Episode 28: Recapping the UFO Hearings with guests Stephen Bassett, Darcy Weir, & Jason Guillemette

Published Dec 1, 2024, 1:40 PM

Join Captain Ron as he and three special guests recap the congressional UFO hearings from earlier in November.  UFO Activist Steven Bassett will share his insider perspective followed by documentary filmmaker Darcy Weir and podcaster Jason Guillemette and their firsthand experiences attending the hearings.

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Hey everyone, it's Captain Ron and each week on Beyond Contact for the latest news in upology, discuss some of the classic cases and bring you the latest information from the newest cases as we talked with the top experts. Welcome to Beyond Contact. I'm Captain Rona. Today we're going to be speaking about the latest hearings in Congress on the UAP topic. To start off the first half of the show, we have the person who knows more about this than anyone. That is, of course, the great Stephen Bassett. Steve's the executive director of Paradigm Research Group, which was founded in nineteen ninety six to end the government imposed embargo on truth behind the extraterrestrial phenomenon. Well, Steve, did we move an inch closer to lifting the truth embargo through these recent hearings in Congress?


Yeah, the process continues. It's irreversible. We're headed for disclosure, and the recent events have been very constructive. We had a hearing in the House, the second one the last one was fourteen months ago, also the same subcommittee, and then six days later we had a briefing in the Senate. Both were filmed. Both are out there right now, probably going to get seen by millions of people. There were multiple venues. They are live streaming it. It was different than the Grush hearing that everybody remembers. It was four people of substance, covering a broad range of areas, reinforcing each other's testimony. It didn't have that sex appeal maybe of the Grush presentation, but it was powerful for the right people politicians, academics, producers, editors and so forth. You had the Alizondo starting off right away saying we're not alone bingo, and then you had Schellenberger who was on top of a breaking case involving the first time a USAP has been named, which is causing a lot of heartburn over the pengon.

Then you have the Immaculate constellationm.

Macculate constellation and the names they come up with they're.

Very cool, that's actually pretty cool.

Then you've got Mike Gold who has had a very substantial career including dealing space issues and NASA. And then a very important addition a rear Emerald Galadet, who's has science background and so forth able to talk about a range of things including USO. I mean, this is a very substantial panel. Their testimony reinforcing each other. As opposed to Grust, which was basically a one man hearing. He had an extraordinary thing to say. It paid a lot of attention and excitement.

Right, But his was second hand. These guys are first hand.

That's well, their first hand to their careers.

Yes, absolutely, you didn't have.

The salacious stuff that people wanted. I've heard a lot of people say, well, it wasn't really anything. What are your thoughts on that?

It depends what you mean by anything.

Well, they wanted to say, here's the body, here's the yeah.

Yeah, well, Nancy May said that. Nancy May said, people kept wanting her to wheel an ET out in a gurney. Right now, you can't do that. What do people understand is that these hearings are not about revealing all the stuff. No, these hearings are not about that. These hearings are about a process. The government already knows what the ets are. They already have their tech, they've been tracking them forever, they've had live ets. They know all this stuff. But that's not what these hearings are about. Creating those acts now we have we had four of them now are about setting up for the disclosure that's coming when we do get the information, not getting the information to us.


I understand people would like that, well, these acts are passed, whereas the info, we're not there yet. But the acts and the legislation as well as ERRO needed to be in place so when the president does disclose immediately on day one, we are able to properly move forward. Those that don't get that are obviously confused and or irritated. Right they want to.

Smoking guns the community.

You can imagine how frustrated they are when they have this and then you hear Lou continually say well, I'll say I'll tell you in a closed door session, closed door session.

Yeah, that is part of the deal. In other words, if you want witnesses to come forward with important information and you expect them to come forward to start breaking NDAs and things, you're not living in the real world. What's important is that for most of the last seventy years there was only two hearings sixty six or sixty eight. Ultimately it was about ending the engagement of the issue, not starting it. It took fifty five years to get new hearings, and so now we've got people coming forward with careers and so forth. They are going to follow their NDAs, They're going to say what they can say. They're not going to get themselves into trouble or cause harm. What is remarkable, even with our MDAs and there are classifications, there is so much coming out. And what does that mean. It means that ultimately the Department Defense is committed to ending the truth in Bargo. They have their timeframe and we have ours, and they are pretty much forced to allow this to go forward because they simply have increasingly less ground to stand on. And so we're getting what we need. Right now, there's more hearings coming, there's more coverage coming in the media, and so.

I found that very exciting that Mace said she definitely wants to have more hearings.

That's a big deal.

Most people now, throughout government, throughout the military, and everything else, primarily they're on board with the fact that, yeah, we're going to end the truth in Barbo, but the timing varies dramatically, and what gets said leading up to it may vary, but the endgame is always the same. Well, I appreciate that people have different time frames, history does not. And we are really on the cusp of something really awful happening. I mean, we really are in deep trouble right now. Not that we haven't always been, but it's exceptionally bad now. We have all these terrible things happening. Let's get them all resolved, right, Let's solve the nuclear issue, let's solve the China issue, whatever, all of this stuff, all the terrors, and then when things are really comfortable, let's disclose. Uhh, not going to happen. We have got to get disclosure now because that may be the ticket to be able to deal with these other issues as we enter an entire new phase of human history. Disclosure cannot be delayed. All right, Oh well, let's have that nuclear war first that we know we're going to have, and then afterwards, you know, in the rubble, let's get a hearing together, and let's know there is an urgency here. And so those that have a long time frame they need to back off, and those that are ready to get this done need to step forward. And that is what the citizen activism is about. I am completely devoted to getting this truth in Bargo now ended as soon as possible, making the case for it, and others are too, New organizations are forming and so forth. But again it's still not clear who's going to win this race. The race I've talked about the doomsday clock, the paradigm clock, midnight doomsday clock, nuclear war, midnight paradigm clock. Disclosure is still not clear which clock strikes midnight first, but we know at least I know which one that has to be.

So something like this coming out would maybe even prevent a nuclear war.

Absolutely, it's the only thing I think that has a chance. What is somebody suggesting right now or even point to that shows promise from solving the Middle East tensions or Middle East issues which go back two thousand years, the situation Ukraine and the situation in China regarding Taiwan, as well as terrorism and so forth. In general, what's the place? Do you see one? There isn't one. Diplomats have thrown up their hands. The UN is virtually nothing. There's political chaos in the United States. We don't know what to go forward or backward. We're like a clown car heading for the cliff.

I just feel like people are going to keep burying this. I just I think we're just kicking the can here.

Steve, I don't.

See for the first time the words we are not alone. We're spoken under Earth by Lewis Alissando. We are not alone. We have non human tech in bodies. The government has been keeping it promise. That's illegal. That's what Lou said. People say, well, I already knew that.

Yeah, I get it.

People in the community say, I already knew that. People outside the community said, who's this guy and why.

Are exactly Well, now they know who he is and he did it under oath. If you don't know the history and you don't look at looking at it the bigger picture, it's difficult to appreciate how strong this is. Right now we get more and more people coming on board. There's plenty of witnesses that are showing up in the background. You know they'd love to have as many as possible. We do know that the USAP people are not still comfortable enough with the witness protection level. There is protection whistleblower and witness, but they're not I get it. If you're a you sapper, you've been underground working on at stuff for the last twenty five years. You want the strongest protection as possible, which is why Birchett just introduced some witness protection legislation. You've got Danny Shane writing some high level witness presentation at some point witness protection which is going to obviously deliver it and may be considered by the Senate. I am working to get the nuclear weapons shut down witnesses who have been trying to get in front of a hearing since nineteen six ninety four when Bob Sallas first came out, and let's just say I'm having some progress now. All of these men and there are still at least eight of the group that Bob's working with still alive. First hand witnesses SACK based officers prepared to sit down in front of a congressional committee under oath and talk about their first hand experience when AUAP hovered over the ICBM flights and shut them all down. This testimony is the most important of all that I am aware of, much even more important than grush. These men are prepared to, under oath describe how those missiles were shut down. After the break, I'll tell you why these witnesses have yet to have a chance to speak in front of Congress.

I'm afraid people are trying to let them age out. Let's hope not.

When we come back, we're going to talk to you more about that, more about the congressional hearings and what happened with Arrow and the Senate. You're listening to Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio on Coast to Coast AM Paranormal podcast Network. We are back on Beyond Contact. I'm Captain Ron. We're talking to Steve Bassett. Steve, you're talking about these guys getting to testify about their firsthand experience with UFOs turning off nuclear weapons.

Sattles came forward nineteen ninety four to finally talk publicly about the fact that he was present when the missiles were shut down at Malstrom. The reason he did it was that he had sat on that for twenty seven years, as all the others did as well. They were obviously told don't talk about this. In fact, right after the events, what the Air Force did was immediately reassign all those security guys to the four points of the planet so they couldn't contact each other. If there were further events, how many, we don't know, there's more than one. At some point the Air Force was figuring out, these guys up here are playing with our nuclear weaponsites, and so when something would happen, they would swoop in really lock it down, and nobody knew. We know what's happened. A number of times here, a number of times in the Soviet Union. Bob came forward because he very cleverly put in an foia to the Air Force about information during that period, right without ever saying ufoor uap, and so he didn't raise a red flag, and so he got something back that clearly was kind of alluding to some things happening at Malstrom. So he felt he was now free under his NDA. He really was, but he came out and then others joined him. And here is what the DoD was facing. These witnesses now that are absolutely credible talking about our weapons being turned off with a EAP president of a hovering above the base. What do you do. You can kill them all with some countries, that's exactly what would happen. Or you can disgrace them, come up with a bunch of stuff and just ruin their reputation so nobody believes them. Or you can ghost them. That's the only three options they had. And they decided to ghost them, meaning that don't talk, don't respond, And by ghosting them, the media went along with that. Even though there's been some articles and I will be putting those out soon and sending them to Congress, they didn't go anywhere, and so they just don't exist. If the journalists go along with that, then there's nowhere they can't get traction in Congress and has worked since nineteen ninety four. They have never had a chance to testify.

To me from the outside, like they're just waiting these guys out.

They think they well, yeah, they're waiting on absolutely and some have died already, they're in their eighties. Some of the security guys are a little bit younger, but they weren't officers, and this testimony could end the truth.


I mean, if there's a major Senate hearing, which we have to have and these are part of their first tend witnesses, let me tell you that's just going to help, and sure this thing blows up. The closest they came to ever getting a chance to testify was that the citizen Hearing on Disclosure which I produced back twenty thirteen, where they were able to testify under a maco to a panel of former members of Congress and went very well. The record is out there, you can see it, but that's not the real thing. So right now the chances that they may be getting the chance to testify has improved dramatically. It is in play. And so that is an example of how the truth and Barber has been maintained, but also an example of the kinds of things that are coming. So for those that think, nah, they'll never give it up, wrong, they will. They have to.

They have no choice.

What we just experienced and I was able to attend, was the second House hearing. You got the five witnesses. The energy was high, the room was packed. It was a live film by many multiple energy and now recorded millions.

We'll watch it.

But Jillibrand also announced about the same time that this hearing was announced that she wants to hold a briefing over on the Senate side underneath the Senate Armed Services Committee. Why is that important. It's not hearing, it's a briefing because it was a briefing from the new Arrow director, Kazlowski. Because Arrow just went through a very difficult time. The director, Sean Kirkpatrick, was in an impossible situation, particularly after Grush came forward. He was very unhappy because there's nothing he could do. Grush was not supposed to happen, and so he's kind of between a rock and a hard place. And he said I'm loud to hear, and he resigned, and I get it. I can understand what he would want out of this business, because I don't think he knew what he was getting into. But it got worse because when Schumer came forward and said, I'm resubmitting the UAP Disclosure Act again, only this time was his amendment.

With the thief in it.

In other words, the Department Defense knows they're playing a losing game, but they thought maybe they had more time. They may made a critical mistake and decided to throw a hail Mary pass like they did with the Condon report in sixty nine, sixty eight, sixty nine. So they complete quote the Arrow study report, this is the full study of what they've done to date, not just the one that was mandated for this year, and basically said there's nothing to this, we can find anything, blah blah blah blah, it's a total lie. But they needed somebody to sign off. Well, Kirkpatrick hadn't left yet, and so for whatever reason they were able to persuade the good doctor to sign that report. It then immediately blew up in their face. It had no chance at all. And so everything that's happened since Garcia, you know, submitted a bill in Congress. Of course, Birchant submitted a couple of bills, You've had action in the Senate. All of that is a statement from the Congress. We don't believe that report. And so Kirkpatrick left and basically the Arrow is getting seriously trolled on the internet. Well, so they got a new director.

Don't you think, deservingly So?

No, yeah, deserving absolutely, absolutely but Joe Brand created Arrow. It was her legislation that created it, and so she's very I think, concerned about that. And so she did the perfect thing. She invited the new director to come in to give her a private briefing and any public briefing. But the private briefing just wasn't in her office or over in a side room. It was in a skiff. That means that some hard questions were asked. Now I do not know what questions were asked, but she could have asked him anything. But then she does a public briefing and she asks him certain key questions. He gives an introductory statement. He played it down the middle. He talked about how there are many many sightings that have come in. Most have been resolved, there's some that haven't. But he gave he showed some examples on a slide about some that we know about that will resolved one questionable, but he did mention there's some others we can't resolve, and he described one and I can assure you they're not going to resolve that one, okay again, And so she's introducing him to the public and making a statement, we have a new director. I have confidence in him, he is point of this.

Whole thing, you think, just to kind of get it out there to the public. Is that the endgame here?


One the House is continuing to move forward. May says she wants to have more hearings. The House is out in front of the political chess game on getting disclosure. The Senate is out in front of the legislation. So the two of them are working together moving forward. At some point the deal d is absolutely going to have to fully capitulate, hopefully with dignity. But that briefing was important because she needed to regain confidence and arrow introduce the new director and I assure you he's not going to be another doctor Sean Kirkpatrick. She says she wants to have another briefing like that later, maybe next year. That's fine, that's her timeframe. But again, there are other members that may take action. The number one I'm focused on is Mark Warner, the current chairman of the Intel. And so there's two ways this is going to go.


I believe it's still possible to hold a major hearing in the Senate. Probably the Intel Committee could be Armed Services, but probably Intel blow the truth embargo up. Biden steps out afterwards right away confirms that in fact this is true.

We're not alone.

He's the disclosure president, and then retires to a comfortable life.

Sounds awesome, it'll never happen.

Then the new president steps in the truth and Barber is already over for a month. We're in the post disclosure role for a month.

It's done.

And now the new president, which has a pretty substantial menu of issues to deal with, doesn't have to deal with the disclosure process. That's over. He now can address and be the first president to address the post disclosure world as a head of state of the United States. That is the responsible way and it's a win win for everybody. If it doesn't happen in December, if the Senate doesn't act, then it's going to happen under the new president. I think it'll happen in the first sixty days and others before the end of March. This president elect has been asked about this issue as it happens more than any other president. He's spoken to it, not extensively, but casually. He's also actually stated I will get this stuff out. Take that for what it's worth. But nevertheless, it's been brought up. There are people surrounding him that are bringing this up. They are talking about it, which is like team him up for this. The key agenda of the new administration is to attack dismantle the deep state, which is another way of talking about the military intelligence complex and other entities. Well, there is nothing closer to the heart of the deep state than the truth embargo, and so consequently this fits into his agenda. Unlike any previous presidents, he'll do whatever the hell he wants. He is not someone that will talk to his advisors and they'll say, now, you shouldn't do that. He'll do it anyway. He'll just do it. The wise choice would be for the president rather to go to the new Republican chair of the Intel Committee and say, let's get that hearing done, get those witnesses in Bingo. Huge hearing blows the truth and bargo up, and then the new president steps forward and confirms it. He's the disclosure president and the first post disclosure president going forward. Right, that's the way it ought to be done. However, it's not going to shock me if he simply walks out in the East run one day, calls in a bunch of press and says, I got a huge announcement, simply says to them, Yeah, I happen to know that we're not alone. We have extra trustios here, we have the tech. I'm confirming it. There you go, done well.

That would be great for all of us. We'd all love that, Steve. Steve, thanks for sharing your insights on this. I really really appreciate it. Always great talking to you. When we come back, we're going to talk to Jason Gilmett about his experiences at the congressional hearings as well. You're listening to Beyond Contact and the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network. We are back on Beyond Contact and we're going to speak with Jason Gilmet of the UAP Studies podcast. You know, Jason was at our CITD event last year. It was a lot of fun having him at Contact, and now he's here to join us. He was at the hearings. Hey, brother, how are you. I'm good, How are you going? I am terrific. I did not make it to the hearing, but I'm so happy that you were actually there on the front lines at Congress. You sent me some amazing pictures of you on the steps of Congress and right at the Capitol and everything. What was the experience like for you just just being there because you're a Canadian? Was it fascinating? What was it like being there the.

Energy because we were put in the other room and we got to see it. But it was funny because we all laughed when Nancy May said, you know, put me on the list bringing.

It at me.


We thought it was brilliant because we need somebody to say that now because we know that even Congress people are getting threats and you know, maybe you should stop looking into this whatnot. But a lot of people said they weren't impressed with what happened. I was impressed because you have Gallodett, which is representing the oceans and you know, big bodies of water. You have luil Azando, which is representing pretty much our airspace and what's happening there. Then you have Michael Gold representing space and the Defense Department. It's a global issue and the problem is because we're limital and thinking, we always assume it's just a space between a rock, you know, surface and in our atmosphere, and it's not. It's in outside space, into space, down into the rocks, down into the water.

It's a global issue, and.

I think the first time we had that representation, you know. And also they ask great questions about are these entities, you know, do they cause any effects the crash? Do we have anybody on paid leave? And yes, we have people on paid leave in the military that were injured by either recovering biologics or being close proximity to these crafts. Which there's people on leave that are paid by you know, the Pentagon because they were injured from retrieving these things. And the Virginia case of our Hainia case, I think it's called I can never pronounce it right. Yeah, a police officer is about twenty seven years old, apprehended a creature and within twenty four hours his immune system was completely shot and he died. So, you know, being close proximity to these entities doesn't mean it's going to be like Hollywood, doesn't mean we could high five each other. There is going to be some you know, viruses that maybe they have or we have that may affect one another.

So I thought that was huge.

That was a big, big moment that.

I think a lot of people outside the community certainly saying that, well, it was another nothing burger.

They didn't really have anything. What did you feel about that? I beg to differ.

It's the first time we ever have a rare admiral saying that he was given, you know, an email that was quickly a race. And for it to be a race, it really has to come from like the guys that are working on the core system for the whole military to have withdrawn that email.

Absolutely. Darcy covers that in his documentary very well, by the way.

Very brilliantly. Darcy covers all these things very in depthly. And you know, you have a rear admiral. You got a man who was assigned by the Pentagon, and you know what was I forgot to keep forgetting the senator's name to put that together with us app there. But he investigated this and now he's putting his life on the line, his family's life, online's reputation. It costs them money. People have no idea how much Louel is Ondo ended up having to pay just to do this. He still does interviews for free. He makes no money. They try a journalist tried to or a filmmaker try to trap me in an interview during while I was in the lineup about Lou and heasel my way out of his questions because he's trying to taint Lou, Like should he make money selling his book? Like no, should just be giving it away for free? Like what do you think because he's liked, well, the truth should be free? He's like, yeah, but he needs to make money, right, He's putting all this work into this book. He's a production, Like it's not people expect things from free even though they don't contribute themselves to anything.

That's right. What do you think?

What was your what was your takeaway sitting there seeing this happen? What was your takeaway?

Major progress? Even talking about are these crafts conscious? Are they operated by consciousness? All these questions were asked like Luna or Paula. Luna ask great questions within three minutes that we have never been asked before. You know, they're even talking about human you know, hybrids and have you heard about the hybridizations? Like this all went into a congressional hearing. And if anybody says, oh, it's the same old sayble no no for you, it is because you've been looking into this for so long. If I'm Joe Blow, that's never looked into this. I'm like, what hybrid program like consciousness? This is new to me, So is.

That what it is?

That it's exposing a wider audience to this topic. I think the fact that Congress is taking it serious enough to take the time to have.

These things is a statement in itself. Am I right? Yes? And I was.

There's a comment online that somebody said, well, I think you're crazier than I was. Our crazier scrorel not than I was, but nice meeting, And I replied, either I am or you are. Because Congress does not hold hearings on UAPs not existing, right right, They wouln't hold a hearing on that.

So we had two and in the last couple of years here, which we haven't had since, you know, fifty years ago. So it is in that sense moving the topic forward. And I think that's a good thing, right.

Yeah, Even Arrow, what's his face from Arrow's testifying today too in front of the Senate, and he's talking about certain object that got seen by a police officer that ended up being a big case and then they're still investigated. But it seems to be something that makes no sense. So even though it didn't say much of anything. I still think that he said far more than Kirkpatrick ever was. And we found out Kirkpatrick was infiltrated from the start, as the CIA knew he was going in and they blocked it. The main guy who.

Was like obviously the way that that arrow shut everything down and just came out with their blanket statement. We knew that they were not legit. What about I heard you met Tim galaad.

Got to I got to shake hands with the men.

That's great.

Dandub guy, just dandup guy. And again he and louill Azando. Here's the thing, ron that if I'm in the room with somebody, I'll observe them, especially they're a big name, and you know, it doesn't take long for me to see the phonies from.

The real people.

Louil Azando and Tim Galladett are legitimately and same with Ryan Graves, are legitimately good men. And I saw Lou and Tim graciously give their time to just random people. They didn't have to it would say they're pleased and thank you. They were so polite with their time, and that impressed me. I'm like, that's that's the men that we need, and this not the con men. That we seem to have so many of.

That's good to hear, man, and it's nice to hear that inside. That's something that you get from being there that we're sitting at home watching the hearings didn't get to experience. So thanks for sharing that with us, Jason. It's really interesting and I'm really glad you got to do it too. What a fun thing.

Oh it was wild.

God try it again, you know.

Awesome. Man, I'll have to go to one of these. Yes, you have to move on here, Jason. When we come back, we're going to talk with Darcy Weir about his thoughts on the congressional hearings as well.

You're listening to.

Beyond Contact on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network. Okay, we are back on Beyond Contact and I'm now going to speak with longtime filmmaker Darcy Weir and get his thoughts on the hearings as well. Last year, Darcy showed his film trans Medium, Fast Movers and USOS at Contact in the Desert, and it's great to have him here on Beyond Contact.

Hey Darcy, good to see you, man.

Hey, Ron, thanks for having me.

Good time.

Absolutely I appreciate you coming on and giving us a report from the front lines. It sounds like you and Jason got a chance to get right in there and be at the Capitol. And you guys are Canadian. Let us know what it was like to be inside the US Capital.

Yeah, lots of energy.

Did it feel that way being in that room?

Did it feel like everybody was excited, because obviously these are fans of this that are there, right.

Yeah, it was pretty cool. It was exciting.

What was your takeaway? What did you feel about what they had to say? Right?

So, Tim Galladad I've spoken to before. He was future.

He was in your documentary, of course.

Yeah, and he relayed that same information. But now that's part of the congressional record is courted for other congressmen and women to see and hear and understand that this is an official reality.

That's one thing talking to you, it's another. This is under oath in Congress exactly. He could be perjuring himself. He could go to jail for lying, and he's not. I think he saw what he saw in twenty fifteen. But he also went on to say that he was interviewed by the then director of Arrow Sean Kirkpatrick that they tried to push him to become a debunker instead of it being an interview for him to possibly take the role as the new director of Arrow. They spent the full hour with him trying to convince him everything was birds, balloons, drones. You know, obviously, Ron, you know this has been going on for decades now. This is a very credible issue. It's not all just prosaic things. So that was interesting new testimony that we haven't heard from. Tim Lou said things on congressional record, like, yes, we have crash retrieval programs, Yes we have reverse engineered some of them, that there is a non human contingent to this, to a story to this phenomenon. A lot of people seem to say obviously outside our community mostly they're like this was a nothing burger. We didn't hear anything because oftentimes people, especially Lou, were like, I can't say that in a public setting, and you kept hearing that as an answer, I can't say that here. You know, it's top secret, it's classified, I can't talk about it.

Was that annoying to you?

Did you guys seem to feel like, well that we understand that, do you feel that hurts the cause.

I don't think that hurts the cause because classified data is classified for a reason. It's for national security. It's to protect your country's secrets right from the enemy or whatever abroad. To request a skiff environment in order to discuss those things that are classified with the people that have the required security clearance, that is what Lou and those people are trying to allude to in order to say things further, that's where you're not breaking the law. You break the law and you go to jail. And I think that's what these whistleblowers are fearing.

Do you think we're still kicking the ball down the field that some good comes out of it, even though these people are frustrated they didn't hear as much juicy stuff that they hoped Blue would say, Like you said, he can't say that. So do you still think this was beneficial for the cause?

Absolutely? The first congressional hearing that happened in June of last.

Year, that it doesn't. Absolutely.

Yeah, that was not very well reported this one. Every news agency in the United States and even in the UK has been reporting on what was said in that hearing last week. So I think this is getting mass appeal and interest and other congressional members are going to see that and they're going to understand this is real.

And Steve mentions how it's hundreds of articles have been written already just about the fact that we're having these hearings. I don't think that Congress would waste time if there wasn't something here, So I think maybe the masses would at least see it that way, that there must be something that these guys are talking about, or they wouldn't waste their time with it.

Yeah, there was a debunker in line that was interviewing Jason and it was for documentary that this guy's working on to, you know, basically throw this whole phenomenon under the bus. He was throwing some stuff at Jason, and Jason cleverly said, you know, I'm pretty sure Congress does not hold hearings on UAPs that don't exist.

Right, good point. And I think it's interesting that Michael Gold's book about NASA having these records, that's something brand new. I have not really heard anyone from NASA come out, have you.

NASA astronauts have been talking about this phenomenon for decades and decades and decades and I've been discussing that in some previous documentaries have done called Secret Space UFOs. But I think the NASA administration, you know, especially with the new administrator that took over, he came out in his first month of taking office saying, I interviewed the pilots about the tic TAC Nimah's event, and this is real. And I think since then NASA has been quite quiet. I think that NASA knows a lot more about this phenomenon and they haven't been public about it. They've been very quiet about it for many decades now, and they've even debunked a bunch of it. Joshua Sametter was debunking the go Fast UAP video at the NASA panel that was held in twenty twenty three. So I don't hold out a lot of hope for NASA being being very forthright and honest about this issue. I think they've been kind of part of the CU up. But it was interesting to hear that they have collected this type of data before with mister Mike Gold, so that means they are one hundred percent aware of this stuff.

Absolutely. I'm sure they have tons of stuff that we just don't know about. Obviously, I definitely think that. It's also exciting that it seems like there's going to be more of these. Mace and Burshutt and some of these guys have taken it very serious on Capitol Hill, and she said she wants to do more. They want to have at least another one. So hopefully that's just moving it down further and further as we get more and more of these witnesses to come out.

I'm looking forward to more. I said to Jason, that's probably the last one I'll go to, but I want to see more testimony that comes about.

And it's not fun to be part of history once right.

Totally, I was ecstatic.

What a experience.

Yeah, it was. It was great just being a part of the environment, being part of the history taking place. I'm sure there's going to be hearings in the future. We might hear from people that have been affected by UAP radiation, so experiencers of UAP phenomenon. I think that's one of the themes coming down the road.

That's sort of the next progression.

We start with the lights in the sky, then maybe this now we're going to get down to the actual contact.

When you walked out of there, and it was over what was your sense? What did you feel? What was your walk away?

You know, one of the shocking things it was said was the fact that there's ocean based bases possibly you know that went into congressional record. Or the fact that there's this question of a hybrid program within the military. That type of thing, you know, things that we've heard in ufology for a long time, but we'd never think a congressional hearing would be talking about, right, you.

Know, especially something like that, the hybrid program, that's like the next level deep I'm I'm I was shocked that that was even brought. You know, I think you know they're doing the Senate one today. Did you watch any of that?

Yeah? I watched it. It was bad, to be honest, Arrow.

I figured it was gonna be garbage.

There's all these memes going around now. Susan go was sitting just over the shoulder of the new director of ARROW who was testifying. He was the only witness. They weren't even questions, like you know, at least at the congressional hearing last week, they were saying things like is this real? Like are there you know aliens? Like interesting open questions? This week Jillibrand was basically spoon feeding him the answer in the question. Yeah, and then he would answer it and it was like all to build up ARROW as this achievement and responsible reporting, you know, organization. And he said, we have had no no witnesses come forward yet. Yeah, we know, Robert Sallas, David Jacobs, you know, a whole list of credible witnesses testified to ARROW. And in their first report that they published they said there's been no witnesses. I think it's Bluebook two point zero. I think it's you know, especially when they say it's all domain, it means like they're catching all reports from any domain, ocean, skye, outer space. And then they're going to start debunking it. They debunked the aguadea footage in today's hearing said it was a balloon. And yeah, they just continue to to not be telling the whole story, and then when they tell the story, they seem to be debunking it.


How crazy. Well, thank you again, Darcy, I really appreciate it. Thank you all for listening to Beyond Contact. We'll be back next week with an all new episode. You can follow me Captain Ron on Twitter and Instagram at CID, Underscore, Captain Ron. Stay connected by checking out Contact Inthdesert dot com. Stay open minded and rational as we explore the unknown right here on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal podcast Now work.

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Hi I’m Captain Ron, please join me each week on “Beyond Contact” for my thought-provoking podcast th 
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