We’re diving right back into our interview with Maria today on “Bachelor Happy Hour.” We start today's episode picking up right where we left off in Jasper and Maria's self-sabotage: was it really sabotage? Then, we get into Maria's family, the aftermath of the season, and so much more.
Plus, the million-dollar question: was Maria really going to be the Bachelorette? You won't want to miss her take. Tune in now to hear all this and more and be sure to follow so you never miss an episode.
Hey, everyone, welcome back to bet your Happy Hour.
I'm Joe and I'm Srina and we are here with Maria to get into more of the nitty gritty of her time on Joey season and everything after.
This is Maria Part two. Let's do it. In past relationships, have you ever self sabotage?
Oh kay? Wait? Not always keep a lot of the time because like for me, it's like sometimes I here's the thing, and this is what I think I've learned very recently. It's where like I need to trust my instincts more. And I think that when I tend to self sabotage or ruin a good thing, it's because they were it was never mine to begin with. And I think I learned that along the way when things start like presenting itself as being negative and I'm more I'm like, see, I knew it kind of thing you have that like I told you so a moment where like I was like I knew why I was doing the things that I was doing. But I feel like I only self sabage when I know the person's not right for me. And I know that's so crazy to say, and maybe I'm jumping the gun and people might say, well, like you're ruining it for anything good can even happen? Sure, but why is it that every time I do it in the end, I don't feel bad because I'm like, see like this, like something will happen where I'm like, that's exactly why I pushed you away to begin with, or that's exactly why I didn't allow things to happen, and it just all ended up making sense and then something better comes into my life where I'm like, holy, like this is what was meant for me. And so it's hard for me to say that I do it in a way where it's like a bad thing.
Well, then I don't think. I don't think it's self sabotaged. I think it's more just awareness.
Yeah, I think it's almost like because like I feel like the definition of self sabotage is like when you're trying to ruin something that is actually good for you because you're afraid of like feeling like you don't deserve this good thing, or like afraid of getting hurt. But sales, like with this situation with Joey and like potentially past relationships, it's almost like you have the intuition there that like it's not quite right for you, and like you just that is what's guiding your actions, but you're not like fully leaning into it, like instead of being like, I don't feel like this is gonna work out between you and I. I think he was from relationships. I think that I'm gonna be going home at some point. It's like you're on that fence of like but am I Like am I right?
Is it?
Like is it that it wasn't him?
Yeah? And I think I. And here's the thing, because it was so hard to like say that in the moment because it is amazing, like our one on one which was last like the week before, but I remember being like one good moment, we still got to be real with ourselves here like and so for me it's like, yeah, we had the best time ever and it was so great, but at the same time looking at the bigger picture and just like really just coming to terms with the fact that I know which is not me I instead of just like saying like listen because at the end date like like I can't just be like bye, like whatever. So I was trying to be respectful of everyone involved, but also just like state my case here, like guys, listen, like it's never gonna be us and I can acknowledge that, and I think we both see it, but we're just both trying to like, you know, a respectful way where we're both like, yeah, I don't know, I don't know.
Yeah, you want to see the relationship as far as it can go, right, Like yeah for both of you that like you had almost kind of seen it as far as it could go the week before Hometown's right, and it was just that one more week to like really be like, okay, both of you were like, it's time to go our separate ways.
Yeah, And like I didn't know if I wanted to have my family involved. I know my family are like they're the most welcoming people ever and they're whatever, but like again, bringing them into the environment, like putting them on camera and like having them go through all this, it was hard for me. So I was like, Okay, let me do this now in Jasper. Give him a chance to be like Cinara bye bye, so that like at least I could be like at least I tried to do it now so he can maybe.
Yeah, like you almost like give him an out.
Yes, And because you know, Jen and like Kelsey t. You know, they gave him no issues, and so I thought, Okay, let me do it now on this group date, so I can give him the chance to be like, Okay, let me choose someone else to like potentially see something with, because Marie's already giving me enough problems. Let me just let her go. And so, because I was insecure about bringing him to my family, I'm like, guys, I don't want to lie to you and say that, oh, I'm one hundred percent he is my person. That's the only time I would ever really truly bring someone to my family. So it just didn't feel right. And so doing what I did in Jasper was yeah, like I said, giving him a little bit of a way out, and it didn't happen that way. And in ways I were expected because he was trying to fight for us, but also I was like, fight for me for one more week and then bring my fam, get my family involved. It just it didn't sit right with me. And you know, you could sit and like, you know, go look back and be like I regret it. But at the same time, I think it was amazing because people got to see my family how amazing they are, and see how amazing my dad is, and so for that, I'm grateful. So for that, I actually respect that I got the chance to do it, even if it's out of my comfort zone.
After Hometowns and Enjoey, meeting your family and going through all that, which is was obviously a big thing for you, and it's a big thing for most most people. Yeah, was there a part of you that maybe thought maybe maybe this could work out?
In my head, I'll be honest, I was like, Wow, this guy is willing to fight for me, to say after what I just pulled like and and despite what you might saw, it like, there was more to the fight that he kept me there and made me feel confident enough to stay. I was like, Wow, he's all in. And actually at Hometowns is where I fully engaged and was like I was fully engaged, and I was like, I'm going to give him my all. And it was unfortunate that that's when he completely backed out, because in that moment is where I was like, wow, like he like must really like me. It was it was almost like to a point where I was like, am I not seeing something that I like? I'm like, there's something must be missing in my head because for me, I was like, oh, this is just not happening. But I felt like I was being fought for in a way where I was like, Okay, I'm secure in this. And then he won over my family, and then he won over my friend. He spoke to Brittany and like it wasn't shown, but there the their conversation was enough for me because I like, my dad might sugarcoat things, but my best friend is not. And she was like Maria like ke'd all in, like don't be stupid, and so I was having all these outside voice is telling me, don't be an idiot. This guy likes you so much, like what are you doing? So I was like okay, And then it got to the point where I was outside and obviously everyone was rooting for me to say, you know, I'm falling in love with you. And for some weird reason, despite how well the night went, and it did and everyone loved him and he was great and he is great, you know, but I just couldn't do it. I just couldn't do it. There was like he was sitting there and I felt so bad, but I just couldn't do it.
And it's not like women's intuition is like so strong, and I really believe that. I feel like you, like your intuition was like telling you something right.
And it's like it's you know, it's easy for me now to look back and be like, yeah, that was it. That's exactly what it is. But in the moment, there was like this fight inside of me that was so like annoying because I was like, I know, I feel this way for this guy, but why can I not just put it into words? And it was like it was unfortunate, but I was like, no, but I don't regret that because that was my self protection. But then I go and screw it up with a freaking rose ceremony like an idiot.
Okay, so let's let's talk about Okay, So the rose ceremony, before Joey's about to hand out the roses, you pull him to the side, and you remember you basically said fuck Because here's the thing. Though I do believe obviously you were right, and I do believe you should follow your intuition, but when you're in a situation like the Bachelor where it's like but he you have to kind of put it to the side a little bit because you have to look at the circumstances of he is dating multiple people, so that maybe in your head you're like, well, maybe this is why my intuition's telling me this.
It's so hard it like really is It's such a unique environment that it is hard to trust your guy because it's like, well, I've never been here before, I've never done anything like this before. Like what is my gut really trying to tell me? We didn't think it was like we thought it was right that you told him, because at the end of the day, you leave, would know what if And I think it's hard for people when they hold back on their emotions. They leave and the first thing they do is, well, what if I did this? Well what if I had said this? And like if you do feel that way, like telling him is not going to make you feel more or less. It's just going to like give him that information.
Well, like to just give you a little bit of a backstory on this one. It's like him and I were talking about regrets, and like we had this whole ass conversation about regrets, and he was just like expressing how important it is to him to like speak his mind, and like even if it makes him feel like like it's wrong in the moment or like whatever, we made a joke we compared to John Meher's like it's better to say too much than never to say what you need to say. And so in that moment was me kind of showing up to be like, look like I'm willing to put it all out there because I don't want to leave with regrets, even though in the back of my head I was like, oh, my car is waiting for me outside, but I still said, you know what, I'm going to show that, like I can, you know, like we can have a conversation about what we both want out of this, which is like being able to open up and like leave everything out on the line, even if it's not us. In the end, I want him to like to see that I was capable of like doing that, even knowing that it wasn't us. I think it was just a moment where I wanted him to appreciate that, like, despite it not being us, I'm still willing to let you know exactly how I feel, because I did feel that in the moment that I was. I know, all I said was I'm falling in love with you. Like so like I sat there and was like I'm in love with you, Like you know, I'm so stupid. I couldn't even really say I know. It would have been more of like a like a oh if I was like I'm in love with you, but I was like I'm falling in love. He's like, yeah, bitch, I have three other girls that are already in love with me and ready to get down on me, Like I don't care about you, Maria. But it was just nice that I still got to say something to his face that like I was feeling, and so I wanted him to know that I was able to do that. Like I know a lot of the time on the show, it was like that idea that I couldn't get there, or I couldn't be honest about it, or I couldn't open up about it. So that was me kind of proving to myself but also to him that I was able to do that. And then I really kind of knew that it was my time to go, and I think, yeah, and that's okay.
What did your family think of like all of it, like you going on the show, how it unfold and meeting Joey and then like the whole like fan base rallying behind you, like what was their emotions towards it?
Well, funny enough, like as soon as I got home, like, I you know, sat my family down, got my friends to come over, like I had a serious talk with them, because again I was I was considered a bully in the house. I was the verbally abusive one. So now how do I know how that's going to play it on screen when it actually comes out? So to me, I was like, I need to warn my family and friends right now what I went through in that house and how it could be perceived to everyone else. So if I was so wrongly like accused of things but also like misunderstood, I don't know how the audience is going to see me and like think they might be on their side. So I had to let them know the worst case scenario in all of this. So I remember being like, guys, like I don't know how things are going to go. I'm I'm just happy to be home, but I want you to know that this might be the case. And then when things started playing out and in my favor, and not only that, but like people just seeing me for me and appreciating me and loving me for who I am, to be able to stick up for myself, but then seeing also that I was misunderstood, that I was wrongly accused, you know, like even if I didn't have any backup in like going through it, it's like the audience was there for me, and that was like the biggest Like I can't even explained. I was so in awe of it because I didn't expect it. I just kind of want to get through it. I was like, I cannot wait for it to air. I'm ready to just like put this in the past. But then when like watching it and going through it and remembering because I remember being in the house being like, how are they not seeing that this is so wrong? How are they not seeing that? Like I'm innocent in all of this, Like why is this happening? And so having the audience see that and back me up was like I felt like I was like in a different dimension. I was like, Wow, this is like this is what was supposed to happen in the house, But like I have people now to back me up who like love me and appreciate me for me, and like it just felt so good. It honestly felt so good, and I felt like I can't even speak of with it. It makes me like emotional because I'm like, wow, I finally have people that like like just appreciated me for being me and like saw my side. I felt seen, I felt heard like it was. It was beautiful.
I can't even imagine like going through that experience, feeling like you're like having to be on the defense for so long and just feeling like you're not being embraced by the house and then coming off and like having that anxiety and like you, honestly you did the smart thing, like sitting your family and friends down to like prep them for what could be and then have it be like the other way and have the audience just embrace you so much, like and just feel like you were seen by the audience in a way that you weren't seen in the house for like who you are, Like it really is an evasion.
There are so many people I feel like that kind of the opposite happens. They come off the show and they're like I'm the star or this is gonna go.
Great, but exactly what it was, that's like, that's exactly what it was. I'm listen, we're great now. But in the moment I know that they were like, we're going to bat for our friend and we're gonna look like the freakin' rider Diyes and she's gonna look like or whatever, and like yeah, when you're in it, you're like, wait, but am I the wrong? Like am I in the rug? I was mind blown? Yeah, And so for it to just play it exactly how it went and people seeing my side and like being like, are you crazy, Marie's not in the wrong? Ear I felt.
I just what do you think like the root of the controversy between you and the women really was? It just seemed like it was constantly changing and evolving, Like what do you think was the biggest issue that forced this like wedge between you and them?
You know, I really don't understand it because up until that point when I figured out, like when it was kind of going around the house that I was shit talking Medina like I kid you not, I was not like in any kind of like like I was so good with all the girls, Like I was so good with all of them. So when that kind of came out, I was like whoa, whoa Like I was. I remember, I remember they were all like who do you think it could be? Like who do you think, and I remember saying, I am not even gonna say a name because I'm so good with everyone that if I say a name and it's not that person, I'm gonna feel like shit. So I remember being like so shocked, like like, who the hell is coming for me? Like I have been listen, I'm very outspoken, I'm not afraid to stand up for myself. I'm whatever. But when it comes to the how I supported those women in the house, especially when they were emotionable not getting time at night one, I was like the mama bear in that house. I was going up to like any girls that were sad, they would come talk to me. I was like lifting their spirits, like that's who I am. Like I want if I'm winning and you're winning, we're all winning. Like I like that better than like kind of picking side, Like I just don't. I don't know. I was shocked. I was shocked because not only that, but also I knew that I was never talking shit, So for me to acknowledge the house the way that I did, I knew I had nothing to hide. So when I walked into the room with all the girls sitting there, I was like, this is the perfect opportunity to let it out there, or so I put it out there and say, hey, guys, like I know I wasn't saying anything, but who felt that I might have, you know, belittle like Medina in any way, like who might have missed or said something that I might have said? And that's when Sydney was like I did, And I was like, but what did I even say? Like I was confused? Like I was, and I, guys, when I tell you, like, I was so confused. And I'm the type of girl that if I said something wrong or is something that I might have said could have been taken out of context, I would own it. I just wanted to know what I said. And when she was like, well you told her she's not old, and I'm like, am I here? Like are we all like are we in the same house right now? Are we all hearing what she just said? Or like I said, I'm old too, or something like that. Can I preface this by saying, if Medina had come up to me and said, Maria, I'm feeling insecure about my age, can we talk? I wouldn't sit there and be like own it. You're hot, Like what are you thinking? Like get over it, I would be like, well, tell me how you feel like, if that's how you feel, like, I'm here for you. But it was me just talking to I don't know who was Lauren Allison. I get apparently we're all getting confused with all the black haired girls. But I was just like saying her, I'm like, this is what happened earlier, Madina this, and I don't even think that she should feel this way because but I was talking to one girl. Yes, I was talking to her aside from everyone else, but I didn't think that wasn't gonna be that was gonna be hurt. I was just saying she shouldn't want to just saw you know, like it's great. But if Medina had come to me and was like opening up about that stuff, I would be there for her. I wouldn't. I would put my feelings towards how I feel about the situation aside and actually just be there for her as a friend. And I think that's where I was like kind of like hurt because I was like, I'm not shit talking to this woman. I'm really not.
And so yeah, I remember when it when it happened, I remember thinking like, if if I was in that situation. I would have been like, if Brian, I don't know who Brian is, but if I'm in the house with a Brian and he's like, I feel old and we were the same agent BIC and I heard that, I'd be like Fox, he feel for the same age, right.
Well, look at the alternative, look at the alternative imagine. I was like, yeah, Medina, I feel that, Like, yeah, you should feel our old girl. Yeah. Win, you tell them they're not old, they hate you. They tell them you tell me you are old, then they hate you. I was like, you know what, But what I did learn watching back is I can keep my mouth shut and it's not even get involved and be like I put my hands up, continue your narrative. I don't care. At this point, it was so it was just such an It was like I just felt so dumb entertaining it. That's what I felt like in the And if I didn't entertain it, then I didn't care enough to like fix it. So I was like, I was torn. I was like, I don't know what you guys want for my life, but I tried my best.
The audience, the audience saw through through it all, and they loved you and I think this is the first, honestly since we've been covering the show, which feels like forever in a good way. But I will say this is the first time in a long time where there's been such a push for someone to become the lead. I can't I can't remember like Mae, like Becca.
Who friends after break up, but usually there's some sort of like crazy this is the breakup that fuels in at the end. I feel like you're a very unique situation.
So I have to ask, did they ask you to be the bachelorette?
This is what I'll say, because obviously I've been asked left, right and center, Like there's obviously conversations about that. But I just like, I'm really here to like support Jen and to to like, you know, bring attention to that. I don't think it really matters anymore. And so yeah, like I'm just really excited for Jen and I and I want to keep the focus on that, to be honest.
But there are rumors out there that you were asked and that mental health came into play for you potentially not doing it. Do you want to like address any of the rumors about it.
There were a couple things that were said that were so untrue that I'm like, I don't care to entertain it. It's just it's not I don't know. I mean, like I said, I just want to keep the focus on Gen and like, I don't think it really matters even if that was the case, and it wasn't the case, Like, I don't think it really matters because it's not me, right, So yeah, I don't know, I don't know. I really just want to keep the focus on Gen and I don't think it really matters about me at this point. But I was really appreciative that, like people saw me in that position and it and that was really nice because I've never I always wanted to be a contestant on the show. I never once even thought or entertained the idea of being Bachelorette, So it was nice to hear. But yeah, as for those rumors, like again, there's people talk all the time, and that's what I've realized in this world, and that's why, like, as soon as I came back, like I wanted so badly to detach a little bit and just come back to reality and be with my family and my friends and not do any podcasts and stuff like that. Because I was like, I know how people can twist things and turn things, and there's so many people that like blow things out of proportion or they'll like here, I don't know, they just make things up in weird ways, click bait and all that stuff. And so when I heard that stuff, I was like, I'm not even gonna entertain it. It's not even like a thought in my mind. It's unfortunate that there's things like that coming around, like and so for that, I'm gonna say untrue. And uh, let's just support Jen in this moment, and uh, we'll see what the future has. And I'm excited for her, honestly.
Are you ready to start dating?
Yeah, one hundred percent.
What are you looking for now?
What are you looking for now?
I mean, I don't. I'm not the type of person that like falls in love very easily. It's kind of like when I know, I know, I know a lot of girls like like to date and go on dates to like figure out if if that person is someone that they want, Like, I'm the type of person which is going to make it a lot harder for me when I know. I know, so I haven't found that yet, and I'm open and ready to meet new people in a more organic, like traditional way. It's kind of hard because of the social media and there's like so many opportunities and it's it's weird. I hate this world that it is like the way that it is now.
But are your dms open? Like would you like go in a date if someone DMG or are you like very much? And I really want to be organic?
I really wanted to be organic. I mean, I obviously you know the dms are are open, and I have seen a lot of no that oh my god, if anyone sends me that absolute blog like blog no, but absolutely fucking not. But yeah, no, I just I love to meet, like like the best way to me is like through a friend or like at a like an outing like something casual, because I am so like chill that way, where like people probably don't think that I am. But I just love like feeling comfortable around someone and so meeting in a comfortable setting just makes all the difference. I don't I hate that, like, oh blind date, never been on one, I'll never be on one, like uhuh, Like I need to know I already have some sort of interest in you before I take.
Trying to set you up on a blind date right now? Sorry, is someone trying to set you up on a blind date?
No? No, no, I'm just saying like I'm not interested in that. I need to know that. I'm kind of like like I want to entertain this, Like I don't like waste of time, Like I know a lot of girls are like I go on dates to get a free meal, and like I want to I'm like, I'd rather eat alone. I eat like a pig. I want to mow and just enjoy myself. Like if I'm going to go on a date with the guy, it's gonna be like very casual and fun and then you know whatever. But I'm very open, but I want it to be Why do you guys have anyone for me? I know She's like set me up at Jason's party and I was like, who are.
People trying to set you up with their silence? Have you had? Have you had Burger drops in Toronto?
What the hell's burger drops on the same.
Joe's getting hungry?
Yeah, I'm obviously I'm getting hungry.
Well, we're gonna play a game with you, but before we do, I want to ask you. After going through all this, you know, rewatching it, the whole experience of it all. What do you think you've taken from it? What have you learned the most about yourself?
That being authentic and being true to who you are goes a long way. And yeah, that's it. Just saying true to who you are and like not faking anything and just like being vulnerable, it goes a long way.
Cool, all right, We're gonna play a game rapid fire. First thing that comes to your head, this or that, rapid fire, this or that, mister Wright with Maria? How do how do you say your last name?
Georgia's okay. I'm just gonna say Maria, I'm okay. When it comes when it comes to guys, which do you prefer? Blondes or brunettes?
I never heard guys consider themselves brunette. What do you consider like dark brunette?
What are you? Yeah?
Kind of black hair?
Black hair? Yeah you have like yeah, yeah, I guess, I guess, yes, yeah, I guess it's okay. So dark hair like brunettes, brunettes, dark hair, same ship.
You know, energetic or chill.
You'd be surprised. I like chill.
Tall guys or short kings.
I'm open. I don't judge.
Okay, really funny or great style really funny.
I can change those style athlete.
True, you can't make them funny athlete or finance bro.
But I don't even like either.
I don't. I don't like a guy like Okay, I like athletic, but I don't like a gym like like a guy who's like ripped.
And like you don't want someone who's at the gymly three oh no hours a day, like like.
A little dad bob, you know, like a little like.
But I got a lot of guys are happy to hear that.
Actually, but I liked I like them to be athletic, to like want to try, like you know, we could do fun things. But like I, if you're in the gym twenty or seven taking selfie pics like showing off your abs, don't even message me, don't talk to me. Okay, congrats, you'll find a girl that loves that. I just don't care. Sorry, go on.
Gift giver or acts of service. Acts of service loves to cuddle or gives you space.
Space. I'm so you decided. Here's the thing that's so that like, Okay, I love I don't. To be honest, I'm not a big like cuddler, Like unless I really really really really like you, I'll usually like to have my space. But I feel like that's so like, oh are you saying like it's like when you're going to sleep, like you want your space or you like to cuddle. Yeah, oh I like my space.
A bunch of guys DM me before we do this podcast find out she likes to cuddle.
No way, that's not true.
Cuddler until you got to go to sleep. I like my I like to sleep, you know, in peace.
I know I'm the same. I'm like I like to a little cuddle, like to relax me and like put me into sleepy zone and then like get as far away from me as possible.
Anyone that's straight up coddling through sleep is a sential serial.
Killer, Like don't touch me in Yes, maybe if I had like a nightmare and I want to like like but it's just like to like zone me into sleep mode. It's too hot.
I gotta like sprawl. Best thing what I've heard is when when couples will have two separate rooms. Maybe that might be too much.
But I've actually seen this on Instagram that it's becoming more and more common for people like later in their marriage is to have separate rooms and separate bathrooms.
You know what's not a bad idea, but like obviously going to bed together, it's a beautiful thing. But like you guys gonna have to have your space a little bit.
It's we have a king bad and that is perfect.
Okay, this game's rapid fire. You guys are all right? Facial hair or clean shaven, a little bit of facial great style or great cook.
A great style, great cook. I like to eat.
Type A or go with the flow. Huh type A? Or go with the flow, but the flow sarcastic or sweet?
Oh my god? Sweet?
I sarcasm?
Like no lavish or intimate? First date? Mm?
Intimate? Great lavish? Your intimate?
Yeah for your first date? Do you want something intimate and chill or do you want something like intimate?
Into that? I like that you put the chill in their intimate and chill?
Great texture? Or opened every door for you?
So either you got all your doors opened for you or they text air?
Can I get both?
Even have both on that one?
I don't need. I mean you saw on the show. I was able to open my own door on my way out, so I'll say good texture because I'm a good texture. I don't play games on text.
When I see that answer, and then to close us off, what is next for Maria? Where is life taking out?
Well, I'm excited to announce that there's going to be more that people are going to see of me. I have a couple podcasts look forward to, but they'll just have to wait and see.
That's amazing. Well, we are excited to have you on today. This has been fantastic. We're excited to hear from you more, see you more. I feel like people just can't get enough of you. So it's been great.
Yep, Maria, thank you for joining us.
Thank you guys for having me. You're awesome.
And to all our listeners, thank you guys for subscribing and listening, and make sure you subscribe. Oh double subscribe.
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