Ask The CLO - 01.13.25

Published Jan 13, 2025, 6:09 PM
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Right now it is time for us to ask the CLO our Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. This one's from Felix and Mobile. Felix writes, I met my wife for dinner, and afterwards she said she was stopping by her sister's house. She came home three hours later, and she hadn't answered my calls, nor did her sister. She's never lied to me, and is it crazy to believe she was visiting her sister? Is that crazy, bro?

What you're tripping for?

So it made him suspicious she.

Ain't answer the phone.

Now, I'm sure by the time we get this letter you have asked her why you ain't answer your phone? Now, whatever she told you could have possibly been the truth. She's going by her sister now her sister didn't answer the phone.

You know how we do.

If I tell you I'm going over my boy harold house, I call Harold and I tell Harold. Look, I told my girl I'm going over your house. If she called dog, don't email you already. No, we'd have done that. Now you're thinking she'd have done it. And the only reason you thinking she'd have done that is cause you would.

Have done that. Thanks, got you see what I'm saying, Yes, susy, so uh just relaxed, Okay, all right?

Moving on to Shamika and Lexington. Shamika writes, I write to work with a married neighbor, and we fool around in the car before he drops me off some mornings. He has any we wait a minute. The neighbor, She writes to work with her married neighbor.

This is from.

And she says they fool around in the car before he drops her off some mornings. He has an electric car now and it has a camera in it, so he's afraid to get freaky in it. So Shamika's question is, clo, is it unladylike if I offer to get us a hotel room?

Wait a minute, what is you talking about? Is it unlady like to get it? You wasn't worried about it. He was a lady like to get red.

Over in that car right right?

You begin, drove all up in the call, up in the dash board, even all over the head board, be bit by the stick shifting. Now you want to worry about it? Is it unlady like to get a hotel room?


You way past that thought. Don't do what you want to do. I'm the lady girl, buy I can't stand even asked questions. What is it unlady like to get a hotel room?

Moving moving on to uh As in Brooklyn, Avis writes, my twenty four year old son lives with me and he pays half of the bills. I have a new boyfriend, and my son said we need to have some house rules, and he wants to put limits on how often my man can stay over. My man said I should put my son out, but he's not willing to help me financially. If I do put him out, what should I do?

Well? You know, you hold up.

See, all the men in her life come with stipulations. The boy who's staying then made house rules for her. The man who is staying with her then made a house rule for her.

If I got to go, I can't pay no more.

If I can't get what I want, you ain't gonna be able to get what you want.

Uh Oh, that's the problem.

Now, ladies, let me say this right here quick, giving up your power. First of all, you his mama, that's a yeah, let's just start there, and it's your house right.

Number two, that's your.

Relationship with your man and he can't get it how he wanted and you don't get get it how.

You want it.

That's right, So ladies, just stop giving up your power.

Take your power back.

You have control of this whole situation, especially with that man. Now, that boy you can control because he can get his old ass out. When you're twenty four living at your mama house, you need to be very quiet, very quiet. Don't call shuts. You lucky you, and then you lucky that got cell phones back. Because when I was twenty four, I'm telling you right now, I didn't live my mom and daddy, but I've been over there and couldn't use the phone. I'd have visited my mom and daddy and had to stay off the phone because she was expecting Earlene to call.

I've done that early. Yeah, all right.

Last one clo This is from Diane and Indianapolis, and Diane says, my husband hates when I wear leggings if I'm going out of the house, but he wears tight jeans and tight shirts all the time. His stomach and his thighs are too big for the clothes. But I don't ever say a word. Should I bust this bubble and tell him I.

Ain't gonna fine ass leggers stop that. Yeah, yeah, yeah you should. I don't know why he have in trouble with your leggings. And fellas, listen to me, cut these little tired I thought skinny jeans was out. Now that's what I they are now and what have we always? I'm talking about it for me and demand. So now for let's just understand the rule Number one for skinny jeans is you have to be skinny.

What you cannot do.

Is put on a pair of skinny jeans and when you button them, you look like a waffle cone. You know that little ice cream cone that with the point on it and then the ice cream hang over the top. That's what it looked like when your fat ass snapped them pants and your gut is hanging over them jeans.

So that's for starters right there.

And fellas get a grip on you and stuff is age appropriate?

Now, that's things that's age appropriate.

There's stuff you can't do, like you know, I noticed old guys starting to braid.

They hell, you passed that. If you fitty, If you fitty and you have not had dreads or.

Braids before, if you ain't, let grow into them at fit.

You don't do this.

I don't know what made Scottie Pippen plat his hair, but Scotty Pipping platted his hair. I'm just as damn confused. Hey man, what did you flatten your hair fault? If you got it though flooded. You played with Jordan, what is you platting your hair fault?

What they got to do? That's that's out of our generation.

If you played with Magic Jordan or Bird, your ass should not be platting your damn health. If you was on the floor with Tracy McGrady, you flatten your hair.

If you ever had your.

Shot blocked by shock on Charles Bark, you flatten your damn everybody else.

Thank you, Clo.

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