Where's My Jello?

Published Jun 17, 2024, 2:35 PM

In hour 1 of The Armstrong & Getty Show:

  • Biden led off the stage by Obama
  • Mailbag!
  • Russia Update - The 9 Time Zones of Nastiness
  • Katie Green's Headlines!


Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio, the George Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong and Joe Kaddy arms Strong and and he Is Armstrong and.

The Drum Studio c see Dimly litt Rode deep up in the bowels of the Armstrong and Getty Communications Compound to kick off a brand new week, and today we're under the tutelage of our general manager.


Happy belated Father's Day, everybody. Here's to Dad's raising them kids, setting an example for him. Those are the word goals to the success and happiness of a child.

What are we supposed to call dad?

If mothers are chest beating birthing people, birthing people, what are dads? I don't want to say the word. How about sperm downers? What is the term for dads among the woke limitics?

You know, Katie Well, I'm I'm getting some outside reporting that Pennis owners was noted in the weekend news.

I feel more like a guardian than an owner, but a partner, as they were. Nobody owns a penis. It's just you know, you try to you try to make friends with it.

And Ellen.

For a chunk of my early years, it was more or less in charge, so right, exactly.

A lot of the syndrome. It's a tremendous amount of negotiation that goes on.

A lot of a lot of bitter arguments. No, you're not doing that. That is the doubest idea I've ever heard.

That's what I would say. You know it's stupid. I know it's stupid, and yet we're going to do it. Okay.

Anyway back to you saying good for fathers, which is a fantastic Absolutely, I came across some statistics that were horrifying over the weekend regarding fatherlessness and how it plays into percentages with people in prison, in foster care, in prostitution, dying of opioids.

I mean that the stats are overwhelming.

I gotta believe that it's not more of a topic because it runs against the overall you know, the Murphy Brown. If I may harken back to the early nineties, if you're that old one, it's cool to be a single woman who just decides to have a kid. You don't need a man. I mean, it runs up against that. If you start talking about dads, you got to take it even closer to the stem. I think it's that sick brand of feminism that emerged in the you know, sixties, seventies, eighties, whenever that said to be pro woman, you have to be anti man, and you have to pretend as if men have no role in any of the vital activities of life. It's a twisted and perverse point of view. Every bit is this as much as the subjugation of women and fundamentalist Islam is in my view for instance. But yeah, it's terrible, and it led to all sorts of you know, insidious government programs and societal beliefs. I was going to phrase it to, you know, more or less the way you did. You want to find people who did not have a father active in their life, go to prisons and strip clubs. You threw in Morgues, which I think is an excellent point as well. So I don't know how many people have seen the so called Joe Biden being let off stage by Barack Obama video. I have, indeed, I'm and I assume that a lot of you have seen it. Big fundraiser over the weekend, star studded they raised like thirty million dollars. Barack Obama's there at the end of it, they're all staying, everybody's chairing. At one point at the end, Barack Obama grabs Joe Biden kind of by the wrist and leads them off the stage. And I've been reading the commentary about that. I don't know what's what's your opinion, I don't know what I think. Uh, Well, in general, I think the Biden's having a senior moment. Industry has gotten out of control.


Sometimes it's legit. Often it's not. I mean, he's old and senile. But like the one, uh, the one the other day where he wandered away from the group photo and it looked like he was just wandering off. I saw that with the frame, the original framing of it, and he's clearly wandering over to have a word with the paratroopers, probably mention his son bow.

And how he died in Iraq or whatever.

But that's clearly what's happening now that it's freezing up on stage. And it's possible in that one though, as Katie pointed out on Friday, that the scandal was they were in the middle of a conversation and he wanders away. That could be a scandal, not that he wasn't talking to nobody and just and he didn't wander away, but he could have like just flitted away from the conversation, because they all looked a little confused, like, wait, we were just talking, were we so?

And or we're in the middle of a photo session.

But I agree with you that one that was unfairly crop to make it look like an old man wandered away. The baracoa on stage one looks like an old man who froze up to me and his younger helper had to hold his hand and lead him off the stage. Really, when I was the last time a grown man had to grab you by the hand and lead you anywhere. I don't know, I don't know, And I mean I think he's metally unfit to be president, but uh, I don't know. I mean he's standing there taking in the adulation and everything like that, does Barackopon? I would be pissed off. If I as Joe Biden, I'd have been freaking hot. Hey, I'm president of the United States. I'll stand here and watch the crowd as long as I want. Don't grab my wrist and tell me it's time to go. F you, I would have been hot at that if you were old and senile and didn't know where you were supposed to go, you'd have been hot.

No, you don't know that that. He's just standing there watching the crowd.

When was the last time somebody had to lead you by the hand somewhere?

I don't think he had to be led by the hand, That's my point. I don't know. I'll get your point. You do you mean it backwards? He wasn't led by the hand because something something he had to be because he's just there. I don't think he was. Why didn't he react badly? Then? Why wasn't he like, hey, what are you doing? I'm fine here? It's because he's an old man who had to be led by the hand.

The proof is the evidence is the proof is the evidence. I'll read brit Hume's commentary on it was brit Hume of Fox senior analyst, Biden is senile, in decrepit, but not sure what. I'm sorry, does that mean brit Hume analyzes seniors now exactly? Okay, he only analyzes people over seven. Biden is senile, decrepit, but not sure. Obama needed to lead him away. Biden had been applauding moments earlier and then stood there absorbing the applause for a bit. When Obama reached out and grabbed his wrist. I'll bet the White House staff is annoyed with Obama. I would have been like, what are you freaking doing? Yeah, if it was not necessary, as you're suggesting, and it's entirely possible, you're right. I just enjoy arguing. Well, then to have was horrifically inappropriate. I mean, mind bocklingly condescending.

I think it was.

Oh yeah, I think it was very Barack Obama. I think it fits in with the way he thinks of Joe Biden. Remember that event a couple of years ago where Biden's a president. Obama just kind of took over the way they were handling the crowd and everything like that. Barack Obama sees himself as a level above Obama.

Joe Biden. Yeah, that's that.

Dul Row in the background is the clickty clack of a thousand keyboards writing his emails right now. He's pulling the strings behind the scenes. Now he's doing it on stage.

Yeah, I don't don't. I don't know that I buy that.

But he's out there wearing ten because you've been duped, You're a rhino or something.

I don't know.

But the overall point that a number of people have made is this this this meme. I don't know if it's fair to call it a meme because he is old and senile, so is that a meme or just a fact? But anyway, the creating memes out of possible senior moments is its own industry. As you said, Yeah, I don't know. If you lean right, your social media feed gives it to you. If you lean left, I'm guessing you don't see it at all. But it's a thing. And if he creates one of those on the debate stage, whoa nelly. Yeah, it's actually a kind of a decent, decent example of how you can analyze a narrative as a scientist, as a media scientist. Because I happen to agree with this one, I like it. I'm amused by it. I think the guy's mentally incompetent, and it would be incredibly dangerous if he were elected because he is senile and his second in command is a dope. What do you think sympathetic to it? The Mummy and the Dummy, The Mummy and the dummy.

There you go. Yeah.

But having said that, though I can see, oh okay, so the narrative is really running hot now. So people are are really enjoying grabbing whatever video or picture or audio or whatever and fitting it to the narrative, whether really appropriately or not.

Right, but the narrative is accurate. Right. It reminds me of when I don't know how this got started.

Well, this doesn't work as an analogy because Joe George Bush was not dumb, but they started that theory going and then would look for any opportunity to try to reinforce that. Sure, here's a more contemporary one. It is undeniable that Donald J. Trump has a lack of respect for some of the institutions of this country. He's a businessman, he's a hotel builder, he's just he's one of those business, business, business guys. I believe he's a patriot, But like, why you shouldn't bad mouth certain people or institutions as the president. It's just it's not good. It doesn't help anybody. He tends to be a little respectful to some of those things. So the narrative built so that virtually everything he says or everything he does, they claim he's trying to quote unquote tear down democracy, which I find ridiculous. But you know, January sixth, that was awful for reasons that I don't think Trump understands.

But that's another narrative.

So people squeeze, shove jam whatever incident or speech or whatever into that narrative, whether it fits or not. It is possible that Barack Obama saw something in Joe Biden's face that made him grab his arm. Right, So here's the way I would frame it. The story is either that Barack Obama in you know, indefensively grabbed Biden by the hand like a child to let him off stage. Or the headline is Biden submitted to being led like a child.

Off the stage. Yeah, that made me. He tries to do that to me. I'm like, what the hell are you doing? What are you doing?

Are you physically pulling me off this stage? You can drop my head now.

Or where we'll be throwing hats. But he didn't react that way. He did.

He is like, yeah, where's my jello?

Huh? He acted?

He reacted like where's my jello? Says Joe Getty. Yeah, you stand by that statement. Let's start the show officially before we run out of time. I'm Jack Armstrong Joe Getty on this It is Monday, June seventeenth, here, twenty twenty four. We are armstrong in getting we approved of this program. Let's begin then officially, according to the FCC rules of RAGS, here comes the show at mark.

Joe Biden has no plan. He's got absolutely no plan. He doesn't even know what the word inflation means. I don't think if you gave him.

A quiz, I think he should take a cognitive test like I did.

I took a cognitive test and I a stick.

We edited that favorably because right after that he says, uh, I forget which is the right name?

Which is the wrong name.

But right after that he says take a cognity says like I did from my doctor, and then he gets the name of the doctor wrong. Ronnie Johnson and Ronnie Jackson sitting in the front row right in front him. Oh, oh yeah, which is not great. But uh, how does mailbag look?

Oh it's okay. It's a good start to the way, Cole.

There's lots to talk about, lots to that happened over the weekend, and lots coming up this week, so stay with us. Text line four one five two nine five KFTC. Barack Obama thought, I know, when is the best time to get off the stage.

When we've reached the moment, when we've done.

Enough applause, I just like, screw you, dude, I'll decide right right.

Yeah. Oh, he's an egomaniac obviously.

And he looked down on Biden and always has like the Kennedy's look down on LBJM. Like, here's your freedom loving quote of the day. It's from Rod Dreyer said, it's always easier to blame the supposed evils of those one hates than to face up to your own sid's failures. That's certainly true in politics. It's no fun looking at my failures. Yeah, no kidding, Well, yeah, that's why sometimes you see a campaign that's entirely focused on, say, your opponent, as opposed to your own achievements.

It's easier mail bag drop us a note, would you have mail.

Bag at Armstrong Andgeeddy dot com. This will probably wrap up our fountains of Wayne discussions. But John Anonymous, Right, So I just listened to one more thing Stacy's mom. I'm still laughing, that's right. We do a separate podcast after the radio show has done. Armstrong in Getty on Demand is the radio show, and then one more thing is an extra Sometimes it has swears in it. Anyway, he says, I love the band Fountains of Wayne. Grew up and went to high school Wayne Valley in New Jersey, three miles from the Fountains of Wayne.

Store they took their name from.

Thought you might like this picture of the store, which has since closed unfortunately. Cool and he sent a picture of the Fountains of Wayne Store, Wayne, New Jersey. Now let's see Tom and so cal rights and it's funny. I'd come across this too and was going to bring it up. On last Friday show, Jack spoke about the nine levels of Hell and Dante's Inferno. Yes, we went through them all well, he points out the first level was called a vestibule.

I wonder how many.

Democrat members of Congress would try to pull the fire alarm thinking it was a way to open the emergency exit doors. Right, they're experiencing a moment of panic in the vestibule of Hell.

That's so good. What do we have just a minute, Michael, No two minutes. All Right, here we go. This is from CJ. It's serious ish, guys.

I'm CJ from cal Unicorney. Unfortunately, I was listening to your episode from the other day. Was stunned when I heard you all discuss Scholastic's gay slash trans child propaganda. That's right, Scholastic Publishing is now in the woke radical gender theory and queer theory business.

He says.

I'm gay myself, and unlike many gay people in my age early twenties, I don't make my sexuality my entire personality, nor do I force everyone I know to acknowledge my sexuality or preferences. I'm continually disappointed in the new trash the LGBT A B C d EFG plus propaganda artists come up with another've ruined Scholastic shaking my head. Make everything about sexuality will only worsen the whole we have as a nation as we dig ourselves about false propaganda. Like MLK, intended people should be judged by the content of their character and nothing else, including race, religion, sexuality, et cetera.

Keep doing everything you guys do. Love the show. Thanks CJ. Great note.

I really wanted to get to this note from barbnonymous about their granddaughter who thinks she's a boy. A terrible classic confused adolescent getting permanent changes to their body because of momentary confusion.


But more on that another time. I don't know how many rainbow crosswalks I went through this weekend. That's a thing all over, I guess, depending on where you live, Rainbow crosswalks.

Got right.

We'll catch up on a bunch of different news. I hope you can stay with us. Text line four one five two kftc.

Armstrong and Getty.

Inside Out Too is taking the box office by storm. The Pixar animated sequel raked in close to three hundred million dollars globally this weekend, the biggest opening of all time for an animated film. Domestically, it was the hottest opening since Barbie.

Really did not know that Inside Out two Inside Out, which I still haven't seen. I should because I had a a therapist friend who've raved about that for years about, oh, everybody should see that movie.

It's all about our emotions or whatnot.

Yeah, yeah, I've heard great things about it. Yeah, it's all about our emotions fighting with each other. Inside is some how that whole thing works and it sounds pretty interesting. Well bitterness one in my case, Yeah, bitterness held held down a content and punched him in the groin repeatedly.

Optimism hasn't been seen for months. Shame.

So this headline woke up to today. Putin is visiting North Korea looking to get a little military help, and it's just part of the solidifying of the nation of a holes, the Axis of a holes as they come to be known, which is actually a pretty good term, the Axis of a holes Iran, North Korea, Russia, and China, the four of them. Yeap, and very appropriate, and it's way more for real than George Bush's old Axis of evil. These people are really working together, and it's very obvious. I mean, the Chinese equipment is showing up in Ukraine, and Iranian weapons are obviously showing up in Gaza, and that's all working together, Russia and Ran. Yeah it's not good, but man, so North Korea can help you.

You're in bad shape. Yeah, no kidding, yikes.

So you have read extensively on Russia, Russian history, you read Russian literature. I've begun to suspect you might be an agent. I'm trying to come up with a name for this feature. I've got a bunch of stories about Russia and Putin and the war and stuff. I've come up with Russian to Russia.

Nine time zones of fun. That's pretty good. Just call it Mother Russia. There you go. I like nine time zones of fun. That's funny.

Yes, that's not fun though, nine time zones of something or other. Anyway, it's your rush update, Michael.

To go there.

You got your bunch of gummies, nine time zones of nasty.

It's your rush update. That's pretty good.

So a series of interesting facts and stories have come across about Russian recent Yeah, you can fade that. It's annoying and it's communists headline, Wall Street Journal. Putin's existential problem not enough Russians. Russia's population has been in decline for years, and the war in Ukraine has made matters worse. At least one hundred and fifty thousand Russians are dead on the battlefield. According to Western estimates, nearly million thousand, Wow, nearly a million fled the country after the war began to avoid conscription or out of disgust and horror.

The number of births is.

That it's lowest in more than two decades, with bigger than average drops and babies born in some regions closest to the fight. Now, the Poodher has called raising the birth rate of national priority. Like several governments around the world for different reasons, has declared twenty twenty four the Year of the Family and has enacted subsidies for those with three or more children. So Russia has lost twice as many men as we lost in Vietnam in a couple years.

That is dunning.

The motherhood is an exquisite purpose for women, he added in an address on International Women's Day in.

March, because they aren't having enough kids right exactly.

I'm still going through the David Sanger New Cold War's book, but the chapters on how the war in Ukraine started and everything like that, in some of this we'd already heard before. But those soldiers had no idea what they were doing. The Russian soldiers when they were going in, they didn't know they were fighting a war. They were not told them or their commanders.

Didn't have the slightest idea what they were doing.

Just terrific, untrained, unorganized, unequipped. Wow, nightmarish Another headline Russia tries to erase evangelical churches from occupied Ukraine.

I saw that.

Yeah, the Kremlins war on evangelicals is aim at reshaping occupied areas in its own authoritarian image, like the Russian Orthodox Church, which is just an.

Organ of the government.

We are brutally cracking down on any other Christian church. And we have listeners who believe Putin is going to save Christianity. He's destroying churches. Yeah, the idea that he's standing up for Christian morality against the forces of homosexuality or whatever. I mean, that's one of his pretenses for holding onto power. But only a fool would be fooled by it, in my opinion. So they are running Baptists and Protestants and every other realm of Christianity out of Ukraine everywhere they can, in favor of the Russian Orthodox Church. Communism has never been compatible with religion. No, no totalitarianism. The only thing it does is co opt religion. Speaking of the war, I found this so interesting. A visit to the battlefields north of Kharkiv reveal one consequence of the evolving state of the art of war. Increasingly, one hears soldiers speak of dead zones between opposing forces. Drones, which can now pursue individual soldiers through trenches, make it difficult for either side to conduct operations within two or three miles of the opposing battle lines. For now, this may make new offensive operations on the scale of last summer's ill faded Ukrainian counteroffensive impossible. As soon as next year, drone swarms could create even more formidable killing zones between armies, making offensive operations even more challenging. And this is the part that I was really intrigued by. Land and air warfare rapidly changing with their Ukrainians and Russians constantly updating technology along the battlefront. Soldiers and engineers are introducing innovations large and small that can make old weapons systems obsolete overnight.


As the Russians deploy new forms of jamming techniques or equip their drones or missiles with new stealth capabilities, the Ukrainians must must match them, and, where possible, out compete that. A drone chasing an individual through a trench, How freaking horrifying would that be? You're trying to get away from an inanimate object.

Wells move around, so does that make it it's animate.

I guess it's a it's a nonsensient being chasing you.

Certainly we can agree on that.

With increasingly sophisticated weapons routing more detailed performance information back to manufacturers, often in real time, the tempo of weapons redesign in production is accelerating beyond anything seen ever in the past. Ukraine is building a new kind of military industrial complex in which decentralized term teams of hackers and tinkerers in small to medium sized firms continuously reimagine and re engineer the tools of war. Plus, the tech competition is involving artificial intelligence now and anyway, The point of the article is just that the evolution of weaponry and counter weaponry is moving at a speed that's never even been imagined in the history of warfare. I hope the big industrial powers, including one that flies a red, white and blue flag, can adapt as well. Right said, that's right, missus Alito, moving along one, I sit nine time zones a nastiness.


Another piece inside Ukrainian's desperate search for relatives in Russian jails. Russians have kidnapped thousands and thousands of civilians and just held them in Russia and the Ukrainian people are trying to figure out where they are and what's happened to them. That includes thousands and thousands of Ukrainian children who are now being put up for adoption by Russian parents, abducted from war zones, snatched away, now being given away to Russian families. NPR had the number at twenty thousand Russian childrens or Ukrainian children they're specifically looking for, trying to figure out where they went. So far they've gotten back like thirty five Yeah, yeah, just terrible. Can you imagine desperation? They snatched your children, the evil invading power next door, and now they're selling your kids essentially.

Can't even imagine.

Geez, and all of that leading to this on a more enjoyable note, because that was horrifying, again from the Wall Street Journal Fans of the Americans one of my favorite TV shows of all time. There are several stories now of Russian illegals. For instance, the young Argentine couple in this pastel colored house in Lugana, Slovenia. That's old Lady Trump's hometown, Slovenia country whatever. This young Argentine couple immigrants lived in a seemingly ordinary suburban life, driving around the sleepy European capital in a white Kia Sedan, always paying their taxes on time, never as much as getting a parking ticket. Maria Rosa Mayer Munos ran an online art gallery telling acquaintances. She left Argentine after being robbed in Buenos Aires, et cetera. Her husband, Ludwig ran an it startup described by neighbors bab ba bah normal, quiet, zibat abadu. Yet almost everything about the family was a carefully constructed lie Gisha's real name is Artem Viktorovich Doltsev born in a Russian Autonomous Republic, and his wife is an even more senior SVR that's your KGB successor officer than her man. The couple's computers contained hardware to communicate securely with handlers in Moscow that was so encrypted neither Slovenia nor the US could crack it. In a secret compartment inside the fridge that kept hundreds of thousands of dollars in euros, etc. Russia is running these deep cover illegal intelligence agents all over the world, still like the Soviet Union, still up and running. These people even had a couple of kids who they had trained as intelligence agents in case mom and dad gets snatched up, here's what you have to do. In the American's TV show, the kids were oblivious to their parents until very very late in the show.

Oop spoiler alert.

But Russia's actually still running these deep, deep cover couples. Wow, I'm surprised he's able to pull off as much as he is, with the economy and the mess that is their government and everything. Declining population, low birth rates, hundreds of thousands of men either dead or one hundreds thousand more fleeing the country.

So much of the population not on board with a lot of what he's doing.

Yeah, yeah, what Russia looks like in ten years is anybody's guess. I mean, if, again, as Jack put it so charmingly, if you're turning to North Korea and saying, anybody, can you spare a dime? What kind of shape are you in? So is a little fat head gonna tell putin? Yeah, I got these balloons, you fill them full of poopy, send them over there.

Here's your first move. He got some bags, fill them with poop. You'll confound them. They'll have no idea what you're up to? What are you up to We don't know, and.

The pooter correct me if I'm wrong. Is pretty solidly into his seventies, isn't he? How old is Vladimir Putin? I say, seventy four?

How old is Vladimir Putin? I just asked, Suri? Siria will tell me how old is Putin?

Just keep yelling at your wrist. Surely your wrist, bilancher use sooner or later? You have to say her name first, you do? I just pressed my button. Anyway, he was born in fifty two, so what's that making seventy four? He's seventy one years old?

Seventy one soon to be seventy two? My mathematica yeah, okay, as I overshot?

Yeah, what's their plan of succession?


Famously, dictators don't have a plan of succession because the second in command or the inheritor will rally resources to this side, say hey, I'll give you all a better deal. When the old man's gone, why don't we just get rid of him? And the people around him say it sounds good to me. He's kind of a bully anyway, So who knows?

Olympics are coming up?

Speaking of bad countries, did you read this story about the Chinese swimmers that's going to be a hot topic during the Olympics. Unbelievable, wait to hear about it. God, dang it, what you're a pere miffed?

I am miffed. You know how I care about Olympic swimming?

Are there girls the pennist again, like the good old days of the Iron Curtain? No, the headline. We'll get into it later. And the real problem is I don't care at all about Olympic swimming. I do care about the fact that China has so much control of so many of your international organizations now that they've been cheating for years, and these international organizations have been letting them get away with it because China's got a lot of money and it's very powerful.

That should frighten the world. Oh goodie, And.

They're gonna be swimming in the Olympics even though they had cheated many, many times. We got Katie's headlines on the way and a lot more stay with us. Russian abduction of children, absolute stuck pititty on Russia's part. I cannot think of anything that would make me want to fight more, you know, no kidding, Nothing would make me fight to the death more with my hands if I had to than you abducting my children. You're right, You're right, there would be no surrender.

Ever, no.

Got the one thing in the David sangerbook was a reminder of it caught putin by surprise and us by surprise or a white house.

Anyway, on how fought do you?

How hard the Ukrainians fought from the beginning, both Zelenski saying I don't need a ride, I need ammunition. I'm not going anywhere, and then right off the bat, like day two, those guys on Snake Island saying, hey, Russia worship, go f yourself when they were told to surrender.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, huh.

All right, Well more on that and a dozen other topics to come.

Hope you can stay tuned. Let's figure out.

Who's reporting what it's the lead story with Katie Green Katie, thank.

You guys from ABC News is Rareley War cabinet banded official says Netanyahu said there was no need for more of an extra branch of government.

Dissension in the ranks.

Well, one of the head guys had quit, so he's either going to bring in new people or he just dissolved it.

From the Wall Street Journal Biden's.

Secret weapon against Trump older voters. The older majority apparently looks like they're voting for Biden.

What, No, they're not. I've got the numbers right in front of me. Street Journal, I'm under I do not understand that. Are you the Wall Street Journal? No you're not, sir. Uh.

Trump is up by six among people fifty to sixty four. Does he mean like over sixty four? Maybe they mean like our eighty year olds going for Biden?

I don't know.

From the New York Times, Surgeon General calls for warning labels on social media platforms.

I don't think that's a bad idea. I'm not sure if it would do any good. But man, the more I read about social media and kids, the more.

I think this is like feeding them crack. Yeah.

Well that and we got to do the story that made the rounds over the weekend about the family whose young girl became an influencer and all the PERV dudes that came out coming on to her constantly.

Yeah, I saw that.

It's more or less a reprint of a New York Times story we did a few months ago.

Very similar facts.

But yeah, these young girl usually influencers are softcore porn for.

Pervs and everybody, including the parents know it.

From law enforcement today, unconstitutional Seattle police facing manpower shortage to hire illegal immigrants with DAKA status as cops.

Yeah, to sign a desperation from Breitbart dot com, Chuck Schumer.

Roasted replacing cheese on raw hamburger.

I saw that. I saw that. I don't know.

It's a little sketch. Schumer has been said that Katie, Yes, he did. Okay, so that's what my kids say. Schumer has been in an apartment his whole life, and so his daughter just bought a home with a backyard.


He was grilling for the first time in his life over the weekend, and it really looked like he was putting hard cold cheese on a hard coold burger.

That that is what happened.

There was no grilling happening there.


I was in charge of the stakes last night for Father's Day. Ran out of propane. The grilling nightmare. Oh wow, in a pan though, That's one of my many skills.

They came out nice and seared and flavorful.

Oh and finally the Babylon Bee Biden disappointed after huge skew reset Biden disappointed after huge scoop of vanilla ice cream turns out to be Pope Francis.

That. Yeah, that's abusive.

That's an exaggeration of his mental state. Oh, we've got we've got much more on the way.

Stay with us, Armstrong and Getty.

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