You Made It Through Without Going Pee Pee

Published Jul 8, 2024, 5:40 PM

In hour 4 of The Armstrong & Getty Show: 

  • Biden goes on Morning Joe and says he's not dropping out
  • Jill cheers Joe on like a child
  • Near death by gator and bare butts
  • Final Thoughts! 

Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio, the George Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty.

Arm Strong and Katty I know he Armstrong and Eddy?

Did you dispute that there have been more laughses, especially in the last several months. Can I run one hundred and ten flat?


But I'm still in good shape?

Are you more frail?


Did you ever watch the debate afterwards?

I don't think I did know. To me, that was they don't think you did.

That was the second question, And to me that was just okay, well, George Stephanopolis could have stood up at this point, Okay, we've done now all the work we need to do here, man, what kind of answers that are stuffing up? I was certainly could have said, and I don't think it'd been too mean to say. No, you don't know if you watched the debate or not in the last three days, because there five days whatever it was at that point. You don't know if you watched the debate or not. I think it is extraordinary that he did not follow up in that way. It's almost inexcusable.

Well, I don't know.

I may have left the same Mark, even without following up. It certainly did on me. It's like, oh, you gotta be kidding. How does how does well? It shows you where Joe Biden's mind is, that he isn't self aware enough to realize that's a ridiculous answer.

Yeah, wow, did you go out to eat last night? I don't. I don't know, not sure, Okay, yeah, yeah.

This so feels like one of those things that when the final shoe drops, you're going to look back and say, oh, obviously it was going in this direction.

How did anybody think otherwise? Boy?

And all the stuff from that interview that he did about having a cold and he'd been and tired and traveled to Europe and Stephanopolis, making the point that you rested a whole week. I had a bad night. You've had bad interviews, haven't you. I mean, you know, person has a bad night now and then. But look what I've done the last three years. Okay, now we're off to that.

Virtually nobody's buying it. There is a very loud rumble coming out of DC is more. It's still a limited number, but more elected folks are saying on the record, look, he's he's got to withdraw from the race. The word is they're going to give him a week essentially, and if by the end of the week he hasn't pulled not a rabbit out of his hat, but like an elephant riding a rabbit, because you can't unring the bell of the guy is senile, you don't get better. A sinner can stop sinning, an overeater can go on a diet, a philanderer can vouchastity. A senile guy can't go backward. But anyway, if he hasn't pulled off that miracle among miracles by the end of the week, everybody's going to come out loud and proud and say you got to get out anyway to forestall that or turn that around, good luck. Biden is launching a coherence offensive, including being on Morning Joe as we speak these words, if you listen to the podcast in the future talking to Joe and Little Meek, Let's start with seventy Michael.

The bottom line here is that we're not going anywhere. I am not going anywhere. I wouldn't be running if I didn't absolutely believe that I am the best candidate to beat down on someone. Twenty twenty four, we had a democratic nominating process where the voters spoke clearly, I want fourteen million of those votes, etc. So I just want I not only believe that from the beginning, but I wanted to reassert and demonstrate to this too. And I'm going to be doing that all through this week and from here on.


That's the delusion this week. Hello, That's what I'm referring to.

That's the delusion that David Axelrod was talking about. Though I'm the best candidate to beat Donald Trump, nobody's better than me.

That's crazy.

Well, and that was practically meaningless because you say we're in it to win it till the moment you go out.

I don't think he's doing that. I know, I don't talk about I don't either.

Yeah, but it's either way, it's meaningless. I think you know, I'm tempted to well, as I recall the next clip, they ask me, cask, how can you reassure voters that you won't have another bad night? And he looks entirely towards the past in his accomplishments, which is not answering the question at all.

Let's skip to seventy two.

In terms of my neurological capacity. I had a physical neurological physical as well in February's released. I all my records, all all of them, and I have a neurological test every single day. Try sitting behind his desk and making any decisions.

You know, both of you know it.

They know it. I'm not bad at what I do. And now I doesn't mean i'd never make a mistake. I do, but I'm making no decisions.

That's one of the if you didn't see the Stephanopolis interview, that was one of the arguments he made a couple of times. Is I pass a neurological test every single day or I take a test every day and you all see me do it? Yes, and eighty percent of America's believes you're failing it.

Yes, that is a ridiculous answer.

It's delusional, and Stephanopolis challenged him several times on will you take a full battery of neurological tests and would you release them? I actually don't think that's a good idea. I just don't think it would work because, like a lot of things, it's the science is not as clear as you'd hope it would be. That it's very clear cut you know you're a pass fail, or that every test is the same, or that people would believe the test or I am not sure that would fix anything. If he passed it. The same people that think he's not fit would still believe he's not fit, don't you think.

Yeah, and I have national security concerns, and I believe the voters discern that in their studying of candidates.

That's the point of elections.

You decide whether a candidate ought to hold the office in every single way, you know, in terms of capability, ethics, uh, you know, neurological scale, whatever. You appraise the candidate in every single way. So I understand people asking for a formal test, but it worries me. You don't have to think about it a little more. There's another point I wanted to make eh Alho.

Not going to step down. He ain't gonna step down. Yeah, Jack and I disagree on this.

I think the pressure is going to grow so enormous he does, but I could certainly be wrong.

I don't have a high degree of confidence.

He's hunkered in a room with him his wife and his son, who want him to keep running.

I just don't think he's gonna listen to anybody.

Else, all right, So h me, can Joe list a bunch of Democratic detractors who are now on the record, and he responds in seventy three, let.

Me go to Heughleian Castro, Tim Ryan, David Axelrod, David Richard Hass. Yeah, I know which one you're responding to their zig Emmanuel. But they're saying that you should step aside. So what is your plan of attack moving forward?

Big names?

And he'd do their big name, but I'm not. I don't care what those big names. They're wrong twenty twenty, they're wrong, in twenty twenty two, about the red waves, they're wrong in twenty twenty four, and go with you come out with me. Watch watch people react, we make a judgment.

I'm looking at my phone, which is my watch. It is between ten and four Eastern time. So he sounds pretty together.

He One of the reasons I don't think he's going to step down is and I have read more of Joe Biden's biography about him than practically anybody listening, and I'm not proud of it, from reading a couple of different really long books about his presidential campaigns in the past. But he has such a grudge against the Ivy League class. He just hates those people, and he feels like that they've been looking down on him his entire life. He hates that crowd. You think Barack Obama, who went to Harvard, is telling him he should get out? He think he's going to listen to that or any of these other people.

No freaking way He's going to listen to people speaking of truths.

That the media elite never speak to.


Obama has been just openly contemptuous of Bidens on many occasions, and Biden knows it.

Oh bet job a million bucks. Biden despises Obama behind the scenes, he just understands how important he is. Oh yeah, to his response there prospects.

His response there on that list was to her mentioning David axe Or, Obama's campaign manager. He hates David Axword. I didn't know that till this weekend. Not surprising. He hates David Dack calls him all kinds of bad names. Ax Rod called him for him to get out. Biden says, oh yeah, this's a big surprise or whatever. So so he's basically reacting. Of course, the Obama crowd wants me out.

That's basically what his reaction was there. I mean, that's that's really something.

Is the final straw when Barry himself comes out and makes the pronouncement.

Oh no way he caves because Barack Obama told him to get out.

Not a chance. Really, I don't think I think he believes I'm Scranton Joe.

I got the unions behind me, I got the working class, which he thinks is true but is not true because so much of the working class has now gone with Trump. But he thinks it's him against the elite. So he's now running. And I didn't come up with this originally. I've read this this morning. But he is now getting the opportunity to run against Hollywood because Rob Right and a whole bunch of executives, you know, from Disney and stuff like that. Big Hollywood's come out against him, the big politicians, the media is against him. He gets to be the guy like Donald Trump who's fighting the media, Hollywood, big, big money.

I'm for you in his mind, and he's gonna win. No, no, no, he's not gonna win. He's gonna say what he thinks. Oh right, right, right, yeah, yeah. Inter related story, I'm going to buy a poll in vault seventeen feet this afternoon.

Come watch cool man. Get a YouTube video of that, please here. It's hard to watch so much blood.

Doctor Jill has at a campaign rally and has spoken we've got some sound from that coming up. They way, it's different sound, also tales from vacation and all sorts of naughtyistic and.

Your thoughts text line four one, five two nine five k FTC. That is the most demeaning presidential moment in your SI history.

That had the tone of a mother telling her five year old You made it all the way through without going pp. I mean, you did such a good job of getting to the potty.

It really had that tone.

You answered all the questions, you know, all the facts. Yeah, you would hope like a ninety year senator and president of the United States.

Well if that were true what she said, Oh yeah, that would be demeaning and horrible.

It was patently untrue. So that was the night of the debate, that embarrassing moment.

Yeah, doctor Jill not a real doctor is although she's maybe running the president with her crack head son, yeah, or I'm sorry, running the country in infact, in running maybe guarantee they are before ten am and after four pm.


Yeah, as if you're not hip to this, we talked about it a long time ago today, but the inner circle of Biden's advisors has squeezed a bunch of career people out, like I've been with them forever, and it's increasingly the family, which is interesting to say the least. But anyway, doctor Jill on the stump and beautiful Wilmington, North Carolina clips seventy nine that he's all I'm not sure he has four more months in him.

That's hilarious. The four more years chit, I mean you could. I mean, if you want to be completely honest and you think I think he can win, and I think he's our best trope.

Nine more months, nine more months might be a decent chant.

I'd meant to mention that he did a couple of appearances over the weekend at some black churches in was it Philadelphia? It doesn't really matter, but yeah, and I saw a picture one of them from behind him and the.

Church was.

Maybe sixty percent full. You got the sitting president of the United States. I mean, if it's just the preacher on a Sunday, and I'm only sixty percent full. I'm thinking, Wow, this congregation is struggling a little bit. That was the president of the United States and they couldn't fill ah church. And it wasn't like some sort of Texas mega church. It was just a church church. Yeah.

If I'm getting half a church full every Sunday, I'm thinking I gotta get a light show or a dog that catches for Frisbees or something, gets.

One of them Christian rock bands up here behind me here.

So today, Hakeim Jeffries, the leader of the House Democrats, is having a meeting of all of them and said to be planning to take a vote to see, you know, a secret vote.

Oh my, to get an idea well secret vote that'll stay secret for about half a second.

Well, it's tough because yesterday there were some defections that were out loud, but then there was a couple that were reported to defect and then their staffs walked it back later. So anyway, I imagine he honestly needs to know, Okay, of our two hundred and twelve whatever they got, how many of you think the president ought to be or nominee. He probably actually wants to know. But there's also the this was reported last week by the Washington Post. Senator Mark Warner, one of the more powerful senators Democrat, said he was going to convene a number of guys to go to the president and tell him to step down. Then the reporting was yesterday that he was told to back off, that you know, wait, hold off, and so he did.

There is and this week is a.

Sort of a test for some of them to see if the press, which is weird, and most of that was the.

Plea give us a week. Yeah, yeah, okay. Uh.

The president has a press conference on Thursday, some with some reporting that many of the Democrats are hoping he fails the test just so it makes it easier. So it's not a it's not a you know, judge my call. It's not a cuff. Everybody's on board. Okay, we got to get rid of him. You know that he fails that hard, which I could understand it would it would make things easier for him.

Something just clicked in my brain and I have near one hundred percent confidence that I'm right, which I almost never say either. As I've been saying for a very long time, Joe Biden is not the nominee and the pressure bills this week and it becomes clear he's out. Even if the announcement isn't made, it's the unspoken truth.

As of early next week.

Or Secondly, to save face, he says, I will be your nominee.

I will beat Donald Trump.

Then I will resign and let this fabulous woman to my right lead the country.

But I am your candidate. That is how he'll save face. I could see him doing that.

The problem with him when you say step down, you mean is the nominee not as president?

Oh? Correct? Yeah for Jenny, Yeah, he withdraws is the nominee? Yeah, well pointed out.

So I think if he withdraws of the nominee, I think the feeding frenzy continues. I think the media from that moment on is NonStop.

Then why are you still president?


Right, I mean the only answer to that would be, well, I recognize that I'm in such steep decline there's not a chance in hell I could serve out another term. But I'm still good enough, certainly through January, for the next seven months.

Yeah, okay, sure you are.

Yeah, I just think the feeding frenzy would continue to try to drive him out.


The incredibly belated feeding frenzy, in which The New York Times Washington Post at All have discovered lately that Joe Biden's failing Kurspy says he's not the nominee.

He can go into the bunker. He doesn't need to talk to anybody till January really does.

He armstrong and geddy and the winner is Patrick Butterley.

What Chicago, Illinois. It was all focused today, No mohawk, just hot water. And uh I wasn't gonna stop eating till the job was done. Yeah, big deal.

So, as we reported last week, Joey Chestnut, because he started endorsing vegan hot dogs or something like that, Nathan's hot dog contest booted him out of the contest. He is the only person you've ever heard of in hot dog eating contest and the only person anybody would want to see.

And so Joey Chestnut did a Joey Chestnut did.

A side venue thing in which he raised one hundred and six thousand dollars from military families on the fourth of July by eating hot ate almost as many hot dogs as the guy who won it in half the time. Oh wow, before going on to eat quite a few more showing that Yeah, okay, so that guy is a joke. But the best part is this, And I will read it as written in the New York Post because they have many eating contests and drinking contests, not just hot dogs there on the fourth of July.

Yeah, I held a bit of an informal one myself over the past week.

This I'll just read this first paragrapher.

Nathan's lemonade chugging contest on Coney Island turned sour Thursday.

When a contested projectile vomited all over the stage.

Video shows, and I did watch the video and it is I can tell you it's an accurate presentation. The orange mohawk topped contender had puckered up and down a portion of his gallon of lemonade moments earlier.

You drink it? Who can drink a gallon of lemonade?

The just oh man?

Anyway, he didn't win, and the champion was walking right behind him when he completely lost it and looked like a fountain of lemonade?

Isn't that a little reminiscent of the infamous and horrifying Hold your Wii for a Wei radio contest in which a woman died after taking a tremendous amount of water, and so.

They banned all contests for most radio stations, I think across the country. But anyway, Nathan's is still having people drink lemonade.

It turned sour.

Joe, Yeah, speaking of horrifying videos and overeating, which are all part of my vacation. Very very briefly, I'll set up this story with the fact that they're early in COVID. Judy and I decided that we wanted to figure out, if I ever retire, where it's going to be to. And we decided Coastal South Carolina, which we absolutely love, and we got a place there, and so we were vacationing there split the time. When I'm not in California, I'm in Coastal South Carolina and we were vacationing there.

Last week.

Had a little d our youngest come down with her, well not with her boyfriend because he got COVID.

Two other twenty something couples.

So we come down, we drink, we play corn hole, we have a wonderful time, and we go to this coastal island. It's like it's it's you toss bean bags at a board that's got a hole in it, and if you keep it on the board, it's one point. If you get it through the hole, it's three points. And it's super fun and generally there's drinking involved, although that's certainly not necessary.

Gotcha, Yes, Oh my gosh, did did we have fun?

But so anyway, one of our big trip was we went to this island called the Fusky Island, which is right by Hilton Head and and you kick around. It's only golf carts. You got to take a boat there. There's no bridge or whatever. And it's bars and restaurants and quirky shops and this distillery we went to. So we do the beach for a couple hours, and we want to go to this distillery partly because they have fun T shirts. And we get there and it's super crowded. It's more crowded than I've ever seen it. And and we go inside and are about to buy our T shirts and the owner comes charging out from the back, bellowing.

Stop it, stop it, gee, diot, what the hell?

And he runs out the dirt bellowing, and we whirl around and there is this.

Dumb son of a bitch up to his.

Chest in a pond with a twelve foot alligator in it, and he is taunting the alligator. Awesome, what well, And as one of the young ladies one of Delaney's friends said, oh my god, I would have had to turn my head. And I said, I'd have had to turn my camera because if a belligerent, drunk idiot wants to taunt that shater.

I agree, I want to get it all And I.

Step out and see that. I think this is fantastic. I'm glad I'm here at this moment.

Yeah, I got on.

And so and one of his fat, idiot drunk friends starts to join in because he wants to be the manly man too, and I'm thinking, wow, two for one. But everybody's screaming at him to get out, and and and they finally they out the water's den fight it.

He thinks, here, he's better than you. Look at the way he's looking at it. He's tunny. You don't be a pussy.

And so the the owner runs screaming, and a bunch of people are yelling to get out, and they did. Oh and and as as they're in, the one guy was up front. He was clearly gonna be the first pick.

Did you give an age on this guy. I missed the age.

Oh what do you think twenty three in drunk man? Oh yeah, shirtless of course. And and so just before the owner actually got outside because my world, to look what he was yelling about, the gator disappeared under the water like it was coming for him.

It was moving toward him.

And so anyway, everybody screams, and this guy backs out. And what was interesting was some of the locals who know this to be true, they are screaming at the guy. If that gator does anything, it gets killed, You're gonna killed, trying.

To prove what a man you are. You a hole and chewed him out.

Which I thought was cool, but so everybody's and the guy comes back in.

He said, I've been doing this for ten years. I've never seen anything so incredibly stupid.

Holy crap. He was out of breath, he was pissed off. He told him, we don't want your business. Y'all get a bunch of drunken yehos. And so that settles down, and I turn around and these two chicks walk in in.

Their butt floss.

They are bare asked walking into a building, and the woman behind.

The counter, that's right, the ass cheeks of history. Michael. We're right there and they say you gotta wear shorts in here. They're like, oh all right, and they.

Turn around walk their bare asses out of the building.

That's that's modern swimwear. Man.

I saw a lot of that and very very respectable places. That's just what certain ages wear for swim suits.


Yes, Katie, Well, I will tell you as a woman, it is getting harder and harder to find good coverage back there in the swimsuit apartment. Yeah, those bottoms are getting smaller.

I was with my son and we saw some of that, and I was like, God, he's fourteen.

This has got to be killing him.

I mean, we turned the corner in one parking lot and I thought the girl was naked because she was wearing like a skin colored stream thing, and I thought she's completely naked. And I got up there and I thought she's not. But I thought my son, my fourteen year old son, has got to be dying. There's this hot, naked twenty year old.


Yeah, look, I'm not going to go on some decency rant, although there is something to be said for it. If you want to show your bare ass in public, show it, but I don't know, just the whole thing felt so chaotic and well, you know obviously the drunker people get and just that whole this is about to turn into a perhaps bloody poop show, and I just I can't have it.

How long was the timeframe that all of this went down in.

It was all It all unfolded within twenty five to thirty seconds.

Oh wow, action packed. Man, if it was a TV show, it had been too much.

You got a guy eaten by gator seconds later and naked ladies walking by.

It's like too much.

Maybe it's just my lack of compassion, but I have a pretty high tolerance for drunk people doing stupid things, and I just enjoy watching them pretty high.

You go go for it, dude, do your thing, you be U. I'm just gonna stand here and watch.

Jack what popcorn?

Yeah exactly. Yeah, you back off a couple of steps and you're not going to be involved anyway. That's true.

But we began referring to him as the gator baiters and the bear ass sisters. Uh for the rest of the day. Because it's not a very big island. We kept seeing these people. Yeah, so wow, God, I seriously thought I was going to watch a man die right in front of me.

Yeah, that'd be something. Yeah, it'd be gruesome too.

Yeah, I mean it might just whirl him to death, drown him or near john because not like it's not like you attacked by a lion and it rips your head off.

They drown you for.

The drug, punched it right in the face. It turned into a whole fight. It could have been exciting, right.

Oh, can you imagine if I'd gotten that on video courtesy of Joe Getty, you'd see it on CNN. I di'd hore it out to every network that wanted it. They'd pay, though, they would pay.

Yeah, the whole uh.

Whearing thongs are having your askableely showing I'm not exactly a prude, but just what is the result you're hoping for the people you're going to attract to you or whatever.

It's not going to make your life better? Well, right, And that's what I tried to teach my daughters. The whole I have the right to address like a slut. You know, you don't get to rape someone because they're a slut. All of that is unquestionably true, of course, but it's called provocative for a reason. Put aside your pretensions as a a Wellesley grad in women's studies. The beast, that is, the human being, act sexually to certain visual cues, and if you provoke a sexual response, I don't care what animal you're talking about, you have changed the dynamics of the situation. It's just the idea that you can outthink our most basic instincts is the stupid hubris, as Soa said, It's an idea so idiotically an intellectual could hold it.

Well. Even without that, you're just you're going to have not a good crowd flock to you.

Just you know.

That the people you want to deal with, well, I know, Katie, you're a realist, and you can put whatever percentage you want on the percentage of humanity that cannot be trusted to act in a civilized manner. They're predators, they're a moral they don't care their psychopaths, they have no self control. Maybe they're reasonable people, but they're drunk. I mean, that's a pretty good chunk of humanity. And you're Wellesley Women's study reasoning is utterly useless to those people, So why do you get their attention?

That's what I tried to teach my daughters anyway.

Right, what are you? That's what I was thinking, is what are you hoping for? What's the result you're hoping.

For out of this?

Well, you're declaring your your staunch womanhood or whatever.

Any this one woman who looked naked when I turned the corner to the parking lot talk seem to be talking to her grandfather.

I don't know what I do. I don't have a daughter that age. I don't know you know, I don't know what you do.

But you tell them to go put some clothes on to what you.

Say, pants on while you're hanging around me.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. The funny thing is, now I'm not a fourteen year old boy, Thank goodness. The urges, but you become desensitized to it pretty quickly.

Yeah, I did do.

I was at a topless speech in Miami one time, and yeah, it ceases to be shocking in like five minutes, and it's yeah, well.

Yeah, that's all are seeing probably on Instagram and TikTok and whatnot. I mean, that algorithm now shrew true.

It had to be.

It had to be pretty surprising for my son. When we turned that corner, you got that hot naked girl.

Or back toward us, I mean right from us, but on a screen.

The work I had to do for years to see that in person.

Oh yeah, we waited all.

Year long for the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. I'm something in person, an unclothed woman.


Years and years of effort and a certain amount of luck.

My entire intellect and entered my physical But everything I had.

Was brought to bear and the way it goes now, right.

A lot of begging too, all a begging, Mike. Don't get me started about the begging, Michael.

We will finish strong next.


Let me say as clear as I can, I'm staying in a race.

Oh bet, Donald Trump.

I will beat him again at twenty twenty.

That's gonna be an interesting trick.

Now, stay with a crowd fired up, which is gonna in his mind help booster why he should stay in the race. Man, the way the mainstream media has turned on a democratic president I didn't think could still happen, But man, have they. The New York Times is killing Trump. All of their opinion columnists ERSA Kleine, who is usually a you can count on him, democratic supporter President Biden faces a problem with no solution, No interviewer speech will convince a doubtful public that he is still fit to serve. He goes through the numbers that since jeez, for like two years now, it's been around seventy percent of Americans don't believe Biden's fit for office. Yeah, for two years. And there's a cling point out. The debate didn't change what voters believe about Biden.

The debate made it impossible.

For the Democratic Party to continue ignoring what voters already believed about Biden. And he's right, the voters were there long ago. I would ask her as a client, how about you, dude? Were you right in many columns? And actually I think he was. I think he yeah, he got he got beat up pretty good by his his side for saying back in February that Biden need to step aside anyhow, I take that back. But he points this out Biden after her report came out where her announced that I charged Biden with a crime, but he's, you know, an old man the jury wouldn't.

Want to convict.

And Joe Biden got so angry about how Darry called me a kindly old man whose brain doesn't work, Darry, And they've had almost no public appearances since then, and he hadn't had many before then. By June thirtieth of twenty twelve, Barack Obama had given five one hundred and seventy news conferences and interviews. Trump same point four to sixty eight. Although Trump did one practically every day walking to the helicopter, he would take fifteen questions Biden is given. So that's five seventy for Obama, almost five hundred for Trump. Biden has given one hundred and sixty four and most of those were super friendly or like we learned over the weekend, radio hosts Soup had the questions given to him.

Yeah, yeah, softball fest. I mean, so there's no going back. Everybody knew it, the voters knew it. Everybody knew it.

Jack and Joe just had a very robust and productive conversation this morning, working together to discuss very important issues together in this moment in time and now together in this moment they will have final thoughts with Armstrong and Getty. This is the most final thoughts of our lifetime, and it is time to share the final thoughts they have been thinking. And that time is every day, that's.

Forty years of that. I'm opening a taco truck. I can't a commander in chief have spot. Here's your host for final thoughts, Joe Getty.

Let's get a final thought from everybody on the CRUD to wrap things up for the day.

There is our technical director, Michelangelo Michael. Final thought.

Yeah, Democratic officials are teaching Kamala the dictionary, having to watch Jeopardy, teacher of geography, anything to get her ready to be president.

Wow, Katie Green are esteemed Newswoman.

As a final thought, Katie, and the day that happens might be the day that I leave the country because after that final thought intro, I cannot.

Listen to that for four years. Oh I know, it is so grating. Jack final thought.

What an amazing news cycle we missed out on while we were on vacation.

But it continues. I mean, this is gonna have a resolution of some sort. It's gonna be spicy. Yeah, I agree, but I disagree again. That was the rumbling of the volcano.

The volcano's about to go off, and then then you'll see the new cycle cannibalism, nudity in the well. We already have that. It's discussed earlier. Cat's Lying down with Dogs Violent Revolution.

Good lord, Oh, I've got a vacation story that I couldn't tell on the air because it involves a little bit of salty talk. That will be our One More Thing podcast, which we're about to record. So look for the One More Thing podcast for a jackass I encountered on vacation. Armstrong and Getty wrapping up another grueling for our work today.

We got to do more. So many people to thanks so little time. Good to Armstrong a getdy dot com. We've got some great hot links for you. Pickup some angie swag. We're about to introduce a fabulous new t shirt. Drop us lying if you want to share your opinion or there's something we ought to be talking about.

Mail bag at Armstrong and Getty dot com is the email address.

No telling where we'll be on this story tomorrow. God bless America.

I'm Strong and Getty.

Move on.

It's unfortunate, and when it's over, it is over. It is over. So everybody chills.

Okay, So, let's Biden has put out a letter saying he is getting out. To talk to his supporters to tell them whether he's getting out and he is getting out to tell them.

He is staying in. Wow, come on stay with us that I know. Thanks you all very much, Armstrong and Getty

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