The Traveler - The Gospels

Published Jul 24, 2023, 9:00 AM

In this Bible Story, we see Jesus revealing himself to two men on the road to Emmaus. They would pave the way for Jesus to come and reveal himself to the disciples. This story is inspired by Luke 24:13-45. Go to and learn the Bible in a Year.

Today's Bible verse is Luke 24:31 from the King James Version.

Episode 214: As two of the disciples of Jesus were walking to their home in Emmaus talking about the recent events in Jerusalem, a Traveler joined them. The Traveler asked them what was going on and they explained their astonishment and sense of tragedy at what happened to this man named Jesus that they thought might be the Messiah. Then the Traveler explained to them that this is what the scriptures said must happen. As they reached their destination, the three of them sat down for a meal. And as the Traveler blessed the meal and broke the bread, the men realized He was Jesus.

Hear the Bible come to life as Pastor Jack Graham leads you through the official podcast. This Biblical Audio Experience will help you master wisdom from the world’s greatest book. In each episode, you will learn to apply Biblical principles to everyday life. Now understanding the Bible is easier than ever before; enjoy a cinematic audio experience full of inspirational storytelling, orchestral music, and profound commentary from world-renowned Pastor Jack Graham.

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This episode is sponsored by Medi-Share, an innovative health care solution for Christians to save money without sacrificing quality. is the digital destination of faith. With over 5,000 daily prayers, meditations, bedtime stories, and cinematic stories inspired by the Bible, the app has everything you need to keep your focus on the Lord. Make Prayer a priority and download the #1 App for Prayer and Sleep today in the Apple app store or Google Play store.

Executive Producers: Steve Gatena & Max Bard

Producer: Ben Gammon

Hosted by: Pastor Jack Graham

Music by: Andrew Morgan Smith

Bible Story narration by: Todd Haberkorn

Let us pray, and their eyes were opened and they knew him Luke twenty four thirty one. As I am traveling through life, and when I experience moments of sadness because it seems like you are not with me any longer, I will be reminded of Luke twenty four thirteen to forty five. I will remember that your word declares that you will never leave me or forsake me. When I am sitting in silence and solitude, Reveal yourself to me when I am fellowshipping with others. Reveal yourself to me when I am walking throughout my day. Attune my heart and spirit so that I can tell when you are in my midst. Unlike the disciples who remain fearful from the attack of the religious, I will live loud and unashamed in front of those who desire to judge me, because I know who is with me and in me. Walk with me. Jesus, Speak to the areas of my life that need your calming presence. I am open and available. I am ready for your revelation in Jesus' name. Amen, thank you for praying with me today. Continue listening for an incredible Bible story brought to you by Bible in a Year dot.

Com the Traveler. In our last story, the tomb that contained the beaten body of Jesus was rolled open by the power of God. Jesus, the Savior of the world, rose from the tomb to prove that death had no power over him. Death was to feed as Jesus walked in the resurrection, Jesus appeared to the two Marys and told them to give word to the disciples that he had returned. Now we see Jesus revealing himself to two men on the road to Emmaeus. They would pave the way for Jesus to come and reveal himself to the disciples inspired by the Gospel.

Thank you for joining us today for the Bible in a Year podcast. You are joining millions of people across the world who are walking with us through the Bible day by day. God bless you. In our previous episode, we heard about the glorious resurrection of Jesus and how he appeared to the women who went to his tomb on the third day. With his resurrection, Jesus conquered sin, death, and hell once and for all. It was the completion of God's plan of redemption that began the moment that He created the world, the moment Adam and Eve fell into sin and God's plan of salvation was promised. Today we'll hear how Jesus appears to two travelers on the road to Emmaeas. The men will not recognize Jesus even as he explains the whole arc of God's redemptive plan for them and the world. But finally, as they break bread together, their world would change in a moment, and their hearts would burn with fire. Let's listen now to the reading of the gospel.

It was late morning and two disciples were walking to a village called Emmaeus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. The two friends spoke in great length about the events of the past week, Jesus turning over tables and the temple, the trail in from Pointchius Pilot, and the brutal slaughter of Jesus on the cross. All these things were quite disturbing and challenged their views on who the Messiah was. They had thought it was Jesus, but his death had proven to them otherwise. As they were walking and talking with one another, a traveler joined them on the road. What were you discussing. Just now, the traveler asked. The two men paused for a moment, astonished that the traveler had not heard the news. Are you new here, sir? They scoffed. All of Jerusalem is in chaos because of what happened this past week. You must have just arrived here today if you have not heard about it yet. Tell me what has happened, the traveler asked, with a smile. It's Jesus of Nazareth, still astonished that he did not know these things. He was a man who was mighty. He performed many miracles and spoke with words so powerful that they seemed to be from God himself. One of the men sighed and scratched his head. But I guess he was too good to be true. He was killed by the Romans, given up by our very own priests and elders. They crucified him only three days ago. The three men walked together, enjoying the fresh air and good conversation. One of the men wore a sorrowful face as he spoke, saying, we hoped he was the one to redeem it Israel, the son of David, But he is dead now. The other men interjected and said, but there were a few women who claimed he was removed from the tomb. No one knows where his body is. The two men bickered over whether the rumors of his resurrection were true or just a made up sham. The traveler listened to the two men argue. He shook his head and chuckled. Wasn't it prophesied that the Messiah would suffer these things before rising again in glory? He asked. The two men looked at the traveler, confused and curious. The traveler then began to recount the entire story of God, from Adam and Eve to Abraham, from Moses and the captives to Joshua and the judges, from David and Goliath to Solomon and the Temple, from the Babylonian captivity to the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. The traveler retold every story, showing how the Messiah was interviewed in all of it. The two men listened to the traveler in complete silence. They listened as he explained prophecy and allegory. They learned about how the Messiah was foretold since the beginning of Genesis. Every word spoken from the traveler's mouth entered into their hearts. As they reached the end of their journey to Amaeus, they ate together and spoke more of Jesus, the prophets, and the story of God. May I bless the food, the traveler said. The two men nodded, and the traveler prayed to God and broke the bread in front of the table. As the bread tore in half, the men's eyes were opened. They saw the traveler for who he really was, Jesus, the Risen King, the Shepherd of Israel, the one whom the whole story of God centered around. Then, just as they were about to worship him, he vanished. The two men ran into town, screaming and proclaiming the risen Lord. They shouted into the city streets that Jesus was alive. He was alive and walking among them. Death could not hold the Son of God captive. He had over come death, just as it was foretold since the beginning of time. The disciples were entrenched in their homes with the doors locked, afraid that the High Priest would come for them next. So much sorrow, so much grief, so much loss welled up within them. Their king, their teacher, and their friend had died. All hope seemed lost as they rotted in their home, waiting to be taken. Then a still and quiet voice spoke from the corner of the room, Peace be with you. The disciples turned their heads to see Jesus standing among them. His smile was radiant, and his presence was refreshing, like a cool spring in a desolate desert. The disciples were frightened at first, thinking that they were witnessing a ghost.

Do not be scared, Jesus said.

Why do your hearts rise with trouble, as if in the storm. The disciples grew closer to see Jesus in his glory. Look upon my hands and feet, see the scars for yourselves. Fell at his feet and worshiped him. Jesus ate with them and spoke of the fulfillment of prophecy, that the Messiah must suffer and rise again for humanity to be redeemed. Then Jesus embraced them and breathed on them, saying, receive the Holy Spirit. The same breath that breathed life into mankind in the garden of Eden breathed new life into the disciples that day.

In our Bible reading today, we find two disciples on a road outside of Jerusalem. They are headed to a small town called Amaeis. This wasn't an all day trek, but it wasn't a short walk either, so there was plenty of time for a long conversation, and there was so much to talk about. This was the same day that Jesus rose from the grave, and though these two disciples had heard rumors of what the women at the tomb had said, they still thought Jesus was dead. As they walked, they were joined by another traveler, someone they did not recognize or know, and this one did not seem to know what had been going on the last several days with Jesus and the disciples. This man, of course, was Jesus himself, but they were kept from recognizing him. Why were they prevented from seeing Jesus for who he was? Well, we really don't know the answer to this question. But as the reading continues, we will see that their failure to recognize Jesus allowed the Lord to guide them through scripture and to help them have a life of faith based not just on sight but exactly what the Word of God said from the very beginning. What a privilege these men had to walk with the word of God step by step, and to understand who Jesus is and why he came. When Jesus asked them what things had been happening, in order to draw them out, they begin to tell him everything about Jesus of Nazareth, how he'd healed many people, taught with great authority, and built a large following of people who believed that he was the promised Messiah. They told him how the chief priest and rulers had handed Jesus over to be crucified, and now their hopes seemed gone gone forever, as it had already been three days that Jesus was in the tomb. They continued saying that they had heard about the empty tomb and what others had seen, but despite what they had heard from trusted friends, these men were still skeptical. Jesus then spoke up, saying in Luke twenty four, verses twenty five to twenty seven, old foolish ones and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken? Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory? And, beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them in all the scriptures, the things concerning himself. So on that road Jesus gave these men a master class in biblical interpretation. He was revealing to them that everything in God's Word had pointed to Jesus, that Jesus is the focus of the Bible, that our faith and trust in him helps us know what the Bible is all about. Despite what they had experienced and seeing Jesus do before his death, they were still blind to the truth of God and really blind to who Jesus was until he walked with them in the Word. Now this is an important lesson for us today as well. Too often we lose hope because we don't see things the way we want to see them, when in reality, what we should be doing is increasing our faith by getting into God's word and hearing what God has said. That's why I hope that you have connected with the Bible in a year to find out more about what the Bible is about and who Jesus is. The Scripture says in the Book of Romans, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. We believe in trust in God's word and experience the presence of God. Because the life life of God is in his word, his breath has inspired it. If these men had seen Jesus and recognized him immediately, perhaps they would have missed their opportunity to learn the word of God and how to put their faith and trust in Christ and find the answers that they were seeking. In most of all, the hope they so desperately needed. These men must have hung on to every word their traveling companion spoke, and when they arrived at Amaeus, they urged the Lord to come and eat with them. And as they dined, Jesus blessed the meal and he broke the bread, just as he had done just days before the Passover meal. And that's when these men's eyes were open and they saw their Savior. Before they could say or do anything, Jesus disappeared without hesitation. They immediately made the eight mile trip back to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples that they indeed had seen Jesus, that Jesus is alive. He then heard how Jesus appeared to his disciples who had just heard the news from Amaas. This time, he was immediately recognizable, but they thought he was there in spirit. So Jesus let them touch him and see the scars on his hands and his feet, because they were now in the presence of Christ himself, not a fatom, not a ghost, not a spirit, but the body of Jesus. Jesus rose from the grave, victoriously and bodily. He would not be with them long. But Jesus had a lot of work to do with these disciples to prepare them for the mission that he would give them to take this good news to the world. We'll hear more about that in our next episode. Let's pray together. Dear God, we thank you for the resurrection for the Living Lord, and we, along with those disciples who walked with him that day on the road to Amaus, asked that you would revive our hearts, that you would set us on fire with your word, and that we could say with these travelers with Jesus, did not our hearts burn within us when we walk with him in the way? Oh God, let our hearts burn with fire for you in Jesus' name. Amen. Thank you for listening to today's Bible in a Year podcast. This is Jack Graham from Dallas, Texas. I want to encourage you to download theprey dot Com app and make prayer and Bible study discipleship a priority in your life. Put Jesus first in your life and watch what He can do when you give your life to him. If you enjoyed this podcast, share it with someone you love, because by inviting others to join us on this journey through the Bible, many will meet the Lord and experience his power in their lives. I also want to encourage you to join my wife deb Andhi on a trip to Israel April first through the tenth, twenty twenty four. This is an amazing operation tennity to walk where Jesus walk and to experience the Bible at a new level. When we tour Israel, we don't just see sits, but we worship, we pray, we hear the Bible taught. And it's my privilege to lead this tour and to teach God's word as we go. So we would love to have you. And then also there's a trip coming up July sixth through thirteen of twenty twenty four, also to Alaska, an Alaska Indventure, and this also is an opportunity for us to be together as Christians, to enjoy great fellowship, to see one of the most beautiful places in all the world, and that is Alaska, to see the wonders of God and to worship Him, to study the Bible together, and to see all the great sites around. So again, Israel is April the first through the tenth, twenty twenty four, and Alaska is July the sixth through the thirteenth. You can go to Jack Graham dot org for information or to Prestonwood dot org slash Israel. We would love to have you, so check it out, and if you want more resources on how to tap into God's power for your life, be sure to visit Jack Graham dot org. God Bless you. This episode is sponsored by Meta Share, an innovative healthcare solution for Christians to save money without sacrificing quality.

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