In hour 1 of The Armstrong & Getty Show
Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio of the George Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong and Joe Katty.
Armstrong and Jackie and Key.
Armed Free, Dinny Free, Dinny innocent man, philanthropist, loving father.
According to Goods Family, did you say philanthropist or philanderer?
Live from Studio C Dimley.
We're in a dimly lit room deeper than the bowels of the Armstrong and Getty Communications compound, with razor wire to keep wrappers out, and today we're under the tutelage of our general manager.
You know what I'm most excited about.
I think as I scan the audio sheet for today, I think we have a new eating the Dogs and Cats remix cool. So that's our general manager. They're eating the dogs remixes.
So is this an arrest a technique that I'd never seen before. I've seen this a couple of times. I just saw it on the TV. Now when they arrested the want to be assassin. They had him pull his shirt up over his head and then like his arms were pinned in his shirt and then they came up behind him and arrested. Is that to a see if you got under anything under your shirt or is that because if you got your arms pinned up underneath your shirt, you can't really do anything.
Well right, and you can't see what's going on. It ris to me just a doubly useful.
But doesn't it seem like I would have seen that on a cop show or a movie or something at some point in my life.
I've never seen that before, and I like it.
And you know, this guy's a scumbag, a crazy person who was going to kill the president.
So you got to do what you gotta do.
But like, if I just get arrested for you know, some regular thing that I didn't do, I'm an innocent man this case, like did he do.
I gotta lift my shirt up over my head for everyone to see? Is that necessary?
Because then we get another right inserted into the bill of them to hide one's dad bought. Is there a different way to arrest me that doesn't include me showing myself to people, or just go ahead and shoot me? If the if the options are I gotta take off my shirt or be shot, just go ahead and shoot me.
Is there some sort of privacy tent that you fellows could unfold air before the old lifting up the shirt.
Innocent until proven guilty. I don't remind you.
A lot more interesting details out on the attempt at assassination, but you tell me this? Am I misreading this? Regularly the media says things like with no follow up or they don't think about their own stories. Maybe I'm wrong about this one, But like yesterday we mentioned and he had a bag full of tiles, which turned out not to be true, I guess, But anyway, with no description of why would he have ceramic tiles, Well, we got a whole bunch of emails and texts from people who say, that's the bulletproof protection.
That's a you know, it's a thing.
Okay, fine, but why wouldn't you include that in the news Story's opposed to just assuming everybody knows that, which almost nobody knows. And then the other one that has been going on for the last eighteen hours is a lot of he did not have line of sight on the president, making it seem like it is a minor thing.
Well, he was waiting for him. Do you understand how golf works? The person moves around the course.
If I'm in a very predictable pattern, right, if I goals have numbers, if I go to a golf course where you're playing, I pick a hole.
At some point I'm going to see you. That's just the way it is. So I don't understand.
I don't understand the hole that he did not have line of sight as being a big deal at all in terms of a mitigating circumstance. No, he didn't have line of say yet obviously they found him before he could squeeze, because the moment he had line of sight, he would.
Have shot him to death, all right, exactly.
Yeah, So what a meaningless thing to throw into every single story over the last dozen hours.
It's difficult to properly describe the depths to which American journalism has sunk.
So one of the questions I had, I think a lot of people had, was the guy laid in the bushes for twelve hours Trump decided to golf last minute. How the hell did he end up in the bushes for twelve hours? This launched, of course, many conspiracy theories around the country. So I reached out to some people in the know on this sort of thing who pointed out, well, if I wanted to see Joe Biden, I would go to that beach in Delaware and hang out at one of the ice cream shops. Decent chance at some point, I'm going to be right. When it was known that Trump was going to be in town. When Trump's in towny plays golf the end. So you just made the assumption that he's gonna play golf at some point. So I'm gonna go camp out there as long as it takes. And that's what happened. It's not even a long shot. It's a virtual certainty.
You hope he like didn't strain his neck or something and decided I'll play tomorrow.
But yeah, he's going to play, right. He had some sort of Russian rifle. The more we know about this guy, that crazier he sounds, certainly. But I thought this was an interesting angle and just a just an interesting facet of modern life. So they went and checked his social media immediately, and they found I think it was a Facebook post where he had mentioned, you know, if you want to join my Ukrainian cause, here's how you get a hold of me on What's app and he posted a cell phone number. Well, the FBI immediately grabs that cell phone number, I think it was T Mobile, and then contacts the phone company could have been any phone company, because I guess this is the agreement phone companies have with the government. If the if the big dogs come calling for the government from the government and say we want everything there is about this phone number, every bit of information there is, who's attached to, where they live, and all the location data. That's the part that I find weird. We all forget that we're carrying around ah, the sort of tracking device that would have been unimaginable not very many years ago. We're all carrying him around all the time, and that data is being saved. So they were able to grab the where he's been data from that phone number, got it from the phone company, and figured out that he.
Was in that bush for twelve hours.
But you me, everybody, if for some reason the government can come up with, you know, probable cause, for some reason, they can figure out everywhere you've been, that's interesting. This man goes no wherein does nothing. He is the most indigent fellow we've ever seen. He must really either hate or like donut shops, regular stop on his way home.
The only time he deviates from his pattern is when he goes to a pastry shop.
We believe Getty might be stalking an employee of the liquor. There's no other explaining why he would be there so often. Sir, we arrested the donut shop bandit, and we when we told him to put his shirt over his head, it became evident what the crime was.
That was a callback is what that was just fabulous.
Let's start the show officially because there's another interesting wrinkle on the assassination attempt that is unique in American history. I think I'm Jack Armstrong, He's Joe Getty on this is how do you get to be Tuesday September seventeenth, Your twenty twenty four life will not be a born twenty four or Armstrong and getting we approve of this program.
Let's begin then officially.
According to FCC rules and regulations, the show starts at mark.
I worry about threats.
I worry about what's being said online about many many people, not just as the former president, and he should be doing, if you were really a leader, he should be doing what he can to the waters, not try to just continue to throw red meat out there to get people riled up.
Yes, so.
The unique thing I think is we might have I hope we don't have God it would be a tragedy for the nation in so many different ways. We might have the first presidential assassination that is blamed on the victim.
Yes, to quote Charlie Cook at the National Review, by some extraordinary alchemy that I evidently lack the intellect to comprehend. The blame for his having been targeted lies with Trump himself.
Is our rhetoric too hot? Yes? Is Trump's rhetoric too hot? Yes?
What so's the democrats rhetoric? I asked this question so much, I'm driving myself crazy. Let alone you, the humble listener.
Does Hillary believe that? Does she think? Does she think that Kamala.
Harris standing on stage and saying, this guy I promised blood in the streets if he loses, is not.
Over the top rhetoric and a lie.
By the way, the technique of accusing your opponent of the very things you yourself do is so time honored and common it's hard to believe they're doing it accidentally.
I don't know.
I'm starting to think they're so like with the ABC moderators thing, I'm starting to think that you can become so blinded by your bias you actually don't see your own faults, only the other person's faults.
That's so sure might be the case, and like.
Hillary does, I'm sorry, it's like so many of these questions, like the whole woke neo Marxist thing.
You have a variety of folks who are one.
Hundred percent aware what they're doing, who are kind of they're may be dimly aware that they shouldn't be, but it feels so good.
And then you got the fools who are.
So completely deluded they don't think they're biased to say it exchange for the Trump haters in the audience. I already said it. I'll say it again. Yeah, his Riheteric's over the top, two really over the top. I wish you'd tone it down, I really do. But if Joe Biden's going to go around saying democracy is on the ballot, it's the end of the country. If this man is elected for a crazy person that could justify anything, you'd call yourself a patriot.
Well, right, if you were to take it seriously, you wouldn't need to be crazy to think, well, this is reason enough to go outside the political process and do something extreme. We cannot politely let our country be taken away from us.
You could absolutely make that argument.
Yeah, he's right, so incredibly irresponsible to throw it around cheaply.
So a week ago today was the anniversary of nine to eleven. A buddy of mine texted me, it's interesting that we don't honor this day anymore the way we used to. And my response was, as I said on the air, if that happened today, if nine to eleven happens a day, it'd be interesting to see what the reaction would be, because I'm not sure the country pulls together the same way, and all of the sudden, whoever's president has a ninety percent approval rating and we all become, you know, Americans united again.
I think we have our evidence in that.
We have a second assassination attempt, and now immediately it's the guy's fault that someone wanted to kill him.
That's new.
Well, if the half a cadaver we have as president were dragged off the beach in Delaware, he would probably say, we can't escalate against al Qaeda.
That's the one thing we.
Can't do that ahead of kef Care, Battle Care, in the absence of any significant real leadership, who knows what the result would be. Now I see your point, even though the leadership was excellent, we still might not come together because we're so fractured. But we'd be in double trouble if it were to happen today. But you could have excused John Hinckley Junior for any Reagan policies. I guess if you're a nut, you could have used the Ford had what two assassination attempts in seventeen days back in the seventies. He could have said, well, he shouldn't have pardon Richard Nixon. You know he brought that on himself.
Kennedy, Well, the belligerence he showed towards the Russians when all they were trying to do is blah blah blah.
You could have come up with stuff, but we didn't do that. No, yees.
So if Trump gets assassinated, it'll be well, is his faldy had it coming. It'll be the first time we've done that. How does mailbag look? Oh, it's fine, it's fine, it's good, it's good, Solid b see your past fail now on mail bag.
It's just uh, no, I said solid Bick.
Although it's reflective of today's green inflation twenty years ago, shouldn't min.
Us text line is four one, five, two nine five k FTC got a new wrinkle in that.
I get it.
Well, here's your freedom loving quote of the day says I did a bunch from George Orwell. I thought we'd do a couple of Aldus Huxley. The great debate is who had it all right or Well or Huxley, And the answer is both depends where you go anyway. Huxley, the author of Brave New World, among other fabulous pieces. I love this, love this, love this, love this, and nothing could be more appropriate for the twentieth century surrounded by the woke neo Marxists. Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. That's a good one, Huxley for the win. Ooh yeah, here's your mail bag? Who drives mail bag at Armstrong and Getty?
Doctor. I'll admit to having ignored facts at various times in my life, thinking perhaps they would go away, and it has not worked out well.
No indeed by listener Robert Wright.
So what are my impressions of Vice President Harris's interview. I grew up in a middle class neighborhood where yes, son, any given Saturday and men and women might be seen washing their cars, and therefore, with all of that and consideration, as it was done in the spirit of togetherness, we would do it together.
In the spirit of what we were doing. I am unanimous in this. Thank you, Robert. That's pretty good.
Can you write like Kamala Harris speaks? Contest grinds on whoever wrote to the part about the lawn really missed the mark. I would like to know that person and choke them, because I've talked to a number of people as angry as I was about that line.
Right throw you.
There's a funny line. We'll get to it later.
It's actually incorporating into a much more important thought that Trump is a poor person's idea of what a rich person is. Kamala Harris is an upper cruster's idea. Well, her speeches are an upper cruster's idea of what a middle class person's speech.
Might sound like.
That sounds about right, utterly authentic. Hugh from Lafayette writes, Hey, simple Jack and big freedom. American elections are always a binary choice. You might get a third party in some state ballots, but they're never going to win. But would it be possible to get none of the above choice mandated for all states.
If none of the above got more votes.
Than either major candidate, then we'd have to hold a new election thirty days.
None of the original candidates get to run in it.
Wow, that's not a bad idea. Actually, they're awfully tempting, isn't what'd you say? Michael got a minute?
Two minutes.
Tanks, though, writes Sean, you also could have gone tanks for nothing or tanks a lot. And he was talking about a story yesterday yesterday about the legacy weapons systems taking virtually all of the Pentagon's budget, and innovation not getting enough, and how tanks are getting taken out on the battlefield in Ukraine. Anyway, he says, I'm not going to say that procurement isn't cricket as hell, because I've known people involved in it and it is. And I'm not going to say tanks aren't challenged either. But you can't just give another country US weapons and hope they work. The US combined arms tax tactics rely on American soldiers trained a certain way, fighting a certain way. Few other militaries can fight the same way UK can. He says, tanks need infantry, and infantry needs tanks. Its like chocolate and peanut butter and rieses and then he goes into as Mike Mike Lyons has described many times, how we have combined forces that work with each other in ways that protect each other, and the tanks don't have that advantage in Ukraine, and that we're working like crazy to develop anti drone stuff. So that's somewhat reassuring. Sean, thanks for the note. Gosh, we don't have a lot of time that is brilliant. That is also brilliant those ladness. We need more brilliants on the show and less of me. Oh, we need some brilliance on the SKA, but we have more on the situation where the American military is not innovating nearly fast enough as we stand on the brink of major armed conflict. And I'm not an alarmist in that way, Jack clearly is.
I'm not.
It is impossible to ignore the signals that there are so many trip wires about to be tripped upon globally, and a wrinkle in the cat eating story, that whole Springfield, Ohio thing that I had not heard.
So stay tuned, Armstrong and Getty some news from Washington today.
TikTok went to federal court to argue against being banned in the US. I think I know which way one judge is landing, because before the hearing he posted a get Ready with Me video putting.
On his rouge.
He likes that.
Yeah, TikTok made their case and if you missed it, you can see it next week on Instagram reels.
Come on.
So, yeah, a couple of interesting things going on that may happen while we're on the air today or not. You got the whole TikTok thing which continues into today, and why it hasn't.
Already been banned.
I just I can't. I can't even hardly wrap my head around. You also have p Diddy who got arrested in New York in the lobby of a super expensive hotel on all kinds of different charges that could put him in jail for practically the rest of his life. They're going to release the charges today, but it's going to be all kinds of different sex trafficking. But it must be pretty high level, huh that yeah, you go after? I mean, it must not just be like because that happens unfortunately a lot around the country.
It must must be some big time stuff.
Right, yeah, Well, the allegations are that for years he and his cabal would lure women into the party scene, drug them, rape them, and boot them out to the curb, essentially juice both the you know, strangers and partygoers and girlfriends.
Even do you take a.
Look at that home he's got up for sale in LA right now, sixty two million dollars home and it's not one of your Often those super high price homes are like, you know, fifty thousand square feet one hundred and fifty acres or something like that. This isn't that big a lot by those standards, and like a fifteen thousand square foot house, but it's just insanely opulent. Into the pictures of it, we're just what a crazy lifestyle. But he must think he's in trouble because he's selling that home and a whole bunch of other stuff. Other things happening today and I don't know if they'll happen while we're on the air. The FED is supposed to meet and maybe lower interest rates for the first time since basically the pandemic and inflation kicked off, and the stock market has been roaring. So what that does to the stock market, I do not know.
And then.
This growing story of the left blaming Trump for his own assassination attempts and Trump specifically blaming the Kamala Harris campaign. And then how it ties in with the cat eating, cat eating and the closing down the schools for bomb threats and all that sort of stuff. So all that will be dealt with probably next hour on this program.
How it ties in the cat eating. I'll stay tune for sure. Also, we need to squeeze this in. Somebody put yourself in charge of me, remembering this science has determined the exact hour you hit.
Peak vacation happiness.
Interesting, and how to make that feeling last beyond that peak hour.
I have such a great story about that, I'll save it until we get into that topic.
Though. Excellent, lovely, So.
A couple of stories from the world of foreign policy that nobody cares about until they care about it a lot. A couple of headlines that just reinforce the armstrong and getting narrative about the current administration.
How do you like this?
Blinking heads to Middle East and bid to revive ceasefire negotiations with the two parties that have no interest in a ceasefire. Man I am a good guys, come on, think about it.
I'm a one note song on every story.
But does he believe that that can happen or is this just a display for their march and left ding? He can't believe that there's gonna be a ceasefire or lord knows not a two state solution that Kamala Harris brought up in the debate the other night.
Are you kidding?
I know it's a joke. They are saying behind the scenes. Look, we've got to be seen as trying. And blink is like my kid's got a softball game. I was gonna go to it.
You send me to the Middle East. I can't even get a.
Meeting with these people, right, but yeah, no, you got to go. So we look like we're trying. It's just it's it's transparent.
As Ian Bremer wrote brilliantly a week ago, the Biden administration wants to cease fire, and Saudi Arabia wants it, and Egypt wants it, most of Europe, NATO, and he listed all these entities. The only two people that don't want to cease fire are net and Yahoo's government and Amas. Other than that, the two neither of the two participants want to cease fire.
Here's your sub headline from the Wall Street Journal. Secretary of State's trip, which does not include Israel, comes amid concerns about escalating tensions with Hesbola. So that's not a very funny joke, but it's sure a joke.
And then this headline, We're coming up on October seventh anniversary, and I gotta believe that's going to be a spicy deal.
Ah, this is not a surprising headline at all. With the president half a cadaver still in office, half a coud Ever, the US warns, sorry, mister soon to be late. President US warns Israel against escalating fight with Hesbola, always with.
The just don't, don't escalate, don't don't.
They've got at least sixty thousand, is that the current number of Israelis who have fled their homes and are living a refugees because Hesbolo won't stop shelling their towns, and and Israel's like, well, listen, you can't be shelling our country all the time. And Israel has reacted the way the United States of America would under any sane president, any sane country on Earth, would do the same, they would go after the people doing it. But our feckless president and his weasel national security advisor and poor Abe Blincolno's trotting around the globe for no good reason saying.
Just don't escalate the please don't us on top of us.
On Voy warned Israel over escalating the fight with Hesbolah Lebanon Well, Israel's defense minister said military action has become the only way to return Israeli's evacuating from northern border areas back to their home. Ridiculous. Let's move on to Ukraine, shall we? At least briefly?
Once again?
The Wall Street General reporting one million are now dead or injured in the Russia.
Ukraine wore huge losses on both sides. Wow.
Difficult to estimate accurately because neither side is putting out official statistics, and many of the claims are difficult to verify. That's a polite way of saying probably not true. But a confidential Ukrainian estimate from earlier this year put the number of dead Ukrainian troops at eighty thousand. Eighty thousand dead and four hundred thousand wounded. Western intelligence estimates are Russian casualties vary, some putting the number of dead as high as nearly two hundred thousand. Oh, my god, wounded at four hundred thousand.
Now the losses are causing huge problems for Russia as it uses waves of poorly trained soldiers machine gunfire, I'm sorry, machine gun fodder to try to advance in the Ukraine's east. On the other hand, they have about quadruple the population of Ukraine.
But they have a smaller population than us, and they have lost significantly. Russia has lost significantly more people than we austin Vietnam, and that tore this country apart.
Oh now many multiples.
Yeah, not only that, but Putin just announced the plan to draft essentially mobilize one hundred and eighty thousand additional soldiers. And boy, you're you're gonna be scraping the bottom of the barrel and or hunting guys down. They all ready are doing that.
You're gonna see a further young brain drain from Russia for nothing, completely not needed on any level for Russia. I disagree just because I read some really really interesting analysis of why Putin's doing this, and it has to do with and I wish I had it in front of me. It's around here somewhere. But Putin has a terrible, terrible problem, like so much of the Western world, with a.
Lack of fertility. The Russian population is plunging and it's getting very old. And now he's had maybe two hundred thousand guys killed, and so they are beefing up their population by appropriating giant chunks of Ukraine and kidnapping fifty thousand of.
Their young people. Why they're not having babies.
In Russia, Well, you're making the argument that that's his reason, not that it's a good reason.
Oh lord, no, no, it's utterly unholy. Oh yeah, that's one of the it's resources and young humans he needs, so he's conquering them.
Wow, old school.
Yeah, i'd say, hey, a more cheerful note from our friends at prize Picks, America's number one daily fantasy sports app with over five million active members. Prize Picks is the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports. Unlike other apps, on Prize Picks is just you against the numbers.
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Dollars instantly when you play five that's the coat Armstrong on Prize Picks to get fifty bucks instantly. When you play five bucks. You don't even need to win to receive the fifty dollars bonus. It's guaranteed Prize Picks run your game. I was looking at the zero Hedge Twitter feed yesterday. That's Ian Bremer's outfit. Amazon tells staff to return to office five days a week.
Another role zero is Ian zero Hedges. You're right, I got that wrong. I don't know what zero hedges. Anyway, the headline is still the same.
Amazon is telling employees to return to work five days a week, and so yet another rolling back of the whole Everything has changed from the pandemic and workers now rule the roost and make all the demands and the employers have no choice but too Yeah, all of that, A lot of that, anyway, has gone away.
Get back to work. I'm back to work. You do work, work er. I wonder how much.
The only thing that's still hanging around at a high level, as far as I can tell, is lots of meetings on Zoom that used to be in person, which was a great development. Let's not roll that back, please, No, I can't believe that we lots of people used to drive forty five minutes to go have a meeting and then drive forty five minutes back, and now we do it on zoom and I eliminate.
An hour and a half and driving or five hour flying overnight.
Even right, there's not no benefit to seeing someone in person. I think there is some benefit, but not every time. It's not necessary, right, right, right, right?
Interesting, We've got Katie's headlines on the way. So much to talk about today. I hope you can stick around Armstrong And I know what some of these headlines are and' I'm anxious to uh talk about him.
So excellent. Busy day. We need to move swiftly, no wasting time.
It's just blah blah blah, not.
Playing around, nothing but business. Let's figure out who's reporting what. It's the lead story with Katie Green. Katie, thank you guys.
Fox News.
Trump assassination attempt suspects. Former neighbor says he was weird and kept a horse inside his house.
Well, if you had that on your Bengo guard, congratulations, Did.
You need an and the and the right word in there? He was weird and he kept a horse inside.
Of the house.
I see your point. The indoor horse is a rare indulgence. You know, it's not.
Many people do that.
From the New York Times, net and Yahoo is said to consider firing Israel's defense minister.
Wow, i'd be spicy. Uh yeah.
When we talked about that last segment from a voting, I think again, sorry, Katie, that Israel has never had a long war. They've won some great, glorious, decisive victories over the course of a couple of days to a week, week and a half.
That's it. This is by three times their longest war ever.
It's kind of to the tune of what you guys were talking about earlier. From NBC Trump assassination attempt suspect was camped out for twelve hours and never had Trump in his line of sight.
Again, that second part is just a dumb thing to say. It's called lying in wait. If I wait out somebody's outside somebody's apartment building until they come out in the morning to kill them. Saying he didn't have line of sight is meaningless. They are trying so hard to minimize it. It's discussing they are, you know. That's why it bothers me. It's an effort to make it seem like it wasn't really anything. He didn't have line to say.
No, you morons. Trump was about to walk over the hill.
Then he would aheadline a site and two seconds later Trump would have been dead.
Quite possibly. You can't hate the media enough.
From ABC Sean Didty Combs arrested by federal agents in New York City?
Did I see that on charges?
I guess they're unveiling the charges right now of sex trafficking.
I know what that is what's racketeering? Specifically, what is that?
Oh, it's joining with other people to create a criminal enterprise. Okay, it's a very handy charge. Can be used for a lot of different scenarios.
Boy Diddy's gonna have an expensive lawyer team, though, mean he'll oh yeah, he'll be able to do it. But these are federal charges, and as we all know, the Feds do not charge people unless they're gonna win.
They just don't.
From Breitbart dot Com, poll shows overwhelming majority of voters don't care about Taylor Swift endorsing Harris.
Yeah. Well and again.
According to the poll, eight percent saidould make more likely to vote for Harris, twenty percent said less.
I hate indulging in this conversation really, just because it's made up by the media that these celebrity endorsers matter.
I mean, that's it's just made up always.
I am persuaded though, that given the whole Swifties community, they could be an organizing force.
Yeah, and especially in Pennsylvania where she's from, you wouldn't have to organize many to make a difference.
Right From the Washington.
Post, Instagram's latest child safety effort teen accounts.
Yeah, so they got some new restrictions in place to try to deal with their whole underage sex thing that they got on Instagram, which Elon called out a couple of months ago. And I wonder if that had a role in them jumping on that real fast.
Oh yeah, there are half a dozen serious issues for adolescents on Instagram, and you know, all of those social media platforms can cost. You know, what's the reason Caitlin Clark said she would not be endorsing anyone we talked about this last week. I guess was because she had liked Taylor Swift's tweet endorsing Kamala Harris.
So people came to her and said, are you endorsing Harris? What's you ever? And she said, no, no, no, I'm not endorsing anybody.
To the Instagram thing. Can I raise my kids in a different era? Could I choose a different era? Did I choose like the eighties or the nineties or something like that pre internet?
If only? Yeah?
From NBC News, Musk on track to be trillionaire by twenty twenty seven, Yo.
The world's first trillionaire.
Then you gotta buy a country, right, something medium sized? Like I don't know, Romania or I don't know, something medium size. I mean, because she's not gonna buy like, you know, one of your excuse me countries nobody even knows what they exist, Trinidad and Tobago, something like that. No, you gotta go pretty good sized country.
And then what you buy Romanian make the meat, Italian food or what's your fun with this?
I don't know. I'd have to think about hobby a king that what you want to do?
You want people like carry around on those old timey things, and well.
Again, everywhere I want people would do my bidding. Yeah, that's why you buy you a country.
I think when you're a trillionaire, plenty of people do your bidding in a variety of ways if you want them to.
From the New York Post quote snowflakesm gen z hires are easily offended and not ready for the workplace.
God, I got into a conversation with somebody last night about how they're oh hiring babysitters. So I have hired babysitters, and it's amazing how many. I interviewed a couple yesterday, and I've interview interviewed some babysitters really presented well came off very professional, great references, and then like the second time, they just didn't show up, just didn't show up again. And so I was talking to somebody last night and they said, yeah, we have that problem in our workplace too, the young people. It's like they come across really well and whatever, and then they just don't show up. One how do you prevent your kid from being that person? Next half hour, I want to talk about.
That Baffo baffo audio from a thinker You're Gonna love stay with us.
Yeah, I thought this was an interesting line from that story that the gen Zers struggle to look you in the eye, articulate themselves, and they don't project their voices. I think the internet might have something to do with that scrolling.
Maybe I would kind of like the work here too.
And finally, I'm sorry, just what you're saying something.
Don't do anything that gives me anxiety. My pronouns a lot of anxiety. My pronouns are he him, So I don't I don't giving half what you go ahead, Katie.
Finally, the Babylon be Kamala safe and instable condition after attempted interview.
Oh yes, those first words were misleading sent me in a direction I wasn't expecting. Trump dodges bullets, Kamala interviews, devastating humor, sharp as a knife.
We probably ought to replay. That was like a violent rhetoric right there, sharp as a knife. You're right, Cay.
We have so much good stuff. I feeling that the second hour is going to be better than this one. You wasted your time. You should have invested in the second hour.
Oh boy, Armstrong and Geeddy