It's A Freaking Duck

Published Dec 3, 2024, 4:25 PM

Hour 2 of A&G features...

  • It's a Late Night Joke Off!
  • The Hunter pardon helps Hunter but hurts everything and everyone else
  • Are you raw dogging the air?!
  • Central American gangs are coming to the US due to the lack of punishment

Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio, the George Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong, Joe Ketty, arm Strong and Gatty and He Armstrong and Getty.

I don't know why people keep referring to it as a ten year pardon, because it's an eleven year pardon, as John Stewart pointed out last night, And as John Stewart said, that's a very specific number, I mean, because ten makes it sound like, okay, you probably throw out ten's like like Nichols and Dimes. I mean they come into nominations of five and ten and fifteen or something. But no, it's very specific, eleven year, fully encompassing anything we know or anything we would ever know.

Pardon for eleven years, right, you know.

It reminds me of one of my favorite memes of recent vintage. If someone tells you I'll be there in ten minutes, they'll be there in fifteen minutes. If somebody tells you I'll be there in eleven minutes, they will be there in eleven minutes.

Yeah, it's oddly specific.

As you say, we'll play the John Stewart stuff a little bit later, because he was really good on this last night, and it's funny.

I was just looking up at the screen.

I didn't watch all of Morning Joe Today on MSNBC, but I guess Joe Scarborough was outraged that The New York Times, of all people, were just making way too big a deal out of this. Well, I'd say the average Democrat is making a very big deal out of it.

And as.

One Democratic strategist I saw on Mark Alpern's Zoom call yesterday, he said, the problem with this is it's a completely selfish move. You can understand why Joe Biden did it, but it only helps him and his family. It hurts everything else in the Democratic Party. It hurts our our arguing position on several different fronts. It hurts so many of our policy positions. It only helps Joe Biden and his family. Hurts everything else. Is the problem with it? Yeah, there are a number of real problems with it that go far, far beyond. Look, I'm a dad, he's a dad.

I get it.

Yeah, Okay, that gets you past, like, you know, aspect one of this. The problem is there are several other aspects of it that are utterly unforgivable. So we will discuss that first, though, Mirth Friends allegedly perhaps so late night joke off. We have three comics making jokes about the same topic. I Joe Getty will rate them for humor content bottom grade. Getter banned for comedy from Comedy for Life. All Right, the stakes are high, let's hear it, Michael.

Yeah, it was a big shopping weekend and millions of people got great deals. But nobody got a better deal than Hunter.


Yeah, both Republicans and Democrats are upset.

It's kind of nice.

It's like, for his last act as president.

Biden united the country.

Isn't that not?


Yeah, Biden went back on his long standing pledge to not use his presidential powers to protect his son. In Biden's defense, there's a ninety nine percent chance that he forgot he said that.

I mean, Joe Biden gave a full pardon to his son Hunter.

You go, Joe.

I don't know if it was the right thing to do, but you certainly earned that world's greatest dad mug.


Biden announced it last night, right, but technically he snuck Hunter's pardon in last week while he was doing the turkeys. I say he should go full bucket list just pardon everybody.

You know what would be really funny.

This would be really funny if Joe pardoned like.

Every late night host, And just because.

I think it would be a funny bit, I would accept that pardon.

President Biden, even though he specifically said he wouldn't pardon his son Hunter yesterday on federal tax and firearm charges, he dropped the pardon. The Bidens went to church in Nantucket on Saturday. At one point during the mass, Hunter turned to his father. He said, Dad, do you hear what the priest said about forgiveness?

And it was done?

I wonder if Joe now has to get.

Hunter or anything for Christmas?

This is good enough, right, that's a good point. Does need to give his dad a gifted Christmas? Just put a photocopy of the the pardoner under the tree, old man. It'll be fine, Thank you. I got a couple of solid bees Fallon and Kimmel. Colbert started strong, then just got done. I don't know what that was self referential? See minus Colbert, you're banned from comedy for life. Guttfelt didn't was.

He not honor? No fast? Too bad?

I'll bet he had been funny as heck on that fallon was you know, there was a lot of really apt commentary there in addition to being funny.

Just yeah.

In his defense, he might not remember all those times he said, I'm not going to pardon my son. John Stewart did a and now my one man play the Thanksgiving dinner table at the Bidens, and it's way too visual for us to use it on the early But his thing was Hunter, they're eating the turkey. Hello, everybody having a good Thanksgiving? So you pardoned all the turkeys. You didn't pardon this turkey, this turkey, but you didn't pardon some turkeys. So you can parton some. But how about what the crowd cheering and the Colbert thing. I mean, you're sitting in a crowd at a TV show, you've probably never been to one in your life, and you don't know how you're supposed to react.

So that's part of it. But what would you Why would you cheer that?

Nobody is happy with that nobody because the idea So some of the news reporting out today that Joe Biden was worried his son would lose his sobriety if he got He's supposed to be sentenced in two different cases in the month of December. So if he got sent to prison, his son might use a SOBRITI. Yeah, there's lots of families across the country that wonder about that, with their dad, their sons, their cousin, their whatever.

Lots of people.

Can anybody think of a way to avoid that? If you said, don't do serious crimes, you've got it. Yeah, I just I don't. I wonder how this is playing in. They always talk about the black community when it comes to drugs and drug sentencing and imprisonment and all that sort of stuff. How does the black vote feel about, Oh, rich white guy doesn't actually have to go to jail when he gets caught.

Okay, cool?

Yeah, Yeah, Well, to the extent that it's resonating with folks, I'm sure that has crossed their minds. Gerard Baker one of many commentators commentating on this.

He writes for The Wall Street Journally.

You know, he brought up the whole lawfair thing against Trump and how Republicans have been claiming quite legitimately, I think that there's a double standard, and it occurred to me there's there's something more like a triple standard. And you know, I'm not gonna blanket to describe all of the charges and accusations against Trump is all completely ridiculous.

But certainly the ones that either.

Got uh he got convicted of and the appeals court, if it gets a chance again, is gonna knock it out of the park like a sho hey o Tani treats a hanging curveball, and that will go away forever. But there was unquestionably lawfair against Trump.

I don't think any reasonable human being can deny that.

So you've got the triple standard of if you're an opponent of the Democrats, they will unleash the hounds of law on you, justifiably or not. If you are a Democrat, you can be convicted of a jury of your peers. By a jury of your peers, you can admit to your guilt in a bookret. I mean it's that it's not like hunters going around saying no, I didn't do it. He specifically said no, I didn't do.

All this stuff. Right, And then when the.

Investigators try to tilt the scales in your favor and are called out by whistleblowers and you get convicted of all charges, well, you plead guilty because you're so clearly guilty, no problem, Daddy will just make it all go away, and indeed blank the slate for an eleven year period.

More on that to come. So that's two standards.

Then there's the rest of us in the middle, who try not to break the law and if we do, we face the consequences and we try to get a good attorney and stuff like that. So there's truly with the Democrats in charge, it would seem a triple standard. You're the in group, you're the out group, or you're just us poor unwashed slobs in the middle. It's you should be angry. I hate the word cynical because generally when people turn cynical, they stop caring, and I hate the idea of people not caring anymore. But yeah, it's enough to make a person really really cynical.

God, I'd say so. I liked this angle.

Whoever originally was reporting that Jill Biden was the one really pushing Joe to give Hunter a pardon, and this occurred over the Thanksgiving weekend, and so they're heading into December. As I mentioned, the sentencing was supposed to happen in December. And when you get sentenced, do you go right to jail. I mean, like sometimes the judge gives you a few weeks to get your craft and order.

He would have dangered a society.

He would have been very soon seeing the inside of a jail cell. And so uh, doctor Jill Biden was pushing her husband who barely knows, who barely knows what day it is to pardon your one surviving son. And the CNN was reporting that New York Times reporting that where we're told that in recent weeks that doctor Joe Biden, first Lady Joe Biden, was very supportive of the president doing some sort of full.

Pardon blah blah blah blah. But as they mentioned in the New York Post, in.

His laptop came out that Hunter had called her and entitled see you in Toledo, see you in Toledo. He called her an entitled CNN vindictive moron. Wow, So quite a string of epithets for you, mama, dear.

It's interesting that you would.

I mean, you know, I mean, maybe that makes her a good Christian person or something she turns to out of the cheek. But you know, if my entitled sun who feels like he can get away with anything, calls.

Me a moron and a c How about.

You spend a little time in jail get your head right, as opposed to me getting you once again bailing you out, so.

You get to do whatever the hell you want in your life.

Keeping in mind that fake doctor Jill also was the one, according to many accounts, who was pushing Joe to run again.

Right, which was obscene and absurd.

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I think he probably actually believes that.

And that's how he gets around any moral problems or how he's damaging his own party in the same way that oj died believing he did not kill his estranged wife and Ron Gorrightlin. It was at this point that when Joe Biden became convinced that it was his running for president that caused under all these problems, he became deeply concerned that the pressure of the trials would push his son into a relapse after years of sobriety, and began to realize there might not be any way out beyond issuing a pardon. It appears that there was never serious consideration of anything short of a full pardon, such as a commutation of his sentence, according to sources close, Okay, I want to get into that, because a commutation of the sentence it would have been a hell of a lot more defensible than the obvious covering up of the Biden crime family moved eliminating any conceivable charges over the eleven year period.

That's spectacular. That's a good point.

So hey, dad, even though you've convinced yourself that you brought all this heat upon him because you're in for president, what's that got to do with charges yet discovered?

Yeah, what's that all about?

If he bashed a gambler over the head in Vegas when he was smoking crack and getting with hoes there and took the guy's money, you get it. Let him off the hook for that, too, old man. Please, it's unforgivable.

We got more on.

All this, and are you guilty of raw dogging the air the hot phrase of the week.

Have you been raw dogging the air? Stay tuned.

Sources told CNN today that President Biden did not go through the Office of the Pardon Attorney at the Justice Department as his standard. In fact, President Biden has been discussing pardoning his son with top aids since Hunter's conviction in June.

According to NBC News.

Is reporting, Yeah, so even the way they went about it was different than usual. That's Jake Tapper there on CNN. So Joe was making the point about the pardon, and the reporting in the New York Times is that they never even considered some sort of commutation of the sentence or some sort of lesser pardon. They were gonna go with the full anything you've ever done in your life wrong is you're absolved of pardon, which is more or less wildly unprecedented. It's the heck of a thing for the as John Stewart said, very specific number of eleven years. It makes you wonder why, Yeah, I had to do it that way, But so what else are they trying to cover up? That's what Jonathan Turley, law professor George Washington University is talking about here.

You know, the Bidens have been notorious for nepotism and influence peddling. I've been writing about them from before the Biden was vice president. They are the goats of this favorite form of corruption in DC, which is influence pedaling, and this pardon really sealed that that status.

I mean, we've never s I've anything like them.

I mean, they have done an amazing job in avoiding any responsibility, accountability or even answers. Congress can demand those answers.

Goats the corruption.

By the way, my protest metal band we're a lot like Rage against the Machine, but with Banjo's. You know, I haven't sput as much time as you have thinking about the Biden crime family in that whole thing.

But I'm reading the.

Dispatches coverage of this today and I was starting to think I feel like they had Trump derangement syndrome because they're talking about the Hunter Biden gun charge. Well, it often doesn't get actually prosecuted, very seldom, blah blah blah. The tax charge is very often people are allowed to so maybe it was just because it was Hunter Biden. Of course, you have to make the argument that Joe Biden's own justice Department has it in for him. But what the dispatch gets to, which is what you're getting to. This is all a red herring to have us all talking about the gun charges and the tax stuff. The pardon is to cover up looking into the family's money laundering scheme that they've been doing forever. That's what the pardon's all about, right. It walks like a duck. It quacks like a duck. It laid eggs that hatched ducks. We cut it open, we checked its DNA. It's duck DNA. It wrote a memoir that said, my life is a duck, exactly the idea that all of those lucrative contracts and all of those weird LLCs in which money sloshed back and forth within the family, all of those one hundred thousand dollars loans that there's no record of ever being paid back, all of those properties that are owned by somebody nobody, it's not clear.

Come on, it's a freaking duck.

I've been convinced so the the Biden people, the family, because they're the only ones. As I said earlier, it's a very selfish act. It only helps him and his like immediate family. It hurts everything else. It hurts the country and makes everybody more cynical. It hurts the entire Democratic Party and all their arguments policy wise or just taken on Trump. I mean, so it's a very specific group.

That it helps.

But the Biden families listening to talk radio or Kable News or whatever, thinking, Okay, they're talking about the taxes and the guns and arguing over who gets charged for that and whatever. They think it's about Hunter and just to that stuff cool and not that it's an eleven year full pardon for things we don't even know about. That's the whole point. You're encompassing Joe Biden's years as vice president, right, Yeah, coincidence.

No thought this was interesting.

I've heard this in a couple of places, including from Katie's dad, Judge Larry uh. Hunter no longer has a Fifth Amendment right against self incrimination, so he could be subpoena to Congress and be forced to tell all. Of course, he could lie, but then he could be prosecuted for perjury, which isn't covered by the pardon. This is why he will probably pardon his brother and maybe even himself. I know you can't do the but how do you make some talk if they just don't talk, can you make some like oh thumbscrus.


I gotta get to our you raw dogg in the air because I think many of you are raw dogging the air right now and it's not good saying that.

Armstrong and Getty, I hope you all enjoyed your Cyber Monday and it was a tight family memorable, lots of good pictures.

Exciting is the word I would use. Yeah.

Anyway, we still have our Cyber Monday special going at Armstrong in Getty dot com if you want to get an Armstrong and Getty T shirt or brazier or whatever. O.

The other weird things are we sell.

The sportspra Is endorsed by my daughter. Okay, and don't we do have the new premium allion Gie black and gold Adidas hoodie Top Level March for a big friend of Armstrong A yet the biggest, most flaming friend of Armstrong in Getty you.

Know deserves this hoodie? Wow, I might get that. Do we get a discount? We pay an extra twenty percent. But isn't there a special going on? Is the special still going on? Hanson? No, no code? This is it? Okay?

Okay, code, okay, don't want to get myself in the memo. Apparently well I probably got it and then forgot it. I'm like Joe Biden. No, you didn't get it. That's bad management, Hanson, what's the matter with you? The co host didn't get the memo, he wasn't sent the memo. It's disgusting. It's like the Biden pardon. So it is Uh, if you do know somebody who's fanning the show, it's very easy because that's what you want to do, right. You want to scratch people's names off the list, get it off your table, get him something, and move on with your life. So this is what you do, loud, So are you raw dogging the air?

This is kind of funny and interesting in a couple of different ways.

So it's just Taylor Lorenz human being that we've talked about before. She was a Washington Post columnist that was so over the top and nuts they had to let her go from the Washington Boaster. Did she quit whichever? What it was, they couldn't they couldn't work together anymore. First of all, she's super crazy, pro hamas and everything like that, and wrote a column for the WAPO accusing Joe Biden being a war criminal for supporting lab blah blah, all that crap. Anyway, she's got a book out to talk about her days in journalism at the Washington Post and stuff that no one will ever read. And she had a book event over the weekend in which, uh, and as this will become clear in a second, she was super worried about COVID for some reason this book event. Oh and well, I'll just read this tweet first, She tweets out, Planning a COVID safe book launch took months.

Why did it even cross your mind? This is this is today, this is contemporary, this was two days ago.

Planning a COVID safe book lunch took months and thousands of my own dollars, ensuring testing outdoor space, UV lights and a lity of other precautions. Okay, how insane is that? I didn't want to steal your thunder in case that's where it's going. But her main what she's known for mostly am I still in your thunder? I don't know, is absolutely rabid enforcement of online especially never challenging the mainstream, especially during COVID. If you dared suggest there was a problem with knockdowns or vaccines.

Were she wanted you docked.

Ruined deep platform, called out your career over She's a freaking lunatic. God, that is crazy. So you're launching your book, you spend thousands of your own dollars to make sure everybody gets tested, now really before they're allowed in the book. Thing u V lights whatever those are for, and a little of other precautions. Mean, awhile, you dumb f's, I'm glad I didn't actually say it. Meanwhile, you dumb f's are out there raw dogging the air and spewing your disease laden breath all over your elderly name.

Quote from Taylor Lorenz.

Yeah, so that's where the phrase raw dogging the air comes from.

Raw dogging the air.

Lorenz claims that people who don't wear masks in public are quote raw dogging the air, said this music out. That's usually a phrase I obscene. That's usually a phrase that means you're having sex without a condom. Oh oh, I was right, it is quas I have seen.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're you're you're raw dogging if you're having six withoutup condom, which is fine to me.

It's also a viral TikTok trend where passengers on airplanes sit silently and without distractions on long flights. I like Putty and Seinfeldt. I've never heard that one before anyway. Uh. I don't know if I know anybody this crazy about COVID, but I know some people that are still pretty damn masked up and won't shake hands and stuff like that currently, So.

They really need to be analyzed.

Wow, you have an event and you make everybody get tested, masked and have special UV lights.

Wow, you are an insane person. Yeah.

Oh yeah, she is mentally unbalanced, absolutely true, and just absolutely vicious. Yeah, she's a terrible human being. So if you hear that, that's making the rounds around social media, the raw dogging the air, it's very popular right now. Probably since we're talking about COVID, should throw this out. You know old Cash Patel, who might be the director of the FBI. Last year he was selling some sort of pills on a website and on his Twitter feed that were for reversing the vacs. If you want to cleanse your body of the COVID vaccine and worry about the damage it was doing to you and your children, you could take his pills to reverse any of the vaccines. Wow, whatever it was doing to you, that's just stealing the money of the easily led suckers.

That's just fraud. Wow. Well, yeah, that's fraud. He's a fraud merchant.

You know what I should have asked for the clip from Special Report with Brett Beer last night, in which Trey Goudie, former federal prosecutor and a guy I really like, said, as against the Matt Gates nomination, as I was, I am for Cash Patel.

I really think he will do a great job. Cool. That means a lot to me.

Did he get into specifics, Well, yeah, he just thought Patel did an absolutely fantastic, smart, aggressive job in countering the Russian collusion hoax.

Oh, we do have that clip. Go ahead.

Michael worked elbow to elbow with Cash Patel for two years. You would not know the foundation or the funding of the steal dossier. You would not know them about fives abuse, you would not know about Fusion GPS had it not been for the hard work of a guy named Cash Patel. He is quite candidly the most unfairly maligned person that I worked with the entire eight years. I was in Washington, So I know the left setting their hair on fire is because of what he found, not because of who he is. Because of what he found, you would not know about the fives of us if it were not for cash Till.

And his side hustle was selling steake oil that I don't like that, But that's all I need to know, because Trey Goudy has pointed out, I mean he was hardcore. Matt Gates shouldn't be attorney general hardcore correct, So it's not like he's, you know, going along with that or whatever Trump wants. No, if former prosecutor like that is on his side, that's all I need to know. Cool, glad to hear that.

Yeah, I love Trey Goudy.

Yeah, Patel is clearly in that list of I said yesterday, I think it was that fifty percent of Trump's nominations were rock solid, about twenty five percent were surprising and intriguing, and twenty five percent or so or bat poop nuts.

And those are rough numbers obviously.

Yeah, Patel's clearly in that intriguing category. Oh, speaking of crime and punishment, I promised I would pay off this hour the story we started last hour about this trendy Iragua gangster in New York who committed terrible crimes and been arrested and released half a dozen times and half a dozen months. Can you imagine committing so many crimes you get arrested six times. I mean I could go and commit a crime right now and not get caught for it anyway, How that system works, and how the Central American gangs are well aware of it coming up. And since we brought you the phrase raw dogging the air that you might come across, are you aware of the term anxiety, which apparently is popular right now with some studies out on which alcohol is the best to drink to avoid anxiety. I don't know if Joe has suffered from this over the Thanksgiving break. There are a couple of drinks that make it worse than others. Apparently, when you have a hangover and it makes you really, really anxious. Some boozeres do that in something. Does I just well, I don't know about that. I tend to think those distinctions alcohol is alphony.

Right exactly?

Yeah, but yes, I actually I just happened to be reading about that a guy who quit drinking. He said one of the reasons. Was is it increases the production of cortisol? Was it which is a hormone that contributes to anxiety. Don't forgive me if that's the wrong hormone, but.

So you wake up? I thought that was interesting.

Hungover and anxious, although the anxiety might be the where's my car?

Or who is she? I mean that will make you anxious? Right? Yeah? Yeah? Right?

Or I feel terrible? Am I having a heart attack? Or you know, is something wrong with my brain? I'm very far or or now I got to get a new job. That will make you anxious too? I said, what, Yeah, that'll will make you anxious?

All right?

Or how long are they gonna leave me in here? Before I get to see a lawyer? That'll make you anxious?

I've told him three times I gotta pee? Or are they gonna let me pee? Yah? Anxiety? Yes, okay, great?

And I've become aware through a bit of research, a very little research, that.

Raw dogging, which is fun to say.

Because of the assimilation, not assimilation, assonance. And what word am I looking for? Alliterations? Got alliteration except it's assenance. Yeah, it's it's the vowel sound raw dogging, raw dog is fun to say. It can be a number of things. It originated as having unprotected sex. But like if you have the flu, you don't take any medication and you just gut it out, that's raw dogging the flu.

I would it's kind of multi purpose.

I'm not going to say to my kids, they have a headache, would you like somebody be proven? And I'm gonna say, oh, so you're a raw dog in your headache. I'm not going to say that. Not gonna use that in that way.

Well, you don't have to, but it is multi multi is very versatile. And then sitting on a plane and staring straight ahead, is that what he said? I guess it's evolved into.

It just means dealing with something without any aid. First flight, I got on, had Life Story person in front of me, loud Life Story person. Oh I didn't have any headphones or anything like that.

I'm just gonna read.

But just I just I'm always amazed by that, the lack of self awareness for how loud you are or how much you're talking. Do you notice nobody else is talking. You've been talking for an hour and nobody else has been talking. It doesn't seem odd to you in any way.

No, if it doesn't those people, how.

Do you go through your whole life without without thinking, Huh, there's a bunch of human beings here. We could either all not talk, or we could all talk equally, or I could talk the entire time while they listen. One of them seems odd. Yeah, It's impossible for me to imagine. And I think one of the reasons I'm reasonably good at this is I'm very self conscious about what I say, so I tend to form it pretty carefully. I mean, somebody can say, Joe, what do you think? And I think is it appropriate for me to talk now? So I can't imagine somebody who's in that completely polar opposite headspace.

I just can't.

And then along with the volume, just like so everybody in several roles can hear you night.


And then when I got out of high school, that's when the fun really started.

So I joined the military. I don't recall asking, sir, what.

The hell do you know anybody like that? And you have any explanation. I've been wondering about this my whole life. Text line four two nine five KFTC Are you like that? And you don't know it or don't care?

Is that it?

They don't know it, they can't, they can't be aware of it, or you wouldn't do it? And why and how Central American gangs are opening up field offices in American cities all over the country, walking across the border with specific plans to do crimes that should bother you.

Hey, you with us?



Caitln Collins of CNN said Biden's pardon letter sounded like something Trump posts on the truth social Wow. Ooh, that's a rare moment of clarity from CNN, which is dying.

Maybe we can talk about that next hour.

Yeah, We've got more on the fallout from the hunter Biden pard and it's danged interesting and not usual. But more on that in hour three. Absolutely great coverage in the Free Press Olivia Reingold Rinning a piece about this scumbag, twenty five year old Brandon Simosa. He's a Venezuelan immigrant, He's a TDA guy. He's committed an armed robbery and sex crime against this woman in New York. She's a New York City prosecutor though, and is not letting this go away, thank goodness. A couple of interesting notes about mister Smosa. It was his seventh arrest since June. This happened just last month. Seventh arrest since June of this year. How many crimes do you have to do to get arrested that frequently? Most of us have never been arrested and always have assumed throughout our lives. I have that if I ever did get arrested, it would be a really big deal.

And apparently it's not in some cases.

Well worth mentioning that this lady who's a prosecutor works for one. To Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan District Attorney who's downgrade fasts. He's downgraded sixty percent of felony cases, lesser charges to claim to prosecute fourteen percent of all arrests last year.

Blah blah blah, too many in New York, though, he's.

Better known for his track record of freeing criminals like Ramon Rivere, a homeless man who had two decades of arrests on his rap sheet, plus prison time two stints at a psychiatric hospital when he recently stabbed three New Yorkers to death. All sorts of offenses get a pass under Brag, including a resisting arrest, so go ahead and fight a cop if you like.

In New York City.

Well, in some of these cases, the crimes against women, it's interesting that having lived through the me too moment, where if a guy asked a girl out on a date at work, he force of you know, the woke social media would come after you. But you can rape and beat women and be let out and there's like no outrage.

Right. So here's the main thread of the story.

Though Samosa is one of nearly two hundred and fifty two hundred and fifteen thousand immigrants, the city's absorbed just in the last couple of years thanks to the Biden open borders policy, the sanctuary cities like New York. But the criminal gangs in Central America, they have the Internet, they know all this has happened. So Hannah Meyer, Director Meyers, director of Policing and Public Safety at the Manhattan Institute, says, and I quote, now that word has fully gotten back that the ground to Central America, that the ground is so fertile for crime in the US, and specifically the sanctuary cities like New York with progressive prosecutors, gang members are coming here explicitly because why wouldn't they it's a great place to set up shop for a criminal. Some of this is in twenty nineteen, New York State legislature passed a justice reform law quote unquote that made hundreds of offenses no longer eligible for bail. So that means most perpetrators like Samosa. This is the arm robber or sex crime guy who had six prior offenses including domestic assault, grand larceny, fair evasion. He gets in the guy's inn, a legal immigrant, and we don't kick him out. Trump can't get into office fast enough anyway. He gets to walk free quote even if a judge thinks he's dangerous.

Fear a Central American gang.

You'd be insane not to open up a field office in New York City. Right to Henry, make it here, You'll make it anywhere.

I'm all over the news. I'm famous. My friends told me.

He reportedly told cops according to a prosecutor, mister Simosa. And the title of this article that I mentioned last hour is no wonder he's smiling. He's gotten away with it so many times. It's a picture of him being taken into custody smiling like crazy and not like that fake posted. I'm Okay, smile, He's truly amused. Well, if you're from some little poor village in the middle of nowhere, Central America, and you know you're going to be on TV in New York City, which is, you know, the epicenter of the world, it's going.

To be quite a feeling.

Later that same day, when he was arraigned, the judge Janet MacDonald reprimanded the defendants, saying he arrived here in New York in June and has managed to get arrested at least seven times since June. She added that even in the courtroom she'd caught him smiling and laughing during the proceedings. Well, this kid's lifestyle aside, this is a lot of why Donald Trump god elected.

I mean just this is insanity.

Illegal immigrants committing crimes and you get to stay. Yeah, when we catch you crime after crime after crime. I I don't wrap your head around that. No, it's completely insane. It is a recipe for disaster, and it's got to change now. A current Democrat US senator says Joe Biden should partner in Donald Trump like he did Hunter Biden, among other things.

Coming up an hour three, Armstrong and Getty

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