Marcie interviews Lucy Seale, Nicola Dobinson and Annabelle Mitchell for their upcoming Shakespearean Jeans show at the Butterfly Club: Her Hour Upon The Stage. This is a show that focuses on the female and non-binary characters of Shakespeare's Macbeth - Lady Macbeth and Lady Macduff and the witches, and gives them a voice. This angsty feminist adaptation of Macbeth investigates non-male narratives, emotions and faculties, and explores the inherent male supremacy and violence existing in art, literature, and everyday life.
Her Hour Upon The Stage will be running from Wednesday the 27th to Saturday the 30th of November, at the Butterfly Club. You can find tickets to the show on the Butterfly Club website:
You can find Shakespearean Jeans on Facebook under @ShakespeareanJeansTheatre and Instagram under @shakespeareanjeans.
Recorded on Wednesday the 13th of November; broadcast on Sunday the 17th of November. Produced and edited by Marcie Di Bartolomeo