hate and they said it went through that and it passed. So now you're telling me that you have a perspective on what you considered to be hate even though the platform said it wasn't. But now I'm hateful for sharing something that went to write this filter that makes absolutely no sense, but realized had nothing to do with the documents. So when he shared it, what did he say? Nothing? Right? So all this year because he posted this had nothing to do with He's just posting he go through this ship your stories, and he always posted like images of like black things and consciousness and all the time. So when I've seen it, it was just like a regular post. I didn't really think nothing of it, you understand me. But it's like you got Kanye now they want to make an example out of ky Read. They said, all right, we got should let him in front of the world. So saying apologizing ain't enough. Denouncing that you hateful not enough. Right, we have to make sure that you go through some sort of you know, disrespect and embarrassment that the rest of the players don't want to think about doing that as well, you understand me. That's all is about black men around the world. We feel that because the America, you know that that deal with oppression, like the Jewish people got reparation. We're still fighting for that, you understand me. So anytime we see white men right try to embarrass and emasculate a black man on a national stage, we feel that because that's in our blood, you understand me, Like we still go through that from epigenetic trauma that exists from what we go through where last seven generations from like slavery. Yeah, that's what I was just about to say, because didn't emasculations start book breaking was the process you bucked up against the system, right. And you know during slavery, they were raped black man, you understand me, they would beat them. It's the whole um, uh, front of their women and their children and like everybody, their whole community that they still have to go in front of and act like they're something. So we can't normalize that. And and and if anything, the NBA, you know, and the Brooklyn Nets needs to apologize to the black community. And Kyrie Irvan, you understand me, because of what they're uh making everybody feel right now during this time, you understand me, Like y'all love the one percent, right, Joe Sacide has ties you know with China and owning Ali Babo where they have all of that slave labor, and there ain't nobody boycotting his team, you understand me. So once you start doing that, now you have the world right, this is where everybody want to be woke now. But it's not a bad thing because you start getting these surges where people feel more comfortable expressing themselves truthful right platforms on social media you can't speak truth otherwise you get censored. Right, So you can't. Society's normal narratives are never what people actually think. It's what people are allowed to think and allowed to say openly and out. So black people always feel a constant oppression, especially black men, because we can never say what we think freely and boldly, because we always have to worry about I'm using a white man's platform. This is a reality, you understand me. So if we don't have anything that we own and control, we can never feel free, you know. Damn? So where about Kanya. Kanye ain't wrong and right? Kanye is a little complex, you know, um what Kanye West, what we're seeing. I think it's important to understand Kanye West. They said he wasn't a billionaire, but Kanye West made Addis billions and billions of dollars. He increased the value of Adidas. They lost more money than he ever would. Right. They was getting about one or two billion dollars every year from them. Easy sales. You have the best you in the world. So if you can come to a company and you can increase their revenue by tens of billions of dollars, then that means you work billions, right, But what they get is they get the courtier to laugh at him because they say he's not worth a billion no more are they're saying he has four hundred plus million dollars or five hundred million in assets. Right. But when you're talking about evaluation, it's just about what somebody that got money says something is worth, or it's about future seals that you can produce. So we know that the earning value and potential of Kanye West is worth billions of dollars. So by the same measurement of him having in a deal with the Didas that made him a billionaire, that same value exists. He just got to make that deal with himself, you understand me. So I don't like the narrative that he's not a billionaire because we know for a fact if that's the case, we don't have billionaires in our courtyard. If it's based on in particularly you're doing a deal with the company to where you're giving them more value. But we didn't create those systems and how to value ourselves. So they can strip away because they define it right, and they allowed him to define himself as a billionaire as long as he was in agreement and cooperation. So whether you agree with the way he says things, what he says, it's bigger pictures w and creates examples of like reality, right, because a lot of things when you talk about relationships between you know, record labels and black artists, we are Black artists complain about their contracts all day long, you understand me. We hear them getting left out their contracts from the owners to the lawyers. So he's exposing his relationships, right, and he's detailing that, and so the conversation was never about it. Wass Kanye talking about these relationships? Is that truthful? And that is that general across the spectrum? Historically the answer will be yes, it is. Instead, the conversation is he should not have said that thing about George Floyd, right, And that's agreeing. Now we agree to that, and then we moved forward to the rest of the conversation that was two and a half hours long. Right. So I always say there's truth with integrity and there's truth without integrity. Truth for integrities. When you say something and you live by that as well, truth and out integritors, you still speaking truth, but you don't actually represent that truth, right, And so often speaks truth that he doesn't always represent. So people attack his life when you got the white woman when you did business with these people, but it doesn't take away from the fact that he was still speaking true. Right. So you know, Kanye West can easily make another billion if you know he just goes to direct to sales with customers because black people still go by Asian people and Spanish people. This he still has a huge customer base, so that means that his potential earnings is still a billionaire at a billion plus dollars. That's all he did because he before they dropped him, he dropped them. He s done with Adidas. I don't want to do a gap. So it's like, how was the news of him of Adidas being forced to drop him. They didn't drop him. The A d L called them and said they had to. They said, my hands was tied and they said, well, if you don't, we're gonna drop the hammer on you. This is literal quotes from the A d L. So they're not dropping him because they wanted to, because it was pressured and forced to and it messed up their whole company's revenue for the next few years. They're trying to sell shoes without the man name and nobody buying them blank easies. You don't want those, damn like with the fake easies. Then you got the post I come on out the post a trying to stunt like no. So you know, I got a program. We're teaching the b w A. We teach people how to leverage their intellectual property, how to think for self, how to do for self. You know, um I learned that. You know, credit courses you just give people information, but coaching you can take them through it. You understand me and be like yo, do this do that right? So you know, we do the mental, the physical, the spiritual, and the financial engineering on a weekly basis to take people through those steps of like building themselves up. Kanye West was in my coaching program, I would have shown him like, look that's how you do it from a web three standpoint, how you go direct to consumer, utilize the blockchain, don't need a corporation. We got new tools in society that allows us to be more efficient than we ever worry at any other point in time. So it's like, I think the problem is a lot of these people are trying to fight the system using the system right, But there's new systems and new tools that allow you to circumnavigate these old ways, and it's like if we use those then there's no problem, there's no pressure. So oftentimes just the people that you have around you is why you make decisions in the wrong way because you're like screaming like a child to get attention. But if you got people that have intellectual you know, prowess, and they have the right business sense and they know how to think for our people in an effective manner. Now Kanye West comes, Kyrie Irving comes, Different people come be like, Yo, I heard you talking about what kind of business can I be doing? Like I want to circumnavigate these things. And every other community gets to work with their own and seeing that as love like we study and re respect that. Only when black people start working talk about doing for self and cutting out middleman, it's a problem. Nineteen Keys talking to us about some of this product that we have on this table, paradignm Keys Solution based mind Programming. Yeah, that's one of my books that I came out with because I wanted a simple guy that a person can just flush through real quick and they gott have foundation to learn from you understand me. It's like real actionable things that can help change the way you think and go about seeing a view in the world. So paradigm keys is, you know, changing the way you think, changing your habits, changing your world. But solution basedry programming is key because we usually know more about the problem than we do the solution. Right, media coverage is always on the problem and never the solution. So it's like, anytime you think about a problem, anybody can give me a problem and first thing, I'm gonna go towards what's the solution. But a lot of people they want to romanticize the problem, they want to trauma bond. I ain't got that for you. You understand me. Like it may seem that I may be unempathetic towards it, but it's not. It's just I'm gonna move forward type of person, you know what I'm saying, Like you really want to sit here and talk about everything that went wrong? What did you learn from it? And how can we make it better? So this is how they gas like our people during these times, and it's like, no, the media can always present the problem. I remember even CNBC covered us even when they presented it. They didn't present it like yo, these people out here teaching financial literacy on a large scale to tens of thousands of people. The black community is moving forward with the young generation leaders. No, they like black people got zero present assets. We ain't making no money. It's bad out here in this financial climate of a recession. Everything was covered from a negative problematic standpoint, and it's like, damn, why you ain't cover Like, look at this enlightening thing that's happening. Though, like you project more of that, it changes. So I live by that whatever you water grows, you understand me. If you water the problems, you got bigger problems. If you water solutions, you got bigger ones. You water them facts, you got bigger facts. And then talk to us about these products too. Oh yeah, my favorite right now is the smart Month's gold. I ain't gonna line you get them at where you get them from, So we make them, so we manufacture on ourselves. You got a gold water dot com we called most people have a misconception that gold water is the only product because we named it all of our first product for it's gold water Court, but it's gold g R L D E Water dot com but it was basis on the have of new tropics. New tropics are products that stimulate mental activity, right, and boost brain performance. Most of what we consider to be mental health as brain health all right, and gut health. Right. Your gut has a direct correlation with your brain. Right. So when you go to the hoods and you look at we're undermineralized. We don't eat no food that has minerals in it or light from the sun. And that's when human beings need. When we eat, we process that within our bodies and we regrow ourselves and allows us the proper function right in the right manner. Instead, man, we eat junk, and we eat foods that have no nutrition, that has cancer cars and elements within it, that has artificial ingredients within it. And so, as my good sister said from surviving Vegan, the front is for entertainment, the acts for information. But we get entertained by the front. Man, This cereal look good, these cookies look good, but on the back we can't pronounced under the ingredients. Right. So when you're eating things that you don't even pronounce or can't understand, nor can your body about what the hell you just gave me five you know, I'm gonna try to do something with it. There's like, yeah, I'm gonna try to give you something. I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to get energy. But I don't think I don't think this was the right one. You passed up the whole healthful our to go eat some food. But it's a reason they got a healthful section because everything else is unhealthy. Right, So we know that trying to get the people to focus today is hard, man, because our brains is at a deficient level, and we got the attention span of a fish like seven seconds we reset, now you understand me. And so when you're trying to get a person to focus on some high level, man, they need that brain activity and function. They need like after our brain changes, you understand me, Like the way we process and keep information, it ain't the same no more. So we have to stimulate ourselves so that that neural plasticity to where you can constantly learn and grow is constantly active, right, otherwise you get stuck at a certain level. So you know that goal waught have been utilized in Egypt for thousands of years. It was utilized in the UK to help curve certain addictions. It's still utilizing medical tools and science beauty products. Women put gold right on the skin because they helped with the micro tears in the skin for inflammation and things of that nature. So you know, I always let people they just try to go try it over time and see what the goal does for you by re enhancing that mineral that's already in our body, because we're born with zero point zero two percent of goal within our body, you understand me. So if you have the element already within you, shouldn't you increase that flow so that you can maintain that electrical body. But this one, I ain't a lot. This woman keeping me going late because we'd yeah, that's the organic addy, you know auderall is you know the you can't find them on the streets right now, but you can find that sending. So we were doing smart masks and at first, no, I've been getting excited about this because I didn't have the product out, but I haven't been actively taken it, you understand me. But I was like, we need to add the golden there. But I just started taking it over the last few weeks, and man, I'm being up. You feel me like I was I was teaching the students in the b w oh, and I'm tired of hell. I'm on the road. We're traveling, and I gotta gonna teach a class and like my energy is like damn, I'm gonna go in there and man, just be depressed. But I took one ahead of time. It just woke me up on their teaching for like three hours straight. Right. But when you study lions, man, it's a particular mushroom compound, and we have something on our neurons or called my nation. Right. My nation is that process really that allows electricity to float from one end to another. So like when your brain is stuck and you're trying to remember something that's literally like the electrician between different synapsis and your brains not being able to connect, so that information ain't going to connect the dots. So as you get older, that gets worse. Yeah, the ten bottles, So that make you feel like it's just it's a different kind of you know, we all got like or towards or feels so like it enhancewers your energy, and you know that lions main't gonna hans that focus. You understand me? And Sea Mars is a base within that as well, So that's gonna mineralize your body, right, So we call them moss, but really it's the lions made in the gold that's the secret to this product. And this is my new favorite, man, that smart Moth's gold. And their website is gold Water dot com g R L d E water dot com right now and then you can't keep that bottom than you And that's all I was supposed to be interviewing, you know, but they's like I can't come on as QUI learning. You know what I'm saying. I appreciate them, and I feel the energy I appreciate now. I like Big Facts Podcast, favorite podcast, Man, you got hip Hop Favorite? You got the streets Favorite. It's different categories, but I feel like, you know, I've seen some of the guests y'all had up here in the dialogue, right, and y'all have some real conversations. It feels like the same fearlessness we have in the streets, we apply that to the conversations we haven't here when we communicate them. So that's what I respect the most. Appreciate so little the nineteen keys on Big Fact check us out, Triple W Dot, Big Facts, Pot Dot com It's fat, Fitch,