Let Joey’s Journey Begin!

Published Jan 23, 2024, 8:01 AM

Joey’s season of “The Bachelor” has officially kicked off, and Joe and Serena are getting into it ALL! They chat through standout limo entrances, the arrival of the sisters, the reveal of Lea’s mystery card, and so much more!

Plus, Joe and Serena debate whether Joey gave his First Impression Rose to the right woman, who they thought he sent home way too early, and re-evaluate their early predictions for who is getting Joey’s final rose.  

Tune in now and make sure you follow so you never miss an episode!  

Hey, everyone, welcome back to Bachelor Happy Hour.

I'm Joe and I'm Serena, and.

We are back with a new season of The Bachelor. We're going to recap episode one, my personal favorite episode, and then we have the first Impression Rose recipient. Leah is coming on the podcast, so we're going to talk to her. We're going to talk to her about the Goofy card she had and why she decided to throw away her only powers right right into the fire.

Yeah, we will see and talk to her.

I feel like episode one is one of the more fun episodes for us to recap and just for people to watch together and talk about, because there's so many women, so many looks, entrances, conversations, and it's kind of like our first taste of how Joey is going to be as a Bachelor.

Yes, yes, I don't. I personally don't agree with first taste of I guess it's first taste of seeing Joey as the Bachelor, but I I feel like I feel like the lead always shines the least on the first episode.

Yeah, I agree with you on that.

So, like I can see there's so many women that they're basically having like the same conversation with everyone, And I find we always say, like midway through the season, there's always a point where we're like, oh, they are starting to seem really comfortable as the lead now, or they're starting to seem more relaxed, and that takes a little while to get there.

And I feel like the lead is always on their best behavior episode one, and then as the season goes on, you see them kind of like relax, relax and then like getting fed up and then leading into more of who they actually really are really into.

Yes, and once they have stronger connections, their personalities come out more because you see how they act when they're actually comfortable with these people that they have feelings for. Whereas I feel like I actually feel like Joey seemed nervous in this episode.

It makes sense because for him, every it's a first date with everyone, it's like it's like, no one's really their best self on a first date. And that's kind of what episode one is.

Yeah, that's true, all right?

Out of the limos, who stood out to you the most? Okay, just pick a few, because then I have a few and.

Then well, okay, wait, do you want to chitty chat about that? Intro foreshadowing clip that the episode started with. They used to do this, They were doing this on Golden Bachelor, and now they're doing it on The Bachelor as well, where they're like showing a clip from the season or from the episode at the beginning and then cutting to the episode like they did like a whole like two months earlier, three months earlier.

Thing. Yeah, I mean, my my personal opinion is it was a little too long. You were like, oh, this doesn't end with a happy ending.

Well, I feel like that's how the clip looks. It looks like it doesn't end on a happy ending. Or that's him after breaking up with someone, and like we're starting off with Joey sweating and crying.

Oh, here a few on the pedestal, he's walking away. It's dark.

If you want to place a wager, I'm going to say that it ends with a happy ending.

You think, Yeah, what's your definition of a happy ending? He's with someone?

Yeah, well, for this show, yes, I would say he's with someone.


I don't know what I think yet. I don't know, I I yeah, I don't know.

All right, let's pull up. Okay, so out of the limo, who do you.

Like, okay, I like, you want me just to name off some names.

Just like a few that stood out to you.


So standouts, We've got Lexi, who is og from Toronto.

She had like some of her only commercials leading up to the show.

Yeah, and she's first girl on the Shes always a good.

Sign, Yeah, always a good sign, very beautiful, seems like she's got a story to share, and she seems nervous, but I have a feeling she's going to be around for a bit. Maria is an obvious standout. I'm sure we're going talking about her more coming out of the limo. She's got like a super cool dress on confidence. She's very, very confident.

You said that when we watched it. She was the first girl that you're like, she's confident, and being confident out of that limo is massive.


You're almost guaranteed to stick around night one.

Yes, And I think it's hard, like some of the intros get so gimmicky and the person can get like lost in the gimmick of it all. So even if you deliver it confidently, it doesn't necessarily show you or have like your personality shine through. Whereas with her she had like a cute little Canadian flag and this is this is my opinion of Maria, and just like people in general that come out very confident, the lead has to carry so much that first night. They have to carry so many conversations, like first conversations, intros. It's a lot of awkward interactions for her to come out of that Limo.

I'm basically like, take charge of the situation.

Like I feel like that is a turn on for the lead, like for Joey to be like I can just sit back and kind of enjoy this girl. And I see her personality and she's very confident, and I don't have to do a lot of like work here.

I can kind of just enjoy this interaction.

I agree. I agree.

Autumn she is oh waits Maria and Autumn. We're both on my list that we picked from the head shots.

Autumn huh yeah, Marian Autumn Autumn okay, interesting.

I liked Autumn. I thought she was cute.

I like, I mean, she was fine. I don't know if she was a limostand maybe.

Not a Limos standout. Maybe I'm I'm jumping.

Ahead because I remember I remember all the because she was at the beginning, and I remember the beginning half all seeming very strong.

Yeah, I would say the first half of Limo entrances we saw were very strong, and then the second half there was a couple weird duer ones in there, a few gimmicky ones, a few more cringey ones.

I feel like, I mean, what looks to be the standout.

Is Yeah, I mean, have you not fall in love with her?

She's like the cutest, sweetest blonde angel ever.

What is it a Christmas tree?

She grew up on a freaking Christmas ta and it doesn't get well Christmas treat farm. It's like so magical, It's like out of a freaking Hallmark movie.

She's related to Santa Claus.

She's so pretty. She's Santa Claus's long lost granddaughter. Yeah, adore her.

Like if Santa Claus had if Santa Claus was real and he had relatives, Like, that's what they would be doing in the States, and.

That's what they would look like.

Yeah, like yeah, Kelsey, I remembers. Yeah, And I love her headshot. I think she looks so cute in it. I was a little thrown off with the voodoo doll thing. I was like, well, where's this going.

But there's two Kelsis. There's Kelsey A, which is the voodoo and then there's Kelsey T, who I also got. That's who I thought you were.

Got both both great headshots.

I'm talking about Kelsey A because the voodoo doll things duke to me because I was like, I don't really get this, and then you said that it's tied to her being from New Orleans.

Yeah, you're a Canadian. And there's there's there's literally fifteen Canadians.

I know, I'm obsessed. There's so many Canadians this season. We lost to Canadian at the end, but that's okay. We still got a few.

Okay, Well, let's let's talk about the Canadian we lost at the end because her name is nat Yeah, and I usually you know, they grocery store. Joe Night One thing. I've never really had anyone that I was like, oh, that's next me, Joe.

Well you are kind of an anomaly.

Or situation now, Joe, but I do. I will say I cannot believe out of everyone that he sent home Night one, I can't belief he sent her own.

Yeah to everyone listening, the way you felt when Joe got sent Home one Night one is the way joe felt when Kna got sent home night one, like literally the whole episode. She was like, Wow, this girl's so pretty, like she's from Canada, Like I think this girl's gonna go far, which she really was a standout considering she honestly didn't get a lot of screen time.

Well she didn't get a lot of screen time. I it just she was I mean just based off of I mean like superficial looks like I thought she was one of the prettiest girls in the house, which I was like, I can't believe he something.

Yeah, and she's a professor. Yeah, and she's a Canadian. She's got a lot, a lot of.

Good things going for her.

Center Home though, Center Home.

But yeah, Kelsey I like.

And then Jen Jen was another standout, another very confident, seems like she's a lot of fun, doesn't seem to be taking everything like too seriously right out of the gate. She's kind of just there to get to know Joey and enjoy the experience, which I love.

And she's very beautiful.

And then we have when we we have the sisters, the sister they also chills, like we see now they chosen not to tell Joey right away or any of the women, which was a choice.

A choice.

Yeah, I mean, I don't know how I would have done it. I think I probably just would have walked right and been like, hey, guys.

We're sisters. Yeah, but they did. They basically ended up doing that, and Joey.

When when they talked to Joey, he said.

Like he put it together. I know, well they talked to him one after the other. If they have the exact sent story, and they do look alike, but.

Their dynamics great because they're not They're not like playing it safe and nice with each other.

They're not like, oh, I just care about your feelings. I just care about your feelings. They're like, screw you. I can't believe you kissed him first. The one sister was literally go fuck yourself.

Well at the end when she when yeah Lauren, when she had Lauren's yeah, Lauren's going to bring a lot of the entertainment into.

That as I'm so excited to see more of her. And honestly, she crushed the shotgun.

Yeah, yeah, she did the shotgun. And her sister Allison is great the because she's rubbing it in like she kissed Joey and was and say it like.

Yeah, and then she had the rose first, she had the first rows of the night.

She got the first and other.

Than the first impression rows, yeah, and Lauren got the last.

I know. So they're they're incredibly entertaining.

I think, Yeah, it would bug me if I was with my sister and she kissed him on the first night and I didn't, I'd be like, well, I actually you said that you would send So he kissed Alison, he didn't kiss Lauren, and you were like I would send Lauren home just to eliminate this right away and just focus on one.

Say ye, But I instantly regret that because when I saw him choose Lauren gave Laura, when he gave Lauren the last impression rose, and he kind of like smirked, like this is fun, Like there's a lot of entertainment for selfishly for him.

Yeah, like he can he can mess around with that a lot. Yeah, and like a fun, playful way.

That was that out of all the choices Joey made night one, that was my favorite.

Giving Lauren the last.

Yeah, it was great. That was for sure the best choice.

Yeah, and I'm sure having talked to her for like five minutes. He was like, I'll definitely get a fun reaction at this girl if I do this.

Yeah, he he made out with a bunch of girls.

He did.

He kissed six girls from what we saw, which I am not against in any way.

I just wasn't expecting from him.

I was shocked that he kissed Jess. That was the first, because that was the first. Wasn't that the first kiss?

Me too? Me too? And not to do with Jess.

I just their conversation did not feel like it was leading in that direction, and then all of a sudden they were making out, and I was like, whoa, I didn't see this one coming. And it was the first kiss of the night, so I really wasn't seeing it coming. I thought, okay, you know later we're going to see a kiss like it caught me off.

Guard, and she just she's she's given me more like the girl that gets up you know, who's involved in a lot of the drama in the house. Yeah, is you know, getting insecure about her relationship with Joey's freaking as a bunch of highs and lows. We always see that that person, and I just I didn't think she was he to kiss, but she did. He's obviously into her.

Yes, and then she stole him a second time. She went wait, let's go back. She went back into the house and she told everyone like right away, like, guys, I just made out with him.

Which Kathy's at home, fucking.

Kathy's at home screaming at her TV being like Jess zip it.

Yeah, and so were all the girls in that room.

Well that that was just a that's just a dumb move.

Though, her running back in and telling everyone it's different.

I don't have an issue if she's had Let's say she's sitting there talking to Looking Star, right, she's having a conversation with Star and she's like, yeah, my conversation with Joey went really well. We actually kissed. I don't have any issue with that. But yeah, no, it's why are you Why go in a room full of girls who majority of them haven't even talked to them yet and say that, because all you're doing is pissing people off.

Yeah, no, it was not the right move. She did not read the room. But I will say she's such a big personality and she really is giving like no filter, open book, and I just feel like that is probably true to who she is outside this show, and she hasn't fully adapted to Sometimes what you do outside of this environment is not going to work inside this environment aka this Like if you want to run back to your girlfriends and be like, oh, I just made up with that guy in the corner of the bar, that's one thing.

You can't do it on the bachelo when they're all dating him too.

She did, though, she did, and it pissed off Taylor big time. Who She then cut off her conversation or cut off Taylor's conversation with Joey for a little extra time with him, which.

Is just.

Jess has a journey ahead of her and we will see it unfold. And she immediately dropped the lines like I'm not trying to be that girl, but I'm not here to make friends episode one one, Jazz, We're already getting that line from.

Youal yeah, but that has to happen. Yeah, And then who who else did he talk to that it seemed like he was I felt like he was. I felt like he was in the kelsey A and I felt like he was really into Daisy.

Yeah he kissed Daisy. He didn't kiss Kelsey.

He kissed Daisy, and he kissed Jen.

He did not kiss Jen from what we saw. He kissed Jess, he kissed Daisy, he kissed Erica, he kissed Lexi, and then he kissed Leah.

When he gave her the first impression Rose.

And Maria, he kissed. Yes, that was a good conversation because she went in there like I'm not going to kiss them and then kissed them. Yeah, and you could tell they could tell their sexual chemistry there. Totally, totally okay, let's talk about first impression Rose girl Leah. So Leah, if you guys, if you guys didn't see one of the after the Rose shows.

We were there when this happened in person.

So Leah was chosen. She was sitting in the audience. He had to choose between two girls. He chose Leah. She got a card and was told not to open it until the first episode because she's gonna there's gonna be an advantage or something. There's something in the card that's going to potentially give her an advantage. So she opens the card. Night One in the card is you get to steal a date from who for whoever. Joey chose correct.

Right, It's basically a steal a dight card.

So if someone else gets a one on one date, she has the power one time to steal the one on one date, which I think it's like in any week, any person situation.

So she cried and she's like, I would hate to do that to somebody, but realistically, it just it would you just know, I feel like you have to know that wouldn't be a good look on you because Joey did not choose you to go on a date. He chose this other person, so he why would he? He wouldn't be happy if if you stole that date.

No, I would truly feel so pathetic using that, Like if you were the Bachelor and you picked let's just you Star again, if you picked Star to go on a date and I was like, a Star, I'm going on that date and I show them like here I am, and you're like, damn, I really am not that into Serena, Like I really want to go on the date with Star today, Like that's so embarrassing for me, and like I get you know, obviously, multiple one on one dates is not very common and the more time the better in this situation, but just go on a date when you get picked to go on a date, and if you didn't get picked to go on a date, it means you probably didn't want to go on a date with you.

Yeah, but would you have thrown away the card?

Honestly, it might have been like anyone else want this? Look you.

That's what I think the show should have did. I think they should have said, Okay, if you don't want it, whoever speaks up first gets it. And then I think in writing.

Well, yeah, because Jess and Taylor, I think I think it was justin Taylor both said there's a few people that were like, I would totally take that, and I would have used it.

And I think in little writing there should have been if Joey turns down, you're steal the date card, you automatically have to pack your bags and go home.

Like if I go I'm going to steal the date from Star and you go no, then you have.

To go home because then there there's more there's more risk for you to then steal Yah.

You have to be really confident that he likes you more than he likes the girl he's supposed to take on a date that day.

And then if he doesn't send you home.

That means actually he really likes you, he wants to go on the name exactly, and then there's then you know, that's.

A good side.

So Jesus, they should have called me.

That would have called me.

But the thing is, if I was Leah, and let's say I was like, all right, I'm not going to use this because I'm not an asshole and I feel guilty using it. But if someone else wants that, they can have it. But I would be like, but the condition is you cannot steal my date. Like if I give you this card, do what you want with it, but you can't be taking May one on one date, Yeah, because that would be shady.

Well do you buy Leah being upset for the reason that she claimed to be.

I was really thrown off by how emotional she was, Like she was crying a lot.

I think it.

I would be surprised if one hundred percent of her tears came from just her feeling bad, because I'm like, well, what do you feel bad about?

Like you don't have to use this card, and like that's it.

Like I think there might have been a level of disappointment of thinking it was going to be something else. Like maybe she had her hopes up for like what the card was going to hold, and she was disappointed to find out that it was kind of like a backhanded gift. Ye, she was really emotional, So I was just really thrown off. And I think she must have at least been considering keeping it because she was having such a hard time of like what am I going to do with this? Because if she was like, no, I'm not using this, or yes, I am using this, I don't think there would have been so much like emotion and struggle. Like I think she was genuinely like, I don't know what I want to do here. I want to keep this card, but is that going to suck for me in the long run? Is that the right decision? So I think there was kind of like a battle and internal battle happening and a level of disappointment about what the card said.

Well, we'll ask her because she is coming on. Yeah, what do you think she's coming on? I completely agree with what you said. Yeah, that makes total sense, And I agree. I think it was a little mixture of both.

So but here's my thing, here's my thing.

And obviously, like we've never been leads, right, so I don't know. From experience, I think that at the end of the night, there's probably five people, three to five people that they could give the first impression Rose too, for all different reasons, and I think it often goes to someone whose actions were very big, like Leah really did something that showed him like, I'm here for you, I care.

About you and your journey. I don't want to interfere in that.

I also don't want this card for reasons that I want this to feel like a two way street. I don't want to be, you know, stepping on people's toes all these reasons, and she threw the card in the fire like that's an actual action that he can be like, you just showed me that you are someone that I want around.

Here's the first impression Rose.

Whereas I think a lot of the other conversations, though maybe had a bit more of like a spark or sexual chemistry, still need time to grow and all that's there is like a fun conversation or like a hot makeout at this point, Whereas like Leah's been able to go like one step further than everyone else to show like her commitment to him, And I think that's probably if I'm Joey how I'm justifying it, and it's kind of like it's like the girls are gonna be Yeah, Okay, I get it. You know, he's not like roughly any feathers with the women by giving her the first impression ros either because they were all there, they're all happy about her choice.

You know, they probably would pick her too. Okay, Okay, that's my opinion.

Yeah, I think I think you're I think.

Who do you think he should have given the first impression? Rows too? Or who do you think were some of the women that he.

Should If I was, I would have given the first You would have given it to that apparently, No, I would have given it. I would have I would have probably wanted to give it to the the youngest, the younger.

Sister Alison just you would have done it just to screw with the older sister.

Though, if I was really into the older sister, If I was into the older sister more, I would have saw the way they were.

Definitely would have given it.

I would have given it to the You're.

Such a sick you're such a peco and that is true. I know you would do that.

Fun They would have been like, Okay, do we have a backup. It would have been like a claritatione conversation, be like, so, no, you're gonna end up with that girl, get out and let's get a new lead in here because Joe's gone.


I I from your from how you've just phraised it. I agree with what you said that that makes sense, that makes sense. I just I don't know. I just I guess, I guess it just seemed like I don't I just didn't really see the chemistry between Leah and Joey. Yeah, that's it, really really what I'm basing it on. But I think, but we'll see, we'll see, we'll see if she's there at the end. Maybe she is. I could definitely be wrong.

Oh yeah, I mean, look like I think one.

Of the girls. I think one of the girls I chose from the headshats already gone. Really yeah, I think I chose I.

Chose great because I chose Maria and who he made at with, and I chose Autumn, who I thought he was going to.

Kiss someone, but he did not.

I don't remember who.

I wrote it down. I'll pull it up.

Oh you wrote him down here?

You picked Lauren and Sam and Sam.

Sam's gone and Lauren is Laurence still there?

Yeah, Lauren's the older sister.

Well, okay, all right, so Lauren is still there.

Okay, you still got Lauren.

We get two more picks.

We do get two more picks each. Was there anyone that went home that shocked you?

Well? Yeah, and that was that was the main one. That was the main one that went home that I was shocked.

It was kind of the only one Mamie I thought was really cute Lane.


I was actually a little surprised she went home too. Yeah, because she got a decent amount of airtime.

Chandler was exit interview.

Chandler, Yeah, I felt I fell for it because at that point she's probably just so exhausted, Just like why.

Just watching them get sent home when the sun comes up just hits differently.

How many girls went home? One? That's a lot.

Ten girls. That's a crazy amount of girls. I wonder if that makes you feel better, Like, Okay, well I'm one of ten, so like it's not like I'm one of three, you know.

Yeah, I think it would make me feel better.

All right, So do you want to pick? Who are you? Your two girls?

My two girls that I picked from the headshots are Autumn and Maria.

Autumn and Maria. Okay, so we each get two more.


Can we pick the same or do they have to be different? Let's try to do different, all right?

Can you pick? I'll pick, you pick, I'll pick Okay, Daisy, Yeah, screw you, Daisy.

Okay, I'm gonna go hmmm, I'm gonna go Kelsey A damn it.

Okay, that's fine, because then I'm gonna go Lexi.

Okay, Then I'm gonna go Jen.

J Yeah, okay, yeah, John, you're not going to put a sister in yours. I already have one.

Oh yeah, sorry you have Lauren. Oh my god.

We've talked so much about Lauren and we've just screwed up twice regarding her in your list. Yeah, okay, Yeah, there's there's a good there's a some really good girls in this caste, like some really great personalities, some girls that'll be really entertaining, and also some girls that I think have the potential have some really good romantic connections with Joey.

Like, I'm excited about the cast.

A lot of Yeah, I could see more most of them, most of them in Paradise because that's obviously what would happen.

We didn't see Chris said that much. Who I'm curious to see more of. She's from She's Canadian, She's Canadian.

My mom told me that I was pronouncing abbot's ford wrong.

We were saying abbots for word, but it's abbots barred.

Any anything else big that we missed throughout the episode, No, I.

Think we cover most of it.

The only thing we had Evelyn really freaking out at the end of the Rose ceremony.

Yeah, that was an early freak out moment. Yeah.

I feel like there's always one person night, one that that is really.

I'm just looking at We covered the jet Yeah, I think I think he we do see in like the super teaser for the season. I think he is really into Kelsey.

I you know who I feel like we saw on the super teaser too, was Rachel, who is from Hawaii, and she did like the lay entrance, Like she came in and we both thought she was going to make a sex joke and she just was sweet and gave him the lay.

Yeah. Yeah, she seemed and she was also somebody who's extremely confident.

She was was very pretty.

Oh oh, let's talk about the the radio chemist.

Why Caitlin.

It's just a crazy a. It's a crazy job. And I really liked her. Oh yeah, yeah, I liked her.

I thought you meant like there was an incident with her.

No, I just I just liked her.

I liked her too. I liked her too.

And I also think he likes Kelsey t, which we haven't really covered much on her. You don't really see her too much. Yeah, but I think he really likes her.

I agree. There's a lot of great women.

There's a lot like and I'm glad that they cut ten right away because truthfully, like there's having so many women, it's just hard. It's hard to hard to watch and like keep tracked, like even right now, like we're still kind of like fumbling over it. And how many is there now?

Well? I think there was, Like let's just say, if there was thirty two, there's probably twenty two.

Now twenty two that's way more manageable.

Yeah, that is way more manageable for him and for viewers.

Yeah, Okay, before we go, I'll mention a few fashion phaves, Joe, you could also mention a few fashion in faves, all right, Okay, Honestly, I didn't take notes on what people were wearing, so this is truly just from like memory of what stood out. I liked Alison's dress. I thought it was a great fit on her, and the baby pink was really cute with her dark hair. I loved Chris's dress. I just think she's so stunning. It was like black, sparkly. I think I had like a train, like it was really a moment. I'm trying to think of what everyone else. But Maria's dress was by far, in my opinion, like the biggest fashion statement, the biggest risk taker with like cutouts.

It was really cool. I liked it, very edgy, definitely different.

I feel like we see a lot of like sparkly gowns night One, which is like literally what I wore too, and they're beautiful, but hers really stood out. And then lexi amazing gold gown, so stunning, and then Kitlyn Caitlyn was another unique fashion choice, like a different silhouette than what we usually see, and I thought it was really memorable.

And those are my fashion paves.

And I will say I do like the way Joey's dressed the whole season. When we see it in the teaser, I think he looks good in all his outfits. Liked. I liked the suit that he had was it didn't he have like a blue tie on?

This is so pad But I don't remember.

Yeah, I don't remember either, but I'm pretty sure it was like a blue tie that I really liked. He looks good in pink, Yeah, he looks Joey looks Joey looks good in colors.

Yeah, good for Joey, good for Joey.

So yeah, I think, Uh, that pretty much covers it. We are going to be back every single week with exclusive interviews. We have cast from this season coming on every week. Make sure you stay tuned to Happy Hours, subscribe, download DM whatever you feel like doing. We're here.

Thanks for listening, and stay tuned for our interview with Leah dropping shortly.

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