He's 2 Midgets In A Man's Suit

Published Oct 24, 2024, 2:36 PM

Hour 1 of A&G features...

  • The big data grab & unhinged Nazis
  • Mailbag! 
  • If Trump wins the election...
  • Katie Green's Headlines!

Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio of the George Washington Broadcast Center.

Jack ar'm Strong and Joe, Katty arm Strong and Petty and Key.

Army from the studio Clay Senior.

It's a dimly lit room. Where are we deep within the bowels of the.

Armstrong and getting communications compound on Little Friday and today we're under the tutelage of our general.

Manager anonymous sources.

Awesome, fantastic, how y'all doing. I'm working on this. Come to music, Michael here, I'm working on Oh oh, wait a minute. On the twelfth day of the election, my drill Love gave to me three cackling VP. He's two knuckleheads and a fascist in a pear tree.

Wah wah, love it, love it. Twelve days ago was the point of that.

Yeah, we're through silly season into stupid season, and tomorrow is the dawn of are U f and kidding this season?

Boy? As you about to find out when we get to our opening clips. It is.

Clear the closing argument on Trump is he's a deranged fascist. Wow wow. I'd be more concerned if he was a coherent fascist. Honestly, that is because I need to be effective. What a crazy closing argument that is. I mean, and some of you believe it's true, so okay, fine, but wow, I mean, that is just absolutely amazing. I'm not a fan of Hitler, of all the things. Next, she's a robot. He's a lizard in a skin suit. Yeah, okay, here we go. Right, he's two midgets in a man's suit, shoulders like the vertical horse outfit, right right. And nobody's no I was watching taking in like the punditry from all my favorite people with inside scoops and all that sort of stuff.


Nobody's sure why they made the turn or whatever. I mean, there's no reporting on that yet, Like how they decided, because up until like three days ago, it was we're here to help the middle class, we're gonna bring prices down, you know, various those kind of normal running for president issues. But they made the hard turn up he's a mentally ill fascist, and now it's.

Just the message.

The same reason a football team that's dedicated to establishing the run goes away from the run because it's not working.

And that's that's the speculation.

It's difficult to come up with an alternate explanation that makes any sense.

Honestly, it is. Yes, Michael, I'm.

Already picturing some of the networks now showing Trump waving and then saying, if you look at that wave, We're we're close to that, Michael, we are this close to As you can see, his wave is reminiscent of this picture in those show were this Just John and the retired paratrooper sent us a funny picture. It's entirely a visual, but it was from CBS News's website, uh having to do with Trump in January sixth, and Trump is a black and white picture him in profile, looking very serious and evil and because the lighting the shadow of his nose gave him just a bit of saying the moustasia and this CS News when with Ted for their illustration, Wow, so come on, Wow, We're into are you effing kidding me?



Yes, I like when I learned something new.

Here's something I learned yesterday about campaign stuff like that, because I'd just been rolling my eyes at the Bruce Springsteen concert and the Taylor Swift to rally and that sort of stuff.

More or less. Oh oh, and violent Jay from Insane Clown Pop.

He has come out in favor of Kamala Harris to joining the list of.

Greats violent j from an insane clone posse I did that. I don't know that insane clown icp con. They're Juggalows Chuggleonation rising up.

So, Uh, Springsteen's in Georgia, and I think Tea Swizzle's doing a Wisconsin thing next week. And uh, there's a rumor going around that Lizzo got paid two and a half million dollars for her deals she did in North Carolina or wherever she was. And uh, and I was listening to a Democratic strategist said that would be cheap. I mean if that, he's worth every dollar and explained why that it's to go into the Springsteen concert, the Taylor Swift event, Lizzo or whatever. You have to give over your your email address, name, that sort of stuff that's part of the deal, and they turn out, he said, if they turn out half, which would be a low number, if they turn out half the people that showed up to see Lizzo to vote, that is easily worth two and a half million dollars compared to spending that much money on a big ad buy where there's no way you're gonna get that many people to turn out. I mean, it's it's bang for your buck. It's incredibly effective. And I'm guessing. And then a bunch of people disputed that I'm guessing. Springsteen and Taylor Swift aren't taking a dime for this. But the idea is not, Oh, look, the freaking singer likes the Democrat, big deal. It's that they're gonna turn you know, half the sixty thousand people that showed up to the concert out on election day or get them to a vote early. It's like everything else in the modern world. It's a data graph. It's like everything everything sign up for this. It ain't about it ain't about to winning the hot tub. It's about them having your email address for the rest of your life. You're right, isn't that interesting? Though I had no idea it was that effective. And here I sit unhot tubbed and bespammed, right, having learned a bitter lesson. Yeah no kidding, well, it starts suo officially. She can hear Tim Walls and Kamala Harrison will contune our conversation. I'm Jack Armstrong, He's Joe Getty on this. It is Thursday, twelve days out October twenty four, the year twenty twenty four, where Armstrong are getting. We approve of this program.

To quote the late great Hunter S.

Thompson, when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro So let's begin officially now according to FCC rules and regulations.

Leaping into action at mark, I thank for many of us.

The last twenty four hours certainly have been a bit shaking, with the reporting coming out in the Atlantic donald Trump's dissension into madness.

Do you think Donald Trump is a fascist? Yes? I do, Yes, I do. How about um dfs around here? Deranged fascists? That's where we are twelve days out.

The VP wall says his descent into madness as if that's just a given, and we all agree, oh, agreed, yes, And then a president, one of the two main presidential candidates calling their opponent fly out fascist.

Wow. Wow, it is just.

It's teetering between hilarious and incredibly troubling.

Second to second, I changed my opinion. It's both.

It's horrifarious. It's definitely both. It is horrifying and hilarious. It is wild man, whoa you're a fascist? Man? Well as we've seen right, Well, they all, they both used their super serious tones yesterday, so this was clearly orchestrated.

Nobody's nailed that down yet.

But obviously she didn't start making her he's a fascist argument like three four days early. Then the Atlantic piece landed with the interview from John Kelly by accident, so somebody came up with the here's our closing argument, he's a fascist. He's a he's a lunatic fascist. That's a's dark descent into madness. That's our closing argument. So all that clearly was coordinated, maybe like the births of the Resist peanut butter cuffs according to the old commercials. So you had your he's a fascist crowd. You had there it's a descent in a madness crowd, and they realized, wait a minute, let's combine these two fabulous ideas into one tasty political treat He's a deranged, fashion arranged and fascist, two great tastes that tastes great together.


Yes, you got fascist in my deranged, you got deranged in my fascist.

That's the closing argument. Oh my god, there you go. What nazis. That's what we're talking about. Nazis. Thanks, what we're talking about? Crazy Nazis.

That's Trump Nazis, but kind of you know, Nundy on the hinge the Nazis. And then it helps to have the full buy in of the dominant media where they all opened with their somber tones yesterday.

Donald Trump, it turns out, is a fascist. I'm Nora o'donald with the CBS Evening News.

And then you go to the Tim Wallas Cliff, Well, we've all observed his descent into madness.

Whoa Hitler fanboy?

Donald Trump took to the stump in Pennsylvania today. Okay, and it I guess the question is is that you know it's all about moving the undecided voters? Is that doing it? Is that making anybody think? You know, it's kind of on the fence. But now that Tim Walla said he's descended into madinus, I suppose I better go with hairs or is it eight?

I don't know.

It's difficult for me to picture what levers, if you will, are effective or ineffective in moving a voter who at this moment could be swayed by that sort of rhetoric. I don't know what that feels like, what that sounds like. Maybe they've switched gears, which David Ploff running her campaign is one of the best ever at this sort of thing. Maybe he's just gone with no, it's turnout. We just turn out all our people.

We will win. Screw the undecided voters.

We turn out way bigger number, and we're gonna We're gonna motivate.

People were all worked up in twenty twenty.

They were so worked up against Trump and probably not as worked up now, and they're trying to get him at that fever pitch of fear about Donald Trump to get that level of turnout again, which reminds me. I just saw an account I can't remember where I read it. I read all day long, but it was talking about several different states that have the early voting going where the lines yesterday were an hour and a half long yesterday Wednesday, October the twenty third. Who stands in line for an hour and a half when you've got thirteen days to do this.

I show up on the lines that long and think, Okay, we'll do this a different day. I ain't doing it today.

Well, I agree with you, and they actually quoted people saying that very thing. But the existence of the lines is the story. Obviously, what's going on there?

I don't know.

And then this little nugget before this polling obviously happened before the last two days of news. I'm not sure any of this stuff has any effect on anybody. That's the problem with hyperbole, as we all know, boy crying wolf, et cetera.

Or you know, turn it if.

You've ever been in music, everybody turning their amps up to eleven, eventually everybody's as loud as they can go. Just I just don't know if any of this stuff means anything to anybody anymore.

I mean, you go back.

To the middle of the two thousand and eight one candidate saying the other candidate has descended into madness. It had all been stood there with our mouths open. What well, and as a co headliner with he's hitler, I mean, what the what? And I just don't know if any of this because everything is turned up to eleven, don't I don't actually know.

But this, in.

Fairness, the counter argument, at least to some extent on the other side, not officially, but is she's a halfwood have slept her way to the top. I mean, that's not exactly a Jeffersonian counter argument. Well, Some of the counter argument is is Trump is a wacky, wacky dude, and his comments about John Kelly yesterday were out of line, so far overboard. In my opinion, I just thought, why do you got to be that way, dude? Why do you got to be that way? Because he is that way? It's ridiculous. Yeah, we'll we'll talk about that later. But Trump, in the Wall Street Journal poll that's out today, has the highest approval rating he's ever had running for president. He's more popular than he's ever been. People liked his approval is deranged?


Isn't fifty two percent approval forty eight percent disapproval in the Wall Street Journal pole today, it's.

Not what Kyell he's ever been.

I know, you know what it's getting beyond my astonishment, it's everything we've been talking about. It is that is a vote of disapproval of those who are a rated against him. That is when their excesses and their dishonesty, they're one sided. This including to a large measure, to large measure, the media. Yeah, when Tim Wall says we've all seen his descent into madness, I think, all right, dude, whatever I mean that makes me want to go the other direct not because try's any less deranged.

Yeah, it's an expression.

Of disapproval as much as approval df deranged fascists.

How does vailbag look? It's actually very good.

Wow, this is going to be a wild last twelve days. Our text line is four one five two nine five KFTC.

Armstrong Andngetti plug it in some.

Of the news of the day. Also, North Korea sending troops to Russia is a thing because now South Korea is sending weapons to Ukraine.

So there you go. Oh boy, here's your freedom loving quote of the day.

Oddly a series that will be introduced for the next several days by the sitting Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris.

Ours is an administration that is always focused on equity. Are all people having the same experience and if not, in particular, what they are entitled to, such as the right to clean up water, the right to clean air. Then let's address that. So ronmental justice is a phrase that we used to talk.

All right, Michael, turn it off.

We'll just use the beginning the fight for equity and which your mental justice. Oh there are one hundred different fuzzy terms they throw around, but anyway, we'll just use the very beginning of that. The argument for equity meaning equal outcomes, got some interesting folks talking about this. We'll start oddly with doctor phil but what he said was great. I can't think of anything more destructive to a society than teaching everybody that we're going to work towards an equality of outcome.

That's been tried.

We got one hundred million corpses to prove that doesn't work well, said Philip mailbag and again more to come clear into next week. Was our freedom loving quote of the day from doctor philm I believe that's correct.

We're checking the record. Yes it was a good quote, but drop us.

A note mail Bag at Armstrong you getty dot com. Gentlemen, I'm a fagstough friend of Armstrong you Getty since day one, thanks to my mother and he he mentions to folks, you can't tell which one of us is which, or which voices which go to YouTube. There are a number of A and G YouTube clips that you could survey.

So that's anyway, thank you for the note. It's actually quite lovely, but we have no time.

Rich in beautiful green oregan rights based on my explanation of why saying Hitler didn't do anything good is an idiotic way to approach the rise and follow Third Reich.

He said, So, I guess if Joe went back in a time machine, he would not kill baby Hitler. All right, thank you.

I love that as a discussion. Would you kill baby Hitler? That's a good one.

Let's see.

This is from Brian, Hello, Jack and Joe. If I was drive by media, I'd worry all this taka Hitler might turn college young women for Trump. After all, they would like the final solution. By all the signs I've seen on campus. Whoa, whoa, they're flaming angry anti semitism. Interesting take Brian from Santa Rosa. How about Burbank Luke Guys, of course Trump is Hitler. I was hiding liberals under my floorboards when he invaded British Columbian twenty seventeen. That's some good sarcastic. You're really minimizing the evil of the Third Reich by comparing Trump to Elois Schickeldruper. Oh and he says you better bring the Hitler bell. It cracks my daughter up. And Michael's been slacking lately.

Yes, he has. There's never been a time, Michael, where it's been more important to play the Hitler bell.

We need a national Hitler bell like the whole country rings every time one of our candidates says Hitler.

The point of the.

Hitler bell being on the Armstrong and Getty show that it would draw a little extra attention to any gratuitous use of Hitler as an example of anything right, Uh Jack Joe Kamala should run an ad showing a sixteen year old boy coming home from school and telling his dad, Hey, Dad, I know that you're only forty, but you can retire. Thanks to President Harris's efforts to raise the minimum wage to a living wage. I can now support our family of four with the job I just got at McDonald's. I don't even have to finish high school. That's pretty funny. That is more great sarcasm. Well done, don Oh, we don't have time. Who is the real threat to democracy? John with a great answer to that question. We'll slip it in the next half hour.

Love it.

That's all on the way. Lots of news today. I hope you can stay with us if you miss an hour. Get the podcast. Armstrong and Getty.

Meanwhile, I saw that last night in Detroit former President Obama campaign with eminem and he recited he recited a few lines of lose yourself.

Now, I notice my palm's a sweating week, has a heaven swallow runners the gunner.

All right, that's right, that's right.

The crowd loved it, while Sasha and Malia were like, well, we lost our votes.

That's right.

That is one of the great ald time songs. But whenever I do that, my kids are like, oh my god, I hope nobody saw us. What is so off putting about dad trying to be cool? I don't know, but not trying to be cool, just doing what you've always done. But man, does it make my kids cringe? I mean just oh, I've got something just popped into my head as a theory, all right, that this we haven't seen the October surprise yet, which is quite possible so as taken in some of the information during the commercial break, and Kamala Harris once again with a late start to the day. She's not getting out and doing stuff till one o'clock, which is unprecedented in major candidates running.

For president, sleeping off or drunk. As we've said many times.

I mean the common thing is like you're up at five and at your first rally on the west coast, East coast, West east coast, and then you work your way across the country against the time zones and everything like that, and close late and fly back and sleep four hours in your bleary eyed and everybody wonders how you do it.

And I mean that's the way. It's all happy, full of metamphetamines. Like Hitler's troops. Hitler again, always come up again.

She rolls out one o'clock, does cup things, goes back whatever she's doing, I think again to the point of them being all in on this whole Trump's deranged, mentally ill fascist, I think they're gonna drop some big bomb of some sort opo research thing that they think is gonna make all the difference, and they're just all in on this, and like, you know, don't worry about you know, the rallies or whatever.

That's not what's gonna win or lose.

This. This big piece of information we got coming out in the last ten days is the thing.

And that's either gonna convince people or it's not. That's my current theory.

Okay, interesting, I wonder if it'll be a thing or it will be several things.

And I bring because I don't think we have the audio ready yet.

But you mean like starting with the Atlantic interview yesterday and then building with more and morleys. Well, yeah, except specifically targeted to certain groups. For instance, the Atlantic hit piece that's getting a fair amount of discussion includes a section whereby and I don't.

Think we have this audio yet, no worries, we'll get to it later.

But the accusation being that Trump met with the family of a murdered service person and told them that, according to the Jeffrey Goldstein Atlantic thing, he said something of a pain for the funeral, and then when it turned out it was going to be expensive, he said, I'm not paying fifty thousand dollars to bury an effing Mexican. Yeah, And then the entire family is outraged and saying not only did he never say anything like that, he wouldn't have. He was incredibly helpful and kind and sympathetic in the rest of it. That other people are at that meeting, or like he didn't say that. It's just unhinged, but it's directly going at Latino's who are flocking toward Trump. So CBS led with that last night. I got Hanson grabbing that just so you can hear how Nora o'donald introduced it. It was like the first sentence out of her mouth practically last night, and I hadn't heard that story until you just described it. I didn't know what she was talking about because I didn't finish the newscast a single anonymous source worth mentioning we have it.

Go ahead and play it there, Michael.

It's less than two weeks to go to election day and Vice President Kamala Harris is calling Donald Trump increasingly unhinged and unstable. That comes after the former president's own former chief of staff, John Kelly said on the record and on tape that Trump repeatedly praised Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler. He also said his former boss fits the definition of a fascist. Kelly is a retired four star Marine general who also served as Trump's Secretary of Homeland Security.

Oh dang it, it's the next sentence I think where she says and he used the F word when describing a Hispanic something or other.

That's the part we need, Hansen. But wow, that was lead. Lead.

The intro is repeating every hit piece talking point from the Democratic Party, even though it incredibly thinly sourced. Yeah, repeating as fact all the October surprise stuff. Right, I didn't even news network. I hadn't even heard this F word one. I didn't know what I didn't know what she was talking about. And again then, and this is interesting about the voters because even I, as a guy who does this for a living, is like, yeah, I wonder what it is now, but wasn't interested enough to even stick around and find out because there's just so many of them all the time. It just like, I wonder what it is now, But it didn't move the needle on me. I wonder if moves the needle on anybody else. I actually assumed it was fag the slur for gay people when they said she said F word the way she put it in context, I didn't know what it was.

But so wow, so you might be right. So it's gonna be go after this group with a story.

This group is a story now that there'll be something about black men that he has said older against black men today, probably roughly three o'clock this afternoon. Interesting, Yeah, I wonder if that's going to work.

You know to that topic.

Marina from San Diego dropped us a note mail bag at armstrong eddy dot com and said, you guys talk about the possible October surprise. Any day the Left could have a verified document showing Trump plans to sell off Alaskan Hawaii to Russia, and those of us would still vote for Trump because we would believe it was fake. After the past eight plus years of the Left crying wolf. If we wake up January twenty first and Trump is Hitler, my bad. That's quite a my bad, Marina, but I appreciate it.

Great note.

There is a lot to that you can't claim, Adam Schiff, I have the documentation this will end his presidency over and over and over again for a day about various things, much of it and just never panning out and expect people to believe some of this stuff. Here's an interesting place to land on the whole general Kelly fascist thing. As I was taking to Mark Alprin's round up yesterday afternoon, he said, he said, I know both of these guys, and I can't imagine either one of them. I can't imagine Kelly lying, said Mark Alprin about this, because I know what kind of guy is an honorable guy.

He said.

I also can't imagine Trump saying this. It just doesn't fit with the way I know him, he said. He said, I realized those two things do those two things don't fit together. It's kind of impossibility, But he said, I can't imagine either one of these scenarios.

Right right, Yeah.

Trump's tendency to praise hard asses for their hard ass ary is.

I get that.

I don't admire it exactly, but and sometimes that lapse into something that certainly appears to be praising dictators for a dictatorial behavior in ways that I would I find unconscionable honestly. But he's not praising the dictators per se. It's just that fairly pathetic schoolyard bully aspect of his personality getting out. But anyway, I's fair in love. In politics, the email I actually wanted to feature is this one from John Guys. Who's a threat to democracy? Not Kamala Harrison, Donald Trump. It's the American voter, The uneducated voter glancing at social media does not count as serious research. The identity voter voting based solely on immutable traits like skin color, sex, identity the party voter pick R or D, and vote only for those candidates. The pay me voter voting for the candidate that promises the most benefits from the public treasury.

As long as we continue.

Voting in these ways, we'll get leaders who are blindly loyal to party, promised to spend money we don't have in lack of common sense. If democracy fails, it won't because of a transitory leader who got elected by a frivolous electorate.

It will be because too many of us vote like this, repeated like something that he said for that John, Yeah, I.

I can't imagine Trump sitting around saying no, no, he had learned at some good things and going on off on a thing in a in a indelicate way that could really rub people the wrong way or allow sport. You know that doesn't surprise me. Actually, the effing Mexican thing. I doubt he said that.

Right. I would agree, I and just from a self preservation standpoint of nothing else.

And at some point, and this is back to your screed yesterday, which I agreed partly that it's a it's a binary choice, you get one or the other. I still am in favor of either not voting or voting third party as a protest vote.

But anyway, but in terms of.

Assuming you are going to vote for one or the other, if Trump said something horrible like that, and I found his foreign policy in an extremely dangerous world in the twenty first century to be markedly better than Kamala Harris's, I would have to put aside my disgust and vote for Trump. And if you see it differently, you would have to put aside your disgust or contempt for Kamala Harris or whatever and vote for her.

It works both ways.

But given the enormous stakes both economically you know, domestic policy, you know, freedom of speech and doctrination of the kids, and then into the geopolitics, which well could end humanity or lead to a nuclear holocaust or god knows what in the twenty first century, if he said something or she said something I found repugnant, and yet their policies I thought were much better crafted to guide us through these troubled times.

I mean, come on, come on, it's just not even a choice. Yeah. Oh, I was going to mention this before we take a break.

Guys watching I remember what it was I was watching, But this journalist was talking about friends she has. She was explaining, Oh, it was the conversation of is there going to be a mental health crisis across this nation if Trump wins for half the country, and I think there is going to be. I would be if Trump wins, I will be shocked if my local University of California does not cancel classes the next day. If you can get a bet to bet people, because you're right, nothing, you know, we can't expect people to go to school or work on a on a day like today, there would be that sort of stuff happening all the time. To process the shock of recent events. Oh, yeah, we're gonna hear because I know this happened. Remember we heard about this happening in San Francisco, Katie.

Was it you that told us this?

I think were they were having counselors on hand or told people you didn't have to go into work.

Yeah, there were a couple of people that there are a couple of places that were actually holding counseling. I just remember all the coworkers that were super left crying and they all had safety pins on because apparently that was like the symbol that you stood with Hillary.

Well, right, but that was all, yeah, just you ought to be wearing diapers.

But that was all over the imagined ills of Trump, and Trump has, like, you know, gone way beyond that for these people. I mean, many of the things they were concerned about he did do or say. So it's gonna be worse this time around, is my point. The people that are horrified by Trump, they aren't gonna people who go to work. They're being going to be crying. They're gonna need the coloring books, they're gonna need puppies, they're gonna need a week off there, all that sort of stuff. But I heard this pundit say, oh, yeah, I have friends who who really believe the chipping away at gay marriage. I have gay married friends who believe the chipping away at gay marriage will continue and their union might be dissolved if Trump is reelected, and they're very concerned about this.

And what was the other one?

Oh, I have I have friends who believe the government is going to start monitoring your minstrel cycle for a nationwide ban on abortion, and they're concerned about that.

And I just thought, Okay, well, then your friends are mentally ill. Yeah, friends are mentally ill. Dumb, really too participate. What you just.

Announced was you have mentally ill friends or really dumb friends, friends who will believe anything.

Yeah, because that's crazy.

Well, and you know what's especially disappointing slash amazing about that is if I were a gay fella and I were married and some dators say to yeah, you know, have you heard about Project twenty twenty five and all in Trump PC He's gonna end gay marriage? I would be like, wait a minute, what And I would not show up to work the next two days to carefully research that that idea, that proposition, and then honestly, it would take about twenty minutes, and at the end of that twenty minutes, I would realize, oh no, that's not gonna happen. That's got zero chance of happening, and I would go back to being a happily married gay fella. So anybody who persists in running around flapping their hands believing that is I'm sorry.

A dope.

Uh yeah, I was trying to find maybe you have it handy, because I was just trying to balance this out with Trump's truths social post about John Kelly yesterday, which was awful. John Kelly is a low life and a bad general whose advice is in the White House. I no longer saw it, and I told him to move on. He's a low life and a bad general. Why you gotta say stuff like that? I mean, why why can't you childish?


Why can't you just go with I deny everything that was said. John Kelly is a great patriot and a great you know, citizen of this country, and I was honored to have him as my chief of staff.

But I did not say those things.

That's what any normal person would say or even say, Hey, he served the country with honor as a military a general. We clashed repeatedly, and there was resentments between us working in the White House.

But you know, there it is. It's a low life in a bad general. What what is that?

Well, that's like when he was running against Ben Carson. Yeah, I heard he wasn't that good a surgeon. I said, God's sake, this country on Earth deserves a hell of a lot better.

It just made me laugh with that one. We've got Kay's headlines coming up. Stay here.

A shout out to Evangeline's and old Sack I just saw up on the TV, or old friend Marcus Allen's there because it's Halloween season and they're having their fiftieth year anniversary, fifty years of Angelin's, and old Sack has been there, and man, if you've never been there for your Halloween reference to the old Sacramento part of the state capitol. Yeah, those who listening around the country, And uh, that's the best Halloween store I've ever been to in my life.

Excellent. Most places you just have a plastic pumpkinhead and a sigh.

Like you're a size size. And I called it a sigh in the Midwest, but did they Yeah, you dressed it up for Halloween. We'll talk about Kat's headlines.

Yes, thanks Joe Emily's story with Katie.

CNN Blinkeln expects negotiators to meet in coming days to discuss hostages and ceasefire efforts in Gaza.

Cease fire efforts. That's still a phrase that they're throwing around. Okay, great, yeah, NBC.

The coli strain linked to McDonald's quarter pounders is common and deadly.

Okay, I onsh your hands after you go pooh pooh. Well thanks for that.

I was gonna go to McDonald's last night. I took the kids. I said, we need to stand up for our friends. They're in a time of need. We need to go to McDonald's in order a quarter pounder. But on the way there, I actually thought it's gonna make me feel sick, so we went might somethings.

Wow, Wow, this one's awful.

From the New York Post, Boy fourteen fell in love with a Game of Thrones chat bot and then killed himself after the AI app told him to come home to her.

Oh hell, there's gonna be a lot of that.

Oh boy, Yeah, I mean you're dealing with people that already weren't doing well. But yeah, it wasn't nuclear weapons that ended mankind, it's the Internet.

In AI from page.

Six, Sean Diddy Comb's employees were quote required to carry pink cocaine, which is the same drug found in liam pain system.

Yeah, we were talking about that, tucy, that's what that's It has no cocaine in it. It's meth ketamine and ecstasy. Is that what we heard. Yeah.

It's also bubbled up that some of Diddy's corporate partners knew of his ray Pine and got rid of records that would have impugned him because they're selling the Sean John clothing oh.


Today, not just for kids.

Goldfish Crackers announced his new name to appeal to adults. They will be calling themselves temporary early Chilean.

Sea bass Crackers. That's really funny. You're a meme of the day.

It's a kid with an epi pen, and underneath it it says so if a kid has an allergic reaction and parents have to pay a ridiculous price for an epi pen, but a junkie who is odeed for their fifteenth time gets.

Narcan for free. That's pretty good. Yeah, good point.

Finally, the Babylon Bee and an NBA first Lebron and Bronny James execute synchronized father son flop ah.

That's for the anti Lebron people, Armstrong and Getty

Armstrong & Getty On Demand

The official podcast...of the broadcast...of The Armstrong & Getty Show!  Learn more at ArmstrongAn 
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