It's Way Funnier With The S Bomb

Published Jun 7, 2024, 3:58 PM

Hour 1 of A&G features...

  • No science behind COVID restrictions and more Hunter Biden trial shenanigans
  • Activists are pushing the narrative and the media is caving
  • Advice to parents of teens and job interview issues with young people
  • Phonephobia in our young folks

From the Abraham Lincoln Radio studio at the George Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong Show, Getty Armstrong and Getty Show.

So that was for some reason, the PA announcer saying we're not going to play the national anthem play ball and the parents and Moss saying the national anthem. Then there was a loud cheer at the end of it. No idea why that PA announcer decided to make that statement, see some sort of woke goon.

Don't know, well, is there a reason you have the national anthem in the little league baseball games? Is I don't know if I've been to a little league baseball game where they had the national anthem. So I have been to some youth sports where they did yeah, oh yeah, my son's last year eleven year old football games played the national anthem. If well, I'd need to know more about the particulars of what happened and why it happens. Seems like a decision you make off Mike though, are we going to do the national anthem or not? Let's decide not to do it, which is fine. I think, yeah, we're running. We're already running forty five minutes later or whatever. Yeah, yeah, it's defensible, but you don't you don't something you say it that way, We're not going to play the national anthem playball. Yeah, that's an affirmative gesture right there.

That's somebody taking a stance. And I wonder again whether they're in America hating woke person. And I'm going to do a very very very short version of this because I want to go big on it next week. But do you know who ion her son Ali is. She's a Somali immigrant, a former Muslim fellow at the Hoover Institution, and an absolutely brilliant writer and thinker. And she is a devout lover of the United States and Western society and principles and freedom and that sort of thing.

She's really a hero.

But she's written an essay recently that's getting a great deal of attention and it should, the title of which is we have Been Subverted. And again I'm going to go big into it next week. But she quotes at length Yuri Besmanov, who is a KGB agent who defected to the West. Then lectured on the KGB's methods and how they attempted to destroy societies psychological warfare, Subversion in the Control of Society was the title of his lecture he gave in nineteen eighty three, But the key paragraph about subversion is Subversion refers to a process by which the values and principles of an established system are contradicted or reversed in an attempt to sabotage the existing social order and its structures of power, authority, tradition, hierarchy, and social norms. It involves a systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system, often carried out by persons working secretly from within. Subversion is used as a tool to achieve political goals because it generally carries less risk, cost, and difficulty as opposed to open belligerency. The active subversion can lead to the destruction or damage of an established system of government ba BAH. In the context of ideological subversion, subversion aims to gradually change the perception and values of a society, ultimately leading to the undermining of its existing beliefs and systems. That's the very brief introductory paragraph of what this is all about. And Jack and I often as we're discussing the woke thing neo Marxism, which is what it is critical race.

Theory, bl on whatever.

Jack often asks the question, do these people advocate advocating this stuff? Are they actually activists or are they just going along because they think they're doing the right thing. And that's the beauty, the evil beauty of the subversion thing is it uses moral arguments to get people to pervert their own societies and destroy them from within. So rather along introduction to changes I'm seeing in the media lately, USA Today, which is a left publication with a couple of pieces of editorial recently.

Here's one.

COVID guidelines caused millions to suffer. Now, Fauci admits there was no science behind it. Is it just that these people have a little journalistic pride and have abandoned some of their tribal instincts. Here's the other headline, I want to manage.

How written in a way that was harsher than it needed to be.

Yeah, I to to, you know, to make the point. And the editorialist doesn't write the headline. The editor does and so that's a that's a pretty good headline. And I'll read the subhead too. COVID guidelines caused millions to suffer. Now, Fauci admits there was no science behind it. Doctor Anthony Fauci told members of Congress that the COVID guidelines he preached in twenty twenty had no scientific support.

And then this from day as well. That wells me off about that is I've hated this since I was a tiny kid. Tell just tell me. Don't pretend I'm stupid and you're tricking me with the science. Son, No, no, say we don't have any idea. We think it'd be a good idea to stay this far apart. Treat us like grown ups. Yeah, don't act like it's science when you know it's not. Oh that makes me mad. Many of us sharer disdain. But here's the other headline. Then I'll get back to what I was talking about before.

Trump write about Hunter's laptop from Hell, though Biden claimed Russian disinformation subheed. It turns out that the laptop that was once widely denounced, including over and over again in this blanking publication, is being used as evidence by federal prosecutors to approve the president's unlined blah blah blah blah blah. And then they go into detail about the alleged debunking of the laptop by the media, social media, the Intelligence Service, a retired intelligence service people.

Mostly retired intelligence people. The current FBI at the time knew it was real.

The FBI, which remained silent throughout the whole thing, although I get they're not in the business of publicizing the value of this piece of evidence over that piece.

At any rate, but so excuse me.

Here are a couple examples of a fairly powerful publication. Granted, it's the USA today, read only by disc jockeys and hotel guests, That's what we used to say about it, but now there are no disc jockeys, that's all anyway. Here is a major publication, a bunch of journalists and editors and the money people of the paper. They got swept up in what they were told was the right thing.

But it was just ideological posturing.

All of the facts were on the other side, and they were fairly easily discernible. The idea that a lab leak was impossible and you're an evil person. Even asked the question, I don't understand how people get swept up like that. My brain isn't made like that. I've come to accept, you know, there are different sorts of people in the world. I don't understand. I will never be that for quote unquote my side. I pray because I don't like to be a dupe for anybody. But it's become clear to me that the activist who are actual Neo Marxists or Islamists that miss Ali sites as well, because they're trying to subvert the West as hard as they can, and they have a weird kind of informal alliance with a lot of the neo Marxists who want to tear down the West for other reasons. There are that hardcore and they're very, very dangerous, but it's become more and more clear to me that they've just been really, really successful in persuading with moral phony moral arguments a lot of good people to go along with their insidious plans. And that's actually one of the subtleties of the subversion thing that I was talking about, quoting the Russian agent, was once you get the ball rolling, you don't even have to do the work anymore. The people of that country do it for themselves. They get at each other's throats and try to tear down the system from within.

But I'm not sure if I have a point. It's just that we the same.

Patriots, people who understand the value of the freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, the freedom of the press, all of the principles that are freedom of religion for the love of God. He says, without irony, those of us who value all that stuff. Man, we have got to get aggressive at countering the message of the subverters.

It's difficult because they have k through PhD.

Now we let that happen bad on us, and they have the media to a large extent, but it's shrinking. So I guess I'm calling on you to be a crusader. Don't be ashamed of thinking this is a great country. Don't be ashamed of saying Thomas Jefferson was one of the great crusaders for liberty in the history of mankind. It's spite of the fact that he owned slaves. Don't be ashamed of that. It's your right.

They're not. I'm kind of interested. From a news coverage standpoint, I got the usual bank of televisions in front of me, and the network newscasts led with the presidents still in France and talking to a couple of people. But ten minutes into the show, they're into what various Bidens said about each other in the Hunter Biden trial yesterday. And the drugs and the sex and all that sort of stuff. It's interesting that the national media is going that big on it. I think it's too lurid to pass up. Is it just if it leads, it leads, just sort of there's sex and drugs and family dysfunction.

Yeah, well it's it's the Pasal sun On trial. But I don't think there's any great significance to this trial. Honestly, no, I don't. There isn't other than the soap opera. But really so, I think that's a delicious irony of the rich white son of Joe Biden violating the very laws Joe crusaded so hard to get in the eighties and nineties.

Well yeah, and then the richest of ironies. And you can't get a richer irony than this. And I can't believe this isn't getting more comment. Everything you're hearing every day in this court case is based off of that laptop. How is there not more conversation about this? It is so solid it's being used in a courtroom to put the president's son in jail, that's how solidly it is. Real, and a lot of people knew that day one, right.

And the thing I want that I'm never gonna get is and I remember discussing this in the context of the Lableak theory.

You have The New.

York Times go from anybody who even tweets about the Lableak theory should be banned from all social media.

They go from that too.

The Lableik theory is the most likely of origin stories without.

The explanation of Wait a minute, Wait a minute, when how'd you get from there to there? How are you not gonna say?

By the way, I feel kind of bad about when I was saying that, what wait a minute, right, like to I'd at least like to hear a little of that from the mainstream media. The utterly authentic and dependable laptop which is being used by the federal government in a felony trial is yeah, wait a minute, you're the same guys who dot dot dot and.

Will be used again in the tax trial coming up in September. Correct, Oh, oh my god. How how many.

Major news organizations It's like one, I'll answer my own question. How many of those major news organizations have made it a major project to hunt down every one of those intelligence officials and say, what was up with that?

Yeah, why'd you sign? Why do you Why do you claim this was obviously Russian disinformation when it wasn't.

There was that one weasel. It was on Special Report with Brett Barron. It was something to see a weasel wearing a sport coat. But anyway, this weasel saying, well, no, if you look at the wording, we said it bore all the marks of a Russian information campaign. We didn't say it was a Russian information Oh wow, you are a weasel. You are a weasel. You got the buck teeth and you eat what do you eat?

Weasels eat? You eat weasel food? Weasel food. Right, we got a lot more of a whole bunch of things, stay with us, a lot of good stuff.

This segment's going to be a little bit short, and so I have commandeered it to elaborate a little bit on what we were talking about last time and give a couple of examples that I think are really really clear. Here's we're talking about the neo Marxist trying to subvert society and what Americans love and are proud of, and the rest of it, and a lot of people go along with them because they think they're doing the right thing. Here's a Democrat led town in Connecticut. This state trooper was killed by a hit and run driver last week. Young man family, the whole tragic story that you've heard, you know too many times. But several of the council people wanted to fly the thin Blue Line flat in his honor and explained why they wanted to and what a fine fellow he was and what a tragedy it was.

But several of the council members said, no, we can't do that.

It represents racism and antagonism to many many people. And if you don't personally believe that, and you fly it at your house and think it means something to you, that's fine, but we can't do it because again, it represents racism antagonism to many many people.

Here's how this works.

The flag which is always indicated support for concern for love for police officers. During the heyday of the defund the police movement, the Black Lives Matter movements, which are both neo Marxist movements. They're trying to tear down the West. They've admitted as much while they were in the midst of that fervor.

They convinced people that any support of police police is racist and antagonistic, even though it's not, and it it was never intended to be. But they convinced a bunch of people that a legitimate expression of support for police is racist.

And so now you have people saying, I've heard that's racist, right, or at least controversial.


That's how that works, as James Lindsay has put it, Really, James Lindsay, if you want to control something, call it racist until you control it.

Here's another brief example.

Here's a North Carolina teen, North Carolina, you ought to be better than this, suspended from school for using the term illegal alien in a classroom discussion. An administrator likened that to saying the N word, sixteen year old Christian McKee. Right, wow, right, and so now is this here's the difference between the N word and illegal alien.

I can say illegal alien over and over, just like you did, teacher, illegal alien, illegal aid. Try saying the N word. You'll notice a different t real quick well and Czech federal statutes. You will find the term illegal alien all over the damned place. So is this school administrator an activist, a neo Marxist activist could be there are a lot of them. Are they just a soft head that has been swept up in thinking, Oh, that's I'm told that it's it's racist to use that term, So I'm gonna punish anybody who does. Probably that one the useful idiot, right, It is in no way, which is why it makes me so crazy that now you hear even Fox News using the term migrant. How did we decide to.

Go from illegal immigrant to immigrant to migrant? It's because activists on the far left insisted on it and said if you don't, you're a racist. And people said, dud, I don't want to be a racist, so I'll do what you tell me to do.

How about a little independent thought, folks. Goodness, So coming up. According to a survey of employers, not enough young people in an interview make eye contact or can refrain from swearing. But the most shocking one, well, shock you. That's the way shocking things are. Shocking things, shock you. They got it, Armstrong and Getty.

Okay, first is bring out a platter of food when they have friends over. This is trying way too hard and it's coming off as kind of desperate. Next is talking to your kid's friend if you're driving them somewhere in the car, don't say hello or acknowledge them in any way. Remember you're just an anonymous uber driver. Next, letting your kids see you run. I don't care how hard it's raining or if you're trying to catch an airport shuttle. Seeing this will damage them more than looking at the eclipse. And obviously if you trip and fall, they're gonna need a lot of therapy.


Lass is bringing your own share to a sporting event. This draws too much attention to yourself, So either sit in the bleachers or stand despite the crippling back pain.

That causes that. Guys, delivery, Remember you're just an anonymous uber driver. Oh my god, never let your kids see you run. Ah, that's fuddy. So my son's eighth grade graduation last night was it's just it's the intensity of that period of life and now they're headed off into high school at the school system he goes to, and all the talk about that and everything, and it's just, you know, you get older and you get further away from that, and years go by and every year is the same, and it's just hard to imagine, you know, remember when every year was so intense and so different, and music changed, and fashions change, and your friends change, and your hairstyle to everything change. Everything was so different every year, and it was so intense, and it's almost like you.

Stay at the same company for three or four years, but you have a different job every year.

Yeah. Anyway, afterwards, he did some group photos with a whole bunch of his friends, because he's got a big group of friends. And that made me happier than practically anything that's ever made me happy in my life, which is awesome. Off to high school he goes. But so I've got to give him some training for this because I came across the survey they did of employers in the United States h during job interviews, employers say recent college graduates have is the is the survey, and here's where you go it. A little over half of them struggle with eye contact. So make sure you teach your young person to look at their look at the look them in the eye. That's a good one. Uh, about half ask for unreasonable compensation. I don't know if I have a problem with that one. And you know that's a matter of degree. Yeah, the market will take care of that. About half dressed inappropriately, That shouldn't happen. No, Well, I okay, let's get back to the unrealistic income. You're I want a million dollars right a beginning, assistant to the assistant, And I'm thinking of something around one point five million or or is it just like twenty percent more than Israelist right? I don't know, right, And in the current economy, from what I see, it's it's pretty low. So you're just can I have enough to eat? That's what I would like.

Oh did you see the Wall Street journal piece that was talking about how we're soon going to have the first one hundred million dollar a year NBA player.

Within a decade or so? Did they know who it'll be?

Well, they have suspects, but it has to do with the TV revenue and the league revenue and the salary cap and the rest of it. That the top players will earn more in a year than Michael Jordan earned in his entire career. Maybe not adjusted for inflation, but close enough anyway.

They probably knew to look their interviewer in the eye. That's a good one. Make sure your kids have a good Dan shake and look them in the eye. About half didn't do that, About half asked for too much money. About half dressed inappropriately, which I guess would always be underdressed. Can you overdress for anything? I mean, even if you're a line for a construction job, would you get dinged if you showed up in a suit and tie? I don't know.

Actually no, applying to be the assistant accountant you show up in a ball gown, that would be a little hot.

But these last three, while the percentages are smaller, they're still shocking. Over a quarter used inappropriate language.

What that's probably, to a large extent, generational in that what is was acceptable for the generation before us, we went beyond that, et cetera, et cetera.

I can believe that. Where do you see yourself in five years not working for an F and C like you? I mean, no, no, no, no, no. I don't think that's a good example at all. Probably not. No.

People told me that I wouldn't excel in this field, but I didn't give an s not knowing that that's inappropriate for a job interview. By the way, get just to rewind for a second, I'm shelling. My example is probably over I think it's that sort of aggression using any sort of language, which does remind me of my favorite joke, but without the obscenity, it's not funny enough, right, yes.

Yeah, exactly, all right, I gotta I gotta say it.

I'll use the word spit, okay, instead of the S word, which for some reason they can say all day long on cable but not broadcast Anyway.

A guy goes into a job interview that's going pretty well.

The employer says to him, so, what do you suppose is your greatest fault. The guy says, well, people tell me I'm too honest, and the employer says, I don't think that's a fault at all.

The guy says, I don't give a spit what you think, which is even funnier a F bomb. It's funnier with the S bomb. Anyway, where was I? Oh?

I am shocked at the number of young people I meet who have no idea how to shake hands, the eye contact thing. I have a little more sympathy for it because I have a kid on the autism spectrum, but most kids are not that. Teach your kids, single moms, maybe it's more with you. I don't know, but firm handshake, look them in the eye, say hi, good to meet you. That lesson will take roughly thirty seconds of your kid's life and open doors like you can't well, it will not closed doors like the limp wrists. I don't give a crap that I'm meeting you. Thing that I get.

It's just oh, it's such an unforced error anyway, teacher kids, Yes, Katie, Well, it's just.

One of those classes that should be taught in high school. The most valuable class I took was an elective for ECON and there were two weeks on interviewing, handshakes, how to conduct yourself and you're getting a job. Yeah, And I was thinking this shouldn't be an elective. This should be something that's required, like accounting and financing.

I don't know. I think you should spend more time learning the state capitals that boys might go to for a waste of time in school.

We'll we'll get to how to interview and handle a credit card and what compound interest is right after we review the genderbread person. Right now, what your body is is your sex, how you feel is your gender. Jimmy can be Joni and will give you the chemicals and surgery. You just go down to the school counseling officer. There's no time to teach those other things. I fell down on the teaching the eye contact thing. I'm embarrassed about it.

I got the handshake, but I didn't think about the eye contact one. And then my youngest when he started football, his football coach is awesome, really really cool guy, great guy. But anyway, my son went and said, shook hands, said like your handshake, but you gotta look me in the eye. Look me in the eye next time. That's fantastic. I would he should have learned that from me, but he didn't. But that's a good one. That is a good one. So again, half of the interviewers didn't. So you put yourself on the top half just by looking the person in the eye. Wow. Yeah. But over a quarter used in appropriate language. A fifth refused to turn on the camera during a zoom interview. Refused like they asked. They told you to turn on the camera. You say no, I'd prefer not to. I'd like to see you and meet you, and I'm keeping it off. Okay, we'll talk. Well, well we can be done. Then, I guess we don't need to waste anybody else's time. If you're unwilling to turn on the camera, I mean, are you the elephant man? I mean, is there a reason you don't want to turn on the camera. Well, I hate to suck all the fun out of it, but I am a fun suck. These kids did not raise themselves. I think about that every day, my kids and other kids and just general vibes in the schools and everything like that. Yeah. Anyway, and this last one is the funniest one. Here's the here's the best one. Oh boy, maybe Katie, you know somebody like this because you're younger, because we're because this would have never happened when we were younger. A fifth brought a parent to the interview.

Oh boy, no, no, I don't know anyone like that.

Thank god, we've heard this. We've been on this topic before and gotten plenty of calls and emails and texts back when we took calls about how college teachers they get calls from the parents all the time. Yeah, yeah, you know, Jenny, I guess it wouldn't be Jenny had been Ashley. Ashley is not going to be a class Friday. She's sick. The mom calls or the dad in college? Right? Right?

This is uh Logan's dad?

Or what what would be good one? That's a good one, Logan's good, Logan. This is Logan's dad. He's really struggling in your class.

And I wondered, is there any chance we could get him a little more time to turn in that assignment.

I just I don't know.

K screams maturity and I can handle this job like bringing my mom along.

Yeah, so the school thing is one level. It's a new level. You brought a parent to the job interview. Oof. Wow. And so that really gets to the hole they didn't raise themselves, which should be said over and over again by society because there's a lot of knocking on gen X or gen Z or so they didn't raise themselves. We did this to them. The fact that so there are two people there, the one that doesn't really know any better because you raised them, and you the grown up who showed up to the interview with your kid. What the hell? How about this as a compromise, I'm gonna keep my camera off, but my mom's gonna turn hers on. So let's proceed with this interview. But my mom drops a lot of f bombs, So a thing a deal. But she's gonna look in the eye as she calls you an effort. So it's just there's compromises to be had. Oh boy, I.

Was ashamed to say this, but we had somebody that brought their mom to work here at one time.

That's right, I do remember that. And that's all. Wait, wait a minute, bringing your mom to work is one saying, yeah, this wasn't the one she showed up with baked goods. Yeah, let's take it easy. Yeah, it was a fair amount. It was like a regular thing. But I didn't hate it. It was fine. Uh. Here's one more observation on this.

H came across this in the journal the workers who do everything on their phones except answer calls. It was about younger workers, particularly with telephonophobia.

What I think it's a lot more significant than it seems.

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What what would you say if you're the interviewer. They both come in the room hi, and then they'd assume that I'm I'm I'm Melnda, I'm Hayden's mom. Okay, I think.

Wow, see you set me up for this, so I'm more mentally prepared than if the two of them just walked into the room and I'm like, whoa wait what the moment I had clarity, I think I would say thank you for coming, but I'd really like to talk to Jenny one on one. You'd have to say that if Jenny was anxious, if she's by herself, so I probably should stick around. She's gonna be working by herself. You can leave, or you both can leave. Those are the two choices right there. Bingo, bang go.

You gotta get that right. If it gets that far.

Interviews over, Yeah, which is sad it ultimately it's sad. We don't have time for the phone phobia thing. I will make my point very briefly for once. Now it's hard to without a little description.

We'll do it when we come back. It'll be great.

When we come back, it'll be great. It'll be great, it will be great. Thanks you, Thank you for the positive affirmation. I'm gonna walk with my mom and a lot to me. I'm gonna walk down, walk down to the coffee machine with my mom. She helps me with the coffee machine because it comes out so hot it hurts your little land.

Stay with us.

It's just something for the older people to come do and have a happy hour and come get some good food and not have to worry about some of the young folks.

They bring some of that drama. Of course, we have been getting a little backlash, but that's okay because we're sticking to our code. Those are younger ones. You could come patronize the business once you turn thirty at thirty five, because we're gonna be here for a while. So that's a restaurant where they're not going to have any men under thirty five or women under thirty allowed in the restaurant. Interesting idea. Yeah, see if that catches on. I don't know why they cut off the age at thirty five and thirty.

I think there's a lot to be said about this story. It's interesting. It is a black owned restaurant West African and Caribbean cuisine. Men got to be thirty five, women got to be thirty two to come in, otherwise they have.

Too much trouble. Okay, gotcha, Yeah, gotcha.

Yeah, that's kind of troubling. Anyway, As I started to say, we were talking about you know various social skills in interviewing and that sort of thing. Big piece in the Wall Street Journal about younger workers in particular that have telephonophobia, and there's a lot of description of various supervisors talking about how they can't get their people to pick up the phone and they text and say what do you want? Or insist sometimes on a zoom meeting, but it's got to be scheduled. And they quote a couple of young people about I might be put on the spot, I'm not gonna know what to say, or this other woman says, if I can't see their facial expressions, I'm fearful I might say the wrong thing or they'll take something the wrong way.

And I won't be able to tell Wow and all.

And I'm not here to mock the young I will, I will, but I'm not here for that. So what got me out of bed today? On the other hand, you know, again we raised them. But here you have the most fundamental interact action human beings have done for hundreds of thousands of years. All of a sudden we have people who are afraid to do it. Hey, what's going on? I'm good?

How are you? I'm fine?

Hey, any chance we can get that by the end of today, that is too terrifying for people to do.

I hadn't thought about it that way. First became aware of this, jeez, quite a few years ago, now, maybe ten years ago. People I knew and respected who were afraid to call to order a pizza. So it's been growing for a while. But you're right, you can't get a more fundamental human interaction than hey, can I get a pizza right now?

Granted it's on the telephone, and cave men rarely have ever used telephones, but I think it means more than just a funny quirk of the young. And I also think occasionally, Jack, you'll bring up, well, you know, in the world to come, it's gonna be all.

Texting and blah blah blah blah blah. But I know from physiology that if you let one muscle system atrophy, it messes up everything. And I've got to believe the brain that we were given that evolved over one hundreds of thousands of years. If all of a sudden we can't do something it is fundamental to ourselves as a beast that doesn't exist in isolation, I think that's a bad thing. Well then I had admitted earlier this week with a great shame that I'd gotten a phone call from somebody I know and wasn't expecting it, and was like, whoa, I mean, it hit me me too. It hit me me too. It wouldn't have years ago. I wouldn't have been surprised to get a phone call from well, certainly from somebody I know. But I looked at my phone as like, they're calling. Now, why are they calling? I wasn't expecting a call. I picked up.

Fine, right, I have the same reaction, Oh my gosh, I wonder what he wants. I wonder if I'll have to like commit to something or something.

It is a good friend of mine. I just I think we need to stop and take a look at what we're doing to ourselves. That's weird, Yeah it is.

And you know, for in my entire life, I could have picked up the phone and said, uh is this mister Getty? Yeah, this is the wherever I am police, and I my reaction be oh, wow, I wonder what's up right, not like oh no, oh no, I mean unless I just recently committed a crime.

Again, I'm not criticizing other people. Are the young I'm saying, what are we doing to ourselves? Cheer Generation Katie, You're running the world. I do not own this. Yeah, I don't know. I need to look at the changes in my own brain when I look at my phone from a call from somebody I wanted to talk to him. Oh can I'm calling you right now, Jack, literally right now. Can I be fine? Oh no, It's gonna be fine.

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