Episode 30: The Unexplained – UFOs with Steve Murillo

Published Dec 13, 2024, 5:00 PM

Join Captain Ron this week as he talks with UFO investigator and former director of MUFON Los Angeles, Steve Murillo. Their discussion includes Steve recounting his UFO sighting and how it shaped his perspectives, as well as information on the mysteries of Skinwalker Ranch.

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Hey everyone, it's Captain Ron and each week are Beyond Contact Wilks for the latest news in ufology, discuss some of the classic cases and bring you the latest information from the newest cases as we talked with.

The top experts. Welcome to Beyond Contact. I'm Captain Ron, and today we're going to be speaking with Steve Morillo. Steve attended the United States Naval Academy, where he received his Bachelor of Science degree in systems Engineering. He was commissioned an officer in the Marine Corps, attended flight school, and then served for seven years of active duty as a jet pilot and a maintenance officer for his squadron. After the Marine Corps, he worked for TRW and Aerospace Company. He also became the director of Muffon LA in two thousand and one, which he did for thirteen years, conducting field investigations and monthly meetings up until June of twenty thirteen, when he then headed up his own group called Upar's LA, the UFO and Paranormal Research Society of Los Angeles Chapter to investigate all things UFO and paranormal. Hey to see a brother right on, So, Steve, you're a train pilot and you've had some experiences and sightings that you consider anomalists. Can you share a few of those with us?

First of all, never as a pilot, never has flying a jet. I never saw anything. Didn't even believe in that stuff way back then. That was back in the eighties.

You know.

I went through my Marine Corps career like any other normal person without any idea of UFOs or didn't think about them, you know nothing. When I got out of the military, become became a satellite engineer here in Manhattan Beach, a place called TRW and I worked on a satellite. I was the electrical power subsystem engineer for a Teachers Flight seven and I did that for a couple couple of years, three years or something like that, and it was a little bit boring for me, so I got into real estate. So then fast forward probably from the late eighties early nineties to around two thousand and one. In fact, it was May of two thousand and one and I just come home from working out. I was kind of beat up. I did I still do karate, and had been a fight night. So it was a Tuesday night, pretty beat up, and we happened to have a hot tub on the roof. I put a hot tub on the roof of our house, and so I got into the hot tub.

It was about nine thirty nine to twenty something like that. At night.

You know, my wife has me a glass of wine and she goes, oh, I forgotten mine, and she goes back downstairs to get hers.

So I'm looking out at the ocean.

The key here is you're relaxing in the hot tub while the wife gives you wine and goes to that. In the last instead of you saying, well, go ahead and take this one, I'll go get the other one.

I was alreadying that's what I did.

I was already also meeting a picture of who Steve Morillo is.

My wife's a sweetheart, dude, you know, you know she is. She is just an angel, and so you know she she had no problem with that kind of thing. But so anyway, she's downstairs. I'm looking out at the ocean and then I see these things coming towards me and it looks like a flock of seagulls, like a seagulls information like a like a triangle formation, right, and it's nine thirty at night. I'm thinking, here comes some seagulls. And then as they're coming towards me, my mind's making up the story, like why is somebody shining a spotlight on those seagulls. I literally thought there was some guy on the streets somewhere below me with a spotlight shining in on the seagulls. As they flew over my head, my mouth drops. I'm like, those aren't seagulls. And these things were triangular. If you picture like a three prong ninja throwing star, that's what these things looked like. And they were all lit. They didn't have like little twinkly lights on them. Each one was light and had a very coherent feel to the light. Right there was no umbre, there was no projected light onto me. They looked like as if the light was solid, as if it had some kind of mass.

I don't know how to explain that.

And as they flew directly over my head from the west over due east, there were five, and the lead and two on the I guess as I'm looking at on the left split off and slid. I'll just describe it that way. They didn't yank and bank like a jetwood. They just slid across the sky and got I don't know, a couple miles separation from the other two, and the other two kept going and then maybe in like two or three potatoes, the two that got left behind just immediately, like a blinding flash, joined up with the others and then they were gone in about uh, I don't know, north by north northeast direction.

And this is two thousand and one, So at this post you're not even interested in the UFO topic.

No, no, I wasn't.

I was what's going through your mind that you think is happening?

Well, I literally knew immediately that these things weren't military. I knew they weren't jets the way they moved. Had they not done the move where they slid across the sky that fast and that far, I might have just chalked that up to like some jet that I don't know about. There was no sound, and they were very they were very low to my head. I would say, maybe just a few hundred feet over my head. You know, I fly hang gliders for fun, right, that's why the weekends.

I no, no, it's actually fun.

But anyway, so if I had to estimate their not knowing how what their altitude was, but knowing how there asthmath changed over my you know, as I moved over my head, they weren't They weren't high in the sky. They were low in the sky. So if you just picture maybe a car an automobile a block and maybe across the street and down a half a block or something like that, you know, the fairly good size and no, I knew immediately that they were not anything. And then they did that weird move, and I knew that they didn't have inertia, because you can't do that kind of thing if you have mass and inertia. You just can't slide across the sky and instantaneously join up with your buddies.

So this is blowing your mind at this point, right you have? Yeah, I never seen anything like it.

No, So I jumped out of that hot tub so fast, and my wife hadn't even had a chance to come up with the wine, right, and I'm dripping all over the place, and I'm yelling at her.

Of course.

The first thing I did was I got down. I went downstairs. I got on the phone. I tried to call LAX because I'm right below I'm just south of LAX Runway, Manhattan Beach.

So I called LAX Approach.

I called tower, and I tried to find out if anybody had these things on radar, and they all said negative. And I was just flabbergacid. So I didn't know what to do next. So I got on Netscape. Right, these were UFOs. Nobody knows what that is. I know, did you send the facts out to let them know?

Yeah? I got the word out. I got a facts out.

So yeah, I got on Netscape and I researched UFO Los Angeles and I ended up on the moufon MOF on La had a website up and going.

This is hilarious because you ended up running this for thirteen years and you need, yeah, what it was at that point?

Right? No, I had no idea hysterical.

So I fill out this form and about a week later, I get a call here at the office and I'm sitting in the office where I was when I got that call from a guy named Bill Casey, and he was the director of investigations at that time. Super nice guy, and he interviewed me for about I don't know, fifteen minutes or something, just asking a bunch of questions about me and about what I saw and all that. And then he goes, well, that sounds like you had a real, real good sighting. And he goes, would you like to come to one of our meetings? And I'm like absolutely, you know, sign me up.

Where do I go?

And he's like, well, we're meeting next. I think it was Wednesdays in those days. It was a Wednesday meeting and I was out in Hollywood. So I drove out there and met with all these people, and I just kept going to meetings. So maybe I went to four or five meetings, and then Don Waldrup, who was the head of MOUFINALI at the time, invited me to join the board. He talked to me a few times and liked me or whatever asked me to join the board. So I did and started going to the board meetings and just seeing how they operate and kind of digging into this thing. And of course, immediately after that incident, the sighting, I just started digging into the books, right, I ordered every I got hold of every UFO book I could think of.

Or fine, we're already kind of convinced this is something I don't want to say supernatural, but not normal.

Not normal, Yeah, no, I mean just the propulsion itself was enough for me. Knowing that these things weren't burning, or at least guessing right these things weren't.

They weren't making noise.

They had zero inertia, so they had some anti gravity capability that I didn't understand or know about.

See. But I like how you guys that are pilots. I feel maybe you'll agree or disagree with me that I think pilots seem to make better witnesses to these kind of things. I hate when I hear someone tell me, oh, this craft was two hundred and fifty feet across and it was a thousand feet away. You know, I really don't know what a thousand feet away is looking in the sky. I just I don't know what accurate I would be.

Right, Yeah, a little bit of a gauged eye, we do. Yeah, it's pilots, right.

You know you were saying you thought about the propulsion and stuff. I wouldn't even think in those terms.

Yeah. No.

The first thing that struck me, or the thing that blew me away, was the fact that these things had no inertia, that they were moving around in the sky like gravity didn't exist. All these things happening are processing at the same time, right, these things are real? What the hell was that? All this stuff? And so I started digging into it and you know, reading every book I could get my hand on it, and go to the meetings. And then Don decided he wanted to move to Florida, and so he just tapped me and said, hey, do you want to take over? And I said okay. So that's how I ended up taking over for move on Los Angeles. And we had some really cool people on the board too. We had Sondra Marsh she was an abductee. You know, most of the people that I've met who were abductees, we had a lot of them coming to the meetings month and month out because there was no other place for those people to share their experiences and not be laughed at or thought they were crazy, and they could compare notes, you know. And for many of these people, it was ongoing. It wasn't like something that happened, you know, when they were a kid and it stopped happening.

It was going on.

So they needed like an outlet or a place where they could actually feel welcome and talk about the phenomenon, talk about their experiences.


Absolutely, Hey, Steve, to take a quick break there when we come back and talk to you more about the possibility of these sightings, of these crafts being military craft perhaps or perhaps test craft, or perhaps from another country. You're listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network. We are back on Beyond Contact. I'm Captain Ron. We're talking to Steve Morello here about UFO sightings. Steve, I want to ask you this, when you see some of these craft or you hear some of these UFO stories, don't you think a lot of them could be maybe test aircraft or secret military craft. You know. This morning, as a matter of fact, I happen to see an article about in China they unveiled this hypersonic mock seven brone that's a developmental craft they have and it's this huge triangle and a super high tech and it can apparently launch weapons and other drones off of this craft. Wow, and this is at an air show, and this was just.

Like they're bringing out in an air show. It's so it's like old technology for them then.

Yeah, right, so exactly. So I'm thinking, if that's what they're showing us, god knows what they have behind the scenes, right, So don't you think that many of these craft people are seeing are in fact something like that.

Yeah, yeah, of course. And the drones, you know, or even skydivers. I mean I saw a guy he had a video out yesterday. You know, this is this is obviously not a meteorite, and it was a thing come crashing down, you know, out of the sky. It was sparkly orange, and then it split up into maybe I don't know, ten separate same little things, but you know, smaller, and they were all going in opposite directions and stuff. Probably night skydive. You know, they tie those sparkly things to their ankles because I've seen it done from the from the skydivers' perspective, and they get into circles and they do all these things, so, you know, misidentification of you know, stranger stuff that's you know, night skydiving is not something you see every night. And that happened actually about four or five years ago after a Lakers game. They were doing it out in the valley and some Lakers came out Staples Center and they filmed this with their phones. Right, they were calling it UFOs, but it turned out to skydivers. But going back to the question of could it be another Superpowers technology, Yeah, I could a hypersonic Mock seven drone. That's pretty impressive. Keep in mind that thing's only going to fly in one direction, which is straight right. I mean, if it's gonna turn, it's gonna turn gradually because you can't put too much stress on the frame.

You were talking about the slide earlier. Do drones have the ability to do anything like that move?

You know, they kind of do nowadays if you mention it, Yeah, they kind of do. Yeah, you can take a drone and move it that way. But to have five drone, or let's take three in perfect formations slide across the sky in two thousand and one and they were all lit. Each one was a light. That's not tech that we even have now. To get that kind of separation maybe a mile and a half in seconds and then have the other two join up accurately in less than a second, that's not something that we probably even have now.

The telltale of UFO not UFO is.

The change of direction something that's moving high speed and bizarre looking. Let's say the TICTAC UFO good example, shape like a tic tac, doesn't have wings, no exhaust plumage or anything like that, and it's jinking like a ping punk ball.

That's the way he described it.

Instantaneous changes in direction. At that point where you change direction, you have infinite g So maybe a machine can take that kind of load, But you know, you might be able to design a machine that can take that load for a while, I don't think we can.

But obviously that craft can because we have it on video, and we have fravor any other people's reports of it. Don't you think that it's possible? A craft like that could be what if it's artificially intelligent control?

Yeah, no, absolutely, to see a craft like that does not imply if there's something a biological entity in it. I never would leap to that conclusion.

We have AI.

Now, our AI is probably ten years away from feeling sentient, you know, totally sentient.

It moves up every time I interview somebody ten years or twenty years ten. You know some of these guys that they're saying.

Two yeah, well yeah, because More's law takes effect and our processing power keeps getting better and better straight up, yeah, no processing.

Yeah, it's like that.

So eventually, for all intents and purposes, they will be sentient. And those sorts of machines, if you can write the code that good enough, won't go insane in the depths of space after years and years of travel or inter dimensional travel. We're getting very close. So could some of these UFOs be automatic automated? Absolutely, you could call them drones from another dimension or another space time.

The thing is we don't know. I mean, that's the thing. I was going to ask you what you think is happening with this phenomenon. Do you think it's possibly an interdimensional travel happening. Do you think it's across the galaxy? Where do you fall on that?

My personal belief after you know, talking to everybody and looking at things.

You guys are twenty four years on this already.

Right right, yeah, God minimal.

But if you can defeat gravity, then you probably have a very interesting understanding of time space. Our science, our math tells us that there are at least eleven, if not thirteen, alternative dimensions. Our reality might be comprised of infinite slices of reality meeting You and I are talking here, and then we make a decision that along another path, and there are infinite numbers of us talking, having different conversations more or less about UFOs. Right, So, all these things are possible, and these UFOs or UAPs, whatever you want to call them, seem to be able to harness a science or a technology that allows them to move in infinite slices of space time without inertia, without gravity, defeating gravity. So in other words, they're not necessarily in our space time as they move through it, yet we can see it, and I don't understand how that works.

A lot of these vibrational things, one of these interdimensional things, one of these other theories. Is that where you're kind of thinking this is happening from.

Yeah, are we seeing the object? Are we seeing like the remnants of that? I don't know, man, It's we go on and on about this.

Well, yeah, it's so hard. It's all speculation obviously.

Right, it's absolutely and I have no signs to back up any of the mumbo jumbo I'm spewing right now.

But thank you for phrasing it that way, because most people sit here and try to tell me exactly that it is definitely an alien and it's definitely this based on what Yeah, yeah, I mean it might be.

But you know, until one comes down, shakes our hands and then explains the whole thing to us, we're not going to really know. And if we have to break the code ourselves, it's going to take a while. Bob Azar says that he worked on this technology, but he never broke the code, and they never cracked the code of it.

They seem to have, I mean.

They cracked the coat on some of the propulsion system, right, These things would go up in the sky. Remember, Bob would take his friends out to the desert and say, watched this, and then then Wednesday night at seven pm. These things shoot up in the air and then dance around and come down again. So maybe we're on the verge. Who was it the CEO of Skunkworks what was his name, you know, talking about.

Of course I do the guy who said we have the technology you to take at home.

Yeah, exactly, he made that statement. He also said that off camera.

To Jim Goodall is the guy he said it to, and Ben Rich is the guy.

Ben Rich, There you go, ben Rich, thank you. The way I look at that, though, is sort of like, if we do have that technology and we're not bringing it out to the public, not bringing out to the world, it's almost a crime against humanity.

They're not going to care.

I know, the warlngers that they are. What does this world need energy?

Right? We need energy to move our cars, energy to grow our crops. Energy.

If we can harness an energy it's unlimited and costs us nothing, right, zero cost, zero points, zero cost energy, then basically we've solved a lot of the world's problems. Right, we've solved a lot of the world's problems. If these things are harnessing an energy that doesn't burn fuel, it don't fill up at a gas station and we have that technology, we've somehow captured that technology, whoever has it, then it needs.

To come out.

The world would change, and then there'd be a lot of friction in the beginning. The oil futures would tank instantly, right, people would lose their asses, big corporations be closing shop the next day. But eventually man would be free. Hopefully men would be free, because as it is right now, we're all slaves.


I don't see it coming out for that reason alone. Hey, you once said that there's if there's one other alien race, that there could be a million, right, is that what you think?

Yep? I do just based on sure numbers.

If you look at the number of galaxies, you know, the number of the billions of galaxies that are out there, even.

In our own galaxy million now two there you go galaxies, which is incredible.

Right, just in this you know, our in our reality alone, right that that is incredible. Yeah, and you know now with the James Webb telescope, we're discovering the Hey, just about every star out there has planets going around it, right, just about everyone. In fact, I don't know if the other Beginning to think that none of them don't have a planet.

Forty years ago they said none of them do have a planet. Now, in fact, it's completely flipped and they said it's rare that they don't have a planet. Isn't that bizar? The scientists in the world had that.

Belief, right, right.

It's hard for scientists who get grants to come off of their what they used to know. But anyway, Yeah, so think just just from a mathematical perspective, it's virtually impossible. Even if there's one, then there are millions, if not billions, of these of these civilizations across our universe.

So that makes sense to me. They said that I've heard before maybe Carl Sagan or somebody also said that either we are alone or if there's two, there's a million, kind of like what you were saying. Okay, we're going to take a break here to Steve. When we come back, we're going to talk more to Steve about the consciousness aspect of this phenomenon. You're listening to be on Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network. We are back on Beyond Contact. It's Captain Ron talking to Steve Marillo. Steve, I think I've heard you say sometimes that maybe consciousness may be behind a lot of this phenomenon, that maybe it's more of a paranormal phenomenon than a mechanical craft per se, Y, what do you think about consciousness?

That's a very very very very good question.

Yeah, First I took one to answer. The first question you have to ask is what is consciousness?

Right? Where does it exist?

Just as conscious beings, we believe that consciousness exists in between our eyes, in between our ears, right inside our head.

That's where I well, some.

People believe that. Some people believe that, you know, it's just a receiver that we're tapping into a greater you know, a record or whatever you want to call it.

And that's kind of where I am with it. And it's even possible run for our consciousness to exist simultaneously on in multiple dimensions. In other words, you're having an experiences as Captain Ron right now, but you also exist as something else in another dimension. In other words, consciousness transcends time space. That's a possibility. I'm not saying that's what I believe.

That hurts. That hurts the brain a little bit, Steve, I got to be honest.

Right right, No, it's bizarre. It's bizarre to think about that. Oftentimes, when people have experiences it directly with beings, there seems to be some sort of shift in their own consciousness that occurs the subject, right that the experiencer, and after the experience they are imbued with let's say, higher intuition sometimes or a real palpable empathy for other beings and things like that. Things happen and they change.

For me.

After I had that sighting was almost like I had a download it. It was as if somebody took a crowbarn pride my brain. Apart from then on, I challenge and questioned everything I heard like I can.

For example, this.

Whole the election process nine to eleven, all that stuff, it's all in my mind challenged. Nothing true, nothing, Nothing that they try to tell you is true because you know, you see how things actually work.

You know, you just don't think.

It's going to get harder and harder. As we go forward, Steve as Ai becomes more prolific and as how the videos we see now could be deep faked. That's gonna get even, but we see it now that it's almost perfect to me.

But oh it is like I use Instagram a lot. It's entertaining for me.

Right, there's this one AI generation like thing I follow. It's deep sea creatures that they've found, like in the Marianna's trench or whatever. And they these are AI created deep sea creatures and they're they're showing you, like the film from the Submarine of these creatures. I mean, you see the particles of the ocean moving between their teeth, and these bizarre looking monsters and the narrators talking with a British accident about deep in the ocean. No no, no, no dah, you know, and they look perfect. I mean, if if you showed me that ten years ago, oh my god, what is that thing?

You know? Oh my god, it's real. It looks real.

So yeah, two years they'll have people looking exact and we're not going to know what's real anymore. You wire right around the corner.

No, you know, in my business is mortgages, real estate, that sort of thing. I can write a script, just write a script, type it, give it to an AI and it's just the face of a woman ahead of a woman and she's talking with the British accent, and she delivers the script with pronunciation with emphasis, and the lips are SYNCD and it looks entirely natural, entirely real. I mean as if I hired an actor to read the script. That's now, that's that's already old.

It's get really interesting around here.

Absolutely. Hey, Steve, what kind of reports do you hear from people? You know, what's the most common thing you hear. Do you hear consistent reports about abduction or UFO experiences or are they all different?

Mostly different?

And abduction you don't hear about as much anymore, And I don't know why that is. But yet the frequency of abduction, you don't hear about that as much. Yeah, I'm not hearing as much about that. Many more sightings. People are filming, you know, bizarre UFOs all over the place. You probably remember that Las Vegas incident where the kid and his family had something come down in their backyard and they're filming it. I never really saw any video that was totally convincing to me, but they seemed affected by it. Oh, you were asking about consciousness and UFOs and stuff. One thing I wanted to bring up. Oftentimes, other phenomena occur with an experiencer after they've had an experience, or even before they're conscious of their experiences. A lot of times Poulter guys activity in the house, you know, high sense of intuition even before their experiences, and maybe because it's been going on since there were little kids, you know, just weird stuff like that ghosts.

We had a gal that used to come.

To our meetings and she was an experiencer and she had Poulter Guy's phenomena in her house. She had a little girl and she actually filmed I mean, it looked ridiculous. She filmed this on her phone and then showed it to me like the next day because we had our meeting, and it looked like from Ghostbusters at green blobby, slimer, without the face, without the face, It just was a green blob. She was filming her little daughter playing on the living room floor there in front of the TV. The TV was on, and this green blob comes out of the TV, flies like kind of in a like a little spiral towards the daughter and then veers off towards her and she goes, oh, oh, you know, or like makes it a little like exclamation about it. And this is probably ten years ago or fifteen years ago. You know, and she didn't need to fake that. She didn't put it out in the public, you know, she just showed me what happened the night before.

I'm like, wow. And she had a boyfriend.

Who opened a they were having activity, and the boyfriend opened a closet, a bedroom closet, and this gray being jumps out at him or you know what's there, and that scared him away, and so he was no longer her boyfriend and he ran off. But I don't blame him.

I don't blame him. Yeah, weird stuff.

Do you have a favorite case, Steve, that makes you really believe that something is happening, something that you've heard that like really compels you.

Well, the Bentwater case is very compelling. So many witnesses and so much data.

Roswell, of course, lots of data, lots of witnesses.

Roswell happened. No doubt in my mind that Roswell happened, and probably everything went to right. Pat, I love yeah, noah, Yeah, that happened. In my own experience, a buddy of mine and I went out to Skinwalker Ranch before it was real popular to talk about Skinwalker, and we staked it out for a few nights and we had some bizarre experiences with the phenomenon.

We saw one little.

Red light floating around on the ranch, but that could have been a guy with a cigarette, right, But we had the phenomenon actually call me on the cell phone while we were staking out the ranch, and I answered it with speaker because my buddy was there with me, and it made this weird electronic great, you know, weird hello Hello. I hung up on it, and I was thinking it was a kid who we had in town, who we had asked him to show us where the ranch was and we had his number. I called the kid and I asked him, you know, did you just, you know, spoof us? And I opened him up because it was three in the morning and he didn't know anything about it. He pretended like he didn't, so I would think, well, kid, that kid spoofed us, and he's just goofing around trying to scare us. So then we're done with the ranch. We fly home and we had been having electronic problems with the electronics the whole trip, even before we took off for the trip. That morning, going to lax I had a power failure at my house. My buddy, who lives near Librea Libera tarpits. We had a power failure at his place, so we couldn't charge any of our stuff. We couldn't keep anything charged when we were at the Skinwalker ranch.

That was bizarre. Everything would drain really quick, so we had to have everything plugged in.

That's something I've heard a hundred times.

Oh yeah, yeah, who knows why?

Right, anyway, come home and now I'm back in my office and I've got to take care of some business and I got to call a friend of mine. She picks up the phone and though I'm trying to discuss a little bit of business, and then this music is playing on the phone and it's Loved Me Tender. So it's Loved Me Tender, and it's like but it's like Nintendo style.

Music, like boo boo boo boo, just like if it was a Mario Brothers game or something like that. And I'm like, hello, I'm going Kathleen, can you can you hear me? Can you you know, can you turn that off? You know? Can you turn that off? And She's like what what?

So I just say, okay, I'll call you back, and I hang up on her and then I give it a couple of minutes. So the phone, you know, the answering machine, can you know clear? You know, because if you call right back, it's gonna be busy. So I wait a couple of minutes and I call her back and she picks it up and I go, hey, Kathleen, I go, you know, that's a really interesting music you have there on your answering machine. She goes, what, I go, that music? She goes, I don't have an answering machine. I go, did you did you hear the music? Didn't you hear that music? And she's like, what music?

No, she goes, I couldn't hear you though, I'm like wow. So that was weird.

So we finished our business later on that day trying to I'm at the City of Manhattan Beach. I'm trying to get some stuff done with building and safety or building I forget the planning department. And as I'm talking to the guy, I'm looking at my contacts on my phone and I'm watching on the little window of my phone, and the contacts are just rolling. They're just like disappearing. They're just like getting like as if the phone is like here's something, yeah, deleted. They're all deleted. Now my phone's not usable. And this went on for like a couple three hours, and then finally my buddy from the trip calls me and the phone rang. It was him, and I'm like, you're not going to believe all the weird stuff that's been happening, you know, like all day.

And he's like, yeah, I've been having some weird stuff too.

And then as I'm talking to him, here come the contexts and they're coming back on the phone that was bizarre and nothing's happening like this. Yeah, so there's there are a bizarre phenomenon that are associated with the phenomenon, you know, not just you.

That's it's a T shirt right there, Steve, There's been bizarre phenomena and associated with the phenomena, well, they're actually Steve to take a break here real quick. When we come back, we're going to talk to Steve more about some of these strange stories and about his days at Moufon in you pars, you're listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network. We are back on Beyond Contact with Steve Morella. Steve, we're talking about these crazy things that happen like when you were at Skinwalker Ranch, for example. And when I hear someone like yourself tell me these stories. This isn't like a public story that you put out there. It's not like it's in the news. I wonder how often other people have these little bizarre things that happen in life and they just don't tell anybody. Maybe they tell a couple of their friends or whatever. People go wow, how weird, and it goes away. We could all write them down on the same day and put them together. It would be like this massive thing to show us that something weird is going on.

Well, you know, I think that just about everybody, you know. If you ask them, hey, have you ever had anything strange happen to you?

They'll have a story blah blah blah blah happened or.

Steve, quite literally, I always tell that story people say to me, like when they ask about the show or what I do or whatever. If somebody is like dismissive about it and they're like, yeah, no, I'm not interested, inevitably they do the colombo for me. They're like, no, no, I'm not really. Oh you know what. There was this one time my dad and I were fishing early in the morning, you know, one and they saw light. It's amazing how many people have had an experience who aren't interested in this tomic.

Right or want to avoid the topic. The same time, we were at Skinwalker Ridge. We're driving around the ridge and it's like, I don't know, Saturday afternoon, we're kind of hungry and there's not much out there, and we see this sign for like a little burger joint restaurant grocery store.

So we go in there and you know, it's about this time.

So we go to the counter and there are these two young girls there, maybe in their twenties, that are like working the counter, and then there's the mom. You know, it's family owned little thing. The mom's on the backward and working the girl. And I kind of have a loud voice anyway, and the mom wasn't too far away, and I always open, hey, you ever have anything weird happened around here?

That's what I'd ask these people.

Of course, everybody had the experience out there, and the mom immediately goes no, nothing. Ever, you know, it's like she got a little bit defensive. No, no, no, no, you know, like she didn't want him to talk about it. But sure enough, you know, daughter number one, the older daughter, wanted to talk about her experience, you know, and then the other.

Daughter jumps on and tells her story. And they were both weird stories. I won't go on.

But then finally the mom like okay, and so she like turns and she goes, when I was a little girl, here we go.

You just said no nothing, Yeah, we got one.

Here we go. And her story was wild.

So she says, when I was a little girl, is at my grandma's ranch, which is right over here, and we were sitting out on the porch, and we were looking at the field and everything had been cut down and so it was just dirt. Like around four or five o'clock in the afternoon, sun was still up, and she goes, all of a sudden, in the middle of the field, she goes, there was this whirlwind, like a dust devil, but it was like super dirty, and it was spinning, spin and spinning. And she goes and all of a sudden, the dust devil stopped or cleared away, and there was a naked American Indian standing there, a man standing there, and she said he looked around like he like he like looked around to see you saw them. She said, he sprinted across that field so fast. She goes, he was faster than a track star. He was so fast and he just ran and.

See you know, yeah, you know. Now, now what do you attribute that to? Is that an alien? Is that an apparition? Is that a ghost? Is that her mind? Is that a skinwalker? Indian was someone who was in prison?

Yeah, no, I know.

The older daughter said she had an experience coming in to the Skinwalker area. So she's coming down. There's only like one main road in forty Shane. She said, I was a waitress at a bar in another town. I forget the name of the town. She said, I was coming home. It was about three in the morning that I was going by the cemetery and she said, just as I'm going by the cemetery, this tall, skinny, white thing runs out in front of my car and then squats down on the other side of the road, on the cemetery side of the road, and she says, I almost peeed on my pants. Right, She stopped herself from saying I peed my pants, And she said, I cried all the way home. This thing stood up and then she said it sprinted across the cemetery. That was her story. And then the other the younger sister told one of a shadow person that was stalking her and she and her girlfriend they were having like a sleepover or something, and they called the cops and the cops said, yeah, we're we've been getting calls. Actually wasn't cops, it was constables. You know, the American Indians have their own law enforcement. And yeah, so they all had strange stories. So, yeah, you hear all.

These stories from different people all the time, at least the last twenty some years. Right, what's your walkaway? What do you take away from all of that?

It's so hard to put your finger on, you know, you kind of have to take it all in and be non judgmental about it. How do you take that those three stories right and come up with some sort of theory? I don't think there is one theory that can cover it all, you know what I mean. But it's all interrelated. Somehow. We're experiencing a reality here, but there are other ways to experience that reality, sometimes through DMT, sometimes through you know, meditation. I have a friend who does meditation and she has these Kundalini experiences. That cause time to compress. For her, she experiences time dilation and compression with her watch versus her clock. It happens frequently, and she'll tell me these crazy stories.

I'm like, what the hell is going on? I don't know, no idea.

Well, I can't let you go here, Steve without talking about bigfoot for a second. You know, Oh, I love it. It seems that bigfoot and UFOs wouldn't really be connected at all, Like one's impossible cryptid, and the other one is to call it, you know, spaceship. So I don't know, but there seems to be a correlation in these reports. Do you think that that means that there's people that are susceptible to believing in UFOs, therefore they might believe in bigfoot, they might see both, or do you think there's possible correlation between these two phenomenon.

I'll answer the second party question first. I think there is a correlation between the two. But you touched on something that I found interesting in my research. People who are experiencers of one phenomenon tend to be likely to experience other types of phenomenon. For example, ceofos experience ghosts, have bigfoot sightings, why that is, I don't know. Is it something about how we experience reality through our consciousness it's tuned differently, and those people have a different tuning, so to speak.

I don't know. I used to think the Bigfoot phenomenon was ridiculous.

Even when I was totally in a eufology right, even when I was studying it and knew everything and knew everybody and talked about it all the time, I thought, you know, Bigfoot, come on, you know, that's just ridiculous.

But I mean, over these last past.

Few years, I've come to realize that the Bigfoot phenomenon is entirely real. It's been going on oh undred and twenty percent. Yeah, it's it's if there's a podcast that comes out weekly, Sasquatch Chronicles, Sasquatch Chronicles, he has at least one or two with usually it's one witness used to be always like two, uh, described their their experience. The experience might be from when they were in the seventies, when they were little kid in the eighties, or even just like last week, something happened to somebody what's interesting about bigfoot. At first, you take it, okay, it's just you know, some sort of upright walking ape right. Sure yet then, but there's a guy named thinker Thunker. You ever heard of Thinker Thunker. He's a guy that does video and audio analysis, and he has a he has a YouTube channel, thinker Thunker, and he applies science to determining whether or not video is real, whether or not audio is real. And he'll take he took and has taken Bigfoot recordings, because there are tons of recordings of Bigfoot howling or screaming the audio correct, yeah, and he'll match the audio of bigfoot alleged Bigfoot screams from different places in the United States. And the print, the voice print is almost almost the same or if not exactly the same and not and human beings cannot attain those frequencies with their normal human voice, with their normal lyrincs. He thinks, or he has postulated, these things seem to have at least two vocal cords, if you will, two ways to make sound. So that's bizarre. Lots of people, not all, but lots of people have reported seeing them sort of like shimmer into existence, sort of like active camouflage and shimmer out of existence. Jimmy Church had a sort of like a contact in the desert up at Gilliland Ranch, and during that weekend there were people who claim to see a bigfoot do just that. As it was walking away, I spoke to one of James Gilliland's hand there, the guy that works on the ranch. He claimed that he got knocked down by one. He startled one that was digging through the trash. He had gone out there at night. This thing was, he said, it was the size of a huge football player. Just ran through him. And this guy was big, he was probably six 't three. This thing just knocked him over like he wasn't even there and just kept running. If you want to research big foot, there are thousands and thousands of witnesses out there that have had experiences.

Yeah. Interesting, Hey, you mentioned your brother Jimmy Church. What about what about you Pars? You know, I think he and I went to a couple of your things a couple of years ago, but I haven't seen much in a while.

Well, we haven't done you, Pars. We got shut down basically at COVID. The church just said okay, well we can't have meetings anymore. After the two years two and a half years, I just sort of I didn't have the energy anymore to get the whole thing going again.

I just sort of like let it go, which.

Is a shame because I still get I still get people requesting the meetings, and again, it's a lot of the people who have had experiences and would like to get together and.

Maybe you do it quarterly or something at least.

Yeah, you know what, that's not a bad idea. There you go. I like it.

Yeah, listen, I'd be happy to there. I love it. Thanks so much for coming on, Steve. I appreciate it. Thanks everyone for listening to be on Contact. We're gonna be back next week with an all new episode. You can follow me Captain Ron on Twitter and Instagram at CD Underscore Captain Ron. Stay connected by checking out Contact Inthdesert dot com. Stay open minded and rational as we explore the unknown right here on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast am Paranormal Podcast Network.

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Beyond Contact

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