Rachel Bonnetta and company are back for another episode of Benched with Bonnetta, broadcasting from Los Angeles Rams training camp in Irvine, CA. Erica Tamposi AKA Ricky Hollywood joins the show to discuss her role with the Rams (1:15) and the team recently receiving their Super Bowl rings (1:50). Then, Rachel and Ricky express their disappointment and frustration after Judge Sue L. Robinson ruled on Deshaun Watson's recommended suspension (4:00). Next, Rams General Manager Les Snead sits down to discuss his team's epic draft video, his new Super Bowl ring, and the upcoming celebrity Flag Football game captained by Aaron Donald and Jalen Ramsey (14:52). We close the show with Rams safety Taylor Rapp, who shares the story of proposing to his girlfriend immediately after the team's Super Bowl victory (23:59).
When I woke up this morning, I was feeling pretty dangerous or on a Cincinnati. It's my team, it's my quarterback. They are well, we thought they were. Hello. You play to win the day. They want you to cook the dinner. At least they ought to let your shout for some of the grocery. And on the way up, we're gonna buy a kneecap. All getting me playoffs. I'm just here so I won't get fine. How could he not be romantic about football? Hey? Yo, what's going on? Welcome to the Bench with Banetta Podcast. Um, guys, big day today, big show, maybe the biggest show that we've had thus far. We are at RAMS training camp in Irvine, California, so excited to be here. We have a bunch of guests. We've got Taylor Rap on the pod. We've got Less Sneat on the part, who gives us some very juicy details about that extremely viral video that happened in the draft, So stay tuned for that. It's gonna blow your mind. But sitting next to me is arguably the best and the biggest that I could have asked for. My Ricky Hollywood has returned. Network. Uh, you're all like big time. No, you're ring ceremony. Um, you're working for the Rams. Now you are talent. Yes, yital t me. You've always been talent, thank you, but now you're getting your time to shine. And I'm so excited for you. Thank you. You were in my backyard mere months ago telling me that you were thinking about doing this, and I was like, I know you were like right now, get out of here. Yeah, and I was like, are you sure, I'm scared. I'm so glad. I mean, NFL network is great. I love all people there. It's been amazing. But yes, this has been an absolutely amazing first couple of weeks. Got thrown right in there my first week, and like you said, was that ring ceremony? Was that like, can you give us a little bit of like an inside scoop? Didn'tyone get a little waisty pants? You probably can't tell us that. Yeah? No, I just like went, just blink. The podcasts will be able to hear out. Yeah, yeah the past heard that right. Yeah. I did not link for anything, but no, it was awesome. I was just a a guest. I was like, oh, they're like, Erica, we want you to be there and I'm like, oh, I'll do some carpet interviews. They're like no, no no, no, like just go to the party and like just be there. And I was like, oh, okay, cool. So it was definitely like New Girl at School vibes where I was like like a week before yeah, and I was like I'm a little nervous, but like whatever. And then I was like, how can I do something a little different? So I'm like, I'm not getting a ring. Everyone else is getting their ring. What if I just put like a ring pop in my purse, just if if the moment strikes and I take it out. And there were some great reactions. The boys loved it. Um, a lot of people loved it. So yeah, I think it was a successful night. It was awesome. It was so cool to see, you know, people like Robert Woods was there, got to get his ring. Von Miller like got up on the DJ table and was like, j outfit so good. Everyone looks so good. Everyone was amazing style. Yeah, it was awesome. Are you pissed it all? A mere few months before? If you had taken that job, you would have a ring. I'm extra pist because you know, well, you know, lift up the kimono a little bit. Just let me just pick up my kimono real quick. About a year ago, this offer was presented to me and I said no, because you know, some things we're in the works already with split ends, with with Colleen rest in piece of split ends. Um. But I was like, oh, just like you know what, timing isn't right. I'm just not ready for this, And sitting at that ring ceremony, beautiful cater ring, people walking around with sushi and this and that and the open bar and everyone getting the beautiful things, and I'm just like, I'm a sucker. I'm hear a new color. Yeah, hey, um, okay, do you guys like my ring puff? No? But so yeah, yeah, I'm pissed. Well, I'm sorry to hear that, but but I'm so excited for you, and I'm watching the things that you're doing because you're so talented and creative. Um, but let me tell you some thing today. I'm I'm a little pissed. I'm sorry to like literally take such a hard left turn, but it needs to be talked about. And I want you to sit here and talk with me because we're ladies, and we're ladies who are pissed today because we all I literally woke up to a thousand text messages on my phone just with like the words six games. Deshaun Watson is getting suspended for six games. I think we all pretty much thought it was going to be at least a year. Like, I don't know how we got to this place of six games in this number. Oh, I'm just like so exhausted, dude. I want to play a clip that literally makes me so angry. This is a video of Deshaun Watson showing up to Brown's training camp. I just want you guys to listen to Cleveland's reaction to him showing up. I love you. Wow, does it just scrinder? Like I literally have had my jaw clenched all day? Yeah, it is. It's been a you should be embarrassed dude, Like, oh it is. It is completely frustrating as a woman, as a football fan, as a human, as a human being, And it's like hard for me to understand because my first gut reaction was like, Okay, this isn't from the NFL. This is the NFL PA's judge that they so there still could I'm not sure necessarily yes, So the NFL has three days to decide if they're going to appeal this decision. If they do appeal it, it'll basically be up to Roger Goodell or whoever Roger Goodell appoints to decide. So the NFL could end up doing what we all believe is the right thing here and suspending him for a year. But if they do, the Players Association is going to fight it like crazy and it could get into It's going to be a mess either way. And this has been a mess the entire time, and as football fans, as women, it has been just incredibly disappointing. Our co worker, you know what, You know, we were talking about how much we love working for NFL network. I really really just want to say how incredible, how proud I feel for working for this network that they encourage us to use our voices and speak up when things don't feel right to us. And our coworker, you're old co worker, Kyle Brant a Good Morning Football had some really smart things to say this morning, and I would like to play that clip if we can let it go. Frankly, scept for me to see six games based on what I've read, what I've experienced over all, this time six games, not only six games, forty five million dollars signing bonus, untouched, forty six million dollars salary for this year, untouched, not dinged at all. And I thought it was interesting. Our reporter Judy Batista brought up earlier we're talking about different comps and pressings and things like that, and she mentioned Ben Roethlisberger who was suspending six games. And Roethlisberger had a single accuser who accused him of doing something on a single night, and it was six games. This is thirty women, and I know that's not how many were presented to the Arborer. I don't care. I'm talking about reality here. Thirty women over several months. And for the people who are speaking up for to Shaun or maybe apologize for what is the take at this point, because if anybody is still clinging to these wild, ludicrous conspiracy theories about these thirty women, got together and decide, I just don't buy it at all. Does it not say, well, you read that The New York Times said he met with sixty six women over seventeen months about being a potential massus. As I said earlier, at best, something inappropriate, At worst, something reprehensible. Wow, really well said. I texted Kyle as soon as I watched that and I said, thank you so much for speaking up on such a large platform and saying the words that you did. It meant a lot to a lot of people, including myself. So Kyle again shout out to you are an incredib amazing for me. But what I really wanted to touch on, like what he said, like what is the take? What is the take at this point is no angle? And it goes to I think it is a you know, Cleveland fans are desperate to win, and I think that there unfortunately is a subset of men out there that feel that this is just an excuse to get this you know amazing quote unquote you know on the field quarterback to play their sport and play with it. And it's it is so frustrating as a as a woman to see that you can have thirty people come together. They're always saying, be brave, speak up, be who you need to be. But at the end of the day, it doesn't really really matter. And I was very interested to be to be frank here here I am working for the Rams. They are sort of making me an extension of the Rams. I am talent, I you're representing the team, right. So I was very kind of concerned when I when I got up this morning and just sort of how am I going to handle today and what am I going to be you know, allowed to talk about. And I've been very reassured. Erica, you say what you need to say and how you feel, and we support you. And I just feel so grateful to be working for an organization that was very much like Erica, you say what you need to say. But I just think of people here we are at training camp or sitting the fields behind us, and I think about the people that are going out and capturing content today when they woke up, when you know they're working for the team, they knew this was coming, but with all of this going down, and then it's only six games and you're you're there, that's your job. What are you supposed to do? Just put that behind you? And I just I feel for those people that have bills to pay, that have to do their jobs that are there. But then I feel more sorry and just hurt for victims all over. Dude. Then that's what I kind of wanted to talk about. Like I was watching that video of these like people in the crowd cheering, and I'm sure it wasn't just man, it was you know, freaking judge that made this decision as a woman like you, so frustrating. Um, I was just thinking of like if I were at that, I love the Browns, right where's your team? Team? I can't imagine sitting in that stand. I'm a survivor of sexual assault. I can't imagine sitting in the stand and hearing people cheer for him right that. I am heartbroken to think of anybody the statistics of women being sexually assaulted is disgusting. There were people in that crowd that have had to deal with things, I guarantee you that, and they have to deal with all of these people now cheering him on. But back to what Kyle was saying, like, what is the take if you are defending Deshaun Watson at this point? I know what the take is. Football is more important than being a human being at this point. If you are, if you are cheering for deshaunts, I'm sorry it is this going to piss off a lot of people. If you're cheering for Deshaun Watson this year and you don't care then you have no life. Yeah, all you care about is football, and football is a beautiful thing. Don't get me wrong. I literally work for the league. I love football so much, and I've fallen in love with it recently. So it's not like it's something that I've just like can't get right up with and like had in my life, and like, no, I am actively choosing as an adult to be a fan of football. I love it. It brings me a ton of joy. But if you are saying that that is more important than being a decent human being, being somebody that respects women like I just and that's kind of like I'm eccuing what Kyle said because he couldn't have said it better. I just I just don't understand what the take is at this point. And this has been an absolute nightmare. I was so excited for this season on so many levels. We had we were gonna have Baker healthy, we were gonna have this incredible team. That's another thing that bums me out is like this team is so good, right, You've got Miles, You've got Nick Chubb, You've got all of these incredible players. Kevin Stefanski I loved. I got to meet for the first time at the combine, and I was so excited to meet him. Right, You've got all of these pieces that are gonna and they are all gonna suffer from this. Yeah, and it is. It is super disappointing, and I can only hope that the NFL does does the right thing. And you know, to those that have been sexually assaulted, to those that haven't but that feel, you know, just human beings, like I've my message out there and it's just like I want people to feel heard. And it just sucks when we're like, say, you know, be brave, say your truth. You know you're going to get this support, and then you just get slapped across the face because it doesn't matter. And it makes me stick to my stomach. Yeah. Well, okay, so this decision isn't like completely final. We're going to wait and see if the NFL appeals. We obviously hope that they do. I think that it's really important to have your voices heard, whether you are a athlete, you are a football player, you're Kyle Brandt, you're somebody that literally just has a Twitter handle, it's really important to talk about how upsetting this is and how important it is that you know, things change and that we get better and grow because it's like so much from this year. I keep on asking myself like I'm sorry, what year is it? Oh my god, have we not like evolved and like progressed like also and and talk about a really you know that's totally inappropriate for me to take away left more turn than then this conversation. Oh boy, here we go. So last night, I'm in the hotel and I see a commercial for Dawn, like dish soap. Yeah, and it's a squeegee so you can just leave it face down, so you know how soap At the end you have to flip it over and kind of balance it. And it's a squeegee that you just pick it up and it's already upside down. And I'm like, it took till twenty twenty two for someone to invent this? What year is this? And that's how that's a matrix situation. I know this is not trying to joke about, but like also right, things that are going on right, Like I cannot believe it, and I am so many manner in my dams being like can we get married so I can't have a green card and just moved to Canada, Like we don't even have to talk. Yeah, that sounds great. You should. You should open like you know, I would love a green car. Sorry jet, Oh my god, Brad Farm, I'm so sorry that you had to come on the pot and talk about this. Oh no, I I'm glad to be able to talk about it. And I feel very fortunate in it that we get this platform to be able to talk about it. And I think that it's important for people like us, for Kyle Brands, for people that actually not putting that our opinions are anywhere above anyone else's. But when we have the ability to reach out to more people like I want the takeaway to be like we need to keep speaking up and and just hope that one day, yeah, something will change. Um, well, ladies and men, all of you guys, we we love you, and we send you a piece and hugs and let's um get back to good times and footballs. Yeah, so the squeegee. See see, let me tell you we're gonna be right back with more guests. But um, you know, let's talk about the squeege. So it's actually already it's already upside down. So you know, when you get to the bottom and all right, joining are you ready? Yeah? Are you recording? Because guess what? Justin Graver, we have a huge guest coming up on the pod. It is rams GM, the Big boss Less Snaide. How's it going to fire? So you said you're from Canada. What's your favorite CFL team? I really am you gotta pig one. I don't help my family to one game in Canada. Where are we going? I guess an Argos game? Because Toronto is my favorite city. That's good? Yeah? Have you ever been to Toronto? In the Toronto? Yeah? How would you? Just spent a little bit of the summer and uh off the coast of British Columbia. Oh, BC's my favorite. So it's not the city that I'm from, but uh, cool spots beautiful out there. How how is everything going so far? I was training camp. It's like training camps like I call it baseball spring training. Yeah, you know what, not not emotional in terms of wins and losses yet, So it's kind of fun. It's fun. It's chill um. Congratulations you got a ring last week? Right? That was the that was the party? Are you aware on the finger? Kind of guy or are you like up on the mantel kind of guy. That thing is so large. I don't I think five pounds. Yeah, I don't know if it's five pounds, but yeah, it's just one of those things I don't think you could wear in public. Think. I think you gotta pull it out every once in a while, like you go to somebody's wedding or you know, just casually have it on your hand. It will be I think it'll have to evolve organically. Where do we wear the ring? But it's not on an airplane. Not on an airplane now, because you have to like put it. Everybody then would know. It would be just no, when you sit on airplane, everybody would know what is that? Let's yeah, I'm not to talk to the neighbor. I never mind, and now would be an automatic conversation. You're right, I'm like headphones on, maybe even like an eyepatch. Yes, do not communicate to me please. Um okay, So I really want to ask you about the draft video that happened because it absolutely exploded. I'm sure you're tired of talking about it, but did you think they didn't have me in it? It would not have exploded. That's not true. I'm sure you're an excellent actor. Did you so, Josh Holloway played you right? Did you have any kind of input in the casting? Oh? It was. It was great. And it started off I can say that you'd send an email and it was like okay, so and so is gonna play me. I'm like, okay, that's cool. Then it was like okay, can't do it. So and so, oh yeah that's but then it got to a point where it was like, wait a minute, I've never heard it waited no. So that's when my wife Kara would come in and go, no, you really want this guy. So she was because I'm not in tune. So the people I was relating to, they were like their old school can you can you? Can you tell us who you wanted to play? Well, the first name, the first name that came across was Matthew McConaughey. So that's how I was. No. So I went to my teenage daughter, so probably six days out of the week. I'm not cool at all. So I was like, hey, look, looks who's gonna play your dad. Then it was like, oh, then guess what she does? Probably takes a screenshot and sends it talks it to her friends, and so that's then I was cool. So that was but I had I had I had knew Josh from two things. I knew him from a lost and then he was this villain on on Yellowstone all the way. I'm kind of he was a villain. I'm kind of I guess I'm I'm a Dutton fan, so he was anti Duck. I love that. Have you thought about growing your hair out to match his? Not to look that would be he probably pulls it off better all the way. I went through a stage probably even when I've been at GM and I was in the early forties where I had longer hair, so that that seems more like, yeah, fifties, doesn't Okay, I feel like you guys. First off, it's gonna be so hard to top that video because it was so good. You can't top that. But don't you just go if you were out there. We need a part two, and he needs to be in it because people are going to look back at this video and be like, Okay, I want to be in the next one. How did he come together? When did you first find out about this? I think I'm sure there was a brainstorm, so but our chief marketing officer officer catch, she's the one that was, Okay, this is what we're gonna do. This is this was her vision, and I'm sure her team's a vision. So I'm not going to give her just all the credit. She could tell us who But so she's the one that thought that, Okay, based on everything that's occurred, right, our brand, you know, our locale, this would be a way to somewhat make a splash, you know, continue evolving our brand, keeping it cool, keeping it keeping it very cool in a non football right. We didn't have to win a game for that, although I don't know. I always what if we hadn't won the Super Bowl? We're still going to hit send on that one. Oh, that is a good question, I would hope. So it's still be very fun. Um. Okay, So this Friday, there is a big flag football game that's happening behind us that I am actually going to be playing in. I don't know yet. I don't even know who's team I'm on, but I'm either on Aaron's team or Jalen's team. So I want to ask you a couple of mete those teams comment and then we're gonna decide the Fifth Amendment. Please, no, let me just ask you a question. Okay, you're the boss here. I want to know who whose team should I be fighting to be on between the two of them? Okay, so who do you think would be the better coach? The better coach? So let me ask you this, what style of coach do you want? Do you want to be or do you want more of a stoic I want to bud. I want to Bud. Want something that's gonna be nice me because I'm not gonna get no, I might even get hurt. So I think has a chance to be a little more loving. Okay, okay, who would you say he's gonna pull you? Uh, Jalen's gonna push you? So okay, well that also sounds cool. Um, who do you think would throw the better after party after the win that? Orfore, who's throwing the best celebration? I would say this before I would have I would have normally it's it's might be a tie. Now I'm gonna give Aaron's wife, Erica credit. Before Erica, it's definitely Jalen. But Eric coming in, she's bringing out a little more and so it's a tie. Right now. Okay, but I think what I'm hearing is you're leaning towards I think it's I think it's one you could say that's even okay. Who do you think is gonna have the better music? Who's gonna have the better locker room vibe? Man, that's a that's almost a plead ignorance better locker room? Yeah, who's gonna be you know? Positive? I think that you said Jalen's gonna be intense. He's gonna be like, I don't know if there's in the locker room, it's intense. So right now again, yeah, you're going to win the game. Yeah, there's no loss is not an option. Losing is not an option. It's not This isn't about fun with those two. I think you although they're probably gonna totally go in verse one eighty and it'll they'll both have a blast. I think that you did a really good job. I think that it's very even. You didn't play you didn't play favorites here and I'm going to be happy with And they're bigger, stronger, meaner than me. So let's talk about this season. You guys have a super Bowl ring now going into this season. How do you how do you feel as there sometimes they're gonna be a little bit of a hangover. What do you are you feeling really positive about this year? It's one hell of a hangover if that's what it is. Last it's but you know, I think you think of it every day. Okay, we're a super Bowl chance, but the close as soon as you come out here, yeah, as soon as you probably get closer to playing the Buffalo Bills. I mean, I don't think winning a super Bowl in twenty twenty one is going to affect that game. Yeah, so you bet we better be dialed in no time for a hangover. You guys had a target on your back already, right, Yes, So if there's any hangover remedies, we need to get on that possible. But I do think just getting back football right, getting back to getting back to the nuts and bolts, people trying to get better, people trying to win jobs, keep jobs, all of those things. Yeah, that's just a natural way of coming back to earth. I'm gonna show you one more thing and I'm gonna let you go. Okay, this past weekend, I was at a wedding. Okay, and don't judge my screen because it's all cracked and we don't need to go there. All right? Are is that a wedding? And the toss happened? And I want you if you if you saw this at all costs, if you saw this film of a player, Okay, I just want to know if you would be interested in in signing said player. All right, let's me on the left there, okay, taken down immediately, immediate takedown. I'm a little bit of a rough player. Would you want me a part of that team? Let's thank you so much for your time, good luck this year, and I'm available as you just saw so awesome. I'll be on the time, all right, Guys, Like I told you, this show is packed coming up next on the pot. I don't know why we've gotten so lucky today, but we've got all of these great, glorious guests. And I cannot wait to talk to this next guy because um, he proposed at the Super Bowl and I want to know all the juicy details about it. Ram Safety, Taylor Rap, what's up, dude? Feel great? Yeah, it's good to be back out here. You know, it was a very very short offseason for US. I think they said it was the shortest offseason in NFL history. Um, and longest season for US too with with the extra game, right Super Bowl. So, um, you know, it's just great to be back out here running around and you know, just being around these guys and stuff, coaches and stuff. Uh, you know, best coaching staff, best players in the world. So it's it's definitely, it's definitely great to be back out here. Everyone famously says at this point in the season, like, I'm in the best shape of my life going into training camp. How do you feel physically right now? Uh? Yeah, I would probably agree with that. Um, you know we we uh, definitely pick up training and the summer's I'm you know, just getting ready for out here in training camp, so you know the last month, you know, everyone's been grinding and run the league getting ready for training camp. So I would probably agree with that. Um, you just got a ring last week. Yeah, how was that celebration ceremony? Did you feel a little rough for a few days after? What was it? Yeah? It was it was great. Um. I actually didn't get to go to the ring ceremony, I know. Yeah, my one of my dogs had an emergency room. No, you got to drop everything for the dogs. Yeah, rings it all first. Yeah, so we had to rush her in. She uh, she had to get emergency surgery. She's all good, Okay, she's good. So I just I got my ring. Actually a few days ago they brought they brought it. They brought it to the hotel. So oh they didn't roll out of like a red carpet or anything for you. But it's it's beautiful. It's uh you know, they say it's like it has the most most diamonds. It was. It was heavy, Yeah, it was definitely heavy. Are you a kind of like what where would you wear that ring too? In real life? Well? I know that you got engaged, which we will talk about in a second. Congratulations. Would you wear that on your wedding day? Probably not, honestly, that's such a flex though. Let me take off this ring you put on another. Honestly, I don't know any occasion where where I can throw that thing off. I don't know. Less was just here and he was talking about how if there's one place he's not going to wear it is on an airplane because just too many people would ask questions. Yeah, so I wouldn't even wear it in public? No, really, Um, Okay, Well let's talk about the other ring. You got engaged right after you won the super Bowl, which, like I gotta give a shout out to like literally anybody in your life that is going to propose, because they have to deal with that knowing that you did that after the super Bowl, They're like, how am I possibly going to talk this? But yeah, what what was your did you first off, would you have still done it if you lost? No? Did you have a backup plan? Well? The the it was the original plan. I was actually gonna propose. We had a trip to Hawaii. We go to Hawaii every off season. It's like our second home. So, um, I was originally going to propose out there, and so I was having um my guy who was doing the ring, the custom ring, Um, he said, it wouldn't have been. It wouldn't it's not ready. Um and so I just like, you know, I was like, after we beat the Niners NFC Championship, I you know, just the thought came in my dad. I was like, you know what, like what if what if I just do it? Like after we were super Like I might never get this opportunity ever again. Um, So I like asked him. I was like I hit him up and I was like, hey, any chance, like you get it done, like I'll pay whatever you whatever to rush it whatever. And he's like, I don't know. So it was funny story. Funny story actually, so he actually, um, I think it was the Saturday when we were heading to the hotel. Saturday evening we go to our team hotel whatever state of the night, um over an Englewood or actually uh Manhattan Beach um. And so he said he was delivering it Saturday and we were leaving at think like five o'clock, six o'clock to go down there for meetings whatever for the night, and um, it actually didn't get delivered until like thirty minutes before I had to go stop it. Like I had a whole backup plan too, Like I was going to head to the hotel and then like my family was going to come in. I was gonna tell my family, um to come get it, and like I had a shipped too, obviously my neighbor's house too because obviously my my fiance at the time she could she couldn't see. Yeah, I had a whole plan. But this Super Bowl win that much more impressive that you were juggling all of this other drama. Were you thinking about it at all during the game, Like you're literally in the biggest moment of your life and then you're about to have another biggest moment of your life immediately after, right, Yeah, you know, to be honest, like kind of dealing with all that and like juggling all that like around the Super Bowl, like you kind of like eased my mind like around the game, if that makes anything. Yeah, this is way less obviously, It's like the biggest game of your life, like possibly every that you could play in. So like, you know, I just you know, I tend to like you know, overthink and like overprepare. Like sometimes that can be you know, worse. Yeah, Like it was kind of nice. You know, I took care of business for the game, and like, you know, I was prepared. We did all the work for the last two weeks and then like kind of just getting my mind off of the game a little bit, like in a few days leading up to it. It It was it was kind of nice. What an insane flex that your distraction, what was keeping you grounded about your engagement was winning a super Bowl. That's amazing. Okay, one more question before I let you go, I'm playing in the flag football game that's happening on Friday. I'm very concerned about it, but I'm asking I don't I don't know whose team I'm on yet. It's between I think Aaron is one of the captains and Jalen is one of the captains. So I want to ask you a couple of questions, because you spend so much time with these guys. If I have a choice, I want to know who's going to be best suited for my set of skills. So I'll ask you a couple of questions. Okay, gotcha? Who would have better snacks in the locker room? Oh? J Jaylen ad he's got to keep it tight. Oh that's he is. Yeah, yeah, Jayalen will have good snacks in there. Okay, that's a good point. I love that. Who's gonna have the better music? I gotta go with Jayalen on that too. D DV you know dvs stick together that same music. Um, who's gonna have the better celebration afterwards? Who's throwing the better party? Oh that's a tough one. I would go with either one there, Yeah, I'm safe. Probably both going to have great after parties. Okay, who would be the better coach? Who would be a better coach? Yeah, just you know style one would be like pressure, you know, like he he probably wants like you know, big dudes get after the quarterback, Jal. You know, more coverage obviously is a DV and stuff like that. So you look like you look like you you can cover. So I'm gonna hurt myself. I think I think I'm gonna I'm too competitive. I'm gonna be trying to keep up with everybody. I'm gonna hurt myself. Um, okay, so it sounds like I'm good with anybody. Yeah, awesome, So thank you so much for your time. Good luck this year, go win another super Bowl. What if you had the wedding at the next Super Bowl? I just have before the season. That is smart. Okay, that was good thinking. Well, congrats on everything. Congrats on all of the rings U and can't wait to watch you play this yere. Thank you so much for having me of course. Okay, guys, I know that I usually kick off a team every single week. Guess what. All the teams are safe this week? All right, we've had too much stuff going on. We've had too much to do. We had too many guests. Um so, if you're listening to this pod and your team is still alive, guess what you get? One more week of safety and then that's there. You're here. We gotta start making some moves because the season is literally around the corner. And I could cry, Yeah, I could cry. I'm so excited. We got ten teams left. Hard Knocks starts next What Tuesday with the Lions. I cannot wait. I cannot wait. Uh. Next week we are going to continue hopping around to some training camps. We're gonna be with the Chargers. We're gonna have some guests. We're gonna have some fun. Guys. Will be back next week as always, follow us on the Instagrams and the twitters and the YouTube and love you bybe