I Wanna New (fake) Drug

Published Apr 17, 2024, 3:50 PM

Hour 2 of A&G features...

  • Biden stumbling through Scranton PA...
  • The Joe Bauer Story...
  • The USC student barred from commencement speech 
  • A good reason for avoiding the fake botox! 

From the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio at the George Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong and Show, Getty Armstrong and Getty Show.

Well, I'm looking at Mark Helprin's political newsletter this today my first thing. I look at it in the morning for politics stuff. And he has been saying for a long time. Look, Trump is winning. No matter what the mainstream media wants to tell you, Trump is winning. That is not what he's saying today. There's yet another pull out after a couple that where they outliers or not. Turns out they or not. Where Biden closed the gap or pulled the head. And his conclusion is currently nationally Biden is now winning. So one of your major polling organizations in which Trump had had a four point lead in February, a two point lead in March, he's now behind Biden by three. So the State of the Union address, the Democrats are doing a good job, are reminding people who Trump was. I don't do you have an explanation for the movement in the polls. I think it was always going to be closed close to it. It reminds me of a really close basketball game in the second quarter. You got two, three, five, point leads going back and forth. Okay, so yeah, we got a long way to go, and that's probably gonna happen multiple times before we get then. I'm certainly expecting, like the last several elections, we're all gonna go to bed on election night, maybe not knowing who won.

Or it being very close. Yeah, certainly possible. And it's you know, just state the obvious. It's all about the swing states. I need to see those polls and take them with a grain of salt as well, because it's early. So Trump did an interesting thing yesterday.

He's in the courtroom all day long, as he's got to be, and they sat seven of the twelve jurors yesterday. The trial is going to start on Monday. He has to be there every single days, not a campaign trail. Biden is trying to take advantage of that by campaigning. You'll hear that in a moment. But one thing Trump can do is he can do a little something in New York when he gets out of the courtroom, and he went up to Harlem, and we'll explain exactly what's going on after you hear this.

This is all politics.

This is coming out of the White House and you know, it makes me campaign locally, and that's okay.

That's I think.

That we're doing better now than we've ever done. So I think it's having a reversal. You know what all I want is fairness, and these people have to be treated better.

The Bodega Association bodegas because every week they're being robbed two three times.

It's crazy.

It's crazy.

And you know what, the police can do it, they can stop it, but they have to be allowed to do that.

Jo and Harlem, he gets out of his limo, gets treated like a rock star.

People going nuts four more years, et cetera.

And then makes the point that was the very bodega where that poor guy had to defend himself, and Alvin Bragg put the bodega owner in jail for a long time until there was enough public pressure nationally to say, hey, the guy got attacked, he had to defend himself.

What was he supposed to do?

And Trump making the point yesterday that same Alvin Bragg who put the bodega owner in jail and left the criminal, the violent criminal on the street is a guy that is coming after me over this Stormy Daniels nonsense.

So thats a.

Pretty good pr especially with that crowd noise behind him. The four more years chance has a good day for Trump. I think, yeah, that is.

One of the more brilliant political stunts I've ever seen. And I don't mean stunt in a dismissive way that all politics is stunts practically.

But no, that was brilliant to do that.

And when Trump is addressing the concerns of real tight he's a rock star when he gets off the stupid stolen election stuff, and there's not that all of it is stupid. You know, could get into the details, but just stick with the things people care about. That stuff about the crime in the boatdegas, you just got the vote of every bodega owner in New York for what it's worth in a blue state. But nonetheless, that's good politics.

Yeah, That's always been the case. Feeds, stick to the issues. But so he's doing that, and uh, people chanting his name and everything like that. Biden's trying to take advantage of the fact that Trump is in court every day and doing some campaign campaign style speeches. Listen to this what did I call this earlier in our meeting, A laundry list of bs?

Donald Trump?

What's in the world differently than you and me.

He wakes up in the morning more alago think about himself.

How you can help us billionaire friends gain power and control and forced our extreement jenn on the rest of us.

Listen to what he says.

He says, quote I'll be dictator on day one.

Quote I am.

Your retribution, he promises, Quote up bloodbath if he loses this guy denies January sixth. Listen, listen to what he says, because you know he means it.

I can't believe the great I'm gonna be the grown up. I'm gonna normalize politics. I'm gonna get us, bring us all together. Is going with the dictator day one? Bloodbath stuff?

Really? Okay?

It's like I say, when discussing issues and that sort of thing, people don't go with terrible arguments because they're saving.

The good ones. It's because that's all they've got.

That that was sad, and not only not only the content of it, but he just sounds terrible speaking of with that.

Bloodbath in particular has been taken apart even by lefties of like, come on, it's a common term in economics. That's what he was talking about. You know, that's what he was talking about. He was talking about the electric car industry. He wasn't on whatever.

Yeah, yeah, I know, low information voters are most voters, and they're counting on that. Speaking of Biden in Pennsylvania, this was his couple of highlights, if you will, from his speech in his hometown of scrant in forty two.

Please, Michael, you know thanks to the mayor Paige, excuse me, I was gonna talk about the old mayor, but whole court around the kitchen table with a guy who was sort of the David Broder of the Pennsylvanian pred scrant Press. You think I'm kidd who one, But.

No, I don't anyway, And he would they'd come and have breakfast at the table, and a kid could wander around the table where the adults were sitting.

But you could. But you can never sit at the.

Table, my grandfather would tell me. When I walked out the door of North North No North and North Washington Avenue, Scranton.

I listened to that whole dinner table David Broder of Scranton, not kidding.

Nobody thought you were. Nobody knows what you're talking about. I don't follow you at all.

Sir, Now, I listened to that whole thing, and it doesn't get better or like start to make sense. I've been saying this for a long time, and I think poor guy's got dementia. But the stories are still in there, the stories he's repeated a thousand times at various dinners and rallies and stuff like that, are still in his head. He just can't get him out anymore.

Right, Yeah, A lot more on that to come, although I think one aspect of it being this early in the election cycle is that as more and more people are exposed to that, the perception that he is senile and spent that was slowed a bit by the state of the Union.

Yeah, I told somebody the other day I was a spent force.

I might be Yeah, I have those days anyway, but that there will be a resurgence of that sentiment. I wanted to hit one more thing about Biden and his speech, in particular forty one, if you'd be so kind of Michael.

He looks at the econery from mar A Lago, were he and his rich friends embraced the failed trickle down policies as a failed working family for more than forty years, Scranton values from mar A Lago values. Under my plan, nobody earning less than four hundred thousand dollars will pay an additional penny. I hope you're all able to make four hundred thousand dollars. I never did.

Ah, so I read, Oh wow, that's right. How does he get to say that out loud?

Dude, you got like five houses, you live on the ocean and one of the most expensive areas.

Of the world. I would downplay the whole I never made much money. Bang, that is tough to take. That's not where I was going to go with this. But you're right, that is so tough to take.

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Get free dessert for life at HelloFresh dot com slash armstrong Sweet. That's one free dessert to item in every Hello Fresh box with an active subscription, just by going to HelloFresh dot com slash armstrong Sweet. So back in twenty twenty, when Joe Biden, to the shock and horror of many Americans, decided to run for president, he was campaigning on the we need to raise taxes on the rich and no one who makes less than four hundred thousand dollars will be taxed. A couple of points on that. That is a very common old technique used peg attax at a certain level to get it started, and then you lower that level steadily every chance you get. Maybe you're in favor of policy, maybe you're not, but trust me, that's the only direction this goes under Democrats. Second, and more interesting, thanks to the inflation that mister Biden is certainly do some of the credit for that twenty twenty four hundred thousand dollars, only the rich are going to pay that. He's still saying four hundred thousand dollars, which in twenty twenty dollars is three hundred and thirty one thousand.


Is it really so nobody who makes less than three hundred and thirty one thousand is going to get hammered with these high taxes? Wait a minute, now, what just happened? Inflation is a tax?


That's rough.

I wish we had time because I was going to discuss that principle in this context that according to I think it's the folks that Centers for Immigration Studies have said that illegal immigration is costing American taxpayers over one hundred and fifty billion dollars. Meanwhile, you know, the corporations that are in favor of rampant illegal immigration are making lots of money, which makes the economy hot, which you've probably heard about. But not only is it depressing wages on the working class especially, but the economy the inflation that's being caused is also a tax, again on the working class. Democratic policies are incredibly expensive for the very people that that party claim to have been standing up for for years and years.

Incredibly expensive. I also want to get to this.

Sometimes when high profile men are used of sexual crimes, they did it, but sometimes they didn't. They really didn't didn't, And one of those high profile things came to an end yesterday. Cheeze, you could get your life ruined fast a bunch of stuff on the way.

Stay with us, farm strong and yetty.

You should never brush after you've just vomitted. This is because the contents of the stomach are extremely acidic and the mouth is in a very acidic state. So if you brush straight after, you're basically wearing a way you're enamel. You should never.

Brush straight after breakfast.

This is because if you brush your teeth you're rubbing that acid on the tooth, which is a mineral, and it can wear it down. Don't brush your teeth after you've just had sweet wait at least sixty minutes. This is because when you've just eaten sweets, the mouth has digested it into an acid, and the acid is going to get rubbed on the teeth and destroyed it.

Now, is that true? Don't brush your teeth after sweet? No, it's not true.

No, that sounds dumb to me.

How about don't brush your teeth after you vomit. I'm gonna I'd rather you did.

Thanks for the suggestion, dear, I'm going to go ahead. Yeah, are you using toothpaste in this scenario? You're brushing the acid off of your teeth, not onto it.

What I like, in general is just this trend right now of you've been sleeping wrong your whole life. You've been putting your socks on wrong since you were a child. You know that sort of thing.

Sure edited super tight to eliminate all the pauses. And yeah, oh, study still drinking water off a cup.

Here's why, five reasons that's a bad idea. Please, So obviously the whole uh men got away with horrible stuff.

Thing was real.

Harvey Weinstein not believed or you know, you had a bunch of examples. And then and then the whole hashtag me too movement happened, and then the believe all women became a thing, which is moronic because you can't believe all anybody about anything that doesn't make any sense. And here's a good example. And these don't ever get enough attention. You don't have to be a sports fan to others, but if you are a sports fan, you know Trevor Bowery is one of the best pitchers in Major League Baseball. And I remember when this story broke and I remember hearing in enough times thinking I'll bet he did it. He probably did it. I just assumed he did it.

Well. The ended yesterday and he didn't do it. So he was pitching for the Dodgers.

I'll get into what he was charged with by this woman or with this woman claimed for a while, but he was with the Dodgers in January twenty three long suspension. They wouldn't let him play during the whole time while just the accusations were going on, because that's what sports leagues do, and it was.

Particularly at that time as mentioned a fever pitch so.

Long to speaking say your Young Award winner, by the way, I mean, this is a good pitcher. And so he's with the Dodgers. They suspend him, they just let him go. He's been pitching in Japan and Mexico ever since because no Major League Baseball team will touch him. Well, yesterday, the accuser got indicted for the frauding the former Cy Young Award winner. According to legal papers that came out, this woman who had allegedly demanded one point six million dollars claiming that he impregnated her and that he choked her and did all these different sorts of things. They figured out through a variety of ways that aren't that interesting, that he didn't do it, and she's a scam artist, and that's what was going on there.

And there was another woman too.

That's the reason I remember thinking at the time he probably did it because there's another woman who had come forward. But he came to and agree with her a long time ago. The agreement was sealed. Although he made it, it had to be known. According to him and his lawyers, no money exchanged hands, and she dropped the whole deal. So he released some text messages and photos that how he got him. So he has sex with her. They're in a hotel. She posts a picture. She takes a picture of her. He's a sound asleep. He takes a picture of her smirking, sends it to her friends as his net worth is fifty million dollars.

Yeah, she took a picture of herself, herself him in the pandra Yeah, yes, while he's asleep, and sends it to her friend. His net worth is fifty some million dollars. I'm gonna see how I can get it.


She was quite specific to several friends that she was going to try to figure out how to get his way, so that.

One got settled a long time ago, with no money exchanging hands. He wanted to make sure that that was public that part. And now this woman, this other woman who came forward actually indicted yesterday for trying to extort him. And this poor guy went on to say, at this point, I'm not sure what else I can possibly do to prove my innocence of all this.

I did not do what I was accused of.

Every institution that are inside is entrusted to rule in issues like courts, judges, law enforcement, officers, prosecutors all agree with me.

But he had his career ruined.

He is still wealthy, I'm sure quite wealthy, had spent a lot of money in legal bills. But the point just being sometimes this happens too.

Yeah, I would like to see him sue major League baseballer, the Dodgers, or whomever is appropriate, not to get the money, but on principle, and I'd go ahead and take a dollar settlement. But I want, I would really like to see because corporations, particularly these days, are so knee jerk, and they'll they'll chuck, you know, long held principles for whatever hot political moment we're in, be it, you know, DEI after George Floyd, who is one guy for goodness sakes, or the believe all women thing, all of a sudden, Trevor B. Bauer, who strenuously denies the charges, is exiled.

Anyway, we can't have that.

Well, can we get to a place where obviously there are men out there who are disgusting, sick predators who do horrible things, and obviously there are women who are disgusting, sick predators who will claim all kinds of things and ruin your life for money. Both of those things exist. Can we be grown up enough to understand that hell hath no raff.

Like a woman scorned is an.

Ancient saying and that we should all wait and see how it turns out before we assume one or the other in any of these cases.

Probably, I think that's a good policy.

The protesters in the streets, what are they up to, Who's financing them?

What are their crazy ideas?

We'll take a look, Armstrong and Getty, No.

Tell me free Palestine, Google, Google, you can't hide, you are funding. Jenna Signe, you are.

The Starbucks one was a little hard to understand. Starbucks, Starbucks, you can't hide, and something about Palestine.

Till we have free Palestine or something.

I took that one from Senator John Fetterman's Twitter feed, in which he said, I don't know who needs to hear this, but blocking a bridge or berating folks in Starbucks isn't righteous.

It just makes you a board.

A US senator drops an ah in his Twitter feed.

Yes you, speaking of US senators, we have a slightly more eloquent screen on that topic by mister Tom Cotton.

Why don't we go ahead and hit that now? Michael thirty nine.

Vigilantes are blocking traffic in the streets when mom is trying to get kids to school, or people trying to go to the hospital or just trying to get to work should be removed from the streets. Yes, I said that, I post it, I would say it again today, and I would do it myself. I found myself in that situation.

Well, you said people should take matters into their own hands. Can you just clarify what that means, because some people think it could call for violence.

It calls for getting out of your car and forcibly removing pro hamas vigilantes who are blocking the streets on major highways so traffic can continue.

A proposition that for all of human history would have been uncontroversial. There are jackasses blocking the streets over their jackass political stance.

AA. If you're going to listen to a US senator.

I'm going to listen to the other US senator if I might, I'm going to drag their jackass off the street and out of the way of the cars. That's the way it's done virtually every country on Earth except the woke few, the US, Canada, and Great Britain practically anyway, So I'm with Tom Cotton, but we've got a bit of a digest of related stories here, including the University of Southern California, which has canceled the valedictorian's commencement speech over safety concerns. First of all, the idea that a vast university would have a valedictorian as a dopey idea, and they're, like many universities.

I think they're going to stop.

But this woman, Asna Tabusom, who has chosen for probably woke idea reasons. Anyway, she was supposed to address the giant stadium full of graduates, but she's got a number of online social media posts that are anti Israel or pro Hamas, anti Semitic, links to organizations that are absolutely anti Semitic and that sort of thing, and the university caving hmm, I probably shouldn't use that word, realizing that it's a hell of a controversial prospect to have her addressing the crowd at the graduation.

So they're not going to.

I like to send the response to that where they're acting like this is sweeping the nation, this anti Muslim bias on college campuses.

Okay, oh yeah.

She put out her statement through care the Council of Islamic American or American Islamic Relations, which was disavowed by the FBI a number of years ago. They realized that no, no, they have way too many ties to groups that are tied to terrorist organizations. And I've heard them called the Muslim supremacist organization. I don't know that I would use that term, but the people who used it know what they're talking about.


Here is Missus Tables explaining herself thirty eight Michael.

I expressed an opinion through a link that I had on my Instagram. The hate, in the vitriol that was unleashed towards me after, I think was part of the reason that the university caved in. And so when it comes to being a free speech issue, sure, maybe my valuetory speech is a privilege, but at the end of the day, my views, the views that I have expressed in the views that USC has instilled within me as well, were stifled and were subject.

To hate, hate, neuro radical, you're an anti semi you want Israel?


One of the links. It's funny you can't find it now.

Her Instagram profile includes a link to a site that references Palestinian liberation and the abolishment of the state of Israel. So you want Israel wiped off or all the Jews to be swept out of Israel? Deer, you expressed an opinion. I like chocolate ice cream better than vanilla. That's an opinion. I prefer cats to dogs, lower maintenance. That's an opinion. I think the Jews ought to be wiped out Israel. That's more than an opinion. But thanks for comming. Moving along, I thought this was interesting. You see Berkeley, speaking of nutty California Universities, an anti Israel campus group gathered.

It's a pretty big crowd too.

I'm bad at estimating crowds, but that looks to be four hundred and fifty people something like that. A student group at Berkeley rallied behind Iran's unprecedented attack on Israel over the weekend, the Islamic Republic of Iran, arguing that the Jewish state bears responsibility for the Iranian attack Iran there wasn't attacking Israel, they were defending themselves, said this group on an American college campus, as Iran launched an attack involving hundreds of drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles. On Sunday, Berkeley's Bears for Palestine declined to condemn the unprecedented attack and instead blamed Israel.

The student group shared.

A graphic on Instagram with the caption Iran was an attacking Israel, it was responding. The post was accompanied by a second claiming that Iran attacked Israel because Israel refused a Gaza ceasefire.

Oh why you believe.

Ams refused the ceasefire over the weekend, which didn't get near the news coverage. It should have yet another proposition put out there for a ceasefire, and Hamas said no, never portrayed that way in the news.

They've said no over and over again, right right.

Berkeley's Vice Chancellor are Communications Dan Mogelov told The Free Beacon on Monday, excuse me that while students have the right to express their views even if they are without factual basis.

A nice call. Dan Well said, they do not speak for the university.

Then he goes into some detail, defends free speech, blah blah blah.

But I like that shot, well played.

You know what's interesting, and this is a common thread running through a lot of these stories is for instance, Oh, what was the example I was going to use? Ah oh oh, oh.

That's right. Need to get to that later.

The dean of the I think it was yet another California University, Stanford School of Law. He has this big dinner reception for all of the people who are going to graduate. It's a celebration of them and their achievement and blah blah blah. Well, a bunch of pro Palestinian pro Hamas students in that very class ruined it. They started chanting and yelling and yelling at him in his own home, by the way, and just turned it so ugly. And I'll get into detail on the story, but the common thread is because this guy is said to be a good man, a good and decent man, y'all have created a monster on your campuses. Through your progressive policies, your one sided faculty, your no discending point of view, your critical theory, all of that. You have created a monster in your students. And now you are are sad, you're disappointed, you're hurt when the monster turns on you. That's not like a weird thing with creating a monster. That's what happens when you create monsters. That's not a glitch. That's not unfortunate, it's inevitable. The mob turned on you. Yes, that's what mobs do. Speaking of which, this was some good coverage. The left wing dark money behind the bail fund for the Free Palestine bridge blockers. Talked about this some yesterday, did some digging, and.

Here it is.

Scores of Free Palestine protesters across the US took to the streets Monday, blocked airports, highways, bridge as we all saw that those who are arrested will receive bail money and legal support from a left wing dark money bmth funded by good old George Soros. According to an online fundraising page, the protests, which took place in dozens of US cities, were organized by a fifteen Action, a newly formed group that works to quote coordinate a multi city economic blockade on April fifteenth and solidarity with Palestine. The group's website directs users to a quote bail and legal defense fund hosted by Act Blue, the Democratic Party's online fundraising juggernaut. So if you wonder what the Democratic Party stance is on all this, their main online fundraiser is bailing all these people out of jail after they block traffic prevent you from getting to works, your schools, your hospitals, whatever, catching your flight.

That should be known.

If it's awful that Republican donations to the Trump campaign go to his legal bills, I think it's fair to also say you realize that Democratic Biden campaign money goes to bailing out people who kept you from getting to work today?


Absolutely, those who donate to the fund the Act blue page says they're sending money to the Community Justice Exchange, which provides money, bail, court fees and fines, and other legal services to community based organizations.

Blah blah blah.

As we described the Exchange as a project of the Tide Center, a left wing dark money network funded by Soros and other liberal billionaires. What's interesting to me, Oh oh, I should say that the a fifteen folks that organize this said it identified quote major choke points in the economy that it would blockade to cause pain.

Okay, we can't, we can't be putting up with this.

Yeah, deliberate economic harm, which I believe is actionable. I hate to turn to attorneys when I'd like to just drag their ass off the road and throw them in the san Francisco Bay.

But that's just me.

What I think is interesting about this and and incredibly annoying, is these pardon me, pissant little would be chay Guevera's in their masks and their cafeas, acting like their brave revolutionaries in a country where free speech is protected and you've got to work to get thrown in jail.

And even then it's fun.

Right, they're taking zero risk because they're bail money everything, all their legal costs, it's all being covered by far left radical activists.

The opposite of risk. All your everybody in your friend group is going to give you tons of likes on your Instagram and TikTok. You're gonna come out of that feeling better about yourself and having more social status.

Right, you've read my mind exactly the point I was gonna make. It's so obvious now that it reminds me of in the late sixties early seventies. If you're old enough, you remember this, or maybe you've read about it, the idea of radical chic where the movers and shakers in Manhattan, the rich people really like to hang out with Marxists, or you know, I got some pictures of Yoko Ono and John Lennon hanging out with you know, various activists and jobs, the Black.

Panthers, whatever. And this is a similar phenomenon.

We've come out of a period of peace and prosperity and really pretty good times, and now board youngsters are trying to act like well. I think the term I heard in a broadcast report was pissant would be che Guevera's just because they get social currency from it.

Drag them off the road.

Or, as Senator John Fetterman said, you're just an ah for berating people in line at a Starbucks. I'm just here to get coffee. I have a caffeine addiction. It's on my way hut to work. Why are you screaming at me about Palestine?

Yeah, yeah, no kidding, we don't have time for it. But my eye was caught by an article in the National Review about how a lot of the anti Israel demonstrations and blockades and such are happening in Teaneck in Bergen, New Jersey, which is where my parents grew up, and I spent many a lovely summer week at my grandparents' house and big family picnics and get togethers where the cousins would run and play then, and I would steal SIPs from my uncle's beers, composing a bit of an issue I may have anyway, But I kid, I'm a very responsible drinker.

But what was I going to say?

Oh, but Muslim groups, pro Palestinian groups are coming from several towns away to protest in those towns because they have.

Very large Jewish populations.

Now explain that to me getting in the face of Jews about how angry you are about Israel.

The rest of it. Man, we have some fault lines in this country.

Right, trying to provoke a reaction exactly that they can use to their benefit.

Yeah, that's ugly.

I've got another example from the anti work reddit forum that I really enjoy. It's kind of a little thing we can discuss, among other things, on the way to stay here.

The CDC in investigating more than a dozen illnesses linked to counterfeit botox injections. At least nineteen people have been treated in nine states. Several patients hospitalized authorities warrant. Many of the fake products were improperly labeled or given by unlicensed people and not in a health setting.

Health officials say FDA.

Approved botox is say, if they urge people use only licensed professionals, I don't know what.

To do for if you, I mean, what are we supposed to do for people who go to not real dentists, not real botox people or whatever.

Because it's cheaper. You roll in the dice. You know your rolling the dice. If something goes wrong, I don't know what are you supposed to do with that information? Go to here?

I'm going to get a drug. I'd prefer it not be one that I get jabbed into my face.

Well, yeah, I get it, and it's it's a crime and all that sort of stuff, But I don't know. I'm not gonna go to a fake botox person. I'd rather have wrinkles, all right.

I had a great experience with my half implants and a man's garage's very good service.

Pleasant, wasn't there?

Our old producer Dominic, he'd went to a garage dentist because it was much cheaper and off the book's garage dentist.


So anti work is a Reddit forum? Do you know what reddit is? I heard about Reddit for years before I ever got on it. Now, it's really easy to waste a lot of time on Reddit because there's threads and forums about everything.

Millions and millions of people are on Reddit.

But anyway, one of their popular forms is called anti work several minute million people, and it's a it says here, it's a subreddit for those who want to end work, are curious about ending work, want to get most out of a work free life.

What the hell are you talking about?

That is something I just I would love to talk to millions of people who are on this. How are you crafting society where people don't work?


I got a couple of examples of and this is just like in the last week. These are like these aren't like all time greatest hits. These are just recent ones. Here's one he posted this one time I sent my rent late and my landlord complained because the bank overdrafted him on his mortgage payment. What the f Realizing my landlord is living my paycheck to my paycheck is insane. And then the response to a lot of the followers was this is how the French revolution started. I like what you're implying, we one hundred percent we'll see a revolution in our lifetimes. The idea that the somebody who owns property they're renting it out, needs the rent to make the mortgage payment on the place, so they're living off your roof. They're living off your money somehow, and like taking from you somehow.

I don't even I.

Mean, it's really interesting to see the mindset of a lot of these people.

Keep coming to conclusions that are exactly the opposite of.

What is true. But it's a mindset. I didn't want to get hung up on that one. Oh yeah, that was that one.

That one is very popular, just the idea that all landlords are bad and evil and what they should just buy a house, make the payments and let you stay there for free out of I don't.

Even know what that is.

I don't even know what that is. I don't know if I have time for this one to fully get into it.

Um give us a taste.

Okay, it's a kid who quit his job, seventeen year old. Thank you for the opportunity, but I feel that this job isn't a right fit for me. Sorry that I won't be able to finish out the week. That's okay. I'll run the payroll this weekend and pay for you for you to It will be in your account on Tuesday. The first day isn't paid because that was training. Actually, legally, you're required to pay me for Monday, or I will contact the ombudsman.

Yes, we'll pay you, but one day's pay is not a big deal for us.

But if you follow this legalistic approach, I don't like your chances with other employers. Everybody was on the side of the kid for standing up for his rights, for getting training for a day, then quitting on the place and demanding he be paid for his training day.

Good luck in life. I agree with the employer, Armstrong and Getty

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