The Best of A&G 4

Published Aug 16, 2019, 6:45 PM
Listen to Hour 4 of the Best of Armstrong & Getty, August 16 2019.

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Quint a privilege quick quite a personal privilege. Be honest, I don't know most of these guys is Armstrong and Getting on both sides. It is what it is. But hey, we made it possible with ridiculous book. Am I'm sorry Armstrong and getting you're listening to the best of the Armstrong and Getty show. I thought this was interesting. I was unfamiliar with the League of United Latin American Citizens LULAC. LULAC right up there with Larassa, but the race. They're one of the major Hispanic groups in the country, and they had their big get together and four Democratic presidential contenders showed up. I think it was betto Elizabeth Warren Sander. It doesn't matter for the biggest and the majority of the questions that were asked had nothing to do with any of the stuff that's getting discussed all the time on the stages by these candidates, free healthcare for illegals or various border stuff and everything like that. It was the typical stuff that most of us talk about, student loan debt, housing prices, healthcare and char No no ethnic groups, racial groups. They've got to be carefully segregated and just talk about their issues because they're not normal human beings. There's nothing more insulting and condescending than identity politics. I despise it. Well, yeah again, the headline in the Washington Post, Democrats learned the hard way, And it was just the idea that they you know, they got all their rhetoric about these various hot button issues that mostly white people and activists make up on cable news, right, but the actual Latino community wasn't into those issues. And we're asking other question. I'll read more from the Washington Post. More unexpected was an undercurrent of unease here that the Democratic Party and its revulsion over Trump's harsh policies an obnoxious rhetoric, is positioning itself too far to the left on immigration. Blah blah, blah, blah, goes through the number of Hispanics in the country, et cetera, et cetera, how many vote blah. Despite expectations that Latinos will be a crucial constituency, the LULAC president Domingo Garcia told me that he thinks Democratic candidates made a mistake. At the recent presidential debate, all ten candidates who were on stage raised their hands to show they would support providing government healthcare coverage. That's taxpayer healthcare coverage. Two people who were here here illegally. Again, the president of LULAC was bothered that he said that given the fact that so many US citizens, a disproportionate number of them Hispanics, still lack coverage, that was not a good general election position to begin with, and it does not win the many votes in the Latino community. How hilarious and interesting is that president of LULAC says, we didn't like that much. We got a lot of people that are here legally that don't have healthcare. The whole giving healthcare to illegals is not really what we're into. Wow, you stupid pandering virtue, signaling a hole that strong stage with your completely fanciful unicorn. Even the Hispanics say, what are you doing? You can't possibly afford that. What are you talking about? Yeah, exactly, Ah, I know, I know. It's astounding. How does people take how do people take any of this serious? And I said the day after the debate, and I still think it. The headline was not Harris Biden, which, by the way, those poles have settled way down since the day after. Anyway, that was not the headline. The headline was all the candidates saying free healthcare for illegals and oh, by the way, crossing the borders not illegal. Right? That was the headline, Are you kidding me? And the guy who's the president of LULAC said no, that is not a good issue for us. Wow. Amazing. I'm just worried they're gonna catch on. I hope they don't catch on. I don't want to catch on. As Chris Christie said yesterday on ABC This Week, he said, please have AOC on this show every week. I would love it. As a Republican, I'm begging you have AOC on every week. We want her to define the party. And again, I want these candidates to continue to think to please Hispanic voters, we need to say healthcare for illegals. No, no normal person thinks that makes any sense whatsoever. Right, and you're afraid? All ten of them were afraid. And then Joe Biden with his slow hand, I guess we're supposed to say we're for afraid, did not go with the crowd. Unbelievable. None of them had the DUTs to say, well, we can't give free healthcare to illegals, right, We've got enough citizens of this country that don't get the healthcare they deserve. Whatever you want to say, but amazing, amazing. Now now, well, I tell you what, just to be the adelt in the room. The White House goes back and forth, Congress goes back and forth, the Senate goes back and forth. As an American, it would gratify me if the Democratic Party would figure out that these views are incredibly unpopular. There are a couple of hot beds of this sort of thinking, a couple of population centers on the West coast and like Harvard, and other than that, nobody's thinks that. Nobody thinks these things are a good idea. Gavin Newsom thinks they are the governor of cal Unicornia. I'm just concerned that with a year and a half to go, that's a long time most people aren't paying attention this, this craziness is going to disappear. The smart people that with all the money are going to tell the big candidates, look, these positions are not going to get a selected president. Yeah, my donations that this is crazy. Yeah, cut it out. So that's what I'm afraid it's gonna happen. Yeah, whackado Florida is selling driver's license, driver's personal information to private firms. So they're taking the information you get through the government from driver's license and everything like that and selling it to people like Google. Revenue opportunity. There he goes first to do that, other states will probably follow. That is amazing. And I was going to mention what comfort vehicles are. I won't mention where we were. I was at a variety of um big population places where you take families. I went to Legoland, I was in Vegas, and we rode roller coasters and did all kinds of different stuff. But anyway, one of these places had something called the convenience vehicles. And I realize we're a fat country, and I'm included, and a lot of us are, yes, but at some point we probably ought to take a look at ourselves when we now have convenience vehicles at some of our public gatherings, and it says for people who are uncomfortable walking around, and of course, who was riding these things no longer ambulatory? Really really giant fat people? Wow, who decided and I can't walk or whatever? Or a lot of people that are injured and are super overweight. And then you know that this is part of the whole overweight deal where we all recognize this as a country. You get heavy, your knees can handle it. Now you're injured, you can't exercise if you want, you get even fatter. I mean, people get into that cycle. Happens all the time. I know, I know people personally. Yeah, and so what are we going to do with that as a society? But scooters. Thirty years ago, we didn't have convenience vehicles for people who are uncomfortable walking around the park. Yeah, wow, that's interesting for it be shamed. Yeah, for the beast again. If it was antelopes or crocodiles, science scientists would be going crazy trying to figure it out. There would be national symposium symposia. Yeah. Wow. Comfort vehicles they call them for convenience vehicles. Yeah, comfort comfort vehicles. Okay. I of course I mocked that I was not comfortable walking. I mocked that idea in my mind. And then that night went to an all you can eat buffet and ate enough for seven people. Wow of stuff, A lot of stuff that you should never eat as a grown up. I mean, just there's no reason you should ever have this in your mouth. As a grown up, then got up and used your legs like a sucker again while I still can right until I no longer can. Which what's the ethics of that? Maybe I'm just lazy. Maybe I'm at whatever, Disney or whatever, we'll say, a Lego Land. Maybe I'm just lazy and I grab one of those, and some big old fat guy comes along and are none left? Do I have to give mine up to him because he's fatter? I'm kind of sore. It is the first step. It was a first come, first serve sort of thing because they have a limited number of them. Wow, I don't know what you do. I'm lazy, I'm taking one. She will get mad at you. I don't know. I don't know what the personal ethics of there are. Either I would I would fight that until I just absolutely look, I cannot walk, or I wouldn't go right. I don't know at what point I would go to something a state Fair or Disneyland or whatever and right around in that thing, because you know, I just I ge't really winded. I'm fat. Now. Wow, where this goes? I don't Something's got to happen, you would think, can a species just keep getting fatter on average, and keep pretending that's not the cause. I mean, there was nothing you know that was everybody riding them was crazy overweight, right right, There was nothing anywhere about overweight in the signage. It was just comfort and convenience. Yeah. Yeah, well you wouldn't if you'd have told people this thirty forty years ago. They said, what are you talking about? Did they at least have a drive through lane nor the concession stand so I don't have to get out of my scooter to get more food cars. I was sitting there eating churros on the hot sun, showing your musity with Hispanic people amusement park uros immigrant watch other people who are just a couple of steps ahead of me right rounding cards because they can't watch, are you judge? And then chopped down on the right and sugar mouthful of churro as you criticized that fat guy. It's really good if you're dipping in a frost, proud of yourself, Jumbo armstrong and Getty, Armstrong and Getty, Armstrong and Getty. So maybe I was extra sensitive to this information because one of the things we had ready to talk about. Maybe today we always have more to talk about than we possibly can fit in. But this piece in the Wall Street Journal, families go deep in debt to stay in the middle class. Wages of stalled, but costs haven't well, specifically cars, college houses, medical care becomes steadily more costly, but incomes have been largely stagnant for two decades during despite a recent uptick. Filling the gap between earning and spending well, obviously, you know. One possibility is you just make different choices and spend less. But I guess people aren't filling the gap between earning and spending is an explosion of finance, as in borrowing into nearly every corner of the consumer economy. Consumer debt, not counting mortgages has climbed four trillion higher than it's ever been after adjusting for inflation. Mortgage after okay, I dismiss all those with a little bit of okaym trillion dollars is not the same now as it was before, but okay, adjusted for inflation. All these numbers are adjusted for inflation. Mortgage debt slid after the Financial Crisis, but it's rebounding rapidly. Student debt we've heard about that, and auto debt is up nearly forty percent adjusting for inflation in the last decade, which is amazing. Unsecured personal loans are back in vogue, the result of competition between well anyway, um so auto debt. Well, you know, I wonder if any of that has to do with the invention of taking equity out of your used vehicle. Oh man, oh my god, please, It's one thing I want my kids to never do well all sorts of two things, you know, smoke meth, crack or take the equity out of their used car. Yeah. So, anyway, I already kind of had that in my mind, the whole the desperation to keep up with the joneses, and you feel like you have to live a certain lifestyle otherwise you're not having a happy life. Then I come across this tweet by a he's a writer, he's a thinker, he's a scholar, and he's a rapper. His name is Zubie. He's a brit I think but his tweet is this wired depression and anxiety on the rise, because modern society is designed to make you anxious and depressed. Garbage food, sedentary lifestyle, cubicle work, social media, toxic politics, hook up culture, loss of religion, decline of family, drugs, consumerism, anybody want to debate any of that. Maybe the toxic politics, because it's it's you know, always been ugly and it gets a little better and it gets a little worse. But all that other stuff there, all that other stuff, some of that stuff is completely new in the last ten fifteen years. Some of that stuff. Consumerism is pretty new in the last century. Right, This stuff didn't exist before, and it's rampant now, right. I don't think it needs to be new to be relevant. I see what you're saying. But the toxic politics and everybody hating each other for their politics is pretty new, yeah, or at least it's cycled back up again. I mean, all right, in eighteen sixty one people were pretty riled about politics. But the fact that you can't like your neighbor if they swing the other way from you, that's I mean, you talk about anxiety and depression. So you know, anyway, I think that's some great wisdom, and we retweeted it. Follow us on the Twitter if you want to get it and print it out, and you know, do whatever you want. But so I was thinking about this, and I don't sell these things coming together. Human beings are unique in the animal world in that we can almost completely design our personal environment. You know, you got your your antias, they make their little nests or whatever. No, I guess they eat the nests of the ants. But you know what I mean, you got various animals. They make themselves a burrow or a nest or what have you. But we can design our environment in a way no other animal can possibly do. I mean, we can figure out where we want to live, you know what, you know, what neighborhood, what's sort of dwelling, what sort of clothing we're wearing. Just everything is, to at least to a large extent, under our control. Unless well, okay, so here's the here's the principle. I think all of us, to some extent, including me, and I fight this and I'm not quite sure how all the time we think we have to make our environment, what everybody around us is making their environment, and what advertising is telling us we must have and we must do, and the way we must act. And I think, to whatever extent you can tear yourself away from I've got to act this and be this way and buy this way, because that's the way people are doing it these days because a lot of that stuff is just brought on by people who make money off of you, encouraging you to do that, which is one reason we don't endorse crap ever. You know, early in our careers maybe we were strong armed into saying, yeah, you should buy this, when you know, maybe it wasn't so great, and we regret that and we'll never ever do it again. Break free of modern society as you design your life, because a lot of it is toxic. You know, It's just that's a little pep talk. If you're not happy in your life, change your life. My son actually got a tattoo to that effect the other day. His mom isn't a big fan of it, but his mom is a pretty conservative of midwestern old school person. Say it's not for me to say, but the point grasser is an that one. No, no, nobody lives for free. It's a face tattoo, right, No, it's not. It's but it's interesting, and the point of it is, if it's not good, change it. It's just a little pep talk to you, my friends. You design your environment, and we man, we have listeners who live all sorts of different ways, and I think that's really really cool. Artists who live in the desert and folks who write in they say, you know, and and in expensive blue states. My wife makes X. I make X and it ain't much and we live fine and we're happy. It takes a lot of It takes a lot of. UM. I don't know if courage is a right word or strength or whatever to to to drive a crappier card than you can afford when your your social circle drives this, we're living a smaller house, or do vacations or eating or whatever clothes. It's yeah, it's it's not an easy thing to do, but it's not a it's not just a weakness because we're designed to try to fit in. That's the way where our whole DNA is screaming out to do what everybody else is doing because the tribe is surviving, and this is what the tribe's doing. So your DNA is saying, do the same things as this because apparently this is what you need to do to survive, and you don't want to be an outlier because you want a tribal protection. YEA, So it's a natural instinct. But I think we've become so good It reminds me of my various screeds about the people who would game democracy have gotten so good at it. It's really hard for democracies to be ungamed. Well, the people who will get you to make unhealthy choices because the rest of the tribe is doing it, have gotten so good at convincing us all that we ought to do it, we should do we have to do it. Everybody's doing it, that we're making ourselves crazy. So you know again, I'm just this is musings. I'm just thinking out loud. I'm trying to have a happy life myself. I hope that's helpful to you on some level. Privilege, personal privilege. I don't know most of these guys Armstrong and getting Fine, they both sides. Because I'm the conna. You want to know why it is we've made it possible with ridiculous books. But hey, hey man, right, I'm sure there's lots of ways that we can communicate a deep breath. All right, I'm sorry, Armstrong and get It. You're listening to the best of the Armstrong and Getty show. I did not talk about how I volunteered the last day of school, which seems like it was a week ago, um for last year, and they they they had these various projects for kids, and I was the parent overseeing little kids driving nails into tin cans with a hammer, and a whole bunch of third graders with hammers and nails and swinging hammers and sharp things of anything. It was just driving me crazy. And then people were swinging it, trying to swing at each other and hitting rocks and hitting the building, and its just and it was just trying to keep the cats hurted. I mean, my blood pressure was like nine hundred over six hundred. And I said to the teacher, how do you do this all day every day? And just takes a different sort of but they're real to hear kids were had hammers and nail I was pretty shocked by it. But I'm very bothered by the curriculum that is forced down a lot of school's throats. Um, whether the teachers agree with it or not. I mean, I don't blame teachers or anything like that for that. But um, there was a moment last year where my son brought up somebody they were studying in school for history. I'd never heard of this person in my life, and I'm a history nut. I mean, I've been reading books, watching, just taking classes for my whole life. I've been into this and I didn't know who this person was and and and it was a major topic of conversation in his class. And he doesn't know who Thomas Jefferson is. Oh boy, And I just I found that striking. Yeah, activist history. Here's one of the latest things they're proposing for California schools, ethnic studies. And there's there's a description on the website of what this will include. Ethnic studies is ex disciplinary okay, point of order or forwards in and r any at, a word that I don't know what it means, and that it variously takes the forms of being interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary, unidisciplinary, and intradisciplinary. Okay, that's just a whole bunch of words. How do you climb up your own butt? I mean, I don't even understand the mechanics of it. And there are people, I mean who wrote that who are just way up there. As such, it can grow its original language. We're growing language now, people Oh hello, calling doctor r Well, calling doctor r Well. To serve these needs with purposeful respellings of terms. Now we're where we're creating language and respelling fans like they did in the French Revolution, among others, including history as her story and women as womis wo m x n yes, finally connecting with a women liberated from that damned ee am I right, ladies, who's with me? So they're gonna respell history as her story and women is womicks connecting with a gender and sexuality lens along with a socioeconomic class lens at three of its intersections. Terms utilized throughout this document, which may be unfamiliar to new practitioners of the field and every other Homo sapien on earth, and by the grace of God, will vanish into the dustbin of history soon, I hope, are defined in the glossary, which is another thing that you have to click on. Yes, I mean I just read that's one of the very first paragraphs describing what this new ethnic studies thing is going to be in the public schools. And I don't even understand a tenth of what they're talking about. And listen, they would respond, well, you're ignorant of the terms you need to know and the principles that we've been teaching your poor undergrads and you need to learn yourself up on this. Your ignorance is not our problem. They're going to focus on the achievement gap between students of different racial backgrounds. This debt refers to what students of color in the United States are owed after centuries of educational trauma, dehumanization, and enforced socio political culture, historical, economic, and moral constraints via the education system. You know what they need to do those people is how to write a short declarative sentence. My god, you need to like pack a lunch midway through each of those sentences. And here's the key sentence after that one, Oh boy breaks yourself, which you know, some of that stuff you get into older grades. I fine, you know we can talk about that and discuss I sure don't want to see any of that in like second and third grade. I really don't. Oh you can, got to start the indoctrination young. Can you just work on reading and math? No, no way, that's not nearly as important as the right political attitude. But here's the key. Ethnic studies intentionally works toward helping pay this education debt. Oh, we're paying debts now. We're going to right the wrongs of the past somehow and straighten that out. Your children aren't, yes, so listen, I have a little more of the ethnic STA has created a space for all students to learn about and analyze their identities and herk stories h XR str I S. Somebody's got to tell me how to pronounce that so I can mock it, and I'll be mocking it. Read this piece in the Wall Street Journal by Williamson Everard's evers. Why does everybody have a cooler name than me? Williamson wow um. California's Education Department is issued a and Ethnic Studies Model curriculum and is soliciting public comments this mandated guide the legislature of cal Unicorn. You past this garbage. It's mandated now, written by an advisory board of teachers, academics, and bureaucrats. It's as bad as you imagine, right, sold, mister Evans. Ethnic Studies is described in the document as the interdisciplinary study of race, ethnicity, and indigeneity. That would be your indigenous people, I guess, with an emphasis on experiences of people of color in the United States. But that's not all it is. It is the study of intersectional and ancestral roots coloniality, hadgenom hadgeminy in a dignified world where many worlds fit for present and future generations. It is the ex disciplinary, loving and critical praxis of holistic humanity. Instead of how to spell you know, you know, tell me that I'm not overreacting or I am overreacting. By boiling it down to this, the emphasis is going to be white people are bad and caused all the problems for everybody that's not white, and America caused all the problems for the rest of the world. Oh, there's the point of this. That's the first class. Don't never ever trust fighting. Well, that's good advice, but um so, that's that's where it begins. Listen to this though, and and first some just some mockable, and then the serious stuff. The document is filled with fashionable academic jargon like positionalities, hybridities, and naplantas and isn't that like a It's like a banana, but not as sweet and misogen noir. It includes fetish social science lingo like cis heteropatriarchy that may make sense to radical university professors and activists, but doesn't mean much to the regular folks who send their children to California's public schools. It's difficult to comprehend the depth and breadth of the ideological bias and misrepresentations without reading the whole curriculum, something few will want to do. Let's begin with economics. Capitalism, or as I prefer, the free market, is described capitalism as a word invented by Karl Marx as a slur. Right, it has become accepted, and people don't always mean it as a slur when they say it now. Oh no, it still bothers me a little bit. But in the way gay people have taken back queer, I guess maybe we're taking back capitalist. But free market is a better term. Absolutely. Capitalism is described as a form of power and depression, alongside patriarchy, racism, white supremacy, and ableism. Capitalism and capitalists SUPI as villains several times in the documents, and indeed it's heavily implied that capitalism is in itself racist. On politics, the model curriculum is similarly left wing. One proposed course promises to explore the African American experience, quote from the pre colonial ancestral roots in Africa to the Transatlantic slave trade and enslaved people's uprisings in the Antebellum South to the elements of hip hop and African cultural retentions. And then they list a bunch of people to discover, including you know, terrorists and revolutionaries and cop killers and the rest of it. Although you know, I'm fine with studying villains as long as they're portrayed as villains. Did you get around to studying the Founding Fathers? Though? Have you done that yet? See, there's there's a whole bunch of stuff you gotta do. Also, yeah, yeah, listen to this. Oh my god, this is how far it goes. This may be the single most troubling development in whackado academia whacademia, if you will, their description of critical thinking. You may have heard us talking about how in the modern college debates now the idea of building a logical case is being rejected in favor of this is my truth, and if you're adamant about it and feel it emotionally, you win the debate, which is absurd and terrifying. Into this, the curriculum is entirely wrongheaded when it comes to critical thinking. Critical thinking is described not as reasoning through logic and consideration of evidence, but rather a vague deconstruction of power relationships so that one can quote speak out on social issues. Thinking critically quote requires individuals to a value the weight phenomenon through the lens of systems, the rules within those systems, who wields power within systems, and the impact of that power on the relationships between people existing within symptoms. In other words, you can reject that which is plainly true if you don't like the people who came up with it. It is entirely race based logic. We used to do that sort of thing in America. If a black man says it, it doesn't matter. If a black woman feels it, it doesn't matter. Y'all want to keep that going. You just want the power to do it yourselves. It's disgusting and you need to reject it immediately and strenuously. Don't let this crap be taught in your schools. So we gotta we should link this at our website, Hanson, just because you might think we're making this up or this is an exaggeration. This is on the California government website. Governor Brown says right here on the website, Governor Brown, the last governor of California, required the State Board of Education to adopt an Ethnic Studies model curriculum. And this is a layout of what they're discussing, and it's you read all this stuff. We were just talking about these crazy terms herkstry. Yeah, the Wall Street Journal is really protective of their content. They got the big paywall and everything. I'd love to be able to distribute this, but I want to make sure we do it in a way that won't get us sued. Because this piece is excellent and it's a nice little thing to keep handy with you as this comes to the fore in your public schools. And again, you know, for those who don't live in Calunicornia, it is coming your way. Guaranteed, they are teaching this stuff at Ohio State, they're teaching it at Rice and Rutgers, they're teaching it at Central Florida, and my alma mater in the University of Illinois. I guarantee you they're indoctrinating people twenty four to seven. And you've got to be aware of this stuff. It's crap. It's crap. This course is designed to help students develop an intersectional and global understanding of the impact of race and racism. They'll learn about the interlocking systems of oppression and privilege that impact all people of color. Even as there's an enormous problem with just having kids at grade level in math and reading and the stem stuff. But listen, Chairman, Mao knew it, pol Pot knew it, Hitler knew it, Stalin knew it. The read and writing stuff is of no importance compared to the political indoctrination. If you want to change the world to your you gotta get to kids believe in the right stuff. Some examples of systems of power. We will study our white supremacy, capitalism, and patriarchy, right right? Huh? Probably? Oh boy is right? Armstrong and Getty, Armstrong and Getty, Armstrong and Getty. Where are they selling crap at America's universities? I tell you what I think, you know. I think American universities are a net negative right now? Yep? Well, just plunging poor kids into debt at a time when the dissemination of knowledge is a tiny fraction in terms of expense of what it used to be. Virtually all of the knowledge available on earth is at your fingertips as we speak. You know what, Now, there's some role in mentoring, in in probing questions, in testing your knowledge, that sort of thing. But the idea that that at this moment college would be more expensive than ever in young people would be plunging themselves into disastrous debt. That's insane. You know. It reminds me of and what's brought along the Reformation is right at the time the printing press hit. That's when the church had to really like clamp down because they realized they were losing their hold. And I wonder if it's the same thing with universities. Oh crap, you can get this information anywhere. Now we've got to really squeeze money out of people or something, because this is our last gasp, and we've got to make it known that it's obligatory. You have a piece of paper from us. Yeah. Anyway, the major's most and least likely to favor socialism. I found somewhat interesting, probably worth mentioning before we go on. Socialism is perhaps humanity's greatest ever example of something that sounds good and is a terrible idea. It is disastrous, it will always be disastrous. It ignores the entirety of human nature. It results in the concentration of power, among despots and is a disaster every time. Having said that, philosophy majors are seventy eight percent in favor, very or somewhat favorable of socialism number one on the list. Not a surprise in favor of socialism. Philosophy majors. They spend all their time thinking about thinking, and then they think up crap. They live in a pretend world of make believe. Right, sit around and think, well, one of the I heard this description of socialism just doesn't scale well. Right, the smaller the group, the more it makes it amongst your family. Oh, very social every Okay, we have this piece of this loaf of bread. We all need to break it up. And that's part of why it works to sell it to people, because you think, oh yeah, me and my friends and everybody, we do it. We'd all try and share, like we'd get up in the morning and work as hard as we could. You know, that's funny that brilliantly anticipates the comment I was going to make about the next highest number, which is quite a bit smaller, but anthropology majors, that's a fifty three percent. I mean, drops from seventy eight to fifty three now anthro majors I'm picturing you. Of course, a lot of that's tied up in some of the whacka do grievance study fields, the pseudo sciences of today, the women's studies and black studies and lesbian studies and the rest of it that have this terrible fake research that was so brilliantly exposed by a tree of scientists we talked to. Maybe you followed the story, but you know, anthro majors, I'm reminded of Sebastian Younger's brilliant book Tribe, which everybody ought to read. And your primitive tribes is that like a same primitive tribes? That's probably racist? I think it isn't last time I checked. All right, it will be soon, so I'll say it for now. But your primitive tribes often had very socialist structures. Number One, you're moving around all the time, so you couldn't accumulate wealth because you had to carry it scepted in the societies that and there are quite a few of them that had slaves. But anyway, it was all share and sharelike. And you'll have anthro majors and soft heads like that point that out. But what Sebastian you younger points out in Tribe is that in societies like that, if you've failed to contribute fully, you'd be killed, You'd be left to starve to death, or you would be affirmatively murdered. You'd be executed for failing to bust your ass on everybody else's behalf. And modern socialism has the first half of it, but none of the second half of it, which I think is one of your key points philosophy anthrow English majors, they spend all our time or eating your shelley, and you're Byron and your chaucer chaucer, chau play chaucer such. Then international relations majors seven percent very favorable on socialism fifty one percent somewhat favorable. You do get into what do you mean by socialism? I grant you that. Then you got socich. Finally you get down to social majors, then music majors, then law in criminology. The more you study the way people actually behave, the less likely you are to like it. Then e con finance, and finally accounting accounting majors have no patience for socialism. I've checked these figures for a different times. This is impossible. I don't think that's an accident. The number one critique of socialism is that you run out of other people's money. Accountants get that. Yeah, So the number one supporters of socialism is people who lay around dreaming about ideas all day, and the dead freaking last one is the people who actually deal with dollars and cents. Do you think that's a coincidence? If you do come closer, I need to slap you upside your head. Wow, armstrong and getting you're the way from here. Yeah, this is a historic pack. I will not sugarco this. This is a disappointing day for us. Mistake, but it's not too bad. You don't see that. When I went from PA, I am here determined to stop this future attrocity. You're the way you gotta find show, and I'm glad you're doing the work. Forget SI spurt of yea. That's a tall

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