Okay, call this place around it. Would you rather what's that? What we got?
All right? Junior, Steve and Tommy? Would you rather do all the Christmas baking or cook all of the side dishes?
I can't bake it? Let me tell you this right here, wait, no me to bake something. Let me tell you something. It's gonna be a ragged add Christmas.
You can't bake it all?
Steve, m m no, not a.
Pound cake. I can have it right for.
You because you frosted.
Let them sides. Yeah, I can get the greens. I can get the greens. Damn Neil, right, I can get the yams perfect nice. Ain't no need of looking for no mac of cheese. Were nothing to do that that. I have to be crafty.
About the black eyed pea? Can you hand it?
I usually forget to soak them, so it's gonna be a little chewy.
So no one with black eyed peas?
What's move on?
All right?
Would you rather give up sex until twenty twenty five or get a job at the mall wrapping gifts?
Twenty twenty five is in a few weeks.
Yeah, I'm gonna just a long term. I'm not going down to the mall wrapping. No damn gift, I'm gonna tell you that right now. That's how long tappen. You're gonna wait till twenty twenty Fox, Look, yeah, I can do that.
Today is what I'm sixty? What I got hey, you know, And I'm gonna be down there with them ribbons and this. But what color do you want on this one? Right here? I'm saying, I'm don Joe bo.
And then I'm gonna take I'm gonna have sex when I get off. Just worry about noe?
All right?
Would you rather eggnog with whipped cream or hot cocoa with marshmallows?
How about that?
Wow? I don't. I don't do either one of them.
Really, I do nothing.
Oh no, whip cream you don't want whoop crem Okay, marshmallows is in the way of the hot chocolate. It's just in the way.
See, y'all don't have lips this side.
It's based on your lip sides.
If you got you got the marshmallows in there, I'll never get to that hot chocolate. My mouth will half every marshmallow in the damn all over my mustache, all around my nose, everything in my man, What have you been doing? Man? You got ray beans?
What's wrong with you?
All right?
Would you rather pick one?
Here's here you go. Pick one.
Heated floors in your house or heated toilet seats?
I got this conversation.
Come on, fellas, I got the toilet seat. I ain't got the heat it flow. That would be fly.
Look at the rich.
Look at that.
Ain't being rich? Not being rich? What you got you got to heat it? Float on?
You could have been after the hour Uncle Steve's closing remarks.
You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.