Hour 2 of A&G features...
Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio, the George Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong, Joe Getty.
Arm Strong and Getty, I know he Armstrong and Yetty.
So we're going to lay off the presidential election just for a moment, but worth mentioning regularly. Kamala Harris is sitting down with Brettbaar Fox tomorrow for an interview that he says has no preconditions and there will be no editing. So that's a big deal. Half hour, that's a big deal.
You can do a lot of talking, a lot of asking an answer in half an hour, no doubt.
Wow, So stay tuned for the well a preview of that, I guess. But also one of the most eloquent commentators in America explaining why he thinks to my quote, Kamala Harris is an idiot.
Also a friend of mine visited to Cello yesterday and something they told them on the tour. Oh, we should discuss I think it's interesting. Is it going to raise my blood pressure?
Well? I don't know, Okay, all right.
I am intrigued. It is he owned slaves related of course?
Oh of course?
Yeah, interesting story in the wall Street Journal America's new millionaire class plumbers and HVAC entrepreneurs, and it it's well, it's what the headline would suggest. There's one twist to it. But I'm reminded of something that I We've been saying for years. The virtually every election comes down to how much the government is going to give you, and most of its phony sure looks like it right now of other people's tax moment, with both candidates claiming all kinds of things are going to give you, or or a wave is a fee or whatever, just laying out the gifts and the handouts and the new programs and the rest of it. When it's funny that ninety well that's not true anymore. The vast majority of us we make a living, we have a job, and we you know, with the government's involved in our lives, but more than we want. And it's just the idea that, well, I'm going to vote for who gives me the most is just ugly to me anyway.
Yeah, it's never been part of my life.
And oh that gets back to you know what I've always tried to lay out, and I wish Conservative America was better at this, and I'm not claiming some sort of mantle as some sort of eloquent hero. But I've always said, I've come up with this program where you can feed, clothe, educate, and medicate ten to ten thousand families and it's not going to cost a dime of taxpayer money. It's called starting a business and growing it to success.
Where is that in our political discussions?
That is the engine of prosperity, the engine the government handout stuff is crumbs around the edges.
I hate for this to be true, but I think the reason you don't pitch that as an argument is because there are enough people that are going to decide the election that are that other thing you were talking about, Yeah, what are you going to give me without me doing anything for it? Really, you start talking about starting a business and all that sort of stuff, that's a lot of work.
And the politics of envy has been so successful in convincing people that the successful have done something untoward to get there. They should be resented for that success. They have stolen from you. If they have more than you, it's because they have stolen from you, which was not culturally the attitude in the United States up until very very recently.
I heard a great thing yesterday on that from Jonah Goldberg of The Dispatch that he regularly says in his speeches. I guess when people talk about why is there poverty? He says, that's not the question. There's always been poverty. Poverty is the natural state of human beings. Yes, why is there wealth is the question? And then you get into the discussion of how capitalism creates wealth. Poverty is the way it would be for everyone. If you didn't have capitalism, we'd all be poor. It's not like we'd all have, you know, nice sized homes and cars and go on vacations and a comfortable retirement.
Yeah. Yeah, that's not the natural state of things, right.
And my only equivalent with Jonah, who's absolutely right, is that because of the resentment of quote unquote wealth, you could break it down to never mind, why there's poverty? Why is their housing? Why is their food to eat? Why is their medical care? How did this happen? And we've just gotten away from that as a culture again because the politics of envy works.
And digression number ten before you get to your main point, Yes, when I said I've never voted for somebody given me stuff, I think that's factually true. But if you are to the left, you'd say, yeah, you've for people who who want lower taxes are going to lower taxes, and they're giving you money as opposed to I'm keeping my own.
Letting me keep my money is not giving me anything. But yeah, you're absolutely right. So this article in the Wall Street Journal is interesting. It is absolutely on the side of folks who build, learn a skill, build a business, hire others, teach them to do that business and grow it. One interesting wrinkle is that it's all about how private equity is now recognizing how the hvac business, the plumbing business are good solid electrical contractors too. They're good, solid, profitable businesses, and so venture capital is moving in and buying up these businesses private equity businesses.
They hope to.
Profit by running larger, more profitable operations, more efficient, etc.
Well, we endorse a heating and air company, Fantastic One, and I remember when we were talking to him last year and he was telling us what people can make to start and he can't find workers and they'll train them.
Right right, And there's some concern that. And you do have to watch for this. If you've been with a company for a long time Joe Hvac who learned the trade, smart guy, gal family entrepreneur, hired people, grew it, etc. Then they sell to the private equity company and it becomes a different company. Yeah, standards of service change, priorities change, that sort of thing.
What happens with everything, absolutely everything? Oh yeah, companies practically everything. You go and buy in a store that has a name brand, and I'm thinking of a home depot. So many different brands of things at home Depot built their reputation years ago on being super quality items that are crap, yes, because they're you know, they're run by what you're just talking about.
The wave of investment is minting a new class of millionaires across the country, one that small business owners say is helping add more shine to working with a tool belt.
Some of us don't need more shine for that.
But anyway, you don't need to go to Silicon Valley to have a successful career in entrepreneurial opportunities, said this fellow with the Detroit based private equity company that is doing a lot of investment in service companies. You know, I well, never mind, I was about to go off on a personal tangent, but we have a ten tangent limit and we've exceeded it. Why does everybody say space these days? Quote, everybody in their uncle owns an HVAC business in the private equity space today, he said. Another guy that's hip this private equity company, Redwood Services.
Where are they based? It doesn't matter, Tucson.
Interesting they've required acquired thirty five companies in the past four years, from small to large. In the services trades have long offered a solidly hourly wage for workers without college degrees, also springboards for those with bigger entrepreneurial ambitions.
Goodness knows that is true.
Wow, this guy spent five years in prison for selling meth before he co founded his plumbing business, and now.
He's an entrepreneur. He was selling meth and now he's got a legitimate business. But it was in sales. Honestly, you know, that's funny but true. I absolutely believe in second chances for people. I'm a one strike you're out guy.
Wow, that's hard anyway, Saudi Arabia is calling. But yeah, there is an element to that. He grew up in a hard, scrabbled place where that was the entrepreneurial opportunity and something open. Well, he learned the trade. I don't know if it was in prison or what, but he learned the trade and realized, oh, there are better entrepreneurial opportunities than selling death to people.
Anyway. That ain't that America for you and me, Land of the free? Anyway. I'm amazed by all you small business owners.
Much because you work so hard and you got everything on the line every day.
Yeah, I don't know how you. I really don't know how you do it.
That is why I so resent and I'm so strongly against this idiotic, nonsensical idea that we're going to raise business taxes because businesses have to pay their fair share. Like everybody who runs a business is crazy wealthy. I know a lot of small business people and entrepreneurs who draw what they have to keep a roof over their head, and they pour everything else back into the business hours they work are insane, right, pardon pardon my French folks, but I'll say gun instead of the B word I heard many years ago. You want to work for yourself, You're gonna hate the son of a gun. You're gonna hate your boss.
Because he won't let you have saturdays off.
Or holidays, or it's going'll work you like you've never worked before.
You know, stay home when you're sick. He's not gonna let you. Yeah.
So here's to you, entrepreneurs and small business owners. May a private equity firm buy you out and I'll see on the golf course.
I guess you can buy the drinks because you'll be richer than me.
Here's my one thing that I learned from Or should I do it when I come back? How do you do a radio show? Do you do the interesting stuff before the commercials are after? I guess what you hope is the interesting stuff is before and after?
Oh my gosh, Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey were at the baseball game?
Who are you?
Were they at the Yankees game? What have you become? So that's the thing. So that's a New York See.
That's one of the reasons if you're a Yankees hater, you hate the Yankees because all the celebrities show up. Yeah, so you got Now you got all the celebrities at the Mets games and the Yankees games, and it's just it's easy to be turned off by that. I'm just glad to see New York is pleased with themselves.
Get a little love, get a little attention, finally, some attention, finally not just toiling, obscure and obscurity. They're in New York.
Yes, Michael, Well, Travis proposed to her on the big screen.
I'm looking for a new job. By the way, if you are an HVAC or plumbing contractor, I think I could learn that I'm not working with you people anymore.
That we'll talk about Taylor Swift exactly. That would be pretty awesome. That would be a very Travis Kelsey thing to do. To do it like at a game on the Jobo Tron, like people do with Taylor Swift.
And you know, oh god, look look, folks, it's like COVID. It's easy to catch. They sucked me in. And here's what she does. She makes her oh surprised face the way she does when she wins her eight hundred and seventy five awards a year, and then says yes, and then drags him behind the scenes and says, listen, you dumb son of a bitch, We're going to be engaged for precisely three months, and then we're going to cite our travel schedules as being an issue.
And we're gonna let it go away quietly.
You proposed to me on the JumboTron at a baseball game. I had a deal in the works with NBC for a two hour primetime special for this fifty million dollars Travis. He was tastued idiot. Okay, what a friend was told at Monticello about Thomas Jefferson yesterday, among other things.
On the way, stay here.
Canada and India each expelled six diplomats as part of an escalating dispute over the June twenty twenty three assassination of a Sikh activist in Canada. Canada says police uncovered evidence of a targeted campaign against its citizens by agents of the Indian government. India says it voluntarily withdrew its diplomats.
Yeah, so that's interesting. Even Canada and ice kicked out India's ambassador.
I've said before, if I had unlimited time, I would dig deep in to Indian politics because it is wild.
A couple of things for you coming up.
By the way, A woman who lives in one of those complexes apartment complexes, and Aurora, Colorado taken over by Venezuelans thinks it's a bigger deal than Martha Radditt's of ABC This Week does.
Apparently from Washington, DC, she doesn't think it's a big deal.
Huh. Stay tuned to defer that Walgreens is going to close twelve hundred locations over the next three years for a variety of reasons.
Just saw seven Eleven's going to close hundreds of stores too.
Unprofitable stores. I wonder why they're unprofitable. Huh, could if he because the shelves get emptied once a month like gangs of utes.
Yeah. See, I dug into this story a little bit. Why don't businesses because we recognize that in the northern California where the show is based, businesses we know are closing because they're in a neighborhood full of crime and homeless people.
They never say it out loud when they close down. Why they closed down?
Why? What are they scared of? I really don't know.
I mean, you say, when I opened this business, it was a nice, safe business and I had customers. Now it's a crap hole, so that's why I closed. Yah, it's too dangerous for my customers and my help. And what's funny is once in a while one will say that and it gets a tremendous amount of attention, but most don't, not claiming that's the only reason Walgreens is struggling, but that's why a lot of them closed in San Francisco.
They're locking up my toothcut, that's right.
I was at the Tarja the other day, something I don't do very often. Was reminded that all the underwear is locked up in vast swaths of cal Unicornia. Yeah, because the junkies come in they just leave their soiled unders in the store and throw on some new steal it, walk out, cruise.
How's your utopia coming along? Well, I was aggressive. I was in a Starbucks.
Where they don't have mirrors in the bathroom anymore, because they don't mirrors or sinks in any of the bathrooms.
A lot to check my quaff.
A lot of the Starbucks don't have mirrors or sinks in the bathrooms because the homeless people go in there and use them, you know, as.
A place to wash up in there there for an hour.
So to deal with that, they just took out any sinks, or that she'd come out and use a communal sink kind of in a public area to kind of discourage bum bums, bum bats. This is even downtown Napa. I mean it's not like I was in the hood.
But that's a common thing with Starbucks to not have sinks and mirrors in the bathroom to keep the homeless people out.
Isn't that crazy that you adjust to them.
Well because your city's going to allow it.
Yeah, it is crazy. Oh my gosh, I know you're going to do something else. But I was listening to NPR on the way to work today to punish myself for the bad things I've done.
And in their main morning anchor.
Guy Stevenskip, who is an insufferably smug, lefty prick. Pardon me, but he was talking to this guy and it was it was about Trump indirectly, but the guy was making the case that progressive policies have killed America's cities just in terrible shape. And Stephen Skip was denying that reality. And this guy's from Portland, and he say, no, Steve, downtown Portland is a mess.
It's terrible. Seems like the buildings are there. Look, the unemployment rate is low in Portland.
He was denying that Portland, for instance, has gone to hell the protected class in DC in Manhattan, just like Martha Radditts, who I actually have a fair amount of respect for as a journalist. But it was a great example of that disgusting smug immigration actually helps the economy. Our schools are dying, and that's funny. My kids at Sidwell Friends for sixty five thousand dollars a year doing fine. Man. I hate those people. And to eat cats cat eaters. Wait a minute, who does the entitled class in DC? Somebody does?
Are cat eating going on? Than I had any idea?
Okay, So yeah, it continues to be a story. Well, Trump's closing hard with immigration and that's a top issue for America and that it's gonna work a lot better than whatever Kamala Harris's closing argument is.
But we got more on that coming up in a minute. Armstrong and Getty have.
Some follow ups from conversations we had before we get into the meet.
In the hour this is the uh, I don't know, chips and guacamole of the hour. I guess I enjoy that pretty much.
All Right, first this, I've been meeting to talk about this for a while. LA Times has a story about how the San Francisco mayor's race is the hottest and many many years, San Francisco tech workers are spending millions on the mayor's race in San Francisco because they want the politics to be more centrist less progressive. I bring this up for the rest of the country. He doesn't live in San Francisco. Uh to point out that there must be a limit. Apparently there's a limit for everybody.
Yeah, how far, how crappy you can let your town get with liberal Paul before you'll decide to do something different. I was just reading about this at this activist dude who's got somehow all sorts of political power because he has a bunch of followers in San Francisco, who's so staunchly against quote unquote gentrification that anything that improves anything he's against, that's a weird and he gets his neighbors to go along with it.
That's a wild position. I'd say.
We were talking earlier about we're in the last three weeks of the election, and both sides are promising to give people all kinds of things they can't actually give them because so many people vote on who's going to give me the most? Got this text I don't vote for who will give me something. I will vote for who takes less from me. Yeah, that's the category I'm in. But about half the country don't believe there's such thing as that. I guess everything you learn really belongs to the government, and it's up to the government to let you. They decide how much they'll let you have, right, and they'll take the part that's important for all of society. Hey, one man's socialism is another man's neighbor holiness, says Tim Walls, right, and those are the same people think the government gives you your rights. Yeah, the same principle on the Starbucks thing with the bathroom. So Starbucks the communal sinks that they now have because they took the bathrooms and mirrors out of the or they took the sinks and mirrors out of the bathrooms because homeless people were washing themselves in there. So now you come out of the bathroom and there's like a communal thing there out by where you get your coffee.
Like you're at an outdoor rock concert or something outside the porta potties exactly.
So the Starbucks communal sinks are still used to bathe right there in the open on many occasions, we've caught them straight up nude in the bathroom hallway, with half their naked bodies literally in the sink. I've been in leadership for Starbucks for over ten years in northern California, trust me.
Wow. And it's mostly junkies, of.
Course it is. Yeah, And we put up with this in some parts of the country. Lots of the parts of the country. This doesn't happen. I live near Portland. I assure you it's not fine. We will not go downtown unarmed. Always carry everywhere here.
Yeah, and miskidding, brother, I could not believe what I was hearing out of the NPR. Dude, and this text just to keep us level headed. This show has hit the rocks.
There you go, hit the rocks doing poorly icey Yeah, Wow, played this yesterday, But in case you didn't hear it, it's pretty good. Trump is closing hard on the immigration argument way too much. Well, they call it the immigration argument. It's a legal immigration that really bothers people, or just unregulated immigration, even if people end up being legal or decent people with just the idea of just randomly decided no no policy whatsoever. It's just however, many millions of people decide to come in and where they want to go is a nutty way to run a country, whoever they are. And polling shows sixty percent of Americans now want to deport everybody who's undocumented, which is an extraordinary thing.
Right. So Trump's closing hard with the immigration argument.
He was in Aurora, Colorado, the talking about Venezuelan's taken over the apartment complexes. But anyway, Martha Rattits pushed back against his running mate Vance the other day and this is how that went.
The Center Advance, I'm going to stop you because I know exactly what happened.
I'm going to stop you.
The incidents were limited to a handful of apartment conflex apartment complexes, and the mayor said, our dedicated police officers have acted on those concerns a handful of problems.
Only, Martha, do you hear yourself?
Only a handful of apartment complexes in America were taken over by Venezuelan gangs. And Donald Trump is the problem and not Kamala Harris's open border.
I know it's not the Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes that are the problem.
It's Donald Trump saying rude things.
I know in the modern world, especially in social media, everybody's always owning everybody or destroying everybody or whatever. Right that is an own though, that is a r Are you freaking kidding me?
You just said with your own mouth that only a handful of apartment.
Complexes in a suburb have been taken over by violent Venezuelan gangs, and you're portraying.
That is okay. Therefore I ought to shut up about it. Yeah, that's nuts. I was astounding. That is the protected class speaking.
That is so crazy.
There are forty thousand illegals in Denver, not just I don't know what the number of would be. That people are, you know, moved here recently that don't speak the language or all the other things that make it difficult to assimilate, but forty thousand.
Illegals, right, which is a lot.
Denver's a big city, but not big enough to obsorb forty thousand illegals. And why should they Well, they're a sanctuary city. As you're about to hear from this woman who lived in one of the apartment complexes that was briefly taken over by Venezuelan gangs.
I was pushed out of my apartment gang activity, people carrying guns in the hallway and patrolling their grounds with guns.
She goes on, I.
Feel like the immedia took my videos and face value and didn't do any research of their own, so they immediately said, oh, this can't be true, or this is only a few apartments. How many is okay? There were six people outside my door with guns. That's not counting all the other ones they used to patrol the property with guns. How many gangs is okay to have in Aurora? How many properties is okay to take over? How many people who are citizens paying their bills is it okay to displace?
Good questions?
For Martha Raddins, this is an important principle. The classes in America are the protected class and the unprotected class. The protected class passes these policies or refuses to enforce the law, for instance, and they are protected from the repercussions of what they have done. The rest of us who live in the real world are the unprotected class.
I first heard that spelled out that clearly by Tucker Carlson years ago on this Fox show. Just Nancy Pelosi and various other people who are for these sanctuary sees it. They don't live in neighborhoods where anything is changed.
At all at all.
The music they hear, the food they eat, their schools, their hospitals, nothing has changed. So it's very easy for them to talk about, you know, the raising tide lifts all boats and all kinds of different things about assimilation.
And melting pot and everything. No melting pot going.
On in their neighborhood. Yeah, nothing has changed at all. Oh, white rich people. How many US senators have kids in public schools? How many congress people have kids in actual public schools? I would like to know those numbers. It would be interesting to bring in some of these people to a public school and say, you see what the teacher's doing here, because I have seen it. The teacher is using Google Translate on their phone, so they talk about whatever they just talked about, how Columbus, you know, raped the country or something. Whatever they're teaching in public school priorities. Yes, said the gender bread person. They say that in English, and then they use Google Translate for their phone and do it again, doubling the amount of time it takes for the handful of students.
That don't speak English. Do they do that in your school? Oh, they don't do that in your school. I'll be darned. You're Supergsman's in private school. They don't do that. Yeah, it really sucks. Yeah, Yeah, it's unbelievable.
I'm going to make the case next hour that American government education is a failure. It is septic, as they say in the medical term, it can't be fixed by antibiotics. I'm not sure precisely what to do about it, other than a complete revolution in school choice.
But next hour, please stay tuned.
Well, you know, if you had the fast Protect monitoring live guard protection from simply say, if you'd catch that cash eat Haitian eating your cat, not a cash eating a hat, which would be a completely different thing.
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I'm watching the dude. You might think there's not much going on in your neighborhood. Are you on the next door app? There's way more things going on than you think there are when you get on your next door app. Anyway, the Simply Safe system makes me feel comfortable when I drive away from my home.
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And to the violent gangs taking over the is just a hand? Can we play? The Martha writeris thing to get you there? Just to hear that again, her tone, It's unbelievable that she has this tone about this topic.
The senator evans, I'm going to stop you because I know exactly what happened.
I'm going to stop you.
The incidents were limited to a handful of apartment conflux apartment complexes, and the mayor said, our dedicated police officers have acted on those concerns. A handful of problems.
Only, Martha, do you hear yourself? Only a handful of apartment complexes in America were taken over by Venezuelan gangs. And Donald Trump is the problem and not Kamala Harris's open border.
And as I pointed out yesterday, the line from the police chief, our dedicated officers have responded to the concerns.
What does that mean? Actually, I heard from who did they have on Fox and Friends today? Was it the police chief? It was somebody from law enforcement in oraa Colorado, talking about there are forty thousand illegals in Denver and they're now coming in to Aurora and we can't handle it.
We can't handle the number of people. But Denver's a sanctuary city.
Imagine being so ideological that you approach the conversation and the problem the way Martha Ratits did. When you have law enforcement saying we're overwhelmed, you have school officials saying we're overwhelmed.
What's it like to live in that world? Well?
I think if I lived in a DC suburb or wherever she lives gated community that hasn't changed a bit in the forty years I've lived there.
You know, I don't know what my point of view would be.
Well, for what it's worth, we decided a long time ago that we were not going to attempt to infiltrate and hobnob with the halls of power because it changes you and the way you do this job.
And so we're delighted to be outsiders.
And I heard somebody make the point, so you had to ven violent Venezuelan gang's attempt to take over.
A handful, just a handful of the company, just a handful. But what about convenience stores, community centers, all kinds of different things.
You got trend deragua robbing people in New York City now growing problems, sending teenagers out on the streets to rob.
Yeah, the lost a handful of New York cities.
What so if Trump wins, and right now it looks like he's going to I remember Mark alpern Wright in this a year ago about the immigration thing when it was really at its height and at that point getting no national attention, him saying, if Trump wins, this is going to be why the dominant media's willingness to overlook this topic. Right right, Oh, it's becoming more and more clear, to my delight that the transgender lunacy is becoming a serious sleeper issue. It's changing political races across the country because, for the millionth time, the way normal people perceive these issues is so vastly different than the media's take on them. And if you get too caught up in media, you start to think, Wow, I must be an outlier.
You're not friends, You're not.
Yeah, So Kamala Harris is an idiot, one of the most eloquent men in America.
Charles C. W. Cook on that topic, It is delightful.
And I still didn't get to what a friend of mine who visited Monticello yesterday, that's oh Thomas Jefferson's home. Yes, one of the things they learned, which is worth learning. I mean, I'm for the whole story. What you emphasizes those matters obviously, and I have a shocking factoid about TJ to share when you finally get to that. Okay, I can probably fitted in with Columbus Day yesterday too, as I was listening to some nonsense about Columbus.
Ah, God, Columbus day is like my it's a rock in my shoe, my entire adult life. It's your jihab it is I stay here.
Giant handas Bowli and Chingbao are right now on their way from China to Washington, DC's National Zoo on a chartered FedEx plane aptly named the Panda Express.
That's funny.
I hated Panda Express last night, and as I always say, when we pull in, I hope the panda is fresh tonight, the Panda Express. They're flying pandas from what did the whole panda of China Washington d panda diplomacy thing whatever? And calling them giant pandas I expected them to be like thirty feet high at the shoulder, they're not.
So this is an interesting topic.
As someone I know is at Monticello yesterday touring where Jefferson lived, How did I never do that when we lived when we lived on the East Coast, I didn't. I did a whole bunch of things, but I didn't do that one. Anyhow, it's within the last what thirty years or is it sooner than that that they started talking about the Sally Hemings part of the Thomas Jefferson story. Yeah, the fact that he had a black wife girlfriend whatever, I don't want to.
Eat or did he back to you? And there is a serious question about that, Is there really?
There is? Yeah? Okay, can nobody wants to talk about it.
I was convinced that that was had been made certain was by people that I respected, like, not by you know, woke lunatics.
Yeah, I just happened to read a really well researched thing that said it was almost certainly his brother. That's why the genetics work. But and there's all sorts of contemporaneous accounts of this, that and the other, but I won't get into it. But it doesn't matter. He held slaves. Everybody had slaves at that point, all.
Over the world.
Well, yeah, I was going to get that in a second and fitted in with the Columbus Debyan yesterday, the whole presentism thing. But so I got a text from this person who was touring Monticello and they said they've been telling us about Sally Hemmings.
I didn't know much about her. She was Sam's age, my son's age fourteen. She was fourteen when she negotiated her future children's freedom in return for laying with.
Jefferson, which is a kind way to put it. If that's indeed what happened. Many people call that rape. I think that is fair since you didn't really have a choice. I'm guessing, Oh, it's definitely a coercion of one sort or another.
Yeah. Yeah, And we also got this text.
Saying that they also teach this Jefferson. They can't be teaching this at Monticello. That Jefferson forced his slaves to hang their dogs because he saw them as distractions from their slave work. Add to that he'd separate parents on different plantations, requiring slave fathers to work on different plantations and get to see their kids on the day off. That quite possibly is true. Slavery is horrible, of course, and there's really no way to slice it where it's not horrible.
But to prioritize thats what you learn at Monticello is absurd. But the federal government is so captured by the woke.
Yeah, that's that's the thing.
Thomas Jefferson's not famous because he was a slaveholder. No, there there were lots and lots and lots of slaveholders. He's famous for being involved in crafting the system that is now the world's oldest democracy and the most successful country in the history of the world, right, which is worth like really spending all your time emphasizing. And yeah, I don't want to hide the other history, but I feel like it gets emphasized to the point that it obscures the amazing part, right exactly. Yeah, it' we were talking about slavery and it's horrors, but not when you're at Monticello as the main topic. That's absurd and it's obscene, I mean especially because and you never hear this either. Jefferson was fully cognizant of the fact that all men are created equal and the principles his spouts were incompatible with slavery. Now, given the racism of the time, he didn't put it in exactly these ways, but in this way, he was fully cognizant of the fact that slavery couldn't last in the United States.
He wrote about it, that Washington was aware of it. They were just trying to figure out how to unentangle a hundreds of years old, practically universal system from the modern economy at that time. It's a harder thing than it sounds.
Taking her out of time to even get into the Columbus angle of it, which is a very similar situation. Judge people by today's standards. Yeah, like Bill Maher even said, you're not better than these people were, You're just born later.
Yeah yeah, Oh wow.
It'd be hard for me to stomach hearing a lot about that. As I'm trying to learn about Thomas Jefferson, I might blow a gas the crafter of the country
Armstrong and Getty