Today on “Happy Hour,” we’re recapping last night’s episode of “The Bachelorette”! With some of Jenn’s connections getting deeper, Joe and Serena are giving us their thoughts on her front-runners.
We get into the dates, including the majorly mismatched energy between Sam M. and Jenn this week. Plus, we get a little insight into what Joe and Serena want to know from Devin, who will be on “Happy Hour” later this week!
Tune in now to hear all this and more, and be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode.
Hey, everyone, Welcome back to Betcher Happy Hour.
I'm Joe and I'm Serena.
We are here with another weekly recap of Jen season. How we feeling in, Sara, I'm feeling good.
I feel like the drama was really dialed down this episode, which I've actually been really enjoying the male hot heads of the season, but it's been nice to focus a little bit.
More on the love stories as well.
Yeah, I feel like you always get that episode middle of the pack where it's a little more chill. But what I realized at the end of this episode is there's not many guys left, Like we're at that point now.
I was watching it being like, I feel like we're actually getting really close to hometowns.
Yeah, it's just crazy.
Yeah, we have to be. And one of the guys in my opinion, who I think has probably the one of the better connections with John if I would say maybe definitely top three is Devin and I'm excited to talk to him because we are going to have Devin on later this week, so make sure you check out that interview.
Yeah, we have so much to talk with Devin.
I feel like he's been involved in almost all of the drama this season with multiple different guys from Aaron to Sam M to him defending Sam N and even in this last episode we saw he's still kind of rubbing the guys the wrong way.
So I mean, I watch I like Devin, like why not just because he's coming on this podcast. I think I've kind of been pro Devin. You have been this whole time we've been recapping this season. I don't know what the temperature is on him with the fans. I people definitely didn't like him after the ice cream.
I feel like it switches every week.
Like some weeks people are like, you cannot make me like Devin, Like if he has zero haters, I'm dead. But I also feel like there's some episodes where people like, Okay, I liked him in this episode, like after his one on one date. I think a lot of people switched their tune. But we shall see, we shall see. I think we've always agreed like he's a bit of a controversial, introversial character.
Either you love Devin or you hate Devin.
Yeah, yeah, I agree with that. Okay, let's get into it. So we start at episode starts at the cocktail party, not not too much drama, we see all the guys are pretty pissed. Actually, I shouldn't say not too much drama. There is a little drama because Gent's ex boyfriend Matt is there and we see all the guys are pretty are pretty upset about it. Yeah, you said you would be upset as well.
I would be upset. Yeah.
If I'm being totally honest, I want to say that I would be calm, cool, collected. I actually probably would be calm, cool, collected on the outside, but internally I would have a lot of thoughts and opinions about what was going on, and if she makes one decision, what am I going to do?
She makes another decision, What am I going to do?
You hear a lot of guys, and Devin was one of them, like if if he stays, if she keeps him, I'm out of here.
So I mean, and I don't know, maybe it's just because I'm watching from home. I personally don't think it would really bother me. I could feel differently in this bubble in this scenario, but yeah, I don't. I don't. I would be like okay, like fine, yeah, like this doesn't really affect This isn't really gonna affect my relationship with Jen and if anything, if my relationship is stronger, it's probably gonna progress a little quicker because now there's you know, some some real competition or is that stupid?
No, No, it's not stupid at all.
I just I just don't know if I agree, And I'm really trying to put myself in that situation of what it would feel like because we did have someone come in. We had have Martin come in to our season. I want to say it was like week six or seven. She had met our lead, which was Matt before, but like they hadn't had any history and like, but I think it's also hard because it was later in the season and I'm just trying to remember how I felt in that moment. But if I was in this situation, I think if she was like, I'm gonna bring him into this journey, to me, I'm like, I'm having a lot of mixed feelings about that if I'm the contestants, because I'm just wondering why there's a need to revisit a relationship with someone that is a ex boyfriend, Like you have a lot of history with this person, you know this person, Like everyone is kind of on the same playing field. When you go on the show, you're all getting to know the lead from zero, like you're meeting them for the first time. So then to throw someone in the mix that has years of history with her, like knows her knows her family, knows her friends. I would just be like, this doesn't feel like a fair dynamic. And I would just think, like, you know enough about this person that if you're thinking, maybe I want to get engaged them, like you should maybe just go and explore with them, or you should leave that in the past, because it's like, if you're thinking, like I might want to be with this person, how do you balance or compare in contrast to their relationship with you to my relationship with you having known you for four weeks. Like, mentally, it would be really hard for me to wrap my head around as a contestant if like an ex boyfriend joined the show and I think, I think I said this when we're watching it, I think what I would do, and like, again, like, who who knows if I was in this situation what I would actually do. But I feel like I would be like, Okay, noted, Like noted, you just brought your ex boyfriend onto this show, and I'd probably give it a week or two, and if that dude was still around and that relationship was really progressing, i'd really have to analyze if I was going to stick it out or not.
Oh, you've given this more thought than than I thought.
Yeah, I think it's a really complicated dynamic.
I think it's every I think it's the plot of every good rom com. And the truth is you're cheering for the ex.
Boyfriend exactly that too, yeah, which is also.
As if you were I'm like, okay, Like I I don't believe that this was like, you know, something that these two planned, like come back on the show. I truly just think like he was probably scared to tell Jen how he actually felt, or didn't realize until she was gone, and then decided like this is my last chance or I'm gonna lose her forever, so I'm gonna fly to New Zealand, I'm gonna go on The Bachelor atte and I'm gonna win her back. And I'm like, Okay, all right, this is this is a rom com and I'm I want to watch now. All the guys are kind of like Dicky to him, which I didn't really like, because I don't really blame the guy, like you can't. Like if if it was like, if the relationship was shut down before Jen went on as the lead, then stay home. But if it was you, they were potentially going to a wedding in Columbia together. They they had a pass. They were still kind of talking, but they weren't dating. But like then he realizes, Fuck, I love this girl and I'm gonna lose her forever. I don't know, I think good. I'm I like Matt like that. No, you don't.
You don't like Matt do I'm just trying to put myself in the position of the guys and give them a little bit of sympathy here for being so frustrated.
But I like Matt, Like he seemed like a really okay okay.
But if you're if you're a contestant and you have a really strong connection with Jen, it would only solidify, it would solidify that it's even stronger if you compete with an X and you you are the one.
Yeah, because like, why did you need him here?
I don't know, let me put it. No, Like, I I agree with you, Like I liked Matt. I think he was a really nice guy. I actually felt like really sad that Gen sent him home. As much as I thought it was the right decision, I thought what he did was really brave and romantic. But let me let me put it in one more scenario. Okay, you and I start dating in the real world, like we meet organically, we meet at a bar, whatever. You and I start talking to start dating. We've been on like five dates, let's say, to where it's like starting to get a little serious, like we're starting to really like each other. And then I tell you, hey, my ex called me this weekend. We're gonna start dating again too. You and I aren't exclusive. I just wanted to let you know I'm gonna explore that and explore you and just like see where things go.
How do you feel?
I would say, that's that's totally fine because now I'm gonna explore. I'm gonna explore three girls. So you don't like it, you don't like I didn't think this was this is where this relationship was going. But if you want to be open to explore at this point after five days, then you explore, and I'm gonna explore, and I'm gonna explore more than you.
Explore this is I think, yeah, yeah, moving God movie God.
She sends Matthew home.
What did you think of Matthew going in and addressing the guys and basically just letting them know whatever what went down and how they responded.
I didn't like the way the guys responded because I thought they responded a little dicky, like he's already she sent him home, Yeah, and it's like, you know what, like you may not agree with him coming back, but it's like you could just be nice at this point, like why like why be standoffish or mean, like he's not even staying like he's going. I could see it more if he was like staying and they're like, well, fuck this guy. But even then I think it's ridiculous. But yeah, I think they could have just been a little kinder, like just put yourself in that scenario, even if you wouldn't do it, like you don't know, like if you felt really strongly, you could do something like that as well, and you wouldn't want to be treated like shit.
Yeah, I totally agree.
If I was mad, i'd be like, I'm definitely not going to go address the guys, like I don't know these dudes like Jen can let them know, or Jesse Palmer literally anyone else could let them know that. I'm not saying it like doesn't have to come for me, like please just get my ass on a flight home. This was brutal enough as it is, but I thought he did a good job addressing them. I thought he was very polite and respectful in like how he went about it. And yeah, at that point, the guy should just feel like you guys didn't want him here. You should feel relieved like she's sending him home, which is what most of you wanted to begin with. I didn't think there was any need to be like, yeah, damn straight, buddy, like, no shit, she sent you home. Like I feel like that was the energy.
They were kind of giving.
It was like guys like he already flew his ass to New Zealand and he's about to jump on a long ass light home single, which is not what he wanted. Like let's have a little compassion for the dude here, Like he's not saying.
I don't think you need to be compassionate. I just think you could just be a little nicer. And then we have two guys that go home. Thomas N goes Home, which he was. He was a pretty big He was a pretty big character on the season. Yeah, he was. He didn't really seem to have a connection with Jen, but he was involved in a lot of drama. But that's kind of what happens when you involve yourself with the man drama and not the woman.
Yeah, I felt like that was coming soon because we saw a decent amount of his time with Jen in the beginning of the season, and we saw him a lot throughout the season, but we stopped really seeing his conversations with Jen, so it was like, I feel like the connection is probably just not there.
John m goes Home, which he seemed. He seemed really I actually really liked him so nice, and yeah, that's it. So then we move on to we move on to Jonathan gets a date, which Jonathan seems to be like another one of potentially GENS front runners. He's not involved in any drama, good looking guy, kind of like, he's well spoken. It's kind of hard not to like him. So he gets a helicopter date and then they go to a vineyard, which that seems like a lot of fun. Yeah, actually that would be that would be my date of choice.
If I was on this show one hundred percent.
I feel like I haven't had a lot of one on one dates the season totally stick out to me. But then when they landed in the vineyard, it was so beautiful, they were so cute, they looked like they had so much fun, Like I would absolutely want that date Jonathan's.
I feel like Jonathan's big thing going into the one on one WHI Jen was, I need to see if we could connect on a deeper level. He's expressed about having issues with that in the past. I think that's something that she also has issues with, so it's if they can connect.
Yeah, And I feel like that was nice to see him point that out because I think it just comes from a place of maturity and shows that he is interested in her, but is also taking this process seriously of knowing there's an engagement at the end of this and there needs to be.
Certain levels of the relationship to make it work.
So you can tell he's like I like to see that he's thinking about these things and like, Okay, we have this, but I want to know if we can have this, and is staying really curious about like moving the relationship forward.
What did you think when he opened up at the night portion of the date, he opened up about his past relationship. How did you feel about that?
About him talking about his.
Ex who they were together for two.
Years together, they lived together, and then she accused him of being verbally abusive.
I think there was words like controlling and manipulative used. He hinted at the fact that there was substance abuse potentially on her end, which I think might have impacted some of the words being used to describe Jonathan and I guess one of their fights just ended and her saying get out and we're done. Honestly, it just sounds kind of like your standard toxic relationship.
I feel like the overall theme with all these guys on this show is I was in an unhealthy relationship prior to coming on the Bachelorette. It seems like almost every guy has that story, and then jen also has that story, so I guess it's something they can't relate to with each other.
But Oh uses the word ferocious love.
Someone define it for me my definition of ferocious love. So here's Joe's definition of ferocious love. Ferocious love is the kind of love where we can't keep our hands off each other and every time I walk in the house, we make out like animals and we rip each other's clothes off and we just we're just so, I.
Think you're describing something different.
Show the word ferocious, Like, what else does ferocious mean?
No, I get it's passionate, passionate love, It's.
No, it's beyond passionate. It's ferocious, right, you know passion Yeah, it's more animalistic. Yeah, so that's that's what I think it means.
Thank you, thank you for sharing that You're welcome.
I know you're gonna freak out, But the truth is this is in chronological order. What I'm about to say. Grant gets the one on one because they announced the group date. But we don't go directly to Grants one on one. We go back to the group date. There's a group date where all these guys got to hurt some sheep. The people that live on this farm. They come out and yeah, it seems like actually it seemed like a fun date.
It seemed like a really fun day. I did a farm date on my season and I really liked it.
It's fun.
You're outdoors with lots of different activities. That was really funny.
They didn't open the gate the ship.
Heurters were like, yeah, I was really disappointed because they just wouldn't open the gate.
They were they were I actually, so it's always hit or miss when you bring on like people that own a property or something onto the show. How their personalities are going to come across. Yeah, mainly I'm assuming it's it's usually just nerves. But I really enjoyed these two. I wanted actually to see more of them.
Yeah, they were great. They were great.
I liked them, and I liked this date activity. Overall, these these dates have been good.
I've enjoyed them.
So Devin gets chosen at the end of the date.
And the guys are kind of annoyed with Devin throughout the day. That seems like because they guys are.
Always annoyed with Devin. I actually I'm looking forward to talk to Devin about this and see see if if he knew how annoyed the guys wore or if he's realizing this watching it. Yeah, but also I don't know, like even on this with him getting this, like it's like all right, like he got it.
He has my thing with Devin and stealing time.
We didn't steal time he was award at the time this time.
Yeah, but they said throughout the date he was like pulling her aside and stuff like that, And I think the first ice cream thing and this are so different with this situation. If you're not someone that feels comfortable like going out of her way and pulling her aside, then just be like, that's not my jam, Devin, you do you all do me like, That's just not how I move in this environment. And if you're jealous that he's pulling her because you want to do it, then just go do it.
Okay, But see here's there's do But here's the issue. If all the guys start doing that, then it's just going to cause chaos.
Not all the guys are going to because all of them are going to want to. I feel like that was never my style and groups he's never gonna go way.
Sure, but if Devin pulls her and then Sam pulls her, and then John pulls her, and then Grand pulls her, and you're one of the three guys left who hasn't pulled her, if you're Jeremy or like, well, now I feel like I feel almost obligated to because if I don't think she's gonna think I don't like her, and it's just gonna cost I just think I I don't have an issue with Devin doing it every so often, but if it's just the theme of him doing it every single time and kind of like whenever he wants, then it's then it's like starting to really interrupt the flow of things, and that could get annoying.
I agree with that, and I think it's one thing to like pull her aside, to like really do a one on one moment. It's another thing just to make a special moment on the group date with her.
Curiously, you guys are heard in cheap shovel shit and shut up. That's how I feel. So now we see a lot of which you know, as it's as it's airing, you're kind of like, Okay, why are we seeing this? But then you it makes sense because he sends himself home voluntarily. Austin is spiraling out of control that he just has had like no time and just like doesn't know Jen and she doesn't know him. So he ends up pulling Jen and after the group day in sending himself home.
Yeah, good move, bad move, whatever move. How do you feel that it's a good move. At the end of the day, I liked Austin. We saw him more of this episode than we've seen him the entire season, which I actually liked him.
It's a bad move, though, if you want to be casting on Bachelor in Paradise.
Look at the end of the day, though, if you're there and you're like I can just tell other connections are way stronger than mine.
This isn't going anywhere. She's not that into me.
I don't even know if I'm that into her, if I'm gonna be able to get to a point where I'm like falling in love with her at this rate, I'm just gonna I'm gonna go home, Like Yeah.
But wouldn't it be easier to stay in New Zealand and at least at least you know, I honestly like you still, you're you're most likely gonna leave single. You came on the show because you wanted to fall in love. There is another show called Bachelor in Paradise, and we're all we're not oblivious to it. You know you have a chance to go on that show after so you just keep your hat in the ring. If you stay on the show.
I mean you're talking to someone who sent himself home, so you're talking the wrong person.
Yeah, but you set yourself home later on, you sent yourself home before potential engagement. You did send yourself home, you know, middle of the pack, when it's gonna be hard for a lot of people to remember you.
Yeah, but I sent myself home once I knew I shouldn't be here anymore, which I feel like is what Austin did. I feel like like, if he knows I'm not going to end up with this girl, then he's just wasting her time in his time.
But he doesn't know. He just knows that he's not as far along as everyone else. But who knows. Maybe he gets maybe he gets an hour with her and they connect.
Okay, Yeah, I don't know.
You're really like, you're really like disagreeing with me in this episode, Like we're not on the same page to day with this recap. Yeah, Austin, Joe thinks you're an idiot and you should have stayed on the show.
I don't know if I think you're an idiot, but I think you should have stayed on the show. But yeah, you know, it's fun, but.
It rattled Jim more than I.
Used to be pushing back. Huh.
I'm just not used to disagree on so many topics in one episode. Okay, but yeah, I get your point, But I think it's you know, it shows that he's an authentic, genuine person.
Yeah, and Jen is is she's way more rattled than by this and that it's like, am I doing a bad job that she spirals.
I was actually very surprised.
I mean, as she explained herself more, I thought it made a lot of sense, But when she was so rattled by him sending himself home, I was shocked because I was like Jen, like, I really didn't think you were into this guy, Like I think you definitely would have sent this guy home with the roast her money this week anyway, So like what are you so upset about? But then I think it really hit a prime insecurity of hers, which was which was her feeling like she's not doing a good job as the bachelor I and that she's not worthy of love and that if she shows her vulnerability, like I feel like she's trying to put her best foot forward and show this like fun, confident, like sexy, playful personality that she does have. And I think She's thinking, oh my god, I'm atting, you know, my best foot forward and this guy doesn't want me, Like if I show the more difficult or the uglier parts of myself or the parts that aren't you know, always fun, like, none of these guys are gonna want me. And I think that's you know, plays into her feeling that she's not worthy, which is obviously something that she struggles with.
Yeah, and I guess this is the second guy that sent himselves home, is it? Oh?
Yeah, But I feel like that's different Noah's brother Eric, we're now only going to refer to know as Aaron's brother. But Aaron's situation was different because it was so early on and he left because he had another opportunity that was like his dream come true. I feel like at this point, you know, we're deeper into the show. Even if she doesn't see a like forever future with Austin, they have some sort of relationship going where he knows her and she knows him, and he's not leaving because of another opportunity. He's just leaving because he's basically like, I don't think you like me, and I don't like you or not I don't like you.
But you know what I mean, if I were her, I mean, yeah, I guess. I mean, I'm not in that situation where I'd be like, yeah, this is actually great, this is this is much.
Easier and have more time with the guys that want to.
Be This is much easier, And you're an idiot because you could have maybe made it on a bedroom paradise Paradise. He might, I mean he might, but he's probably not going to be original cast. Okay, so that we see another grant state, do you want to.
Talk more about Jen addressing the guys and talking about her insecurities.
And yeah we could. Yeah John John was in.
The most biggest moment of the episode, But okay, you know what.
Is But it's all it's every season where the Bachelorette, like mid season has a realization that I feel like, it's like they they start off and then they just are riding this high for a good amount of the season, and then all of a sudden they have this realization of like, oh now I'm in my head? Am I fucking this up?
Should I even be the Bachelor? At It happens all the time. I think it's just like kind of part of the show. But that's how I feel about it. Okay, but no, it's I mean, what do you think?
Well, no, I just think maybe I connect with what she was saying more because she said something along the lines of, you know, men love a.
Confident a woman.
They love you know, they're confident girls, and I feel like it's always preached to women like confidence is sexy, like be confident. And I think Jen's really trying to be confident. I think she is a confident woman, but I think that narrative has led her to feel really afraid of showing vulnerable sides to herself and showing that at times she isn't confident and what that'll mean for her connections and if they won't be as interested in her when she does show the sides of herself. I think that's an honest struggle that a lot of women will relate to.
Well. Well, well said, well said, I agree. Also, when we were watching, you did make a point because you know, I think he's more of a controversial figure on the show Sam m because like, he does a lot of things that could potentially rub people the wrong way, but one thing that does work in his favor is he handles the serious conversations with Jen very well. Like you said, he's when they are having conversations and she's feeling insecure, he's very comforting.
I did say that because when she addressed the group a few weeks back, just saying, you know, if you're not here for the right reasons, kind of get out, it's your time to leave. After Aaron left, she gave a speech to the group about just not wasting her time basically, And I remember thinking he did a really good job responding to that messaging from her in their one on one chat, and then in this episode I thought he did a really good job again of when he pulled her aside, just comforting her and basically saying like if I open up and be vulnerable, would you be scared?
And would you like me less?
Like? I just think he I liked. I liked the way he handled both of those conversations with her. But it's very polarizing to what we see sometimes with him and the guys and him.
And honestly, like least I feel like Sam m in his in his defense, he is you know, he's being himself and you're not always going to like agree with who's someone did every every action they take. But like see, he's authentic, yeah, which I enjoy.
Yeah, I wouldn't disagree with you. He is authentic, authentic.
And that's what you want for reality. Okay. And then last last part of the date or last part of the episode is grant date. And this one we have real rain, which it looks like real rain.
This was a gorgeous date. I love the horseback riding dates. They're just so beautiful. Yeah, and it's like an activity. But you can still talk.
We should go on a horseback riding date. Really, Oh never mind.
No, I will. I would rather go to a vineyard.
Okay, we could do a vineyard.
Yeah, but I would I would ride horses with you.
We could ride horses through a vineyard.
I don't know. I don't know. I mean, I don't know if you should do that.
I feel like the horses might, you know, trample some of the grape vines.
Well there's paths and stuff now.
Yeah, but they're pretty thin. I don't know if horse is going to fit down there.
All right, Well we can go for an ice walk through the grape vines and that we can ride horses. But yeah, real rain on this date super picturesque. I feel like not a lot happened during the day portion of this date. I think the night portion is really where it was at. Yeah.
I would say that's also the same thing with Jonathan's state, Like the real conversations were had at night, and Grant kind of he opened up about his family and his father's substance abuse, and I think he just kind of, you know, like he opened himself up. That's It's kind of like the first one of the first big steps in a relationship is when you start just kind of like opening up about your past and things that you just don't talk about to anyone.
Yeah, And there is something nice about getting a week five one on one date because I think when you're getting that week one and two date, a lot of people feel like, oh my gosh, you know, I got to make the most of this time.
I got to open up to them.
But it is still so early on, whereas week five, you can see her connection with Jonathan and her connection with Grant are already there, and they're definitely more comfortable with each other, which I'm sure he was probably grateful for when he went into the story. But Grant talks about how his father was an addict for thirty plus years. He felt lied to a lot by his dad because he didn't know that he was struggling with substance abuse for most of his life. And before he came on the show, he got fired from his job and that led him to check into a rehab facility.
And he's been sober now for two months.
Which I was like, Wow, that's amazing, sending lots of love and strength to his dad.
Yeah, and we had journey with sobriety.
Yeah. And we've had Grant on the podcast, so if you haven't listened, check it out. I really like him. He's a day trader, so I want to learn a little more about that. But I like Grant a lot. One thing I will say not that I'm talking about Jen because I'm not. I like Jen. Okay, I think Jen's great, But in these conversations with the guys, I I want to see a little more conversation. I see my side. I see like my backstory, my backstory.
Done by mind. Do you mean like Grant's story and then gen story and then done.
I know what you're saying.
And I don't know if it's Jen or if it's just what we're being shown.
But yeah, that does kind of help.
It feels the conversation went of like Grant tells his story and opens up, and then Jen tells her story. She kind of goes into her parents, who we've learned about, and then her toxic acts, which not him saying racism is fake, like that man is viewing some crazy shit, but talked about like what that relationship look like and some of the more specific things that she experienced in it with just verbal abuse and gasolating and all of that. Stories really really impactful and important. But I would love to see more of the back and forth conversation of like he says something and then she asked him a question about that, and then they dive a little deeper, like our Grant's parents still together, are they not? How has this dynamic with his dad impacted his relationships? Because she, I'm sure was asking these questions because she should want to know what this means for like their relationships.
I guess how she can support him.
I guess also, like you know, I guess, like you, if you're dating in the real world and you go on ten dates with ten different people, you're more like you're more likely to tell you're gonna tell your your story. So it's like I feel like with Jen, like I've I've heard it a lot at this point, but like the guy that she's actually talking to on the date with may not have Yeah, like as a view like so like as a viewer, like, yeah, you know what I'm saying.
It's so funny because I remember with Joey we felt like we never saw him talk about himself or his life, or his story, or his relationship with his dad or any of these things. And with Jen, I feel like they're showing it way more, which I'm actually appreciated for.
Yeah, because gets lost.
Well honestly, like, yeah, like Joey was, Joey was just like Joey was maybe one of the best leads I've ever seen on the show.
He was really really good about just being emotionally intelligent and being able to respond effectively to people opening up.
That guy offer nothing, but yeah, Joey was. Joey was.
I always do think about that too.
If I was the lead, I think one of the things I would be the most nervous about would be having all these moments where people are opening up and telling me really big, impactful moments in their life and being scared that I wouldn't be able to respond in the best way possible or have the right thing to say.
Yeah, I agree, I think, Yeah, a part of me would be like I I would I think if I was the lead, Yeah, I would feel like I'm just not the guy to have these conversations consistently.
Well, if you're the lead, you are the guy. You're the only.
Guy, like, can we you know, I don't know. That's why I think like Paradise was such a like a much better setting for me because like our you know, even at the beginning of our relationship, you know, our conversations were were or the opposite of deep, but totally they were. They were a lot of fun and we made each other laugh a lot, and it was just like and then I'm just I guess I'm I'm someone who's a slower a slower build, like it takes like it takes me a while where I feel.
Like, but I'm like that too, So I feel like we kind of moved at the same pace, which is kind of why it works.
Yeah, where if you're you know, you're the lead of the show, I guess like, yeah, you you almost you have to be ready to open up faster because everyone else is doing it for you.
Yeah, and you only have so much time. Yeah, but that was Grant's date with Jen. He kind of says he start he's starting to fall for Jen and said.
He's falling in love with Gen and he told the guys that he even told her that.
Yeah, he told at the cocktail party, he said, I think I'm falling in love with Jen, which was a crazy move.
My dude, Like, I was really shocked actually by it.
The fact that you said that was crazy. I don't think that was crazy at all.
Well, he spending majority of his time with these guys and they're probably and then like it was probably brought up like how do we feel? And he's like, well, honestly, after my date, like I think I'm falling in love with her.
I know, but I think if someone said that when I was on the cast and it was like week five and they just had this amazing one on one date that was super romantic, and he's back here sitting there with a rose and he's telling me, yeah, I haven't told her this yet, but like, I'm falling in love with this girl. I'd be like, oh my god, someone get me a pair of your plugs, Like I can't handle hearing.
This right now.
Wow, wouldn't bother me.
I'd be happy for him, but I would just be like, I don't want to know that, Like I do not want to know that, Like keep keep that to yourself, like write.
It in your journal.
Okay, noe, keep that, keep that.
But you don't think would bother you. You'd be like, I'm staked for you. That's awesome.
I don't know if I would say I'm stoked, but I would be like, wow, you're you're getting there, like, good for you.
Like if Austin hadn't already sent himself home, Like hearing that from Grant dude is in a band at the.
Door for sure, I would be like, how how did you get there that fast? Hi? You there? Tell me the secret? What does it feel like?
Okay, I think that's pretty much it.
The only the cocktail party, the cocktail party.
The other guy that goes home is Dylan, who you know. Dylan seemed great, had a great personality.
Maybe just he was an early fave but kind of fizzled out. I feel like the connection just wasn't there. Jenn was wearing purple dress up, so that I think was my favorite thing I've seen her in this season.
I really loved her dress.
Yeah, it seems like, you know, in Austin's the as well. It does seem like a lot of there's a decent amount of guys on this season that haven't got that much time with Johnny.
I just think we haven't seen their time with.
John Maybe Devn's taking it all.
We'll ask you.
We'll ask Devan, are you the reason that Austin, Dylan and John didn't get any time with her on our screen?
We will ask Devin this question coming up later this week. That is a recap. Thank you guys so much for tuning in to better your happy hour. Make sure you're down aload subscribe. We love having you here, We love being here.
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