We continue our study of fascist insurrections with the most famous of them all: Hitler's disastrous beer hall putsch.
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Hello, Hello, Hey. I don't know if you heard, but my podcast Checking It has been nominated for the a CP Image Award in the category of Outstanding Lifestyle and Self Help Podcast. I'm grateful for the nomination. I I almost didn't even do a podcast because I was just wandering there are thousands of podcasts out there and why is my voice needed. But the nomination from the a CP lets me know that I made the right choice, and I encourage you to do Don't worry if there are thousands of something else that you want to do. No nobody has your sauce, so listen. You can still vote. Go to vote dot in double a CP Image Awards dot net. You have until February five, um nine pm Eastern Standard Time, and please listen to my podcast. We're part of the Black Effect Podcast Network on the I Heart Radio app or wherever you get your podcast. Thank you for checking in. Hello, and welcome to our show. I'm Zoe de Chanelle and I'm so excited to be joined by my friends and cast Meats Hanta, Simone and Lamar and Morris to recap our hit television series New Girl. Join us every Monday on the Welcome to our Show podcast where we'll share behind the scenes stories of your favorite New Girl episodes. Each week we answer all your burning questions like is there really a bear in every episode of New Girl. Plus, you'll hear hilarious stories like this that was one of years things you brought back from yea all professional basketball players hoop yeah. Listen to the Welcome to Our Show podcast on the I Heart Radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts. We've all felt left out, and for people who moved to this country, that feeling lasts more than a moment. We can change that. Learn how it Belonging begins with us dot org. Brought to you by the ad Council. Hitler to Sophie, Sophie, Sophie, we did it. I always promised. We do it again. That's our That's Everyone's favorite intro is when I just a totally shouted Hitler. We're talking about Hitler today. This is Behind the Bastards podcast about the worst people in all of history. I'm Robert Evans and this is actually a special mini series Behind the Bastards called Behind the Insurrections. Uh. Last episode we talked about Benito Mussolini's March on Rome. This episode, we're talking about another fascist insurrection directly inspired by the March on Rome and carried out by Bastard's pod side character and main character Adolf Hitler. We're talking about the Munich beer hall push today. Yeah, lighted a fire, baby lighted on awful insurrection. I realized I should probably reference where I got that from. It's okay, so Common the actor and I call him the actor. I'm finishing. That is an interesting since the rapper okay and yes, and one could argue of the top ten list of greatest rap albums of all time, Common may hold two of those slots, one of which is an album called Resurrection. And that's where I got that from. Was because he's saying ris Rick should so I was just saying insurrection deep cut, unnecessary piece of information. But you can pull that out next time somebody try to judge you about your pop culture stuff. Beautiful, thank you. I'm more excited about the fact that he was Common Sense, and then he got into Hollywood and decided to drop the Sense, which there was a there's a band out here in l A like a local band who sued him whose name was Common Sense, and they were like almost like a three eleven sublime, like white boy reggae band, and they sued him for the name. They were like, we were common Sense first, and I mean I feel like I feel like you can't copyright the word or name common Sense. But they won, so he was like all right, whatever comment and then became a list celebrity. I was going to say, speaking of people who won, we should talk about hitler Um at least for a while, but not in this particular story, although eventually, at least moment when this particular story ends, it's not the end of the story. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. This particular story is with Nazi defeat, but the broader story of the Nazis is more complicated than that. So I think we're gonna start here by talking about the city of Munich because generally when people talk Nazis, they wind up kind of focusing on Berlin um. But Munich is where the National social Is, Germans Workers Party, the n s d a P, the Nazis. That's where they came from. That's the birthplace of the Nazi movement is Munich. And if you look a little bit into Munich's history, it makes sense. Um Munich is a city in the German state of Bavaria Um and Bavaria is historically the most conservative part of Germany. It's kind of like Texas uh in that even after German unification in eighteen seventy, Bavarians tended to see themselves as different and other from like the rest of Germany, right like we're Germans, sure, but we're more Bavarian, right, Like it's it's this this the attitude that you do kind of see like Texans have a bit of this, right like where we're our own thing. So that's always big in Bavaria, and there's this kind of like traditionalism. They have their own monarchy that's separate from the Kaiser, right, like the Kaiser's in charge of Bavaria still, but they also have their own king Um. And there's a lot of Bavarians who aren't super into the idea of being part of Germany, right because they they they are more Bavarian than anything. Now. Adolf Hitler, who was again an Austrian, so he's not really a German by the consideration of a lot of Germans. He moves to Munich in nineteen thirteen, mainly because he was getting drafted to go join the Austrian army. And he didn't want to join the Austrian army. So he's a draft dodger and he moves to Munich to avoid serving his time in the military. UM. And just based on what happens lest this is less because Hitler was Hitler was not scared of being in the military. He didn't like Austria. He thought it was like racially polluted um and so he moved to Munich because it was more in line with his right wing sensibilities. UM. So he rented a cheap room and he made a poverty level income in Munich painting pictures of like famous buildings in town because the beautiful city and selling them to tourists. And this was like a whole industry, and Munich a bunch of of little artists would paint pictures of local buildings and sell them as like keepsakes to tourists. Hitler was kind of unique among these artists because while most of them would actually go out to where those buildings were with like an easel and paint the buildings and then sell their pictures and stuff, Hitler would cheap postcards of those buildings and paint alone in his room where he spent most of his time reading fringe political tracts and one presumes masturbating furiously. We have to Yeah, just unbelievable. Yeah he was, I mean, he was a pretty right wing guy. But yeah, he's he's pounding it in his little office um and painting from postcards. Um. And he's not a very good artist, which is one of the key little because he lived in like a tiny little real he was renting from a lady. He was he was very little. Yeah, when Hitler, I thought we were just putting him down for no reason. But no, no, he was extremely poor. So when Hitler moved to Munich, he had just finished being like a homeless person in in Vienna, Like he lived in like a men's home and stuff for like people who couldn't afford um to stay off the street and whatnot. So he had just gotten out of like a really dire financial situation. Um. And actually part of why he was in a dire financial situation is he inherited money from his mom, but then his sister needed it for her kids, and so he gave up his inheritance to her. Um. Which you know, kind of his evidence that like everyone who turns out terrible. There was a period of time in which Hitler might not have wound up being Hitler. UM. So anyway, important to keep in mind. So Hitler's living in Munich, He's painting shitty paintings, tugging it all the time, um, and reading a bunch of like reactionary right wing zines, like poorly mimiographed newsletters about the dangers of the Jews. That's like a huge thing Hitler's doing in this period. Some things never changed, man. Yeah, Yeah, it's like it's like he's like hanging out on the day's equivalent of eight chan, which is like these tracts that are being passed out of the street. So when World War One kicks off, and you know, in this period, right, the Archduke's assassinated, as we talked about last time, but in the run up to World of One, Benito Mussolini's furiously trying to get his country Italy involved in the war. Um. Germany goes to war with the World UM, and Hitler immediately joins up and becomes an infantry man. Uh. And he's almost immediately thrown into one of the most horrifying battles in not just like the whole war. But like ever, it's known colloquially as the Slaughter of the Innocence because the Germans sent tens of thousands of basically children to die to like Allied machine guns. A horrible battle um. Now at the same time as Hitler's watching his friends get mowed down in the trenches, Herman Gerring, who would become his future second in command, is becoming one of the first fighter pilots in history. Gering flew with Manfred ron Ricktoven the Red Baron's Flying Circus. He took command of the squadron after Ricktoven got killed in nineteen eighteen, and he got something. He shot down like twenty nine planes. He's an extremely good fighter pilot, and it's like a dad becomes like a dashing national hero. Now another big Nazi you might know. Heinrich Himler was too young to serve during World War One. He came from that awkward generation where you were too young to fight in the First World War, and he would have been too old to fight in the second, and so his entire youth was spent like idolizing these soldiers going off to die in France who he was unable to join. Now, another fellow who went to war in nineteen fourteen was Ernst Pohner. Now Powner was a middle aged I know, it's a rough name. You gotta give the guy some credit for it, a real cross to bear. So Powner grew up or Powner was like a middle aged, conservative educated Bavarian, pretty right wing guy when the war starts and he was commissioned as an infantry officer and eventually rose to regimental command. Now, despite being a Bavarian to his soul and thus being kind of like separate from the rest of Germans, fighting in the war gives him this sense of like unity with the rest of Germany, and he starts to feel like a member of this, like this unified nation for the first time in his life. And in fact, all of Bavaria was brought closer in step to the rest of Germany. As a result of the war. The region industrialized rapidly to provide armaments, and as the German state devoted itself increasingly to becoming an engine of arms production, um, Bavaria becomes like a big part of that, particularly Nuremberg or not. I think, uh yeah, I think it might have been. It was. It was Narremberg. I'm not great on all the other German city, but like Bavarious starts industrializing heavily, and their military was like just the best in the world, incredibly good. Yeah yeah, Like like Germany actively amazing, goes up against the entire rest of the world in World War One and comes pretty close to winning. They yeah, they like. It's not like World War Two where after a while like they're almost they almost pulled it off almost yeah yeah. Um So the Kaiser's propaganda had forbidden so like and that that's actually part of the problem is that right up until the end of the war, Germany could win it. It's not again, not like World War Two. We're after nineteen forty three, everyone can see the writing on the wall. Up until like late nineteen eighteen, Germany could pull that ship off. Um And this is sort of compounded in the minds of German people who see their soldiers winning by the Kaisers propaganda because the Kaiser had forbidden journalists from reporting on the dire situation in the West. Um so number one, Germany is in a pretty good position most of the war. They notck Romania and Russia out of the fight, so they beat like two powers, including Russia, which is like a fifth of the world's land masks which they heard of at the time. They conquer Ukraine, um like, get it in a treaty basically, and they spend most of the war within spitting distance of Paris. So on a map, Germans spend most of that war thinking like we're winning. This is tough, We're losing a lot of men, but like, we're gonna win this thing now. The situation on the map belied some crucial realities, including the fact that as the war went on, Germany was completely hollowed out of soldiers, of supplies, and of food. Three quarters of a million German civilians starved to death as a result of the Allied blockade. UM. By the time Germany surrenders in the winter of nineteen eighteen, it's army is on the very brink of collapse. The generals who are in charge at the end a guy named Eric Lundor for you might remember from the Wonder Woman movie. Yes he's the bad guy and Wonder Woman, but was a real dude. Um and Paul von Hindenberg, who was his his co general. We're not the ones to accept failure gracefully. Right, like both of them had some victories to their name, both of them made some major strategic errors at the end that we're a big factor in German defeat um. But when the Germans lose, they don't stay on deck to be like, hey, guys, we tried our best, we fought as hard as anyone could fight, and we got our We we just lost. They fucking bounce like as soon as it becomes clear they're going to surrender, they're fucking out of there. Yeah, yeah, so back yeah, and they hand over responsibility for negotiating Germany's surrender because the Kaiser also bounces like that motherfucker's off the Belgium on a trade um. So all of the people who had gotten Germany into war and had like pushed the war the whole time leave and put the responsibility for negotiating the surrender on the social democrat dominated Reichstag. So Germany overnight is a social democracy. And also the liberals who had been most a lot of them anti war up to that point, now have to deal with negotiating germany surrender. Meanwhile, the guys who were responsible for losing the war start concocting a narrative that the left had stabbed the German army in the back um and that's why they lost. And when I say the left, I also mean the Jews, because that's what they mean, right, like they're not yeah, the left. And it's the same thing people talk about cultural Marxism today, right. The turn back then was Judeo Bolshevism. But it's the same idea, right. So the first days and weeks after Germany's defeat, there were just a bunch of revolutions all throughout these different cities in Germany, and a lot of them were left wing. But Verry was not spared in this wave of unrest. As you said, there was a strong While Bavaria is very conservative, in Munich in particular, there's a very vibrant left wing and several days before Germany signs the armistice on November eleven, November seven, this huge crowd as symbols in Munich and they forced the Bavarian king to leave his throne. Now, the guy who orchestrated this was a dude named Kurt Eisner, and he's the head of the Bavarian Social Democratic Party and his goal was to you know what he did. He wanted to kick out the king and establish a Bavarian republic. Now, that worked for a little while. The unfortunately Eisner the coalition that Eisener used to kind of kick the king out and establish a republic was only united in their desire to bring it into the war and get rid of the king. And once that war ended and the king was gone, they didn't agree on anything else because it was a coalition of like the far left, but also a lot of like center left people and even centrists were just like, this World War one thing doesn't seem to be working out for anybody, all of us. Sucks for all of us. And when that ends, a lot of these centrists are like, well, we don't really agree with the left on anything else, you know, And there's this huge desire to We've got the king out, the war has gone. Let's go back to business as usual. Let's go back to the way things were before the war. I think people Americans can understand. People. Yeah, I just want to go back to branch man. I want to go back to brunch. And a lot of these centrists wanted to go back to the center right and the center left, arguing because both the extreme right and the extreme left had been empowered by the war and the economic collapse that came with it, and these these folks in the middle were scared by that. So this is before like pruised and like the new like the new Democrats or the new like constitution. They right, like this, this is right, this is before the Weimar Constitution. Istion Eisner over. Eisner leads his sort of revolution like five days before Germany surrenders. Um, so this is contemporary, Like the Weimar Constitution starts being written during the period where a lot of this is happening. But this starts before. This starts while the Kaiser is still on the throat. Right, Um, I'm fairly sure while the Kaiser is still on the throat. It starts before the official German surrender. So things, you know, the center right or the center left decides like, we don't really want to work with Eisener. Eisner's support dissolves and he kind of winds up unable to govern because he doesn't really have a lot of people backing him. Um, there's new elections, uh in January of nineteen nineteen, and this kind of center left dominates as opposed to Eisner's far left. So On the morning of February one, nineteen nineteen, Kurt Eisner starts walking to the lawn Tag, the land Tag, which is like they're, you know, kind of their Congress sort of thing, to resign his position as head of the local government. Now, while he's on his way, this German noble count Anton Arco Valley, which is a fucking badass. Now Arco Valley, it's like he's like a Spiderman victim right, Billy, Yeah, Um, he's a He's a rich Bavarian nobleman. So Arco Valley like comes up and shoots him dead. Eisner. Um so because he's, you know, Arco Valley is a monarchist and a and a far right kind of guy, and he wants to murder this left wing dude, even though the guy is about to leave power willingly. So one of Eisner's Eisner does have some very loyal followers, and one of them responds to Eisner being killed by gunning down another politician. And for reasons unknown to history, this like leftist supporter of Eisner, instead of going after one of arco Valleys allies, picks a moderate liberal um, a guy named Ernard our Um, and shoots him. Now Our survives an hour at the time is kind of the head of the Social Democrats and Munich, so he's like he's like kind of the Joe Biden right, Like he's like a moderate liberal. Um. Yeah uh, and this leftist shoots him instead of one of Arco Valleys allies for a good reasons that aren't really well known. Um, but our survived. What are theories? You know? I I haven't really heard a good one. It might just be that, as a rule, a lot of folks on the far left will always hate liberals more than they hate the right. Um, it might have been. It's like it was just like personal It's like that fool hit on my girl. Yeah, I've been personally he might have been. Man, I took my chance. He might have just fucked up right, like guns just hit the rate back then, you know, Like you know, I don't really know. Um ours survived though he doesn't get killed, but his injuries keep him out of politics for two years. And while Our was like kind of a centrist, he was an effective leader of the Social Democratic Party. He was good at getting people in line. Um. And the fact that he's out of the picture for a couple of years means that his party is effectively rudderless right at the same time that the far left is energized by Eisner's martyrdom. Now, our successor, a guy named Johann Hoffman, was weak and not very competent um. So you've got this position where the dominant center left party loses its effective leader at the same time as the radical left gets energized by the assassination of like one of their big dudes. And I'm gonna I'm gonna read a quote now from a graduate dissertation by James McGee titled the Political Police in Bavaria nineteen nineteen to nineteen thirty six to explain what happens next. The assassination of Eisner had worked as a solvent upon political consensus such as it was in Bavaria. The Hoffman government found itself caught between the advance of radicalism on both the right and the left the first round, and the struggle went to the radical left. No longer able to maintain itself in Munich, the Hoffman government decamped on April seven, eventually coming to rest in the northern Bavarian city of Bomberg. Authority in Munich was assumed successively by two councils, the first led by an ill assorted collection of independent socialists and anarchists, and the second by the communists. So two different successive kind of far left governments take over through like a revolution basically, but neither of them are very good at it right. Neither of them really have Like the anarchists are way more focused on creating public art and stuff um, and don't really have a great uh cohesive set of plan to deal with the needs of a lot of like uh Moonstion ears. I think it is like people of the people of Munich, um. Whereas the communists are kind of they're not really that good at building support outside of the people who are already involved in their movement. Uh. There there spent a lot of time going after their political enemies uh and again aren't very good at consolidating power. Meanwhile, outside the city, conservative forces start regrouping and preparing to invade Munich because there's been a left wing revolution. What is the right going to do? They're gonna murder everyone they can. So the core of this right wing movement where the Free Corps um, and that's an organization of right wing veterans that you could see is broadly similar to groups like the Oath Keepers or the Three Percenters today. Now, the main difference between these two is the oath Keepers and the Three Percenters are mostly people dressing up like soldiers who, if they were in the military, never heard a shot fired in anger. The men of the Free Corps are hard sons of bitches, like they have They have done a ton of killing. They have seen thousands die before their eyes. Like a lot of these guys, these guys are like veterans of the trenches. So they're not they're not playing, you know, like they're not dressing up because soldiers look cool. They've they they have been so broken by war that it's the only thing they can really do, you know. Larpin over here. Yeah, they're called the Free Corps, the Free Corp, the Free Corps like where yeah so, and the Free Corps. Not all these guys. A number of like free core dudes actually become anti Nazis later, but a lot of the Free Corps are the genesis of what becomes some of the Nazi street movements too. And it's kind of like we saw with the r d T in Italy, right where you've got all these veterans. Some of them do become some of them just one order and they're more Republican than anything. But they'll fight the radical left, and then they wind up being anti Nazi. Most of them go more in a Nazi direction. Some of them wind up being kind of more on the left after a while because they get, you know, disillusioned by right wing politics. But you have this melting pot of soldiers who are angry at things, and the bulk of them do go to the right. Now. Yeah, so these guys invade and they make quick work of the Red Forces of the Revolutionary government. I'm gonna quote from Macgee's article again. By the end of April, the feeble Red Forces had been pressed back into the environs of Munich itself. At this moment, with their backs to the wall, elements of the Red Army executed tin hostages. Some of the hostages were members of the right radical Tula Society. Others appeared to have been selected almost at random. None of the ten, however, had done anything to earn so terrible a retribution with run. With one gratuitous act, the leftist defenders of Munich had opened the floodgates of violence. The aroused White forces poured into the city on May first, bent upon the eradication of the Bavarian Soviet Republic and its supporters in the most literal sense imaginable. The hardened Free Corps and Army troops coursed through the streets of the city, shooting anyone who appeared even remotely suspicious. The orgy of execution did not stop until May seven, when it was discovered that the White forces had mistakenly murdered a group of twenty one Catholic school boys. These school boys were, by no means the only innocence who fell before the guns. Before this first wave of killing had come to an end, over six hundred individuals had been slain, many of them individuals with no connection to the Red Army or the Soviet Republic. The revolution, which had begun so peacefully six months before, had ended in a blood bath. Order had returned to Bavaria. Wow, that's kind of the story of the radical left. In the radical right right, you get the radical left, some of them go a little bit far. They killed ten people, and the right murder six hundred people, including several dozen schoolboys. Yeah, got dog man, Yeah, I hearing about this just this time in the world and being a you know, albeit African American male. But the reality is I live in America, you know that like in this in this era that like the type of violence these people endured all the time, you know, and instability, Like it's just we really can't get our brain around that six hundred Yeah, you know it was six hundred people at least, like they murder a whole school of Catholic children, you know, famous leftists, the Catholic school. Yeah, right, I mean to be actually, if we're being honest, like one of the in Germany, the anti fascists were a mix of anarchists, communists, social democrats, and Catholics. A lot of very traditional conservative Catholics were anti fascists because they were against the Nazis, right, and they still believed some pretty messed up stuff. You're talking about Catholics in the thirties and forties. But um, we're not Nazis, you know, And you get a lot of credit in my book if you're anti Nazi, regardless of what you believe in that all the other stuff I can say this about you. Yeah, but you know, this does kind of everything that's happening in Germany in this period makes it clear what I what I kind of consistently think is the most the thing that we have going for us the most in our present struggle against fascism, which is that our fascists are they're fucking whimps for the most part, right, most of them have never seen heavy combat. They have not seen people shot to death. They haven't shot anyone to death, they have not been in like That's why a lot of them started to run as soon as like the police started really using force. The fascists, the Nazis, the o G Nazis, most of them are hard, hard people. Hitler is an incredibly physically tough man. Like Hitler is a guy who got into street fights with a whip, you know, like these are yeah, these are rough people, um and I that's one of the things we have going for us is that most of ours just aren't that tough, you know. Um Yeah, there's like this weird like combo of like there's you're not that tough, but you have something to prove, so you're gonna be so you're dangerous because you have something to prove, right, But then there's you are tough and you have something to prove and you ain't scared, you know. I'm like, yeah, that's a toll that that's a totally different situation. Yeah. Yeah, Like you'll see a lot of folks in our far right dress up in you know, plate carriers and carry guns and look like soldiers. The Nazis did that too, They wore military they dressed like German stormtroopers, and most of them had been right when they dressed like the guys who charged through trenches with an axe in one hand and a handgun in another. It's because they charged through trenches with an axe in one hand and a handgun in another. You know. Yeah, And I know you've seen that look bro as a tangent, but like as much as you've trapped as any war zones you've been in, and then even here, like you can see it in a person's eyes to where you're like, oh, yeah, you'll cut me, you will cut my throat. You're not, you won't think twice, You'll cut my throat, Like you can see it in a person's eyes. Yeah, it's the willingness, it's it's the people, and you can really see it in a lot of folks eyes. The folks for whom doing violence is the same as like turning the page in a book, right, Like it doesn't require a switch in their mental circuitry. Yeah, they're just ready, you know, and most of them aren't that. Most of the far right in Munich in this period are that kind of person. You know. You've got folks like Heinrich Hemler who were too young and who want to be that and are playing at it, but a lot of them are really tough people. So mainstream Munich, which you know, after the right comes in and massacres everybody, it's still like kind of the liberals who are in charge of the government for about a year after this point, you know, kind of the mainstream center left, and they blamed the far left for everything, even though the vast majority of the killing had been done by folks that were basically proto fascists. Um and among other things, the fact that the left had taken over the city briefly helped to incite and fuel an extremely active right wing militias scenes. So all of these different street militias of armed young men start to form up during this period of time, So different groups of angry young men, many of them veterans got together to fight the reds and enshare their city would never fall to the left again again. A liberal government is in charge for the next year, but after the Free Corps and the army come in, the real power in Munich is with the military and the police, and the dominant political ideology in the city among both the center left and center right become the thirst for order above all else, right, which you can understand, Like, these people aren't just going through like a lot of Americans just want order at this point, after the last four years and we didn't go through a war that killed like what one out of every ten of our young men something like that. Yeah, their calls for law and order are understandable. Yeah, I think there. You know, the history will show it was the wrong way to go about it. But you have to be more sympathetic to them, the people calling for now like well, you can't even imagine, no one in in America can imagine we have no Yeah, exactly. Um. So, Ernest Pohner was one of the first men who stepped in to fill this need for order. And he'd been enraged by Eisner and you know, even more enraged by the Soviet Republic that briefly took charge of Munich um And so he gets promoted to be the head of the Munich Police Force in May of nineteen nineteen. And he's fresh back from commanding a regiment in World War One at this point, and as soon as he's put in, you know, in charge of the police force, he sets to work not just crushing Marxism but doing everything he hand to encourage the growth of the radical right in Munich. Now the radical right, there were a number of different parties at this period, but the one that would come to dominate the Munich far right scene was of course the National Socialist German Workers Party the n s d a P. They were founded in February of nineteen twenty by a fellow named Anton Drexler. A lot of people don't know this. Hitler didn't start the Nazi Party. He wasn't involved at the very beginning. It was a locksmith named Drexler who had been involved previously in a bunch of other fanatical nationalist parties. Now from the beginning the n s d a P. And they're not the Nazis at this point, nobody calls them that yet that that that takes for a while. Laters at this point called him the National Socialists or the n s d AP. Their goal initially was to be the party of the German middle class, and I think you'll remember that from our episode on Italy. Yep, Drexler sought robust social aid programs for arians. So he wanted socialism four arians, right, and he wanted anyone who was not to not be in his fucking country. That's that. Yeah. Now, at the onset, the National Socialists were a small and secretive group of about sixty people. Now, the reichs Wear, which is Germany's post war army, becomes immediately concerned with this small party, namely because they were afraid that it might have subversive or revolutionary goals. Right, the army is definitely more anti left than right, but they're concerned about anyone who might be a threat to order in this period. So they decided to send in a spy to look at this young starting party and figure out if it's a threat. And the spy they send is a young German corporal named Adolf Hitler. Like of of all the times, I mean like of So there's so much of world history that fascinates me. But this moment, this time, this time, the in between wars, this time is so interesting to me? U is it so interesting that we should take an ad break for a suspect. Yeah, you know who won't send Hitler in to infiltrate a radical political party and then become its head. Our sponsors, they will not. Our sponsors have never ordered Adolf Hitler to infiltrate of right wing political That for a fact, Absolutely certain. Yes, I'm a bastard for that transition. By the way, that was a great transition. What grows in the forest trees, Sure you know what else grows in the forest, our imagination, our sense of wonder, and our family bonds grow too, because when we disconnect from this and connect with this, we reconnect with each other. The forest is closer than you think. Find a forest near you and start exploring. I Discover the Forest dot Org, brought to you by the United States Forest Service and the AD Council. Conquer your New Year's resolution to be more productive with the Before Breakfast podcast. In each bite sized daily episode, time management and productivity expert Laura Vander Can teaches you how to make the most of your time both at work and at home. These are the practical suggestions you need to get more done with your day. 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The Stuff to Blow Your Mind podcast new episodes publish every Tuesday and Thursday, with bonus episodes on Saturdays. Listen to Stuff to Blow your Mind on the I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Oh my gosh, we have returned, and I am just loving talking about some old h bomb hittie hits h bomb. Yeah he uh here, here's what you could do. Here's what you can do for these people, which is some of the Uh well, I don't get into these Gussies anymore because it ridiculous, but um, help these people understand this party having the term socialists in it, but they're not so to list like yeah, yeah, help them understand net. It's just they're they're national socialists, which means which means they're they're kind of and in their conception that means that, like, we seek a socialist state for members of our race, so we want to and and some of that was just was just lies because the Germans a lot of stuff is happening here. For one thing, the left is very powerful in Germany during this point. The Communists are beating the Nazis for the most part in elections for most of this history. So and they're both competing for people who have been radicalized, like we talked about last time, people who have accepted that the system is fucked, a lot of them can go left or right. So the Nazis have to be reaching out to the workers have to be trying to recruit from that. And there's also you know, you are talking about a period of time in which the German economy is it's like five point seven billion marks to the dollar, Like Germany is a nation of trillionaires who can't afford food. So you have to be able to speak to these people in promise them some sort of aid. And that was a big part. And and the way basically the left is like everybody deserves to be taken care of. We need to take money away from these We need to nationalize industries, we need to nationalize corporations, We need to give the means of production to workers. The Germans are basically like, we need to take money away from the Jews and businesses away from the Jews and give it to arians, right because of them. Yeah, the idea of like accepting the fact that, like you lost this war. I feel like that's what's so that this is part of what's interesting me about this season to this time in history, because it's like you couldn't get your brain around the fact that y'all just lost, Like it just you lost. You drained your economy on a war that you shouldn't have been in the first place. Again, nothing that sounds similar to this country today exactly. Just hey, bro, you take it on a chance you lost, you know what I'm saying, Let's figure this out. Were you looking for, Like, well, we just lost because of them? Like well anyway, Yeah, none of this is familiar. And it's also when we're talking about sort of socialism within the Nazis. One thing people do need to understand is that in the early period, and this hasn't even really evolved yet in the episode we're talking about, this is more in like the later twenties, there's a left wing and a right wing of the Nazi Party. There are Nazis who are anti capitalist. The Night of Long Knives is the right wing of the Nazi Party, which is the dominant chunk of the party, murdering all of those. Which is not to say that the left wing of the Nazi Party weren't a bunch of hideous racist monsters. They were, um, they just believed slightly different things and were then murdered, right Like, that's that's what the Night of Long Knives was, was a purging of the kind of more socialist elements within the Nazi Party that they needed to kind of get into power and get enough workers behind them that they could you know, um, take the streets. Um. So again, a lot of chairman, his political history is incredibly complicated in this period, so much is going on. Um And again, like people who are convinced that the system needs to be destroyed will often have some stuff in common with each other, which is why you do see Nazis and communists on a couple of occasions, like fight together against police in the state, not because they agree with each other, but because they agree on the fact that the state is ship. Um. You know, it's it's a very messy time because everything is falling apart. Again, I'm sure Americans can identify with that. Um. So. Yeah, this Hitler's you know, commanding officer sends him to infiltrate this far right group and learn if it's like a threat to the German government, which I think you have to count as like one of the worst decisions ever made, like calculation, and I don't know if anything's ever backfired more than be like, we don't want to we we want to make sure these guys don't overthrow the government. Send Hitler and the check out him. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah. Mostly underestimated big it. So Hitler at the time was an angry young man, still suffering from his war injuries. He'd been pretty badly messed up at the front, and he'd been at the front for about four straight years. So he's he's riddled with PTSD and physically injured, and he's adrift in a nation on the verge of collapse. The economy is in free fall. People don't have jobs, and Hitler's kind of One of the reasons he does this is he's desperate to not get kicked out of the military. Most soldiers are released from the military after the war. He hangs onto his job for a while and this is how and he needs the fucking money, right, so he takes this gig. He goes in and shows up at a meeting or two of the Nazi Party, and he finds himself kind of enthralled by the group's discussions. Now, one of the party's early members was a fellow named Dietrich Eckert. Now. Eckert was an anti Semitic poet, and most historians consider him to be the spiritual founder of the Nazi Party. Hitler himself, in some private writings, described Eckert as the spiritual founder of Nazism. Now Eckert was all about nationalism and saving Germany from the Jewish menace that he believed had lost the war for her bereft of a Kaiser, Dietrich became convinced that an Aryan hero was needed to save the German race, and he spent a lot of his time thinking about who that hero might be. And I'm gonna quote Dietrich here. This is talking about like what he believes is necessary to save Germany. Yeah, the rabble has to be scared shitless. I can't use an officer, by which he means a military officer. The people no longer have any respect for them. Best of all would be a worker who's got his mouth in the right place. He doesn't need much intelligence. Politics is the stupidest business in the world, right, I mean, politics is the stupidest posiness. Yeah, you have to see Eckard is in a lot of ways one of the most effective and like political thinkers of all time, he's absolutely right about how to take over German Democratcsy. It's a seats the plan works. Yeah, he turns out he was right. Yeah. Now, during one early Nazi party meeting, a professor got up and made an impassioned argument about why Bavaria needed to seceed from Germany. Hitler got enraged by this, and he starts screaming at this professor and he's so eloquent in his arguments about like why Germany needs to stay together that like everyone who's there is just struck by his his skill as a speaker. Um, And this professor actually like flees the room in shame because he can't like argue against Hitler. And yeah, this convinces all of the party leaders at the time that Hitler had a future as an orator, that he could be like a big voice for spreading the party's propaganda. So they start having Hitler gift speeches and they're right, Like he's able to draw a crowd. That guy is a good public speaker. He gets better and better about it over time, and in short order he's the most prominent member of the National Socialist Party and soon it's figurehead. Now, the Nazis grew quickly at this point, drawing in other disaffected veterans like Herman Gearing and Rome. Now, Rome had been a stormtrooper, and he's a really interesting guy. He's one of the members who's purged in the Night of Long Knives. So he had in World War One been like a Special Forces guy, an elite assault trooper. He's covered head to toe in scars. His nickname because he has so many connections in the military. He's able to get like heavy machine guns for these militias and stuff like have them smuggled out illegally from the army to these right wing groups. They call him the machine Gun King, which is an objectively cool nickname. The Rome is a terrifying person um and and it's just like a like and if you want to think about his the way he's seen by a lot of the radical right at this point point in Germany, think about a guy like Chris Kyle, right, the American Sniper, how Republicans talk about him. Rome was that sort of legend. He's just this this absolute legendary brawler, warrior brawler. He's also very almost openly gay, which is why he's murdered in the light night of Long Knives, right is because like Hitler doesn't want kind of bad pr He's a very interesting guy. Um yeah, he's a tough He's a tough and that's like a huge factor in you know there there again we talked about all these kind of countercultural movements coming together. You see versions of this within the Proud Boys too, right, like where and that's a big part of Like at the time, what you know, Rome sexuality wasn't something that they advertised. Now it is kind of an advertising point where it's like, hey, we're not white nationalists, Like look, you know our leaders, this our leader is like a black guy. We've got all these gay people, like, we couldn't possibly be fascists. And it's like no, no, no. The fascists have had always at the start a lot of different people represented as long as they're violent. Now, once they get into power, they murder those people. Rome doesn't last after Hitler gets into power. No, no, no, But Hitler's happy to be his friend when he needs him to beat people up. The Finesse on that kid, Hitler, man, it's just that the Finesse is ridiculous, Like yeah, yeah, you can't finesse is ridiculous. Anyway, Hitler starts attracting these war heres because Garing is also herman. Garring is like a fighter ace and he's very handsome as a young man, like everyone knows, like the obese heroin addicted Garing that like you know, gets caricatured. But he's a young man. He's this like very handsome, prominent look like he looks like a movie star. And he's a legendary fighter pilot. You've got Ernst Rome, who's just like tough as nails. And all of these like war heroes start joining the Nazi ranks, which of course brings in more guys from the far right because you've got as a young man. Yeah, you need a young one. Now I'm looking at young one. This dude's handsome, young herman Gary, drop the league. Yeah, I'll show you a picture of him. I'll show you a picture of him. Drop that into chet. You know what I'm saying. We're gonna agree to disagree on this one. This is a point to motherfucker looking like no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm gonna throw. I'm gonna throw like an ugly lego loss from one of the rings. Well, got it. Well you gotta type those over there? So I mean no, I don't ugly. Okay, chat picture of them? Okay, hold up this the same picture I was looking at. Yes, this is not an attractive man. He looks like he looks like a young bing Crosby. Yo. That's a little bit of you know what I'm saying, little Matthew McConaughey. Jaw, Yeah, you know what I'm saying. It's traditionally I I don't want to get caught into the talking about how hot Herman Garring used to be. He's still a monster. He is, he's he is seen as being an attractive young wars here traditionally attractive, recording to Western standard. Also, half of the men in Germany in this period have had their faces blown off. So it's the bar is not as hot. Um, it's like Ricketts. Yet it's no for me, dog Okay, well good does not think Herman Garring is hot. Well, that's a T shirt right there on the motherfucking record we needed need to know. Let's get two sets of T shirts out. Team Herman Garring was fuckable and Team Herman Garring wasn't fuckable yet Sophie, can we get can we get t public on that? Is that a good idea? I'm sure, but I don't know. It's just just a picture of herman garring and DTF questions. Uh, that might not go over well for us. It's all bad, so uh Yeah, they start to draw in a lot of like because they've got all these war heroes, they start to draw in a lot of other people on the right who had idolized these men's soldiers who you know, these guys have been their heroes in the trenches, and also younger men who hadn't been old enough to fight in the war. But we're drawn to wanting to be in the company of these legends, guys like Heinrich Hemmler. Right, he sees all these heroes joining the Nazis. He never got to fight in the war, so he joins the Nazis. Now Hitler's give speech after speech after speech, and while he's doing this, Dietrich Eckert is helping Hitler mold his public appearance and create what came to be known as the Hitler myth. And this is the idea that Hitler was not just a politician, but he kind of supernaturally embodied the spirit of the German people and was their defender against their racial enemies. Eckert is the architect of this idea, which is the core of like what became It comes like the fewer principle, like the center of Nazism. Now, one of Eckert's main points was that a new German revolution was necessary. The nineteen eighteen revolution, he felt, which is like the socialist revolution that takes a Remunich, had failed because it was soulless and Jewish. Eckert wanted a revolution, but he wanted a revolution that was led by someone he crafted, namely hitler Um, that could lead the German people into freedom and wipe away the stain of defeat in World War One. Now, of course, the Nazis were opposed even from an early period, as they always are, by the left, namely socialists and communists. In this period, and this is before the birth of German anti fascism asm as a movement. There are people fighting fascism, but like the idea of like antifa as we know it like comes out of Germany like a decade later than this or so um that hasn't really evolved yet, and there anti fascism in Germany in this period is at a more primitive level than it is in say Italy. Right, Um, so there are but they are still opposing the Nazis, and there are frequent fights at Nazi party rallies. Communists and socialists will show up at beer halls where Nazis are meeting and like try to beat the ship out of these guys, and the Nazis will do the same thing at left wing gatherings. All everything, every political thing in Munich happens at a beer hall. And you do have to assume that everyone but Hitler has wasted it pretty much all the time. Hitler's not much of a drinker. Everybody else is just fucking man. How come like as unstable as the world is like at this time, Matt, you know, I wonder if we would have much more people entering into political discourse if they fought the way that these people fight, y'all just drinking scrap, Like could you imagine that that like our party, I know, our parliament in the sevent was like this, you know what I'm saying, eight Hunt, It's we used to actually scrap, you know what I'm saying. But like these dudes like like you you talking. It's so funny because it's like it's this is hood ship. This sounds like gangbanging, Like y'all pulling up. It's like, Yo, you left this, yeah, and n I'm left this. What's what's? What's what I'm saying? It's like you flashing signs at each other, y'all. Y'are politicians. Y'are politicians. You know what I'm saying? Like what that's so that's what I think again, that's going back to what I mean by like we don't have we don't have categories for it is their officials fight. Yeah, that's crazy to me. M yeah, they are like like and this is a lot of these guys are like kind of not elected, like elected leaders do get into fights and stuff. This. Yeah, a lot of these guys are just sort of like campaigning and a lot of it happens via street fighting, and it's it's ugly ship. People are being gunned down and stabbed and beating um like it's nasty stuff. And in fact it gets so n see that not only does like Hitler start carrying a whip and a handgun so that he can like slash people's faces open during barbawls, but the Nazis, in order to like defend their meetings, develop a powerful and organized street fighting arm uh. These guys are called the Storm Abtai Lung or the Storm Division, and they were created an early nineteen twenty as a hall protection force, like a beer hall protection force, for like the meetings that the party would hold in Munich. Now, in addition to having like a bunch of guys who would show up to like crackheads and fight communists, they also opened a sports and gymnastics wing which started training their men in boxing, jiu jitsu and exercise. And you see the same thing with modern fascist there's a lot of fascist and neo Nazi m M A. Jim's a strong like lifting culture among them, like the Rise Against movement, who are a big part of Charlottesville Unite the Right in Charlotte'sville. Like you know that that the idea of like Nazis loving to get into jiu jitsu. Nothing against jiu jitsu, it's rad as hell, but like the fact that they've been into it that goes back a century. Doug Man, I'll tell you what bro like, Yeah, it's been playing times where I'm like I just man, I just do some like somebody like metasthetics like plio metrics stuff. Man, I'm not going to these gyms just just like you just feel like it's just full of these like buck boys, you know what I'm saying. And now it makes sense. It's like, yeah, there's a history of this. Yeah, there's a history which is like there's also some pretty rad you know, anti fascist like m m A gyms and stuff out there. Yeah, because I think it's important to train people who aren't Nazis and how to defend themselves against But there's a long history of like there's a there's a huge like fascist m m A fighting like network in Eastern Europe, particularly in Ukraine. Like they'll have these big conventions and and competitions and stuff like it's a big part of that kind of culture. Um. Yeah, so that you know that starts with the Nazis in this period. Um, they're doing jiu jitsu in nineteen fucking twenty, so that's kind And the Stormtrooper catchphrase in this period was a very subtle death to the Jews. So not great at keeping a lid on what they're about, you know. Now in nineteen Herman Garring was promoted to lead the storm moub Tailung, hereafter known as the essay. These are the guys that come to be known as the brown Shirts. Now, by that point, his men had spent much of the last two years and by being a steady diet of race hatred and revolutionary fascist propaganda. Wilhelm Bruckner, who was the head of the Munich Stormtroopers, told Hitler that year that very soon Hitler would be unable to restrain his men from doing something. And what Bruckner was warning about is the same thing we saw in Washington, d C. On the sixth. If you have this movement of young men that you gin up with conspiracies about child eating pedophiles and the globalist destruction of their race and nation, which is exactly the kind of a lot of the ship the Nazis are learning hearing this period is like q and on ship right, very similar. If you if you get a bunch of angry, violent young men obsessed with weaponry focused on that ship for years, they will demand to go shed blood to stop it at some point and you won't be able to stop them. And kind of one of the areas where you know Trump fucked up is he didn't do anything with them cohesive, because I don't think he ever had much of a cohesive plan. So they raided the capital and caused a crackdown on themselves. It's beyond him now, yeah, it's beyond him. Now. Hitler doesn't let it get beyond him. He realizes this is happening and that action needs to be taken now. For a while he was able to kind of burn out this excess energy among his street fighters by having them go after journalists and newspaper offices, having them tear down political propaganda and beat up left wing canvassers in the streets. So he has them assaulting his enemies and part to just try to get off this excess energy so they don't blow up and like tip their hand too early. And of course all of the fighting and violence in the street they're doing is very illegal under under German law at the time. But the police president Powner, who we've talked about earlier, ensured the Nazis faced few consequences. And I'm gon quote from McGee's article on the Munich political police. At this point, the debt with which the Nazi movement owed Powner was real. As police president, Powner extended a sheltering hand to protect the activities of the nascent Nazi movement. In doing so, he ensured its survival and gave it an opportunity for future growth. This passive image, however, does little to convey the full dimensions of Powner's commitment to both the radical right in general and Nazis in particular. As a key figure in Bavarian politics during the post war period, Powner actively aided the Volcush movement and occupied a central position in its highest councils. And the Vocish movement is like all these ideas about the Aryan race and the German people that kind of feed into Nazism. I mean they had like that judges. Yeah, we'll be talking about the judges. Becomes a judge. He's becomes a judge. Yeah yeah, these will sitting in court with their legs all the way up, feet cross like yeah, yeah, go ahead. Yeah. For an example of how biased he was, at one point during his time as the chief of police in Munich, Powner is asked if he realizes the Nazis are murdering people in the streets of Bavaria, and he replies yes, but far too few of them. So now, as an aside, unrelated to anything we're talking about at present, we now know that at least twenty eight police officers were present for the storming of the capital on January six. Um. I should note that in two thousand eighteen, after a series of dueling protests in Portland between left and right wing demonstrators that ended with police assaulting and hospitalizing a left wing activist, internal planning documents from the police revealed that they viewed the fascist activists as quote much more mainstream than the anti fascists. There's a long through line, you know. Yeah, yeah, that mainstream has quite a subtext. It sure does, sure does. Probably so by nineteen three, the thrill of beating the ship out of their enemies in the streets was wearing thin for the storm Abtai Lung. Now roughly two thirds of the Nazi Party membership was under the age of thirty one at this point. The is our young men who want to drink and fight and revolt against the liberals and Jews they see is ruining their country. Right, Um, they look a lot like the Proud Boys. It's a group of like macho, like testosterone loaded young men who drink and probably do a lot of like the Proud Boys do a lot of cocaine. I'm guessing a lot of these guys are on blow too, you know, not uncommon in Germany in that period. So Hitler was super on board with getting these guys into the fight do largely to what he and the rest of the world had watched Benito Mussolini's Black Shirts do in Italy the year before, Because again the March on Rome is the year before Hitler does his beer hall punch. Twenty three is the beer hall punch. And I'm gonna quote now from a book called The Trial of Adolf Hitler by David King, and that he's this is Hitler talking at first. If a German Mussolini is given to Germany, Hitler said to a journalist for London's Daily Mail on the eve of the push, people would fall down on their knees and worship him more than Mussolini has ever been worshiped. This journalist was unimpressed. In private, he dismissed Hitler as another hot air merchant. But Hitler had in fact decided to follow in the Fascist footsteps and march on Berlin. The original plan had been to strike on Saturday night, November ten. This was, after all, the weekend, which Hitler believed was the best time for a revolution. Authorities would be away from their desks, police would be reduced to a minimal staff, and the lighter traffic would not impede on the movement of his trucks and troops. So Hitler becomes convinced after seeing Mussolini that like, not only did Missolini have some great ideas, but this will work even better in Germany, um, because we kind of have more of an authoritarian culture. Italy when Mussolini took over, had a much longer democratic Germany a lot more authoritarianism. Hitler's like, if I present myself the way Mussolini did, I'll be even more powerful. People will join me on the road to Berlin, and we'll take over the whole country. Now, oh my gosh, h Yeah he's not. I mean, he was wrong in this instance, but not overall. There's an interest thing like um even with that like Germans like at the time, propensity towards like authoritarian like I still think even and and then their their assualted is towards Catholicism when I think about their like Protestant movement um being so informed by sort of like reform Calvinist thought like this, this idea that like humans are so depraved at their core because of sin. You know what I'm saying, Like, you can't trust them to make good choices for themselves. So you need a strong man in the same way that Jesus was your strong man. You know what I'm saying, to make to make these answers, to choose these for you, because I mean, you're full of sin nature, So why would we trust what you would vote for yourselves. No, you need a guy. You need a guy, a dude in charge that can tell you what's better for you because you can't trust your own instincts. And and that that theological twist to me, it's like it adds to the mythos of how somebody like a good, smooth talking Hitler could convince this nation who already got got authoritarian tendencies. Now you add in this like this like theological worldview to it, it's just like it's just gonna work. It does is gonna work. The products and services that support this podcast, Oh yeah, that is going to totally deprave my Wallet. They are absolutely going to march on Berlin and overthrow the Reichstag. Yes, I I think that's been te public school from the beginning. Adoption of teens from foster care is a topic not enough people know about, and we're here to change that. 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Dot Org brought to you by the United States Forest Service and the ad Council. We're back. So now Hitler knows he wants to march on Berlin. He wants to do a Mussolini but better. But he's he's had a dumb guy. He realizes that he alone doesn't have a big enough name to successfully push Bavaria. He's very popular within Munich and the Munich right, he's not a national figure at this point, so he has to enlist the help of a national figure, and he picked someone he had idolized, General Eric Ludendorff. Now, the old General had already tried to take over the government once before, right after World War One um and had failed at that, but he hadn't really been punished because you know, he was the war hero. He's Ludendorff, he was the architect of the victory over Russia. Uh. He was just very beloved and he was a massive figure for the right wing, revered and respected. For his part, the old Field Marshal had spent his declining years becoming an increasingly massive racist and conspiracy theorist and mostly pushing the stab in the back narrative blaming the loss in World War One on the Jews all that stuff. You could see him as like a General Flynn figure. Um, he's he's this very popular among the far right general who shacks up with this far right political Now. The big difference is that General Flynn has been like profoundly loyal to Donald Trump, and Ludendorff just kind of saw Hitler as a vector for which he could, you know, push his kind of fringe right wing politics became more storm and Norman sports cough head ass yeah a little, yeah. I mean he's not that yeah, yeah, he's not like he's not like, um, loyal to Hitler, but he sees Hitler as a guy he can use, and Hitler sees Ludendorff as a guy he can use. I feel like in that that exact sentence is like was the dagger for almost all a political parties, y'all thoughts I could uses man like he wasn't. Yeah anyway, yeah, I mean. And so Hitler goes to Ludendorf and is like, hey, I want to overthrow the government. I want to be the dictator, and I want to have you be basically like running the country with me. You'll be in charge of the army and together will bring Germany back to greatness, and Ludendorf gives a soft yes, the kind of yes that could mean, to know if like the police came to his door and he could say like, but he's like, yeah, if you do it, like come on board, I'll take over the army if you win, you know, like that's the kind of yes. Ludendorf gives him um, but he's he's he's on board as long as he doesn't have to stick his neck out too much. Is kind of like Ludendorf's attitude towards this. So the initial plan for the putsch is November ten, but they wound up pushing it up by two days kind of at the last minute, the Thursday, November eight, because Gustav von Kar who's basically he's the General Commissar, he's basically like the governor of of of of Munich Um. He's giving a speech at the Burger brow Keller beer Hall, which is one of Munich's most prestigious places for people to drink heavily and do politics. Burger Carl Burger, the Burger Brownber Beer Hall. Yeah, man, we need to rename something like that because that's yeah, I would still around today. I think really. Yeah, yeah, So this is where the putsch actually starts. So Car is in charge in Munich, and he is He's been brought to power and what some would call a military coup. Um it was kind of a soft coup, but basically, after the liberal rolls had let the left seize the city and revolt, the military made sure that a strongman like Car wound up in charge after the you know, a year or so later, and Carr had vowed during his campaign to turn the city into a cell of law and order. Oh god, they keep saying that, keep saying that, which just keep saying law and order, but just you don't never happens never. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm gonna quote from author David King describing cars politics here. He welcomed right wing extremists to settle in the region, and many of them in turn joined the paramilitary societies emerging in the aftermath of the war and revolution. Car also organized many of these bands into a loose coalition called the Iron Waterweven or Citizens Militia that would soon surpass three hundred thousand men. Car would use this volunteer home guard and everything from law enforcement to border patrol. They were necessary, he said, like a fire brigade. So Carr builds this citizen militia, basically a private army of himself for his own, to crack down on the left. And Germany at this point is forbidden from having much of a real military. They're captive about a hundred thousand soldiers in the reichs Fair um. And this is a part of the Treaty of Versailles. And France realizes that Car is raising up thousands and thousands of private soldiers, and they complained that he's building a new German army, and he's forced to disband his militia. UM. Now this pisses off the far right, the fact that Car caves and cancels his militia and tells his guys to go home. Um. And a lot of them consider him like the fascist equivalent of a rhino at this point, you know, a republican and name only like they're like cars. Not really on the right. What he got cooked by the French yea Um. But he's still very popular with the center right, and he's seen as something of like a a resistance hero um among like the center right. So he's you know, he's not like popular on the fringe right, but he's popular on the middle right. So in October. Now, another thing that's happening at this period of time is, in August of nineteen twenty three, Gustav Stresseman is elected Chancellor of Germany. Um and right before he comes to power, the Germans had begged the Allies for a moratorium on reparations payments because the German economy is collapsing in this period and they just can't afford it. The French had refused to put in a moratorium on payments, and then in order to get money out of Germany that Germany wasn't sending, they invaded and occupied the Ruhr, which is Germany's industrial heartland. So Germany defaults on their payments after, like you know, before they invade the rule and like the fact that the French invade pisses off all of Germany and particularly the German right wing. Yeah so is this this again? Yeah, like a little little little human in his story here is like, yeah, so you guys knew chancellor because they had to write a whole new constitution, the rohole new constitution, got a new chancellor. They gotta payback Audisy. They destroyed for his war. They already feel salty about that, like, damn, I gotta I gotta clean it. I gotta pay for artists, you know what I'm saying, And in a like literally we're broke, Like God, damn it, we're broke, you know what I'm saying. So then and then for France to be like, oh, you gonna give me my money, They're like what money, Well, they don't have anything. What money? We don't have it. Yeah, we starved to death on turnips last winter, like we have nothing like you saw it. We lost. Damn man, we lost, and no we are like we got it. Yeah. And this this a lot of the anger at the Treaty of Versailles and the way the French are behaving gets pushed onto the German liberals, who like because their internationalists kind of like try to engage with the French, and Gustop stress him and gets elected. And one of the first things he does is he orders the end of a general strike against the French and the RU and he starts resuming reparations payments and this enrages the right wing and so and stress him and knows it's going to so he has the President of the Reich to clear and emergency. The Bavarian government gets piste by this because they hate Stressman. They're all very conservative, he's a liberal, and they're like, basically, this guy has been cucked by the French, and they declare Bavaria to close its own state of emergency. Now, the decision to do that was made by the Triumvirate that ruled Bavaria, which consisted of von Kar General von Lasso, who's in charge of the army in Bavaria, and the commander of the state police, a guy named Cisser I think. Now, this Triumvirate had publicly refused a number of orders from Berlin as a show of protest and as red meat to their right wing base. So basically it's like a state in the United States refusing orders from the federal government because it's against what their political base wants. Um. And this is mostly for show, because yeah, this is mostly for show, um. Because like, the federal government has the ability to deny funds to Bavaria, right, which kind of fox them over. And so by early November, the Triumvirate is losing heart because they wanted to get red meat to their base and like improve their own personal popularity by saying fuck you to the central government. But they didn't want to pay consequences. So they're starting to cave by November. But most voters don't know that. And so when von Kar takes the stage at the burger Brow beer Hall on November eight, the really like a lot of people show up because they think he's about to announce that Bavaria is seceding from Germany. Um. Now Hitler knows that's not gonna happen. He knows that's very unlikely because Hitler sees von Kar is basically a moderate. But he also knows that a huge crowd, including all of the people running Bavaria, are going to be in the beer hall that night, which makes it a great place to occupy with armed men. If you're going to do a push, if you're pushing, you know, that's where you want to put this where you push the put. Yeah, this is the beer hall. The burger Brow beer Hall is the equivalent of the capital on January six. Here it's like where all these elected leaders are. If you want to actually capture these people, this is where you do it. Um. So he gets together his stormtrooper leaders and his key advisors, and they work with their police insider, who's a fellow named Frick. Because a lot of cops are Nazism. I'm not even gonna put like timeline on that. A lot of cops. Let's just let a little bit, okay cool, So Frick, this cop ensures that the police presence outside the beer hall is minimal. Like all of the guys running Bavaria are there, but they don't have very many cops protecting them, and that's by design to make it easier for the storm troopers. So Hitler sets yeah, I know another thing that has never happened again, yea. So Hitler's other lackeys, the guys who aren't like fighters, get set to the organizing propaganda. One man was set was like put to the job of organizing the distribution of posters and newspapers announcing the Nazi overthrow of the government. Hitler's half American friend, a guy named Hunt Stengele that are known as Putsy, who's like a Harvard graduate um, was in charge of making stir. The foreign press was there without knowing why they were there, because Puts a charmer, he's a he's a like an aristocrat. Guy. He's good at talking to people. He's good talking to like American media, so like the New York Times has a guy there on this night. Now, Hitler and his entourage show up at the beer hole uh that night, like as thousands of people are gathered up outside to get in to watch von Kar speak, and Hitler's immediately gets out of his I think it's a Mercedes, and he's immediately greeted by a crowd of three thousand people outside the hall because there is very popular in with the right in Munich. So he gets mobbed by this crowd who wanted to know if, like he knew what von Kar was going to speak about, is you know, are we going to succeed? What's happening? And Hitler's like, I'm just a guest. I'm here like the rest of you. And he goes inside to get a beer, and he doesn't get a beer because he wants to drink it. Hitler's not really a drinker right now, and then he'll he'll like down like um, some champagne or something. He's not much of a drinker. He has the beer because Garing has warned him, like, hey, we're going to try to overthrow the government. We don't want people to realize we're onto something early. If you're sitting in a beer hole in Munich with a beer, no one will suspect that you're planning to break the law because it's Munich. Um. So Hitler gets a beer and he's like kind of nursing it. Um and Car takes the podium. Now, car speech is boring and pointless, in a big bummer to everybody. He just starts like he's not succeeding. He starts a standard harangue about the evils of Marxism, about how Munich was going to fight the contagion and quintessential evil of socialism, pretty normal right wing stuff. Um And Hitler is reported to have asked his men during cars speech, does anyone understand what he's talking about? Like? What the fund is this guy doing up there? Him? Yeah, well this is going on while you know, Hitler and his kind of inner circle or watching Car speak, and this beer hall has got thousands of people in it. Hitler's stormtroopers are assembling nearby. Now, a twenty six year old cigar a dealer named Josef was the quartermaster. And so he basically like as the troops assembled, he starts handing out rifles and machine guns and grenades to several dozen of the Nazi Party's best fighters, the men of Stostrip Hitler or the Hitler Assault Squad. Now, these guys wore a gray military uniform with a silver Death's Head badge on their caps. The star Strup would wind up evolving into the shoot Staffle, which is the infamous SS right, Like, that's the the guys who, among other things, man the concentration camps. At this point, they're Hitler street fighters, um, and are responsible for protecting him and stuff. And these are the guys he's going to use to be the the armed fist of his push. Now, before the putch, Hitler had given his fighters a few suggestions for how to behave He had told them cruelty impresses, and don't leave a fight unless you're being carried out dead. God, these are disorders, screen light. Look you only had the only way you leave is in a bag. Yeah, these guys are sucking. Um. You know, he's a gangster. This is a gangster regime. A lot of people at the time, actually, like a lot of American newspapermen in the twenties and thirties will say this about the Nazis. These people are working gangsters. Yeah yeah, Now, a little before eight thirty pm, a hundred stormtroopers swarmed the premises of the Burger Brow and entered the beer hall, shouting Heil Hitler and waving guns. Herman Gering, who led the assault team, told the police officers outside that the government was being overthrown. The dozen or so cops there were easily overpowered. Garing and his men secured the building, and as he entered he called for quiet. Now everybody's drunk at this point, so they don't get quiet. So he has to shoot into the roof with his handgun. Then he liked basically hands things over to Hitler, who pulls off his trench coat to reveal a black suit with two iron crosses pinned to his lapel. And I'm gonna quote next from a right up by Douglas oh Linder. He jumped up on a table, pulled out a pistol, and fired two shots into the ceilings. The second guy who's fired into the ceiling that night, it keeps happening. It happened several more drinking guys and fired two shots into the ceiling silence, he yelled. Then Hitler and several supporters pushed their way to the front of the room and confronted speaker Car at the podium. Stormtroopers pointed a machine gun at the crowd. Many who were in the audience leader said that they suspected they were about to witness an assassination. Hitler shouted to the crowd, Then national revolution has begun. Six hundred armed men are occupying this hall. No one may leave. The governments of Bavaria and in Berlin have been overthrown. Army barracks and police headquarters are now under the control of this party. None of this was true, but Hitler hoped and suspected that it would be soon enough. Hitler then told car and two other important political leaders, General von Lasso and Colonel von Seisser, that they should join him in a side room for a conversation about Bavaria's future. After the men leave, Garing told the crowd, you all have your beer, keep drinking. You have nothing to worry about. It's gonna be fine. It's just a butch. Chill out, guys. Nobody has to die. Man, keep drinking. Just no I'm in charge. That's it. Yeah, we're in charge where the Nazis. It's fine, it's fine. So Hitler's goal was to convince the Triumvirate to back his plan. He wanted Bavaria's army units and police on his side. He doesn't want to fight these guys. His plan is to do a grander version of what Mussolini had done and start marching with ten's basically all of the right wingers in the military of Bavaria and start marching up to Berlin. And he imagines thousands of people are going to join them on the way, and once they reach Berlin, they're going to overthrow the liberal government easily in institute of fascist state run by Hitler and Ludendorff. And of course for that to happen, they can't get bogged down fighting the Bavarian state right now. Seisser, loss Ou and car were all pretty close to being fascists themselves. But these guys are all state loyal right, they're not revolutionaries. They don't want to overthrow the government. They want the government to change into a more right wing government. But they're not like bomb throwers like Hitler is um. So they didn't want to follow this weird little Nazi guy in open rebellion against the state. Now, Hitler tried to smooth talk them. He promised them cushy positions in the new regime. Car is a monarchist and Hitler tells him like, hey, man, I'm gonna bring back the King of Bavaria and you can be his envoy to the government. Isn't that like your dream? Um? Right? Yeah, So they risk this um Car and Lasso and everyone like they're not they're not on board with this, And before very long, Hitler did what Hitler's do, and he starts threatening to murder them at gunpoint. Now, Ludendorff, who like when the occupation of the beer hall starts, Ludendorff like some Nazi show up at his house and you're like, hey, you know that thing you kind of agreed to, we're doing it. Ludendorff like shows up and it's like, okay, I guess we'll see if this works. And he's kind of horrified by Hitler's behavior because Ludendorf is a he's like a classic imperial German manners dude, right, there are ways in which you, especially these people are nobles. You don't you don't point a gun in their face, right, Like that's very ghost and he's not. He doesn't like Hitler in a lot of ways because Hitler's a fucking, you know, kind of a peon to him, but he's not, you know, he's he's he's gotten acclimatized to being in high society. Hitler is very much crude, um damn. And Ludendorf is kind of like horrified by this, but he's he's still on board with the general plan because he wants to take over the government and institute the right wing military dictatorship. And eventually, now that once Ludendorff shows up to these guys, car And and Lasso and Sisser kind of agree to help the putsch and agree to like basically put the powers of the Bavarian state behind Hitler's push attempt. And they didn't really mean it, but a guy was threatening to murder them, so they're like, all right, yeah, yeah. Now, while this was happening, different armed groups of Nazis were out capturing key parts of the city. The Bavarian War Ministry was taken by Ernst Rome and his men, including young Heinrich Himler, and they proceeded to fortify it. Another group of four hundred stormtroopers was sent to take guns and equipment from the Army Engineer barracks. Now this is a very fun story because these Nazis all show up and the captain on duty who's like in charge of handing out guns and stuff. They're like, hey, we're here to do maneuvers. Can we borrow the guns? Um? And the captain realizes something is very fi she and it's like, you can use the guns, but you can't go on maneuvers outside. You got to show up inside and like the big gymnasium and then I'll hand you the guns there and you can do your maneuvers inside. And so all four hundred Nazis go into the gymnasium and he locks it from the outside. Brilliant, brilliant. Yeah here here, bro, Yeah, yeah, I got you us right here there, Yeah, right inside the door, I got you. Yeah. This guy's name should be remembered. His name is Captain Oscar Canceler, and he ruled. He he saves the German state that night. He definitely stays at least for a little while. You know, it didn't last, but he did his bit um. So the Nazis who were locked inside couldn't call Hitler to let him know they had the guns and we're ready to take part in the push. And Hitler was waiting for that call. Right, He's got teams going out and seizing places in the city, and he realizes, like, these dudes haven't called in from the barracks yet, right, something must be wrong. And this was a key part of his intricate plan. Uh and he knew. So this kind of puts Hitler in a bind. Um. He knew that the triumvirate were not enthusiastic about this plan, and if if he was going to keep them enthusiastic and like kind of forced them to be enthusiastic his men, And we're going to have to be in total control of the city, right, if he could, if he could really be in charge in Munich, they weren't going to fight him. They give the army the orders to go along with it, right because they don't want to die. But he's got to actually be in charge. And making his first critical mistake, Hitler desize it's necessary for him to leave the Burger Brow beer hall late that night to see what's going on at the Engineer barracks. And he leaves Ludendorff alone with the triumvirate. This is a bad call. Oh, So Hitler and his Nazis know these guys are captives. He knows that he's holding them against their will. He knows that if they're agreeing, it's they're not really that on board with the idea. Ludendorff again is kind of not being told the entire truth about what's happening, and he thinks these guys are fellow German patriots, right um. And he also thought they looked heared you know, it's been a long night. And he's like, do you guys want to go home and like take a nap or something, And they're like, yeah, we would like to go home. And he's like, bro, yeah, man, you guys are German officers. I, as a German officer, know that no German officer would ever lie. Give me your word of honor that you'll come back to help us finish the coup tomorrow. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll be back. What's time we'll be yeah, they say, of course we'll come back, of course. Bro, what's I what's I like? Tan? Yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll see you in the morning. Yeah. So some of the Nazis. There are Nazis in the room too, and they see Ludendorff doing this, they're like, dude, they're not gonna come back. And Ludendorff gets pissed at them, and he's like, I forbid anyone in this room from doubting the word of a German officer. How dare you? Yeah, when I was a kid, uh, you know, the like the clue you was about to get knocked out but robbed by somebody like hey, hey, hey, hey, I'll borrow you a phone right quick, let me use your phone. Yeah, Well you would look and be like, don't get that man your phone. Do not walk over there and get at mean, what are you talking my many? You just want to borrow my phone. Don't give him your phone? And what do you do? You keep walking bro like hey, hey man, come on, let me just use it right quick? No, man like like you know what do you what do you? What do you? What are you doing? What are you doing? Well? There it is now you're now you're sleeping. Hey, just put you to sleep, and your barefoot The guy just stole your shoes. I told you not to. Yeah, so that that's totally funny. Like the guys in room saying yeah. The boss is like, yeah, let him go take a nap, and the dudes are like, hey, I don't think that's a good idea. Man, you really think they're gonna come back? Like, I don't think they're gonna come back. Hey, boss, maybe you shouldn't let them leave you kind of seeing this why Ludendorff didn't win the war, right, like this good idea? Coach, Yeah, hey boss, this might not be the plan. So that is where we're gonna leave it in part one. General Ludendorff the genius of German military tactics. It's just let everyone go that he needs in order to make Germans don't lie, German officers don't lie. Um, I swear to you're coming back. I'll bring back. Yeah, absolutely tons of coffee. We're gonna we're gonna putch the hell out of this state. Give me a minute, Yeah, let me get a nap. Um prop you want to plug any plug doubles before we roll out and then man I do. Yeah, you can follow me on all the things. Proper hip hop got a podcast called The Politics will Prop that um given all the good takes, uh and UM I got some T shirts and music. A lot of music rolling out this year, so I can't wait to show you all that is like the highest quality. Like I wear his shirts all the time. Yeah, I try to. They're all they're all like, they're all like you know, uh, ethically sourced and recyclable material. Yeah. Yeah, So that's me highly recommend And you can find me somewhere on the internet if if you first told me in your heart, but only then, only if I am with you. You can follow me on Twitter. I'm underscore, Sophie Underscore. Why yeah, happy plugged for myself. You should and uh yeah, check out Sophie, check out prop find me in your heart and come back on Thursday to hear the thrilling conclusion of put put tabulous. There you go, Yes, but Sam, Yes, what girls in the forest our imagination and our family bonds. The forest is closer than you think. Find a forest near you and discover the forest dot Org. Brought to you by the United States Forest Service and the ad Council. Adoption of teams from foster care is a topic not enough people know about, and we're here to change that. I'm April Dinuity, host of the new podcast Navigating Adoption presented by adopt Us Kids. Each episode brings you compelling, real life adoption stories told by the families that lived them, with commentary from experts. Visit adopt us Kids dot org, slash podcast, or subscribe to Navigating Adoption presented by adopt Us Kids, brought to you by the U. 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