Hour 1 of A&G features...
Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio, the George Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong and Joe Caddy.
Arm Strong and and he Armstrong and I'm studio c say, Senior, it's a dimly lit room, deepen than the bowels. By the way, it's Monday, brand New Week. You don't haven't said this in a long time. New Week, prank fant with possibilities. This could be the week all your dreams couldn't come true, you get wrong, moted at work. Yes, you meet missus Wright or mister Wright at a coffee shop and everything changes in your life. Also could be the week that they say, could you meet me in my office after work real quick, and they march you out to your car with a cardboard box.
It could be each week also, Well, golly gee, so I will take it, take their ride, good luck the right of life.
Yes, this is very exciting, and today we are under the tutelage of our general manager.
You're Kansas City chief Sherfdelphie dos a super ball as set.
I get it, I get it. I'm a Chiefs fan because I was a Chiefs fan back when they suck. But I was not a Chicago Bulls fan, for instance, ever in my life, and I hated Michael Jordan and them winning all the time, freaking hated it. It was miserable. So I under it was delightful, a delightful year from Chicago, So I understand how that works. If you're not from there, the same team winning all the time, you hate it. And uh And I don't remember a team being as hated as much as the Chief seemed to be in a very long time. But there you go, there's your Super Bowl. I think that's a revealing of the human condition, isn't it. Jack? Why are they hated? Do they cheat?
Are they foul mouth? There they abhorrent in somebody? No, it's because they win. It's resentment, it's jealousy.
Is that what it is? Or you just want different teams? I don't know. Yeah, it gets a little dull. Honestly, for the rest of the I do not find Patrick Mahomes dull, but maybe other people do. So we already have breaking news today Donald trumpt It was released just a couple hours ago. Donald Trump has reinstated all the military people that got booted out of the military because they wouldn't take the vaccination back during could and it's eighty four hundred people that get to go back in with their rank and pay and get all the back pay for the last three years two and a half, three years that they missed out on. So that is something and my go ahead.
I was just gonna say, I think that's probably gonna be a considerable bill, and that kind of hurts, but it is indefensible.
What was done. Well, there's a fair amount of COVID news that came out over the weekend. The CIA said the most likely play, joining the FBI now said the most likely thing that happened is that the virus leaked out of the Wan labs. So now the FBI and the CIA say that that's the most likely thing that happened.
And the Department of Energy, who weighed in of course, because if you get COVID, you don't have very much energy or something like that.
Even though if you said that out loud on a public message platform back in the day, you'd have gotten you know, kicked off or whatever for misinformation. So there's there's a nice story, and you're.
Killing people by claiming that, they would say, but more significant, because I'm not gonna let them off the hook. The new director of the CIA, Ratcliffe, released that information. It had been developed and decided under Biden, but Biden ordered them to keep it quiet.
And the bigger COVID story to me, because I had kids not in school at the time, is the big report that came out over the weekend that said it was completely unnecessary and didn't accomplish anything. And we'll get into that more details that the keeping schools closed for so long was not saving anybody. It was only making kids and parents miserable. So there you have it. And that's why I people like us tend to be small government people, because governments tend to make horrible mistakes or do things that are selfish and awful for their own benefit. That is just the nature of governments, always has been, always will be.
Imagine the hubris of thinking, your entire worldview being if we let the people have America observe what's happening around them and who's getting sick, who's dying. For God's sake, I mean, people will pay attention. If we let them do that and decide for themselves, they might not make decisions we like.
So we will decide in this room what everybody must do and everybody will do that. That's a better way to run the society.
I despise those people, so one of the reasons I can't let this rest.
And won't let it rest. Do you think the Kansas City Chiefs and Patrick Mahomes actually get better calls than everybody else? Some percentage probably? Yeah. Do you think it's part of an orchestrated league desire to have the Chiefs win games?
No? No, I would tend to doubt it. Ooh, it would be very difficult to keep quiet, I would think.
So, and it would destroy your gazillion dollar money making machine overnight. Exactly.
That's that you get an incremental gain by having the achieves involved. Again, they're unquestionably an incredibly exciting team to watch, but boy, you risk everything, of course, Jack, my conclusion is no, there is not a conspiracy, But like the CIA, my level of.
Certainty is low. Got a lot of that on my personal text line last night from people who think the league is rigged the game for the Kansas City Chiefs.
Well, because my attention span has been ruined, like everyone's, I can't even come close to watching football at the normal pace anymore, and so between every play, I was doing news research and going through email and whatever else, and I became aware on Twitter that there was a just never ending conversation about how awful and unjust many of the calls were, including from some fairly heavyweight political commentators.
I mean they were like, play by play, funny, let's let's start the show officially, could it because it includes a joke from SNL that's been deemed controversial. Then we got a question for Michael Angelo, who was out for a couple of days. There were rumors as to why Michael was out, so we got to lay that to rest. We also have to talk about the Trump administration that is now deported dang near three thousand people. Oh, they haven't deported me up, but arrested about three thousand people that they're going to kick out of the country, almost a thousand yesterday, big day yesterday of undocumented immigrants being arrested. They said on MSNBC this morning. Never never mind the fact that that eighty five percent of America agrees that criminals that here illegally ought to be booted out. They're still calling these this particular crowd undocumented immigrants and using their scary voice.
Who are you talking to migrants, isn't it these days? Mike grants, Yeah, who if they haven't they trying to imply that they haven't even crossed a border?
Are they're just going from here today? What do you think your audience is to go with that? But anyway, shrinking, let's start the show officially. I'm Jack Armstrong and he's Joe Getty on this It is Monday. Hey, now it is January twenty seventh, year twenty twenty five? Were Armstrong in getting to we approved of this program?
All right, then let's begin for the week officially now according to FCC rules and regulations the new Trump run FCC, which I'm sure will be enlightened.
Here we go at mark.
President Trump was sworn back into office on Monday, but he appeared to not place his hand on the Bible. Well, he tried to, but the Bible screamed. The Bible Trump used was the same one Abraham Lincoln used that his inauguration, And man, I wish those two could talk to each other.
Lincoln could teach.
Trump a lot about the importance of preserving our union, and Trump could teach Lincoln how to turn your head at the exact right moment.
Too soon, I laughed, Alla, I thought.
It was fun too soon, dark, ugly taking the assassination lightly.
So it's possible Labor Lincoln could have seen a chart about immigration over there. Hey, what's that? Everything history would have been different, Michael Angel, you were out for a couple of days. Now. Our executive producer Hansen was suggesting you were getting a change operation. That's not what happened.
No, I'm getting I'm getting cataracts removed from my eyes. So I got my right eye done on Thursday and Friday.
Uh huh. I don't see any bandages or anything. You see.
I'm you know, it's embarrassing, but I'd never realized how bad my eyesight was, and you look great.
That embarrassing? What are you going to compare it to? Wow? Wait a minute, I almost missed that. You didn't. You didn't. You didn't realize as a man of your age, the rest of us don't have to put our face up against an iPad to be able to read it.
No, it's just I can't believe the amount of light and how bright colors are and what my television looks like.
Now, it's just amazing. Wow, this is only one eye. Yeah, I was gonna because I had a lens replacement surgery which was just to make my eyes to be able to see better. It wasn't for cataracts or anything like that. But yeah, the colors in the brightness is absolutely amazing. If you have cataracts in an eye or two, you know, it happens gradually throughout your life so you don't notice it, and then all of a sudden while it's like somebody turned the light on in the room.
I thought for a long time, jack you were becoming a black man.
I had so many transitions. Well that's awesome, Michael Jackson.
In reverse. Any discomfort for you, No.
No, maybe a little bit of soreness for a day or two. But they said, because I'm younger, that helps a lot.
What kind of when does lefty get done?
I'm hoping in a month, okay, because right now I have one really good eye and then it's my left eye is cloudy.
So what kind of drugs do you have to take to undergo this?
H They just give me something to relax. I didn't have to sleep through the whole process, but I felt really good, you know, like they said it would be like you had a few cocktails and it was good.
Yeah, I can see how people get addicted to that. Xanax man whole cloud nine.
Wow'll do it. That's funny because I've never taken I've taken all kinds of different ones, Valuum, Xanax, did different things that they give you, and I've never had a oh this is awesome feeling ever even close to once. It's that was the way I'm built. So, Michael, look.
Interesting a couple of Yeah, it is interesting. Couple of junkies compareing notes here.
I wouldn't say I was like high high, but I was like at peace with the universe.
Yes, yeah, Well, as you know, I enjoy enjoyed drinking for quite some years and haven't had a drink in eighteen and a half years now. Any of those kind of medications, I've never had a feeling that would make me want to do it again. It's like more unpleasant than pleasant. And that's just the way your chemistry is. I guess I don't have any idea nobody has.
If I were to lay you down on the couch, I would I would wonder whether you were so concerned that you'd like it. No, I took them back before I stopped drinking too, Like when I had my wisdom teeth out, I had some stuff just like I was like looking forward to it because people said, oh wow, can I get some of that?
And I took it. I was like, I don't like this. I feel kind of So that's why, that's why we've made no progress in getting drunk drug addicts off the street. Nobody understands this stuff. Why to affect some people some ways and some people other ways, and why some people can quit and some people don't want to quit and all that sort of stuff, because it's just I don't know, brain chemistry or something. Well, I'm glad it made you feel good, Michael. Yeah.
One of the quirks so is I can't bend forward. They tell me you can't bend forward for a week. I mean I can bend a little bit, but not like in half.
So if I got to do that, were you planning to do a lot of bending and had?
So if I drop on the floor, I have to get on my knees and pick something up that way. I can't just bend down and get it.
Well, Jack, you get to the studio like it's the last second every morning. You don't realize we all do calisthenics together. Oh, before you get there, toe touches, jumping jacks, push ups.
That's too bad. How does mail bag look? It's very good. Good starts with the week that's on the way, and our text line is four one five two nine five KFTC. We got We've got some good stuff for you coming up. The way to mainstream media is handling the immigration stuff that happened over the weekend, the rounding up, rounding up they're calling it, which they use as a prejudicial and people on the right who voted for drump are like, yeah, cool, round people up, I know.
And it's been delicious, the juxtaposition of the concerned outrage and the yeah, we love it.
So we got some examples of that coming up that are pretty good.
Here's your freedom loving quote of past and along by justin great quote here from the poet lexicographer Samuel Johnson. Oh you know I was going to be a lexicographer. Oh, I'm such a Samuel Johnson fan.
I have a great couple of books, like of his compiled greatest Stuff, some of the best stuff ever written by human beings. Just amazing. Hmmm, I'll have to look into that. Now. He's a bit of a poet, so this is a little poetic.
How small of all the human hearts endure that part which laws or kings can cause or cure?
I'll read it again.
I had to read in a couple of times, how small of all that human hearts endure that part which laws or kings can cause or cure? In other words, of the human experience. Very little of it ought to be about the government ought to be about free association. Yeah, you have personal relationships, doing business, relating to your neighbors.
The government ought to stay the hell out of it.
Johnson was right, here's right, Thank you for that. Justin well done, Mailbang.
His writing about sloth and drinking and lust and all the different things so freaking good. Maybe you ought to mind his own damn business. Huh.
Let's see on the topic of oh Lord, arrests at funerals, that sort of thing.
Got this note from John.
On several occasions I sent my guy John as obviously law first, I sent my guys out to stakeout cemetory cemeteries where we knew there was a funeral of a gang member and other members with warrants may show up.
It's not unheard of at all. Yeah, I was thinking about that listening to the news today. Somehow, over the years we built up this part of it comes from the whole Dreamers thing and that sort of language. We built up this idea that illegal immigration is its own special category in a way that we wouldn't treat the mafia or gangs you were talking about, or anything else. Who's concerned about showing up to a funeral to arrest a mafia member who's a hit man nobody, but an illegal who's committed crimes in some other country. Oh, well, they immigrant committed, they might be scared or whatever. Why when did we get this way? Yeah, yeah, silly.
It just goes to show the power of propaganda and how people's minds can be swayed. It's ridiculous, especially honestly, because everybody's in favor of this, everybody but the intelligence got this from alert listener Mallory, who lives in the San Jose area.
We're huge in the hoe.
One of the councilmen put out this notice to his constituents. We have gotten solid reports of ice activity in the area. Please tell your loved ones to be careful and stay inside if at all possible.
So aiding in a.
Betting criminals council member or tease, that's interesting. I wonder if that's I mean, because we're specifically talking.
About known criminals.
Nice job way to aid and to bet the very people who victimize those you claim to be concerned about.
Yeah. I got more to say about this. We're going to do a whole segment on it soon.
So yeah, really good argument here having to do with the fourteenth Amendment birthright citizenship.
We don't have enough time.
I Anonymous wants to compare and contrast the women appointed by Trump with the women appointed by Biden.
It is not flattering toward Biden.
It includes KJP and that Levine trans person.
Not impressed Josh Allen of the bills said to be crushed after a loss. Poor guy, Feel bad for him. Oh, we got some good stuff on the way Armstrong and Getty.
Terminating federal diversity programs to deporting immigrants on military aircraft. President Trump aggressively begins his first week back in office with a blitz of executive actions.
Thousands of migrants are now stuck in Mexico with no idea what comes next as the administration halts all applications for asylum through the CBP one app But the Trump administration warns this is only the beginning of their border crackdown and thousands more troops could be flooding in soon.
Yeah, that's what people voted for. Is a lot of that.
Yeah, why the scary voice there, Chum, I don't know, it seems like.
A positive to me. We got to play that. Martha raddits again. So with the very very dramatic music, in her scary sounding voice, she mentions two things people are in favor of by quite a bit.
Play that again, terminating federal diversity programs to deporting immigrants on military aircraft. So that's good.
So that's doing away with DEI and getting the illegals out, two things that are very very popular migrants. Have you ever noticed when the left perverts language, it gets less and less descriptive for you know, good reason, pro choice. What there's no relationship to what we're talking about when we're talking about abortion policy prints, please, they could be talking about ducks. So they go on kind of different geographical locations there in Chicago. Over the weekend in Los Angeles yesterday. So that that has started, and that's going to be a big deal, especially in California, where you're going to get a fair amount of pushback. There were about pushback in Chicago because a bunch of Chicago officials had said they were not going to cooperate and they're not going to let Trump come in and you know, do things that aren't Chicago values or whatever. This is Tom Holman explaining why they were in Chicago to start with.
The Chicago is the Saint Furius city. And you know there is a when I said target Rich and Barge, we know a lot of always live here. We know we don't have access to Cook County Jail and the biggest jails in the country. And I'll say it again, if if, if, if you if the politicians, the mayor, and the government which is simply worked with us and let us in that jail. The rest of the bad guy in jail is safer for the officer, is safer for the amiens, safer for the community. I don't get it.
So uh. They mentioned in the MSNBC report that a number of the Chicago officials that had talked really tough last week have backed off some of that talk. The governor, the mayor and some other people not nearly as confrontational, so they had to signal to their crowd that we're going to fight Trump, and then they've kind of backed off of it. And then Joe Scarborough sensing I think that probably a lot of his viewers, even on MSNBC, are like, what's the problem with booting out criminals? Asks the reporter this question, We'll play some of this. I thought it was pretty interesting.
Some Americans listening to what Tom Homan was telling you would ask themselves, why wouldn't Chicago officials allow law enforcement officers to go into prisons and get illegal immigrants with violent criminal records and send them back to their home countries. Do you have any insight on if that is happening, why that is happening, what the justification is of Chicago or Illinois officials.
It's actually very interesting Joe and Governor J. B. Pritzker yesterday. We have seen a sort of a little bit of a change in the rhetoric with some Democratic officials here. They've backed off some of their tough talk against the Trump administration, making that exact point that they agree that immigrants with criminal records.
Should be deported.
But some of the you know, further left politicians, not just in this city but others, they say they don't want to cooperate with ICE at all. Well, with the question of jail's, Joe, there's a program called the two to eighty seven g program.
That is but I thought that was interesting. So you're more mainstream Democrats backing off. I wonder how much that had to do with the polling in the New York Times we talked about last weekend where eighty five percent of Americans are in favor of booting out illegal criminals eighty five percent, and the New York Times writing in the paragraphs it turns out many of Trump's policies are very popular. So it's this is news to a whole bunch of people, right, That's funny.
I think it's striking that when Morning Joe asked Gabe kataz there, what is the reasoning that they give for not dangerous criminals to be taken out of the jails, And Gabe was like, well, you know, they're backtrack and some radical lefties are still in favor of I don't know that's because there isn't any the reasoning you hear for not cooperating with ICE is almost always well, we want our immigrant community to know that they can report a crime to the police. And you know, an immigrant woman could be raped and she's afraid to call the police because she might be deported. That has nothing to do it's already known criminals, already in the able clutches of the Justice Department or the authorities. That has nothing to do with your reasoning. There is no reasoning, and it's indefensible unless you're a Marxist. It is absolutely indefensible. And it's so nuts that it has been going on for years. I mean, it's insane that there were people who wanted to protect murderers' rapists from being booted out of this country who shouldn't be here in the first place. It's it.
You can't even wrap your head around how crazy it is. You're so oh ideological over being a decent human being. God, you should never be within one hundred miles of any decision making right. Your head is way too soft, way too soft.
There is an absolutely terrific think piece by Martin Gurry in the Free Press. Maybe we'll touch on it a little bit later on about all the areas in which, under the Biden administration, reasonable conversations about reasonable things or important things we're being silenced, whether it was COVID policy or Joe Biden is senile, or wait a minute, why are we protecting criminals in our jails if they're illegal aliens? And I'm reminded of a meme that's kicking around. Somebody says who are the good guys and who are the bad guys? And the answer is the people who are censoring other people and not letting them express their opinions, those are the bad guys.
Yeah. Pretty easy to understand, or should be pretty easy to understand.
Why was Joe freaking Biden forbidding the CIA from just releasing that report that said, you know, we's got low confidence, but some that the COVID's laked out of the Labin woohan? Why because he's protecting Fauci, who he just pardoned.
Oh again, silencing people, even silencing the CIA. We left out Denver, they rounded up fifty members of that horrifying violent Venezuelan gang that exists in Denver. Remember that we're going into the apartment complex and this stuff like that. Fifty of them in part of the nationwide ice arrests suspected child well known child rapists, suspected ISIS.
Terraces included in them. And they had they are arrested at a makeshift night club that they had put together in some abandoned building and went in there and arrested him and practically everybody in America's in fai.
So I was just gonna say, I tell you what, Gabe guitaraz Or, Brandon Johnson, the utterly incompetent Marxist boob running Chicago into the ground.
Boom, JB.
Pritzker, Gavin Newsom, tell you what, fellas, ladies, Let's put every single damn one of these people to a national vote. I have that much confidence how it'll go, do you.
I didn't mention that they tried to make the turn. This is media critique on MSNBC Willy Guys saying, many people are worried about Phase two, though, what is going to happen next once they're through this phase and they're starting to arrest migrants who have been here for so they To me, that was a throwing up the surrender flag on the first seven hundred thousand people that are gonna get booted, which are all the known criminals, and moving on to the you know, just hardworking, decent migrants who are there blah blah blah. And so they can argue about that because you got nothing to say about the criminals.
That's funny, because that was sacred ground about ten minutes ago. That was something so abhorrent and nobody could even consider it about a cup of coffee ago. And now everybody's like, oh, this is clearly a great idea. Why the hell did this take so long? Yeah, and it's go get them, We go get them. I think we're at twenty six hundred and a week that have been arrested. It's going to take a long time to get through seven hundred thousand people. So I don't think we have to worry about phase two for quite some time.
Well, I'm trying to watch my weight and exercise, so I'm willing to hang in there with the rest of America and it take as long as it.
Takes, just get it done. I don't know if there was a more or less to vote on the game yesterday on how many times the referees sided with the Kansas City Chiefso I don't actually believe that, but I don't think price picks has something for that. But you should download the price Picks app certainly before the big game happens, the last what they call the final game of the NFL season because you're not allowed to say the word it's illegal, or any other sport that you're into.
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Ah, yes they did, Yes they did. It was a sound beating.
I don't like the Chiefs chances frankly really of the three peat. Well, I'll let the risk of getting sports. See.
It's two very different teams with very different styles of offense.
Especially, it will be really interesting to see who prevails. It'd be pretty motivating though, if you need a motivation after you know, they're playing in their fifth Super Bowl in six years, which has never happened before. That's just absolutely amazing. But it'd be pretty motivating to realize if you win the third one, you can at least make the argument you're the greatest team of all time. Oh yeah, oh yeah, sure, So that gets you out of bed that day if you're kind of feeling like, ah, geez, another super Bowl. I don't know if I feel like it today.
Yeah, honey, are you gonna play in the Super Bowl?
Or we could go see my mom? You know, I should probably go ahead and play. Just see Tea Swizzle doing her thing that she always does every time there's a good play by the Chiefs her mouth. She just can't believe that a team that's going to the Super Bowl for five fifth time in six years, got another first down?
Oh my god, hugs anybody within hugging distance, and it's just a party.
You have to hug people after every first down. I mean, it's just you know, come on, yeah, it's I just I've got to admit.
I watch myself not to be knee jerk cynical, but I've got to admit every time they show her, I'm like, oh, please stop. It's become profoundly annoying to me.
I'm okay with the win. You're getting excited about maybe the touchdowns, but a first down a catch? Really? I mean, come on, a good time about her voice?
A nice punk oh solidly hit punked there jam and there's Taylor Swift.
She loves.
It's wond her boyfriend catches a big pass.
Okay, I don't know, I don't, I don't know. She's hasn't she seen that like five hundred times at this point, yes, Katie.
Just also if I log onto the internet one more time and see a roundup of what she was wearing and how much it costs.
Right, I'm pretty sick. And I guarante that's orchestrated, but it's working pretty well. Getting the name of all the this that that's why she's got a billion dollars is a she She's not letting this opportunity to go to waste. Hater. Who was that she was hugging? Who was that? Somebody's mom? Someone will care, Yeah, careful, but the ghost of mother Theresa? I don't care. I just wondered who that was and how they might say, you know what, how about how about a kings X. I'm a hugging till uh till maybe the fourth quarter. I just I don't know. My arms are getting tired. I can't keep hugging this much. Does that couple haven an official name yet? Trailer Swelsea or anything like that. I don't know. No, I don't know. I'm tired of them made. Speaking of working out, one quick thing that's tied to Travis Kelcey that's not really sports. I read a Wall Street Journal interview with him two years ago. I guess, and uh, he was with this guy all day long and they ran around, They went to some they went to his house, and they went to a restaurant, they went to a bar and all this stuff. And Travis Kelsey said it the other night at the end toward the end of that, I said, you know, I haven't done enough for my body today. And they went out and they ran sprints out on the street. He is like running from stoplight to stop light and timing himself and they did that. But that has stuck in my head and I think about that on a regular basis and has really been helpful to me. I haven't done enough for my body today. Thinking of itself every day, you gotta you can't just like, have you done something for your body today? Have you done the stretching, the lifting, the whatever it did you do? And for whatever reason, that's stuck in my head. And I thought that yesterday after I was watching the game, I haven't done enough for my body today, and I went over to the gym.
Wow, that does change a negative. I haven't worked out to a positive. I'm going to do myself a favor.
Maybe that's why it sticks. It's got a different it's coming at it from a different angle. But it's been helpful to me. Katie's got our headlines on the way stay here. Are there things about RFK Junior? I like absolutely, But he has also taken some stances over the years. I can't believe some of you are in favor of. I mean, he's hardcore late term abortion. He compared farmers, he said, farmers, the American farmer is worse than isis at one point, and he's become very very rich running questionable class action lawsuits against companies that are probably innocent. Yeah, anyway, we should probably talk about that at some point because his confirmation hearing is going to be this week. Oh Hegxeth is a Secretary of Defense. Now, so there you go. Ah that happened. Yeah, yeah, I.
Was mildly surprised by that. Jade Vance had to break the time in case you didn't see that. A lot to talk about next hour. Can't wait to get to it, But first let's figure out who's reporting what. It's the lead story with Katie Green.
Hey, Katie, Hey, thank you guys, NDC News to start.
White House says Columbia has agreed to Trump's deportation terms after tariff's standoff.
Yeah, that was quite the little back and forth negotiation there. We're not taking them, hey, huge tariffs, kicking out all your diplomats. You're not going to do any business with us, and we'll probably swat you down every chance we get.
We will gladly take our countrymen. Didn't take long. Now, are you cool with that? It's being portrayed by some as just awful the way he's strong arming some of these countries. They're your scumbags, they're not ours.
From ABC News, thousands of Palestinians walk and drive into northern Gaza.
They've given it a name, the Great Return or the Walk Home, or it's got a name. Now how it does? Yeah, the comeback of the year.
You know, some of Trump's negotiating styles are a little over the top to me, some of the threats and the rest of it. I don't mean to dismiss it one hundred percent, but I don't know. Colombia is he's a freaking communist, that leader of Columbia. He's really a rotten human being.
This one from the New York Times. Stocks sink as investors worry about China's AI advances.
Oh, I read this whole article. I'm really interested in this. Apparently some of our best AI people looked at China's latest AI offering and are like, oh, wow, they're way farther along than we thought.
Yeah, it's not that they're better than us, but they did amazing things with a lot less expenditure and like super crazy advanced chips, and so our lead is not nearly what we thought it was.
From Business Insider, the calls for a meta boycott don't seem to be having much of an impact. I'm saying that all the algorithm activity has remained steady even though everybody's freaking out about Zuckerberg and Trump.
Okay, so the whole Hey, we're gonna abandon our fact checking fake ideologues in favor of community nots like Twitter. Well, yeah, everybody was all aghast. Everybody is an incredibly small number of people with a crazy outsized voice, and we need to stop cow telling to them.
This is a nice story from the New York Post.
California man proposes to girl on the spot after finding engagement ring in the rubble of couples home destroyed by the fire.
Oh that is a good store.
Hall wow now, And she threw ashes in his eyes and made a run for it.
Yep, checked him right in the groin. Took off from the Wall Street Journal. Christopher Walkin has never owned a cell phone. Eighty one years old. He says, I don't do technology.
That's an hell of a headline, brilliant old actor has never owned a cell phone. I'll be dark eah, I admire that.
And finally, from the Babylon Bee, Pete Hegseeth says, all women in the military are now nurses and have to wear those hot matching outfits like they.
Did in World War Two. That never having had a cell phone. I wonder if we all lived our lives like we lived them pre smartphone for a week, if we would think, you know, this is pretty nice, or think all, oh my god, thank god, I'm back to my smartphone.
I have a feeling we'd have the same feeling we do after a week's vacation in Maui.
Right man, Am I relaxed? Yeah? I wonder about that. If you miss an arg get the podcast Armstrong and Getty on demand Armstrong and Getty