Joe & Serena’s Holiday Recap

Published Jan 9, 2024, 8:01 AM

Serena and Joe catch us up on all their holiday festivities! From New Year’s intentions to Christmas gifts for each other, we get all the deets on how they spent the holiday season together.

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Hey, everyone, Welcome back to Bachelor Happy Hour. I'm Joe and I'm Serena and it's twenty twenty four, our first podcast of the year.

It's a whole new year.

How are you feeling.

I feel good. I feel like I'm like easing into twenty twenty four. Yeah, like, I'm not a big like jan first, let's go like. I like a good slow ease in.

I ran something miles this morning. You did feel good about that.

I'll go to the gym too this week, which has been good because I was super lazy over the holidays, which is fine. I like to be lazy over the holidays.

And later this week we're gonna get right back in the suite of things. We have Joey season coming up. We got cast bios. We're gonna break down as many of the women as possible because there's thirty two of them.

It's huge. There's so many women. It's crazy, but it's exciting.

I know I'm intimidating, but we're gonna break down a lot lot.

Imagine how Joey fell. If you're intimidating just reading the bios.

True, I do love that though. That's one of my favorite, my favorite part. I love the beginning of the season, the first episode.

Yeah, the first episode is always just fun because it's just not that serious yet, you know, it's all just first impressions, first meetings. Yeah, it's just fun.

Yeah. So what do you want to talk about on this episode? Would we do for the holidays?

Yeah, we're into a little holiday recap. Yeah, and some New Year's activities. Also, this episode is coming out after the Gary and Teresa wedding.

Yeah, we missed it. We missed it, which.

We sadly were not able to attend. Joe had a work trip and I also had a trip booked that conflicted with the wedding. But it looked so beautiful. Yeah, and we are actually going to be interviewing Gary and Teresa. We're going to have an exclusive sit down with them coming out for you guys to talk about all the behind the scenes of the wedding and all the excitement of that day. So be sure to stay tuned for that.

Yeah. Very happy for Gary and tru. So they wasted no time.

Good for them, they wasted no time. They made it a wedding in a month. It took us a year to plan a wedding.

They are married. So good for them. I can't wait to interview them.

Yeah, it's going to be good. I'm excited to hear all about it. I feel like, because we weren't there, our questions are going to be very similar to our listeners questions, so we'll be sure to get all of is answered for you guys and listeners.

If you do have any questions for Gary and Teresa, send them our way because we have some time and we would love to use some of those questions to ask the newly wet copy.

Yeah, dm us at our Bachelor Happy Hour Instagram account and we'll be sure to ask those questions for you guys.

So holiday season, what was your favorite Do you have a standout, stand out part of the holidays. Let's let's not include New Year's Okay even this, let's just is just strictly.

Christmas my favorite part. Honestly, I just feel like the holidays always blur together for me, Like it's hard to pinpoint like specific days. But we did a lot of going out with friends of mine and family, and all those like dinners nextctivities were super enjoyable.

Yeah, what do you have you don't have? Yeah, that's such a week answer.

You know, I know, can we just go start to finish?

No, we can't know. This year you have to deal with the fact that we may do things not in chronological order.

It's so hard. Maybe I'll make that my my New Year's one of my New Year's intentions.

And there you're jumping New Year's already. Well, do you have a step? What was if you look back at this holiday season, what is one moment that you're like that one's sticking with me?

Hmmm, kind of list a few? Sure, sure, Okay, Well, on Christmas Eve, my mom made Prime Room sandwiches that were fire. They were so good.

I was going to say that was one of the like.

The best thing I ate the whole holiday season. It was just fun. We were all just chilling at home. It was Christmas Eve, so like the most Christmasy day of the year other than Christmas. That was That was a good one. And then okay, Joe, yes, let's chat about our holiday season.

Let's do it. I think I think we would be doing the listeners a disgust, not disservice, dis service. I always say disjustice.

Is not a word.

It's a word that I've made up that I must never use again in twenty twenty four, we're starting off.

Bed No more Disjustice.

No More Disjustice. So my present from my wife, which is you yep, was the the Kevin McAllister Home Alone two experience at the Plaza in New York. If you haven't seen Home Alone Too, I suggest you watch it. It's one of the best Christmas movies there is. And Serena got us a room at the Plaza and a stretch limo, which that's when I was like really shocked by the entire experience because I like I remember just being like, you really got a little and a large pizza, which got some slack because it was a Pepperoni pizza.

Now, people, it's supposed to be cheese. That's the whole point of the movie. I know it's supposed to be cheese. But Joe the night before we did this, we were watching Home Alone one and he was like, I would get Pepperoni. I was just like, Pepperoni so much better. So I was like, Okay, that's I'm going to get him Pepperoni.

You know it was it was Joe's pizza. We took the limo, we went, we went, We had the pizza, but we barely ate it, and then.

We well, I had to schedule the delivery, so it had been sitting for a little while down in the lobby. And I also was just like, I know, we're not going to want to eat this pizza and alemo as our dinner. We went for a nice dinner. I actually also really tried hard to get a white stretch Lemo. I checked like four or five different places.

Yeah, I don't think they're in existence.

And I actually called the places justice what a dis justice. I called the place that I booked the stretch, was like, do you guys have white limbos? She was like, we might. I was like, can I put in like a request if one's available? She was like surelat stretch limo showed up.

Yeah, yeah, that's unfortunate, but it was.

It was so oh buddy if it was a white one. And I really wanted to get the pizza in the limo before you got down there, but there was just no way for me to do that in a sneaky way without being like meet me downstairs.

Yeah it was. It was a great It was a great experience. Like it was so it was a lot of fun. I prefer that for a gift over just like a physical object.

Really do you. I feel like, yeah, you first got together, you were like a physical gift over experience.

Person I give physical gifts over experience, but I I did enjoy the experience more because it's just something that'll always I'll always remember it.

Yeah, and it was very specific to you, like you love home alone till You've always said like this would be so awesome, Yeah.

To do this, And when I think back, you know, when I think back on Christmas of twenty twenty three, that's what I'm gonna that's what I'm gonna think of.

Oh. I love that. I'm so glad. Honestly, I was really nervous to give it to Joe, just because I was like, I've kind of gone off the rails here with like our standard like here's a pair of shoes, here's a sweater, here's you know, a new scarf. So I thought you were gonna like it, but it's still nerve wracking. And I put so much thought work into it, like I'd been like putting it all together for like over a month. So I was like, man, if this doesn't land, it's gonna really suck.

Yeah, next, next, next year, I'm going to have to get you an experience of some sort.

You don't have to. You always give me a great gift. Joe got me a pair of black loafers that I really wanted. Yeah, they were gorgeous and great. It's honest, exactly what I wanted him to get me. So I was very happy.

Yeah, but that also that kind of that like there's no surprise to that, you know, like I feel like you knew I was going to get you those.

I mean I didn't know for sure, Yeah, but it's like it was a really nice gift and it's something that I probably wouldn't have gotten for myself. Sure, So that's that's what. And I've worn them a bunch.

Yeah. So then we went Toronto because it was your turn this year. We went by your family in Toronto.

Yeah. The way Joe and I split up Christmases because obviously we live in New York, but he's from Chicago. My faim is in Toronto. Is we alternate. So the first year together, we did my family, last year we did his family, and then we get it. Oh okay, never mind, I'll just shut up.

In you love talking about the alternating.

I'm just explaining it to people. I feel like it's a very common thing of like how people in relationships divide up Christmases, like people that live in the same place. It's like, okay, who's like we go to Christmas Eve for my dad and then we go to you know, Thanksgiving for his mom and the whole thing.

First thing we did, but we got to Toronto, we went to eat.

All Joe's done talking about that.

First thing we did was we went to Italy and it's very Italy's very Christmasy.

It actually, yeah, it was really it was more Christmasy than I expected.

And I got a Tara massou lat you did.

We went to lunch with my friends, my best friends and her boyfriend and my sister was there and it was actually, yeah, it was. We drove right downtown and it was super Christmas dy. We're in Yorkville for whoever, And.

I would say, are the standout of Toronto was probably Christmas Eve night and your mom's prime rib.

Yeah, we don't really have any Christmas Eve traditions because we used to go to my grandparents and now we're doing Christmas Eve brunch slash lunch in my grandparents. So my mom was like, what do you want for dinner? And Joe and I were both like, oh, like prime rib dips would be great if you want to know.

She offered between two things that we chose the prime. Yes, yes, we weren't just like make sandwich.

No, no, that wasn't an idea of our own. She was like, I could I want to just do something in the crockpot so I can let it sit all day. Do you want like prime rib sandwiches? Or do you want this chicken stew that she makes us really delicious? And weally got prime sandwich is sound great? But it was so good, truly, it was delicious. I ate like three of them.

They were really really good.

We went to so many restaurants. We went to really good restaurants when we were in Toronto, and honestly, it was my favorite thing that I ate was my mom's crackpot primer sandwich.

And we can't take the recipe because now that is a tradition.

Well, she we've made them before. Do you know that we've made that recipe?

Yeah, but we made it with beef chap. Yeah, we didn't use the same.

And honestly, it just wasn't as good as how my mom made I think we like rushed it. She let her sit for like eight hours, I feel like.

And then another standout was what we got your dad the dry sauna for two days. Yeah. So there's a company in Toronto that delivers dry saunas to a big dry sauna to your home and you could rent it for two days. So that's what we did. We rented it for two days. It was in the dry for a.

Bunch of days. It's just like a per day, per day.

Rate and it's wood fire sauna. It was.

It was awesome, It was hilarious. I don't know. My mom had mentioned like, I think that your dad might like this. He was kind of looking at one. My dad's a big, like experienced guy. He likes me busy, he likes activities. So we were like, I feel like this would be fun for the holidays. They literally drive it up, they park it. It's like the length of an suv, maybe like a foot taller than suv, so it's not that big. We got one that fits like sixty to eight people.

Eight people would have been tight, but you could fit. You could fit eight people in there, for.

Sure, you could. But I feel like you like six would have been yeah, yeah, yeah, And they parked it in our driveway and they give you a bunch of wood and you basically put wood in the back of it and make a fire and heats up. It got really hot. At one time I was really struggling in it.

I got that thing up to two hundred degrees.

That's wild. I feel like that's a little dangerous.

Yeah. I think next time though, we do that and a cold plunge.

Yeah, joe the min I told him that's what we were getting. My dad was looking for renta both cold plunges.

But that was great. That was a great gift. I love that thing.

Yeah, yeah, it was a gift for the whole to be honest, which I feel like my dad likes those things.

If we move out, if we ever move out of a New York apartment, I definitely want to get a sauna in a house in our house.

I mean yeah, if we can ever make that happen. There's actually there's this influencer that I follow in Australia. She has a sauna in her backyard.

My friend Joey is building one in his backyard. It's not that it's not is extravagant.

Yeah, I've told me how much it was. And like in my mind, like an at home sauna is like the height of luxury. And I know this is actually kind of no do this.

It's affordable and he's using a really reputable company company.

So well, if we ever have a backyard big enough, you'll have your suna in your cult blood Do you ever have a backyard, If we ever have a backyard, Yeah, we're really dedicated to apartment living.

Yeah, I actually yeah, apartment living is actually great though.

It is great if you guys follow us in his stream, we saw our like bedroom ceiling was looking real bad. That's the only downside. But then the upside is we fix they fix it because you're in an apartment.

Because if I have to fix it, we have a big problem.

You can't fix it. That's the problem.

I know.

But yeah, and then oh we also so my aunt gets all my cousins like an activity every single year, and we all went paintballing and I literally got whacked in the thigh. I still I still am bruised, Like I still have a bruise from the paintball.

You have a major well yeah, I think it.

Chill it's huge.

I think it shot once.

Well, it's crazy it hit like three times.

Yeah, I think it shot once.

No, that's so lucky. That was a stand up moment just from the anxiety and the pain, but it ended up being kind of fun. Once you like get comfortable, it's more fun.

And then we got back to New York and day before New Year's Yeah, New Year's Eve, we pretty much chilled. We went by some friends out here in New York, went by their place. We left by like eleven, so we weren't stuck in crazy New York traffic.

Yeah. And then we just watched the ball drop from our apartment.


It's so crazy that like you can you can say, like, oh, we watched the ball drop and everyone knows what that is. Like it's such an iconic symbol, like the ball dropping in times for on New Year's Yeah, and when.

We do that. Last year we were we were in Chicago for New Year's Yeah, because we stayed. We stayed for a few weeks.

We watched the ball drop on the couch, finished an episode of ted Lasso, and then went to bed. You know what's funny is literally in our interview with Danny on this podcast. You talked so much shit about Ted Lasso, and then we got back into it and you loved it. We binged the last like five episodes of the third season in like two days.

It was a great New Year show.

It was because it's just like happy and feel good.

Yeah. Yeah, next year for New Year's Eve. I'm just putting it out there in the universe.

Jos, putting this out there since we've met.

By the way, I think you think I'm going to say something to Oh.

Okay, what do you think I think you're going to say Next year for New Year's Eve, I want to be in London.

Yeah. I knew that's what you thought. No, Okay, next year for New Year's Eve, I want to be somewhere tropical.

Oh what Yeah, Literally days ago you were saying I want to go to London.

Next year, I will also go to London, like I.

Would be talking to London for three years. We almost went this year.

Yeah, I would do that, But honestly, I'm just like, I want to be on a beach. Yeah, I'm really really, I don't know, I'm really I was a big seasons guy. I love the holidays, but right after Christmas, I'm over it. Yeah, I'm over it.

You are, like the build up to Christmas. Once Christmas is done, it's like, it's nice to be somewhere warm.

Well, it was a rough time after the twenty fifth, like even the twenty fifth, but that's fine because it is still like the Christmas you know, feeling.

Yeah, so festive.

Yeah, it was just gray and rainy every single day. Right, I need to see the sun.

Yeah, Joe looks at the sun every morning as part.

Of his No, I don't really. I wish I could do that. I wish I could, but we don't really get the sun all the time out here.

Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm not against that at all, to be honest.

And then the reason we missed Gary and Teresa's wedding. I was in Scottsdale, yeah, which got some sun.

There you go. And I was in Miami slash on a cruise.

And I also went to Vegas, but I was on the West coast, so Vegas for a few days.

Yeah, oh the sun. The sun's coming in through a perman actually right now. Honestly, it's just like getting away for a few days to get a little sun and a little warmth just makes you realize how hard the winter's hit. When you're on the East Coast, You're just like, Wow, I'm a whole different person. I know a few degrees warmer, and it's it.

What's so crazy is like I think I said this to you the other day. It's like we almost I forget what it feels like to walk out of the house with a T shirt in.

Yeah, because every time I step outside of our building, I'm like bracing myself to get whacked by the wind.

Yeah, and that we have the where we live.

The windows Palm Springs also would have been a nice warm getaway too. It's a good spot.

Yeah. Maybe maybe we got to try to to I don't know, I'll figure out in the winter to be somewhere warm for.

You know, we say this every winter. I know we say this every year. Do you have any New Year's resolutions this year?

Not really. I feel like I'm pretty regiment on my gym and exercising. Uh Less, paper towels.

We use a lot of use a lot of paper towels. Yeah. I think the thing with paper towels is like it's so easy. You rub a paper towel, you wipe down the counter, you throw it away. If I use a towel, I have to immediately throw it in the wash, and I'm going through then like a bunch of towels because we wipe down our counters like every single time we eat or clean or cook. So it's like then I'm going through five paper towels a day or five like towels a day, and then I'm running the wash a bunch. I don't know. We got to find a better solution if anyone out there has a better solution for having an efficient cleaning system not using paper towels, because we are using so and it's not like it's like it is wasteful, like we're using them for a purpose, but it's like, well, I'm al trying so many rolls of paper towels.

And I'll this is gonna be twelve minutes of this podcast is going to be about paper towels. But I will clean with the paper towels and then I will wash my hands and then take more paper towels and dry my hands.

Oh really, you dry your hands with paper towels, Joe, we have we don't like, Yes, we have towels sitting on the by the stove.

I never use those.

Why not? I don't know, Well that should be that's step one right there, and using less paper towels, using the hand towels to dry your hands.

Do you have a some sort of a goal you would like to accomplish in twenty twenty four?

A goal? Yeah, that's so hard. I feel like I have like personal here's my thing. I'm not really a New Year's goal person. Like I feel like I don't wake up in twenty twenty four or whatever new year it is and say like, these are my big specific goals for the year. I find them like very intimidating.

I agree. I'm a mid season honestly, Like.

I'm making goals all year round, so it's like I'm not starting anything that's brand new of like this is what I want to accomplish this year. It's like I've already been thinking about this year halfway through last year. Yeah, does that make sense?

Yeah? Yeah, definitely. I'm a mid year type of like set goals mid year. I did. I did see an article though this is kind of it's kind of on top of kind of off, but an article that was like the depression after the holidays and coming back and being depressed over your finances and everything else. I'm like, yeah, that is so real because for that little pocket, that the holiday pocket of like buying gifts for people and all, you you tend not to worry about.

Like no, because it's like the season of giving and it's the holidays, and you kind of just like embrace you're going to be spending more money than usual.

Yeah, it's like we get and then you.

Look back and you're like, oh damn.

Yeah, we get drunk on like holiday spirit. That's what it is.

It's like, yes, that is a great was that from the article? Do you just make that?

I just made that up? Because that's I feel like that's what like kind of happens when people like if you if you go off for drinks because you're like stressed out or something, you know, it usually subsides the stress and then you get back into it and you're like ah, the next day you're like ah, that's I'm still upset about that.

Yeah, I No, you do get you do get drunk on holiday spirit, and it's just like it's the holidays, Like calories don't count, glasses of wine don't count, credit card dollars don't count. Nothing counts it's just magic all around and then New Year's ends and you're like, oh, wow, back to reality.

I really enjoyed the way we did it this year. We did the whole like holiday Christmas movie.

But yeah, that was fun.

That was a little too long. I think we were sly. We were stuck in the we we were We got really drunk on the.

Holiday spirit because we were watching a month full of our Christmas movie schedule.


I liked that though, I think we could. I think it was just hard because in my mind I was like, oh, we could throw a movie on like during the day. But we had a really really busy like September honestly, like it was a really busy year. But I feel like the second half of this year was just really busy with work and it ended up being like we're watching a movie every night. That was the only thing we're watching, Like we were watching any TV. We were We were like half watching most of these movies. It was just like overboard on Christmas content. It was all I was putting into my body and my mind was Christmas content.

Yeah, this year, if we could go one place in the world for vacation, Yeah, where would you like that? One place to be only one, because we've talked about multiple.

I know that's so hard because yeah, for listeners, Joe and I the last two years their third like year full year together, we've gone on one big trip. So our first year together we went to Spain. We did three places in Spain. Last year we had our honeymoon, we went to Italy, three places in Italy. And this year we're kind of trying to decide what we want our trip to beau. As much as we travel a lot, A lot of the time we're traveling to like Toronto, Chicago, or traveling for work, so we usually do like one like vacation trip together a year. And I think, as much as I've been talking forever about wanting to go to Hawaii, and I'm still into that idea if it happens, I do think I want to do like Japan. Okay, I think I do. And honestly, after talking to some friends of mine who we went for dinner with who have like been there, I talked about how amazing it was, And you've been to Japan and I've never been. I don't think I've been anywhere.

To me, it's to this day it's still my favorite place I've ever been.

Yeah, and I love sushi.

Yeah, and the best sushi.

You you really love Japanese culture. I think it would be really fun. The thing that intimidates me about it is the time change and the flight and the language barrier.

Ye in Tokyo. In Tokyo, they were so helpful really when you didn't when you couldn't speak the language, they were so amazing. It was actually it was easy in the the subway system over there. You know, it's obviously all in a different language, but it's still it's still pretty easy to get around. Yeah, I I really I agree.

Is that where you would want to go if you could do one place?

Yeah, I say Asia. I would just maybe.

Where were the other place for talking about soul?

Soul? South Korea? I've never been to Thailand, so like that would also be cool. Yeah, I just And then then the debate, it's like how long do you want to be away for?

Because it's just so hard to be away for more than ten days? Yeah, like ten days. We did our last two trips for ten days. We did Spain and Italy for ten days, and I just think that's.

Well Asia, It is a longer flight and I think we would need to do it for at least thirteen thirteen days two weeks. I think two weeks is good. But yeah, I'm with you on that.

Do you want to hear my news resolution intentions?

Oh? Yeah, okay, I thought you were in a New Year's resumece.

I'm not, but I did. I did set some like intentions for the year, like small things that I want to try to work on, but not like specific where I'm like I'm going to work out six days a week for the rest of the year, Like I'm only going to use my phone for ten minutes a day, like I just have overall things. So one thing is I want to I think I totally said I want to work on not scrolling in bed before we go to sleep.

Because look, and when you when you say these things, then are you are you inviting me to criticize?

No, I'm not inviting you to do that. Well, like you could yeah, like if I'm like sitting in bed actually scrolling, you could be like are you going to read? Like the other night You're like, hey, are you going to read? Like why don't you read your book? And I was like, oh, yeah, you're right, because sometimes I get like caught up and it's just habit, you know what I mean. Yeah, And I enjoy it when I'm like reading or if we just like watch a sitcom or something in bad because I feel like I do so much scrolling during the day and so much time on social media because of our jobs that at night time I don't need to be doing it. And then I had another one, but I can't remember what it was. I'm being honest. I wrote it down somewhere. But oh, and I feel like I really worked on time management this year. When I'm at home in Toronto, I've gotten like much better with my time management, so I want to be better about time management here as well. I feel like I'm always kind of rushing out the door here, yeah, and I can be better about that. So those are my intentions for the air. Just general things to work on.

Nice I think I would like for me, uh yeah, less paper towel use and probably more time for just like breathing exercises a little more like at it meditation every day. Yeah, just like even earlier today, I was really stressed out and did some breathing techniques and that I feel like that that helps.

You know, what something else I think we could work on this year. What it's hard because we live in like a city, we live in a freaking concrete jungle. But creating time to like be in nature.

Yeah, but that's the thing, I know.

But like even just like going to Central Park and like chilling there for like an hour in the summer. Yeah, I know, it's like still in the city or like it's just yeah, it's so hard when we're here. But I do feel better when I spend more time in nature, in nature, like not just outdoors, like nature. Like I took a deep breath in the other day walking outside in New York and like choked on smoke.

Yeah, I mean that's that's.

Not giving like fresh air.

It's truly honestly in the thing. It's it's like I'm from Chicago, you're from Toronto, and it's the same.

Yeah, there's no nature when we go home either, But I.

Guess we've never really had it our entire life.

That would be the cool thing if we did a Hawaii trip, because I feel like you can go hiking and you can be by the water. I'm so much happier by the water.

Yeah. Yeah, well we can make him hopefully, maybe we were lucky enough we could do both.

Maybe we'll see, we'll see what twenty twenty four has in store for us. Twenty twenty three was a crazier because we got married. It was our wedding, and it was just like an exceptionally busy er. It felt like, I guess, just like bridal shower, bachelor party, bachelor party.

If I were to read twenty twenty three, if I were to rate twenty twenty three on a scale of one to ten, ten being good, ten being the best, yeah, obviously, one being the absolute worst. I've been pretty lucky in my life. I would never say I had a year that was a one. Like there's always been some some highlights within my year, but let's just say, like, yeah, like a really rough year, like a twenty twenty Yeah is let's call it, you know whatever, A four or five. Yeah, I would rate. I would rate twenty twenty three being one of my better years I've lived.

I agree. I think so too.

Yeah, Like it's a high great year. It's in the it's in the upper eight slow nines.

Yeah, yeah, I agree. We had a really exciting positive year career wise. I mean, we got to the Mabeling commercial, which was amazing. We got to work on this podcast, we worked with some great brands, and then also personally, we got married, We traveled a little bit. I feel like, I will say, by the end of twenty twenty three, the last few months I was struggling with some burnout for sure. Yeah, so that was a little bit difficult. But I feel really good after the holiday break, and I'm going to try to not burn out in twenty twenty four. But it was a lot of positive things. No, it's hard to feel like it was a great year. I want to do anything differently.

The only thing that makes me worried is that it was such a great year. I hope that twenty twenty four is just as good.

It will be. It'll just be different, you know. Like we're not planning a wedding this year, so that's we can take that off the plate.

And we won't be in Lake Homo this Year's unfortunate.

No, it could be. If you want to skip out on Japan, we just go to Lake Homo instead. We just really have a reoccurring trip to Lake Como.

I would be honestly, I would be down for that, Okay. I think I think that kind of wraps up this episode.

Yeah, that was kind of our holiday highlights, New Year recap, and we're excited to be heading into twenty twenty four with Bachelor Happy Hour and all of our.

Listeners, make sure you stay tuned into Later this week, we're going to be dropping cast bios for Joey's season. That's going to be exciting, and then the following week we're going to have our Gary Intrisa interviews, so make sure if you have any questions send them in. Thank you for listening to a Bachelor Happy Hour, Make sure you subscribe. Bye bye

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