Hour 3 of the Monday July 1, 2024 edition of The Armstrong & Getty Replay features...
Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio, the George Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong, Joe, Caddy.
Arm Strong and Gatty and he Armstrong and Caddy Strong and.
So Katie, have you or any of your female friends been engaging in this man or bar meme that were like a month behind on?
Or no?
Oh? Yeah? Guye roll huge eye roll. Okay, I'll set it up here and then you can you can get into it.
Eye roll followed by the headshake of disgust.
This is the dumbest thing that's hit the Internet in a while.
But go ahead, jam, Well, we're wait behind, and I apologize if you're like, that's that. That's so yesterday's news, because from what I understand, this has been the hot topic for quite a few weeks.
But we're old and slow. So it's a very simple question.
If you're a woman hiking alone in the woods, would you rather encounter an unknown man or unknown bear? Would you rather encounter a strange a dude you don't know, or a bear? And depending on which social media venue you're on, But it ranges from well over majority on all of them, two thirds to eighty five percent of the women say, absolutely, bear, Absolutely bear, I'd rather run into a bear than a dude out in the woods alone. First of all, what if you of your friends thought, And then I'll get into some of the higher level sociology commentary around it.
I have not.
Brought this up to my circle of friends because the ones that would know about it are going to be the ones that would say bear. This is the dumbest thing on the planet. I don't know why you would want to encounter a bear.
I don't have you not heard of male toxicity? Oh kid, do you know a break?
Really, you would rather encounter a wild bear while you're out on a hike than passing some dude you don't know.
That's where we are. That is where we are, and I think we actually are there. Obviously there would be a certain amount of jerking with people or polsters.
It's not really a.
Pole, just a question posted on TikTok or whatever. But people kind of get a kick out of saying bear. But the fact that people get a kick out of saying bear, I find troubling that you just you like this idea that men are so awful and dangerous that I'd rather be eaten by a bear like a lot of The most common sort of comment is, if a bear eats me, at least it's going to be quick and easy a man. All the horrible things a man might do to me, oh, be much worse than being eaten by a bear. Is kind of the common theme among the eighty percent of women who feel that way.
My concern is that this might erode bear awareness. But that's just me.
Just let all of the women who said bear encounter a bear. It'll be great.
I have had a couple reactions in the last few years, know where women in recoiled in horror from the most casual like approach your conversation.
That didn't used to happen.
I feel like, I don't I don't know what's being taught to young women about how afraid you should be of men in public or what.
But you look like a serial killer. That's most of them.
But I've always looked like a serial killer, and they didn't always get this reaction.
Yeah, Joe stole part one of my answer. Part two is this is the Internet. The Internet is doing this, the TikTok algorithms, the Instagram algorithms, anytime you go on there. This bear man thing has been all over the place, and it is it's the this is the dumbest comparison. I'm my blood pressure is going up if you can't tell the fact that this is like the main It was trending on every social media outlet you can imagine, and the top videos that you clicked on were all women talking about how they would much rather encounter a bear, and then firing off all the lists of reasons why they wouldn't want to encounter a man, which is stupid. And then you get all the kids that echo that.
I think, yeah, uh.
Just the whole framework where you're you're answering one question with an answer that's meant to express who you are and what you're concerned about and how you believe in toxic masculinity and all. I just if you want to say something, say something. Yeah, I don't know, I just this annoys me. It's it's another example of if you're going to be accepted as an as a progressive, you've got to.
Hate the United States.
You've got to be self hating, especially if you're white people. That's like your uh, that's your bona fide. Can you use that in singular? I don't know that's how you prove that you're worthy of respect, self hatred and look, I get it as the father of a couple of daughters that you know there's there's some risk in encountering a man in the wild, But it's just a silly question. A bears a free wild what would you put this seems like a good opportunity for me to express my disapproval of toxic masculinity.
That's all this is.
Of course, you got to flip it around for men hiking. Do you want to encounter a cougar or a cougar? Okay, your choice of a cougar, I'll not I'd go with the cougar over the cougar any day. I'll tell you that as dumb as as as this texture. I've literally been chased and nearly attacked by a man in the woods. They later caught him and arrested him. But it's still rather run into a man than a bear. Yes, your experienced hiker.
I used to hike every single day, and I have passed hundreds, if not thousands, of random men in the woods. And I can tell you if that number had been hundreds of thousands of bears, I probably wouldn't be your talking to you right now.
Yeah, got a lot of texts on this for decades, and left is feminized men, that strong men are toxic, et cetera, et cetera. Now women complain there are no strong men available to hook up with. We've got a lot of that. Hey, there's no wonder nobody's having kids. I was thinking about somebody we used to work with around here, talking about why he was still single and didn't date much. Just the whole women he encountered look at men like they're all rapists. Like that's that's your starting point, and you have to convinced otherwise.
Another aspect of this that bothers me is that whether you're a parent or a teacher or even a cop, in some situations, people tend to they react to the they live up to your expectations of them. And if we are constantly giving the message, sending the message to young men that men are dangerous, violent, and misogynist beasts, then the young man has the option of either A being that or B being some sort of weird reaction to that extra effeminate passive, you know, making sure they're not right, and you know, I just it's unhealthy.
Go ahead, Katie.
Oh well, I'm just thinking from a woman's standpoint too. It also says something about our growing women's security because I'm secure enough in myself, like if I'm out, I'm situationally aware and all of those things. So I think that if I were to encounter the bad man on the trail, I would be able to know at least how to start to protect myself and handle it. We just have a bunch of really weak, scared women right now, too.
Well, it's the same thing that has been going on for decades now around child abduction. We've got to quit acting like every child gets abducted, every woman gets raped. These are extraordinary instances. That's why they make the news the way they do.
They're not common, right, what's the exceptionality bias or rarity bias? The point is, and you're probably familiar with this, but it's worth keeping in mind that things make the news because they're rare, and then everybody sees them and becomes convinced they're common. Yeah, it's the very rarest of things that you hear about the most. Because man goes to work without incident. Hug's wife, who he loves afterward is not gonna make the news. Yeah, and that happens millions and millions of times every single day.
If you were lost in the woods and he encountered a man, ninety nine percent of the time, maybe more, the guy's gonna say, yeah, yeah, you go that way, and that'll be.
The end of it. Right yep, encounter bear, You're gonna wet your pants. It's scary.
I had a guy get a coyote away from me one time on a hike. He didn't know him for anything. There, you go help me out.
It didn't.
This meme didn't start with a woman in the woods. It started with you would you rather have your child wandering in the woods and come across a bear or a man?
In that case, definitely a man. I mean, are you kidding me? That's just idiotic. Yeah.
But again, that is the the knee jerk need of the progressive is to hate men, hate white people, hate the United States, whatever, self hatred. I've got another great example of that coming up.
I have one more text on this, and this is the good closing text. Bear or man on a hiking trail? How did you know it was a man? If you haven't confirmed his self identities, his pronouns. It's the idea that you just assumed it was a man. Bad on you, boy.
What if it's a man that identifies as a bear, then you're yeah, way a mood.
Yeah, guy in a bear suit. I don't even know what you do.
Would would you say bear? Or would you say what a bears do? Yeah? A person who SSEs in the woods like a birthing person or you know what I'm saying. Yeah, come up with some elaborate woke term. Joe jackasses a woods and beast? Yes, ignore them completely and DEI programs where they exist immediately Jack Armstrong and Joe the Armstrong and Gatty Show.
That's using swipe to text. Most likely millennial, possibly gen Z pipping fast and accurately with two thumbs. Again, probably mid twenties, mid thirties. Even you will kind of stay at this thumb tapping age until probably about i'd say fifties. Then you're gonna start adding in your your index finger unnecessarily. Aged sixty five plus is where you start doing the one finger tap, holding with your left hand or your right hand.
You're getting up there when you're doing that. I just don't think that's true.
I think the one hand or two hands depends on the size of your phone, because I've had the smaller phone where I can reach everything with my thumb, and then I've had the bigger phone.
Where I got to use both thumbs. Yeah, I see young people.
I've sat next to lots of young people on planes or whatever, and they're using both thumbs. Go to theyn go faster than me.
Definitely my youngest who enjoys teasing me. At one point, I'm voice texting and she says, oh, it is so boomer.
Really, I'm like, honey, it's saving me time.
Really, So young people don't voice text almost exclusively voice text.
Yeah, I don't.
I've not had that substantiated by like a committee of youthful people.
But she's you know, she probably knows. But that's interesting to me that they don't voice text. They see it as faster to use your thumbs, Katie, or cooler.
Voice texting when not in the car or through your Apple Watch is a little it's boomer.
Huh. It's a little little boomer. If you're among people, is that what you mean here?
Yeah, I mean if you're standing in a group of people and you pull out your phone and you start firing off a text, you know, text to voice.
Yeah, oh you, I don't care if I'm a boomer, all right, I'm not. Actually I'm a gen Z but as a gen X gen X said, But as a friend, I'm not gen Z. A gen X but as a friend said to me, But you present boomer and I do a.
Fair enough okay anyway, a different consumer issue. I found this so interesting. Taylor Swift among she is, Yes, skinny, blonde headed dating a football guy.
Yes, Taylor Swift. She is a talent's.
Songstress, no doubt, whether you're like your music or not, there's no denying that people really dig her tunes. But she is also an absolutely savage and effective capitalist in ways that I think are underappreciated because everybody's busy swooning over her legs and her concerts. I've got a friend who's in the concert business. I can't get too specific, but he's pointed out to me that she is avoracious capitalist.
She one tour.
Your place in line to buy tickets was determined by how much merchandise you bought. You spend one hundred bucks on merch you're like fourth in line. You spend three hundred bucks on merch step right up by your concert ticket.
Well, then that whole selling tickets to just being the parking lot like my niece did, making lots of money off of that parking lot tickets, or opening the t shirt shops and everything like they did in San Francisco three days before the concert and having lines around the.
Block right now.
Yeah, and a lot of the talk of hey man, they're selling owled in the sixties and seventies was idiotic, as Pete Townsend to the who once put it, and I thought this was pretty persuasive. He said, no, if I let Chevy use my song for their trucks for six months, that allows me to finance all these projects I want to do that are not going to make any money, but I really enjoy.
Well, that's so so perfectly if you need to make that reason, I don't care if your reason is I want to buy a yacht, Who freaking cares is my song? The weight with Warbler can do whatever she wants with her songs. Back to the wayfish Warbler herself. So, oh, that's right. The whole selling out thing. She has so much money and employs so many people It's just interesting to see that she is obviously as motivated as the guy who came up as Steve Jobs was with Apple to build a giant conglomerate because she doesn't need the money.
I mean, it's not even close. But for instance, she her new albumny Yes, that is true, she does not need the money.
But so why would she? For instance, her new album is called Midnights. She has put out six different funky like colored vinyl albums.
Discs, records.
She puts out these collectiable vinyl additions in a bunch of weird, funky colors, and people are buying all of them.
Do so a physical album? Do people have record players? All these people? Yeah, a lot of people do. I don't. I don't. How would I know? I haven't ask them.
But there's the collectibles. You hang them on your wall or they actually spin them.
That's an interesting question.
But this one dude who's and he's a dude who's a big Taylor Swift fan, has spent about one thousand dollars in the process of buying all six of the different colored vinyls. Although streaming remains the dominant musical format, physical media has been a growing Niche where the end of streaking catered to so called super fans who expressed their dedication by shelling out big bucks for collectible versions of new releases, sometimes in multiple quantities. A lot of your K pop bands are like this too. They have elaborate CD packages off often featuring goodies like postcards and photo booklets, which helped the boy band repeatedly go to number one. Taylor Swift has put out special edition like CD packages, even cassettes with bonus tracks. Certain deluxe editions sold through her website have trinkets like Magnet's photo cards and engraved bookmarks, and my favorite, Swift's site offered a limited run of autographed LPs for fifty dollars, and then she had one special edition thing which featured entries from her journal or her diary or something like that that the completest fan would have to collect.
So you weren't here the day we talked about the leggy La La Lauer and her making the Billionaire List for the first time. She is so the billionaire entertainers she's she just made the list this year. There are fourteen billionaire entertainers, She's the only one on there, including Jay Z Rihanna, bunch of different people. She's the only one on there that's made the money primarily offer music. The other ones have makeup or jay Z has got tequila or whatever. He's got brand, he's got some sort of booze. She's the only one that has done it music wise. But she's found a whole.
Bunch of different avenues for the music avenue of it.
Well, write music and music adjacent like merch. But yeah, but I understand the distination t shirts is closer to your music than you got a booze now, oh, one hundred percent. Yeah, especially because you can't make money on the music. Really, in the world of streaming, artists make nothing. You got to sell tickets and merch. As I've heard said many times, you want to support an artist by merch.
And the blonde Bellower is only thirty four. She's got along.
Apparently, Apparently your trove of these phrases is unending.
She's got a long way to go. She could end up with many, many billions of dollars. I can't go on with this discussion.
Okay, So we're gonna try to set a scene here. We're gonna try to conjure up a feeling an image. Theater of the mind, Theater of the mind. It's about eight o'clock at night. You're in about a third full Cedius strip club. You've had one o'clock, you've had one water down drink, but you have to have another one because there's a two drink minimum. In my experience, you've had plenty of full blown drinks somewhere else. Then somebody comes up with the brilliant idea at roughly midnight forty. That's when I go home because I've never been a strip club guy. But so you're at the CD Strip Club and then the DJ hits the music. Guys, put your hands together. Cherry's coming to the stage. Put your hands together. Everybody on their feet. Pit's Cherry.
Whatever the name was of Hunter Biden stripper, do we know that.
Yes, her name was Dallas.
Yes, that's a good one too, Dallas.
Shake it Dallas.
And then she goes out there and she's wearing her cowboy hat.
She's shaking her rump for you. I like his feet on behalf of the entire audience. Let you know, we all feel dirty now, Thank you, we do. Thank you for nothing.
I've always figured that's going to be my last stop in my broadcasting career once they booted out of this and a couple other things. I've tried being a weatherman, a number of other things. I'll be that guy. I'll be announcing the song for Dallas to come to the stage at a strip club in Oklahom City.
I think this was You're gonna be a Scancatorium DJ. That's not broadcasting except in a pathetic punny sense. Yes, so Jack is making light of the previous occupation of one London Roberts, former girlfriend of Hunter Biden, whose bombshell memoir is coming out. And yes, I'm going to pronounce it in memoir every time I mention it.
Dallas wrote a memoir Out of the.
Shadows, My life inside the wild world of Hunter Biden.
It's out August twentieth, which oddly is right when the Democratic Convention started. Boy, that's unfortunate timing.
Yeah, I'll bet the publishers chagrined that they accidentally did that. Anyway, Dallas, with all due contempt, I've been reading about this book.
I can't stop. I'll just hit you with some of it.
Hunter Biden was so strung out on crack a few years ago that he brought both his girlfriend and his brother's widow, both of whom he was sleeping with, to President President Biden's Virginia home. President Biden has many homes as a public servant. That's weird, isn't it. Anyway, there the first son kept his drug paraphernalia locked up in his own wing of the house, and she London Roberts mentions that Hallie Biden did not appear very street smart when they spent time with an often high Hunter at Joe Biden's rented house in McLean, Virginia. She writes that Hunter told her not long after they met, you need to meet Hallie.
You'll love her and she'll love you.
Let's all get together, and she says, am I really spending time with someone who's in a seemingly open relationship with.
His sister in law?
Anyway, scrolling passed a picture of her with her daughter, who by all accounts she adores and is a great mom.
I'm gonna I'm a little confused. What's the timeline here of who's with who? I mean, who's he with at this point? Like both of them, both of them, but they don't know it.
She knows it, she mused at She mused at the time, Am I really spending time with someone who's in an open relationship with a sister?
Bo's widow didn't know it that he's with the stripper girl, So why did he think the stripper girl was there?
Why did she think the stripper girl was there? I don't know. They don't get into that.
Actually, they mentioned next up that hanging out with the now president's son and his brother's widow is almost a footnote in Robert's rollicking, nearly four hundred page tail of Being a Fly on the Wall and Hunter's chaotic light.
Well, four hundred pages seems like more than I need. Something tells me the type ain't real small, you know what I mean? And lots of pictures.
Yeah, although I tell you what, I'm on a beach with a couple of pina coladas in me or something.
I could see flipping through this.
Anyway, Contrary to what you have so obnoxiously alleged, Jack, she did not meet Hunter at a strip club, but at a small party at the offices of his investment firm, Rosemont Seneca, which was, for some reason then the Swedish Embassy in DC.
She was invited by a friend. But this story is so much better than a strip club.
But that's not what the testimony was last week. Remember she gave him a lap dance, though those are the quotes in the in the testimony of the trial, that she gave him a lap dance that he was disinterested in, went out and smoked some crack and asked her if she'd like to come back to his hotel room.
I can't remember was that specifically touted as their first meeting, but believe so.
But what was truan not doesn't matter.
Well, either she to take perjured herself or this book is inaccurate. She would shock the conscience. But anyway, listen to her account. This is great. So there they are at the Swedish embassy, where his consulting.
Partners are based.
For whatever reason, he was in an office away from the party when Roberts first spotted him, She writes, wearing brightly colored boxer briefs with parrots all over them, and meticular arranging his drug paraphernalia, A series of small glass tubes and copper stands on the desk in front of him. Quote he turns in his chair and catches me in his stair, his gaze intense with furrowed brows, and the most beautiful blue gray eyes I have ever seen. He is complex, but how he has my full attention. He's standing there in his parrot underpants. What I don't care if his eyes are blue gray or green or shoot lasers out of him.
You're in an.
Office and you got a guy standing there.
In his parrot underpants and you're fixated on his eyes. Those must be some eyes.
So getting back to this, Once they began hanging out and hooking up, Robert's witness Hunter lighting up a crack pipe and working on a pole at the Empire Club, the high end gentleman's club in DC where she also worked.
That's m p i r E. Empire, gotcha? Oh, let's see.
She also of his run ends with the colorful drug dealers with names like Bicycles, a mysterious bodyguard of Hunter's.
Named Big Country who also may be a hit man.
While trips on Amtrak to New York City, one Hunter would promptly get off the train to buy pants, and at least one life threatening overdoes so. He would say, I gotta go buy some pants, Go find some crack.
That's a great dodge there.
I'm I don't know how guys have the mental bandwidth and the stomach for the lifestyle of I'm a drug addict, so that's got everything there.
You know.
Physically, I'm just barely hanging on. I'm either high or recovering from being high. And I've got my stripper girlfriend and the widow of my brother who I'm also sleeping with him trying to keep that. I just I get stressed out hearing.
About somebody else doing that.
Yeah, the whole playboy pleasure seeking lifestyle. I've been adjacent to guys like that, and I get away from Oh.
My god, it seems awful. It doesn't seem like, oh cool, I wish I could do that. It seems freaking awful. So we plunge on.
She writes two of his kindness and desire to help others, once giving a homeless man his jacket, but forgetting that he had left his cell phone, his dead brother's dog tags, and several rocks of cocaine in the pockets. He eventually tracked a man down and got the dog tags back, but said the cracks on me.
Apparently, She writes his dead brother's dog tags share the same space with his crack rocks.
Yeah, that's hurtful. Wow.
She writes that she got used to Hunter compulsively showering up to six or seven times a day to quote get the demons off him.
Well, okay, this gets a little to that lifestyle then, and he.
Was never far away from a bottle of Tito's vodka?
Is Tito a brand? Or is that a guy.
That's an incredibly popular brand of vodka from Texas?
I didn't know, very very popular.
The guy's last name is Tito.
I didn't know if he had a friend named Tito. You know, Tito? Where's your Vodktino?
I need to take my fourth shower of the day and I could use a little eye opener right.
According to the book.
Roberts introduced several of her younger single girlfriends, a group she dubbed the Amiba to hunt her. She was on call to drive him around and obey his frequent demands, like getting baby powder for him from the strip club, except Roberts brought actual powder.
Is he chafing? Has he got a chafing problem? What is going on with the baby powder?
The thing?
He called her and said, Hey, you got to get me some baby powder from somebody at the strip club. So she brought him talcum powder and was mocked by Hunter for not knowing it was code for cocaine.
Ah, okay, you stupid stripper. Don't you know baby powder means cocaine.
Wow, if you excuse me, I'm going to have a vodka and a shower.
Tito again, I need some vodka. Where's your vodka?
The fun and games briefly came to a halt one night when Hunter showed up at the presidential suite of the five star Rosewood Hotel in DC, one of the many deluxe hotel rooms he often booked for himself in the AMIEBA, looking more drugged out than usual.
We'd never seen Hunter as messed up as he was in that moment. And she goes to it to describe a wasted guy.
And he's broken through all this, by the way, all these stories you hear everywhere about the high flying lifestyle, the cars, the planes, the hotels, everything.
He doesn't have any money. He's spending other people's money.
And then, weirdly, the relationship came to an abrupt halt when she told him she was pregnant.
I thought loved Bloomed.
Initially, he was supported of the pregnancy, but later proclaimed they had only met at a strip club once and it never had sex. She writes that he then had sex with one of her Amiba friends, who tearfully apologized to Roberts afterward.
Katie, you know, Katie, what's the likelihood that Dallas got pregnant on purpose with a guy who's got a lot of money.
I don't know, because it sounds like she recoonned.
Is that he U is a train wreck?
Yeah, but the train wreck with money, well, and you know, I don't know, the baby trap.
I don't know.
Yeah, Yeah, it's hard to say she knew the family had money.
But I don't know. I don't know.
She said she's lived in her native Arkansas since giving birth to Navy the child. She claims her house was mysteriously broken into about ten times, sometimes.
When she was there.
She sleeps with a gun under a pillow and another in a nightstand, and has guns hidden throughout the house for if she needs them.
Her house was broken into a bunch of times, not you know, could be anything, but it also could be hunters pals looking for something they needed.
Once a friend who was staying the night. This is all post relationship, this is all post baby. But once a friend who was staying the night with her woke her up to tell her all the doors and windows of the house were wide open and the front door deadlock was laid neatly on the floor. Now, if that's true, how is this not an enormous news story.
That's crazy.
Well, he was clearly pretty out of his mind, so anything's possible.
Yeah, yeah, Almost every time the person left big bootprints throughout the house, they were obviously trying to intimidate or scare me.
They never took anything.
One year ago, after years of what Roberts calls toxic litigation, Biden agreed to pay Roberts monthly child support for Navy and turn over several of his paintings to her. Some of his artworks have been listed for five hundred thousand dollars each. We remember that charming story.
I want to make sure I jammed this him before we run out of time, or we can get back to the book if we have to.
Katie alone.
One final note, none of the Bidens have ever met the five year old girl in.
Person, which is just like that. I want to talk about that separately when we come back. But Katie, we set this up so I hope you enjoyed this. You know, Joe Biden, stripper he used to be with, has written War two. Joe Biden, this stripper. Guys, put your names together for Gertrude.
Gertrude, she come rumored to be a lover of McKinley.
This is the thirties. She comes up. She's got balloons over her moves. Gertrude. Guys got their felt dance on and everything I say. She does have some assets, you see. Joe Biden's old is the thing. Here's Jack here, jack here, here, here's Check. He's looking for his favorite tripper. Jackie does the feather dance. He's famous for that. All right, more in the way stay here the Armstrong and Getdy show. Yeah, mar John, your Joe podcasts and our hot links. Twenty years later, still want to fight, crush talk.
Give you some of your tops now from a ride it comes top protecting pants.
Oh you'd as many as I want to. Gosh, that's the.
Guy who played Napoleon in Napoleon Dynamite, the movie which is celebrating its twentieth anniversary, which if you have of a certain age, really makes you feel old. How is that possibly a twenty year old movie? I would have guessed five.
When that came out. All of my friends were stuck in Napoleon Dynamite speak.
Oh yeah. In months. It's hard to watch it and not start talking to gosh, gosh. I say that to my son all the times.
Your new bike, sweet, you take it off and he jumps.
All right.
Top protecting pants. Though it is so polarizing too.
I mean, there are people I know and love who are like, why the hell do you like that movie?
How do you like that? My kids, my two kids. I got one who just thinks that what is what is this? Why are we watching this? And Henry loves it like I do.
I love it?
Yeh, oh my god. The music there just gave me a good feeling. The music in the background of that little thing there.
Yeah, it's it's like a blood type. Though you're you're born one way or the other. You either love that sort of humory, you think that's stupid?
How can you watch that?
I quote it regularly, and Henry likes it and Sam ignores me. But like I came in the other night.
Saying so hot.
I need I need to uh, I need to cut my hair. I prefer to talk like Pedro. My head is very hot. I had to cut my hair. Vote for Pedro. Do you want to eat Chimmy Chongs every day?
I don't. I could quot Napoleon Dynamite all day long. Wow. Please don't vote for Summer. Go back to advocating giving kids whiskey. It's better than this. Yeah, somebody wanted Nicholas. Somebody want to know if that's a five O one ce.
Can they write that off if they donate to your old Crow for kids idea.
Yeah, we're still applying for five oh one C three status, but as a conservative group, will probably get audited by the IRS or something like that. Speaking of getting money online, I thought this was interesting the Wall Street Journal writing about social media influencers and how they are not getting rich. They're barely getting by with a few exceptions. But like thinking about I'm going to be an influencer, look at mister beasts, like saying I'm going to learn to play an instrument, look at Beyonce.
Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.
It's just it's not realistic, and platforms are paying less for popular posts, they're making the deal worse for the influencers.
The idea was, and I caught onto this.
I don't think they actually puted it out in the article, but I caught on the idea by all these platforms was that they would pay generously to get really great content see to their platform.
I guess because I'm in this industry, I see exactly where you're going with this. Where it's ended up.
Yeah, But now that they have established themselves on they got zillions of addicts. Now the deal's getting worse and worse for the content provider.
So, originally YouTube or whoever thought we got to you know, if we offer some money, there'll be people who will dedicate their time to trying to provide his content.
And now they know every freaking kid in the.
Country is going to do it all day, every day for nothing, because they think they're going to become a giant star.
Right exactly, So TikTok, the Chinese communist controlled delight that America's kids are all addicted to. They spent a billion dollars on their Creator Fund between twenty twenty and twenty twenty three, doling out money.
To eligible creators for posting to the platform.
Others joined in Youtubees, that's Google TikTok competitor Shorts allowed creators to earn anywhere from one hundred to ten thousand dollars a month with its temporary fund. Instagram's reels Play Bonus program rewarded creators with fluctuating payouts. That Snapchat Spotlight Rewards program gave a million dollars a day to the platform's top creators. But now it's being cut to a fraction of that.
You're just jealous because I was up all night talking to babes online.
Oh boy, you realize, like ninety percent of the audience, it's like, I've never seen that movie.
I don't know. I don't even nobody's.
Talking about it and his relationship with that Yolanda girl. What the hell? I don't know.
If I think it's if I think Jack talking about it constantly, it is funnier. If Joe's disgusted, is what's getting me right now.
I just I showed up today with the intent of entertaining our audience.