Dulcé Sloan and Josh Johnson Discuss Their New Podcast, “Hold Up”

Published Jun 28, 2022, 9:56 AM

On this special episode of Beyond the Scenes, Daily Show correspondent Dulcé Sloan and writer Josh Johnson join Roy Wood Jr. to talk about their new podcast, Hold Up! The two discuss the relatively inconsequential topics they plan to debate, beginning with the one that started it all: the merits of Crime Mob’s 2004 hit, “Knuck If You Buck.”


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Welcome to Beyond the Scenes, the podcast that takes you deeper into topics we normally discussed on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah special episode today though, that's We're going to take you deeper into a podcast that is an extension of the Daily Show universe. It grows, it grows, it grows. Joining me. Now you've heard them both on this program before, but now they have their own podcast, Daily Show writer Josh Johnson and Daily Show correspondent Dual Say Sloan. The new podcast is called Hold Up. Here is a clip from the pilot episode, I'm not a huge Kid's look with our fan because I think he sounds like a muppet. So you could have stopped at not a huge fact. You like to put your foot on the line and make sure your toe is over at tim toe's down, baby, like when you say a lot like, people are like people want quantifiers, Well why, well what is it? And my reason is his voice sounds like it's being done by Jim Hinson. If you want to talk about voices, you want to talk about Kendrick's voice, Little Wayne, Six babies that got possessed by one big baby, all talking at the same time. And here we are Josh Johnson, don't say sloan, welcome back again to be on the scenes. Congratulations on your new podcast. Thank you, thank you so much. Thanks, I appreciate it. Now let's start with the basics. Podcast is called hold Up? How do I pronounce that? It? Hold up? Is it? Hold up? Is it Martin Lawrence? Holds up? Holds up? Holds it's it's hold up. Yeah, it's just in general hold up. Hold yeah, you're the same energy hold up. So you know, all three of us are from the South, so you know how we say. It's all love hold hold hold. You two are probably to it talking and ask people in the building. Even during COVID, y'all would create separate zoom breakout rooms to talk to each other and for the people don't understand the Daily Show. It's a very small building. It's pretty communal, so you can't really avoid anybody, so you could seek out who you want to talk to. And if you're looking for Thuls say more often than that, you can find her somewhere near Josh's office. And they always talking about something. Where did the idea for this podcast come up? Or it was just somebody in our department, just listening to y'all run y'all's mouth and just like here a microphones. That's basically what happened. I yeah, I feel like that's pretty close. I think the initial um is when someone got the nugget of an idea for this is when we and Josh we're talking about. So Josh has a pure hatred for the song Nuck if you buck, Um, Crime, Robin Atlanta, Anthem, Early Sorry. I just had to explain thank you for the people that they aren't living right. And there was a conversation one day in the building where if there was a new Negro spiritual, what would it be? I of course said, nuck if you buck, and Josh said the ludicrous song Georgia, which nobody thanks so seaside ludicrous song. Like yeah, I mean, but why does it have to be popular to be a spiritual? Like not all the spirituals were bangers. Like when you think of spirituals, you think of swing Low, you think of but you don't remember all of them. We remember Amazing Grace, banger. Amazing Grace is so much of a banger that white people sing it. I'm not saying that there weren't bangers. I'm literally saying, we don't quote all of them. There's not a full list of all two for it, and we're like, every single one's a banger. Some of them are just sould for Plus too many felonies have been committed to No, if you buck, you have no proof that you have no proof of that. Also follow the drinking board beggar, but nobody sings it because it was literally instructions to the underground railroad. I assume this is the type of report that people can expect on this podcast, extremely passionate arguments about stuff that you don't really know about, which I think is a good thing, because now as I listened to you to argue, I'm now curious about ludicrous Georgia. Was it a banger? Did I know? No? You didn't? You know? You know what? This is? How? You know how I defeated him? Do you know how I defeated him in this whack ass point defeat? No, no, no no, that was because you you walked away because you were talking. Because this is the this is the main issue with that song. It's samples the song Jorge by who Charles. It's not even Ray Charles singing. It's Jamie Fox, I'm sorry that the man had passed and to an impression. I'm sorry that wait for boys reaction we have on wax Ray Charles singing Georgia. Right, But what these negros chose to do was to not use the original sacred version, but to get Jamie Fox doing an impression of Ray Charles. So now you agree that it's sacred though, No, no, no, no, no. When it was done by Ray Charles, he gave us a classic. When it's done by Jamie Fox, it means that you didn't want to pay royalties. No no, that's not what it meant. They did it as promotion for the movie because Jamie Fox is about to play Ray. So you're saying that you can make a song on that was promo for Na Dog. No no, no, no, no, no no, because when we talked about this, you didn't even know that it wasn't Great Charles, but it was Jamie Fox. Who are you talking? Hang on, let me answer to a question about your new podcast. Hold up now, I would assume this type of energy is what you all gonna be bringing every week on the topics that you all are passionate about. This isn't about the zeit geist. Is isn't about the news cycle, This isn't about anything that's always it could be, but it's not beholden to that mandate. Topically speaking, how the hell are you two going to keep your blood pressure low? Arguing every week like this about this is? This ain't even a serious issue and her interrupting is what's happening? Wow? Wow? There we go, There we go. Okay, Roy, just hold on, Roy, don't bring into this Roy is Gil would let me ask you something when we had that This the conversation that sparked that sparked people to say, me and Josh youd have a podcast. You were a part of the test sample that we went around the building asking people if there was a new Negro spiritual should it be ludicrous? Is Georgia or crime? Mobs? Club fighting? Classic? Nuck? If you buck? What did you say? I believe I chose a few bucks. Chose a buck, but I wanted to write in Bruno Mars care and magic. But that's a separate conversation. Okay, true, I hear if you Buck is more singable, more people know the song, it's a chance, it's easier to memorize. Kids would love it. It's fun for the whole family, but that the whole family should be a family. It's a duck if you buck situation. Hold on. But the other thing was about a spirit. It's how you feel when you hear it, how you feel when you sing it, Roy, when you hear Georgia, do you feel anything? Not the ludicrous version not the same as the Ray Charles version. Nuck if You Buck does get me excited. It does make me proud to be myself, and it makes me ready to challenge and fight anyone who dares should disagree. Just for context for the listeners who have never heard Nuck if You Buck, I'm just going to um read a couple of lines from the song so the PA I gotta memorize. I can tell you. I can tell you one of the best lines in the song, one of the best lines in the song. I come in the club, shaking my dreads, throwing these bows and busts in the heads. We can't do this, though, but you can't that that can't be the spiritual, Like do you do? You read some lines from Duck if You Buck Roy, and then read some lines from any spiritual, an actual spiritual jumping off on all my negroes, starting rides, knocking down these barricades everywhere. We be too deep and the m O b is the mob is too elite. I'll watch your ask for messing with my crew. I'm through with you haters, so watch what you do. You're talking about me, then I'm talking to you. You bucking on us because we're leading your class. Keep busting on me, and Ish is gonna get nasty goods. Bumps now, Josh goose bumps. Let me just ask you this real quick. I want to I'm sorry, Roy, Okay, ask me a question just a second. Let me ask you this just real quick. Spirituals are also something that you can say at church. How excited are you to say duck if you buck at church? Or funny your grandpa? Not just saying I'm just out there, not very But does that is that the worth of a song is other people's opinions of the language in it. Not all spirituals are sung in church. There's a lot of spirituals. We don't sing all of them. I understand. I'm just saying, if you, if you as you or your grandy singing spirituals and then nuck if you buck comes up, how exciting it depends on what type of grandma you have, because the grandma I plan to be. It's a lot of young grandmama's out there, josh bro there's a lot of forty year old grandma's out here that remember when it's I can't even I can't even know. This is about the trophy, That's what that is. It's about the trophy. We could move on, but this is about the trophy. That's what it is. I think I'm into this podcast, and this is the type of stuff y'all gonna be debating on the Hold Up podcast. I think I see where're all going with this because I feel like I'm getting educated about something that I shouldn't even give a damn about. But now I'm fully invested, because, josh if you're using violence as a metric to decide whether or not a song should be an anthem, our very old star spangled pannel, bombs bursting and bombs, the rackets, red glare, bombs bursting in their gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. They just described warfare, Joshua, different, is that line? Are you what we're hearing? Nothing? You've got Are you asking me or are you telling me? How different that's a war for independence versus a war for no reason? No, if these niggas got problem, violence is violence, baby na, How do you came over here? Bro? There was no reason for the violence enough. If there was no violence, there was no reason for the war for independence. They could have just been like are you talking? If England wanted just acted right and been like, yo, you're right, y'all been over here about two something my years. We ain't really been helping with his taxation without representation. You know what, we should let you all go on about your business. We should, really, you know what. We're across the whole were across the whole ocean. There's there's there's no way, there's there's no fight. You have to fight this crying quote M. And we negroes be the hardest. So if a negro come and run his mouth just like an h O, punch him dead up in his nose and stump his ass down to the flow. Now were and bucking and ready to fight. How was that different than gave proof through the night that our flag was still there? Josh, wait, wait, wait, wait, the question to he's the one. She's the one that, Oh my god, how is this happening right now? This is crazy being castlet I'm actually being Ghastlet me ask, how are you asking me? Why? Why my thing is different? There's no reason for any of the fights and duck if you buck. There's literally that we're a country right now. Listen, it's a country that's been trying to kill us the whole time when they was fighting for independence, when they wrote the when they wrote the constitution, it wasn't a building at slaves built and women couldn't even talk. Okay, so explain to me. Listen. In the words of mob wife Draded Avant, Oh okay. People always want to say violence is not the answer, but it is. Okay, okay, okay, okay, let me tell you so. In the scenario of the America's becoming a country, all right, in the scenario of the states, the colonies forming together to build up a constitution at a union, all right, they felt they needed to fight an oppressed regime from abroad that was taxing them without actually keeping their best interests in mind. So they're contributing over there while the others are contributing over here. So haters who we're coming for their cheese, got it? Keep going right? No, no, no, you don't think the britely waters on the sunshine. We had let him finish, the let him finish. You're right, you're right. The crime and the violence that's being called for and enacted, and nuck if You Buck is against an unknown party for an unknown reason. No, no, no, there's one line that's like, okay, if they come over here acting like whatever, then we must resaliate. We welcome to the floor. But in the other scenarios and the other lyrics, even in the chorus, I don't I don't think that any of this has to happen. The song is called nuck if You Buck, because if you are going to come at us, you better be prepared. You better be prepared. So the whole time they just live in their lives, minding their business, and in someone came over there messing with them. That's a whole point of the song. Nuck if you buck, if you come over here after the fool, if you acted a donkey being squirrely, jumping stopid if you come over here acting a fool, I'm gonna be forced to defend myself. Here's my question. To you, Josh, why does every spiritual have to be warm and loving? For too long as a race, I've been accepting mistreatment. At some point, you have to let people know that you're not. You have to show people how you want to be treated. You got to learn people. As my mama Joyce would say, Prime Mob said, and I quote, Josh, You'll be jawless getting close to me. Bullets busting, constantly ravaging your city streets, broken bones lay alone, scattered across the concrete, and the lag of the free. I can't. I can't believe that all this is hard, dog Like I'm the only one. I'm not saying that every spirit has to be the same. I'm not saying there's some uniform. I'm just saying that, like when you look at everything that goes into a spiritual, none of it is this note, but its spiritual is all about struggle. Do you understand? It's about a struggle. It's about struggle. It's about getting through struggle. So you out in the club, maya business right, and if somebody starts ship and now you're throwing both like Johnny Cage, you just came to have a good time, drink over price Hennessey in a tiny cup. You know what there's has to do with the fact that Josh said to me one day that noh if you buck sounds like a G. E. D Being thrown down the hallway of a juvenile attention center. And tell me what part of that is wrong? First of all, elitist. Okay, regular high school is not elitist. So let me let me ask you all this. Listen, they've been through a couple of things. It's gonna scratched off the record when they turned seven. Seen anyway, they just try and just trying to get education. Why why was that? What? Are you almost looking forward to past series? What I'm I'm looking forward to making a sentient point and the big appreciate it. I'm looking forward maybe I don't know, just throw us out there and it's not that crazy, and then it's actually received. We hear you, but you're getting rebuttals to things, and it's just like you're like, wow, how am I the nonsensical one? Listen? America was born of violence. Okay, America is born of violence. It's been violent the entire time. They killed everybody when they got here. They're still killing us now. So if there's just a song that's like, hey man, listen, if you come over here starting ship, you might lose a job. What is wrong with that? When did the two of you and Josh all toss us to you first? When did the two of you discover that you had this kind of report Like I don't know if either of you watch Partner Interruption on ESPN, but that was a show that essentially started debate culture in sports news, which then dribb it over into cable news and the debate. A lot of the debate culture that we have today was birth from p t I. P T I was birth because those two gentlemen, Tony Cohenheiser and Michael will Bond used to argue with each other from across the news room in front of everyone every day, and someone finally said, sit them down and put a camera at them. So when did when did you? When did y'all realize y'all hated each other? Like this? No, me and Josh love each other. Uh, it's not hate. It's just sometimes you can't stand with someone has a take that is just so egregiously it corrects. This is what you usually happened, him being very worked up at me, being like maybeing like, what's wrong. Honestly, the knock of your black thing is because of the trophy. Honestly, Roy, we know it's because of the trophy. What's the trophy? What's the trophy? Explained that for everybody, Oh you you know about the trophy, Roy, uncle Royd, because what they did one day is they messed around and gave a person like me, uh, disposable income. And so since we were so heated in the midst of praise God for disposable income, we were so in this heated debate about the song like if you buck that, I decided that I was going to give Josh a trophy. So I went on a website that does specialized trophies, custom trophies, and I got a what it's over a foot tall boxing trophy, and then I put an on the trophy for knocking and bucking and being ready to fight Josh Johnson first place. And then I showed it to you and then you said change it to runner up, which is much funnier, and then I had it sent to the office. So I feel like Josh's hatred for this song really doesn't come from so much from the song, but part of it is the trophy, So I think what a trophy happened? It was like, oh, they're way too dedicated to this nonsense. We house a song. A song, it's a song. Also, I'll just throw this out there. We had a conversation. I don't remember exactly when it happened or or why we were talking about it, but there was something about um. It was it was a dating thing and it was something that Jule Say said, I'm trying to remember what it was, and I disagree, but it was one of those things where there was there was no quarter given. There was like no, there was no mercy show to the debate, and I was like, this is this this can't stay it like it was just it was like he had where I was like, I'm not letting men shoot the club up because I'm saving it for marriage. Is that the no? This was this was long before that. This was long before that. This has something to do with has something to do it? What was this? Me like, because everyone likes to say, oh, but what if this broke man is really nice? Was it one of those conversations where like you wanted me to that that that actually sounds more like it like that could have been it Like I think that you were, like I don't care what kind of heart of gold he has if he's if he's broke, I'm not doing that. If he can't have the bills in my house, his draws can't be on the floor. Period sounds wild, but we would have these different conversations, you're not getting mail here if you can't play bills in this bag, Like pick your drawings up, get out of my home. You're the guests, sir. But I think it was one of those conversations where it was like people just came in on it, Like I know there was one conversation we were having in your office, Like people just started coming out of their offices and like offering opinions and then like going back in their office. One of my favorite things was like me and him, because like, not only would I be in Josh's office, it would be like all of the black people in the office in Josh's office. To the point that the other writer in there, uh was a Devin Trade dela Quanti. According to the Double A cp UH, Devon did a quantity shout out to Devon given some real black de cups real ally every time he would leave and come back, There'll be a new black person in the office, and he's like, is this a is this a magic trick? So we would have these conversations and all of us would get into him, and so at one person at least will go, y'all have a podcast. Y'all have a podcast? Or my favorite thing is when all the black people get in Josh's office and then everybody would close their doors, like everybody on the hall. You would just hear doors starting to close, and I was like, I'm like, this is a good conversation because all the white people have closed their doors, so we even have a good time to hear. So I think that's where it came from. It were just like we would just have these conversations. Some random person would go there's always somebody that would pop up and go, do y'all have the podcast? Y'all should get a podcast. And it was just so many people in the office say that we should have a podcast that one day the podcast team approached me and Josh was like, hey, so you know how we've been telling you all for a couple of years, Josh have the podcast. We're like, yeah, they're gonna do a podcast. Like sure, So it just came out of just natural conversations that me and him have where we have like hard opinions about just regular things. Well, if this conversation we just had is any evidence of what we can expect on hold up, I think it's gonna be a good time now before we go, Um, do y'all have any questions for me about podcasting? Would you like submit vice for me? I'm about fifty episodes into this. I think I'm a podcast veteran. Oh one, what are these awards behind you? To your awards? Oh, both of those awards are from when I was doing morning radio in Alabama. But nobody know when an award is out of focus. Everybody assumes it's really important, prestigious and listen that star is like it's great. No, right, that's the secret. Just get you did you know half these trophies that people be trying to win, you can just order them them trophies and just put them in the background, just a nice trophy out of focus. Trust me, that's better than books on trophies. I put a shelf behind me. Absolutely absolutely, there's your there's your podcast advice right there. People respect trophies more than they do. Everybody got books, but everybody got a trophy. You're right, because I just got the because I got the double A c P. Did you get the I'm trying to find room on it for my chelf. I got to move one of my star trophies. Listen, put that, Josh. You already had. Wait, Josh, of awards, don't Yeah, you got a couple of awards, don't you. You got them, you got you got a nuck if you buck trophy back there too. That's what you need to have in the background for your podcast, is your official nuck. I buck. I'm sorry, man. This is what I live for. Josh making that face. That's my goal every time talking to Josh. It's for Josh to make that face what I like. Like E two Roy the podcasts Hold Up. The pilot episode is already out new episodes every week. She is Daily Show correspondent du Say Sloan. He is Daily Show writer Josh Johnson. Thank you for this little special. This was nice just to kick it and talk about something because, you know, beyond the scenes, we've we've been a little heavy the last couple of weeks. This was nice to argue about why crime Mob is better than Ray Charles in specific situation, specific just that one station. Did you know what Roy, we should have you on? Absolutely not what you absolutely not. I'm not trying to be the top breaker. I love both of you. Lost one friend and I already lost one friend and lose him. He's fine. Listen, and you know, Josh, maybe we could be in a situation where Roy makes the mistake of agreeing with you, like like even now, the attacks, the attacks, that is all the time we have, dut say, Josh. Consider this your official welcome into the Daily Show podcast universe. Tune in to Hold Up Thursdays on Apple podcast, the I Heart Radio app, or wherever you get your podcast Believe to use Jamie Fox what thank You? Listen to The Daily Show Beyond the Scenes on Apple podcast, the I Heart Radio app, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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