🎙️FULL SHOW: Ivanka Trump's Hand

Published Jan 30, 2025, 8:57 AM

Running Order:

  1. Have you touched the Oval Office? 
  2. Charli’s parents have an awards night for “The best kid” 
  3. Did you get caught in a lie? 
  4. Currency quiz: $15,000 Argentinian Pesso 
  5. Test our bullshit radar

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We'll get over their podcaster show of the year. I'd say, yeah, me too, Yeah, yeah, I like. I think that should be the new thing we say at the start of Yeah, at least like a really bad one.

Yeah, at least the month at least.

Yeah, even if it's bad, No, it was really bad.

We won't say it. Yeah. Yeah, but you know there was fun bits in that days.

I'm sorry, jump in. I do think this was the best show of the week.

I liked it.

I liked I liked the story about how you got in a little bit of trouble and the holiday's Ben. We also got some people's stories that were some are bs, some weren't. Bell tolding out rageous story I cannot be real, but we'll find that out a little bit later on. Previously on Ben, Liam and Bell, we were driving back to my daughter's place. Were two guys calling out Bell's body in the strip.

The next day on the news they fished out a body out of the Georgia's River.

And then you called it in.

We know we didn't call it.

And now if I cross Australia, this is Benlium and the Bell. Maybe it's just two guys. Later at night, throwing. Yeah, yeah, I sometimes did that as well.

Good Evening Australia. It's a Thursday night. You're hanging out with your mates, Ben Layman Bell and we do this.

Have you ever.

Have you ever touched this? Have you touch the Oval Office? It's been redecorated, obviously Trump's in now. He's got the famous diet coke button back on the desk.

I always thought that was a joke.

Is that a real real thing? Yeah, presses that button and it's it's actually dangerous because it's right next to the nuclear warhead button. So you know, if he's busy, he's punching off your text and feeling like a DC he misses it.

In the White House, there's forty two toilets.

It's a lot.

Yeah, a lot of toilets.

Ah is that? Yeah, it's pretty big though.


You wouldn't want to go in after Donald after that DC, don't you reckon? Yeah, I'm glad they got forty because if everyone else working there, it's oh Donald used that one on Wednesday. I'd give it a minute affair. I'll take the thirty seventh toilet then. Yeah, have you touched the Oval Office? I mean in the past, I've done. Have you touched the World Cup? Don't? Have you touched the North Pole? Have you touched elon Musk? Do they like?

How would someone have touched it there?

Well, you could have stormed the Capitol on jan sick. You could imagine if that guy with the big moosehead called up, remember him who was wearing that big Yeah, and Trump's pardoned them all now as well. Yeah, they're out and about. Yeah. Or maybe you just got an award, like a presidential award. I don't know. We've already got a call on thirteen twenty four to ten nev in Sydney. Have you touched the Oval Office evening team?

Well? Not quite, but I got close.

I did a tour of the White House, so I've touched the White House.

Yeah, but I almost didn't even get in there. I kept setting off the metal detector on the way in and we couldn't figure out what it was.

Took everything out of our pockets.

Ended up being a chewing gum wrapper that kept setting it off.

Almost didn't even get to touch.

The White House.

Yeah right, I mean very sensitive chewing gum rapper can take it off.

He did you use any of the toilets.

I don't remember.

I may have.

It was a long time ago.

Yeah, well look near because you're at first Call tonight. I'm gonna give you a double pass to go see Companion in Cinema's January thirty. Oh awesome, thinking about no worries at all. We have got plenty more prizes to give away tonight. We're doing. Have that you touched the Oval Office.

Georgia in Melbourne? You've touched it?

HELLI nay, Georgia, have you touched it?

I haven't touched the White House or the Oval Office, but I've touched a bunker from hands, and I feel like that's close enough.


I mean, we can't accept it, but it is. I mean, it's still pretty cool. When did you touch a bunker's hand?

In twenty nineteen, I worked for the House of Representatives as an interns.

Pretty cool oow.

So she came into the Representative I was working for office, and I met her and we shop hands and had a shout.

Yeah, look, it's close to the pin. We can't take it as a win, but thank you, Georgia.

I think if I was going to be any of the kids would be barren. Yeah, I like mains. Pete in Brizzy, Have you touched the Oval Office?

Me too, Not exactly the office, but when I was visiting the White House, I was outside and I leant through the fence, picked some grass and took some white House grass away with me.

Yeah. Yeah, I mean it's good, but it's like no one's like, surely someone's been in there.

I'm a fascinated Pete actually got away with that. I feel like if you did that, then swarm you and come and like.

See what you're going No, say what you really want to say? What would they do to you if you put can through the fence?

Adam in Sydney, have you been in the Oval Office?

I sure have? Yeah?

What yep, I've sat down at the desk. I picked up the phone. What I met Trump?


And I've got photos to prove it.

Adam, who are you?

I was just a tourist.

Come on, so hang on, say you're a tourist and what you got into the actual Oval office and you met Donald Trump?


I met him.

He didn't say much.

She was a big coal because he was in.

He was what Yeah, he went about.

Had us, had us go on And it's really upsetting, truly upsetting when someone teases you're like that, Yeah, I mean this has been a big old failure. Really. Yeah, we had people a bank like one of the you.

Know, there are still pretty cool stories.

Yeah, yeah, I wouldn't dy it to pass.

No, it's a lost this week. I mean unless anyone comes through last minute, and then we're not taking that.

Yeah, you like that feeling in your rear holes. That's the Ben Lamb and Bell podcast.

And yesterday at this time we were talking all about sibling rivalries and a girl called Charlie has gotten in touch after listening to that. Now, Charlie, we've been told that you have an incredible family tradition that actually pits you against your siblings.

We are so excited to hear about this. Charlie. What is this tradition?

My parents?

I'm one of six kids who we're all between nineteen and twenty seven or twenty eight now, and my parents each year host the Best Kids Award As there are reasons of why you get deducted points of whatever bad behavior you have throughout the year, whether you drunk too much, whatever story comes up with, and why you can gain points. So you all start on a hundred and we get a trophy and it's a full like three course formal attire.

I love that actually. Also, so how many siblings I'm going sick one of six? So who's who's winning at the moment.

So we don't get told it literally don't get told anything until the awards that but there's a lot of black foul play. So if someone's out drinking too much and you're wed siblings, which we always are, than you'll film it and so you know this is what's happening. Or if they get in a fight at footy or something, then it's always recorded and sent to parents and then it's like a full down slide show. Yeah, when you gain, it's a full ordeal.

Is it one like one trophy that's then handed over or how does it work?

And so you lose the trophy each year, goes back the week beforehand and then it gets.

Re awarded and Charlie, how many times have you held up the trophy?

I've won twice in five years, so I'm not bad.

It's pretty good.

A mom and dad are getting like tricky with it, do they sort of do the point system a little bit like Dumbledore does at the end of the year, and you know someone one sibling will think they've won and then they'll go but five points deducted and a hundred points awarded to Charlie for sheer bravery this year.

Absolutely, but then like little things, so mum awarded the winner and then Dad took it off and Dad was like, I disagree with your mum's opinion. I didn't care that this happened. Goes back to this person.

I'm the dad of this. I get the fun.

Also, I love the formal attire, just the cherry on.

So that was actually seem like a fun thing. Obviously, there's one dud kid who misses air every year.

It's quite toxic.

Yeah yeah, But apart from that, fun seems fun.

If you put on our podcast as you go to slated, this one's for you.

Thirteen twenty four ten Did you get caught in a lie? If you got caught in a lie, give us a buzz lemon Bell. I went to Santa's Wonderland in December. This was before Christmas with my wife Sam and my son Freddy. Now, in December Freddy was sixteen months old, not even one and a half yet, and at Santa's Wonderland.

There's tons of.

Rides for the kids. It's great. I loved it. Unfortunately, you can't go on any of the rides if you're two years or under. And there was this little train ride that Freddy really wanted to go on, and Sam said, I wish we could take him on it, and I said, well, why not.

I'm not going to ask a baby for ID who's going to know there's no such thing as a little baby. Driver's last night exactly. So we lined up and they're loading everybody on. They're loading everybody on, and then hand in the chest. Well, the lady at the front stops us and she says, there's no way he's too. I said, yeah, sure is he's too. I'm trying to say, he's saying his looks weird for two year old.

Yeah, I said he is too, and she said, I'm a mom of four, I know what two year old looks like.


At this point, I was too deep into my life to back out, so I had to stick to my guns. And I said, yeah, he just had his second birthday and she said, what's his birthday?


Now at this point, wow, I'm not great at maths. And I panicked, and I tried to adjust his birthday and do quick math at the same time. So in the heat of the moment, I said, because I thought this would make him old enough, I said December seventh, twenty twenty one, and she said, so he's three.

The years to shoot by. They grow up so fast, don't they. That has I mean, that would freak me out. I mean normally, like normally it's when you're like seventeen and you're trying to blag your way into an hot bub and they're like, what's your stars on? Yeah, but I didn't think you'd have to do it like as a thirty one year old man.

The thing that I love, though, was because when the birthday debacle happened, and I said, yeah, she wasn't giving in. And I swear she said at this point she said, whatever, I don't get paid enough.

So true, what's the worst that gonna happen?

Yeah, I'm trying to four kids at home, like the.

Screaming kids in this thing all day. Just whatever, Just get on there.

Did you get caught in a life? Thirteen twenty four ten is our number. Claire in Sydney, tell us what happened?

Hey, guys. So, when I was about seven or eight, I convinced a girl at my school that I was secretly a real life princess and that on the weekends I lived in a mansion and I was dropped up at school in a limma every day, and she believed it.

Yeah, so you were sort of you're obviously saying princess diaries, and you were sort of, you know, made up like a fake European country, you were the princess of Did you ever get caught out, you know, driving to school in mum's kluger?

Yeah, I did so one time. A couple of weeks after this, I had a birthday party and I invited her over, but I told her that the castle was being like it was burned down. I was at my friend's house is dead. And then she met my parents and told them all about it, and they told me that.

I had to tell her that I'd been lying to her the night time.

Oh that's awful.

Charlotte in Melbourne, your brother and you got caught in a lie.

What happened?

Yeah, well, it was one of the times that the Queen came to Australia for fed Square and all of the kids were like taken over the barrier to Bow and Curtsey, which was very, very exciting. And then when we got back to our parents, our parents asked what happened, and both me and my brother just went, oh, we shook the queen's hands.

It's just the queen pins oh and.

Yeah, and we're really excited, and our parents were telling all their friends. I'm like, oh, my gosh, er our kids shook the queen's hands. And then a couple of I want to say like three or four weeks later, we got sat down by our dad and just went, you didn't cheke the clean No, no, no, we swear we did. We did, and he was just like, no, you didn't. My work colleague has said no, that just would not have happened. And we got in big.

Sang on Charles.

I thought there was gonna be like video footage or something like I could see you, but he's just believing, well, my work colleagues, you couldn't have, so.

I love in the first place, you'd lie when you didn't need to, but you just were excited. And then the disappointment it sounds like from your dad.

Yeah. I was telling Greg and I was in line for promotion kids. You were finally going to go to that school. We always wanted to send him to it. But now I've been branded as the office Jester and we'll never get out of here, all because of your dirty lives.

Thank you, Charlotte Kirby in Sydney. Your daughter got caught in a lie.

She did.

In Canada, lunch is provided in school, and she told the school she was allergic to mayonaise, so they changed all of the menu and then phoned me to let me know that they had changed it. Nothing should happen. I let them know.

She's not illegitate, she just hates it.

The change it always hated it.

Did they change entire school or just for her?

Yes? Yeah, the lunch program covers.

The scrubbed it off hundreds of kids, huge inconvenience. And what about you, You got caught in a lie?

Hello, Yes, I am in the middle of an eleven year lie. So when I was in my UNI days, I thought it would be really cool to tell my friends that I was gluten free, and I took it to the next level. So I made sure that all the food I ate was gluten free, always spoke about it. Just I just thought it was such a fun thing.

And yeah, yeah, yeah I should have yeah, if I have white bread.


So the rest of the days gone up.

It was stuck when gluten freezing tasted really bad and they were really hard to get, and it got so deep that when I would go to my friend's houses, their parents would go out of their way to get me special gluten free idle. And now eleven years later, all my unique friends stiill think I'm gluten free because I can't.

I can't tell them.

That it was lie just but why, like why what did you get out of this?

But I don't know.

I just thought it was a talking point, like a little bit.

It was a bit shy.

I was just hoping to bring up.

Yeah, yeah, you might think that's girlfriend. It's actually not. It's gluten free, which is what I am.

I beg.

You can't keep a mewing streak for this whole podcast. Bye, stop goooning. The next bit's about to start.

Just ain't in Melbourne. You just came off a ten hour shift. I bet fifteen k would make you feel a little bit better.

Oh it would be amazing.

Alrighty, it was a big day. It was a big day.

I bet. Now we don't know what currency that fifteen thousand is going to be, and yet we'll find that out at the end. But first of all, let's get through these three questions. School is going back at the moment. What was your year twelve school?

My year twelve school was in ninety seven?

Oh my god, I mean that's that's like genius level. Wow, big brain. Okay, the doomsday clock has moved one second closer to disaster this week. What is fourteen hundred hours in twelve hour time?

That is two pm?

It's good. I mean, you put the pressure on yourself. Now you've told us you're a genius. Let's slip. So you need to get all these right. You know, last question here this is for fifteen thousand of a currency we have not yet specified. Tomorrow is the last day of January. What season is it? Next month?

Next month?

Equal be still summer.

She's done it. She done.

Bit of a curly one there at then it was it was, but.

You switched on. Even after that long shift, you've still got your bearings. Yeah, no, all right, justin well, let's spin the wheel and find out what you're going to be. Getting it in my fingers across the British pounds or the US dollar fifteen thousand Argentinian peso.

I'll take it.

Okay, let's convert it.

If you get over to South America, you'll be taking twenty two ninety four Australian.

I'll still take it. Get yourself a big macmeal on the way home after that long shift.

Dude, you're locked in sigma with plus one thousand.


We all know jojo seywhare She taught us that Calm is a bee really putting her genius to waste with music if you ask me, because turns out she has an incredible genius like mind. According to her, She was recently on this podcast just have a listen to this.

I'm a very unique case. The more you get to know me, the more you're like, Yo, your brain's being studied when you kick the can, because what is different in there? And it's something that I don't try to like prove to people that my brain's different, but it does work in very different ways feil different.

She say that scientists are going to study her brain, and she bluses that'd be great.

You know, if only they got Einstein's brain. We're able to see in it. What is this sort of genius level. We can only hope that when JoJo's are unfortunately, at some point, we can study her brain. She actually goes on to explain how her brain is.

So different, having a girlfriend at the time who was in high school when I should have been in high school when I already graduated. She did this math problem and she was like, answer this, and she tried to make a really hard Albert Einstein problem and I did it. And she was like, how'd you get that answer? And I was like, well, I just did, like I don't know, and she was like, well, show me your work. So I showed her how I did it, and she was like, I've never seen someone solve a math problem like that. And I was like, but did I get the answer? She was like yeah, And I was like great.

Can we move on with our life.

I'm I'm just a genius. I just you know, I see an equation bang I. You know, if I was around it earlier, I would have discovered gravity. You know, I just wasn't around there.

I love Jojo. This is like, this is disappointing.

Anyone pumping the as that hard it is to have a good hard look at themselves.

It's absolute bullshit.

That is that the BS meter is ringing off the charts on absolutely and I'd like to think we have a good one. In fact, that's what I want to do this evening thirteen, twenty four to ten. Come on, tell us a story and we'll guess if it's BS or not.

Yep, Oh okay. Can I try one on you guys first, to kick.

Hert Yeah, yeah, we'll see where that. You know, we'll see if we're we're talking bus ourselves, if we can really pick it all right.

So okay, I got told this yesterday by a friend of mine. He said that he knows a guy that went to a music festival over the summer. It was really really hot there and he actually passed out from heat stroke then like went unconscious completely. They airlifted him to the city to the hospital.

He died.

They tried to resuscitate him and he didn't come back to life.

Then, so he's dead.

Yeah no, Then he came back to life while he was in the coma, woke up.

He never died.

Then he was in a like yeah, yeah pretty much.

Then woke up and said, oh, I'll just go back to the music festival, got in an uber.

Left the hospital, no back to the festival, and then shot. He dies and.

The BS meter is going off on that.

I'm back, Labs, I'm back. Put me in an induced kinder. I've taken so many drugs that didn't even work and didn't have any effect on me because I'm such a legend A should we head domain stage.

We have got the BS meter out tonight and we want to use it. Thirteen twenty four ten is our number. Maybe it's true, maybe it's BS.

I don't know.

You tell it to us and we'll see if we can pick it. Got a prize up for grabs as well if you get involved.

Gemma in Sydney. What happened?


I was eight years.

Old at a public speaking competition and I ran into the bar through him.

To throw up due to nerves.

I had the microphone in my hands still, so the audience of roughly two hundred people could hear me throwing up. I come out of the bathroom and realize that they're laughing because they've heard me throw up, but also because I ran into the male bathrooms.

Yeah, it's double whammie. I mean, it's like it's such a tall story, but I don't know. I think I believe you.

I believe you as well.

It is true, this actually happened.

Yeah, you could tell there was a bit of aim behind your voice, like, yeah, no, that's that's a great story though, Jim Adam in Melbourne, what happened to you?

Hey, guys, So I was a kid in primary school playing playing stupid lead schoolyard and I spearcackled a kid so hard that he he actually could have moved unfortunately on the ground, and we we obviously got pretty scared, so we told teacher, teachers called paramedics. Paramedics came, took him away, They did a full body check. They found out that he was okay, but actually found a blockage in his heart and they sort of fed he could have dropped dead that within a couple of days, And if I didn't tackle him, he would have wouldn't which means you probably would have died.

Let me get the.


Yeah is that bs Adam?

No, it's actually true, and I ended up winning one of the most prestigious awards.

Have you ever speared someone so hard that you killed them and brought them back to life in the same day?

And then won an award.

The award is too far because you didn't do it too safe.

Yeah, you were trying to inflict some pain on the guy.

But his parents came and came shook my hand.

They thank you, thank you for the attacking my child.

We found that clot but his neck is broken though, unfortunately, but the heart strong. Courtney joins us in Adelaide. Now tell us your story. I we'll tell you if it's bas or not.

Okay, So it was probably about eight or nine years ago. We were in I was with my dad in rural Melbourne. We couldn't find our way back to our hotel and we were on a dirt road. We've seen a hitchhiker who literally had no shoes on, crazy hair and beryl clothes. We thought, he probably knows, you know how to get back to the hotel. Appont us in the right direction, and he said, if you can take me to the expressway, I'll be able to point you know, in the right direction. He's in the calf for about ten minutes. We got to the expressway, we got out and bolted and then when we finally watched the news that night, he actually robbed a servo and tried to stab a lady with a knife.

Yeah. I mean, my the only thing with that is if Selen had crazy hair and Taddy. I mean, you got a grim description of this fella.

No, it's actually true. We did take a hitchhiker up and he did try to.

I mean it sounds like best because it's like, why if you saw something you're like, oh, they're not quite right. I mean, why would you pick them up? It's so dangerous?

Wow, case in point when the attempted to stab.

Well, yeah, the whole stab thing. Yeah.

Sure, Wow, Accorney, I'm glad you're okay.

Well, Chrissy joins us. Now in Sydney, what's your story?

First of all, I just want to say best radio station in Sydney.

Hands down than.

My husband, who is a TV cameraman, flew on Air Force one with the back Obama.

Yeah, let's get the best met on that. Hmmm. I think we believe it. Yeah, yeah, that seems real.

Absolutely, it's legit.

Chrissy. Why why did he specifically get to fly on it?

So he was the cameraman for the America at this.

Time, And did you actually get to meet Obama or just be on the same point?

He did.

He got to meet him on Air Force one. He flew from Yes, absolutely, he flew from Darwin to Bali for the summit.

That's so funny the idea of Barack Obama boarding a flight in Darwin for Bali coming back with the you know the braids cool.

Good on you, Christy, Thank you so much for calling the.

Ben Liam and Bell podcast.

Up next, Smallsy is opening up the surgery and he's got your last minute tickets to go see.

Drake made this at the gate outside Maximin.

Do you remember, Lilliam, you once on the radio you said that Drake and Travis Scott's Sicker Mode was the queen of our generation and you got quite rhaps city.

Of our generation.

That was years ago. We went for another radio station and they did their hot countdown with one hundred songs in it around this time of the year. And I actually saw a post recently on it, and so I remember when he said that, and I was like, no, no, yeah, a great opportunity to clear it up. I read a text, Okay, I read a text that someone else sent in. I wasn't making the claim myself, but I never lived it down.

But rhy of our Journal, Yeah, because I've read the text.

I was on air with you and I remember that you back announced it and you said that's the Behema Generator.

I was copies of heat for it just recently. That was in I think eighteen, so that that's how long ago that was.

He Smallsy is going to be joining you up next, as Bell said, he's got your last chance tickets to go see Drake and to get you there. It's post malone limb. What would you compare him to.

I would say he's he's like the Bob Dylan of our generation. And that's it.

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Ben Liamanda Bell

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