Jack's family had their annual Cousin Christmas...which included a few startling revelations!
Why the hell would anyone steal that? It's one more Thing. I'm strong and getty one more thing. Before we get to that. On our first One More Thing of the New year, I had several people tell me that they really enjoy the One More Thing podcast. I lovely and a couple of people that became aware of it by listening to the best of stuff on the radio while we're off for two weeks, because producer Mike Hansen put some of the One More Thing podcast on the radio stations that were doing best of and so some people got introduced to it. So that's cool. A couple of quick things before I get to a couple of stories came across this shit. Wow.
See that's one of the things about the One More Thing podcasts. Sometimes there are swears, although now Hanson has to label it so he doesn't rund it on the air uncensored.
First one of twenty five.
Michael Boy, Sorry, that was childish and I regret it.
It was very childish. I loved it.
Tell you what your inner child leaves town, you're screwed. I keep mine the healthy.
It reminds me. We so one of the fun things we did a cousin Christmas. We call it where everybody gets together, my brothers, their families, kids, cousins, grandma and grandpa, everybody, we're there. We did a hot sauce competition based on the what's that TV show? Hot One? Hot Ones? Yeah, so you can buy the home version of Hot Ones and we watch Have you ever watched Hot Ones? Joe?
I have not.
It's pretty entertaining. Watched the Shack episode if you don't watch anything else, because it's pretty funny. Yeah. They have celebrities on there and then the interview them while they try increasingly hot hot sauce with chips.
Yeah, Shack is stupid. That sounds really entertaining.
Oh, I haven't seen Conan's great funny. Shack is hilarious. Guzzle and milk. They have milk there to drink, and I mean, like crazy, I don't like spicy stuff, so I don't get any joy out of it. I didn't even participate, but everybody else did. Most everybody else did. It was pretty funny, including my my my thirteen year old Henry. He did the hottest one, the two million, whatever that number is. They got a scale right, and it was the hottest one that they had. Yeah, candle power. Anyway, he was just he ran into the bathroom. We just heard him in there and he yelled God damn. Oh that got big laughs out of everyone. Boy, it must be a guy thing.
My husband we bought that hot ones thing and he did it with one of his friends and he completed it. He walked around like he just hulk smashed a building. Like he was like, yeah, it was like the biggest testosterone boost I've ever seen in my life.
I guess it is a certain can you take it? Thing? Because my brother the you know, served in Iraq several times. Guy really likes taking on the hot sauce.
Wow, how interesting?
Uh? What was I leading up to? Oh? These couple of things I came across, I don't know, they don't fit in. I'll do that.
I was gonna say, you know, I walk around with crippling joint pain all the time. So I'm good, Frankly, you burn your mouth with hot sauce. I'm good over here. I got my thing.
You got you.
It's always don't see the appeal.
It's always seemed a little bit to me like I'll take these players and pinch you really hard? Is it here? How about I pinch you here really hard.
Wow can hold her hand over a burner loss, although you're not going to give yourself third degree burns obviously with hot sauce.
So the the Hot Sauce game thing came with a stack of cards and questions on them, and the way you're supposed to play the game is you can either answer the question or eat the hot sauce. And the questions are like embarrassing or revealing. So it's kind of a you know, thirteen year old. Now we've reached it worked up to the really hot hot sauce, and here's the question. The questions were way too filthy and dirty. My son chose poorly. I should have looked at the box before we bought it at Target. I was looking through it. I mean, just like this is for early twenty something drunk people sitting around. I mean, you know, what was your worst one night stand? And just you know, just stuff like that, a lot of them. But I dug out for parenting. I dug out a bunch of the questions that were okay for the family and parenting, and then we did those and we didn't end up doing them for the Hot saucing. We just tried the hot sauce on chips. But this was just conversation starters. I just needed something we got. We're all sitting around and after like the initial I don't know if anybody else has I've ever had this happen before, but get all the family together and everything like that, and there's a big burst of energy. Then that kind of a bit of a lull happens, and now we got to come up with something we gotta Well, first of you, of all, you go out to eat like nine times, but when you can't constantly go out to eat, so he gets so.
So many cookies. I am now a cookie addict. Oh lord.
So I dug out some of the questions and what was the one I was going to do before I get to the final one? Oh, this is a pretty decent one. It was kind of interesting because I'm there as a parent with my kids, and then my parents were there with their kids and grandkids, and the question was what trait would you least like to pass down to your kids?
Oh that's heavy.
Yeah, but I thought it was damned interesting. Again with the family relations there. It was interesting me because my dad said, patience, I wish I I wish I had more patience. I don't have much patience. I never have and I don't like that, and I wouldn't want to pass that along. And I thought, huh, I've kind of got that patience. I've got different things that bothered me more than that. But like, my son really has no patience. So and I have no idea if that's a genetic thing or not.
Yeah, a lot of it is.
What would your answer be.
Oh, my god, mine, that might be it. Uh yeah, yeah, it would be something like that. Yeah, just patience, ability to look, you can make your point later. I'm thinking back to you know, I was a young parent and ran a little hot and there were times it took me a while to learn. Look, you can't make the point tonight with your angry, misbehaving kid. Just plant the seed, throw a little fertilizer on it, and just leave it alone. And don't you know, don't try to close the deal with a kid who's freaking out or whatever. Just let it rest. Something like that. Just I don't know how it'd phrase it exactly. Give me a minute, I could probably come up with it.
But it was interesting to have, you know, hear my dad say it. With me there and then I've got one from my mind was procrastination. I just I don't I wouldn't want to pass that on to my kids, and I have to one of them, but not the other one. So that's cool, Katie. Since you're planning to have a family, what trade of years would you not like to pass along?
I would say my anxiety or my lack of ability to identify what's in my control, Like I tend to worry about things that I can't do anything about.
Yeah, I was going to bring that up on the air. I was interesting with a very big group of people and like the weather conditions getting worse, there the different levels of being worried about it, given that the result is going to be the same either way, the person that worries zero about it or the person that is and I'm not going to mention any names, infinitely worried about it, like to a really high point, the result will be the same way, the same either way, which is very interesting about worry and.
The challenge in front of you will be the same.
Yeah, and not to be too much of a downer. Is like my son who's got a variety of issues. He said, I don't want to pass along my OCD, which was Michael, anything you don't want to pass along to your cats?
Done? No, Maybe jealousy sometimes you get jealous of others a little bit.
Oh, a little bit envious. Interesting, that's a good one man. Yeah. Yeah.
Oh, speaking of cats, Michael, for what it's worth, our daughter brought her cats with her and they have been were in my home.
For gosh, when did she get here? I know there's an s on there, is it? Two or fifteen?
Two cats, brothers, very very cute little fellas.
Oh my gosh.
I'm at least provisionally, I'm not on team cat like versus dog. But I had a lot of fun with the cats, really enjoyed their company fellas.
Oh my gosh.
And then so one more card and this will be the end of the One More Thing podcast for today. The question was have you ever shoplifted? And there are only two people that had in our big group. I never have. Maybe we answered some questions here, Michael, have you ever shoplifted?
No, Katie, No on accident, but no on accident. Yeah, I walked out of it. I walked out of a target with a parasun glasses on my head and when I got realized it, drove back, returned them, got a crazy look.
That's sent in mind. It is. Yes, absolutely, as a kid, I fell under the sway of some older boys who were not a good influence at all. I was probably eight years old, I might have been nine something like that, and there's some of the neighborhood boys and they kind of adopted me and that's what they're doing, and I'm like, all right. It was a good learning experience, though it honestly was because the because we got busted because we were stupid kids, and the whatever you call the security guy at the stag prevention Uh, yeah, exactly, that's the term I was looking for, chewed us out. I mean, like really till there were tears. And then mom and dad came and it was like oh And at that young age, I hadn't fully appreciated that I am a extension of my parents and my siblings and my family. And we have a joke I probably shouldn't do the accent we do it in but as our kids embark on something, they will say to each other, we will say to them, bring pot pride to family. And it helped me really appreciate that.
Yeah, that's a good one. That's a good thing. It didn't happen in you know, modern California up until a month ago, that nobody would have busted you, you know.
Just all right, could Yeah, built a career as a criminal, probably a very successful career. So one more thought on the hot sauce thing. While I do not find any joy in seeing who can endure the most pain to their nerve endings in their mouth, the idea of trying to maintain your cool and like speak coherently while you are dealing with the hot sauce that is very funny.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's why. Yeah, that's why that show is funny. Just google the Shack episode, watch it. So on the did you shoplift? Two people in the group of everybody said yes. My one niece said yes, and we're all shocked, and and she said, yeah, she kind of does it for fun. And I have a friend who, like super successful. It's a very smart person who who went through a big shoplifting phase in their twenties and it was just the thrill of it. That wasn't stuff they needed or anything. They got like a thrill out of it. It's like people who lie for the thrill of it or whatever. So I've never had that. But then my dad shockingly said I did once. I did once, And it was like, for some reason, my dad, now that he's eighty seven, tell stories that he's never told ever in his life. And I don't know if he didn't think we could handle it or what, but he tells stories now that we're like my brothers and I are always like where, why were you holding onto this your whole life?
Right? I had that experience with my eighty four year old dad this past summer. He was in the Air Force during the Vietnam War and he got out in the early seventies, and he explained because he'd quote unquote explained why to me earlier in my life, but he'd left out like a lot of it, which was he was fully cognizant of how dishonest the Department of Defense and the White House were being about the war and.
He hated it. Wow, that's interesting.
And he'd never uttered a word of that to me.
That is interesting. Yeah, So my dad says I did once, and we're all like what. Because my dad is super honest, law and order guy, which I really appreciate, And he said, Yeah, I was in the army and I was working KP in the kitchen and I stole something out of the kitchen and took it back to my room, and I felt so guilty about it. The next day I never stole anything again. We said, what did you take? Hey, here it comes a gallon jar of olives.
Well, one of the great pleasures in life.
What the freak are you gonna do with a gallon of olives? You're one thing you steal in your whole life.
You're gonna sit back and enjoy those What you're gonna do of olives?
Long day in the kitchen? You canna pop a little olive?
Oh my god, I guess that's part of the hole. You grow up without electricity or indoor plumbing thing, you know, the joy of an olive may have been pretty exciting for that part.
It's like when I read Tom Sawyer to the kids, they are like, why are they getting so excited about an apple? Well, they didn't have apple. I guess that's one of was my dad a jar of olives stolen Army olives. The guy that was with him stole a half gallon of ice cream and stuck it under his shirt. On on the way back to the barracks, they got stopped and had to stand in the hot sun for a while, and that ice cream started to melt and he became one big wet stain of ice cream. I don't know, I didn't ask for My dad must have stashed the gallon jar of olives, because that's not easy to e'd either.
Oh, oh, of all, I don't think.
No, surely you can't suit case of gallon jar of olives, not with that attitude. You can't.
Okay, ship, you see what I put up with? Well, I guess that's it.
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