Robert sits down with the guys from Knowledge Fight to talk about what our old friend Alex Jones has been up to for the last few years.
Oh my gosh. Podcasts. What a thing to exist in the world. It's like the radio but forever. I'm Robert Evans and this is Behind the Bastards podcast. Bad people talk about him, YadA, YadA, YadA. You know the drill. Most of you have probably listened before, and if not, this episode will be completely baffling because today I have my buddies and my favorite podcasters. Uh Dan and Jordan's from the podcast Knowledge Fight. Dan Jordan's Hello years ago, many years ago, when my podcast was new and your podcast was like a year old. Um, I did Jesus um. We have four hundred episodes Behind the Bastards. It's wild how many of you guys put out Uh yeah, but we had so we did. Like um, I did a three partner on Alex Jones, which is how when I started dropping it, people were like, you need to listen to this podcast Knowledge Fight, and I did, and so I had you on to do a fourth episode about Alex um And then a couple of years went by and COVID happened, and we have not returned to Alex Jones on my show, but a lot has happened with the man is true, and I figured rather than try and write another two part about what's happened to alexin's I should have you do that because I'm a lazy man. And also I think it's fair to say at this point you know more about Alex Jones than any man alive, and Jordan's maybe knows the second most about Alex Jones. Jordan is blessed with a shorter memory, so he's forgotten about Alex Jones. You could say that I've forgotten more about Alex Jones than any man. A lot that is that is hard, hard to hard to argue with. I've now officially been in a room with Alex Jones, and that's very exciting. I would say that probably I know more about him than he does. That's so it doesn't feel good for for people who are maybe conf used if you are just jumping in Dan and Jordan's host stage. It used to be like three times a week. It's still occasionally is, but at least twice a week you'll put out episodes chronicling both Alex's present day adventures. Uh and also you'll go back like twenty years and you'll talk about like what he was doing on dates in like two thousand two, and you'll go through like whole hol Spiels there. Um you because of your unparalleled knowledge of Alex, uh wound up in contact with the lawyers, some of the lawyers who are representing the people who are suing him from myriad of terrible things that he has done. Yeah, I've been. I've been in contact with the folks for the Texas Sandy Hook lawsuits, the Mark Bankston, Bill Ogden, And part of that has been you were in the room while Alex was deposed in order to like potentially land you know whatever advice and stuff has did that did Did being in the same physical space as him? Did that influence at all kind of your thinking on him or how? Because you know it's got to be to to be this deep into somebody's life and then finally be in a room with them. Did that have any kind of impact I guess other than just like novelty, let me let me say that it was not as much as you might expect. I definitely had it built up in my head of like the moment he walks in the room, I'm gonna panic attack, like I I think I said it like even years ago on the podcast it's like, if I ever see him in public or see him anywhere, I'm just gonna throw up on something. I'm just gonna be so overwhelmed. And it wasn't really. It was just sort of like I liken it to like when I got my first tattoo, Like I thought it was going to be like, this is life changing, and as soon as I got it, I was like, this isn't that big of a deal, you know. And I feel like that was kind of how it was sitting there. But at the same time, it's like he's now a real person inasmuch as I have seen him. It's a little bit it's a little bit like the inverse of that never meet your heroes idiom, you know, where it's like, oh, every time you meet your heroes, it's going to be disappointing because they're not the larger than life figure that it's all. It's like, never meet your your foils, because they're they're just it's just an asshole in a room at the end of the day, you know. And I think that I think that most of the things I could take away from being there actually are just the same things you'd get from watching the deposition which is just like he doesn't know ship, he's making stuff up, he's angry, his body language is different. Congratulations. Yeah, so it wasn't as enlightening as maybe I'd hope. It wasn't as overwhelming. I think a big part of that is that he didn't recognize you. That's the exactly Yes. Yeah, so so Alex Jones just sees some bearded dude in there, and it's like, this is a new guy, not thinking like this guy has devoted his fucking last five years of his life to me. That would be weird. Like if somebody did that to me from my shows, I would know how to handle, like talking with them, whether they were positive or negative. I think I would be equally frightened. Like, I think someone doing that out of love is just as unsettling as the giving out of hat I think I'd probably rather talk to somebody who hated me, Yeah, because at least I get like that, right. Yeah, but you're like the voice in my head, the person who hates me might have some valid criticism. Yeah, um so shall we wait? Wait, wait, wait, where do you want to start here? Dan Well? I kin when when we discussed the idea of doing this I kind of thought about it, like we could talk for hours and hours if we wanted to get granular with stuff. Um, But I figured that since the last time we spoke, the three feel like the majorist things that have happened have been COVID obviously, January six and Ukraine, and so I wanted to hit on those topics and sort of get into a little bit of how those were covered on Alex's show. Uh, I've got some clips, dope, and then I imagine we'll chat about what's been going on in his legal world. Yes, yeah, although you guys, I also would would push people towards the episodes you've done. Somebody's having fun with a car where you are. It's true. I will also push people towards the episodes you guys have done with the lawyers who are going after Jones and just kind of chronicling the court cases because there's a lot of depth there. But yeah, let's start with what you want to do first, all right, Well, I figured we would dive into the beginnings of COVID nineteen back, you know, when we're talking about it as the coronavirus, the novel coronavirus, remember, um, those days it was when you when you make a friend and the first time you meet them, they give you like the name they use at work, but then you find out they've got like some sort of nickname that everyone calls them that's close to them, and you like divide your friendship up with them and like, oh, this is when you were Aaron, but now I know your your your ball hair, Billy or something like that. Yeah, you nailed That was the same way when he found out I was dB Cooper that Yeah, I still haven't gotten over how your ball hair. A lot of people don't know that, including the FBI, who was the primary audience of our podcasts. Oh you're in trouble. Yeah that sounds about right, all right, So yeah, let's let's start. So when COVID was just only in China, you remember these these these early days. One of the things that I think is really really fascinating to look back on because of how the world is now. Um. Early on, Alex had a very doom and gloom type of take about COVID. He he'd have Mike Adams come on the show regularly and say that it was over for human civilization. There will only be lone survivors they're gonna be scouring the land like it's fallout scraps was going to happen in weeks since it's I'm never because I remember fondly that period of like y'all covering Mike Adams and covering alex Um. It's always fascinating me as things have continued to get so much uglier in the world. How optimistic that is to think there's a level of stupidity where the world would just fall apart as opposed to like, we have this. We're like Mr Burns with all of those diseases that are in perfect balance, are stupid as a species and are smart as in such balance that like, even as everything careens towards a nightmare, we'll keep the We'll keep the fucking We'll keep the We'll keep it going. It's like a it's like a nineteen eighties Toyota Corolla. That's civilization. Like it's not comfortable or good, and it's always failing, but it keeps moving somehow. So your take on it is everyone becomes accountable within fifteen days is an optimistic side, because that means it's possible for us to funk this up enough that it ends and I don't know that it is did twenty eight days later and like, on an optimistic note, didn't it. I only watched the first movie, which did not it. Did it? They were in the they were in the mountains, and then they put up with those giant uh Swiss family Robinson signs, and then there was a plane that flew over and they were like, oh, we're going to say that zombies could fly plane. I guess I was saying, it's negative because it posits a world in which there are still there are still the British, which deeply unsettling future. Yeah, you would agree, Alex would agree with you. In two thousand three, he believes that the British are the biggest problem in the world. Um So, also, like early on in the pandemic, you would have Francis Boyle on all the time to make up stuff about these IRUs being a man made bioweapon, and these were kind of the the main thrusts of a lot of his his narratives. And was sorry, no, I mean that's just really gotten a opted by a lot of the broader right wing. That's true, that is true, but it's it it has kind of not really it's been tweaked by Alex in the present, whereas like back then, it was very extreme stuff about the virus. The virus was a man made bioweapon and that was what was going to kill you, whereas now it's like, well, no, it's a mild thing, but the vaccines are going to to kill you. You You know. It's it's it's shifted, and I think a lot of that is also where the right wing likes. But yeah, the man made bioweapon stuff. Alex was pretty pretty on the early tip um. So most of the stuff he was going on about at that point was really just in service of selling his survival food and his colloidal silver products that he was heavily implying and sometimes even saying could protect you from every virus like needed. He wasn't gonna he wasn't gonna say, like this cures covide, COVID, but it's a little dangerous, would say all viruses. That got him in trouble with it, it's amazing. Oh that did get him in trouble. Okay, Yeah, yeah, he got a season desist letter from the FTC, I believe, I mean, thank god they did something. Yeah, Hey, Letitia James, how about it? You got it, baby, and then Alex started calling her a demon. What are you gonna do? He had to stop selling his silver toothpaste and go to a charcoal toothpaste that his dad. That's a lateral move, I would suggest, and so he was, Okay, does the charcoal toothpaste do better at the COVID or did they just get sued out of making the silver toothpaste. He has never mentioned charcoal being a cure for COVID. That's good. He learned his lesson so like he was really trying to amplify and exaggerate stuff, and so he would take all these opportunities early on to take stories and misrepresent them, like about the death numbers. Like early February, he was going on about this regarding China massively downplaying their death numbers, coronavirus situation, and all these top biological weapons experts and and top scientists scanning the virus and saying it's man made. We've got to get ahead of this. And if you notice the virus number, I maybe we can punch those back up for a moment. Lare waiting for the president. The official World Health Organization says twenty eight thousand confirmed where I walked in here a few minutes ago. But the internal Chinese numbers that leaked and we're actually published in China by the People's Daily said two thousand dead yesterday. So what we think they're doing is they're just putting the number of dead as a number of infected. Think about it. Think about that. Yeah, that would be something it would be if he wasn't just sort of misrepresenting a meme that he had seen of some accidental misprint. But yeah, so he he was really trying to accelerate and increase the fear surrounding the virus because that was what was best for business. At the time. It was only over in China. There weren't cases being reported here, and so Alex was able to go all over the place at the beginning um and he had to because there was no real way to tell how it was going to land, and so he needed to. He needed to get started building a lot of things, like a lot of irons in the fire. He was big on the Wuhan lab leak theory early, but he was actually more convinced that the virus was made in a Canadian National Microbiology lab in Winnipeg, and then it was sent to Wuhan where it was released. There's probably a similar situation with like bioweapons and movies, where if you make one in Canada you get a bunch of tacks breaks. So sure, yeah, that that completely scans to me. I imagine you would make your bioweapons in the same place as you make X files for similar reasons. And now that we know about Trudeau being a tyrant, of course, yeah, absolutely his I mean obviously his main goal with the COVID bioweapon that he created was to once again burn down the White House, restoring Canada to its former glory. Have always been the enemy. I think we can all agree that on that that that's that's why we hired Garrison. Uh. You know, you gotta keep your enemies close. Yeah. Sorry, I was going to make an independent stage joke. The other thing too that Alex did that was really fun was that he um uh he got into for a couple of days the Umbrella Corporation conspiracy theory. There was that the logo of the guys from fucking Resident Yeah okay, yo, oh, there was somebody do you remember the person who tried to turn Raccoon City into like Okay, so if you anagram these words and Corona can add like two letters, it's Corona and also there you go. It's resident evil predictive program. I mean it was there all the time because one time, and that was Faucci. You have to like he Alex believes that, like the the evil globalist cabal, like sneak hints about the future in the media. Right, that's like a thing for him. They have to do that. Yeah, it's part of the It's part of the interdimensional contract the demons have with the with this this universe. You have to people have to give permission. It's extremely funny that like the demons would be like, all right, you can put together a plague that kills six million people, but you've got a signpost at twenty five years earlier in a video game for the PlayStation one. You've got you've got to put it somehow a hint to it in the cool Spot video game. The main problem is that fiddle contests went out of style, so nobody had any way to fight back against them. Yeah, I I we we will know that. Uh this is true. When it turns out the actual cure for COVID involved mixing a bunch of a bunch of herbs and solving a puzzle. You just couldn't get that puzzle solved. It could be that you need to put ebola in a jar with some booze. That is Mike Adams beliefs. All right, please continue. Alex misrepresented preprint studies that would later be retracted in order to prove that the virus had like telltale signs of human creation. But one of the theories he was pushing hard early on that he has intentionally forgotten about sense was that the virus was a race specific bioweapon. This bio attack is race specific, targeting specifically Chinese military age males, and then almost all the people infected in almost all of those dying are males. Yeah, So, early on, because the virus was predominantly in China, Alex was pitching this narrative that it was a race if a bioweapon, They're all kinds of theories about like what the point of it would have been. And I want to remind people that Alex is always right of the time, and when he's saying you can find it on Twitter. Plenty of people they will point out that, hey, listen, whatever you say about his politics, his predictions are always accurate. It's like the Joe Rogan crew keeps saying that, and it's like, yeah, he was saying they were going to kill every military age Chinese man with a plague. It's and it's interesting because like at this stage he's saying that it's like a NATO kind of conspiracy against China. Basically, well, he kind of thinks it's the globalists and maybe they're doing it because China sends fentanol to the United States and so it's like payback or there was a period of time where he was thinking that maybe it was that China wanted to decrease their population, so they did it to themselves. Yeah, that was that was an interesting take. His atitude on China is always so mixed because it's both like they're the ultimate you know, enemy because communism, but also like they don't like gay people and you know, you have to respect you know that they do this thing or that thing. Like he's he weirdly goes back and forth on China, and he also appreciates that they don't like Muslims. But then whatever it loves Seking for him, he will bring up how they're pressing the weakers, Yeah, and try and score points off it because he's a piece of ship. Yeah, at least like the weird tankis are consistent on that point, as opposed to Alex just kind of wishy washing back and forth depending on whether or not they're doing something shitty he likes. Yeah, So I brought along another clip about the race specific bioweapon, and it's just sort of like Alex explaining why that might happen in China, but it's serious and they're covering up what's really going on. And it's just incredible to me that it is so obviously a bio weapon, and that it's so obviously ray specific on record for Chinese men. I mean, it's so specific. The Chinese genome is so close. Only other group maybe is closely related for a large population is Koreans what, And so yeah, they're made for if you don't want to use one, a ray specific bio weapon that say, kills a mongrel, which we think it was a bad terms term syathetically being able to fend off against things rights a pure breeds easier. And so look at British royalty and people, they're very sickly, they're very mentally ill. I'm not knocking Chinese folks. So they're real smart and got some great aviates, but on average, there's problems with being in bread. What yea, this feels great for me. Listen, here's why this feels great for me. And I just need I just need the world to hear this as much as possible. The number one we complain we get about our show is me being too loud and and screeching and such. But it's a reason. How are you to that like that? No, I mean, if you're a giant racist, it is to your advantage to think a land mass and country as large as China, with the history it has, is only Han Chinese people. There's no other Yeah, and like a single family of as opposed to like, no, there's like it's an incredibly diverse there's all kinds of different like Lanna, no, no, you don't understand. She Huang the murdered everybody that wasn't him, and now that's China. I wonder how much of this is like people miss hearing kind of the statistic about like how many folks descended from Genghis Khan and being like, oh, they're all related. No, that's not No, that's not the case. No, I think I think that could be part of it. I think it's also a generous explanation. Yeah, yeah, that's very that That is me being like, he's not just being racist because he thinks everyone looks the same from a matt like like a fifth of the planet's surface. Yes, yeah, correct, that's the that's the take I have. Well, that's what Alex is operating off of. Honestly, guys, that is We've we've covered a lot of like professional racists, like Alex is professionally like Alex is racist and does other things professionally. We've covered a lot of guys who are like professionally racist, And this is one of the most racist things we've ever heard on the show. That was quite It is so surreal to hear that because at this point, I mean that that to me is like a relatively milder version of where it can go. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like George Lincoln Rockwell would have been like, well, this is just factually wrong. Robert Ford would have been like, this is factually wrong. Yeah, oh god, yeah, so he he has abandoned narrative now obviously for obvious reason. I mean, I assume because Americans have such a high death toll, it would be very hard to Yeah, I think. I think once the virus spread to a lot more countries than China, this kind of narrative became really silly, and it became really transparent that it was based in sort of a racist idea, and he moved on. UM. But early on, there were a number of things that I think we're really funny, uh, that I have to bring to the attention of a wider audience. UM. And one of them is that early on Alex had read headline, he had misread a headline about Faucci, and he thought that Faucci was on his team and like he was Trump's science guy and he was going to be helping expose the the COVID conspiracies. And so here's what Alex said on February eighth about Faucci. Now, let's look at the facts. The president from his medical spokesperson, who's very respected. I made a lot of calls about Ucine the last few months. I knew who he was, and I say, he's very respected. A quote legend, He's a legend. He's a legend. And that's so that's Steve Pochenic right what to Cornell at the same time as Dr Foucher. There's a good chance, Yeah, there's a good chance that that's the influence. Who's telling Alex he's for folks who don't know. Steve Pachenk is a former State Department guy who probably helped assassinate the former president of Italy, Aldo Moro. Well, he was the president a definitely helped kill the Italian president. It is of all the things that he has made up which are legion, yeah, the one thing that is true is he did help to kill the president of Italy and exactly. Mostly he mostly seems to lie about things in order to push a variety of confusing agendas on on Info Wars and elsewhere. And he um, he was. He's behind so many of Alex's like really troubling conspiracies, like he was deeply involved in the Sandy Hook stuff. He uh. He He ended up having a fight with Alex because he was insisting that the Loss Vegas shooting never happened. Um. And then eventually the election was where their relationship really took a turn for the worst because he was insisting that he and his buddies had water marked every ballot Alex North Korea, No, and and so that was too much, and so Steve is kind of kind of gone for now. But yeah, Alex thought that Facci was a legend and he was gonna be like on the patriot side, and now they wanna hang him in the streets. It's always nice to Yeah, that's one of the big values of your show is just pointing out consistently, like there's nothing consistent about the things the fact will claims that Alex makes like he's comprehensively a liar and the fabulous and it's all documented using nothing but his own show. Yeah. Yeah, the most important thing is expedients, nothing else, what's useful and quick exactly. Um. So this this next work is actually of the pre mentioned Steve Pochenic, because I think that when people write the history of COVID, this is going to be a really important thing for people to remember. Corona coronavirus coming in. We will be safe. I can guarantee is because I treated a patient a month ago was really the first case of the coronavirus before I was ever reported of a gentleman who met with a Chinese individual and got the pneumonia and he was treated with high doses of antibiotics. And I am to know this individual very well because that individual happens to be me, service and the attorney together. Yep, so Steve was patient zero in the energetic antibiotics. Yes, well that's that. I mean, this is critical. We have a lot of covid historians on the cast, so I'm glad we've gotten this out. It's this canon. It's really nice to know that we don't have to worry about the coronavirus. That it's gonna be okay, it's not gonna be a big problem. Um, I am. Let me travel back in time and tell myself that I won't be spending the next two years barely leaving my house because of the earth shattering plague. It will all be that. It is one of my favorite things to imagine Steve pogenic during any pandemic throughout history. Just explained to it. Listen, Alex, Tuberculosis shouldn't be called consumption. What I did is consume the virus. That's how it works. Um. We are going to continue on this, but first, you know who loves Steve Pachetik. Who's that the products and services support this podcast? Because they know, if the Italian government ever starts leaning a little bit to the left, Steve jen is gonna come in. He's gonna kill that motherfucking president Italy, and we're gonna keep those products flowing through the Italian countryside. You know, here's ads. Ah, We're back. So Steve got in the news recently, right, there was some ship Yeah what yeah, talk, Let's talk about this a second, because this was kind of a big story. Um. So, Clarence Thomas's wife, Jennie Thomas h during during the overthrow of the United States and when she was doing a little bit of light treason involved. Yeah, she was. She was texting as Supreme Court Justice of the United States. Uh, Steve Pochanic thoughts without question, and it was yeah, and it was about the watermarket. Was absolutely about the watermarkets being a perhaps legitimate way to to just invalidate the entire election head it all on blockchain. Absolutely, And then shortly after that it seems that Clarence Thomas was the only person who was like, overthrowing the government is fine, right, everybody's cool with that. Um does this does this suggest because you know, Stev p has been in the mix long enough that I could just see her having known him from from his State department days, because do you think she caught him on fucking from the from the Alex Jones show. I think his name rings out in conspiracy communities, like I think that he because of his importance on Alex's show and the way that Alex basically fraudulently allowed him to make up whatever credentials he wanted. Um, he became pretty big within a subsection of the conspiracy world. So he has his own kind of sphere of influence that you probably found him through, and I think a lot of Q people are kind of gravitating to him. Also. Steve Pochenek, despite the fact that Tom Clancy wrote the first Jack Ryan novel several years before their partnership, again, insists that Jack Ryan is based entirely upon his life. That sounds right, Yeah, he did. He That's also a weird thing about Steve, as he had a partnership with Tom Clancy for a period of time for The Net Force. The Net Force novels not necessarily a adult franchise. They also were ghost written by somebody else hasn't written a novel for forty years. Let's just be mean. The Net Force stories were nearly as accurate as Shatner's Tech war novels, which is quite accurate. Oh, what's really funny about tech warf I'm remembering correctly. They basically like future detective stories. But the primary, the center of every book is that this guy is incredibly divorced and keeps having custody backs. Really funny. What's what's great about that is that is almost borderline similar to Isaac as Amos the Caves of Steel novels. You love to see it just nothing like a divorced dude write in the book. Let's let's get Elon Musk to write a sci fi novel that'll be that. That would be a hoot. Let's not. Um okay, so let's move on. Sure. Um. So, as we were leaving off, we're getting sort of to the point where cases are starting to rise in the United States, And at that point things had to change because the narratives that Alex were building at that point they weren't possible to sustain in an environment of sustained spread in multiple countries. People who aren't Chinese would be catching the virus, and there goes the race specificative. For instance, plus Alex doesn't want actual panic. He wants people to be on the edge of panic, but still somewhat able to keep living in normal life so they can afford to buy his products. Making the audience directly interrationally afraid of the virus would make them more likely to take public health guidance. Seriously, it wouldn't be good for Alex's market, So the main emphasis was always to use the virus to push fear about something else. The virus was meant for the globalists to push forced vaccinations. People wearing masks was to train people for the coming martial law. Social distancing was to force people to vote remotely, which would allow Democrats to steal the election. These were the kind of ways that the tentacles grew out from the base of where the narratives began. Yeah, what I would even argue is because we did go back and look at when the Abula outbreak happened in the United States, and Alex was treating the initial days exactly the same way he did with the Abula outbreak, the only difference being, of course, that it was handled appropriately instead of the response to the virus being overtaken by Jared Kushner and millions of people being sentenced to death. So it's a little bit different. A certain amount of luck and a certain amount of luck. Yes, so there was a point I couldn't tell if we had frozen. No, no, no, no, I was just I was just in agreement, but did not have anything to add at the Yeah, So there was actually even a point we met. We brought up Mike Adams, the health ranger earlier. There was actually a point where he was trying to pitch the idea that terrorists had infected the United States because they would get more virgins after they die if they infected a city. And here is him being a complete asshole. I don't know how many virgins these Islamic terrorists get for blowing themselves up, but there's probably bonus virgins out there if they in fact all of New York City or something with this virus. I don't know how their virginomics system works. You know, they're insane and they think they're going so's I I hate to admit this, but but I feel like this is a safe place. I kind of think the term virgin omics is is hilarious, and I may I may steal that, I may take that one. The next time I have to write about in cells. If you if you start talking about virgin omics, that's a brick and that's fair. That's fair. There's there's Reaganomics, there's freakonomics, and there's virgin omics. Everybody knows those are the three pillars of American society. And Reagan was a freaky virgin and he he for share was that is that is the face of a man who never fucked. Nancy told him it wasn't real. So everything was really sloppy, and if you were listening and paying attention to Alex's show back during these periods, it would be really hard to nail down what his position even was. And even if you did, it would have changed a bunch since then, Like it was constantly in flux, and it wasn't really ever. It's just you know it, it's become whatever the right wing thing is. Ye Iver Meckden is really huge, Uh, drop the chloroquin. Every single thing that you see just getting traction in the right wing media world is going to be something Alex is gonna flirt with for a while um and then if he likes it and it works, then he'll incorporate it. Yeah, it's it's almost like the idea of Alex being that, you know, his self professed tip of the spear or having any sort of leadership over the conspiracy theory community community was completely abdicated. I mean, and he's he's only been following since then. Well yeah, when he tries to lead, it ends up with like that Raccoon City. Yeah, that'll happen, or that time where he was briefly leading the assault on the Capitol before Bailey. We'll get to that here in a minute. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, but yeah, so like it, I think if you look at the early days of it's it's it's very interesting to see the ways that he floated these narratives and he had these things in place, and the circumstances forced him to change. Um. But there is one thing that I will always be thankful for, and it is this clip of Alex really just getting some deep insight from a caller about ways that you can keep yourself safe from COVID. My brother told me, I don't know where he got this from. It thought of it. They said, just remember, don't pop any bubble around because of the air comes from China. Oh my god, another good point. You know other good point, another good point that's you know what's nice about that is it's I'm not sure exactly how that's racist, but it is um. But it's also like it's the kind that's it's so dumb that you you can laugh at it, as opposed to like a lot of the particularly with all of them. I mean, I guess it does feed into a lot of the horrible anti Asian hate crimes and stuff. But I don't know, I I just can't. I just can't take seriously a guy who's so paranoid about China that he thinks the bubble wrap is full of deadly Chinese air like his brother told him about it. That is the kind of and and there have to have been He doesn't say this, but that conversation didn't happen without the aid of twenty to fifty keystones, right like that that was like enough a quant the bulk of a truck bed in keystone light is like enough to give you a buzz. Yeah, just just enough, just have to get you on the back of the a t V where you and two generations of your family die godless. I kind of felt like he might have been an ice guy like to take it up a notch. That's classier. Yea. So one of the things that I thought about when we were talking about doing this episode, uh and checking back in, was I don't want to track too much of like where things went after the kind of a little bit of the immediacy, because then we would just be we've kind to be here all day. Um. And so you know, that's kind of a picture of a bit of Alex's coverage of the coronavirus um and in a lot of ways, where it went is where everybody else went. True, So you already know you already know where it went. You've probably heard a lot of things you probably haven't heard about the race specific bioweapons that those Yeah, god awesome. So let's jump to January six. Then if we, uh, you mentioned Alex briefly leading the charge. Yeah, I mean leading is maybe a little bit strong of a word, but it's certainly like at the head of a crowd and then realizing that he was at the head of a crowd that was about to commit crimes and panicking. Would that be accurate? I think. I think when you have like a bunch of people who really want to overturn an election and you're chanting seventeen seventy six. Um, it does often, am ladies and gentlemen. I've just realized that I am going to be liable for whatever happens to me after this, So we need to leave this space entirely. This is a classic Yeah, I will be in trouble and you guys will be fine, and that is a problem. So what I wanted to start with is I wanted to look at the lead up to January six, UH and show some of these things that were happening, Like Alex was deeply involved in the various groups that would end up being at the Capitol, and some of them were potentially engaged in seditious conspiracies to stop the election from being certified. In November, Alex sent Owen Troyer on a barn storming tour up the East coast, stopping at a string of poorly attended stop the Steel rallies, ultimately culminating in the original rally in d C, the one that was prior to UH, the January six rally. At that point, it was abundantly clear that Alex's position was that the election had definitively been stolen by Biden, and so stealing it back was an appropriate act. They stole this rigor than Dallas in front of everybody. But hey, if you catch somebody in your house with the safe, or in your house with the computers, or in your house with a silverware and the family heirlooms, you have a right to take it back. Damn right you do. And so they are panicking. They're saying, have a coup against Trump. All over the news. They're saying he's insane, he's crazy because he's not gonna let them have this fifth ageptan coup against us. Separately, you've got my commitment to burn the candle in both instair Ladies and Joan, and we're fighting hard here. We need your financial support in full war store dot com bringing a caravan up here and flying here with the crew and all. We love you, we appreciate you, in full war store dot com. That's Pivot has done. Robert goddamn, I mean, is this what is his products and services? Listen, listen, you gotta overthrow the country and you gotta buy my ship. And it's not simple, it is. I gotta give the man credit. There's not there's there's things he's good at as a broadcaster, and that was that was a masterful ad pivot. He's good at saying briefly yeah, shifting entirely over to sales. He he's his powers for good. He could have moved a lot of dick pills. That's true. He did, Yeah, that's true. Um, the rob wh wife has given us the we have a tough report, a tough report from our whose wife. So you have the mentality there that the election has stolen and that it's ethical to steal it back, which I mean, you know, this is November, so these ideas are kind of percolating a little bit. That's I mean not. I mean that you hear that basic logic all over the right today where they the reason they accused the Left of having stolen the election is that it's covered to steal the next one, you know. Yeah. Yeah. And So at that time, though, when Alex was going to the rally in d C, I think that he expected it to go worse than it did. I kind of suspect that he thought that original Stop the Steel rally might have turned out like the January six rally did um, and it ended up being kind of mild although a couple of people did get stabbed, so I mean it was it was ugly in the streets, but it was not like a threat to the continuance of the demotrat cratic traditions of the country. I guess it was like a giant, ugly street fight in the sheets. Yeah. So, but I think that Alex was thinking it was going to be much huger, and so in the lead up he was doing a lot of like real doom talk like this, I've thought about doing this broadcast for twenty six plus years. You always think about what could be your last broadcast. I'm not saying this is my last broadcast, but I need to just let you know I need to explain something to you that I don't exaggerate any of this. Okay, most of the time it's worse than I'm telling you, And this could be our last broadcast. Next week could be. But the zone we're in right now, the internet kill switch they've got, they can hit tele communications as well, and we're in the prime zone for them to assassinate Trump, set a new cough anything, anything, anything. So a lot of that that fear talk is, you know, surrounding that that original DC stopped the Steel rally that didn't didn't culminate the way he was prepping. Yeah, it's um, I mean he definitely. How many times would you say he has said this may be my last show? So many? Is it more than you have fingers and toes? Yes? How many days are there in twenty years? Well, it's not all of this. Well, let's see if I'm remembering, if I'm remembering my education, which was entirely one song from the movie or from the play rent. Uh, let's see how many minutes minutes? Now, how do you turn that into days? I don't know whatever. How do you measure Alex's bullshit? Yeah? Do you solve a problem like Alex? We got a we got a hook DJ dan Archy, who's does uf theme song? Up? With my buddy prop and and put together a cover of OFDS six hundred bullshit. I can't count that high. So, you know, there's a lot of excitement that got built off the original stop to Steel d C rally, and there were these other rallies that were going on at state capitals around the country, but there was no real progress being made on overturning the election, so it was necessary to do it. Again in d C, but bigger, and thus plans for January six started to form more solidly. Alex's involvement in the events of that day are kind of less interesting to me than the way he engaged with the lead up to the rally, in the way that everything was covered by his employees and himself in the lead up to the rally ally, Alexander was a constant fixture on Alex's show, promoting the Stop the Steel rallies and tying election denial with extremist Christianity. Stuart Rhodes was a regular guest discussing how Trump needed to declare an emergency so he could bring in martial law and deputize the Oathkeepers as his personal militia. More shockingly, perhaps, was that Matt Bracken, who's a weirdo. He was discussing the actual January six rally when he was hosting the fourth hour of Alex's show on January and he said this that We're not going to be saved by anybody above us. We're going to only be saved by millions of Americans moving to Washington, occupying the entire area, if if necessary, storming right into the Capitol you know there, we know the rules of engagement. If you have enough people, you can push down any kind of offense or a wall. But if not enough patriots show up, then we're just going to watch our freedom go down the drain. Yeah, so that's that is one of those things that sounds really bad in hindsight when those things actually do happen. Yeah, they do. And I mean he's also because what he's physically described, describing it has shades of Jan's six. It also sounds a lot like what happened in Canada earlier this year, you know, like especially because what they didn't do, they didn't actually shut down the city on j six. That is what happened with like the caravan, where they're like, we're just gonna flood this area and make it impossible for like life to exist normally in this major city. Well that's that. That was part of the conversation that was happening around January since in these in these communities, like like that same day on December thirty one, Alex was taking calls and what somebody called in was like, hey, can we get all the people who have boats to block up the Potomac? Can we can we seize the Potomac so we can aid in our our occupation of dcs. Yeah, and and one of the things about that blockade is, like, I think it could be argued that if they had coherent, achievable goals, they may have gotten them. You know, like, if they it's there there, it was clearly an effective circumstance, and if they could have negotiated their way into they could have gotten something. But the fact that none of them had any idea what exactly it was that they were doing in the first place kind of really hampered that kind of idea of negotiations. Yeah, I mean, it's it's uh, it makes sense because like you uh, like, it's easy to get a bunch of motherfucker's who are angry and want to feel and want to feel like revolutionaries and are willing to like park their fucking trucks downtown, especially if there's like clout in it and potentially raising money and ship It's harder to get that same group of motherfucker's to all agree on what should be done because a significant portion of the people who are going to come and camp out in a capital for weeks to disrupt business aren't just gonna want like an into mask mandates. They're gonna want to be allowed to mail each other raw milk. Like you also want to be allowed to marry my sixteen year old Wait what, there's no money, Jordan. As someone raised in an evangelical Christian cole, you know, damn well it's legal to marry. Okay, fine, I don't know about Canada's rules alright. So so in the days leading up to the six, Alex had guests on his show, like his alleged constitutional lawyer friend Robert Barnes, who was directly suggesting that Trump should just pretend to also be president even though he had lost the election, no matter what, because he's the rightful leader of the country, so why not fake it. We'll talk about what Trump's role should be if they effectively steal it. He's gotta never concede and just be the president in Abstenia uh in in exile, and just keep building the movement against him. You agree with that, Oh, no doubt about it. And it needs to be at the There's been too much focus at the top. You always focuses on the top. We need to focus. This needs to be a bottom up revolution. If it's gonna work. So they just have a second president. It's fun. It's like the dark because they haven't for one thing. Having a first president works out so good. You gotta have a kind of double him up, have him fight. Yeah, that actually sounds kind of funny. The problem, the problem that Lincoln had is he wasn't really willing to co govern with That was the main issue, and that's why they had to start the whole warld. We all know that the last season of the Game of Thrones was disappointing. We don't want to repeat of that. Okay, no, no, no, Game of Thrones. I mean, look, I I happened to like it when everybody's unhappy. Which is why I liked the Game of Thrones in the first place, is that it kept making my friends sad. Um So I was really happy with the ending because everybody was miserable. Fair enough. So on January five, Alex was in d C and he ended up giving a fiery speech at a rally there that Mike sound a little bit unfortunate in hindsight, tomorrow it's the right day. I don't quietly take the election fraud. We don't quietly take the scam and believe there be as we've seen the others, the system has had to desperately engage in this gambit to maintain control. But this will be there Waterloo, this will be their destruction. He sounds like ship. What is he just like so much? I think he's I think he's wasted. He sounds like yeah, he sounds like smashed. Yeah, I think he was drunk and probably his cardio isn't what you'd wanted to be. And so you know, he can give a speech that's kind of rousing, but at the same time, there's a there's a staccato nature that's necessary because breaths. You know, we don't talk about enough is the fact that he used to be jacked. I talked about it all the time. I didn't know I could disagree with the human being more. He don't talk about any of that, Like there's it's just there's some people that it's I'm never I never used to be hot. I mean, you don't even get it, dude. I've done a number of episodes about how hot Girbles was. But that's that's the side of the point. No, It's like there's a couple of people, for like Alex Jones, just like thinking back to him being a bodybuilder is weird. And then there's um fucking Keith David, who, like you know, I've seen in a bunch of things, watching him in community and being like that motherfucker beat the ship out of rowdy Roddy Piper like I was. He was yoked, like he wasn't just muscle e he was like wrestling jacked. It's just weird. Keith David. Yeah, he's incredible. He's just one of those people where every time I see him in something now and I think, like that motherfucker was shredded. Yeah, I hear that. Everybody gets really blown away when they if they haven't seen those pictures of Alex as a muscly young man. Yeah, and to think it's just underneath there. He's somewhere in there, somewhere in all of that, underneath that thick, thickneck. Yeah, except you can only get it to it with a knife. He's amount of exercise that couldn't get that. He has buried that Alex the same way Steve Pochinik buried Aldo Morrow. So that night, January five, they had some speeches and also Owen Shroyer, Alex's number two second in command, his riker. Uh he filmed himself hanging out with some proud boy associates and they were burning a Black Lives Matter flag on the streets of d C peacefully. This is why what's his name would wind up doing like six months in prison, uh Rick Atario. Yeah, before the most recent that he's went to prison. Back the last time before this time that he went to prison, it was for this, Yeah, because he he like stole someone's Black Lives Matter better, which kind of applies. He bought his that it it does, which is very funny. Uh So on the actual day of the rally, Alex and O and Troyer were in d C. So that just left Harrison Smith as the on air talent in quotes that was at INFO War, so he hosted all day. If you watch his coverage, it's abundantly clear that he was pomped for the possibility of a siege of the Capitol, and when it did happen, he was basically, you know, celebrating the home team doing doing their bids. Here he is like in the lead up to what's going on at the march. Alright, folks, So Donald Trump coming up next? Alex Jones leading the march to Capitol. It's all happening, folks. It's January six, and the revolution, the Second American Revolution has begun. So yeah, it's a Second American Revolution. It's going on. So let's let's just remind everybody that Cake did not have anything to do with this particular clips not involved in the overthrow of the United States governments. Let's also let's also remember that while the January six writers were certainly going for speed, they were not in fact going the distance. That is true. They were not all alone, No, they were not. I can't I cannot find anybody who would really who would really be like I am the biggest Cake fan, But I also cannot find anybody who does not know the lyrics to at least one Cake, sofic I mean, it would be the funniest thing we could have done with this episode, is that from that point we just for the next hour and a half talk to each other in Cake lyrics. Oh man, I have got too much of a short skirt to be talking about Cake. Yeah. So on air that day on the sixth, Harrison Smith obviously was very excited about, uh the what was going on, and he decided to commission a symphony and seat it's another cake so right, yes, yes, I suggested this and then realized half of the cake songs, I know them covering other people. Oh you you were just gonna be like, I will survive having I'm gonna be honest. Of the songs, I think our cake songs are Actually they might be giants. Sure, maybe a tonic song in the mix. There a couple of them. So, but Harrison was very much celebrating, and as the images started to come out of people rushing the capitol, here was his take on that. But Americans are live updates from Alex Jones more on the other side, The capitol has fallen, the patriots are in control the patriots. The capital has fallen. The Capitol has fallen. Yeah, there was a deeply celebratory mood on on Harrison Smith's coverage of the show. What's funny about that clip is that in an alternate reality, that's what plays in like the thirty second opening before it fades to like a bunch of people in a bombed out city huddled around their rifles, rating waiting for the government forces. Yeah, this is a real situation where Harrison is trying to argue that sheep go to heaven and go to hell. That's right, Yeah, they shot their shot. You know, like that coverage is exactly what you would expect someone to do if that whole taking over the Capitol had succeeded. Yeah, no, no, totally it does. It sounds like a broadcast from an alternate. It's like like if if Orson Wells had written this, you'd be like perfect. If it's like in Man in the High Castle, you're getting a glimpse through the veil, yeah, or if it's like shadow Stabbing, which is apparently a cake song that I haven't heard. Did you just look up? You know what? You know what? That's literally what I typed into Google because I'm as as this bit continues, I'm realizing I don't know as many cake songs as I think I do. I it was really unprepared for this bit to continue going. I mean, it's crazy to me that you guys, because from what I can see, both of you have very healthy breasts. Thank you. That's a cake bit on my Italian leather So how many do you know? What leather solf as one of the songs, Well, you know Jordan's I'm not Sick of You, which is apparently another cake song. I don't know that song. I appreciate that that. I don't know enough cake songs. Fashion Eagle. There's not the album Comfort Eagle Comfortash Fashion Nugget. Is it sounds like that sounds like a cake song? Yeah, alright, this bit must really has to at this point. You know, you know what would be a good end to this bit, Robert, if we actually if we went to an ad break. Four Cake. Yeah, four cake. Cake is the primary sponsor of our show. Um, so you know, uh, don't kill a goat because they're already doomed to hell. I guess okay, we're back, uh and and and better than ever. All right, let's uh, let's let's let's keep this. Let's keep this cakeless, cakeless thing without cake. Yeah, continue sands cake so um. Before the break, we were hearing the Harrison Smith celebratory coverage of the sixth as it was going down. But once Alex was able to get to a phone, he immediately changed the narrative and the celebration has not been seen since from that point on. It was a false flag. You better believe it was a damn false flag. The globalless tricks, some que people and some Antifa people dressed like Trump supporters to go into the capital so they could start rounding up the patriots like Alex. As more information came out, Alex had to adjust the narrative a little, but as a whole, it's basically just the core of his story and everything else has been rationalizations from that point on, and his his narratives have gotten quite boring for the most part. Nothing will live up to the day of their capital has fallen? Is that's That's a quote that really would go down and infamy had it happened. It's like because if it had happened, Harrison Smith would have been the first person to call it, and he would have been the host on the pro Uh yeah, absolutely, as separatist Fox News. It wasn't even like, hey, this is a great move, you know, like it's just Harrison Smith. Yeah. I'm sure there were people at Fox News, but I'm sure those people were tackled by lawyers before they So it remains to be seen exactly how involved Alex was intentionally or accidentally with the people who are making active plans to do what they did on the six So I think it's best to reserve judgment on that question. But the overwhelming level of connections between bad actors who are up to no good that day really seems suspicious. But I think it's equally likely that Alex knew what they were up to and that he had no idea. It seems plausible to me that he would act exactly the same way regardless of whether he knew he was mixed up in a seditious conspiracy or not. He would just that he's kind of in seditious conspiracy mode against the government at all times, so he doesn't need to know. It's just it's just any time that a seditious conspiracy is happening, it is concurrent with Alex also saying that a substitious conspiracy should be happening. You know, yeah, it could be coincidence. Yeah, well, I mean it's always coincidence. So now Alex has Nick Fluentes on his channel, although you know, his his band out video website. But I think it's actually not that important because Nick Fluentes has his own site. Um, but he still associates with Nick and Nick loves January six. He sounds like Harrison on January six. Now yeah, yeah to day Nick Flintess now a contributor to Russia Today, who had him on to talk about rusophobia. Really sense. Yeah, he's been on RT recently. I mean, doesn't that suggest that you're really desperate, doesn't like you you're getting on five year old asshole or whatever. If you're getting a twenty five year old Nazi, you're getting like you're getting like discount, you're getting like the Kirkland brand, George Lincoln Rockwell to like come on and talk to you. Absolutely. I'm pretty sure they've interviewed Mike Adams in the past that mine has been on forever, Lionel has been on for Lionel's, Lionel's grandfather it in his royalty. I don't know, don't know if they have much standards over there in terms of who the Max Kaiser had a show. Um, so yeah, I think that the rest of alex is playing out of his January six conspiracies has been again the same way. It's sort of it tracks with a lot of the same stuff you see in the broader right wing media landscape, although he does have to do a little bit more gymnastics because of his close associations with people like Stuart Rhodes, Uh, you know when he gets arrested for this conspiracy and in the UM, you know, the charging fi David or the the indictment. There's so much information in there that Alex is like, I don't really wanna deal. I have to pretend this isn't here. I mean, I can't imagine what it would be like to have somebody who you've had as a guest on your show so many times be arrested and indicted for seditious conspiracy. That would be a little bit difficult to work around that. That would definitely the UH caused some problems if that were to happen. Like if one of you were to be arrested for seditious conspiracy, UM, I would I would be really I mean I would, honestly knowing you probably be proud but that and it would be George, Yes, absolutely, Yeah. Let's I really appreciate you leaving up with the possibility that it could be one of us. I mean, yeah, I do. I do tend to assume you commit your crimes as a unit we were solo. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I was gonna make a comic book reference, but I know about as much about comic books as I do about Cake. Apparently, so's gonna Oh boy, it's a lot like in Sandman Issue twenty two. Whenever, no, I I got nothing, maybe I'll do the collector series. Sandman Issue is my favorite cake song. So we want to jump ahead to the Ukraine business. Yes, um so, more recently this has been something that I think is I think we could all agree as a major world event. It's it's a pretty I mean yeah, I would say, like a giant land war in Europe breaking out is moderately important, moderately important. So earlier this year, on February eight, Alex was leading the show and really getting excited about how Putin was threatening nuclear war over Ukraine and uh, he insists that it's because uh, they're attacking Russia, Ladies and gentlemen. This is a maximum red alert. Vladimir Putin is officially threatened from wide thermal nuclear war im Nature continues their invasion Red alert Maximal art tune in Alice for the word wars, the most banned network in the world. Um, so yeah, they NATO is attacking and uh, Putin is gonna nuke people. Yeah, yeah, and we're stoked about this. This is a man with honesty as his guiding principle. Uh nothing but the greatest of leadership. It's the most band network because they're the most accurate. Absolutely. Uh so. Yeah, but there's gonna be a nuke, and Alex is actually kind of thinking we deserve it. He was in one of those moods on the on the age, so he's kind of gross. Most of us will just get knocked down and maybe the roof came in on you, but when you come outside, you'll be breathing all that delicious radiation and of course the power won't be coming back on for years if you're lucky. Shore. That's where we are, and we're an evil decadat Satanic Society, and I guess it's time to die. Mm hmm, well okay, yeah, yeah. So he does that a bit. He every now and again gets into how sinful we are and uh no, he deserved to die, you know. I mean, look, I don't do it for religious reasons, but I will admit every now and then, like when I'm i don't know, briefly stuck in line at the grocery store, I'll think we do deserve to just all nuclear hell fire, any any any time. You know, when it happens is whenever I'm ringing up a product at one of the auto checkout things and then it like fucks up and I have to wait for someone to come. That's when I'm like, just take us now, just drop the bombs, end it all. I think having those quiet moments is fine, But lashing out at your audience emotionally like that, I think is because maybe a little bit tackier, maybe a little ghost traffic. One of the great things about being bipolars that you're so used to suicidal thoughts that whenever they come for such like you know, like, oh my god, this guy in traffic, I'm just gonna kill myself right now, You're like, that's a good thought. I'm just gonna let that go. I'm gonna smooth through it. You don't go on, say a radio network, and well, if I want to die, everyone has to die projected to yeah. Yeah. So ten days later, in February eighteenth, Alex had sort of evolved this narrative and now his the situation that he was reporting is that Putin is just trying to stop Western forces that are going door to door killing people. In the dun Boss region. Russia has tried to not escalate thanks and Putin has tried to play things down so that hardliners don't engage in a coup against him, of course, but he's gonnahead just come out and said what we already knew. There's a massive Western offensive attacking Russian held areas of eastern Ukraine, and they're engaged in genocide there, going house to house, taking people out front their houses and killing them. And this is all being done again as a provocation, just like in the last duel. Whe they're splitting the women and children's throats across the river to make them come across to lose the bridge. And that's an historic Tanki's actually the record books that happened. And they lost the battle, they lost the war. We have to let them attack these people, and these people have chosen this ro out, and I'm gonna pray for him and support them. They're not gonna slip the children's throats but because that will be too much. But um, that's the kind of stuff they're engaged in. Also, I should point out Alex saw the last duel the night before. Yeah, that does sound like he just watched the last duel. Yeah, It's important to remember that any geopolitical event is very similar to the last movie Alex watched in some way or form he brought He brought it up like three times on that episode. Well, you know, the last thing I watched is uh that show with Josh Brolin where there's a big hole, And this does have a lot in common with that. Um, because I also would like to throw Alex into a giant hole. Sure. Sure. The last movie I saw was that shy La Bouf movie Holds. Yeah, another movie with a similar message. Good, that is what I took out of holes. Make a joke about seeing that band? Which band? What hold the band? So um. On the twenty one to February, Alex played Putin's entire speech that he gave, which is the speech where he was laying out the rationale for eventually attacking Ukraine, and Alex interpret this incredibly incorrectly, thinking Putin was just saying that he didn't want any trouble and he just wanted to do business with Ukraine. You just wanted to look, if you want to join the West, that's fine, that's fine, joined the West, but just do business with us. Come on, and you know I don't see how you see any fault in Putin what he's saying. I mean, it's all historically true. Stalin's horrible, Lena's horrible. We're sorry what we did to you. Blah blah blah. What do you want to I mean, coming, do you want to be under George sorrows or you want to be your own country? We don't want you. If you want to do business with you, just just please please don't go to war with us. I mean, And here's somebody actually tell the truth from that level is powerful because the truth is powerful, and the truth lives and info wars. Wow, that one, that one aged real good. It's just going to take and then like three hours later the opposite happens, like, yeah, he doesn't want to take over Ukraine. Oh now he is actively invading the capital if you and the sort of irony of the end, like the truth lives it inforce over like a sick guitar. That was a this is your Life career retrospective. Would definitely try to avoid adding that clip in there. It would it would probably be seen as cruel. Yeah, not a good way to go. As you brought up, Robert, it was almost immediate, like very quickly, so quickly he gave that speech and within hours he was shelling Kiev. Well, no, that was actually the speech before. This is Alex's responding to the speech before. Yeah, that's the twenty one though. So it was like a day less than a day later, I believe, so, yes, yeah, so on the Alex had been proven wrong. Obviously, the Russia had invaded, and he had a number of really really bad angles that he took on it. First, here's here's Alex with a bad prediction. Putin's troops raise Russian flag in Ukraine as z tanks which have come from the east, and oh tanks that come from Belarush inner deeper into the nation, and there is no real resistance because just like the US bought off the Iraqi leadership in gold for one, in gold for two ninety plus percent of their generals, you see that Putin has already done his work and has already paid off the Ukrainian military. And that's why the Russians know they can roll right in and face almost no resistance, because that's how real war is done, Alex. Real war is done by purchasing the general's in advance of any sort of invasion. I mean that it seems like that might have worked better for you, for for Russia than what happened, which is like half of the generals that they had in the East have now been killed in fifty five days of fighting. Yeah. Yeah, but again, alex is almost always right, He's he's It's incredible how accurately he predicted the fact that Ukraine would not put up a fight. There's prediction, and that's also analysis, you know what I'm saying, Like, it's not even just like looking into the future, it's like, this is the world man. He was so works. Yeah, and that's why thousands upon thousands of Russian mothers are getting letters that say, your kid is fine. Everything's with your son. Good times. Alexander had another really bad prediction if you want to hear. Yes, here, oh I want to hear. But that's why you're not seeing any really Ukrainian resistance because it was all for show and the comedian Hollywood president was a double agent the whole time. Oh yeah, that's what all the smart money is on. That's what all the experts I know, and I'm an expert myself, oh, expert fighting the war. He already won before he pulled the trigger. Cut to the capitals. Cut. Yeah, cut to the flagship of the Baltic of the Black Sea Fleet sinking with a piece of the True Cross on it. Yeah. Then, yeah, it's almost comically wrong. Like it's it's embarrassing, it's it's impressive. There's Yeah, there's a degree to which I'm kind of in awe of how incorrect it is. Most people can't be that wrong about the statements they make, right, especially considering the irony being that if if one were to argue that, uh, I mean, I I think I would argue that Zelenski's background as a media figure has done him more service and Ukraine more service than any sort of like uh a administrator we possibly do in this exact circumstances. Well, yeah, I mean, I think it. And ironically so, like one of the things that Russia is famous for is like the I think it's called the Jurassimov doctrine, which is like kind of broadly speaking, what they did in Georgia and then Ukraine, where like you have this hybrid mix of military forces on the ground but also propaganda and disinformation that's meant to like stir up confusion and justification. Yeah, um, and at least disrupting it. There's been this big idea with Russia that like, well, a big part of our military effort anywhere is going to be the information war, which they just like shat their pants on as soon as they started shelling Kiev. But because I think he does have such a background as a media figure, Zelinsky was not a particularly impressive president before the war started, but I think he has his his media training has made him an effective war leader because this is the first war where that's the most tactical value that a president of a country can have in this situation. Absolutely, you definitely don't want I mean, frankly, you don't really want any president's dictating strategy because that's not what presidents do. Yeah, exactly. He has had a battlefield impact, I think just because he's really competent at media stuff, because he's about he's a media guy. Yeah, you guess you guys are both gonna sound so foolish when it comes out that he is a double agent. Yes, that will that will tear us down. We will in retrospect, this will be our Harrison Smith moments with Alex's proven right. If that happens, I will accept my crow and I will eat it publicly. But I have one more clip of a bad prediction from Alex if you'd like to hear it. Oh, yes, absolutely. I mean, look at this Reuter's article that shot right now. Is that Bloomberg Putin calls on Ukrainian military to she's power to better negotiate with Russia because he knows it's a bunch of globalous factions in there and a bunch of former presidents jocking for controllers like listen, I'll negotiate with the military, which is a very smart move. I would expect this to be over in forty eight hours. What do you think? So that was on February Today, we're we're recording this on April sixteen. Here's a little bit off, Yeah, slightly slightly. So since that point, Alex has done exactly he always does, and that is that he's become more or less a stooge for whatever. Putin says. He plays defense for Russia. It's just about every point, and he goes out of his way to sow doubt and soft cell narratives that, uh, you know, things like atrocities that happened in Bucca were fake. This is part of Alex's consistent playbook, and it's exactly what he's done with all kinds of stories. Every time there's something like related to Syria, he's it's the exact same thing. Yeah, And he's had on like major war crimes, denialists and Syria, like partisan girl and stuff on his course. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and he's he's really tried hard to thread a needle that you would you would kind of associate with somebody who's not a Holocaust deniers, like, oh, no, no, I know the Holocaust happened, but they're lying about how it happened. They're lying about all this stuff. So, yes, you're a Holocaust denier, but you're trying to act like you're you're able to both be you know, no, no, they're all lying to you. He hangs out with quite a few holocausts exactly exactly he does. And also, this is something that just came up. You guys brought up a fellow in one of your most recent episodes in the past, like two three that Alex was quoting a guy named Scott Ritter who was a former UAN weapons inspector. Yeah, do you know anything else about Scott Ritter because you didn't say much else about him. I'm wondering because I may get to tell you some interesting facts about Mr. I may not know all that. So he was quoting him because about stuff Ritter was saying about, like the Bush administrations lies going into Iraq and whatnot about Iraq. And it was specifically in context of a article about the quote the fake uh British secret society within the police. Oh right, right, right, Well, Scott Ritter today is like a major war crimes denialist. He did a lot of like there were no chemical weapons attacks in Syria. He's a BUKA denialist. Um. He's regularly on Russia Today and quoted by like the Gray Zone. And he has also a convicted pedophile. H. He has been the subject of two police sting operations because he keeps trying to fund fifteen year old kids Jesus h yeah yeah, yeah, to catch he would have gotten this guy on one. Um. He is a real piece of shit, Scott read out. That just goes to show you that, like, you know, even like and when I don't overturn some rocks, there's even our episodes could be longer. Yeah, yeah. Problem people have said about our show is it's not dense enough. So that's that's kind of where I left off with the clips about Ukraine. It's beautiful. Uh. You know some of the stuff that that's happened since has also been the same kind of stuff that you see in the right wing media. You know, you have the um the bio Labs conspiracy. Alex was jumping on board with that, and you know, basically every thread that gets pulled by zero head Gateway Pundit is going to be mirrored and echoed and exaggerated on Alex's show. Absolutely, he's become he's become. I mean we've we've talked about him as this part of the bullshit laundering machine where uh, you know, some obscure nutbag throws out some nonsense and then that's picked up by you know, zero Hedge or the like, and they just water it down a little bit, and then that's picked up by Alex. There was a time where Alex would be the crazy weirdo who is relatively obscure coming up with some bullshit, or it would be a guest on info Wars or maybe or maybe it would just be something of one of his people found on a creepy message totally, totally and now it is it is literally him. I mean, just board this lazily ambulance chasing headlines. But I think, but I think one of the things that makes the immediacy and one of the reasons I focused on, like when these things are happening, is that it does kind of demand you figure this out, figure out what you're going to say about this, because you're fucking live on air right now. You've got to say that Lensky is a double a got to do something. And I find that to be like, you know, necessity is the mother of invention. When you've got to say something right, it's uh, that's that's that's really interesting to me. Yeah. I mean if for Alex, he can never live in this space of like we'll find out or just wait and see or this is this is developing. It is always I know exactly what's happening today. It's part of my current scheme that everything is happening around that I've had quote unquote for twenty years. If everything is connected, nothing can be a surprise exactly. And then you know, you just change the narrative when you need to, because you always need And then pretend you didn't have You've never changed the narrative once. H Well, this has been quite quite a tale. Um. I don't know about all of you, but I feel well, I feel actually terrible. Um that was hope. I'm significantly I mean I did, broadly speaking, know a lot of this because I watched listen to your show constantly. I do watch it. But that's that's not something you put up online. I just I'm talking. You can anybody's webcam. Were you also got about the theories about Chinese specific bio that I had not remembered. Um, good lord. Um, so yeah, this has been a hoot. We're gonna come back uh later this week and we're gonna talk about Alex's legal um adventures. But first, Dan Jordan, you want to plug your plug doubles? What do we plug? All right? I mean I've heard of us on knowledge fight dot com. That's correct. Yeah, we're also you can find us on Twitter. Yeah at knowledge score Fight. And I go to bed Jordan's I'm setting up an etcy store. He is, but I should I like making buttons? You might. That's all. Well, this has been quite a time. Um, go with christ via condos behind The Bastards is a production of cool Zone Media. For more from cool Zone Media, visit our website cool zone media dot com, or check us out on the I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.