Jaimie Harrison is back to put a spotlight on the accomplishments of the Biden administration. He is also here to give us an overview of what is in store for Black voters in this years election.
Everybody. We got a special guest this morning who formerly served as the first black chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party. Well, he's currently the chair of the Democratic National Convention, better known as the DNC. We had him on the show doing the last presidential election back in twenty twenty. He's joining us again this morning, everybody, to put a spotlight on the accomplishments of the Biden administration and to give us an overview of what's in store for black voters in this year's election. So we gonna get to it. Please, welcome to the show, everybody. Mister Jamie Harrison, Harrison, excuse me, welcome.
Yeah, I ain't doing it. I'm doing well. I hope everybody's good. I hope my homeboy Brown's doing all right.
Yeah, he doing all right. He ain't doing much or nothing. He over there, quiet, he off right now, I don't worry. Everybody can heal Sigma. So we let him off a lot. Hey, man, sir, let me get right to this because I think this election is important. Man. I know people are they all over the place with this election. Man, we got to get everybody galvanized and headed in the right direction. So let's highlight some of the stuff the President Biden and vice president has have delivered for black Americas.
Yeah. See, well, you know, first and foremost, it is making sure that we got a seat at the table. This President Joe Biden, who is the first president to put a black woman on the Supreme Court, the first president to appoint a black woman to be his vice president. That's the very first thing that yes, and then when you think about the judges lifetime appointment, in the two hundred and forty eight year old history of this country, only ninety eight black women have ever been on the court. In Joe Biden's three years, he has put thirty five black women on the court. Out of the one hundred and seventy judges that he's appointed, sixty of them have been black. Now, y'all know, we only represent twelve or thirteen percent of the population. That's thirty five percent of his judges have been black. Lifetime appointments. Brothers and sisters in their forties and in their fifties. They're gonna be there for a long time, and so we are there. He's the first president to change the presidential primary process. You all know, for them all of my life, I'm forty eight just turned forty eight. I wouldn't answer to have kicked this thing off. Well, Joe Biden came in and said, you know what, we're gonna change this up. Instead of having black folks at the back of the bus, we're gonna move them to the front of the bus. And then he put South Carolina first. So the progeny of those folks who picked Cotton are now picking president and then the first ones to do that. So we're changing the conversation. Now, that's just on the politics side. When we think of the legislative substance, we all can start from when he inherited this thing, whether he came in and passed the American Rescue Plan, put shots in people's arms, put money back in people's pockets. Everybody remembers that three hundred dollars extra every month we had for our young people, which cut childhood poverty in the black community by half. We remember that under Donald Trump, when the PPP loans went out, they went to the lakers and stead up to the black barbers and the black beauty salons. What was Joe Biden and the Progressional Black Caucus that made sure that black businesses could stay open and so that PPP money started flowing into our communities. We have seen the small the biggest boom and black businesses created. Over the last three or thirty years, we've seen the lowest unemployment rate in the black community ever in the history of this country. We know student loans that for those of us who had student loans, there has been no president, I don't care who they were, Democratic Republicans ever touched the issue student loans until Joe Biden. One hundred and thirty seven million dollars for almost four million people. Every two months, another seventy five thousand new people get some student loan debt release. That's because of Joe Biden. The reduced costs for influent in this country. We talked about how influence you know in the black community, either you're diabetic, you're pre diabetic, or you know somebody would diabetes and everybody's paying, you know, hundreds of dollars a month for insulin costs. Well, now that's thirty five dollars a month. That only happened because eighty one million of us went to the polls, voted for somebody, and passed legislation to get it done. That's because of Joe Biden. So even when Republicans stood in the way, they stood in the way on student loans, they stood in the way of George Floyd. Justice and policeman. Joe Biden has tried to use his executive authority in order to make change to improve the quality of life of people in our community, ripping up lead pipes, putting in broadband into our rural communities, rebuilding the roads and bridges that have been falling apart for decades. Donald Trump talked about an infrastructure week every week and never feel the damn probable. But Joe Biden has done in his first year. Joe bunks just understanding that you've got a president who actually wakes up every single day thinking about how can I make this country better for all of America's people, not just the rich donors who give me contributions, for all of America's people. And that's who Joe Biden is. He's a good man, He's a decent man. He and Kamala Harris make an amazing team. I've seen them first and I mean hex I would not be the chair of the DNC, the second black man, the third black person to hold this role, but for Joe Biden. And so it's just important for folks to step back and understand that this election is going to be about hope versus fear. It's about progress versus chaos. We see the chaos from the Republicans, we see the chaos from Donald Trump. We know that it is only a campaign of retribution. Donald Trump's only agenda is to pay people back for the things that he believes that they've done to him. Joe Biden's mission isn't about himself. It's about the American people, particularly the black folks who helped him get into this position. And he's shown not through his words, but through his actions that he sees us, that he values us and that he's fighting for us. And I believe he needs to get the opportunity to finish the job.
Yeah, you know, sir, when we come back, we're gonna talk about that, because I want to cover a couple of things, and how do we better get this message out of the accomplishments of this administration because we're battling it the wrong way. We are letting these Republicans pimp us with information that's totally irrelevant to what's relevant to us. And we got to do a better job of getting this information out there. We're gonna talk about that when we come back. Marm Steve Harvey Morning Show.
You're listening Morning Show?
All right, everybody, We're back. We only got a short break, but I'm gonna give it. This guy's really informedive. We've got the we've got the first black chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party, the former one, but he's now the chair of the DNC, and we've got him on the phone. And today I have learned a plethora of information that I did not know and I just want to talk to you about that. Mister Harrison. How do we get this message that you so eloquently put forth in the first break? How do we do a better job of getting this information out because it's not it's.
Not no see, you're right, and you know, my big frustration is that, you know, you go to the media and I try to get on TV interviews, so they don't want me. They want they want some folks on there who who can talk about some mess And then when you get on, they want to talk about what kind of shoes Joe Biden is wearing. You know, you want to talk about his age and this and this and that. You know, there's something that Jim Clappin told me very early on as a young staff. He said, Jamie, you know, I know we need to get young people involved. But let me ask you a question. Would you rather an old third and Marshall are young Clance Thomas? He said, Jamie. In the end, it is about your age, is about your values. It's about what you will fight for, who you will fight for, and what you are motivated by. That's what we know. In terms of Joe Biden, we know what he's fighting for, we know who he's motivated by. We know who he will do things for because we've seen us and so we are the biggest mouthpieces. Yo. It gets great for me to be on TV, But you know who has more credibility to me? Is your mama, your daddy, your uncle, your aunt? Right, it is the people in our circles. We can influence them, So it's important for us. I'm going to make sure that you all have all the information. You're gonna get so much mail and email and text messages and all the things about all the things that the President has done. But I need all of you to make sure that you are sharing that message. When you get student long relief. I've heard people got hundreds of thousands of dollars a suit long release. Make sure you're telling your friends that, make sure you're telling your family members that, and make sure that they know it is because of Joe Biden that now you're financial life is changing because of that. You know, Donald Come's not gonna give you any student or release. Actually, the Republicans want to take back the relief that people have gotten. So we've got to understand where we are and understand that the power is not in somebody else, It's not in the president and all that the power is in us. The reason why Joe Biden's been able to do that is because eighty one million of us never in the history of this country of eighty one million going to the post the vote for a president vice president. But we did that in twenty twenty votes. And if you want to see more change, if you want more to happen, then take your power. Don't give it away. Don't just say well, I'm gonna stay at home or this and that and sit on my couch. This ain't about couch. You got to be just as relentless as the Republicans aren't to take away your freedom. You gotta be as relentless to protect your freedom.
Next time, we're gonna talk about the dangers of the elections. Yah, mister Jamie Harrison, thank you so much for joining us.
Thank you all, Thank you everybody. Y'all take care of your I hear that month.
Back with more to Steve Hardy Moore the show. Right afternoon, you're listening to Stay Harvey Morning Show.