White Buffalo Power

Published Jun 13, 2024, 2:44 PM

In hour 1 of The Armstrong & Getty Show:

  • White buffalo born in Yellowstone is sign that we need to protect the earth...
  • Mailbag!...
  • The end of an era in hotdog eating and orange juice is dead...
  • Katie Green's Headlines! 

Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio, the George Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong and Joe Katty arms Strong and Josey and now he.

Arm It's always the chance that Joe Biden worn out after following the trial of his son, who's going to go to prison for one hundred and fifty years or something. Long day at travel and everything like that. It's got to answer a couple of questions. Standing up with President Zelensky in Italy today, We'll see if he handles that well.

He's fumble blast couple of these, so we'll see.

Yeah, as a man much younger than Biden, who traveled to Europe not long ago, I will tell you the first day, especially or two.

Of the jet lag is tough.

I've always I remember that first afternoon we were in Vienna, when we were trying to stay up till bedtime. In Vienna, I felt like a beast who had been hit by a tranquilizer dart. I was fighting sleep like every second. Yeah, I have some sympathy for him. You can't alter time just because you're president. But would I would love to have the experience of traveling like a president just but it's it's so much easier than.

Anything you've eard done in your life.

You're not going to pick up a bag at any point, certainly, you're not going to wonder about anything everybody else is doing that. You're going to walk out of your house into a giant helicopter which will take you to I suppose like right next to a giant plane. And then you'll be sitting in a big office with a big bedroom.


If you feel a little dozy, you wander over and lie in your bed and grab yourself a couple of.

Ease, right.

And then first when you get there and you know, a giant helicopter will take your but it's shockingly easy to travel around the world like that.

Then somebody says, mister president, you're sweet. Is this way?

You walk in into the Natch Presidential Suite and.

And you chill, yeah, but that's pretty awesome.

You check out the the honor bar there, the mini bar, fridge thing, little bottles of bourbon, maybe later.

Eight dollars for a bottle of water.

I can get like down the hall in the vending machine for a buck and a half with bag, is it right? But I got no legs gonna pay eight dollars for this bottle of water? What I got no legs, I'll go to these stories if the water's are rip offs, Oh, I'd say they are. Really they're really thinking, you know what, there's a certain level of person or drunkenness where somebody's gonna say, you know what, I'm gonna pay eight dollars for this little bottle of water that you can get at the vending machine right over there for a third bet, just because I don't want to walk out of the room. I guess it's all about to me, the highly ill advised final drink of the night, or the equally ill advised something yummy that you don't need. And you're not even hungry, but you've had that ill advised last drink of the night, you're thinking, you.

Know, Sninkers bar would be pretty good, right.

My frugalness has never allowed me to take anything from any one of those at any hotel.

I just learned you a fun date.

I'm not paying five bucks for a Snickers bar, no matter what my situation.

I would die first. Wow, you're not doing that to me. Uh.

Trump is going to be answering questions at the exact same time from Larry Cudlow, who was in his administrations off financial something or other, and I assume about the economy if Larry Cudlow's there and Mitch McConnell is supposed to be there, even though Mitch McConnell has not, I don't believe been in the same meeting with the President since January sixth. Oh yeah, they've been at each other's throats, have some com well, or a bit of a coming together of the Republican Party with the guy that's pretty likely to be the next president.

So I don't know. I don't know what's happening there. It'll be exciting to watch on it.

Correct me if I'm wrong. Didn't Mitch announce he was relinquishing the leadership of the Senate Party whatever. Yeah, he's as liable to walk up as anybody. He locks up every now and then just goes robot. Saw the Pope dropped his F bomb again? Oh, really unfortunate term for homosexuals. But he's eighty seven. But behind closed doors again, Yeah, yeah, in a meeting I think again though. Yeah, nobody nobody got to a seven year old communist.

I don't know. Nobody got to him and said, hey, that's not the preferred term.

That's my point. He's almost nineties years old. He didn't remember, he doesn't he barely knows where he is. What is it with all these octa nagenarian leader? I heard somebody say the other day, and I think it's a very simple explanation for this. Everybody's living so much longer. Often you defer to the village elder. Well, now, the village elders are so damn old, they're beyond like village elder status into that's okay, granddad's status, and we just.

Got to adjust to that. Well, no we don't.

And as we as we've said many times about.

Oh no, no, yes, we do have to adjust to it.

By saying the oldest village elder no longer gets the top spot.

He's too freaking old.

I thought you meant we need to adjust to it by accepting our leaders are going to be older, because we only accept this, like.

With popes and presidents and.

Senate leaders and stuff like that, and no other realm of life. We don't go to the ninety year old mechanic because our cars making a weird sound. We don't go to the ninety year old doctor because you know, we got a weird spot on our back or anything else. I don't have a ninety year old tax advisor. I may see where's my paperwork? I mean, nobody would do that. They're a handful of oldster CEOs. But they're in a hole right well right, yeah?

Not not eighties? Who's in their eighties practically, no one.

Warren Buffett, Yeah, he is, as they say, the exception that proves the rule.

It's incredibly right.

And the last time I've saw him, seen him interviewed, he's as sharp as he ever was.

It seems that way. He's one of those people.

Yeah, we should start the show officially before we get into trouble.

I'm a struggle like you all.

But Warren Buffett's never had a five dollars which is probably now a twelve dollar.

Yeah, I don't I tell room snickers.

I don't know because I don't even consider buying them, so I haven't looked into the price recently. But you're probably right. I'm Jack Armstrong, He's Joe Getty on this. It is Thursday, June thirteenth, there, twenty twenty four. Life will not be a born twenty four. We're armstrong and getting. We approve of this program. Let's begin that Officially. According to FCC rules regulations, the show starts at Mark.

Rare birth at Yellowstone National Park, a white buffalo calf reportedly born on June fourth. The La Cota prophecy holds at the birth of a white calf signals better times, but a tribal leader also says it means more must be done to protect the earth.

White buffalo supremacists, that's what I say. Was that supposed to be low power? Is that what you're saying, David Mi s I'm sickened? Was that supposed to mean something?

To me?

The white buffalo often symbolizes we need to protect the earth, mm climate change, humans ruining the earth, the ancient people's No, of course, if you're a if you're a Catholic or a Baptist or whatever, and you got some sort of symbolism that means something that's mockable and stupid and for backwards people in pre enlightenment. But if you're Native Americans and you have some animal that means something, maybe we should worship it or talking hush tones, Okay, fine, one or the other, all right, Yes, a different part of the rainbow of paternalism of the left that a fetishize native peoples or or you know, indigenous peoples or whatever.

And there they're old, tiny beliefs.

That's that has real gravity and is we must consider this right, But a three thousand year old religion or whatever, that's stupid, Right, You're a dumb heck?

That is something, isn't it?



How does mailbag look? It's coming together. I think it'll be good. It's gonna be kind of interesting. What happens out of this meeting? I think between Biden and Zelensky, where is that all going? Is he gonna make some noises about We're with you till the end forever you can always count on us. Is he gonna say that out loud like he has in the past. Is his noises are meaningless? You can make whatever noises he wants. He'll proceed in a cowardly and incremental fashion. Wall Street Journal with a rough editorial about that today.

Is it the one about the Hoosies?

No, no about this was specifically about Ukraine and the President moving too slowly, Because there's another big piece about how our response to the Housies bombing ships constantly, and the Gulf there has been tepid and timid so as not to escalate violence in the Middle East, and so shipping has come to not a standstill, but something close to a standstill, and one of the most crucial parts of the globe.

Also inflationary.

But right I think they're trying so hard to get that Saudi Arabia deal done. They's the that's the gold ring right now, that some sort of deal with us in Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia and Israel. They just don't want anything to.

Mess that up.

I think, ah, they want it to happen before the election. Certainly I can't even conceive of it happening in the next couple of months, just because when Israel's beaten the hell out of Hamas, the Saudis aren't going to sign anything any who lots to get to and a lot of different fronts on the way. So hope you can stay with us. Our text line four one five, two nine five k FTC Caitlin Clark. Even though she is a rookie and on a horrible team, she has more three pointers this year than any w NBA player and only one woman has more assists than her. That doesn't get you on the team just based on that alone, the fact that it's going to get you more eyeballs than you've ever had for your team by far in the history of your sport. Yeah, she's in the top ten and a bunch of scoring categories and playing for a terrible team in What makes you a terrible team in basketball is you don't score enough points or you give up too many either way. But yeah, she scored, plays for a very low scoring team and is leading the league and not leading but up top. Yeah, it's it's it's that sort of stodgy, stubborn idiocy you see from bureaucracies in our organizations.

Sometimes we have rules and GEA and we have a system.

It's the same sort of impulse, emotion pride that makes you protect rapee doctors too, for instance. Yeah, you don't come around here criticizing our organization. We're the whatever, we're the American Swimming Association or whatever was. I don't mean impewing anybody who's not guilty, but you know what I mean.

Here's your freedom loving quote of the day.

You love this. Dan and Arkansas sent this along. I had a conversation with a friend the other day. He's lived all over the country business executive, and he said they spent six years living in Arkansas around the Little Rocky said that was the hardest place to leave. Loved Arkansas. I'm not surprised. Yeah, anyway, Dan, thanks for sending this along. It's my niece's going to medical school there.

I think at this okay.

I've been listening to the Revolutions podcast, specifically the Russian Revolution came across this quote. I don't believe it's it says who it is, but whatever, the revolutionary is a doomed man. He has no private interests, no affairs, sentiments, tides, property, or even a name of his own. His entire being is devoured by one purpose, one thought, one passion, the revolution heart and soul.

Not merely by word, but by deed.

He has severed every link with a social order, and with the entire civilized world, and with the laws, good manners, conventions and morality of that world. He is its merciless enemy, and continues to inhabit it with only one purpose to destroy it. I think about the deluded college kids who are convinced that they're brave revolutionaries who currently occupy the office of the President of cal State LA.


Yeah, and they're letting them do that for some reason. Well, because they agree with them, that's why. Well, they've barricaded to themselves in they trapped the president for a while. Yeah, they're occupying a building, all right, good luck with that. Here's your mail bag drops no mail bag at Armstrong and Getty dot com. Ricky the Bricky writes, Jack, you know how much fun it is when you bring us little tidbits from the world of year children's generation. His are a little bit older than yours, but there have been about half a dozen times you brought us something like Freddie Fosbear some such thing, and I as casually as humanly possible, working into the moment, usually to astonished chuckles, drop jaws. And how do you know that? The most recent was with nick a thirty skin right from Fortnite and he got another.

Where do you learn this stuff? Cool? Ricky?

Although I Joe am in Tanton becoming bitter and out of touch, it's actually my goal, let's see Burbank Luke right, Democrats are so confusing. I'm confused again, guys, do we need an f fifteen to take on the government, like Joe Biden said, or can we threaten our entire democracy with a Viking helmet and ziptize?

Which is it? Oh?

Wow, Burbankluke, well played brother, well played. Ps it's the tree of liberty. Yeah, he deed slaughtered the entire thing. Let's see job growth question from Ben's thinking about this the other day. If the Fed set's interest rates to try to cool the economy based on job growth, among other factors, wouldn't allowing a bunch of international trespassers free in the country influence the job's growth number, which in turn drives up the appearance of a hot economy, etc.

Their Yeah, there's something to that.

I just saw a study by some university that three quarters of the job growth has gone to undocumented folks.

Oh my god. If that's true. You got to dig that up. That's that. That's incredible. Let me see if I can find wyn. Yeah.

I was a little skeptical of it, so I better source it. But anyway, Yeah, and he says, isn't Biden's border policy inflationary?

Am I? Way off?

I don't think our Ben. I'd have to think about it a little more but let's see. Stevens says, guys love the show. Here's my solution to the protesters. And I can't believe nobody's stepping up and doing something about the vandalism National Park Statues building. I have a bunch of bikers, cowboys, and every nationality that loves America. Zip tie each one of them, woke a holes, lay them down on a weighted blanket, remove their mask, take a picture of him, release it. Put the photo out on the internet. Ask hey, who is this? Never work in the US again, little vigilante. Just let's do we have time for this? It's about uh Trump's proposal to not tax tips. And Jess and Wiley Texas mentions that people who depend on tips are really bummed that so many of them go on credit cards now because you got to declare all of that time paper trail use cash folks cash. You know, I never tip thought of that. That's a good tip about tips.

It's a tip tips, Armstrong and Geddy. And finally it.

Was announce Yester that Joey chestnut Well not competing this year is Nathan's famous hotdogging in contest because he has a deal with the Vegan Food company Impossible Foods. Incidentally, his record for those is still just one.

Wow, that's an untoward claim. I've had some of the Impossible meat.

It's good.

I feel like the Olympic committee that left Caitlin Clark off and the Nathan's hot Dog people are the same people. Right, Let's ignore the greatest thing that's ever happened to us in terms of getting attention and go back to obscurity. We don't need Caitlin Clark and women's basketball. We don't need Joy Chestnut and hot dog eating. Well, let people tune into all the other household names that eat lots of hot dogs, well half as many hot dogs, right, what you can't have an agreement with the dude? Hey, no T shirts or anything like that. You understand because it's sponsored by a different hot dogs company. You know what bothers me, Jack, is it's the end of a great era in hot dog eating. I remember when that sport was unsullied by money. It was about love of the love of gorging yourself on unspecified parts of unspecified animals round up into a tube. It was about ingesting large quantities of questionable meat. Yes, nine buns, not fame and money, right, right, man, that's what happens, uh, And he's not gonna be able to wash it down with orange juice. We've teased this several days in a row, but never got around to it. It's all about the wongklung being, the woklong being, people checking the FCC rules and rags. I don't think we can say that on the air. The wolong being is a bacterial infection. It's one of the most serious citrus diseases in the world because there's no cure and if it gets into your trees, you're doomed.

Now, this is easy to brush off.

One of the reasons it hits with me is in our backyard at the farm, we had three giant old trees that really made the yard what it was because of the shade and everything like that. And the middle old tree died and was dying, and I had somebody come out and they said, when we had the drought in California a few years back, a tree disease that they've been able to keep out of California for like a hundred years somehow got into California and if you get it, it can go from tree to tree to tree and it just kills them and there's nothing you can do about it.

And it's horrible.

And you look at that and you think, what, there's nothing I can do about All these trees might die.

Luckily none of the other big ones in but it just happens. And this Wanglong being is doing that there.

You'll notice it because it's poorly colored and lopsided, which is what I see when I look in the mirror every day. Oh boy, also known as citrus greening disease. If you're not down with the huanglong thing, that is fun to say. Once infected, most trees will produce poorly colored, lopsided and bitter fruit and leads to them dying within a few years. And it could go from tree to tree to tree, and this is devastating.

The US and Brazil.

And together Florida in Brazil account for eighty five percent of the global orange juice supply, which is the number one breakfast beverage in America. I don't understand why orange juice is relegated to breakfast for most people. We drink orange juice all times of day in my house, or at least did before the Wong Wong being came to before. Well, yeah, you'll still be able to get it, but it'll be like buying you know, Dom Perrin Young Crystal, Yeah, exactly.

Hey, yes, you'll see jay Z and the club with a thing of orange juice.

Wow, showing off to the ladies making it rain orange juice, which will make everybody sticky.

But yeah, wow, that's that's too bad.

I remember when Dutch elm disease ravaged the stately beautiful elms that you know, framed every street in my neighborhood grown up in Chicagoland.

Back in the day.

But yeah, anyway, more earthy or less earthy matters, I don't know, different matters. Great piece about how the floating aid peer of Gaza was an idiotic idea, impossible for it to succeed and sure enough it's just a debacle. Well or did it satisfy the political needs? As he announced it in the State of the Union address to a certain crowd out there, that oh, okay, we're doing a lot to help the downtrodden Palestinians get food. So I will put away my sign and my Molotov cocktailed that I was going to throw through the window at the college just for now, right, well, yeah, absolutely true.

That's both are true.

It was a debacle that was doomed to fail, and any expert in the field knew it. And it was a two hundred and thirty million dollar gesture of oh no, no, I care about the Palestinian people, so helped me win Michigan.

Would you please, it'd be great if you could. Yeah, that's exactly it. All of the.

AID that was supposed to go through it is just sitting there collecting dust. The floating structure broke apart after ten days of operation. Because it's design for less three foot seas or less. Anything that hits three feet or more of waves will will break it apart. It's known in the field, and that part of the Mediterranean always has sees more than three feet. I'm surprised that works anywhere then, I mean, because I don't recall any beaches I've ever looked at that didn't have three foot waves.


No, it would work reasonably well in a bay, a nice calm bay. But that's but. And again, the military people who do this know where it works and where it doesn't, and it was never going to work there. Now, I thought they got it put back together and AID was going to start flowing freely again. Oh you believe that, do you, sucker? Well, I don't know. I doubt it. I doubt it'll ever play a significant role in any sort of relief. Well, the problem there, especially even when it was working, you couldn't get the trucks off it and to the Palestinians without how Mouse stealing them.

So yeah, yeah.

Military guidance on the pier, known as a Joint Logistics over the Show or JLOTS, says its usage is weather dependent and it can't operate in conditions beyond C state three or short and moderate waves. Such conditions are usually in a bay. The Mediterranean Sea is often at C state four, meaning significant wind and waves. So it's a debacle and an expensive one. Meanwhile, just down the road, they're talking about how the Wall Street Journal's headline is how an Iranian backed militia ties down US naval forces in the Red Sea. Yemen's huthies have launched hundreds of attacks and American military officials see no end in sight, and they get into what's the specific phrase they is, no, no, that's something different. Essentially, the Biden administration has limited its military response to the hoothy attacks, hoping to avoid being drawn into a wider Middle East conflict. But that is meant the flotilla of US and Allied warships have spent weeks and months patrolling the Red Sea on alert, and the attack have kept coming. And they go through several occasions where our sailors had seconds to respond because they saw a missile streaking at them at five times the speed of sound, and they can shoot him out of the air with pretty good accuracy. But if they swing and miss once, we're going to have dozens of dead young Americans.

But the Abiden.

Administration is limited it's response hoping to avoid being drawn into wider conflict. Joe Biden is mister, let's not do anything, not escalate. The other side can escalate as much as they want. We just we just don't want to be involved in escalating. That's an interesting way to be in a fight. His foreign policy is like the ultimate failure doesn't stop you, fear of failure stops you. Well, he is so fearful of doing the wrong thing or being blamed for anything. It's just baked into his personality. He does nothing or does such incremental little moves that it's practically nothing. Well, I want to Hunter Biden's going to get him for Father's Day. That's what I'm wondering. Actually, I don't care, probably Crackpipe, but I got.

My dad Omaha Steaks as all. That was unnecessary? What that was?

That was a tawdry way to get in through a commercial about one of our beloved sponsors. It was tawdry, yes, and unnecessary, but I enjoyed it. Come on, there's zero chance hunder Biden's getting his dad at Crackpipe for Father's Day.

And you shouldn't have said that, all right, fair enough, Jee, Why it's on air spanking, So Father's Day is right around the corner.

Don't wait any longer to put a smile on Dad's face with a fabulous package of delicious steaks and much more from our friends at Omaha Steaks. I did this for my dad starting at just eighty nine dollars. When you go to Omaha Steaks dot com and you use the promo code Armstrong at checkout, obviously time is running out and you kind of are waiting to the last minute if you're ordered today.

Yeah, so go to Omaha.

Steaks dot com use that code Armstrong again, the packages started just eighty nine bucks, but they have a great variety.

Depending on Dad's preferences.

And trust me when I say these steaks are of amazing quality, really really good steaks. Again this Omaha Steaks dot Com for Dad. Use that promo code Armstrong at checkout. Go now before it's too late. Omaha Steaks dot Com promo code Armstrong. Don't forget the apple tartlets. They're amazingly good.

That's not a little nugget.

The other day, once again on the story of Joe Biden not recognizing his most recent grandchild, which is the girl born to the stripper baby mama of Hunter, whose new book is coming out and I have excerpts. She has a book, yes, oh heck yeah. It's going to be released around the same time as the convention or right before, I can't remember, some key political moment.

They're going to release the book Hanging upside down from the Poll of truth? Is that what it's called?

You know, Into my defense, as you're disparaging this poor woman for being a dancer an athlete, Hunter Biden did turn his dead brother's wife, widow and current girlfriend onto crack. So it's possible he would give his dad a crack pipe because he likes to spread the word. He's proselytizing the joys of.

Crack the stripper.

Baby Mama's got a book, like a book, not an article or an interview.

A book.

Yes enough, it's out August twentieth, right when the conventions about to happen. I think that's a coincidence. How are you getting a whole book out of your story? Well, I can tell you next hour. Jack Oh, I want to hear that. But we have bombshell expert excerpts from Out of the Shadows my life inside the wild world of Hunter Biden. Wow. Well, I guess somebody came to her and said, we'll give you two hundred and fifty bucks if you give us a couple of quotes. We craft a book.

I mean, just as we sit down with our guy and you'll talk to for a few hours and he'll turn it into a book.

Well, I haven't heard the excerpts, so maybe they're better than I think they are. And I'll save the conversation about the grand kid till then then, because I find that whole topic actually kind of interesting for a not political standpoint, just a personal standpoint on how you deal with families.

Families can get complicated.

I grew up in a very non complicated family, but I've brushed up a more against more complications as an adult, and not always of your own making. Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't. And the more I see, the more grateful I am for the family I grew up in. Oh my god, Yeah, yeah, things can get out of hand. We've got Katie's headlines on the way. I hope you can stay with us, Armstrong. We read a lot of texts on the text line.

I'll read this one.

Jack said I'd die before I got a five dollars snickers bar. That was me talking about not buying the stuff from the hotel bar. But Jack said I before a five dollars snickers bar. This proves why you guys put the big paycheck before truth. Stop propagating the COVID lie. I understand, I know, I don't know how we got there. Well, okay, good, I'm glad everybody's lost gon turn. Yes, I understand. We have beloved doctors. We don't want to frown on us. But millions of people you are influencing. I do regard aging a g top three broadcasters of all time. But I love America, cu, but I love America more. Please more specifics. We're utterly flabbergasted, sir or madam. Yeah, it sounds like a criticism. It was in there somewhere, but I'm not exactly sure of what. So if you could the Snickers Hotel fridge, the covid lies were propagating covid lie. Okay, all right, well again, we're more than happy to take your input. I also got to a little input from loyal listener Jen, who points out, guys, do you have you forgotten the previous hot dog eating contest scandal involving the great to Karo kobe Yashi, who was booted for refusing to sign a noncompete clause in twenty ten when he was at the height of his mystery meat eating prowess. Yeah, so they've had the two the only two household names that have ever existed around gorging yourself. They've got into a kerfuffle with and let them go away. Nathan, Nathan, Nathan, what are you thinking, my friend? A lot of big news of the day coming up next hour. I hope you can stay tuned. For instance, So who's reporting what it's the lead story with Katie Green Katie from CNN.

New York Governor calls vandalism at the homes of Jewish board members at the Brooklyn Museum an abhorrent act of anti Semitism.

I'd say it was.

I didn't realize so when we were doing this story yesterday, the red paint symbolizing blood on the doors and windows and everything like that, including some harmas symbols, some phrases and signs from Hamas. You're flat out threatening Jews with death and it's not getting more atten this. Wow. Not only that, but these people, and I remember this from like elementary school, learning about the First Amendment and its limits. These people are advocating the violent overthrow of the United States government in many cases.

Well, that'll take them at their word.

Outside the White House the other day, there were a couple of people that had the bloody heads of Joe Biden.

That's not a problem. Sure was when they did it with Trump.

Remember Kathy Griffin, she got canceled for that.

New York Times Weekend.

Leaders of the West gather in Italy to discuss an unruly world.

Okay, well let us know what you figure out. Make it more ruly.

From USA Today quote convicted felon Biden's new favorite name for Trump now applies to his own son.


I heard somebody say, as listen to, and they said, if Biden calls Trump a felon during the debate, Trump has got to retort something about his son.

I don't think that would work. I don't think that'd be a good look personally. No, No, it's not an Apple staff, No, not at all.

Trump needs to carefully craft a statement about weaponizing the legal system and how corrupt it is and how phony.

Those charges were.

But man, if you can't get too far down that road or else, it starts to sound like self pity. Yeah. I feel like he ought to go high road with You know, I never criticized somebody's the parenting's hard, or families they're difficult or whatever.

I think that'd be way better than your son's a felon. Trump on the high road. Okay, Okay, I try to think we can do Trump.

Fox News real estate expert defines housing market doomsday. This is something we haven't seen in our life.

Oh oh my god, I'm close.

I was close to pulling the trigger on buying a house right when I came across this article from some financial guru and they're off wrong. But this particular guy was talking about there's a major correction coming to all our markets in the housing market soon, a major.

And would that shock anybody? I mean, if it happened, wouldn't everybody think? That sounds about right?

As I said the other day, everything and I mean everything just feels precarious.

Sure, damn it, damn it. ABC News, Hollywood's A listers are lining up behind Joe Biden. Will their support even matter in November?

God, I hope not. I read a.

Piece who Politico or something somebody's writing about how the Joe Biden pack has hired a bunch of gen z hipster writers from Hollywood and the web that everything to craft some zingy young messages to convince the youngsters that that old mummy is the guy you want to back. And I wish them well, Man, you're up against the kids. Joe Biden straight up bust. That's what my son would say. Oh boy, he's straight busing. From the Daily Mail, they're here.

Pentagon official reveals tantalizing seven minute encounter with glowing blue UFO, which emitted enough energy to power a small city.

Who's reporting this? Agon official? Pentagon official?

Okay, hmm, the guy down on the corner outside this building that saw the same thing, but different reasons.

I would think at this point the end of the ownes would come down here, look at us, and go f that.

And link yes, yes, yes, yeah, this is not a good neighborhood, honey, let's not. I don't even want to look at the house and kind of with what you guys.

Were talking about. From the New York Post.

For the sake of America, Joey Chestnut Nathan's hot dogs must come to a peace agreement. This country can't take another blow.

That's beautiful.

And finally the Babylon Bee frustrated women demand the trans women in public restrooms stop leaving the.

Toilet set up. Oh boy, because I got pieces. That's that's why. Yes, I think peace standing up. Hot dogs are dogs, Just ask Joey checks not tying it all together. There was a serious story in there that I wanted to follow up on. Maybe I'll remember that real estate thing or because nobody wants to hear that, well, I don't. I guess if you're shopping for a house, you do want to hear that, would it shock anybody? Nobody would like, oh my god, how did that happen? If all of a sudden everything dropped thirty percent overnight like it did in two thousand and eight or whatever that was, Yeah, yeah, I just I would be I would be unhappy about it. But how could you say, how did this happen? I mean, everything is unprecedented, unprecedented plus unprecedented times unprecedented equals. Let me think about this for a minute, hund to carry the three unprecedented.

Come on, yaik Jackson? Do I buy a house in this market? I need to think about this art Armstrong and Getty mm hmm

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