A Fiery First Impression with Lea!

Published Jan 25, 2024, 8:01 AM

Joe and Serena sit down with their first guest of Joey’s season and the recipient of the First Impression Rose: Lea! Lea chats all about night one, her feelings about her secret card, and receiving the First Impression Rose.

Plus, we hear her thoughts on night one’s drama and a little teaser for what’s to come this season! Be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode.

Hey, everyone, welcome back to Badger Happy Hour.

I'm Joe and I'm Serena, and.

We are here with the first Impression, Rose Girl herself. Leah, Leah, welcome to Happy Hour.

How are you hi, guys, I'm good. Thanks for having me. I'm so excited to be here.

Yeah, we're excited to talk to you. We have a lot to talk about. I will say right at the beginning, I'm going to talk a little shit, OK, so get ready. I was shocked that you got the first impression, Rose, and not because like you're not great, not because of that.

I just like.

It's a fair assumption to me.

No, I just I just thought there were a few girls that had stronger connections from what we saw, and I just felt like that the card played into it a little bit. Was just we know what. We'll get back to mid podcast because I want to know if there was more that we potentially didn't see.

We're excited to have you walk us through like that whole night.


Yeah, Like obviously so much happened with the card. Yeah, you got the first and pressures. There's just so much to talk to you about. So we're we're jumping the gun a little bit right now.

But that's so let's let's go. Let's go to the beginning. How did you did you apply? Did somebody apply for you? How'd you get it on the show?

So I think my story everyone has a story, is I was, you know, dating, and I was in the trenches. I live in LA, so the dating pool here is you know. And then I'm from a small island, so you know, everyone's like your cousin. And I think my friends were just so sick of my terrible dating stories and they were like, you know what, Leah, We're just gonna apply you for this show. And my best friends applied me for The Bachelor. They're ridiculous. I love them though, shout out. It worked out, Yeah, and it worked out, and you know, now we're here.

So nice. Where do you live in LA?


What part?

I live in West Hollywood right now?

Okay? And you have a you have a proper mic stand and Mike set up? I do why why is this?


I've always been super into music. I've did piano, guitar, ukulele, the flu and so I like record music, like as a hobby. So yeah, teaser, there might be a little bit of that.

And the show.

Oh really, that's awesome.

So you were coming out of the limo, and it definitely seemed like you and Joey, you know, had a level of comfort with each other because it wasn't your first time meeting, whereas you know other women coming out there's this kind of like nervous excitement energy. Can you just tell us how you felt coming out of the lemo and seeing him again for the second time, and if you know you felt better or worse about it?

Yeah, yeah, I mean I definitely I don't think I was any less nervous because I've already met him before. I think it was still just as nervous, probably if not more. But something that I kept trying to tell myself was, you know, like you'll be the only familiar face that he sees all night, So I think there was that like little sense of comfortability. But I remember walking up to him and telling myself, like, you have to like hold his hands because that's what everyone does. And then I didn't hold his hands, and I'm like, I look at the I was looking through the pictures and I'm like standing so far from him. I'm like, oh my god, girl, were you like social distancing? Why are you so far from him? And I was like, you know, look, I think that's I was so nervous, you know, so I was like probably not thinking like is gonna be the dude you're ditting you can stand like close to him.

But I feel like that's so normal though, Like people always talk about their level entrances when they come on here and say like, oh I did this or I watch back and I did this, And it's so easy to like a overanalyze it and be everyone is so nervous that it just it's never gonna go one hundred percent.

There's always gonna be something.

Where you're like I forgot to say my name, or yeah, I stood like five feet away from him, or you know, it's it's very it's very relatable.

Yeah, And I also feel like there's because you two have already met, there's not like this, and there's so many women, there's not this urgency that you guys have to have a conversation because it's like we already had it. And because you had this card, are you a like are you like guaranteed You're not guaranteed to get a rose? Like you still may not have given you a rose, but did you feel like that was an edge of like, because I have this card, I'm most likely going to get a rose.

Yeah wait, what did you think the card was gonna say? Like, you must have had like theories you went back to your friends, and your friends were like, what if it's this? What if it's this? Like you, it must have been like at the back of your mind for months or however long it wasn't to go. I started filming what were like your theories abou what was in it.

I think the thing that I tried to do was to not put expectations on the card and to just like take it as it was, and I think not set myself up for failure. So I tried to like, you know, whatever it is, I will take it as it comes and make the most of it. But I definitely think it made me more nervous in respect to the other women in the house. I think the first thing I said to him when I got the card was like, oh my god, the other girls are.

Gonna hate me.

Just because I'm like, I am a girl's girl till I die. And so if I'm thinking like, oh my gosh, like this other girl has already met him and now has like some advantage, like I'd be like, ah, that sucks.

So I was just scared that like the girls were going to be mean to me, and like.

Did they all know? They all knew, right because they say yeah, yeah, yeah.

So there was no way to even like hide it or anything or just like not say anything and then like throw it in the fire and never tell anyone you had it because they all probably they all would have been watching to find out who the bachelor was going to be on this show they just got cast on, and then they see you getting this advantage. I personally thought that it was going to be like you're safe tonight, like you get around tonight. Now that's too yeah right, Like that was my first my or like this is like an immunity one week, like you can like give yourself a rose one week or something along those lines.

That was going to equate to like safety, yeah.

Yeah, but it's not, and you opened it up and.

It it's kind of like a backhand. Again.

Basically sucks because you have now had the power to steal someone else's date. But the issue with that is he chose to go on the date with someone else and not you, So it's like well, like, how's he going to all about that? So really, yeah, what were your thoughts when you read it?

And yeah, I think when I first read the card, my stomach just drops because I don't know, I understand that like this is an intense environment. There's it's such a unique experience. But I never want an experience or challenge or something really difficult to change my heart, my values, my morals, and so you know, my mom has always told me if something is not for you, it's not for you. You never cheat, you never steal, You never you know, punch someone in the throat to get what you want. And so I think that.

Bad advice before you go on the Bachelor atte her Bachelor, bad advice before you.

Go on the Bachelor, that there's a way that you can walk through really challenging experiences but still respect others and you know, be kind.

And so I definitely was really sad.

I think when I first opened the card and you saw, like I was so emotional.

I'm a pisces, so.

Are you that makes sense?

Forgive me, y'all, Like the tears were flowing.

I was like, I know for a fact, there's not a drop of foundation left on my face because I cried it all off, which is fine.

Were were you emotional and sad? Because and this is at least this is why I thought it and this is why I would have been upset, because it essentially it was a letdown.

Yeah, Like there had to have been a little disappointment in your heart when you opened it, right, Like you just build up there. You're thinking, this card is like an advantage and it's kind of like, if I use this advantage, I have to you know, you were already saying, like the women are going to be looking at me I kind of have a target in my back coming with this card, and now you're getting the card and you're like, I have an advantage, but you know, is it an advantage? And on top of that, if I use the card, there's going to be a lot of animasity in the house.

Again me totally totally, and like I couldn't imagine being on the receiving end, and like You're getting ready to go on this day and you're so excited and it's intentionally chosen for you by Joey, and Joey's like expecting Daisy to show up and I'm like, hey, and he's.

Like, this is not Daisy, Like who is this?

Like you know what I mean, He's like, I didn't invite you here, You're not Daisy or whoever. But yeah, I'm just like it was such a double edged sword because it's like, okay, you use it. Yeah, it's an advantage because you get more time with him, but now you just like hurt another woman's feeling so badly.

So where do you think because we saw like tears in your interview, and we saw a lot of tears when you were telling the woman about it, where do you think those tears were coming from? Like what was it that was pulling at your heartstrings? Was it like you were disappointed?

You were torn? Like what were those emotions?


I think I was just I was sad because you know, yeah, I'm giving up this advantage and like a great opportunity to spend time with Joey. So I'm sad, and then you know, I feel like I was just very I don't know how to artake that was such a.

Whirlwind of emotions. But I think I was just.

You know, wanting to do the right thing and wanting to do right by by Joey and his autonomy to choose his journey and then also the journeys of the other women, because had I use that, you know, it could have derailed, you know, someone else's journey. And I was like, you know what, if Joey wants to give me a one on one, he will absolutely do that, and I'm not going to have to punch someone in the throat and take it from them, you know.

So like it's all good in the hood.

Let's say, let what would you have done if the card would have said you're not stealing a date, it just guarantees you a date.

Oh, then that would have been great. I would have popped the champagne and been like keep on the card. Yeah, like let's go, you know, but that wasn't the case. I'm like, who chose this for me?

What would you have done if they were like, you could throw this card away or you could give it up to someone else if they want it, Like, if someone else wants to take it, you could give it away.

Yeah, what if there was no throwing the card? What if there was like, no, you can't.

Just to give you context, we were like talking about alternative scenarios about what.

Could have happened with this card. So that's where this question comes from our own theories.

Let's just say if throwing the card away wasn't an option, and you either had to keep it or defer it and let someone else take it, what would you have done in that situation.

Could I keep it and just never use it?

No, let's say, no, that's a great that's a great option. Yes, but for the fun, for the fun of the hypothetical.

No, then I would. If I had to, then I think I would have kept it.

Smart. I agree with that. You know, you can't give it to someone else. Then that's going to come back and screw you.

I said I would, I would don't. I would either keep it or I would give it to someone else. But I would say, you can't steal my date. You take this card, use it against me.

This is the truth.

Yeah, I actually think it's beneficial for the person. I think it's probably more beneficial for the person that gets their date stolen, because then Joey's going to a feel bad and.

Like stressing out this man.

Yeah, also be like I still want to talk to this person, So then he's going to go out of his He's going to make time to go out of his way. To then talk more to the person that got her date stolen.

Will tell lea your other ideas, a lot of ideas. Your your card situations really inspired him.

Tell her the one where it's like, if you steal the date, but then Joey has.

Power if you steal though, so in small writing, if you steal the date.

Why do you always emphasize it's in small writing.

In small writing, if you steal the date and Joey turns, it turns you down. You automatically have to pack your bags and go home.

That's so embarrassing.

Yeah, it was, literally, but it makes it riskier.

It makes it riskier of like, you better be confident if you steal that date. We're just sitting here having fun hypotheticals.

Obviously that would suck to have that actually.

Right, Yeah, let's let's move on a little bit from this. Okay, so you you end up getting the first impressure Rows, and I think a lot of for as of viewer, at least my stupid ass watching the show, I kind of looked at it as like, oh, she got the first impression Rose because of what she did with the card. Do you think that's why you got the first pressure Rose? Or did you guys have a deeper conversation that there was just more of a connection that we may not have saw, or maybe we did see it and I just missed it.

I mean, I definitely do think there was a connection automatically from night one. But I do think that the card was an active demonstration of who I am and what I stand for.

And I think it was a big, actions over words type of thing.

Said He's meeting a bunch like thirty women and they're telling him things. But it's like, Okay, who are you really and what do you stand for? And like can you be about it? Because like everyone's talking about like, oh I'm this, I'm this, okay.

But like what are you about? Like stand on it?

We were actually I was saying, we're watching it so funny because night one you'll see a lot of women. And I don't mean this in a negative way because this kind of is like what you have to do to show who you are, but like a lot of women almost pitching themselves, like using a lot of adjectives to describe themselves right like I have I'm driven, I'm charismatic, I'm fun, I'm like they're trying to show him and tell him who they are, but they're not really like being put in situations where they can really show that off. So there's a lot of like just adjectives being used, whereas you were put in a situation where you could be like, hey, like this is who I am and I can actually show you this right now.

Totally, totally and I think too, like me throwing it in the fire, which was I'm sorry, so dramatic by the way, but who doesn't love a little drum in their life.

Very dramatic, but we need it.

It was like I'm gonna stand on business. I'm stomping on it like it's gone. You see it burning into ashes, like you know, like I can say things and I'm about it too, like with that.

So how did you feel them when he gave you the first impression Rose? Were you surprised? Were you or were you like this, yeah, this kind of check, this checks out.

No, I think I ever want to be cocky like, oh I deserve this, Like no, you're never entitled to anything. But I think I was surprised. I was like I saw him walking up with the rose and I'm like, who are going to be? And then he's like Oh my.

God, it's me. So that was it was really exciting.

But in the very very back of my head, I'm like, oh my god, like there's more attention on me. I feel so bad, Like I don't know, maybe it's the people pleasearing me that's like, ah, too much attention, Like.

Yeah, I guess because they're gonna.

Hate me, Like they're literally gonna hate it.

It really just seems like you're at this point like you're unfair to yourself. It seems like you're getting advantages.


Oh, there's a lot of attention on you that first night between the card and then, and you know, as much as you didn't take it, there was a lot of women that were like, that is an advantage I would have taken that. She got this amazing opportunity. And then you're getting the first impression rose too. Yeah, so you're probably just like this is a lot.

So what was what was the attitude? What was the additude with the women after after you got the first some pressure rows, Ah.

Okay, the women were just so kind and like loving and just you know, took me in with open arms. And I think there were a whole lot of girls, girls in the room which I'm very, very grateful for.

I was almost like shy about it.

I was like, you know, like kept it by my side, but everyone was like no, like you deserve this, like just such supportive energy.

I couldn't be like more grateful for.

No one was talking shit.

I'm sure they.

Were just not sure that's my face whatever.

But the women that did, you know, show love, super grateful. But I'm sure that there were some people that were like that girl is so stupid, like you know, but whatever, I'm I'm.

Standing behind what I did, like I'm proud of that.

So you should. You should be and honestly, honestly, regardless of why or why you were upset anything like, it worked like you got you literally got the first impression.


What were your thoughts? What was the girl Jess who made out with them first and then came and announced it to the whole the whole group of you. What was your what are your thoughts on that?

She is a bold woman?

She okay, she's a pisces too. Okay I said this in that night. I was like, Okay, I don't think I would have done that, but I love Jess. You kind of just you take her for all that she is.

She's an icon. You know, would I have done that? Maybe not, but she is an icon, So you go, girl.

How were the other women feeling about it?


Probably really upset.

I think in the moment, we're all like like what, like, oh, my feelings are her because we're all like, that's my man.

You know, what do you mean you kissed my man? Get like go home?

But you know that's we signed up for it. You know, we all understand like why we're here. So it's challenging, like we want to be supportive of one another one another, but at the same times, like not too supportive because like that's my man too.

So it's just so it's so weird. It's so complicated.

I can never articulate this fully to like people who haven't experienced it.

But yeah, I don't know.

Yeah, no, what are you beside yourself? Because you did get the first impression Rose, Who do you think has a strong connection with him after or just this night?

Or can you even tell? I know it's yeah, n one, but is there There's.

Only so much you know, But let's you just take yourself back to night one.

Oh god, I think I was super busy and preoccupied crying about the car that I didn't get much of a chance to keep other people.

But I know for sure, like Daisy, I know, Jen.

Like had her little go kart moment, And I feel like it was the people that did like really memorable activities that like, you know, caught his attention.

I know, Evelyn came in on.

The the tennis thing, so oh yeah, Yeah, it was like the people that came in with like the cool stuff. I was like, wait, I didn't know I could do that. I would have came in on like a rocket ship, Like I didn't know that was an option.

So yeah, the little activities are always great. You had enough going on, you didn't need a rock But.

I feel like activities are like things like coming in in cool cars and stuff always helps kind of stand out a little bit in their minds, or at least for us as audience members, it helps us as well kind of be like, oh yeah, Jen, race car, like you kind of like connect it to those things. Who were you vibing with on night one? Like who were the girls that you were kind of hanging out with and chatting with the most?

I hung out a lot with Daisy and Rachel.

She was She's Hawai and we like immediately what he sticks together, so we like immediately hit it off.

I was also hanging out with Zoe a time. She is just an angel.

Love her Kelsey A. I hung out a lot with. It was honestly such a crazy night. I was trying to like make my way around to everyone.

There's so many girls night once and then we did see a little drama between Jess and Taylor.

Were you around for any of that?

I like caught a whiff of it, but not really. Yeah, I know she stole Joey twice. Again.

She's just a bold little so you know, hey, we're all there for the same reason. So it's like, are you gonna be mad or are you gonna go do it?

You know?

Yeah, a few more questions that we're gonna play a game with you.


After your first interact, your brief meeting with Joey and then meeting him again night one, was he what you remembered? Anything different what you expected?

He's a cutie pie, for sure. He's so charming, He's so sweet.

I think something that it was like a little different was when I first met him.

It was so quick, it was so like what is life like? It felt like a.

Fever dream because it was like on live TV and it's like super overwhelming. I think night one though. He just has a very grounding energy to him and like I was crying, He's probably like, damn, girl, just breathe, like where are the tissues for her? But he was so like, it's okay, like I'm on your side, I'm supporting you, Like whatever you choose to do, I I'm behind you. And I think that is just a really admirable quality. So I really appreciate.

Him for that.

Nice okay, And then neither of us have been the Hawaii. Serena really wants to go. If we were going to go for the first time, where would you suggest?

I will give you a whole excel list, Oh my god, X and everything. It's the best place in the whole world. That's like my home.

I love it. There's no place like it. I miss a lot.

I go back at least a few times a year because La is insane, so sometimes I need to go, like touch the grass over there.

Yeah, I was saying this year. We live in New York, and I'm like, we need to be a nature more. But it's so hard when you live in a big city.

But where should we go?

Like for sure? Okays, the best island.

All right, we'll be heading you up for Rex.

Yeah, all right, We're gonna play a quick game.

Okay, it don't stress. It's like easy fun wrapping rapid fire.

Every time we say game, people are always like ah, which like also would be me.

But it's rabid fire. It's just for the it's just for the audience to get to know you a little a little more. First thing that comes to your head, Serena, you want to do it?

Yeah, I got it. Study for this, Okay. So question one? Are you more of an introvert or extrovert in the middle extrovert whatever?


What is your signature cocktail?


French seventy five? Oh?

What's in that?

I don't know what. It tastes really good.

It sounds fancy, so you know what.

It's like champagne and gin and like, oh yes, sugar. Yeah.

What is the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?

Plane? Tickets for my grandparents to come back to the US.

What is your go to pump up song?

Fuck the club up?

What is one item on your bucket?

List, go see the Northern Lights.

If you could go on any other reality show, what would it be?

I don't know. Oh Survivor, but I would die? Okay?

Do you have any dating deal breakers?

Oh? If you don't like my family, you're out. Sorry.

What is your love language?

All of them?

What was the first concert you ever attended?

Oh? I think it was the black Head Peace.

Oh my god, that's a good one. What is your favorite dessert? H I think I think a solid chocolate chip cookie. Mm hmm.

What other or other than Joey season?

Whose season of The Bachelor or Bacherette is your favorite Colton season?

So funny? Okay?

All right?

And if you could describe Joey's season without without spoiling it in a few words or sentence whatever, how would you describe it?

So much drama? Some real demands, but so much drama. I know everyone says that every single time, but I do think that this season had a lot of drama.

I like that you're just calling it out like that.

I feel like think it was like, Oh, it's unpredictable, it's chaotic.

I like that. You're just like, no, it's filled with drama.

Oh, it's so dramatic.

It doesn't seem that way, but I like, am.

Not the best way.

I think good interesting.

I'm excited to see because I feel like the teaser falls more.

In the love category than the drama category.

Yeah, I think they're gatekeeping it for a reason though.

Okay, there's lots to come, Yeah.

Lots to come.

I think there's just like a lot of big personalities, so like, there definitely are you know, yeah, like you didn't have to throw it in the fire, but like we just did things a little extra dramatic every time.

You have a much bigger personality than I had expected.

Oh yeah you Yeah, your personality is much bigger than we've seen so far.

Yeah, yeah, we should. I mean I should. I should. Honestly, I shouldn't. I shouldn't know this ship by now, but I don't. Okay, Leah, thank you so much for coming on.

We really I was so lovely to meet you.

We're excited to continue watching your journey on Joey's season and see where it takes you.

Thanks for having me, you guys, You guys are awesome of course, and thank you for everyone for tuning in.

And make sure to tune in to New episodes of Thatcherre Happy Hour every week. We're gonna have some great guests on this season. We've got all kinds of exclusive interviews coming up, so don't forget to subscribe.

Thanks again everyone, See you next time bye, next time bye,

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