Hour 3 of A&G features...
From the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio at the George Washington Broadcast.
Center, Jack Armstrong and Joe Eddy Armstrong and Getty Show.
The President is now using his executive privilege to block House Republicans from getting access to the audio of his interviews with the Special Council related to his handling of classified documents. The White House is accusing Republicans of seeking to manipulate the tapes for political gain after the Special Council described the President as a quote elderly man with a poor memory. The full interview transcripts are already out there and the Special Council declined to bring charges against the President.
But Biden is.
Now using this privilege, something Donald Trump did as well, at the request of his Attorney General, Merrit Garland, who is also warning that politics is at play here and cautions that releasing the audio could have lasting impacts on future investigations.
But Republicans are not dropping this.
They are now trying to hold the Attorney General in contempt for refusing to turn.
Over these tapes.
You remember that whole thing elderly man with a bad memory. Remember that whole thing the her report when it came out, and then Joe Biden came out and yelled about a couple of things that were outrageous, and turned out he was completely wrong or either lying or didn't remember.
I don't know which. Any who, he doesn't want those audio tapes.
He more or less displayed that he was precisely as Robert Hurr had described him right.
He doesn't want those audio tapes come out because even though the transcript is out, and the transcript's pretty damaging, obviously the audio tape would be a whole another Oh.
Here comes a sneeze, and this is gonna hurt.
Oh, I'm always folks from the motorcycle wreck.
Oh, sneezes are the worst.
All that hurt?
Probably not all that hurt.
Oh man, I got X ray's yesterday. I can't wait to see the result. There's something bad wrong. I turned over last night in bed. This is from my motorcycle wreck. I turned over in bed last night and had I think the single worst pain I've ever had in my life. I was yelling as like, oh my, I freaking got it, and I thought, if this lasts.
Long, I'm in trouble.
And it only lasted a couple of seconds, but I got something seriously wrong in my chestel area.
Anyway. Hey, there's a good way to stifle a sneeze.
I know this, right what You take your finger and put pressure on your upper lip below your nose, you know, because it deadens that nerve.
I've heard that, but I've never done it before and it works.
Huh yeah, well it works for me. I've never wanted to stif stifle a sneeze till now. I like to sneeze really loud. Who doesn't get my soul escape? So I don't get the plague? Remember kids in school that would like plug their nose when they're gonna sneeze to try to keep it quietly.
Their ear drums would shoot out in either dry their brains were gonna blow out their ear holes. It could happen. Ah, what a horrible thing to do. AnyWho what were we talking about?
Yeah, the her report.
Even though the transcripts out, if the audio comes out, that's a good twenty four to forty eight hour news cycle of the worst of it being played everywhere. Yes, now, the legal whether or not it should come out because it's clearly politics. I don't have any problem with somebody claiming it. Of course, it's politics. But whether it should come out or not, I don't have any idea. Let the lawyers figure that out. But it would be damned damaging.
Yeah, I might have missed something.
Taken a quick glance at the arguments for getting it out as part of an investigation in a rod A. Muller and the you know, whether it was truly an independent investigation. I have not been convinced that the audio is necessary. I would love to hear it. No, it's politics. Yeah, that's why they want it. They don't speaking of which because king of which. They don't want it because they need to hear it for some reason. How would you make that argument? At bottom of the hour, just you know, half an hour the House Oversay Committee hearing on Merrick Garland that melted down into a cat fight, greatest cat fight in the history of Congress. I state that without fear of contradiction.
Stay tuned. Yeah, so this is the topic.
The Republicans are going after Garland saying you've got to release this audio tape, and Garland isn't. But the hearing about that melted down into just personal physical attacks.
So that's fantastic. We'll have that coming. Mean girls, come to Congress. Oh, not to be missed.
I don't want to be angry on a Friday. I don't want you to be angry on a Friday. But this story should be getting It should have been the lead story on the news last night. It should be talked about today. Nobody other than the New York Post or Fox cares about it at all. We learned a couple of things that most of us already knew yesterday about the whole COVID deal.
It's so maddening.
First of all, the NIH finally officially admits that taxpayers were funding that gain a function research in Wuhan, So that's out now. National Institute of Health Principal Deputy Director Lawrence Taybak admitted to Congress yesterday the US taxpayers funded gain of function. The question was particularly, did NIH fund gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. It depends on your definition of gain and function research. If you're speaking about the generic term, yes, we did well. The generic term, yes, that is what we're asking about. Doctor Fauci would slice it super thin and loyerly so he could claim to the curly headed guy with the grass clippings Paul that no, we did not.
You're lying. You do not understand gain of function research.
But he had come up with a very specific, tiny argument for why it wasn't but nobody uses that.
Nobody uses. But in general, yes, and absolutely.
And then even bigger, Francis Collins, who was the boss there, he was doctor Fauci's boss, admitted yesterday in closed doors testimony because the transcript is now out, he admitted there there's no evidence to support the six feet apart and conceded that the coronavirus origins are still up for debate. Two huge things that I think should have been at least made it onto the evening newscast, but they did not. When asked if he recalled scientific evidence to support the six foot social distancing guidance during the pandemic, doctor Francis Collins said, I do not, which, of course echoes what Doctor Fauci, who was director of the whole thing during the pandemic is, also admitted to a subcommittee that the six foot guidance just appeared and nobody has any idea where it came from. So all of those businesses, do you understand why this is a big deal? They couldn't open up school because they had to have the desk six feet apart, and they couldn't get the kids in there. Your various stores and restaurants that many of them closed down for good, went out of business, could only have so many customers in there because they had to be six feet apart. That was all complex, completely made up.
A powerful local health authorities allowed them to open it all right.
Sporting events had to have this certain size crowd that because of the six foot rule.
Completely made up. All of that was completely bogus. It was a guess, Yeah, doesn't that bother anybody?
And also Collins went on to testify he believes that the science is not settled on whether the coronavirus leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China or came from animals. He said, and I quote, we have talked about this an awful lot. I think I know the answer to the question, but I want to ask it is is the origin of COVID nineteen still unsettled? Silence? Unsettled science? He said, Yes, it's unsettled. Ask if the coronavirus may have leaked from a lab it was a conspiracy theory, he said, not at this point.
It never was.
It was the obvious answer, and those of us who take this sort of stuff seriously didn't at all for the obvious answer.
We understood that there was more to be asked.
But yeah, so, just a couple of blocks away from a Chinese run virology institute with a poor safety record, all of a sudden a bat fever came out of nowhere and infected a bunch of people, and you're asking, and you're telling me to even inquire as to whether it might have been a lab leak. Was a quote unquote conspiracy theory and idiotic.
I just damn you. I you know I can't use stronger language than that on the air.
But and the fact that the left wing media just immediately fell in line, what a measure of your lack of intellect and moral courage.
Well, remember a few people are shameful.
Remember John Stewart going with the what turns out to be correct and obvious point of view. His good friend Stephen Colbert just couldn't stand to have on his show somebody suggesting that it might have come out of that lab right, and John Stuart mocking the idea that anybody would doubt it and he was, of course, So this Lawrence Tebek, the guy we already mentioned who admitted that gain of function was happening and taxpayers were paying for it. He's testifying publicly today, and then Fauci himself is set to testify publicly next month. I represent science, So hopefully this is not over and there will be some news cycles around this, and god dang it, we don't want some other catastrophe to come along, and it doesn't have to be a virus anything else. We can't have the government making up rules like this and that affect all of our lives, and they.
Just make it up out a whole cloth. That's not okay. Who bow our heads and say I submit. Who doesn't believe in science?
Us or you?
And we cannot have our free press, our media immediately choose an ideological side and latch onto whatever the side is saying, no matter how unscientific, illogical, prone toward totalitarianism. It is just no regard for fact or morality or the constitution. Just if it's my side, I just can we stop being religious cultists about everything?
Trump derangement syndrome is real and it has been hugely damaging. So China didn't get pressured the way they should have been by the United States and the world community because Trump suggested the virus came out of China, So everybody had to pretend that there's no way it could have and let them off the hook. Come out of the lab. Yeah, come out of the lab. That is one of the biggest failures to investigate in the history.
Of the world.
Yes, it is, keeping in mind.
That that attitude of Trump said it, so it can't possibly be true. Half of the Western world ran interference for the Chinese Communist Party in the early moments of the pandemic, where an analysis of the genetic make up this thing could have been helpful. Millions of people died because of Anthony Fauci, France, Collins, Peter Dazak and the one Institute of Virology, millions of people and that cover up, aided and embedded by the mainstream media, all the usual suspects could be responsible for ten percent, fifty percent of those deaths.
We'll never know, well, right, and then the financial cost what is it, nine trillion, twelve trillion, whatever they attribute to.
The COVID And that's not over yet.
The fact that I can't find a house that I can afford, or you can't afford, rent you can afford, or the fact that your groceries cost so much is because of this too. So we're still spending that amount of money on COVID and nobody was willing to be honest about it at the time.
That's very frustrating. It really is disturbing. I'd say, we can't imagine being so politically fevered that I would ignore something that obvious and important to not give the quote unquote other side a point. You're sick. Millions of people died. I'm looking at you, New York Times, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN. You people are seriously deranged.
No, n even if you didn't die or get horrible COVID complications, maybe you lost your family business that have been around for decades.
How about miserable, suicidal children, The learning loss, unscreened for cancers and heart disease.
Yeah, same as the inflation and the housing costs and everything like that. With the learning loss and all that, we're far from paying the price of this being over.
Yeah, it's very tell you what you need.
A virus messed with and made stronger and more virulent. Call doctor fauci, ask about is spike protein special this week?
Only six feet of six feet apart.
You still see the dots in convenience stores, in various places I go to all the time. Auto part stores at the other day, they still got the dots on the floor becausey haven't taken the time to scrape them up.
Tell you what, every time you see them, think defiant dots. Wow, I think next time these guys come for my liberty, I'm going to defy him. Hey, and if the precautions, if there's another disease or something, and the precautions are reasonable, science based, or you don't mind doing them, go ahead.
I'm not telling you to be an idiot.
At the same time, though, don't come to us with half baked crap and order us to submit.
Alright, all right, this hour, we're gonna have to at least question whether women should have the right to vote. You'll understand why.
Stay tuned.
Uber announced yesterday will offer Uber Shuttle, which allows users to reserve seats in a vehicle heading to one destination like an airport or concert. Those guys are amazing. First they invent the taxi and now they invent the bus.
How do they the Silicon Valley.
Yo yo, yo yo, it's frye coming up. You're gonna hear some elected officials in heels criticizing each other's appearances.
Wow, good pitch, here's mine.
It's the greatest cat fight in the history of Congress.
Me ow, stay with us. Cat fight meaning when two women get into it.
You don't know what a catfight is, look it up in Wikipedia or the Urban Diction Dictionary.
Probably right, Yeah, that's the one. Yeah.
Indiana judge has ruled that a taco is a sandwhich, of course, it is the delicious Mexican sandwich that is the taco had to do with some idiotic zoning question.
Still ruling on that at various times. It's a vexing question, Jack, you think you'll agree? And which did they rule? Which direction? It is a it is a sandwich? Indeed, Yeah, taco's a sandwich. It is not close enough. It is clearly a sandwich. Yes, it is all right.
Just because two of the pieces of bread connect doesn't make it an unsandwiched.
I don't understand why it doesn't end up with the regular person test or the normal person test or reasonable person test. If I say, hey, would you like a sandwich and I come back with the taco. You're not just going to say, oh, thanks for the sandwich.
Not a chance.
Wow, I had no idea you were serving the delicious Mexican sandwich.
That is the taco. Nobody wouldn't say that.
Unless you were boorish. And then impolite came across this story. Love it, love it, love it, love it. From the Marine Corps Times. Here's this guy, Corporal Gauge Barbieri's twenty one years old. He was one of those guys who was so smart. He graduated from high school a couple of years early, and he went to college pursuing in an engineering degree, but he just didn't like it. But he's the sort of guy who took machines and electronics apart as a kid, then put them back together perfectly or intentionally made them a little different for his purposes. One of those guys, just a gifted guy. But he decided, what the heck, I'll join the Marines because I'm not sure what I want to do. And they, you know, saw his skills and put him to work in mechanics and maintenance and that sort of thing. Well, he was looking at the manual for replacing steering systems on this commonly used marine vehicle. And he said, hey, this is a bad design. It's going to stick and lead to rollovers. And he went to his commandant officer and said, here's how you ought to redesign this, and blah blah blah, and the Marine Corps agreed and said, you know, this is probably going to save us about one hundred and forty million dollars. Wow, And they gave him the Meritorious Service Medal. He's only the second Marine corporal to receive it since two thousand and eight.
That is awesome. That is an awesome story. And yeah, good on whoever his boss was to take him seriously? Oh yeah, and the Marines are like, what else you got, buddy? And so he's consulting and advising and solving all sorts of mechanical problems.
And you know, that's that's great. I love that story. And you're right.
I say kidos to the Marines for, you know, saying, hey, we've got a talent here.
Let's hear what he has to say.
Theory, that's what makes our military better than you know, like a communist country's, is that we have that sort of talent can flow up system exactly.
It's not all top down. We let our people flourish and create. So congratulations Corporal Barbieri. Nice job brother.
If you haven't heard MG and Marjorie Taylor Green yet, stay.
Tuned, Armstrong and Getty.
I forgot the.
Trump Trials not going on today because he's at his son, Baron's high school graduation. He got the day off, which is nice. Good for Baron. About to head out into the world. Is a very rich, very tall, handsome man with a controversial father.
That'd be a rough life in a way. Yeah, too tall to.
Like, like, just wear a ball cap and you know, hide out six eighths tall.
Sure he'll be going to an elite ivy League school, sure or something. I don't know. I wish him well.
So this is one of the low moments moments in congressional history, and there are some who would suggest it's such an indication of rot in our system that we shouldn't be enjoying.
It as much as we are or those people, I say, yeah, lighten up.
Ah, So here's the setting. You got your house over, say committee. They're talking about the idea of holding Merrick Garland in contempt for handing over her audio recordings.
So that's the context, although it really doesn't matter.
And the way this starts is MTG Marjorie Taylor Green is hinting kind of under her breath that the whole judicial system is politicized. She talks about who Wan merchand the judge in the Trump child trial who his daughter is working for because his daughter is an activist Democrat who works with congress people in campaigns, worked with Kamala Harris Fortas.
So anyway, and then it degenerates from there.
Will take a break about halfway through to explain, well, and I'm not sure exactly where the break is, so I will tell you this.
So the name calling starts.
When they're discussing the Merrick Garland thing, but then everybody's so mad at MTG it degenerates into a hearing over whether she should be allowed to speak anymore.
So that's that's where we're going with this fifty three.
First, Michael, I'd like to know if any of the Democrats on this committee are employing Judge Mershawn's daughter.
Please tell me what it has to do with Mary Garland.
Is she apports it?
Oh Goldman that's right. He's advising. Okay, he's advising.
What do you do?
You know what we're here for?
You know we're here, locket, you know what you're here for?
Well, you don't want to talking about I think.
Your fake eyelashes are messing up on nothing.
Order, mister chairman, your committee order. Please, there's a point of order. We have a point of order. Uh, mister states your point?
How dare you pers are your feelings?
Her words down?
Oh girl, baby girl?
Oh really, don't even play baby girl, and don't.
We are gonna move and we're gonna take your words down.
Okay, Miss Greene agrees to strike her words.
I believe.
Hold on. Then after mister Perry's you will be recognized.
And I'm not apologized. I am not apologizing.
Well let's come come on, guys.
Why don't you debate me, mister chairman, the minority.
You're not you're not aboard.
You don't have enough intelligence.
Chair recognizes mister Perry.
Okay, lady's words.
Again, that's two requests to strike. That's two requests.
They cannot take that.
There's another motion to strike her words again. Here's the correct the cract.
Probably, Miss green do you asks do you agree to unanimous consent.
To strike your words?
I repeat again for the second time. Yes, I'll start my words, but I'm not apologized that objection.
I moved to have been both put in bikinis and wrestle. Oh, I'm sorry, Katie, really wowe.
So uh my takeaway from that, now that I've heard that whole chunk like that is Marjorie Taylor Green's a horrible human being.
A horrible, horrible, horrible human.
Being, and everyone knows it.
And as a guy who wants conservatism to win the day, she's hurting our chances, not helping them.
I disagree with Jasmine Crockett D of Texas on everything. AOC is full of crap and I did ridiculous congresswoman. But yeah, MTG clearly was just starting mean girl fights. Oh and there's more.
And that's more.
That shot came out of nowhere with the whole well eyelashes, saying, well, first of all, why does she bring up the whole I just like to know if anybody's hired the judge's daughter here, what what do you what?
Because one of the committee members did well, fine, but she was trying to make a point about how it's all corrupt.
Right, but then when you say, well, that's not what we're discussing. This is a different thing, or your fake eyelashes getting in a way.
Oh did I hurt your feelings? Oh? Oh you bitch?
Yeah, she sounds like a bitch and she is really bratty up there.
Wow, yes, yeah, Oh did I hurt your feelings? But wait, there's more, miss Green.
For four minutes and twenty one, mister.
Chair, point o order, Who's Who's It's me, Miss Crockett. I'm just curious just to better understand your ruling. If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blind, bad built bush body that would not be engaging in personalities correct? Uh oh what nowman, I make a motion to strike those I don't.
I don't think that's a.
Part trying to find clarification on what QUI.
You said, We're not gonna We're not gonna do this like you guys earlier.
Literally just you just voted order trying to get clarification.
Get calmed down, calm down, no, no, because this is what I don't.
You're not recognized. Car don't want mom down.
Please call tell me to calm down. How's y'all com down? And then you're out of control?
Is it?
Order, there's a way to handle this. Have you seen Hamilton? Have you heard of Erinburg? There's a way to handle this.
Wow. That voice you.
Heard saying calm down, calm down, which is yet to work in the history of humankind, is Anna Paulina Luna Republican Flora.
This is, if not a low moment, maybe the low moment in the history of Congress.
And to make it clear, I hope ms Crockett is voted out never holds office because she's wrong about everything. On the other hand, her saying all right, here's a hypothetical, what if I said this, would that be talking about personalities, which is forbidden in the committee in which she unleashed her What was it, Michael, the.
Phrase the lease blonde, bad built, butch body.
That's pretty good. Yeah, that was the one. And bleach blonde bad built, butch body.
Lease blonde, bad built, butch body.
Oh really?
Now what is the whole strike it from the record thing? What is that all about?
I don't know. He takes it out of the record, right, all right, But okay, cares I got to say it to you.
If somebody said something so stupid it made them look like a jackass, I would want it in the record. The last thing I want is to cover their tracks. Well, I like the way that I can. I like the idea that I could just say anything to anybody. I'm sorry that was out of line. Have that stricken from the record.
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have called you a bad parent and a liar and a cheat and terrible at your job. Strike that from the record.
Oh baby girl, Oh girl, baby girl.
Baby girl.
Wow. Wow. Not a great moment for women in Congress. No, no, and.
Well people are rewarded for this behavior in the modern small donor world. Is there a limit to the people of Marjorie Taylor greens District what they want out of their congress person?
Or do they just keep seeing her is fighting the good fight? I think it's a lot of that.
I think so too. Come on, don't even l wow, see you got like.
City tough and would be city tough versus country tough.
Well, just the shots at people's physical appearance, I mean, come.
On, please, blind, bad built, butch body.
The starting with the what you can't see it because of your fake eyelashes?
What what was that?
What was that?
That was just a physical appearance shot.
I don't know, Katie.
You got to stand up for womankind here. Is there anything you can you can.
I can't stand up for that.
If you had played that audio and didn't tell me what it was, I would have thought it was like a world one of those world star videos, or it's like a fight in a McDonald's waiting room.
You know that was ridiculous right at a Walmart on Black Friday.
Yeah, this is a couple of things.
Yeah, yeah, how good?
A shot on a scale of one to ten was the.
Bleaching line that built butch body?
That seems pretty good.
That was up there. I'll give it like a seven five.
That was a haymaker. Hey, no, you want to go after my body?
If it didn't sound like she was reading through bullet points like she wrote that down, you know the way she said it sounded red.
But other than that.
Body, Oh.
Yes, So she's used that off the record before, like too, friends thought.
I'm thinking MTG. Yeah, so girl baby girl?
Was that an expression that happens?
I've never heard that before in my life.
Oh, girl, baby girl.
Nope, how mad do you think that? How much do they hate each other? Going by the tone of voice and everything, it's pretty real.
That's yeah.
That that sounded like it's been simmering for a while and was just waiting to blow over.
That is exactly what it sounded like to me, having been involved in things like that my own life. It'd been building and building and building, and nobody said anything, and then when somebody like basically says okay, let's do this now, it all comes out and uh yeah, those those people are not gonna be friends anytime soon.
No, So Katie assessed this for me.
If you read the novel Wicked, not go to the musical. The novel's completely different. It's a political allegory and it's really good. But at one point, one of the old gal characters explains that men have hot anger and it burns out. They'll throw punches or words or whatever, then it goes away. Women have cold anger, and they can nurse it and keep it going and almost indefinitely, or indefinitely.
When the cold anger.
Gets so intense it boils over into hot anger.
Then man, you've got something there.
It was, Yeah, that's it that you summed it up perfectly.
Okay, Cuttle, you row a boat across the Hudson River, you go up on that hill with derringers, and yah, you know, don't throw you.
I liked your mud wrestling idea better.
Oh. In a related story, this is actually a couple of months ago. But here's your lead. See see if you can guess why I'm bringing this up. In a single week, the Republican chairs of three House committees announced that they would not be seeking reelection, raising questions about whether the chaos that has reigned this Congress is driving out some of the GOP's top talent. Right Republicans and Republican strategist Doug Hey, they would clearly rather be home with their family than in Washington with a dysfunctional Congress. I would have to say this to you ten years ago, but it's just gotten worse. Congress has become a bad workplace.
One time for a radio promotion, I had to wrestle some strippers in oil.
You had to Was there a gun put to your head that made you do it?
I didn't want to do it. I really did not want to do it. I don't want to be in front of a crowd doing that. I mean, what is what is that? Even as a twenty five year old, that is not what I wanted to do.
They were not unclothed. They were wearing bikinis. But anyway, the reason I bring it up is they're fake. Conversation where they were yelling at each other before the oil wrestling began sounded almost exactly like MTG and AOC.
It's a very very similar tone. Wow, they're trash talk. Their trash talk. Yeah, it was the same sort of thing. A girl, baby girl, Oh, girl baby girl. Yeah, that sort of thing in your fake eyelash and stuff like that.
So so our Congress has degenerated into stripper oil wrestling level taunts, talks.
You don't even play.
Oh really with your bleach bond, blonde, bad body, butch body, back built whatever else beach.
Blonde, bad built, butch body.
Oh. I got to look at the Constitution. I have a copy right here. Is there any provision for just disbanding Congress and starting again.
Right, start over with all new people. I'll bet you'd get a majority vote on that. Let's start all over with Well, they've got it. What the lowest percentage rating ever in the history of Congress came out a couple of weeks ago.
I think it was thirteen. COVID's got a higher approval rating, so.
I think you could get a majority of Let's start completely over with new people and see what happens.
Not a bad idea.
It's just a matter of time before there's an actual physical fight.
Oh yeah, I think so. Or somebody throws something at somebody. Yeah, exactly, that's good stuff right there. Man, Glad I get to hear it. Glad you got to hear it.
More on the way Armstrong.
Hetty, Well, listen to this.
Lego just announced a new five thousand piece Lord of the Rings Fortress set that costs.
Four hundred and sixty dollars.
Anyway, if you're looking for a line to end at first date, that ought to do it.
Yeah, I wonder about that a lot.
My son really likes Legos, and when I'm at the Lagers Lego store, I've watched the change happen over the last decade that my son's been playing Legos, and the change happened from there designed for younger kids to the money apparently, is it going after sexless, childless.
Thirty two year old men.
Yeah, their tastes in like sports cars or Star Wars or The Hobbit or whatever, and all these big, intricate lego sets that are very expensive. I mean there are definitely lego sets that cost nine hundred dollars.
You know. Even the Good Book mentions leaving behind the things of childhood and your parents and forming a family.
Yeah, so I have a According to my doctor, I got a costo chondrol I sprained my costro condril joint. Yeah, as I suspected, although he hasn't looked at the x ray yet, so maybe I broke that joint. AnyWho, I think I'm gonna have to take actual painkillers, and you're not supposed to do that as an alcoholic. So there's a decent chance by the time I come back on Monday, I'm addicted to meth or heroin.
So keep an eye out for that hundre. Keep an eye out for me being a heroin I had to buy Monday.
If I'll steal my stuff, for instance, I'll have a clue if I have to take actual painkillers, which I'm going to have to do to sleep.
It's a connection between a rib and it's costal cartilage, all right, well, I sprained to that thing. Apparently you don't want to be spraining that, judging by looking at it.
So we talked about that Kansas City Chiefs kicker who gave that just awful, hateful speech where he said, you know, you might find more pleasure as a stay at home mom than going to work for a corporation at a conservative Catholic college, private college where the students who go there probably agree with him.
I don't even know how this became a controversy, but Chief's heiress, Gracie Hunt, from the Hunt family who's owned the Kansas City Chiefs since their inception. That's why the AFC trophy is called the Hunt Trope, came out and defended his speech.
So I'm glad good for you, dear. Yeah.
I don't know how the players of the coach or whoever else feels like that, or the you know, the advertisers or whatever, but the the heiress to the family fortune and the team is a has stood by him.
Got this note from Frank.
It's controversial for a Catholic to say Catholic things to Catholic people at a Catholic school, right, exactly, No, Frank, it's not well said, brother, Yeah, that is well said.
By the way, have.
You watched the video of the number one golf from the world being arrested.
Have you seen the video? Is it out?
I have?
Does he do anything with one hundred miles of dragging the officer with his car?
Oh no, no, no, that charge is going to go away in the plink of it. Okay, Well that's what the officer claimed. At least that's what this New York Post story says. That's flip and frightening. That should be frightening to all of us.
Because he you know, we're not as famous or rich as this guy. You come across a bad cop and they claim that sort of thing. Holy crap. Yeah, I hear you talking. I hear your point.
That is frightening.
Scotti Scheffler, best golfer in the world, number one, got arrested on the way to the PGA Championship this morning and I'm probably trumped up charges.
Which certainly seems so. Man. We'll be following that story over the weekend. Armstrong and Getty