The Death of Sheba - The Book of 2 Samuel

Published May 29, 2024, 9:00 AM

In this Bible Story, we see the end of Sheba’s rebellion. Sheba spread lies all throughout Israel about David’s character. Eventually, the people begin to see his evil for what it is. This story is inspired by 2 Samuel 19:13, 20 & 1 Chronicles 2:16-17. Go to and learn the Bible in a Year.

Today's Bible verse is 2 Samuel 20:21 from the King James Version.

Episode 109: Sheba, causing chaos throughout the country, made his way to Abel and began to fortify the city. Joab and Abishai sat outside the city thinking of how they could take Sheba without harming any of the people of the city. While their army was bettering the gate of the city, a woman came out looking for Joab. The woman wanted peace for her city, and Joab, wanting the same said he would happily leave if they give him the rebel Sheba. So the woman returned to the city, threw the head of Sheba out of a window, and Joab, Abishai, and their men left.

Hear the Bible come to life as Pastor Jack Graham leads you through the official podcast. This Biblical Audio Experience will help you master wisdom from the world’s greatest book. In each episode, you will learn to apply Biblical principles to everyday life. Now understanding the Bible is easier than ever before; enjoy a cinematic audio experience full of inspirational storytelling, orchestral music, and profound commentary from world-renowned Pastor Jack Graham.

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Executive Producers: Steve Gatena & Max Bard

Producer: Ben Gammon

Hosted by: Pastor Jack Graham

Music by: Andrew Morgan Smith

Bible Story narration by: Todd Haberkorn

Let us pray the matter is not so. But a man of Mount Ephrium Sheba, son of Bitchery, by name Hath lifted up his hand against the king, even against David. Deliver him only, and I will depart from the city. And the woman said, and a joab behold, his head shall be thrown to thee over the wall. Second Samuel twenty twenty one. Dear God, when the enemy comes in like an agent of chaos, I thank you God that you will raise up support systems to help me accomplish and fulfill the mission You've placed on my life. I will use your word like a battering ramp to break down the walls of chaos surrounding my future. I thank you that even in the midst of my fight for truth and freedom, you will bring people into my life that will fight alongside me and will help deliver me from the hands of my enemies, like you did for David and Absalom. I declare that because I am in step with you, God, time is for me and not against me. I declare that it is only a matter of time before the head of division and tension is severed from the body of strife in my life. The victory is mine and only in your power, God is true peace restored. Thank you that today is the day that I receive rest and freedom in Jesus' name. Amen, thank you for praying with me today. Continue listening for an incredible Bible story brought to you by Bible in a Year dot com.

The Death of Shea. In our last story, Sheba began a revolt against David, and many people gathered to defy David in the streets of Israel. David, knowing that Sheba's rebellion could topple Israel, sent his strongest men in pursuit of him. In this story, Joe Aben Abashi prepare their attack against Sheba. However, their preparation turns out to be in vain as the people of Israel come to their senses inspired by the Book of Second Samuel.

Hello, this is Jack Graham with today's episode of the Bible in a Year podcast. In our last episode, we saw that David returned to Jerusalem seeking peace, not war, with those who had opposed him. He forgave those who repented for having followed Absalom, even when his advisors pushed for harsh judgment. The people began to see that David wanted what was best for them and could be trusted the lead with integrity and kindness. But as we also learned, not all were quick to follow, and Sheba in Benjamin started to mount an insurrection that was a true threat to the nation. David knew that this call for decisive action, so he sent his men to deal with Sheba and his army. Today, we'll hear how the conflict comes to a head, and how Sheba's efforts prove fruitless as the people open their eyes and see Sheba for the liar that he is. So let's listen now to today's reading.

Sheba's rebellion spread like a plague through the tribes of Israel. Sheba would blow trumpets and stir up the people into a frenzy of fear and doubt. Sheba was an agent of chaos, a true antagonist whose only agenda was to watch David's kingdom crumble. He paced the countryside, sowing whispers of dissension and seeds of corruption. Eventually he made his way to the city of Abel. All the members of his clan and all the rebels he could assemble, prepared for the inevitable battle that awaited them. Sheba prepared the walls for impact and braced the city gates so an army could not penetrate it. The people of Abel watched as Sheba and his men sharpened their swords and fortified the barricades. The people grew concerned, so Sheba once again told lies, saying, David and Joab desire to destroy your city. They want to burn it to the ground. We are here to protect you. So the people allowed Sheba to make their city his own personal fortress in hopes he would protect him. A few miles away, Joe Aabin Abershire was strategizing. They camped near a small town on the outskirts of Abel with their army. Joe Abin Abershire planned all night. They knew that they outnumbered Sheba. However, he and his men had fortified themselves among innocent people. They needed to be tactful and cautious. In the morning, they had their men build a battering ram to demolish the city gates. The only way they could find Shiba without setting fire to the city was through the gate. It was their only chance, and they had to topple the gate flawlessly. The men marched forward towards Abel, Shiba watched them through cracks in the walls. It chuckled to himself, for he knew that if they made it through the gate, his men would have the advantage. It was a thin entrance, and they would be easy kills. It took dozens of men to carry the battering ram. They charged the gate and delivered the first blow thud. The gate did not budge. They drew back again and charged thudd. The gate rattled slightly but did not crack. Joe Ab had them step back even further, and the men ran with the battering ram as fast as they could. Thud. Small cracks could be seen through the beams holding up the gate. Just a few more and they would be in. Joab told his men to draw back again when he was interrupted by a scream, Are you joe Ab? He heard calling from nearby. Joab looked to his left and saw a woman running towards him. She was a beautiful woman, touched slightly with age and experience. A few gray streaks fell down her long hair. Joab told his men to stop and met her a few yards away. The woman had an intense gaze as she met Joab. Her voice was bold, and she spoke with the authority of her people, saying, there used to be a saying here. If arguments need to be settled, ask for the wisdom of the city of Abel. We love peace here in the city and will not have you destroy it. Joab looked at her, confused. She spoke to him as if they were trying to burn the city down. The woman continued, saying, this is an important city to the lord. Why would the king want to devour it. Joab raised his hands to his check and said, believe me, I do not want to destroy Abel. We are not here for that. In your city is a man named Sheba. He is a rebel and has started a revolt against King David. He is dangerous to anyone who is near him. We are simply here for him. The woman looked into Joab's eyes in order to judge his sincerity. The two spoke for a while longer. Joab explained all of Sheba's lies and the chaos he had caused in the country. After a few minutes, Joab felt comfortable enough to say, if you bring him to us, there will be no need to destroy anything. We do not want anybody to be harmed. The woman looked back to the city. Thinking for a long moment, she turned to Joab and said, we will do it with that. The woman snuck back into the city and spoke to all her people. They argued for a few hours, but ultimately agreed that Sheba was deceiving them. Sheba was still chuckling through the cracks of the wall, thinking it was only a matter of time before they bowed at his feet, begging for mercy. As he was crouching, a shadow blocked the sunlight behind him. Sheba looked up to a few of the people standing over him with their swords. Before he could say a word, the woman swooped her sword through his neck and his head fell to the floor. Joab and Abershi were standing still with their men. They hoped that people would follow through, but were still prepared to take the city by force if it was needed. Joab looked towards the sun, trying to determine the time of day. Then, in an instant he saw Sheba's head flying towards him. Joab stepped back as Sheba's head landed at his feet. The men cheered and put down the battering ram. Joab looked to the top of the gate to see the woman looking down at him. They exchanged smiles, and Joab took his army and returned to Jerusalem.

As we begin today, Sheba is continuing to spread lies and confusion throughout the kingdom. Like Absalom before him, his primary tactic was one of disinformation and sowing distrust. Satan is the father of lies and the author of chaos and confusion, and like Absalom, this man, Sheba was acting as an agent of the enemy, the devil, reflecting Satan's nature, not God's. Sheba and his supporters made their way to a city named Abel and began fortifying its walls in preparation for battle. He knew he would need the support of the people of Abel, and what better way to win them over than to convince them that David intended to destroy their city. So that's what he told the residents of Abel, saying that David and his commander Joe Abb would stop at nothing to destroy them, even burning the city to the ground. Sheba told them not to worry, though he was there to help crafty lies meant to undermine the king and lead the people astray. As David's men drew up plans for attack, not far away. Their intentions were clearly not for destruction and devastation. They could have easily destroyed the whole city, but it was only Sheiba they needed, and if they could only tear down the gate, the collateral damage would be minimal. So they approached Abel and began ramming the gate with a battering ram as Shiba hid inside, certain that the people would rally to help him fight off Joeab's men. But the people of Abel were truly peaceful, and as Joab's men struck the gate over and over again, a wise woman approached them and ask why they would want to destroy a city like Abel, whose people were faithful to Israel. Joeab responds in Second Samuel twenty versus twenty and twenty one, Joeab answered, far be it from me? Far be it that I should swallow up or destroy? That is not true. But a man of the hill country of Euphraim, called Sheba, the son of Bishri, has lifted up his hand against King David. It give up him alone, and I will withdraw from the city. The woman could tell Joeb was being truthful, and she returned to the city and convinced the people that it was Sheba who had evil intentions, so they struck him down, cutting off his head and threw it over the wall to Joeb. In the end, lies will never defeat God's truth, and Sheba's campaign to overthrow David ended without a war. As the people's eyes were open to see the deception of this one man. Joeb and his men returned to Jerusalem, and now David could continue the task of putting things right again. We'll hear about this the next time. Dear God, we thank you for this message, even though it is hard to hear and contains violence, and yet we know that evil will not prevail against you, that you overcome evil with good and darkness with light. We thank you that in Jesus Christ, we have victory over all the works of the enemy. May we always be truthful in our words and live with integrity, so that when people refer to us, they know that we are speaking truth in Jesus's name. Amen. Thank you so very much for listening to today's Bible in a Year podcast. We are so very grateful for the millions of people who have downloaded this podcast. I'm Pastor Jack Graham, and when you download Theprey dot Com app and make it a priority in your life to listen to God's word. Your life truly will be changed. We are hearing reports from so many of the power of God's Word in their lives. So let me encourage you to pass this podcast onto others, to share it with someone you know, someone you care about, because the Word of God truly will change lives. And if you want more resources on how to experience God's power in your life, be sure to visit Jack Graham dot org. We would love to connect with you and for you to connect with us again. That's Jack Graham dot org. God bless you.

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