Hour 1 of the Tuesday May 14, 2024 edition of The Armstrong & Getty Show features...
Thanks broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio, the George Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty Armstrong and Getty and no Key Armstrong and Jetty.
Tool live from the studio c See Senior. It's a dimly lit room where deep with from the bowels of the Armstrong and Getty Communications compound, and today ladies and germs were under the tutelage.
Of our general manager. Forget about it.
Michael Cohen again cross examination today, very exciting.
I didn't see nothing.
No, you're here to testify. Oh yeah, that's right. I saw something.
That's why I'm wearing my America hat. It's an important day for America. It could be a turning point turning points. I hope not.
I hope America doesn't turn on Michael Cohen's testimony in this stupid, stupid trial.
That'd be rough.
You watch cable TV, you might think it is, as you know, such a day him doing excited, excited about the day, big finish down come.
On, hidnack note.
So I've got an idea. I need help. I need somebody to help me get dressed in the morning. Since I had since I had my motorcycle wreck. I've had a very hard hard time getting dressed, and uh, I don't want to have to pay anybody, So I wonder if we could make it an internship. I just need somebody to come to my house. This is what you learn about radio by dressing an old man in the morning. Wow, could be your entry into the business, the hot, the rising, more and more promising everyday radio business. What am I learning about radio by putting your socks on? Shut up, put my socks on. I'm trying to listen to the news. I need someone to dress me in the morning because I'm winning a very very difficult and to change my bandages, which is another fun part.
Yes, Oh, just let people know that are listening. That's how I started out. Joe had an injury.
Exactly, Michael changed his bandages and dressed him. And that's how you ended up with this lifetime career. And that you know, you got a wife and cats and everything. Now there are tools that are available for a man in a situation like you. I know this having had to bounce back from some morthopedic surgeries. Uh, put sock putter on hers and various hooks and uh and well there's another thing. There's a what was that rope for? I don't I need somebody? Oh that was part of the sock putter on. Or I need somebody to shuffle me into the shower, scrub my various parts, oh boy, and then and then change my bandages, put on my clothes, and then and then you know here it will sign offing your internship paperwork.
Wow wow, No thanks, I'd rather starve. I didn't say it was paid. It's an unpaid in Just keep living in this box. It's fine.
The experience is your payment. Wow wow. Well, Michael, better clear off the phone line. I know, I know, I know. Maybe I should set up a special text line because this text line is going to get so jammed with applicants that.
We won't be able to get to any news today. Wow wow.
But yeah, it has been difficult to just function in the basics of life after my motorcycle wreck. I will not mention any more about that. Man is Ukraine in bad shape? Talk about something that doesn't get any attention. Between the Michael Cohen trial, which is stupid and getting way too much attention, the Israel situation, which is not stupid and getting a lot of attention for a good reason. But Ukraine has just been pushed out of the news cycle completely, and they are, according to a lot of the experts, in the worst situation they've been since the war started.
And that is saying something.
The inexplicable foot dragging of Congress for months and months, even though there were vast majorities and everybody knew it who wanted to fund the Ukraine has really taken a toll.
They're hurting that.
And you can go back to all the different times that President Biden could have sent stuff faster but wouldn't for whatever reason.
It's escalatory.
Then you know, six months later, long pass when it would have done the most good, he will send it history. I don't know if history will pay any attention to those decisions, but very frustrating. And then, yeah, the funding thing that Congress didn't get to also very frustrating. But it looks like Russia's gonna They're certainly going to keep a big, chunky Ukraine at the least if they don't end up taking over the whole damn country. Right now, Putin's got to be thinking I might be able to take the whole country. Actually, out about that that would happen. I doubt that, but they might take significant chunks. What an awful, awful development for the world to allow that to happen, in my opinion, m God, wars of conquest are now on.
Hey, China you can yeah, you wait us out, something else comes along, we get distracted.
You can take whatever you want.
So some of those African countries that got all the minerals you need for making electric cars, or Taiwan obviously in the computer chips, whoever you want to take, go ahead and take it, because we know we no longer stand up for the world order. Yeah, we could see chaos and death on a scale we haven't seen in many, many decades in Africa. Speaking of Africa, as various countries aligned with China or Russia already they're already in bed with them. Decide that, hey, that mineral rich valley over there, it's right over there. Who says it's theirs? I say it's ours. The decades of chaos are upon us. And then to compare and contrast the two wars, which I thought was interesting. I just saw this report from a Richard Ingel on NBC News and he is talking about how he's been in Gaza for all these years, and how Hamas operates. Oh this this New York Times article that's out today, it's getting so much attention that Hamas has been running Gaza the way Stalin ran the Soviet Union, or the way Mao ran China. I mean, it's an incredibly oppressive They spy on everybody, if neighbors, turn in neighbors, and if you get word that you said that, anybody said anything bad about the government, which is Hamas, you drug out of your home, that sort of thing. Hey, you freaking moron college kids protesting at your universities. Why don't you read the New York Times article about this, you idiots? You exactly every principle they claimed a whole dear Hamas despises every single one.
But they're so freaking stupid.
It's like I've said that whole victim, oppressor, oppressor, oppressed a worldview of neo Marxism.
It's so stupid.
If my dog has spoused it, I would hit him with a rolled up newspaper. It's unbelievable to me that Homo sapiens of any sort can embrace something a dopey. They're not only not down with trans rites like you are. You're not even let you whisper something that you're not happy about anywhere in where they are.
You'll be drug out of your home and beaten.
Anyway, Richard Engel was talking about how Hamas right now is nowhere to be seen.
In the Rafa area.
They've gone into the tunnels and they are providing and so the the Gozans are without because Hamas has been administrating Gaza for so such a long time. They're the government, so they administrate it in such a way within you know, the things that governments do, mostly just dispersing the food that the UN sends in because Hamas keeps everything that that they want, and then they disperse them from the people. But I was comparing that to Ukraine, where Ukraine in a variety of other wars throughout world history, where people will fight to the last man because that's your house behind you, and you're not gonna let the evil country that the evil group that just attacked you take your family. You're gonna fight with your hands to the last man. Hamas is not fighting to the last man to protect the Palestinians that the college kids are in the in the streets about Hamas is underground, letting the Palestinians starve, die of dehydration and be bombed. Ye, they have They have no DA It's fine, it's fine. We're here to kill the Jews. They have no interest in protecting their own people. So I just can't even imagine, except for the whole Marxism thing, which is only the people at the top, the idiot college kids were buying into this idea that the poor Palestinians and in Hamas and wearing the Hamas garb.
You're wearing Hamas garb?
How crazy is that? How uninformed is that? Good Lord, I'm embarrassed for you. Someday you'll realize how incredibly off base you were. Yeah, I don't know what to do about it. We allowed them to be not indoctrinated in schools for a long time. Some of them just caught the disease in college, but a lot of them have been hearing versions of this stuff throughout their schooling because of the nature of the public schools, the teachers' unions, the teachers colleges. It's a disease within the body politic. Anyway, we should start the show officially. We will have highlights throughout the day. If any Cone cross examination comes out as being juicy or exciting, it's not going to be like Stormy Daniels though. I mean, we're not going to get into condoms and sexual positions right.
Like that's sexy.
When you're talking about that context, it's disgusting. Please within the bounds of marriage, loving couple only and again look fornicating golfers and pornographers looking for an intern to change my bandages and dress me. I'm Jack Armstrong East Joe Getty on this It is Tuesday, May fourteenth. Your twenty twenty four life will not be a bore in twenty four we are armstrong in gas.
We approve of this program. Worst show open ever, my bitter judgment Cisco home.
All right, let's begin in the show officially according to FCC rules of Regulations. Here we go leaping into action at mark before to turn it around.
Look, you look at the Michigan survey for sixty five percent of America. People think they're in good shape economic and I think the nation's not in good shape, but they're personally good shape. The pulling data has been wrong all along.
Did you just cite polling data? Then in the next sentence say the polling data is all wrong. So that clip was burbling back up again. So that's the one sixteen minute interview he did with CNN last week in which he told fifteen lies and uh with the big New York Times poll coming out showing everybody just hating the economy and blaming Joe Biden for it.
Which polls all of them?
Okay, him last week telling CNN no, no, no, no, people are personally happy and the polls are wrong about them thinking the economy is bad. Okay, all right, you stick with that. You keep telling people they're wrong about what they're feeling. Let's see how that works out. Stupid people. I'll tell you what to think and how to feel. I am the great Joe kef care.
How's that?
What care?
How's that worked in your personal life?
When you tell anybody that what they're feeling is wrong, people don't usually react well.
People don't react well to that. Yeah, no kidding. How does mail bag look? It'll do it's it? Do the boxes? Jen our standard? That's great inflation. I give it a B minus. Wow.
He's watching this old Chris Rock routine the other day. In one of his punchlines, was you low expectation, m efforts. That's kind of what we are with the mail bag, low expectations. It's okay, it's Tuesday quality.
What do you want? It's good enough for a Tuesday. It's on the way.
Our text line is four one five two nine five k ftcar strong, Yo.
Yo yo.
There's a fair amount of news to cover today, as always is there. We have to we don't. We don't actually have to excellent. I mean, we really honestly do not. Well. I lied, by the way. Mailbank's really good today. I've just forgotten I got it organized a little earlier. Here's your freedom of court the day. That was very Joe bidenesk there. That was very slurreal attempt to enunciate more accurately.
In the future. I think I may be coming down with something stay from Oh not good or the VID.
I don't know.
I traveled over the weekend.
A lot of humans still like humans, so boy, it's the VID's variation four seventy three.
Margaret Thatcher said this, we should learn the lesson that as long as a free political system, a free society, in a free economy, or maintained the ingenuity of mankind is boundless.
That's a great quote.
Yeah, I agree completely, But sometimes bad things happen, so you have to put people like me in charge of running everything, central planning everybody well, and not everybody ends up with the same amount of stuff, And you got to have everybody end up with the same amount of stuff where it's by definition, by definition of bad system. Sure, sure, I appreciate your sarcasm. Here's your mail bag? Drop us a note. What's your mail bag? At Armstrong and Giddy dot com, Bill says, I was going to introduce coworker to your show via podcast while carpooling.
I pressed play and the first commercial.
Was like for the and then he has a lot of words I can't say on the air, describing some sort of personal.
Pleasurement device an add on our show.
Yeah, for some sort of personal massage device.
You know those have gone mainstream.
Like I said a couple of months back, I was in Target and I was surprised that there were vibrate tours next to some other health things I was looking for in the aisle. The other day, I was in Target and I was using one Are you kidding?
Come on? Wow? Or something? I don't know.
Moving along, anonymous rights, Dear Joe, it has said that in the end days, the anti Christ will rise to prominence before the battle of Armageddon. Now, for no parent reason, Jerry Seinfeld seems to be everywhere coincidence. M Jerry Seinfeld the anti Christ? Mmmm, Kramer, Satan Armageddon? Good luck, my friend, Moving along, Chuck, Joe Geddy, do you still believe Biden will not be the Democratic candidate?
And if not, what has changed your mind? Oh? Goodwe good question. What is the answer to that? Chuck?
I would say, yeah, I still actually believe that.
Obviously, time is ticking.
The closer we get to the August Convention, the less likely it becomes. But ye, I would still vote on That's it's more and more long shot. But was Kamama Harris's f bomb yesterday a sign that she is getting set up for the job.
We'll discuss that coming up this lifetime. That's a good point. Let's see what else.
Oh, on the topic of birth rates the declining world population, some demographers believe we have already we humankind dipped below the replacement birth rate globally speaking. Let's see, Hey, guys, Matthew from Santa Paula, California. I think in the future countries are going to start asking for their citizens back from the United States. It's going to be talked to the US is stealing their citizens to keep their our population up and there's down. Yeah, they're probably gonna sue us, Hey give us all our people back if indeed populations are dropping junonymous rights. I think the people having less kids will have another negative effect the whole population of only children. My mom is an only child, and it makes her a different person than my dad, who has siblings. She's more self centered, doesn't have the negotiating and compromising ability. She's great, but it is different. A whole population of only children is scary to me. I hate to throw any negative attributes to only children, but having a couple of kids and being one of three kids myself, I can't imagine how you wouldn't end up a certain way if you don't have siblings treating you completely differently than parents treat you. To say that that is a formative part of your childhood is to call Mount Everest a hill. I mean, that's an enormously important part of your development as a child.
I would agree completely.
Let's see see busy moved from California to Tennessee. Very highly faith based demographic. We've noticed young people's popping out, young couple's popping out, kids like crazy.
I think it is worldview.
Lifestyle expense is basically a cost benefit analysis, and the disaster cultism, climate change, war payandemics that a lot of people spend all of the time thinking about with that sense of fear and dread, no greater power to set them at ease. Of course they're not having children. Well, let's you know, I'm sure that's part of it, but that doesn't explain, you know, to sub Saharan Africa, there are a lot of kids being born during the Great Depression or various other really rough times in world history. Right, Kamala Harris dropped an F bomb yesterday?
Why Armstrong and Getty. So I'm going to say something.
I want to know if it means anything to Michael, Joe, Katie or Hansen dall right, and then I'll follow up on it later. Skibbitty toilet, skibbety toilet?
Does that mean anything to you?
Joe zero, Michael, No, Katie, Dope, Hanson No, Okay.
I will explain that a little bit utterly mysticicide.
If you were in front of most sixth grade classes, they would be howling with laughter already. Wow, which is material, Yeah, which is interesting about the modern world. But first this Kamala Harris was speaking at some thing yesterday as too much being made of this or not, I don't know her dropping an F bomb. I'm trying to figure out if people are reading too much into this now. I remember when Joe and I are old enough to remember when it was kind of a new thing when women were becoming bosses, and it was pretty common. I remember when you had your first woman boss and manager and whatever building or whatever that they cussed a lot, and I always felt like it was an attempt to show I'm like a guy, which is not necessary. You don't have to First of all, I'm not sure it makes sense. And secondly, you don't have to be like a guy. I have never to be to be ables, but you don't have to swear to be like a guy either. I've never walked a mile in their pumps, so I hate to judge.
What would you agree that that seemed to be a thing. Oh yeah, yeah, I have a memory that yet.
Yeah yeah, And I still think it might be to a certain extent. Anyway, people wondering if that maybe is what Kamala Harris was doing yesterday as part of a like really or was this an appeal to urban America, the young black crowd that's no longer wanting to vote for Biden.
I don't know. Let's listen to it and then we can discuss.
My mother would say to me, don't you ever let anybody tell you who you are.
You tell them who you are.
Don't ever carry as a personal burden your capacity to do whatever you dream and aspire to do based on other people's limited ability to see who can do what.
This is.
Part of what's.
In is that we have to know that sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open. Sometimes they won't, and then you need to kick that door down.
Excuse my language.
So is that a pre planned f bomb? How long did that laughing go on? Too long?
That's the worst part to me, that that's idiotic? So pleased with herself laughing? So was that, as often can happen with adults, you get you a little wound up, and you you know, you use a word you don't weren't intended to use, or was that a completely pre planned attempt at something I would I would say, if anything, just trying to appeal to young voters in general.
I don't know. I didn't.
I didn't attribute much significance to it when I heard it. I didn't need other than she's a drivel spouting moron.
But I didn't either.
And a lot of people get paid to assign too much meaning to all these kinds of things. So what they do for you got to churn out content right right, right exactly. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure what I think I more than a like appealing to young voters or something. I could see it as a possible Look, I'm like, I'm a leader, Look I drop f bombs.
I could see it being that, yeah, you know, putting.
Aside her rambling nonsensical preamble to the punchline. It reminds me I observed it was probably twenty years ago, as my older daughter was listening to some of her favorite pop music. This is when Pink was big and a band called Evanescence she was into.
And I can't.
Remember long before skimmity toilet was a thing, right, but I remember I became aware that for young women especially, I think I called it empowerment rock or something like that. It was just vaguely look at me, I'm strong, look at me go lyrics all the time. I remember when you used to do those lyrics. I always found it very entertaining. Do some of those lyrics right now, off the top of your head. Okay, I'm strong. I can't be beat. No one's gonna stop me. There's no defeat.
I am me, I am me. I mean there's a lot of it like that.
And the commallest thing, if it were crafted by, say a non moron, would fit real nicely into that, if she'd let up to it with coherent sentences and then said, some people will hold that door open for you, some people will close it, So you got to kick that effing door down. That's some good young woman empowerment stuff.
You need to kick that door down.
So I think that's just what she's going for, the cliches of you go girl. Okay, she's an idiot, so they can craft a plan with the sophistication of d Day and the cleverness of tongue too, and she's still an idiot, So good luck with that.
Oh my god.
And drop an F bomb, a C bomb, an MF and throw a B bomb in there.
If you like, it's not going to do you any goods.
I seize my language.
I say this all the time because I like reading history and a lot of political history stuff like that, and you don't find out what was happening for decades, sometimes like fifty years before they release. You know, somebody writes her memoir, they release stuff. I can't wait here. What were the big time Democrats saying in phone calls and emails over the weekend when that New York Times seeing a poll hit. I mean, you know, some of the most powerful Democrats in this country talked to each other and said, Holy blanking blank, what are we going to do? New York Times headline, Nevada newly Trump friendly poses a challenge and a mystery for Biden week week week into vad all of a sudden. So yeah, they've got to be somewhere near panic.
They're getting back to the emails saying, Joe, do you still think Joe Biden's going to be the nominee?
I still don't think he is. That makes more.
That makes sense, especially given the polling and his age. But I just can't imagine the path where that doesn't happen. I can't put.
Right right.
He would have to really seriously falter, and the momentum would build to the point that at the convention they made the switch. But I can also see because remember, and you're saying, he wants it, but they take it away from him.
He doesn't voluntarily give it up.
Wow, he is a huge Oh yeah, of course, Yeah, it'd be enormous turn of events. But he might have to be talked into it. But we'll see, we'll see how he ages. What we all need to remember because the political parties are expert the best minds of our generation, and a lot of money is spent in convincing us all that R versus D is the great battle for the you know, the universe, the hearts and minds of man, and that we should all be wrapped up in it all the time. And then every election is the most important election of our lifetimes. Right. Well, if you're a permanent fixture of the political class in Washington, D say you're in power for a while, you're out of powerfall you're in power for a while, you're out of power for a while in a lot of ways it's easier being out of power. Yeah, absolutely, yeah, in terms of fundraising, and you don't have to take a responsibility for anything, and you can just gripe all the time. Yeah, I could easily easily. See if I'm like a big name, big money Democratic functionary.
Right now, I say, all right, look, we lose with Biden.
Trump is a loose cannon, and he's going to make people pray for a Democrat, a moderate Democrat. Yeah, let's go ahead, And yeah, exactly, he's a lame duck the moment he's into the office. So let's go ahead and take one for the team here, lose one to Trump, and then physician ourselves for eight years afterward.
Everybody good, Yeah, we're good. Where are we going to lunch?
I mean, not only is that possible, I'd say it's the most likely mindset At this point. I was telling my son, who's fourteen, yesterday, you'll vote in your first presidential election the next one after this one, and uh, it's gonna be man, there's going to be as wide open as any.
Have ever been. And did you teach him to pay attention to down ticket races? No? I did not for a bad.
Dad and a bad America. Uh, don't I have time to talk about skimty toilet. I'll just touch on it. Maybe I'll grab the clip from Saturday Night Live. So my son had told me about this. He said, every kid at school won't stop saying skimmy toilet. He told me this, I don't know months ago, because they all watch TikTok.
He doesn't.
I don't let him watch TikTok and I don't let him watch YouTube shorts.
So he wasn't in on it.
But all the kids say skimmy toilet all the time and they all laugh. And he said, I just I never know what anybody's talking about, and they're all laughing, and it's just makes me.
Uncomfortable, which I can understand.
You mean, you know, that's kind of how we separate ourselves. Are you part of the in crowd? Are you part of the outcrowd? Or we're all laughing at a joke that you don't get, so you're part of the outcrowd anyway. So I didn't have any sense of how big skivvy toilet was. And then Saturday Night Live had a sketch this past episode whereas all bunch of teachers coming out, the cast members coming out as teachers, saying, we just like to announce at the end of the year, you won, y'all won, you win, you beat us down. And they went through all these different ways in which kids, you can't read, you don't pay attention.
Something broke during COVID. We're never going to get it back.
If I hear skimby toilet one more time, I'm gonna kill myself. And oh my god, they actually mentioned Skivvy toilet on Saturday Night Live, and so I was asking Henry about it last night. We looked it up. The short on YouTube. It's like five seconds long, and it's a cartoon guy's head coming out of a toilet and he just.
Says, skibbity, skimmity skimty. It's like five seconds song. It's nothing.
It's got a one hundred and seventy million views. One hundred and seventy million.
Views, and that's a five second little cartoon. And that's just the original.
And then there's myriad offshoots of it that have hundreds of millions of views, also as meaningful as the first one I just mentioned. Yeah, what was that one thing we became aware of that fuzzy fuzzbear.
Yes exactly, say similar thing, are you fozzy fazz bear? Right right? Similar sort of thing.
And it's just the hot phrase on the playground and kids mention it and you're either in the end crowd or you're not. And Henry's never is because again, no TikTok, no YouTube shorts, you mean, miss out on that stuff. That's where it comes from. Yes, uh, have you watched it there, Katie, there's not much to it.
I'm looking at it right now. It's terrifying. Ah, yeah, it is a little terrib It's.
One of those weird, uncanny valley things where it's a it's kind of like a human face.
But it Oh, I don't yeah, I don't like this at all.
Yeah, Henry had trouble getting to sleep last night thinking about skivty toilet. But it's it's I don't know, I don't I don't know what to make of it. I don't know if it's meaningful or not. That cultural low browness has reached a new low.
I mean, it's not anything.
It's not just like you know, rock and roll music is a step down from classical music or jazz or whatever.
I mean, it's just it's nothing. It's just there's nothing there.
It's a bread sandwich as far as cultural moments, Yet it is three seconds worth of amusement. Yet it is the thing you hang on to as a I don't even know. I don't even know what to make of it. I think it's significant, but I can't quite.
Wrap my head around it.
Not just particularly skimvty toilet, but just a phenomenon of TikTok things catching on and I don't know, Wow, Katie sent me the picture, hang on, ologize and advance.
What the hell?
Oh givity, givty's givity. But again, it's nothing, there's nothing. You're not missing anything when you watch it, and you think this is enough for every kid to mention it in school and it to become a thing on Saturday Night Live. Yeah, no, I just I don't know what to do with the modern world. And I hate to sound like, you know, old guy doesn't get kids today, But something has changed, something fundamental has changed.
I just don't know what it is. Yet, you know, you're right.
I think your uh, your mystification is profound in that I'm trying to come up with a take on this. I'm trying to even comprehend it, and I'm struggling to actually get the appeal. I don't get the humor. I mean, so a guy says skivity. Skivity is his weird surreal head.
Comes out of the toilet. Okay, So what else you got for me?
So Henry brought up my It's not like I'm a bit or sophisticated old guy. I mean, I remember laughing, so I had tears coming out of my eyes and various bugs, Buddy cartoons, Monty Python, whatever. I remember the childish pleasures of humor. But there was some there there. Yes, Henry brought up my twelve year old brought up because I told him this story before about how the FBI was looking into the lyrics of the song Louie Louie because you can't understand what they're saying, and kids loved the song, and the FBI was convinced there was some sort of secret communist message or sexual message or something going on that was subversive, and so the FBI. The Rock and Roll Museum in Seattle has a great display on this. It's fantastic if you ever if you ever get a chance to see it, and I'm glad we're on in Seattle again so we can say that. But Henry said, why did the FBI look into the lyrics of Louie Louis? But they're not interested in why this is captivating children. I don't know if the FBI looked it needs to look into us, but we ought to try to figure out what's going on here. Yeah, they actually had a great display for a while. What is it that the actual name of the Museum of Popular Culture or something that? But it on the the great comic book panic of the fifties. I guess it was when I mean the highest authorities were denouncing comic books and the FBI was looking into it, and just but why is nobody worried about skimmity toilet catching on with kids?
That's bothering me. I don't know. I don't know.
We got Katie's headlines on the way. I'd like to know your thoughts. Four one k ftc.
Armstrong and I say communism is better songs all about communism or sum So you're seeing it's to the communists. What's America? I heard it? Capitalism is theft?
Uh Trump with a brilliant new angle for evading the judges gag order.
We'll talk about that next hour.
But first, right now, let's figure out who's reporting what it's lead story with Katie Green, Katie.
Thank you guys from NBC News.
Michael Cohen returns to witness stand for second day of testimony in Trump hush money trial.
Yeah. So here's my favorite two headlines yesterday.
New York Post headline, witless stand, Cohen bombs on stand, offers no evidence. New York Times headline, Cohen's testimony money lands blow after blow on Trump. All right, so I get the feeling from watching the cable news. I could go on there with no law degree or whatever, which channel am I on and lay out what happened without having anyone watched the testimony and serve the viewers the way they want. I guess what would you like me to say? Say that it was mostly helpful for Trump? But Cohen got a couple of good points in all right, you got it? Make it up color, we know, color of my numbers.
It's just ridiculous, Katie. Sorry, what else you got.
From the Associated press?
Biden hiking tariffs on Chinese evs, solar cells, steel, and aluminum, adding tensions with Beijing.
This is a trade war.
Biden's trade war very different from Trump's trade war.
This one's fine. According to the mainstream media.
From USA Today, University of North Carolina a dump divisive DEI and spend funds on public safety.
Yeah, I'm gonna go big into this later on, the University of North Carolina has disbanded all their DEI programs.
Allelujah, way to go.
Unc Okay, there's backstory on this one. Do you guys know about the portal in DC that's allowing people to see people in Dublin, Ireland livetime?
No, I've seen that's cool. Well, this is from the New York Post.
OnlyFans model flashes New York City Dublin portal as organizers try in vain to stop gross behavior.
Sam will have to explain this to me. I don't know what to do. Okay, this is really cool. Yeah, we'll explain it.
And finally, the Babylon b College Students annount announce indefinite hunger strike for Palestine between ten am and noon and also between one pm and five pm every day except for some light snacking.
Yeah, they have been doing the not eating between breakfast and dinner. As Jonah Goldberg calls it, skipping lunch for Palestine. They're desperate, need to be important. They don't see that that's fine, that's always existed. Don't choose as your hero freaking Homas.
Yeah, you idiots, Yeah, your stupid children. Sorry.
Al Qaeda in different headgear, as David French in The New York Times has called them, you're rooting for al Qaeda or isis?
You crazy people? Armstrong and getdy