7. The Verdict
After all of this work, have Jesse and Holly succeeded on their mission? Is Bruce Springsteen a queer icon? In order to know whether The Boss does, truly, belong to us, Jesse and Holly need to persuade a Panel of Queers who are so far unconvinced. Show notes: Read a transcript of today’s episode…
6. Last Chance
Jesse and Holly just have one checkpoint to go before we can officially crown Bruce Springsteen with queer icon status. Quite simply – is there a vibe? Do other queer people agree that Bruce is a queer icon? This is their last chance to collate their evidence, gather their findings, and prepare the…
5: Cry / Dance / F**k
They’re back, baby. Jesse and Holly are donning their lab coats once again to see if Bruce Springsteen ticks off checklist point three: Good Music. Does Bruce Springsteen’s music help queer people access emotions that they have spent years learning to dissociate from? Or, in other works, can you da…
4: Failure
Off the back of their conversations last episode, Jesse and Holly are really starting to doubt their mission. Sure, a lot of Bruce Springsteen's lyrics make them feel seen, but can they relate to actual Bruce Springsteen? He’s a multi-millionaire! And his fanbase is not representative of their iden…
3: Underdog
It’s time to investigate item two on Jesse and Holly’s airtight queer icon checklist: Underdog Status. They need to find in him experiences of struggle that would make him relatable to queer people, so they can root for him as an underdog. Show notes: Read a transcript of today’s episode Live re…
2. Camp
Jesse and Holly have anointed themselves with Queer Scientific Research Status and they’re ready to put The Boss to the test. Can he fulfill the first item on their checklist: CAMP? Show notes: Read a transcript of today’s episode ‘Can a cis guy be butch’ meme If this is your first time thinkin…
1. The Mission
Jesse Lawson fell in love with Bruce Sprinsteen when they were 20. They knew who he was before then, but that’s the first time they’d properly heard his music. It went straight into their insides, pulling out feelings that they didn’t even realize they had yet, giving them new words as they were he…
Introducing: Because the Boss Belongs to Us
You know Bruce Springsteen, but did you know that he is a queer icon? Because The Boss Belongs to Us is a series presented by Jesse Lawson and Holly Casio that uses Bruce Springsteen as a lens through which to explore queer history, identity and politics. Through original reporting, tender personal…