What Sort Of Crap Are You Dealing In?!

Published Mar 19, 2025, 5:33 PM

Hour 4 of A&G features...

  • The stranded astronauts are home & the JFK files
  • Men in women's sports
  • Stephen Miller explains the Alien Enemies Act
  • Final Thoughts! 

Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio the George Washington Broadcast Center. Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty Armstrong and Jettie and Hee Armstrong and Yeddy. What does it feel like to be re entering there as atmosphere? I mean, I mean a lot of people probably have a tough time on a roller coaster.

Well, it's a little different than that. The g build up is not huge like on a roller coaster or flying a fighter. But the difference is you've been in zero G in their case for nine months and as you're coming in eventually a little bit of gravity deceleration builds up and if you let something go, you see it slowly fall like whoa look at that. Things are falling And it's amazing to think about that.

Nogay heard an astronaut talking yesterday during one of the you know telecast covering the landing. Finally, of those poor beleaguered stranded astronauts that in the Soya's capsules because of the angle of the seats, as you're re entering the atmosphere, the gees are so strong you have trouble keeping your windpipe open to breathe. You're getting squashed so hard. Man.

I was just at the Smithsonian Air and Space in DC not long ago.

Love that museum, go with.

My kids and man, looking at all those different capsules from just the first orbit orbit or actually going to the Moon and back. How in the hell you could sit in that tiny little thing for days in some cases without losing your mind and screaming and start ripping your hair out. I don't even know how you would do it.

Oh yeah, you've clearly got to be like in the top three percent of not claustrophobic. I mean, like, oh yeah, you could put me in a coffin and bury me alive for a week or so if you sounds RESTful. Gotta be like that, not claustrophobic, and be a genius engineer, by the way, and have nerves of stack other than that kind of an average slumb. Yeah. So anyway, glad those folks are back safely. Well done SpaceX and NASA bringing them back by the administration could have, according to Elon Moscow, but they didn't for political reasons. Anyway. During our one of the show, we hit on some of the revelations from the recently released jfk assassination files. I found it really really interesting. That's why we brought it to you. If you missed it, grabbed the podcast Our one today Armstrong and getting on.

The band tomorrow. Alien autopsies, What sort of crapp are you dealing?

In? Ten thousands? I'm sorry, tens of thousands of pages are being released, and as people paw through them, they're coming across really interesting stuff. Different people, different things thought this was good. From veteran broadcaster Steve Portnoy. I spent much last night digging through the JFK files. Here's my take. Most of what the government released last night is not new. In fact, much of what has attracted attention on social media has been long in the public domain, except for minor redactions such as the blacking out of personally identifiable information on CIA sources or employees, which have now been disclosed mostly newly.

Are dead now and have been for a long time. JFIK was assassinated in November of sixty three.

That's a long time ago. But the newly declassified versions of these documents also shed light on the granular details of mid twentieth century espionage that the CIA had fiercely fought to keep secret. President Biden and President Trump had accepted those arguments until now. The full text of the nineteen sixty one Schleschinger memo, long sought by JFK researchers, show how a trusted Kennedy aid urged a reorganization of the CIA in the months after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion. More than a full page had been blacked out for more than sixty years. Why we now know that Schlessinger argued that the CIA's were alliance on quote controlled American sources, had been encroaching upon the traditional functions of the State Department, and that the CIA may have been seeking to infiltrate the politics of America's allies, particularly France. CIA today has nearly as many people under official cover overseas as state, Schlessinger wrote, adding that in certain countries, CIA's presidence quote outnumbers regular State Department personnel. Wow. The previously classified portion of the memo sites the specific number of CIA personnel that had been stationed in the US embassy in Paris, where the quote CIA even sought to monopolize contact with certain French political personalities, among them the President of the National Assembly, meaning the CIA was muscling out the President's State Department and saying, no, you're not going to talk to the assistant Prime minister. He's our guy. We'll talk to him for you, which is a hell of a deal.

I'd love to work for the CIA in that capacity, be in some like in the capitol. You're supposed to just like hang out at restaurants and stuff and keep your ears open talk to people.

Yes, I've mentioned before, I know people who did that, and they haven't told me much because they took their oath seriously. But they were intelligence agents but not not spies per se. Yeah. Plus there wouldn't be much most likely. Yeah. Part of it is just understanding the dynamics of the country you're dealing with. It's like, you know, a great kind of if you'd follow me, example is when East Coast media talks about California politics, and if you've certainly lived in California, you'll read it and think, what reality are you writing about? And likewise, if you're trying to understand the politics of Turkey. But you know, I have people on the ground saying, oh, no, people are really pissed and the pressure is growing over here. Blah blah blah. You know you lack good information. Moving along. Read they'll become our man in Havana. If you're into that sort of thing. That's really interesting, so amusing, Yeah, really good. It's fiction, but it's based on he was a spy. Yeah, Steve Portnoy goes on, right. It's become well known among JFK researchers over the years that the CIA was surveilling Lee Harvey Oswald in the years prior to the assassination of fact the agency kept from the Warren Commission. The docs dropped last night a had more specifics about the CIA's operations, namely in Mexico City, where Oswald met with Cuban and Soviet officials in September of sixty three. I'm mean It'stember of sixty three.

Right, which is why so many people have never been able to buy the loan shooter.


I mean he was meeting with communists days before he shot the president.

I mean, come on, right, Yeah, it's not a much of a leap, no. The documents reveal how the CIA tapped phones of the Cuban and Soviet diplomatic facility, information that had been classified until now. The previously redacted pages spell out specific instructions for CIA operatives on how to wiretap, including the use to certain chemicals to create markings on telephone devices that could only be seen by other spies under UV light. Personally, Portnoy writes, one of my favorite finds is in August nineteen sixty six internal CIA memo. It recommends a quote certificate of distinction for a CIA official who led this spy agency's technical division. Previous releases of the same document contained redaction striking sentences that described how this individual led a team that conceived and developed the use of fluoroscopic scanning and X rays, which allowed the CIA to quote detect hidden technical listening devices for the first time. The official, James McCord Wait a minute, says, I would go on to become the head of security for Nixon's reelection in nineteen seventy two. He gained infamy that same year for his role as one of the Watergate burglars arrested trying to bug the headquarters of the DNC. WOW. One of the comments and then I'll shut up. A guy follows up this on Twitter and he says, I remember conversation I had with an ex spook who told me the only people we don't spy on are the five Hyghs, that is our intelligence partners, Britain and Australia at all. And he and I replied, waits, so we spy on France silence always fine and everybody all the time.

So the Kennedy's had such powerful enemies, obviously the Soviet Union in Cuba, and then JFK was involved in the attempted invasion of Cuba Bay of Pigs, which had some mob ties to it which were weird. So then you got the Kennedy the IA and CIA and mob working together, and then you got Bobby Kennedy going after the Teamsters as hard as he did, and Jimmy Hoffa, which was tied in with the Bob also, So it's it's there's a lot there.

Well, And getting back to that previous memo about the CIA trying to box out the State Department, obviously the State Department, Schleisinger, JFK, we're trying to rain in the CIA. So it's not like the seeds of quote unquote conspiracy theory have sprouted on rocks. There's some good, rich Central Illinois black soil there. Come on, if.

It wasn't just a loan gunman, I mean he is a complete nutjob. Obviously, if he was the loan gunman, I mean, just the life he lived Lee Harvey Oswald, meet with communists and going to Mexico City and living in the Soviet Union and go to Cuban, all these different things, and then you de signed.

Communists generally would say, this guy is a freaking wack adodle.

Right, and then you decide to kill the president if he did pull off on his own k But but if he didn't, and if the Soviet Union managed to kill a US president who had stood up to them with the you've been missile crisis and all that and got away with it, oh my god, what a story. Or if the mob was able to kill a president and get away with it, or if the CIA was involved, which would be the worst case scenario. Obviously if our own government for some reason took it on, in which I doubt, but any of those, any of those would be just unbelievable.


I came across another great comment on this. I probably can't find it real quickly, so I'll paraphrase it. But the person said, it's become clear to me that a lot of what was held back and redacted had less to do with deep dark secrets and more to do with the bloated incompetence of the federal government and the agencies involved. M That makes sense, as in the CIA was watching this guy, had their eye on the guy, knew he was contacting Soviets knew he was contacting Cuba, knew he was half a dozen kinds of waggon doodle, and still let him get close. Have to kill the president. Well, I've done it before.

I got to go back to Dallas and Daily Plaza and walk around the Grassy Knoll with a bunch of other guys roughly my age, scratching their chins, looking around because that's always going on there, looking at the book depository, looking at the spot on the street, rubbing your chin like.

You're gonna figure it out all of a sudden. I love that. So that that's a thing. Huh oh, it is absolutely standing around. Yeah yeah. Meanwhile, I'll go over to Arlington to investigate a Rangers game and drink some beer at the stands.

It's fundly my son and his friends. We did roughly the same thing. At the Peterson Autumn Museum, a couple of years ago, a couple of weeks ago at the spot where Biggie Small's got killed by two packs people or whoever killed him, because the spot's right there and you look at them. How did they drive by and they went there? Why did they take him to that hospital when they could have Oh, boy, similar sort of thing his generation's JF case exactly exactly more on the way he Have you any comment on that text line four one five nine I kftcro.

Over the weekend, Bill Belichick and his twenty three year old girlfriend went to Florida to celebrate spring break. She won a wet t shirt contest and he won a wet diaper contest.

That's low hanging fruit, eh not particularly me as No, just because you're older doesn't mean you're soiling yourself. Come on, she really twenty three. They're fifty years apart. I keep forgetting it fifty that's crazy.

I mean it would be I don't know how you could do it, because all I would be thinking is I'd think, I mean I all I would be thinking is you're mentally damaged in some way. I mean something you're either like mentally ill or you had some sort of something went wrong in your childhood, your adolescents. Yeah, because it doesn't make sense for you to be into me. It's not healthy.

You should not be bedding her, you should be seeking help for her. Although now only a man, he has his needs.

Jack Man, I, oh, fifty years, I couldn't do it.


A couple of breaking news things around Ukraine Russia. Trump, uh did a couple hours on the phone with Putin yesterday. We've talked about that. He just did an hour on the phone with Zelensky today. Trump says he and Zelensky spoke to align Russia and Ukraine in terms of the requests and needs regarding a ceasefire. Okay, and is a meaningless statement. We have no idea what actually happened or is going on there. This is a mean kind of broke her a deal. That's all that means. This is a meaningfull statement from the German defense minister. After this supposedly ground breaking great phone call, the Russian attacks have not decreased. Putin is playing a game, and I am certain that the American president will not be able to watch for long without react acting.

I agree with Heinrich Wolfenstuppin. He's probably right.

That the President will not be able to watch for long without reacting. That's what I said earlier. Best hope for me and I may help Ukraine more guy. Best hope for my side is Trump gets personally offended. Oh you think you can jerk me around, insult me on the world stage. F you, that's the best thing that can happen for my side.

I think there's a reasonable likelihood of that happening. I think there is two.

But like you said, Putin is that is what he did for a living, is understanding guys like that. So I would think that he wouldn't want to go out of his way to but hurt President Trump. But he did yesterday. He was when he was supposed to be on the phone with Trump. Now you probably haven't heard this, because I came across his yesterday if noon, and I hadn't heard it. Putin was doing some sort of meeting with the oligarchs and taking questions from reporters using my finger your quotes there, But somebody brought up, aren't you supposed to be on the phone with Trumpety kind of smiled and laughed and waved that don't worry about it, Like I'll get to him whenever I get to him. That seems like pokin' Trump with a stick to me. Yeah, yeah, I'm surprised by that. Never ever, ever underestimate Vladimir Putin's ability to manipulate outcomes. I don't know what his methods are at this point, but I have a feeling they're deliberate and carefully thought out.

It's like a reptile. There's no human feelings coming up. Steven Miller, not the Steve Miller of Jungle Love fame that we just played coming back, but the Special Advisor to the President, Deputy Chief of Staff I think in the head of immigration policy chatting with one of the I will not be pejorative, one of the learned anchors on CNN about court orders and deportations and gang member and that sort of stuff. It's getting a lot of tension. It's pretty terrific, and we will play that for you presently.

So I mentioned there's yet more polling out about people's attitudes towards men and women's sports.

This one is not surprising. Well, wait a minute, if you have men and women's sports that are not women's sports, why would you have women's sports. I don't get it. This is tweeted out.

By Ian Bremer, and Ian Bremer's you know, his politics lean left, but he's been tweeting this out a lot, I think to other Democrats that follow him saying, hey, hello, we're really on the wrong side of this. We're never going to get it way. Say what, it's clearly true. Two thirds of Americans, including ninety two percent of Republicans, say transgender athletes should not be allowed to compete in women's sports. Their words, not mine. This is a you gov poll, but overall it's twenty percent of US adult citizens think it's okay for transgender men to be inward, twenty percent, Independence, twenty one Republicans four. You're not gonna win a lot of elections. But that even for Democrats, it's only thirty six percent. Only thirty six percent of Democrats want dudes in women's sports.

Stand up for women, give it up. Armstrong and Getty.

Yah, who announced today it's just the beginning of them attacking Gaza and they're starting the ground operation back up.

They're going to roull tanks in so spicy times. Yeah, here comes the woman. We had a couple of interesting discussions during the show today about immigration policy, but more specifically judges issuing injunctions against what the administration is trying to do and the legality of that and the constitutional issue at stake, And can a single district court judge who's just got a little district of Maryland say tell the executive branch, no, you can't do this ever in the whole United States of America, says me, till further notice, it almost never happened in the first one hundred and fifty years the country, And well, it never happened, and then it almost never happened until the last forty years or so. Now it's of a popular thing. But anyway, that's one of the subtexts of what Stephen Miller is discussing with Casey Hunt of CNN, one of their talking heads. We're gonna skip part of it because it's a long ish. Just know this. The questions she's asking, she's already asked once or twice, and he is attempted to answer those questions. And partly because she's a cute girl with straight teeth and reads well off a teleprompter and that's why she has her job. She doesn't quite get it and just keeps going back to the same questions. So we'll pick it up, you know, a couple of minutes in with eighty two Michael.

And here's an even more important point out of the constitution. Who makes that determination?


Just your court judge elected by no One or the commander in chief of the Army and Navy, the President and the president decision.

Oh I'm sorry, hey, Michael, I said that up poorly. I should have mentioned. What they're talking about is whether the president can exercise that seventeen ninety eight law National Security the Alien Enemies Act to deport Venezuelan gang bangers and criminals and nasty people who threaten the domestic security of the United States. Okay, so that's that's what we're talking about. Who gets to figure out whether he can or whether they should be booted out or not? Eighty two.

And here's an even more important point under the constitution. Who makes that determination? A district court judge elected by no One or the commander in chief of the Army and Navy. The President and the president decision of what triggers that they think.

That are actually at war with Venezuela.

That Nationela. You're not hearing me, and you're not understanding me. Read the statue Alien Enemies Act seventeen ninety eight.

It says if.

A predatory incursion is perpetrated by a foreign government, So it lists are three qualifying actions.

Does say very beginning there has to be declared war against a nation or estate.

That's what it's says.


Look up the statute is on my account on social where we see it. The yes, it says, or a predatory incursion or an invasion. The statute delineates three criteria for triggering the Enemies Act. One is a act of war, which, by the way, invasion is an active war, but put that aside. One is an invasion, which this is. One is a predatory incursion, which this is. So it actually meets all three statutory criteria. But with respect to this particular statute, it's the proclamation is utilizing the incursion and invasion language in the statute.

And then to the constitutional question, there is no way, there is no way to expel.

How are you going to expel illegal alien invaders from our country who are raping little girls, who are murdering the girls. If each and every deportation has to be adjudicated and a district court judge, and that means you have no country. It means you have no sovereignty, it means you have no future. It is fundamentally incompatible to have a country and have individual expulsions adjudicated by a single district court judge.

I'm just trying to figure out the system, do you because what does the Trump administration believe? Because we do have separation of powers in this country.

I hear what you're saying, power, This is the judiciary. Sorry, you're fearing even let the executive function is the separation of powers.

Then she asks, uh, do you ignore a judge? And well, let's skip to eighty six, Michael.

These same district court judges didn't do a damn thing to stop Joe Biden from flooding this nation with millions of aliens. To these district court judges didn't issue any injunctions to save the lives of Joscelyn Hungary oral courts.

Is that what you're saying?

What I'm saying is that what you said, there's a separation of powers. The judiciary exercises.

You are here to see, I will do, you're here to speak. I will answer that one simple question.

Ready, here we go under a proper reading of the constitution. District court judges provide relief to individual plaintiffs seeking relief. District court judges do not have the authority as a general matter to enjoin the functioning of the executive branch, but their authority is at its lowest point when the president is exercising his powers as commander in chief. And I asked you a question you never answered it. Can I judge enjoin trut movements overseas? Can a district court judge and joint treat movements overseas?


I Am not going to get into the.

Just say no, and then you'll know that I'm ready.

We're not doing another.

President, I need to ask you about something else.

The President, we shoot a proclamation delineating in detail how the Venezuelan regime set this game, this terrorist organization to our shores.

Well, I'm gonna start using that tactic. Would I argue, particularly with women? Just say no and we'll know that I'm right.

Yes, I know it's elegance and effective. I like it as a technique, asked Katie.

Please give that a shot and let me know how it goes.

And then reaction. If the reaction is negative because women are so irrectional. Tell them to calm down, calm down. Oh you guys are dead.

I can only assume this is going to the Supreme Court and we'll figure this out with a.

Yes, super interesting question. Yeah I do, Yeah, yeah, I was going to geek out on the Constitution. But let's not bother life is so short. While we're on the topic.

Of alien invasions or whatever, and I don't mean from space but from other countries, which I guess I'm supposed to be okay with no matter what happens.

Well, and his point about where were all these district court judges when there are millions of people flooding into America? They were silent. You kick a few of them out or just out and out violent scumbags, and all of a sudden, wait a minute, the executive branch is overreaching.

So I didn't dig seeing Connor McGregor at the White House here today because I think he's just an ass hat and a bad guy all the way around. He's the MMA fighter who sucker punches old men and all kinds of stuff.

Don't date unstable. I just don't dig.

I don't like the kind of guy he is anyway, he's Irish and running for office over there, I think. And he was at the White House and this is the issue he was bringing up. This is not him speaking, This is someone else writing about the issue Connor McGregor was bringing up about Ireland. If you live in rural Ireland, one of the most peaceful places on planet Earth. It's so quiet, you can hear the birds chirp. You know all your neighbors, many of your family members. It's a tight knit community. Then the government announces that they would open a migrant camp in your village and fill it with strange foreign men. The state forces arrive, push you aside and bully you in your own home. They erect walls and create a military like compound with televisions pointing at you to keep an eye you.

Then the roads are.

Blocked and you can no longer access parts of your village you've been freakenting for decades. In the end, you're left terrified and anxious, with hundreds of migrants wandering around your community, calling you racist and acting like it's their home. Now this is the reality all over Ireland. And I watched a couple of housing this. Now the problem is if I don't like that reality, I'm not a good globalist or unfriendly lead to the melting.

Pot or something like that.

I just I don't understand how you get around the human nature of look.

I like the way it was before. I like it better. I'm gonna vote for people who keep things the way they were.

I liked it better, especially because nobody voted for the specific and devastating changes that he was described. I can't speak to Ireland, but in the United States, we didn't nobody, we'd never vote for this. Nobody ran on, let's bring in millions and millions of people and change the entire makeup your community, your school.

Nobody ran on that. Nobody voted on that. It just happened.

And if I don't like it, if I say I don't like it, I'm a bad person or obviously racist.

And it gets worse than that, because, as many many Europeans would tell you, a lot of these adult men in the places that Connor McGregor was describing there come from societies that are much much much softer on violence toward women, and specifically sexual violence toward women. And now they are everywhere you look, and you'res and daughters and sisters and moms have to alter their lifestyles. It's horrific. It's the sort of thing that causes people to rise up violently, and they are. By the way, man, could I go on about German politics right now? In this situation with the AfD, the far right AfD, and nobody's allowed to form a coalition with them or even deal with them, And so the moderate conservatives have had to turn to the left, and the left, which is soft on immigration, has utterly perverted what the moderate conservatives say they're about because you just can't talk to the far right. This one lady who reads that leads the far right party said, you know, nobody ever calls the far left parties far left. They're communists. But the moderates can get into a coalition with the communists, but not us. Come on. She was asked about certain quotes from people in her party. She said, look, we're a party is sixty thousand people. Yeah, there's some weirdos who say dumb crap. Of course, interesting, we'll talk about that more down the road. We will finish strong. Next.

A professor assuing his school for losing a three hundred and eighty million year old fossil that ended.

Up in the garbage. I was wondering where Heiraldo went. A Gutfeld is very funny sometimes and delightfully snarky. Sometimes it's a little jackhammery.

So I everybody knows the quote. If you're a politics guy, you know Ronald Reagan referring to the Soviet Union is the evil Empire. But I don't remember the context of that. And the guy who wrote that phrase for the speech Ronald Reagan gave back in nineteen eighty three d what is now known as the Evil Empire speech, died last week, Anthony Dolan. He's seventy six years old. But anyway, here it is in context, and I thought it was pretty good. Couple of paragraphs won't take long. This is Ronald Reagan talking to the people of the world about the arms.

Race and all that sort of stuff.

In your discussions of the nuclear freeze proposals, I urge you to beware the temptation of pride, the temptation of blithely declaring yourselves above it all, and label both sides equally at fault. To ignore the facts of history and the aggressive impulses of an evil empire, to simply call the arms race a giant misunderstanding, and thereby remove yourself from the struggle between right and wrong, and good and evil. While America's military strength is important, let me add here that I've always maintained that the struggle now going on for the world will never be decided by bombs or rockets, by armies or military might. The real crisis we face today is a spiritual one at root. It is a test of moral will and faith. I believe that communism is another sad, bizarre chapter in human history whose last last pages, even now are being written. I believe this because the source of our strength in the question for human freedom is not material but spiritual, and because it knows no limitation, it must terrify and ultimately triumph over those who had enslaved their fellow man. We haven't had anything like that said by a president in a very, very long time.

Yeah. Yeah, You've got to have a certain amount of credibility, a certain amount of consistency, to unleash something like that and to be taken seriously. The only thing I disagree with Reagan on is the idea that the last pages are being written because communism is the sort of scam that re emerges every few years, few generations because it is tempting to the ear, and successive generations of people get duped by it and then enslaved by it in turn.

Ah, I think we've had a lot of presidents didn't necessarily believe that either, So you wouldn't give that speech that it was a moral struggle that we were on the right side of.

No, you got, I agree with you, Yeah, you got.

I won't name names, but some people who are just in you know, the power politics of it might makes right. I don't really think about the moral aspect of it. And then on the left there's the well, we have no business lecturing the rest of the world about what's good and what's bad and what's right and what's wrong.

I mean exactly. I can't think of any presidents like that. I wonder if Hank Junior can think of any presidents like that. As Michael's checked out, I saw him spacing off. He's not even post quart control board quiet quitting. You are so busted, mister, you are still at your post soldier quitting. This is what you're looking for, Obama? Oh yeah, good timing too perfect? Yeah, I tell you what your permanent report's about to get a little longer. Oh yeah, are your permanent file? What do you call it? Back in elementary school? Who's that?

King was quoting Tucker Carlson his post interview he did the other day. Yeah, I know, Iran gets the bomb. North Korea shouldn't have the bomb. Pakistan shouldn't have the bomb. What's a big deal for Ran gets the bomb? Okay, well I don't agree. I think it's a big deal. I think there's good guys and bad guys. We're the good guys and perfect but clearly the good guys. Let's not let the bad guys have amazing weapons. Une Jack, here's your host on a haunting echo. There, here's your host for final thoughts, Joe Getty. Is that a remix that sounded different today?

If I lost my mind? Hey, let's get a final talt from everybody on the crew to wrap things up for the day. There is our technical director, Michael Angelo. Michael, Yeah, very interesting observation. Usually there's donuts around here, but today somebody put out some great strawberries and uh, nobody's.

Touched them, but I grabbed some.

You know, Now, those are rand said Saint Patrick's take cupcakes still later.

I believe they're still on the table in there. Oh lord, Katie Green are esteemed Newswoman. As a final thought, Katie, I'm going to adopt something that you said earlier, Joe.

If I have to repeat myself, I'm just going to say. See above answer hmmm, don't worry doesn't come off at all is dismissive.


Do you have a final thought for him?

This is going to factor into a conversation I want to have during the One More Thing podcast. Look for that if you don't normally snoo. It's something we record right after the show. But I was at Costco yesterday and they had on display their new ninety eight inch television, ninety eight inches, and it was sitting next to what I've got, a seventy seven, which made it look embarrassing.

Ninety eight. I want that now, I'm completely distracted. I need it in time for the Masters. Oh. I want the golf ball to be the size of a tennis ball. I need that. That's not a want, that's a need. That's what I was saying I yelled at you earlier. You're a man of good sense.

Wis convincing myself of that as I stood there Armstrong and Getdy wrapping up another grueling four hour workday.

So many people who thanks a little time going to Armstrong in Giddy dot com the hot links away to some great red slash wooden views and get some angie swagg while you're there. The hoodies oh so popular for you or a friend, the Armstrong and Getty stor if there's something we ought to be talking about, sending it along Armstrong and I'm sorry mail bag at Armstrong in Getty dot com. I'll see you tomorrow. God bless America. I'm Strong and Getty. I'm going to say this at risk of my job.

These are bad guys, though, these guys, but they exist.

Not only they exist, they persist. What the hell are you talking about? These crazy thinking?

It really come as quite a shock to me, it's true.

So let's go with the buying well and speaking up for the women folk in space. You don't have to worry about, you know, support, garments or anything. You know your mom's now Yes, Armstrong and Getty

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