Baptism and Temptation - The Gospels

Published Sep 1, 2024, 9:30 AM

In this Bible Story, the heavens are opened up as John baptizes Jesus. The signalling of Jesus’ earthly ministry has begun, and all of history is about to be shaped forever. Then Jesus is led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where he is tempted by Satan. This story is inspired by Matthew 3:1-17, Matthew 4:1-11, Mark 1:9-13, Luke 3:21-22, Luke 4:1-13, John 1:19-34. Go to and learn the Bible in a Year.

Today's Bible verse is Mark 1:11 from the King James Version.

Episode 176: “Repent and be baptized for the Kingdom of Heaven is near” yelled John the Baptist as he preached to the people on the banks of the Jordan river. John knew that the day of The Lord was coming soon and he sought to prepare the hearts of the people for His arrival. As John was going about this mission, Jesus made His way through the crowd to be baptized by John. And though he did not fully understand why Jesus would make this request, he obeyed. As Jesus was coming up from the water, the skies opened and the people heard the audible voice of God for the first time in over four hundred years! This marked the beginning of Jesus’ ministry…and His temptation.

Hear the Bible come to life as Pastor Jack Graham leads you through the official podcast. This Biblical Audio Experience will help you master wisdom from the world’s greatest book. In each episode, you will learn to apply Biblical principles to everyday life. Now understanding the Bible is easier than ever before; enjoy a cinematic audio experience full of inspirational storytelling, orchestral music, and profound commentary from world-renowned Pastor Jack Graham.

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Executive Producers: Steve Gatena & Max Bard

Producer: Ben Gammon

Hosted by: Pastor Jack Graham

Music by: Andrew Morgan Smith

Bible Story narration by: Todd Haberkorn

Let us pray, and there came a voice from heaven, saying, thou art my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased. Mark one eleven. As I step into my purpose, I thank you that, like Jesus, I am being baptized into my new life and mission here on earth before I even begin. I thank you that, also, like Jesus, you have affirmed and validated me as your child. With my identity secured, I know that even as I walk through the deserts of temptation, you are with me and have equipped me to overcome the lies of Satan. When I am tempted with comfort instead of commitment, I will remind Satan of your word and command him to flee. When Satan tries to get me to doubt my identity, I will remind him that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. When Satan tempts me with the luxury and fame of this world, I will remind him that the source of my fulfillment comes from you, Lord, and that it is you who elevates me, and I will command him to flee. I thank you, Lord, that through your word I have supernatural steadfastness and resolve. Satan has no authority over my life, and through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, I have complete victory in Jesus name. Amen. Listening to these daily prayers strengthens your relationship with God. Continue hearing from the Lord by listening to Today's Bible in a Year brought to you by Bibleaneyear dot com.

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Pray, Baptism and Temptation, and our Last Story. We peered into the childhood of Jesus. Even as a young boy, his purpose was clear. He was to teach the word of God and turn people's hearts of stone into hearts of flesh. Although his family did not entirely understand, Jesus grew up with purpose and omission. He grew in strength and wisdom, worked as a carpenter and waited to begin his ministry. Now we see John preparing the way of Christ through baptism. He preached repentance until the day of the Lord finally arrived. Then before his very eyes, God enters in. Inspired by the Gospels.

In our last episode, we heard how Jesus, at just twelve years of age, was full of wisdom and insight and in perfect fellowship with God. His desire was to be near to the Father, and when his parents went to Jerusalem for Passover, Jesus spent his days in the temple, sitting with teachers and rabbis, answering questions, but also sharing the depth of his understanding, so that all around him were amazed. From an early just twelve, it was clear that he knew his purpose, even when others didn't understand it. Today we'll see John the Baptist preaching repentance and baptizing people, preparing the way for Jesus' ministry to begin. God was using him to soften the hearts of his people, turning them back to him and getting them ready to meet the Messiah. Then we'll hear how Jesus came onto the scene God's very presence Immanuel among his people, the lamb that would take away the sin of the world. Let's listen now to the reading of God's word.

John rose to the sounds of birds chirping in the trees. Crawling out of his makeshift hut, he could see the morning light peeking through the edge of the forest. He stretched his lean and muscular arms to the sky, breathing in the cool morning air. He walked down to the brook nearby and washed his shaggy hair. Then he ate his breakfast, cooked locusts from the desert with honey he foraged from the trees. John prayed to the Lord after his meal, calling upon him for favor and anointing. He strapped his cloak of camel fur securely around his waist and ventured off to the Jordan River. A multitude of people gathered by the Jordan waiting for John. They had been meeting him for weeks, now listening to him proclaiming the way of the Lord. John scanned the sea of faces and stepped into the river. The water was cool and refreshing. He turned around to the people and raised his voice repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near. He yelled One by one, the people walked into the water with John and were baptized. The submersion in the water represented a turning away from sin and idolatry. It was often accustomed gentiles would undergo to come into the family of God. Yet Jews flocked to John to be baptized. Their hearts were softening towards the Lord, and they knew they needed to turn from their selfish ways and be restored. John would reach the truth of God to thousands of people daily. Then he would baptize those whose hearts were ready to receive the restoration. John would baptize each person and the crowd would erupt in cheeves. A revival was beginning in the heart of Israel. John knew that the day of the Lord was coming very soon. As John was baptizing, he saw a group of hooded figures coming towards the water. It was the Pharisees and Satacees, the religious elite responsible for upholding the law. They stared at John with scornful eyes. They had spent their entire lives sowing seeds of shame into the people of God. Yet John would not allow them to poison his followers. John marched out of the water and pointed towards them, brood of vipers. He shouted, do not presume you are secure with the Lord because you are children of Abraham. God could make these rocks children of Abraham if he pleased. The men said nothing. They only glared at John with us loathing. John continued, saying, come and bear fruit worthy of repentance, for a day will come when all that does not bear good fruit will be cut off. The people marveled at John's words. John's eloquence and bravery stirred the children of God. They began to mumble rumors of him being the promised Messiah. John paused for a long moment, and the people were silent as they waited for him to speak. John touched the water and let it fall out of his hands. I baptize you with water, John said, calmly. But the one who comes after me will baptize you with the fire of the Holy Spirit. John's words were interrupted as he saw a man standing in the crowd. John's eyes widened and his lower lip began to quiver. The man stepped forward from the group of people standing on the shore. A few tears streamed down John's hairy face as he watched Jesus walk into the water. John could barely speak. His entire purpose in life was to prepare the way of God's chosen and here he was standing before him. Behold the lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, he whispered to himself. Jesus smiled and held his cousin's shoulder. Would you baptize me, John, he asked. John shook his head. Let it not be so, my lord, It is you who should be baptizing me. Jesus held up his hand and grinned.

Let it be so.

It is fitting to fulfill what is about to take place. So John agreed and led Jesus deeper into the water. John held the middle of Jesus's back with one hand and his arm in another. Then John slowly dipped Jesus back into the water. The crowd watched silently as Jesus went under the river. As John brought Jesus back up, the skies opened up. A bright light shone like a second sun, and the Holy Spirit descended down in the form of a dove. All in attendance awed as they heard the voice of God speak for the first time in over four hundred years. This is my beloved son. It is with him I am pleased. This event marked the beginning of Jesus's ministry. The favor of the Father and the presence of the Spirit dwelled richly with the promised son. In his baptism, Jesus modeled repentance for the rest of humanity. He identified with sinful and broken man. Yet he was not sinful nor broken. Already Jesus was beginning to take on the dirtiness of mankind. The Holy Spirit dwelled with Jesus richly, and it was by his guiding presence that Jesus departed the Jordan into the wilderness. Jesus hiked the hills outside Judea. There he fasted for forty days, seeking the presence and wisdom of God. Jesus fixed his gaze on the nation of Israel. A gentle wind blew rustling the tall grasp besides him. He was hungry for food. Yes, however, Jesus was more hungry for the restoration of his people. As he was praying to the Lord, a slithering presence entered his midst. Jesus looked over his shoulder to find the accuser behind him. The author of deception, disguised as an angel of light, loomed over Jesus as he sat. This was the same enemy that spoke to Eve in the garden, Satan. The two did not stand as equals. However, Satan, in his pride, believed he could trick Jesus into compromising his heart. He knew Jesus was hungry from fasting, so he drew in close to Jesus and whispered, what good is the son of God? If he cannot feed himself? Why not just make these stones into bread? Surely you are able. Jesus was fully God and fully mad, so the human side of him hurt from hunger. However, he would not be swayed. Man does not live by bread alone, he said, but every word that pours forth from the.

Voice of God.

Satan spat and took Jesus up into a high place to gaze at the kingdom of the earth. You see those kingdoms, Jesus, Look at those people. They are ready to be ruled, to be conquered. I am in the ears of every king in the world. If you bow to me, all of it shall be yours. Satan's words were soft and cunning. However, they dripped with poison. Jesus turned away and looked deeply into the angel's eyes. It is written you shall worship God, and God alone. Only he is worthy to serve, he said. Jesus's voice was strong and resolute. Growing angry, Satan took Jesus to the edge of the Mighty Temple. Below, there were thousands of people. He had Jesus gaze upon the multitudes. He whispered softly in Jesus's ears, saying, if you truly are the son of God, why not throw yourself over. The angels will come to your rescue. They will see it too. The people, they will see your glory. Jesus looked down at the people below. He did not need them to watch a spectacle. He wanted their hearts to turn towards him and be saved from their own sin. You shall not test the Lord, your God, Jesus said. His last answer was a rebuke as well. So Satan crawled back into the shadows. So Jesus returned to the people. After forty long days he ate. He gathered his strength and marched towards Galilee.

As we begin today's reading, we meet a very unusual man. John the Baptizer didn't fit the mold of society. He lived in the desert, eating insects and honey and wearing camel's hair. But this was no madman. His voice was strong and sure. He spoke boldly, proclaiming that the Kingdom of God was on the way, and each day he grew larger and larger crowds Jews and others whose hearts were being warmed toward God. And as they heard Jod's call for repentance, they came to be baptized as a sign of their commitment to turn away from their sin and begin a brand new commitment to God. God worked powerfully through John the Baptist, just as he said he would, to prepare the way of the Lord, the Messiah to begin his ministry. This was a threat to the religious establishment, the powerful and oppressive Pharisees and Sadducees, who wielded power and control over the Jews with dogma and burdensome rules. They watched from a distance, sneering, seething at this man who preached repentance and forgiveness from sin, not religion. But John did not cower before them. He was courageous. He called them out. He called them actually a brute of vipers, poisonous snakes threats. John called them to repent us as well, warning them that the day was coming when they would be cut off from bearing any fruit. His boldness impressed the crowds, and they began to wonder if he was the messiah. The people were ready for a savior, and they wanted John to be their hero. But he was quick to correct their misconception. His baptism was with water, but the one who was to come would baptize them with the fire of God's spirit. It would signify a deeper change of life. And then one day, suddenly Jesus came through the crowd. John knew exactly who he was, even if others didn't. This was the very moment for which John had been born, and he didn't miss it. Here was the savior the world needed, and he announced loudly, boldly that Jesus was the lamb that would take away the sins of the world. Then what Jesus did shocked John. He asked to be baptized, and John was incredible. He in fact protested, shouldn't Jesus be the one baptizing him. But Jesus assured him that this was what must take place, and so Jesus submitted to the baptism of John to fulfill all righteousness. And then something supernatural happened. God spoke from heaven. The voice from the heavens gave the people a clear message that we find in Matthew three point seventeen. And behold, a voice from heaven said, this is my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased. As God the Father spoke, God's Spirit in the form of a dove, descended and rested on Jesus. So here we see the Trinity, the Triune God, all three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The meeting was abundantly clear to everyone present, and it should be to us this one the savior of the world. Jesus was more than a prophet or a teacher. He was God's one and only son, and God's Spirit anointed him and appointed him to be the savior of the world. Immediately after this event, Jesus went alone, filled with God's spirit, to the wilderness. He fasted forty days and was tempted by God's adversary, the devil Satan. Knew that Jesus' presence and ministry would spell his end, his ultimate defeat, so he attacked him at the very outset of his ministry, trying to destroy the mission of God, just as he had done with Adam and Eve. Satan twisted God's word, but Jesus stood firm against every attack, each temptation. He fired back with scripture, showing that with God's word we overcome the enemy. The word of God is like a weapon, It is a sword, the sword of the spirit. This was real temptation, This was more than just the testing of Jesus's mind and mettle. In this moment, Jesus demonstrates that he can identify with us and the temptations we face, because just as he faced and overcame temptations in his life, empowers us now by his spirit to overcome every temptation. He went to the cross and died for our sins so that we no longer need to be bound by our sins. Satan is soundly defeated, and now we can live in the victory that is ours in Christ. Thank you Jesus for coming to this earth to take away our sins. We know that you are the Lamb of God. The precious One who gave your life on the cross so that we could be forgiven. Thank you for taking on every temptation of the enemy so that we could live in the promise and in the peace of victory in you. And we pray this in your powerful and saving name. Amen. Thank you for listening to today's Bible in a year. I'm Pastor Jack Graham from Dallas, Texas. You can download the pray dot com app and make Bible study in prayer the priority of your life. And if you appreciate this podcast, please share it with someone else. I also want to encourage you to go to Jack dot org. That's Jack Graham dot org for we have resources that are free and available for you so that you may know Christ and grow in Him. God bless you.

Bible in a Year with Jack Graham

Hear the Bible come to life as Pastor Jack Graham leads you through the official po 
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