Time now for a round of would you rather? Would you rather put milk in the bowl first? Then cereal or cereal first? Then milk be.
You gotta put sealor you got know how much milk put in fright?
Then we determine how much milk?
Who the hell just pouring milk in it?
Just have you ever ever been had no milk and had your seal with tap water?
Tap water? Ain't corn flakes with water? Use water? Your mom?
We got a milk used water.
I have fruit loops with water. That's tripe, that sounds rife. It's depressing what it is really when you really figure out how poor y'all really are. That when you really it's pretty really set in on you. When you ain't got milk for your damn sick, that's when you go all right now for this hell? All right, lord, I don't know what you're trying to tell me by here. You got to get some more money in here, man.
Would you rather have a crook in your neck or an itch that you cannot reach?
Oh? I don't want to damn. Now I'm going to take that crook in the neck. I've had that itch where you can't reach it. It's horrible. I'm gonna take you can reach it, but everybody gonna know what you're doing. Though. That's no reason for your hand to be in the center of your body like that. There's no damn reason. It's hard to get it back there, man, because you got to tilt at Ain't nobody just reaching back there. You ain't got no ringing tang off. You have got to tilt to dig in the middle of your body like that. It is, and you got to have a look on your face too, because when you're doing it, you gotta go. Let me.
All right. Would you rather.
Your only phone is a flip phone or your car only goes forty miles per hour? Which one? Would you rather.
Give me that?
Give me that flip We can't just be driving forty now.
We got to get where we go?
Yeah, yeah, all right, even though I really don't drive past for it in no way, no how, but you don't.
Even drive you.
All right, here we go. Would you rather live in an igloo or live in a treehouse?
Which one?
I'm going in treehouse for sure? Yeah, come on, I'm sade, look for me. Yeah, I'm in a treehouse with Julia. Oh I ain't in the.
Well. Quittion coming from he's still mad from earlier. You can't have Sexy's man now, you won't put it, put my ass in eat what's going on? Don't get me warm about it?
All right, guys, that's today's round of would you rather thank you? Coming up next, we'll close out the show with the one and only Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.