From the Abraham Lincoln Radio studio at the George Washington Broadcast.
There Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty Armstrong and Getty Show.
Anyway, we got this text to firm a different topic, a sensitive topic from the other day.
Jack, you cracked me up.
You didn't want anyone criticizing the way Majorcus looks because he's goofy looking. But you had no problem talking more or less the same way about Reba McIntyre. I would like to point out I think there is a difference between I would never make fun of somebody you're just your god given looks. I mean, that's just past the age of six. Surely it's cruel. It is, yeah, and it's a terrible thing to do. But if you get all kinds of surgery to your body to where you don't look like a human being or you.
Anymore, I feel like it's fair game. Maybe I'm wrong. So she's at fault for America's devaluing of older women. Her career's over if she doesn't look young from a distance, and so to the patriarchy or something.
I think you could work that side if you decided to. That's pretty good. How's it pay the patriarchy has put so much pressure on women to look young that women have no choice. Right they're forced into it or else they can't work. It's kind of like Putin's argument to tuck Her about how Hitler had no choice but to invade Poland because that's something they did.
Oh boy, there was so much crap in that interview, so much. Anyway, more on that to come. Speaking of different sides of the political aisle, I've only been kind of dimly aware of the whole Christian nationalism thing. I've become aware that there's kind of an intersection of patriotism and Christianity that, while just an overlap of those two things, is by no means a bad by any stretch. No, there are certain times it feels to me like if there were room on the cross, they'd have Trump up there next to Jesus. Yeah.
I mostly know it through David French's podcasts and writings. He's a columnist for the New York Times, but he is a conservative. He is a devout Christian and very active in his church, and he talks a lot about how the whole Christian nationalism is warped his church into something he doesn't.
Recognize is what he says. So I became aware of the fabulous James Lindsay, who I quote all the time and I've recommended his books multiple times. He was on Tim Poole's podcast, I guess, which I only mentioned because if there's some weird wording in here that kind of makes reference to that. But evidently the topic of Christian nationalism came up and they had a bit of a disagreement or we're talking past each other, so James wanted to elucidate his.
Point one interjection. I only know this from, like, like I said, reading or listening to David French about but just.
How the.
Number of an and length of political screeds in his church that just didn't used to exist at all, right, where you go in on a Sunday and it's, you know, a forty five minute lecture about some political issue and how you should vote.
That just didn't ever used to happen ever, Yeah, which is an interesting development. And if people want to hit us with emails about what they've observed and how they feel about it in their own churches, feel free mail bag at Armstrong and Getty dot com. And again around here, we hesitate in fact, we just don't tell people how to worship God, what relationship to have to believe. We've got an office entire left to you and it's entirely personal, so you do what you want to do. But so Lindsey, let me just launch into it. And as opposed to characterize you're not a methodist, you're wrong. I disagree with jost Wow, So how hardcore are you going to go there, Queen Mary? You're going to have a war or something. People in iron masks and dungeons and stuff or peeled their skin from them. So James Wright's probably the most common misconception about Operation Christian Nationalism is that we shouldn't pay attention to it because it's small fringe of boogeyman, not real, not going to get away, and not going to get power anyway. But this all misses the point. It's straight not knowing what's going on. What he characterizes is Operation Christian Nationalism is forces on the left. For instance, Rob Reiner, the famous left the filmmaker, actor producer, has produced a documentary about the dangers of Christian nationalism. Did not know that? And if you are, have you seen because I know you check out Lefty medium a little more than I do, like MSNBC. Have they been hammering on this at all or did you remember? Don't think so? Yeah, okay, so you're on there.
I've heard more of it from religious people on the right than on the left.
But maybe I just missed it. Interesting, okay. And my approach to this is I'm just trying to get a handle on both aspects of this. But so anyway, Lindsey says a lot of people say, don't worry about it. It's a boogeyman. It's not real. They're not going to get power. It's a fringe operation. Christian nationalism on the left is what he means, means is happening, real and significant, not because it's huge or likely to gain power, but because of what it's designed to do as a set of political warfare operations against our nation. It doesn't have to be big to be extremely effective. Like it or not, My talk isn't a result of being trolled online. It's an op. I know it's an op, and as an OP, it's built around a movement of a few thousand activists who have published books, have significant names and money behind them, and are the targets of the government, and then he gives some examples. You might not have heard of it, but that doesn't mean it's not real. Rob Reiner, with his intelligence community connections, isn't making a film about it for no reason. James Carvill isn't going on TV and warning Democrats about it for no reason. There's the January sixth report two, which specifically one guy's testimony in particular said January sixth was about Christian nationalism. You need to understand that the violence was about Christian nationalism. Let's see. You can also use your brain and determine that they're preparing the groundwork for a government push and vertically vertically integrated messaging apparatus mass line against conservative Christians tied up with the idea of an insurrection against the US from Christian nationalists. If your brain is too inoperable to put that together, you can just read the damn document for yourself. Oh, I should explain his tone was in response to a very sarcastic tweet at him. You can just read the damn document for yourself and see that that's exactly what they intend, using a very broad brush for who will get painted with the moniker Christian nationalist which will be tied to white nationalism, etc. Yeah, these parts of the operation don't have to be big to be extremely effective against their political enemies, including Conservatives, Christians and MAGA. They only have to whip up a few hundred ya who's on the internet and get them to do something stupid and then tar everyone. They've already had more than a few hundred ya who's whipped up and stupid on the internet in the name of Christian nationalism. These fools led the charge a couple of weeks ago to do reckless and stupid January sixth, two point zero stuff at the border more loudly than anyone for example, matter of time should they whip any of these ya who's into doing something outright stupid. The mass line launched by the regime and its messaging apparatuses will be astonishing in its breath and reflective potential. You know it won't work on you, but you're not the target, and it will anyway. You'll get swept up into taking aside and fighting over the issue, spreading its fire to an inferno. Meanwhile, mainline and wavering Democrats get motivated to fight against this new threat to the nation, tarring Christian conservatives and mega as the problem. So his belief is that on the left they're amplifying and even like whipping up this very small group of people who are out there, because that will be the new White supremacists are the greatest threat to our nation, right, that's it that we need to ruin them out of the military. We need to do this, that and the other and whold big studies and white people are all suspect as part of the whole neo Marx's thing.
So they are whipping up a new boogeyman. I think it's bigger and more powerful than he is stating. I don't think it's small. But the ultimate point isn't the same that everybody on the right will be tird with it.
Would you agree that the movement, and again I am far from an expert in it, is pretty significant in size, but the yay who's who do crazy stuff is quite small. Boy, that's always hard to know, I would guess that's the case. Yeah, yeah, so look for that one.
I've thought about it more than like, you know, the idea of doing something and crazy or violent or anything like that, just as a voting block. How powerful it has been Trump, who who has not lived the values that the Christian right has typically wanted in their candidates, is a bigger hero than anybody has ever been.
M Yeah, it's interesting and just for the record, this should be obvious if you know us. But new listeners all the time, which is wonderful. Thanks for listening. There was absolutely nothing wrong with being a Christian and being immensely proud of the United States and understanding that it's one of the greatest forces for good and God given rights and liberty and a hundred other the development of antibiotics, I mean, etcetera, etcetera. There are a lot of good reasons to be a Christian and to love this country. That's not what this is about.
The ability for Trump, as a guy who, for instance, was sleeping with porn stars while his wife's home with their baby and a hundred other things, became you know, a hero of the religious crowd that used to have such strict standards for the people they backed. Is one of the great developments in political history.
I mean a lot. He studied for a very long time. Yes, somebody dropped this note the other day, and forgive me my old testaments a little weak these days. But it was a king of Cyrus. That's right, sir, that's right, King Cyrus. He was a Persian king and he wasn't a believer, but he did some really cool things for the Jews. So he was like the non believer warrior. Okay, And somebody compared Trump to that.
I thought that was an interesting because Trump got the Supreme Court justices on the court who overturned Row.
Yeah, one example of many. Sure. Yeah. And he fights against the woke of scendies. You know. My point of view is be careful how how committed you are to I'll embrace anybody who's the enemy of my enemies. That often ends poorly too. A couple of stories for you to live a better, happier life. The first one I will keep very very short because the details are really not necessary. Maybe we'll get to it sometime, but exercising for twenty five minutes a week or less than four minutes a day could help to bulk up your brain and slow any degeneration of your brain, slow memory, decline, all of it.
How much exercise you got to be doing during those minutes, So like hardcore heart rate at two fifty sort of stuff, or Navy seal nearing the point of brain explosion ass No.
A new study involved scanning the brains more than ten thousand healthy men and women age eighteen ninety seven found that those who walked, swam, cycled, or other eyes worked out moderately for twenty five minutes a week even had bigger brains than those who did in whatever their age is, healthier brains as well. Look at the big brain on bread. One more reason exercise at least a little bit, And it all came across the difference between a little and sedentary apparently is huge. Oh yeah, just do a little. Don't worry about your friends, you know X training, try you know, yoga, whatever the hell, whatever's hot, Just move a little.
I think exercise is like one of the greatest examples of the enemy of perfect.
Perfect is good whatever that is. Yeah, yeah, agreed completely. And then this one's about money, which I thought was really interesting. Three strategies to save more money in twenty twenty four. And this this article goes into a fair amount of detail of what we've been talking about, which is people are living paycheck to paycheck, building up more and more credit card debt, and they say they can't save at all, and this person, this councilor presents three strategies. The one I love this is so funny. It's the fifty two week savings challenge. They ask, how does having more than thirteen hundred dollars in savings by the end of the year sound Well, depending on your financial circumstances, that sounds either amazing or a pittance. But it doesn't matter.
As a father of two at my age, I would be scared to death. But yes, depends on where you are. So here's the idea.
Week one of the year, and it's easy enough to go backward starting now, but week one of the year, save one dollar. Week two of the year, save two dollars and put it away in like a high yield checking out or saving scout or somehow, and go on till week fifty two. You put fifty two dollars away, but only fifty two dollars away, and you end up with the thirteen plus one hundred dollars at the end of the year, earning interest compounding interest.
You know, it's a weird thing, but I've experienced myself on when I was broke, it is it is easier to save money having some savings than it was when I had none, because it was kind of like the exercise thing. It was just it was just kind of a feeling of, what's the point I got nothing? If I saved this much at the end of the year, I got fifty bucks whatever.
I'm going out tonight.
I mean, having some savings makes it easier than when I had none psychologically.
And it reminds me of the exercise thing in that if you just do it a very little bit, A, you'll help yourself and B it'll make it much easier to do a little more. Well.
If your goal is just living longer, feeling better, that makes perfect sense. But if you're trying to lose weight, it's the same principle. Okay, so I'm going to lose a quarter of a pound a month and at the end of the year all of it, who cares?
Can they go? Yeah? Then they go into some stuff that's fairly obvious. Take a coffee and lunch break instead of going out out for Hawi made all that stuff savior change. Whenever you use cash, deposit the coins and bills you get back, or drain gas from your neighbor's car, it's another good one. Temporarily suspends streaming services. Your favorite shows will be there to binge watch when you want to rejoin. AH, so take two months off, then get back on Hulu, Peacock, x Max, Apple streaming and and watch them like crazy. Then cancel it again anyway, So those are fairly obvious. I like this one. Eat out of your house. I don't know why they call it that way, but each year, the average American family for loses fifteen hundred dollars to uneaten food, according to the Department of Agriculture, which may or may not be right. And is this you You open the refrigerator cabinets and it's full of food, but you say there's nothing to eat. What you mean is there's nothing you want to eat? Try this as part of a fifty two week challenge. Eat all the food in your house other than like perishables. Who wants this all green piece of bacon? Eat all of the food in your house before you shop again, and I mean everything.
Don't go to the grocery store except to buy perishables like eggs, milk, and bread until you've eaten all the canned beans and dice tomatoes.
This cheeto is really Stale, here's your mail bag.
Listen to me ah mail bag and Armstrong in geddy dot com is or email addressed. We got this note from the American Conservative Values People and they listed a whole bunch of examples of DEI programs or ESG. That's that phony environmental social governmental investment philosophy that everybody's given up on now of it being rolled back. And they quote Churchill when towards the beginning of World War two he said, this is not the after their first serious battle of victory. This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end, but it is perhaps the end of the beginning. I think that's where we are against the DEI madness. We're at the end of the beginning. It should be rolled back without exception everywhere. Schools, colleges, corporations start today moving along. Jay Nanimus says on immigration screen in coming boys, I'm in law enforcement, been on the southern border for fifteen years now enforcing immigration law, or at least to the phrase migrant really irks me. Oh j Anonymous, you and I are blood brothers in this There's a massive difference between the words migrant and migrate and immigrants immigrate, especially when it comes to immigration law. To immigrate is a permanent relocation from one place to another. Migrate is what flocks up birds do in the winter. They go someplace warm for a while, then they go back home. None of these people are migrating here, otherwise they would leave screen over, I yield back the rest of my time and certain lengthy acronym here, et cetera. And you're absolutely right, j acronym here.
Arm Strong the arms Strong and Getty Show, speaking of electric cars. And the reason we have electric cars, of course, is because we're killing the climate, and or we're killing the climate, killing the planet, and we're all going to die soon. We all know that, right, how many years we have left? Like yeah, like six months, We're all going to be dead, boiling in the sea.
Yes, SUV is sticking a knife into the planet's spleen right now. You are a murder Human Progress, which is a magazine now website, came out with these numbers yesterday. Adjusted for population, climate related deaths have fallen by ninety nine point two five percent since nineteen twenty, So in the last one hundred years, climate related deaths have fallen about one hundred percent. Meanwhile, the standard of living of billions of people around the planet has skyrocket gotamature death has plunged, disease, misery, infant mortality, all of it has just dropped off of the map. But if we somehow peaked in terms of the lack of climate cause deaths and backslid ever so slightly, we should absolutely completely sacrifice all the rest of that stuff to make sure the first category doesn't rise slightly. Come on, right right.
One of the responses to that was, Look, we are going to innovate our way out of this problem eventually, and we may have to, but things just aren't as bad as people have been telling you they are.
So yeah, absolutely true. Sorry, Greta, do you have.
Any particular view on I mean, I know, I know the answer to this. I can't even believe I'm asking it. I'm just asking it because every channel I flipped on today. As I slipped through the channel overnight the news broke that Nikki Haley is suspending her campaign, a shock to no one, and we're now I was just gonna ask you, okay, yeah, I was going to ask you because it's the lead story on all broadcast news. Yes, I don't think it's important at all. Okay, I'm just asking you case I'm off base, do you have any thoughts on her full throat and endorsement of Trump. It is their lead topic on all broadcast news from NPR to MSNBC, Whether NICKI Haley will or not yeah, and needs to. I couldn't give a crap. Okay, well, then we're in the same category.
Yeah, I don't know. No, it's not like the sort of moderate Republicans or aisle Crossers or you know, old school Republicans are are persuadable at this point. That's that. No. No, she can say anything she wants. They still won't be big fans of Trump. I mean, if she could. She's a very bright lady. If she could come up with some sort of really strong rationale for you know what, Yeah, I've changed my mind if she could. As many many Americans have lay out the calculation that look, Trump is flawed. We all have her problems with them, but the far left DEI Black Lives Matter, Marxist agenda will ruin the country. Let's deal with Trump. Try to keep them between the yellow lines. I'm not Biden and Harris.
We all this is an interesting thing about being a human being. We all only know our own minds and personalities, and then we have to extrapolate for everyone else on earth.
Yeah, we look for clues, but it's imperfect at best.
You're quite right, but I can't imagine ever being swayed by any politician about a different politician. Whether you tell me I should or shouldn't vote for them, all right, good for you. I'm still gonna make my own decision. I can't imagine that being a factor for me unless they.
Lay out a rationale that is a persuasive and be new to me. It's something I hadn't come to myself, like the Biden Trump thing. And if you need NICKI Haley's help, I suppose maybe maybe you're just really you really don't like Trump and you need a little push or something. I don't know, but yeah, if she can come up with a really good persuasive line to get moderates off their butts into the poles, that might help some. Not at this point, not this many months out. I just don't think it matter. How funny. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing even as I was trying to build a rationale. Here's the one thing again about my mind.
I don't know about other people, but my anecdotal evidence for this sort of thing is back in two thousand, I was really big on the McCain Straight Talk Express and George W. Bush, you know, another family part of what blab blab blah blah blah. I was just really into McCain, and when he lost, I was very disappointed and had no enthusiasm for Bush. But then after you get like six eight months of the other side saying all kinds of mean things about your side, you come around to screw you people, And I just.
Think that's what will happened with most people. Again. Sure, yeah, absolutely, you circle the wagon, sir. Is that racist?
They call it circle on the wagons are coming home? But I think that, like, I think that's like dismissive of it. It's it's makes it seem, I don't know, cowardly or stupid or something. No, I'm not going to listen to eight months of you beating up my side and calling us a bunch of racist losers, idiots and and and and not.
Have an opinion right right, You know, I really wanted to get back to the climate change thing. But as long as we're this far down the road. Just somebody remind me to got a great email. I absolutely love this. The bad Orange Man email from Maggie I thought was terrific that we just shared with you. Then Jess and Wiley Texas points out you're dumb and not paying attention. The New York Times is finally articulated the problem with Biden. I've been wondering why he's so I'm popular, and why I don't like him. Finally the question is answered. Quote from The New York Times, The polls suggested Biden's weakness is concentrated among the less engaged, less educated segment of the electorate, including many young, black and Hispanic voters who traditionally vote for Democratic candidates. So I'm a moron. I haven't being attention. Y'all are dumb and distracted too. And the problem with the black and back voters feeling off from the party, less educated and engaged. That's the problem Biden has, all you stupid, stupid people who don't know how wonderfully is thank you Jess.
In particular, the New York Times is saying dumb people of color.
Yeah, wow, that's great, that's great.
I was thinking about this yesterday with the realignment. How long is it going to take with the realignment as more and more black and Hispanic people come over to the Republican Party and it becomes the party of the working class, which it seems is you know, fully happening. When will white and maybe it's already happened right there in the New York Times, when will White too many degree liberals start saying racist things about all the black and brown people that have become Republicans are certainly racist adjacent.
Right, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, as soon as it serves them. The minute it serves them, they will trade their principles for gain the second it serves them.
Well, it sounds like from that New York Times line, I mean, that's the first shot across the bow of that that I've heard. Dumb black and brown people aren't paying attention.
They're the ones that we are. We're there the weakness, smart people. We know, Joe bidden.
So when you still a god among men, I'm a white guy in case you don't know that, So when you know so coming from that point of view, but when if you're brown or black and you were voting Democrat, it's you know, you were just making decisions based on the issues. You're taking a look at the tax rate and policy this and that, and made a decision and the Democratic.
Party was the best choice.
If you vote Republican, though, it's because you're informed, your low information voter, you weren't paying attention.
You don't know what's going on. Yeah, probably fell for misinformation and or disinformation, right. Yeah, I knew that was going to happen, and it's already happened. Wow. I was working my way toward this email, which I thought was great from Pawlow. Lots of the left is up in arms about the scotis allowing Trump on the ballot in Colorado and other states. They're the same folks that are squealing, we'll lose our democracy if he's elected. If they succeed in keeping him off the ballot, haven't we lost it already? They should be asking themselves whether so afraid he'll be elected if he's as bad a guy as they say is hint it's because the alternative they offer is worse. Fix that and there'll be no need to worry about him, and no need to steal our democracy to save democracy. Yeah, the idea of yes, we're going to mount half a dozen highly suspicious court cases to keep the leading candidate off the ballot because we love democracy. Good lord, if there's a greater hypocrisy in American history, point it out to me, please, would you?
And I would also like to know one more thing election wise. Who are y'all who are voting for Mary Ann Williamson? And is it a joke vote or is there something about her crazy act that you're digging.
If it's a jokeciate it. I guess I appreciate you hanging in there. I guess you do too.
Maryann Williamson, who got out of the race, then surprisingly did well in Michigan with like four percent, and decided to get back into the race because she had Marianne momentum or something.
We sam it live.
Nobody's business.
That's hilarious.
Those Yeah, we're voting in Williamson because she's like a terrort card reader, right, or palm reader or something, chiropractor, one of those.
Things, no comment, some sort of helper of some sort. Yeah, well, she's she's a hobbyist. So she felt like going fishing. Essentially, she felt like getting back in the presidential race. Giving a couple of speeches. Whatever. Yeah, ensure yourself, Marianne slam it boy.
If you could get anybody to throw money your way, and you're flying around first class and staying in nice hotels and eating a bunch of meals and pretending to talk about policy, it'd be kind of fun for a while.
We slam it Live.
Nobody's Business Armstrong, Andy, the Armstrong and Getty Show.
I just went and go to the birstares.
A lady walked over and she's standing in front of me the blueberries and strongberries. And she opened up the blueberries and started touching them. After she squeezed the blueberries, she put them back and did it, and so she grat the one she wanted and walked away.
Is that nol yuck? She squeezed my blueberries? As a beloved blues song by old Blind Jimmy Differson. She squeezed the blueberries. That was I believe a Kiwi accent, which means you're awesome. Okay, France, that's correct.
I have purchased blueberries where you get them home and they're soft in machine.
Nobody wants to eat them.
No, very disappointed, but I'm not going to open them up and squeeze them ahead of time. Man, I just don't buy an eyeball them. You can you can tell how hard they are. Buy eyeball them pretty effectively. I'm a big blueberry consumer. Which which fruits do you thump?
What are your thumpable throats? A watermelon in a musk melon? People hate when I say mus and muskmelon. It's canalobe for the rest of you, I guess.
I know. I've long found pineapples to be a bit of a challenge. And avocados. Avocados, I squeeze a little bit. I think you have to what should they feel like? If they're hard, they're not ready, And well, that's fine if you're gonna serve avocados in three days. But if you're like gonna whip up something tonight, you're gonna make you some guackam holey. You can't have rock hard avocados.
My son prefers the bananas when they're really go and I hate that flavor. That's my least favorite flavor on earth is a super green banana black. Hmmm, you've had cow dung kicked into your mouth, right. I often say that to my kids. This is the worst thing I've ever tasted, and I've had cow excremented in my mouth?
Do you say excrementer? Thirt teenagers? Do you drop the S bomb? Because the joke's funnier with the S bomb.
Yeah, I think I usually say crap. I was at a restaurant, your dad, I get it. So they had a get together last night at the junior high because my son is getting out of sixth grade.
And heading into junior high.
Anyway, so the kids were there and they're talking about how different junior high is and this and that. But what got the most tittering among the children was when they mentioned the school dances. So this will be entering the era of school dances for the first time. There's a lot of looking around and shuffling over that one. Some of the kids very excited about it, mostly the girls. Some of the kids not excited about it at all, mostly the boys.
Now, obviously you will be obligated to appoint a transgender bell of the ball Fall, Queen, Homecoming, queen, et cetera. But we'll work that out. I'll do it.
The dances start in Junior Higher. The first dance I ever attended egg was in seventh grade. Man, I don't know if I've ever been more uncomfortable.
In my life. Oh my god, I just I remember as my kids transitioned from elementary school to middle school, picking them up or waiting for them outside or something, and seeing some of the girls who were rather proud of their how do I put this and not get arrested? Their their development is adult females and more than proud enough to flaunt it, and thinking what the hell.
Is in eighth grade?
Wow? Yes, yeah, the whole concept now, granted, in a warm weather climate, it's different than we grew up in the Midwest, the right part of it. But some of the like those shorts are offully short and that top is awfully tight. Ye wow.
I wasn't even thinking of like a sexual element in the dances, but I suppose you know at this age, yeah, what are you gonna do it? Just in general, though, why is the transition from grade school to junior high such a big deal?
I'm trying to remember.
I my memory is that that's like when it was like really out there and in.
The open, the whole boy girl relationship thing. Katie.
Yeah, I would think so, because you're I mean, I don't know there was something for me. There was something about the words high school at the end of it.
So you weren't in elementary school.
You were in junior high school, so you were you know, you were one of the big kids.
Yeah, I see, I'm moved schools right then. So junior high was a crazy, uncomfortable and an unhappy time for me. But I thought it was just because I moved schools left all my friends behind. But it might just be based on what I was listening to teachers talk about last night.
It's tough for everybody at that age, plus especially for female. For for females, the differences.
Yeah, that shape seriously. That well, at least that change happened for me in between elementary school and junior high school.
I went away for summer and came back. Hey, guys, wow, I'll bet that is something.
Yeah, it's it's because it's uncomfortable, but you want it to happen, but it's more uncomfortable.
Yeah anything, I guess I've never really thought about it.
But yeah, at that age, if you're going to show up to school with a different pair of shoes, you're wondering, you know, what are people that are going to say about it or did you know showing up with a different body.
Holy crap.
I was one of three girls that that happened to that we showed up after that summer and it was drastic.
Yeah. And did people comment on that, Oh yeah, non stop. I know a nicknames. I was called.
Somebody called me dirty pillows and that lasted with me all the way through high school.
Oh yeah, that's not a good nickname. Whatever.
I'm older, so probably you wouldn't have gotten away with this as a teacher. But I remember teachers, teachers commenting on the girls that had showed up back at school and you know, looking different.
Is that something? Teachers would mention it, commenting like mentioning, how like have you seen Katie this year? Yeah, not the same Katie as last year?
Huh whoa as teachers would say that, and everybody would be disgusting.
It is weird. It's a different time. I'm gonna needs to call to catch a predator on those people. You know.
One of that changes is pe classes, when you start getting dressed together and stuff like that. Right, that's one of the things they mentioned that the pe class, you're going to start wearing I got pea clothes. You got shorts and a T shirt and you're gonna have to change clothes. Yeah, it'll be a new thing.
Or the girls, which girls had to get bras, which ones didn't. Oh, that was a big conversation, all the girls peaking at each other.
Yeah weird, right, Yeah, But so they did announce that they're gonna be dances this year, and ever some people seemed horrified by it. Some people seemed excited. I was horrified, you, Katie, as a girl, seemed like the girls were more excited about it.
I loved it. Yeah, I'll be Oh, the dress, the makeup, the hair, all of it. Loved it.
Plus, as girls, you can run out there with just your friends that are also girls in dance and ye have a good time. It's not it's an option for the boys, but.
Much scarier for the guys. The pressures on them too to ask the girl to the dance and all that stuff.
That's n No.
I danced the first time, it had an eighth grade dance, and it's because some girl came and asked me for the last dance of the night. I can still remember the song Donna Summer. Last dance, I was sweating bullets. I mean I was just I was soaked in sweat. We were actually touching each other because it was a slow dance, and I was just, I mean just my shirt was wet.
What do I do? What do I do?
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