You're Banned From Joeville

Published Nov 5, 2024, 6:24 PM

Hour 4 of A&G features...

  • Why must polls be reported so fast!?
  • Do these people in the media actually believe what they say?
  • Adam Schiff has a small neck & calming jars
  • Final Thoughts! 

Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio, the George Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong, Joe Getty arm Strong, and Jettie and no Hee Armstrong and Yetty. I will be glued to cable news tonight for when they go to their election experts for reports like this.

Ohio's important. Everyone knows, O How's important.

You're gonna go down here in the valley between Columbus and Pittsburgh, and then you got.

The Akron Triangle right here.

Hillary Clinton carried this next to Canton, and then there's of course there's Wooster. But eighteen seventy six, it's a different story Orville. This is a problem for Orville. This is a problem for Biden. Trump carries these North Lawrence down over here, up here to Canal footin. You're gonna zoom in. You're gonna zoom in and get up here to ninety three twenty one triangle circle.

That's what they call right around Nick jack Farms.

Everyone knows that Nika jack Farms has always been carried Trump ever since eighteen eighty four when he only won forty two percent of the vote.

We're gonna go sap, We're gonna head our way south.

We're gonn and zoom in a little bit. Right there, there's a green patch. We call this Elms country Club. Back in the day, Elms Country Club is where, of course Hamilton lost the duel with Washington. Everyone knows it's a huge Republican mainstat We're gonna back up a little bit. I never stopped talking. I always just keep moving the map when you work data. Of course, there's East Canton. East Canton, of course runs east of Canton, which is just east of Masalon, and then Masalon's north of nev Never and we all know these are Republican hotspots.

Perry Heights.

Biden exiting polls say that the six twenty seven is backed up here all the way down to seventy seven.

I never stopped talking.

I was told to keep talking, never stop talking, keep moving the map.

So and there will be a lot of that on the cable news channel tonight. And really the king of that might be one of the more respected people in that arena, Steve Kornacki of NBC News. He may have invented the super fast talking zoom in, zoom out, and then like all the other channels decided, I guess you have to do it at this speed.

I mean, I understand why, just because he's a fast talker.

I know, he's a trendset. He's like the most popular kid at high school. Yeah, but I don't know why it has to be at that speed. I mean, you got hours and hours with very little information coming out that you have to kill So why do we have to do it so fast? Why do we have to zoom in and out? But it's amazing. I saw Steve Karnaky on a couple of different podcasts over the weekend. Or listen to him and men those guys and women that they know every county in America. That's amazing and like neighborhoods and stuff like that. And I often wonder why, I mean, I would get if you're working for a campaign. Campaigns want to know that stuff because they put resources into it. Here's a county that could go either way, and we want to get our door knockers out there to like sway him. But man is like a journalist. I can't imagine dedicating my life to knowing all that because you could just wait till the end of the day see who won, and it doesn't really matter if Madison county went three percent for Trump or Harris.

Sure, yeah, I don't know Karnaki's bio, but a lot of those guys they are campaign geniuses, the experts about the districts and the way they go and who to target, blah blah blah, And they make a hell of a lot more money talking about it than they did doing it. It's like the opposite of Tom Brady becoming a broadcaster. Now, It's like if a prime of his life football player could make more money in the booth.

That's what the Karnakis of the world are doing, right, That makes sense. I had another point on that, but the county's coming in. I don't know. I'll probably pop back into my head later.

You want to hear an hilarious yet nightmarish scenario, Sure love this. It is unlikely but plausible enough to noodle through the idea that there is a two seven that neither gets to two seventy, and there's a tie, an electoral college tie referred to as a content engine election. The House selects the president and the Senate the vice president, producing the unity ticket that nobody on earth wants Trump and Walls, which is what.

You would imagine.

Of course, you know, the vice presidency is worth a bucket arm pos it was famously said once, and Walls would be relive.

They might he might be imprisoned. Trump might put him in Leffenworth.

On the other hand, every Democrat in America would wake up every day checking the newspaper to see if Trump had died.

No kidding, I know what I was gonna mention as I meant to get the audio I should have Maybe in four years, will we still be doing this? In four years? Won't be any more elections? If Trump wins, That's the end of voting. I was listening to the nineteen eighty four broadcast of ABC News on the night that Reagan beat Mondale forty nine states to one, and it was pretty funny to listen to for a variety of reasons. One just a different era of They would not call it. They just went state by state by state by state for hours. I mean, with the and the pace. For one thing, there's no that go to this state, go to that county. But everything was very slow. Thanks for joining us this evening election night nineteen eighty four, pitting the Republican Ronald Reagan, the current president, against Walter Mondale of minutes. I mean just the pace, and we all know that the pace of everything has just increased so much, but it just was somewhat relaxing. I didn't my kids that pace. It makes them insane. For me, it's like, ugh, I find it so relaxing. But yeah, yeah, interesting. But they wouldn't call it then they would go I mean, this is like two hours into the broadcast, and it looks like the votes from Utah in and that gives Ronald Reagan currently a lead with two hundred and forty electoral votes with zero for mister Monday. I think you can call it. I am seeing a trend develop it Whereas now, man, there is such a rush to be the cable news channel that calls it first, because I think a lot of us, including me, have an inclination to switch to the channel that's calling them for some reason.

All right, here's my prediction, nothing to do with the election, except tangentially, you know, referencing the discussion we've just had. There will arise soon in America or elsewhere, a massive Amish like movement to decouple from the frantic pace of the tech driven world.

I don't know what it will look like it. Will it be driven by the younger end or the that's a great question, if there's any desire for the younger end. Like I just said, they don't know what they're missing, well right, but they never will because their brains are ruined by their smartphones. But like I, like I said, I found it calming and like just oh, it's like slipping into a warm bath to hear that pace. Whereas my kids we watch a movie from the nineties and it's just so slow. It's just dad, does anything happen in this movie? Right?


I have the same feeling when I watch Older Fair.

Yeah, I don't know, unless the kids are so screwed up they become convinced that it's a good idea, because you can convince kids of anything. Please witness the it's fine for men to be in women's sports because they said they're a woman movement. Anyway, h I could really see that happening. It wouldn't be religion religious based.

I don't think there is a burgeoning, as you know, movement towards that, like the what do they call that slow something on YouTube videos where you just watch video of looking out the window of a train going across the country. Yeah, name for it. I forget what it is, but there's a certain crowd for it.

I'm just thinking about the example you gave of the nature of coverage and how every show has got to be frantically paced, because I remember it was it in the radio industry they're talking about how people will listen to something for was it seven seconds? It's probably about a three and a half now before they decide am I in or am I out?

Or do it? It was with the people give the song like it was shockingly short. It was single digit seconds. They'll give a song before they hit the dial. So the song has got to crap you in that amount of time, which is practically impossible. Yeah, and and the idea that to geek out on music a little bit. The bridge has disappeared in songs. You got a lil intro, then you got verse chorus, verse chorus. Then usually there's a bridge which is like it goes to the minor relative minor key and it's a different part of the song. Then you come back to the chorus again the song ends. Well.

Now in the Go Go twenty first century, nobody's got any time for the dam bridge.

First course, first chorus, song's over.

It's like our turn to the sixties, where songs had to be three minutes or less. It's ah, not good, not good for the brain. I think there's plenty of evidence in so anyway, I don't know. Maybe that's my zillion dollar idea.

I would watch that if I knew there were a channel tonight that was gonna go at a slow pace. We're only gonna bring you stuff that's real information. We're not gonna rejoin with any music. We're not gonna have a really bright crazy lights. We don't have a really complicated board to look at m H, just like this, like a chalkboard and somebody talking slow. I would watch that coverage.

I wasn't actually thinking of media, but that's a really intriguing idea. I was thinking more of a like a civilization and encampman. I'm not gonna go Jim Jones here. This is not gonna be the branch Davidians wow. But something maybe we can colonize, like a large swath of eastern Washington, for instance, pretty country, practically nobody there, and a lot of Eastern Washington Tonians would think. I love that idea, So I'll tell you what I'm watching tonight.

I don't even I don't know if it's available to people or not. So we subscribe to Mark Hauprin's site, which is ridiculously expensive but very very very good. But he's doing a thing on his two way platform where he's going to be watching all the channels with a whole bunch of his best experts and they're going to flip around. And he said, I'm a really good flipper. I know what to flip to, what's important, what's not. I'll explain things that are worthwhile, explain things are worthless. And when nothing's happening, we're going to go away and we'll send an email when something's happening and you can come back, he said, because there are hours of coverage that are just nothing. They're just killing time, and I'm not going to do that. I thought, yeah, okay, that might be what I tune into tonight. Well, I love that idea. I got to hit you up for the password. On the other hand, if Trump is winning, I need to watch all my cable and network news hosts because I want to see how sad they are. I'm looking you gotta go. That's the highest priority. I know. I'm looking forward to a really sad little George Stephanopolis, his feet dangling in his chair and just tears welling up in his eyes.

That's what I'm looking an apoplectic Rachel Maddow, a suicidal Mika Brazinski, a weeping Lady Gaga, imagine the pleasures.

Yes, yes, that is what I need. I need a joy Read actually has her head in an oven while she's talking. Oh, that's what I'm looking forward to.

This will be the last coverage I watched before my Slow Life commune opens up outside of Olympia, Washington.

We're in Waco, Texas, on the other.

Hand, and I vow this I will not be sexing up all the young women because this is not a cult, and we will establish a constitutional form of government.

Just need a little break.

We're just gonna We're gonna gather in the evening and like play cards and board games and talk and and not constantly scold anybody's caught walking around looking at their phone, summing it gonna be thrown a hell out of Joville.

All right, you're gonna name your commune jovill I like, I'm.

Still working on the name of it, then you'd be excommunicated in a hell of a hurry.

You gotta get banished, banished. What are you gonna be wearing? Sweats? Probably warm ups, that sort of thing, loose T shirt like I like that. We've got more on the way you can Texas. Anytime have you been to a voting booth or polling place or whatever you call them? How are the lines? What was it like? Text line four one KFTC.

There is a there's something for four more long lasting than just Donald Trump the candidate. There is a sort of Russian embrace of disinformation, a radical disvaluing, devaluing of truth over the last nine to ten years. You've got to be kind of complete ignorance on civics.

H You've got to be freaking kidding me. I've got more here. From Joe Scarborough's rant on MSNBC today. I just again, I asked the same question every time. Do you actually believe that are you so into your silo of Trump derangement syndrome that you only think there's misinformation happening on the right? You think when you say he's gonna be a dictator on day one and he promises blood and the blood a blood bath and all the different sort of stuff that you're being honest? Are you freaking kidding me?

Do you think one of the leaders of the Russian collusion hoax and the fine laptop cover up comes they don't regard the truth?

Are you kidding me? I mean, seriously, Joe Scarborough, I listened to you yesterday. He said he was gonna line Liz Cheney up against the wall and a firing squad and shooter. No he didn't, you freaking liar, or.

You don't know professional Pandora. Sure he can't be that deluded.

I can't believe it reading from a somebody who feels the same way as I do about it. Who watched the whole Scarborough thing today? I didn't. Scarborough lashes out at Trump supporters again Americans who didn't go to Civics class didn't learn the basics of the Constitution. After rattling off a series of debunked Trump hoaxes, including the Trump wants to execute Liz Cheney oaks, Scarborough focuses ire on Trump voters. The thing you just heard about the last ten years of lies. How do we as a nation even how do we as a nation even post Trump. How do we reach those Americans who apparently didn't go to Civics class, apparently didn't learn the basics of constitution, have just been overwhelmed with disinformation over the past nine years. I don't know how we come out of this if if we're not going to have more people who could who could say should have gone with the Hunter laptop? It was real. Trump didn't say there'd be a bloodbath. He was talking about the car industry. It's an economic start. I mean, and then say, and Trump led about this and shouldn't have said that? Is there's just nobody that can do that at a high level. Is it impossible? Is there no audience for it? And if there is no audience for it, if there's not money to be made from it, maybe it can't exist and you can't have a country. I don't know.

There are hm there are plenty of examples of people calling balls and strikes and being reasonably successful, whether it's US or a Rogan or I think the free press does a great job. I think the National Review is absolutely open about what they believe, but they're.

Fair, They're always fair.

But in terms of the mass media, the household names media, they have either decided that's not where the money is or they've lost their minds. And honestly, I'm not sure which it is, because sometimes I listen to the rantings. I got a pretty good crap detector, and it seems to me these people are being sincere their minds, but sincere.

Of course, maybe you should always give a pass to Mika and Joe on MSNBC, because Trump did claim that Scarboro killed his secretary or something like that out their affair, right, Yeah, so that'll make you mad. Yeah, claimed that he killed his intern. Oh my god. It's like when you see Adam Schiff talking about we need to move beyond the dishonesty.

It's like, God, I'm sorry, I can't even find I'm out. I'm back to wanting to establish my alternate civilization in eastern Washington.

I know, North Carolina and Georgia come in early West Coast time four and four thirty. If one or both goes to Harrison's over, she's won. If both go to Trump hasn't determined anything, but at least you have some idea. That's the way I'm gonna look at it this afternoon.

Yeah, yeah, I just read part of a piece by a Galloho emigrated from Russia, talking about how this incredibly flawed election is so far better than no choice at all, living in a totalitarian system, which is the way.

Most people on earth live. So maybe keep that in mind. That's a good one. Armstrong and getty. No, but these are bad people.

These are bid Adam shifty shift. I call him pencil Neck. He's got the smallest neck I've ever seen. He's got about a four and he's got the biggest head, So I don't know how the neck can hold the head. He's an unattractive guy, both inside and out.

And it just came over the wires that Joe Rogan just endorsed me.

Is that that oh Joe, No, that's not a crowd. That's so nice and he doesn't do that. I'm David Broder of the Washington Post, and it seems the closing argument from the Republican candidate is that his opponent's neck is not big enough to hold his head. Jim. Now, it's a powerful argument to thank you back to me.

By the way that the Joe Brogan reference reminds me. You know, the whole flap that Kamala was supposed to do Rogan. Then she said, you can only have an hour and you gotta fly to me, And he said about pass did there's a story out now there's this Muslim social media influencer who set up an interview with Kamala, but her people insisted that it all be cleared and planned in advance, there could be no spontaneity. He wanted to ask about the war in Gaza, which is he says, is interesting and compelling to every Muslim on earth, which tells you something about the way teams form and how allegiances go. But anyway, I won't get off on that tangent. But she said, no, you absolutely cannot talk about anything like that. Instead, she will offer a hot take on what was something stupid?

I can't remember a hot Oh.

She would offer a hot take against people taking off their shoes on airplanes. And the guy's like, well, because the show's premise, I guess is people come on and defend an unpopular opinion or perspective, okay, And anyway, So the guy's like, well, all right, I guess if that's what it takes to have her, we're gonna talk about taking off your shoes on.

Her, all right? Fine?

But she shows up, and instead of the hot take on the airplane thing, she launches into a hot take on how great bacon is.

On a Muslim show. Oh okay, gotcha.

Pork is religiously forbidden her Muslims. And she goes off on this rant and he's like, yeah, I don't know. It's just like, seriously, bacon is a spice.

It's the best. And he was taken aback. Think about it, it's pure flavor, she said. And then he said, you know, I really can't agree. As Muslims, we can't eat pork and so, and he tried to redirect her, what about the airplanes? Anything bother you on airplanes? But instead she doubles down starts doing this take on anchovies on pizza. This guy got done, he said, thanks a lot.

And he just didn't it didn't air it at all. But how do you go on a Muslim influencer show and do your hot hot isn't bacon great?

Take? Wow? Uh? I'm going to be like a human being dipped in a vat a shadenfreud if Trump ends up winning tonight for all kinds of different reasons. I talked about all the all the TV hosts I want to see sad and probably makes me a bad person that I get so much enjoyment out of watching other humans. Said, but I will get a tremendous amount of enjoyment out of it. But the circular firing squad of the Democrats if she loses, is gonna be awesome. The various you know, you're David Axelrod's and all your very certain people have run old campaigns, beaten up on the current campaign. The Biden people, beaten up on Harris. Harris people beaten up on Biden. I mean, he's just gonna be never ending. It's ah, everybody beating up on the candidate for sucking. Oh, I'm gonna enjoy it so much. It's gonna be so much fun. It will be very very nice.

On the other hand, Jack, you're not going to be suffering like's America's college students.

More on that to come. I just learned something very interesting that I didn't know so I was watching during the commercial break. Actually Mark Halprin's zoom call this morning with the Sean Spicer if you remember him, he was a press secretary for Trump back in the day. Anyway, they were.

Talking about Housily, the most entertaining press secretary in the history of the nation and a.

Super smart guy who is portrayed obviously as a dunce by the media because he was Trump's press secretary. But now that I've seen him on a bunch of stuff, really really smart guy. But I didn't know this. But on election day they're talking about tells you can get from the campaign for how things are going on election day. And it's all the sending out surrogates or robo calls or interviews or stuff on election day when they see results coming back in a certain way. For instance, if they see they're not getting a good black mail turnout in Atlanta like well below what they were expecting. Barack Obama might be on a radio show this afternoon, or they'll be blowing in robo calls from Kama or whatever. Or you might see like rural ag vote in Wisconsin not showing up, so all of a sudden, you know, somebody's on whatever radio station whatever you would do there the same day. I didn't realize that that happened. Yeah, I didn't either. It makes perfect sense, it does. I didn't know they had information at that level though, that they've got people at the polling places. They would say, oh, no, man down, you know on farmers coming to the polls. So jump on the air and can.

Giant fifty thousand AM station in Iowa. All of a sudden, you got to well, whoever it would be on the line.

Marco Rubio DeSantis, whoever talking for Trump. Yeah, that's great men right day. Jimmy Dean, Yeah, gonna be upset. You say, I got to how fabulous is this? Uh?

And this I'm gonna quote a little bit from Franny Block wrote a piece. So the day after the election, most of us are kind of, you know, have breakfast.

Roll out of bed, whatever, go to work and just do our thing.

But students at Georgetown University's McCourt School of Public Policy, this is like the cream of the crop. That's where your future diplomats and policymakers are being molded. At the Georgetown University's grad School of Public Policy, they're gonna play with legos seriously. In an email to McCourt students, Jacqueline Clevenger, the school's director of student Engagement, introduced the school's post election self care Suite in recognition of these stressful times. All the Court community members are welcome together in the third floor commons to take a much needed break, joining us for mindful inness activities and snacks throughout the day.

You either react to self care suite with a oh, that sounds nice, I could use that, or you're repulsed by the very term, like I am whatever. Good Lord, here's the agenda. I did not make this up.

From ten to eleven am t Coco and self care self eleven to twelve legos station you top to one healthy treats and healthy habits, one to two coloring and mindful exercises. That's coloring books, two to three milk and cookies. I'm not kidding three to four legos and coloring, because by that point in the afternoon the kids can probably handle the complexity of deciding between legos or coloring, and then from five to six snacks and self guided meditation.

I wanted to ask Clevenger.

She writes why college and grad students needed milk and cookies to recover from their stress, and now being coddled in college might someday affect American diplomacy. But she didn't respond to my calls or emails. But Georgetown is obviously not the only place at Missouri State the Counseling Center has set up a post election self care no phone zone space with calm jars. Somebody helped me with that. Mm the hell's a calm jar, coloring pages and sensory fidgets. And just last week, The New York Times reported that Fieldston, the elite New York City private school, was making attendance the day after election day optional for students who feel too emotionally distressed.

Again, you react with this one of two ways. If your kids go in to one of these schools and you find that out that they went to the coloring room and played with legos, you either think, oh, that's so fantastic, I'm glad I'm sending them that to that school, or you think, how are they ever gonna make it in the world? How have I failed? Right? Which is the way I write?

May I quote Jerry Seinfeldt, who told The New York Times that he found policies and decisions like that so aggravating they withdrew their son from that Fieldstone school and switched them to a different school. He says, quote what kind of lives of these people led that makes them think this is the right way to handle young people to encourage them to buckle. This is the lesson they're providing from godly sums of money.

That is telling damned good question. As we always say, the kids didn't raise themselves. Who are the adults that think that's what the kids need? That's crazy? Katie, Katie, what's a calm jar? A calm jar is filled with water and a little bit of glue, and then you put glitter in it and you shake it up and watch the glitter settle to the body. No, I know, I don't. I don't do that. You know why because I'm an adult, because I just escaped from a concentration camp during the Holocaust and after years and years of this, I've got so much PTSD. No, No, the election didn't go the way you wanted. That's why you need a calm jar.

Gee, and kids, here's your old uncle Joe again. Word to the wise. We hold these bitches every four years and will every single four years of your life. So maybe you'd like to, you know, get a little tougher. You're in government grad school in DC and you're going to be so upset by an election you have.

To color for a day. You were a child you can't blame the kids. So again, you really to the wrong place to look. You're right, you're right. You know what, what's what's her name?

Jacqueline Clevenger and Deans and people like that around America. You were a child abuser. You're a psychopath, you are a monster. Punch yourself in the face right now, as hard as you can now. Nobody lift hand against these people. We must convince them not to assault them. But if Jacqueline, you are listening right now, ball up your little fist, punch yourself right in the face.

I'm pretty sure you could take them in a fight. I'm confident of that. Here's another one of those things, similar but a little different. The New York Times Tech staff was threatening to go on strike right now this week because they thought they had a lot of leverage, because you know, it's election time and the tech staff runs everything everywhere. The New York Times techs Staff Guild proposed a ban on This is what they're demanding in their strike. Obviously, more money and a ban on scented products and break rooms, unlimited breakdow time, accommodations for pet bereavement, as well as mandatory trigger warnings and company meetings. When discussing events in the news, you are joking. You're in the news business and you want a trigger warning. Hey, you can't just jump into some topic about the news without a trigger warning. You should have let me know we're about to talk about the Middle East. Anybody that's going to be triggered by that, We're just letting you know. If you need to leave the room and go to an uncented breakroom, I'd be fine. Good times make for soft people. I don't know that there's any escaping the cycle. I don't think there is. Unfortunately, we're going to live through the other end of that cycle. We will finish strong, coming up strong.

If we don't show up tomorrow, it is entirely possible that we will not have the opportunity to ever cast a ballot again.

I hope you're pandering, which is kind of evil. But if you have actually believe that, you're stupid, and I don't think Obrah Winfrey's stupid, but give me a break again, I'd be happy to hear you write or whatever anybody's logical path of how we go from Trump being elected to never voting again. That could actually happen right in the United States of America currently.

Drop us an email mail bag at Armstrong and Giddy dot com. There's a fifty to fifty chance we'll have to reckon with that horrifying possibility, except that it will never happen.

So my kid said, who's probably gonna run in twenty twenty eight? And I said, there's a decent chance. You've never heard of him before. But then I came across this witch is in You punished him for even asking the question. Yeah, right, how dare you start the conversation about the next presidential election? Go to your room. This is the first presidential election since nineteen seventy six, before many of you were born where a Bush, Clinton or Biden won't be on the ballot. And I thought about that for a second. It's clearly you wouldn't think that'd be possible in a democracy, that three names could be on the ballot, three family names, but could be on the ballot for that many years. Well, actually, it's just it's not even I was thinking of Hillary, but Hillary, It wasn't Hillary, or was it? Yeah? It was Hillary the one year, but Biden, Biden, Biden President Biden Vice President Bill for two terms George for two terms, his dad for three terms essentially right vice vice and then president, but that that shouldn't be possible. That's too much, too few names involved in elections for too long. Yeah, yeah, I would agree.

The whole question of political legacies is it's anti democratic. Although you know, HW was a brilliant man and a good man, I think, and then w was a two term governor of Texas and popular, so I don't see anything particularly untoward about it.

But I get it. One other thing I think is interesting fact that Biden's ever been on the any ticket at all is kind of an embarrassment. Is it's jackass pressure? So yeah, he's not done being president after tonight if we choose a new winner, he's president for all of the rest of November, December, and most of January, which is a long time in a crazy world for a completely dementia addled old man to be in charge of anything. So I was looking up at CNN and they got their big table there with like nine experts on one conservative representing conservatives, and that is Jonah Goldberg, who hates Trump, and I thought other than Fox, and I don't know if this has happened in US history. Well, they haven't had TV that long. But the idea that the guy who wins might not have a single human being on any of the newscasts outside of Fox that have anything positive to say about him whatsoever. It's kind of interesting because I guarantee you ABC this week, I know who they're going to have on there. It'll be Stephanopolis, It'll be Donna Brazil, It'll be the Conservative week Chris Christy couldn' hat Trump, Moore, and then a whole bunch of other liberals. It'll be the same on NBC, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, all of them. And so you might have the guy who wins the presidency and outside of Fox not a single human being with anything positive to say about him. That's kind of weird.

I have some final thoughts, and some people say they are the greatest final thoughts they've ever heard. But if you look at what's happening, I would have to say Armstrong and Getty have some wonderful final thoughts. They are right up there with Abraham Lincoln and everybody knows it.

I just saw this one of the chiefs, one of the big chief stars from last night on Monday Night football were a MAGA hat and photobombed in the post game conference. Here's your host for final thoughts, Joe Getty's get a final thought from everybody on the crew. To wrap things up for the day, there is our technical director, Mike Lingelow. Michael lead us off. As long as this doesn't violate any laws. If you're a poll worker, let us know what the funniest write end votes are for president. I'm just thinking there's got to be some funny ones out there. Why not? Katie Green Aer esteemed newswoman your final thought. I am so exhausted of all of this and I can't wait for it to be in a way, don't start get a calming jar, Jackie final thought for us. Never got to this conversation, but there'll be plenty of time for it. We are going to learn a lot one way or the other. There's some major realignments going on with the parties, working class, college educated women, men, Hispanic black that have not occurred in my lifetime. That could be the future going forward. So that's kind of interesting.

And my final thought will be it's gonna be fine. There will be things that suck and suck bad, but that's part things being fine, always has been, will be fine.

Easy for you to say. I've got a Lego set to put together. I've got some coloring books, I've got my calming jars, I've got some Plato to ned with my hands. I like this.

The Missouri State announcement of this on Twitter. The one comment is Becky somebody or other whose comment is oh, dear God.

It armstrong in Getty wrapping up another grueling four hour workday. So many people, thanks so little time, good Armstrong and giddy dot com for the hot links. Of course, we will be here manyana with whatever results are known. Plus our expert commentary Election Night twenty sixteen. I declared the greatest night of my life. Could tonight topic it might? Oh, I can't wait.

So you do?

Oh I do see you tomorrow. God bless America. I'm strong and getty.

You're gonna zoom me.

You're gonna zoom in and get up here to ninety three twenty one triangle circle.

That's what they call it. Right around Nick Jack Farms.

Everyone knows that Nick Jack Farms has always been carried Trump ever since eighteen eighty four, when he only won forty two percent of the vote. We're gonna go south. We're gonna head our way south. We're gonna zoom in a little bit. Right there, there's a green patch. We call this Elms Country Club. Back in the day, Elms Country Club is where, of course, Hamilton lost the duel with Washington. Everyone knows it's a huge Republican mainsteat. We're gonna back up a little bit. I never stopped

Talking Armstrong and Getty

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