The first show of April is an opportunity to meet another new member of the Theatre Network Australia team – Christy Flaws who is Programme Producer for Circus and Physical Theatre Strategy… and of course she’ll be introducing the TNA Member of the Month, artist, change maker and cross cultural consultant Aseel Tayah…
Then we do some rapid-fire introductions to a handful of shows at this year’s Melbourne International Comedy Festival… Melissa McGlensey from The Briefing, Dylan Cole from Case Numbers and Otto Rot from Otto and Astrid’s Joint Solo Project…
And it’s not part of the Comedy Festival but it is a bit comedy but it’s also a bit drama, which makes Pear Shaped a dramedy and we’ll be catching up with its writer/director Miranda Middleton…
And then we’ll wrap up the show with a visit to the City Gallery at Melbourne Town Hall to meet Sean Lynch, the curator of Desire Lines, a very eclectic exhibition of objects from the archives…
They’re all on this weekt’s edition of Behind the Scenes with Chris Thompson right here on Vision Australia Radio.