In hour 2 of The Armstrong & Getty Show:
Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio the George Washington Broadcast Center. Jack Armstrong, Joe Katty. I'm strong and Jetty.
And he.
Armstrong and Yetty. Yeah. I woke up early about five.
Am on Tuesday morning and it was feeling really horrible, and I knew it was more than just being sore from one hundred, you know. I woke up the doctors and we tested, and unfortunately it came up that I was positive for COVID.
It's taking its toll, for sure. But I've never been.
More proud of myself for being able to come out here and getting a bronze medal. Where last Olympics, I was very disappointed in this time.
I couldn't be more proud. Did you ever consider not running the two hundred final?
No, I just saw. I just saw it. You talked about it earlier. I just saw it the highlights up there. Man, he collapses in misery at the end of that race.
He couldn't catch his breath, he couldn't rise to his feet. He ended up in a wheelchair. Noah Lyles, who won the hundred the other day by a five one thousandths of a second, really likable guy, really earnest, likable young man. So he test positive for COVID, runs anyway and just collapses. He looks in misery, probably because of the vaccine.
Who's with me? What? But he won a medal, I mean the bronze. It's an excuse me, metal, but uh, it's a medal.
And how would you like to be the other five people on the track, Geese, I just lost to a guy with COVID.
He can barely stand.
And I can't outrun a guy who's horribly sick. This is depressing. I'm gonna get a real job. Good for you, Noah good? Isn't that the American spirit? I may not win, but you know what, I'm gonna work, make you work like hell to beat me. That's one of the things I always really liked about the Olympics, still do. And one of the reasons that a lot of people hated hearing lebron was carrying the flag in even though he was voted by all the other athletes to be the flag bear, is just you know, they gott all the glory they've ever wanted in their lives. They've got more money than you could spend in fifty lifetimes, they get arenas full of people cheering him all the time. These other people who've dedicated their lives to events that for whatever reason just aren't popular enough become famous. You know, They run in empty stadiums with just parents there their whole lives and aren't gonna make much money, most of them with rare exceptions, and you just and you end up being the guy who works over the corner.
Hey, did you know that?
In fact, I know a guy, a guy who just died the other day, old guy I really liked. And I didn't know this about him until he died, which is unfortunate, but really built dude, even in his seventies. Anyway, he was some sort of super powerlifter, track and field dude way back in the early fifties for the University of Kansas, And I didn't know that. But that's who most great athletes end up being. Jim over an accounting, Oh yeah, he want a bronze medal in the something or other back in seventy two.
Yeah, and that's so I love.
That's what I've always liked about this port. You really are just doing it for the competition, in the glory of just the few people that know, and just seeing how good you can be. That's its own reward, and winning a medal. I'm leading up to my favorite Olympic story. Winning a medal is a great incentive. To win a medal would be great, But wouldn't it be better Jack to win a colonoscopy?
Stay with us?
Okay, Yeah, there's got to be like one more sentence there, But anyway, really interesting, amusing, heartwarming story about what it's like for countries that aren't the United States who only want to know if we won the most gold medals?
Right, exactly, Stay tuned.
So among the many things I've been railing about over the last several years is the absolute soft headedness of so called ESG investing. That's environmental social governmental investing, investing in the things that are going to change the world. And I believe in don't put my retirement fund in successful companies, put them in you know, offshore wind farms.
Well, first thing I ask.
Whenever a financial advisor says, you know, we're going to move some money around in your portfolio, I think, are they sustainable? What's their carbon footprint? Those are my first questions. Well, so here's the story, and this is what I've been trying to tell people, and it's becoming more and more recognized. Unless you're a truly dedicated soft head, if you invested your four to one k in an ESG fund, chances are your account underperformed badly. Worse, you're quoting from the Wall Street Journal editorial board.
Your investment probably didn't affect the problems ESG aims to fix at all. It was utterly useless. It was a meaningless, impactless gesture to make you feel good and make you look good in front of your faculty. Jolly, I love it, though I wish more people did that. If you think the United States should hurt our economy for no good reason, you go ahead and do put your own money into this crap.
Yeah, not my tax dollars exactly.
I was being sarcastic with my asking my financial guy, you know, what's their carbon footprint?
I'm the opposite.
How many how many penn has we got to kill to get double digits on this?
Oh too much? Too much?
You're one of those maga lunatics I've heard about. So here's here's where it really comes home. All right, so your investments are not good you haven't done a damn bit of good. All of this was forecast by many market pros. Yet over the past decade, middle class investors, with the encouragement of many in positions of authority and influenced, port hundreds of billions of dollars hundreds of bob above billions of dollars into ESG funds. This misguided strategy provides a cautionary tale of emotion, politics and profit overriding sound investment and regulatory principles.
You say, Joseph, I thought you just said that these are poor and underperforming investments. Well I did, indeed, And here's where that hits home. ESG investing is the same dangerous alignment of interests among politicians, regulators, and financial institutions and fee generating intermediaries that drove the housing bubble and resulting twenty oh eight financial crisis. Many progressive politicians embraced DNG investing in the same way that more than a decade ago. You may remember this, they embraced runaway mortgage debt fueled by Fanny Main and Freddie Mack to champion home ownership. I'd say they embraced runaway mortgage debt is under state Barney Frank and Bill Clinton, and they threatened that if banks didn't give loans to flipping anybody who walked in the door of color, they would shut them down.
And so the banks did, and.
They thought, how do we ensure ourselves against collapse because a lot of these people don't even have a job, they're not even interested in having a job. We're writing loans to people can't possibly pay them back. Well, they bought insurance essentially on those securities, then masqueraded them as high quality credit default swaps.
Blah blah blah. Won't to relitigate that.
But by forcing ESG investment practices on investors, progressive politicians can claim to voters that they're promoting environmental and social responsibility without taking responsibility for the cost or effectiveness of shifting those investment dollars. And investment firms were more than happy to jump on board and tout both the investing and social benefits of ESG funds and then stick you for fees and make lots and lots of money. So some of those financial people, after they met with some of you soft heads, you must have walked out of their office and they just slapped their forehead like whatever, if it makes you feel good, I'll take your money. I think they were probably saying to themselves, well, if stupid people want to give their money to somebody, might as well be us.
They're gonna find out somebody else to give the money to because they feel like they're helping the planet by making poor investments.
But go ahead.
Well, and just for the record, I consider myself an environmentalist in a smart, reasonable, market driven way. I love the out of doors, clean water, breathable air, the rest of it. What I'm not in favor of is idiotic, meaningless gestures that enrich the cronies of Democrat politicians and don't do.
Any good for the environment.
Socially, I'm a crusader for constitutional rights.
But it's just dumb anyway, that's not it's dumb. You got duped. Firm up your head, soft heads.
This is my favorite story about the Olympics unless you had a further coming on it. So every Olympic champion gets a medal, but medal winners for small countries that like almost never get medals, get rewarded in unbelievable ways. The Philippines is our best example. Carlos Yulo won two gold medals for the Philippines. I don't even remember what this guy does. He looks like an athlete. Maybe I can't even remember. I'll come across it in the article.
But so.
The Philippines had won one medal total in their history. Wow, as a country going to the Olympics, Yeah, you forget that. As an American that most of the people there. My kids said that.
The other day we were watching a race.
It was the one where man Bun came from way behind and won the fifteen and you know, there were like fifteen I call him Cole Hawker, but go on, there were like fifteen runners way at the back.
And my kids were like, who are those people?
Well, they're from other countries, but so most of the athletes you come from some little country. You go, you know, you got no chance of winning. The thrill is You're going to Paris and hanging around. Look there's Lebron James. The thrill is you know, you just get to be part of the thing. Yeah, you go out there to run your fast and go home right exactly and have an amazing experience that I wish i'd had. So anyway, this guy, Carlos Yuloh, he's a gymnast. I've forgotten obviously, But so he gets two gold medals, which not only doubles the entire Philippines history of medals, but they're the first gold medals, and so the country's just going wild.
Over this guy. That's cool, that's awesome.
He will get a Congressional Medal of Honor he should or whatever they call it, and at least three hundred and fifty thousand in cash from the government, plus a set of a free set of headlights and a fog light light and fog gets the cool fog Light's awesome. Also, free wedding photography, haircuts, free furniture from a major furniture store there, and more food than he could eat in three lifetimes. One local real estate developer ordered him a fully furnished three bedroom apartment in Manila. Not to be outdone, another real estate company said apartment. Hell, we're gonna give him a house. So this is I love the free market at work here. So this is like when a couple has sex tuplets and a whole bunch of companies give stuff to get their names mentioned in the store right precisely.
Yeah, that's a great point, great way to illustrate it.
So Ulo says, quote, I am happy that I want a gold medal and also a house.
And free haircuts. Who wants to pay for haircuts? Oh? Just keeps getting better and better.
So at the last Summer Games in Tokyo, because you know, especially your non Olympic powerhouses, they reward their athletes after last Summer Games in Tokyo. For example, one Indonesian gold medalist was offered five cows, which is great, but nobody's gonna leave Paris with more swag than the Filipino gymnast. So since he won his two gold medals, I'm sorry the Philippines had won one gold medal, not in one metal total, just one gold medal. But anyway, companies have race to offer him a free lifetime supply of everything he could possibly eat and drink, from coffee to ramen, to strawberry ice cream to grilled mac and cheese, grilled chicken mac and cheese. And if he didn't already have enough food to make him five thousand pounds, he was also offered free access for life to a chain called Viking's Luxury Buffet. So I've always wondered on those things, the lifetime supply of this or that. So when you call him forty years from now, I.
Could use some more mac and cheese.
You ever say yeah when we said that, I mean we were kind of caught up in it. But that was forty years ago. Buy your own, damn Meccan. Look, but the company has been sold three times. So then a fast a food delivery service posted a photo showing him throwing out his arms, a position evoking the moment he clenched his floor routine to win the gold, and photoshopped in his arms were two corn dogs and he was promised free corn dogs for life and delivery too.
But my favorite part.
A Manila based gastro entrologist offered Gulo free consultations and free colonoscopies for himself or a friend.
Or a friend. Ryan, It's like that.
Look, I'm twenty six years old. I think my colon is in good shape. But my uncle Jimmy, who knows the way he eats, Can my uncle Jimmy.
Get their colonoscopy?
Bring them in anything for our Olympic champions. He good to have friends who can get you a free camera up behind ed, Hey, can I get one more cow. I'd like a round half dozen of cows. It just five seems like a weird number. We've got more on the way to stay with us, and we can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war is the only place where those weapons were last so that Tim walls military biography continues to be a thing. And the Kamala Harris website actually changed a line Smouth's noted in Tim Wall's military record yesterday, and it's a minor change for most of us. But I was on a media zoom call yesterday in which one of the guests was a veteran and explained why this is a big deal to veterans.
And it matters to veterans because.
You have to assume that at least some of the pumping up his military background is to appeal to other veterans, and this particular aspect of his background does not appeal to other veterans. For instance, that weapons of war that I carried, okay, you in war?
You didn't.
You didn't a servant. We talked about all that yesterday, So on this one they changed the line. Apparently he was an E eight. It's a classification of rank and all that sort of stuff, and then he got promoted to E nine but retired in the interim between the E eight and E nine, so he was official officially that rank, but he didn't serve at that rank. Well, that seems like a minor point, as one of the journalists brought up, it seems like a like a really clerical minor point. But I guess it's not to the military crowd, because it's a fairly common thing to have happened.
So claiming you were.
X level when you didn't actually serve as X level is like a really uncool Nobody does it unless you're a douchebag sort of move right military people.
I get that. I get that too. I get that I had to have it pointed out to me.
But no, I get that if we if we were like offered a job and then something happened and we didn't take it, we didn't actually do that job.
Claiming to have done it is this weak, right.
The sum of an Army veteran who served as a command sergeant major is what it says. Originally it said the son of an Army veteran and a retired command sergeant major. Well, it's the difference between having served as or you were named that but didn't actually ever serve in that role. And again it seems incredibly minor to me, but I guess for military people, no, no, no, you can't go around claiming that that's not cool at all. And then then, especially the hole, you can't go around claiming you served in a war and in war, and then the argument was being made, well, he was in the military at the time was going on, so you are at some level a support for the war. That's really stretching it.
Though, yeah, yeah, it absolutely is.
I think much more significantly to a lot of Americans is that he is also pretending to be some sort of genial, midwestern regular guy.
What he's absolutely not.
He was cast in the role because he looks like the role, but he is acting one hundred percent he is a radical lefty. Yeah, And and the point of the military people was he knew what he was doing, and he knows what he's doing. When he's going around saying that he, you know, retired at that level or whatever, he knows what he's doing, and other military people don't dig it.
So I guess that's it.
Maybe that clarifies it, Maybe it doesn't Oh boy, some interesting stuff on things.
Kamala Harris has been saying that you might not know.
Armstrong and Getty, what are you going to sit down for your first interviews?
Just seeing that I'm in need, that's my same I.
Want us to get an interview set up by the end of the month.
So thank you, thank you so much on behalf of the American people.
Thank you You're going to work us in this month. Oh so.
One of the very few questions that she's answered in now nineteen days of being the nominee, after one of the craziest couple of weeks in the history of US politics, it's just unbelievable that she hasn't had a press conference. She answers the question of when will you ever have a press conference or do an interview, And she says, we're working on putting that.
Together by the end of the month.
She says that on the eighth of the month, so three weeks later, we'll get that together. And as watching all the network news cast coverage of that, just now for the morning shows that played this morning, and they all played that just like that's not at all interesting or weird or anything like that. They just played the clips, so as you can see, we can look forward to an interview.
Kama Harris will sit down there.
It doesn't come on, you're smart, you went to journalism school, you've risen to the highest level.
You're on a network morning newscast.
It doesn't strike you as odd that she hasn't given a press conference and done an interview in the three weeks she's been the nominee, and now she's saying she'll do one three weeks from now. She's just gonna wait till six weeks into a candidacy. Keeping in mind, and this makes it all the more bizarre and absolutely unacceptable. She did not go through the primary process. She has not been questioned, she has not done a debate, she's not made clear what she thinks about issues tomestic and foreign. It is incredibly urgent that she be questioned at length, and she's gonna.
Wait six weeks into the candidacy. That's a good point.
She's the least scrutinized major party candidate ever. That has to be true, and not accidentally, that has to be true. And you're just gonna take her answer of yeah, we're looking into putting that together by the end of the month, oh, three weeks from now, and looking at putting that together, of course has wiggle room for it doesn't happen then, I mean, that's not a commitment to it. Even that's amazing that they don't say, good Lord, Jim, Did she just say that she's going to do it at the end of the month. Why that would be six weeks after she's named the nominee.
No, just seems normal to them.
I don't know if it's that these people are incapable of rational thought or they're just unwilling to engage in it to humiliate yourself in that way as a journalist, but anyway, that's what they're doing.
So want you play you.
A montage of a phrase from Kamala that you've heard many times.
And then point out something shine of light.
If you will on that phrase in a different way, I think you'll find edifying. Go ahead and unleash Kamala, if you would, Michael.
I can imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been. You know what can be, what can be unburdened what has been?
What can can be?
What can be unburdened by, unburdened by what has been what can be. Let us remain focused on what many of you have heard me say all the time. Let us remain focused on what can be unburdened by what has been.
So it's not just our imagination that she says that a lot. Oh No, she says it all the time. And I have always just taken that as a dopey dream the optimistic slogan. I assumed it was from some famous poem I don't know, or something, right.
That's sort of thing.
But as I've said many times, I'm I'm the saddest level of intelligence.
I'm just smart enough to know how dumb i am the saddest level of intelligence.
And one of the people who continually reminds me of how smart I'm not is James Lindsay.
And that game is smart. Oh my goodness, what's it like to own his brain?
Here's James on that dreamy, optimistic little slogan.
Vice President Harris will say, repeatedly, what is the quote?
The quote is that.
We can see what can be unburdened by what has been?
Is that word salad or Marxism.
It's Marxism that is in fact not at all word salad. It is a Marxist as I said on Twitter the other day and got mocked relentlessly by the media for this. I said, it's a Marxist incantation. As a matter of fact, it's like a spell so you can see the possibility of a world that's unburdened from its own history, which is exactly what mal Zidong did when he launched the campaign of smash.
The Four Olds, the four old characteristics.
Of Chinese society. They were going to make a new China that was going to be unburdened by what had been in the past of China. This is what the Soviets the Bolsheviks did when they took over power in Russia, is that they were going to make the new Russia. They're gonna make the new Man. As a matter of fact, people could become unburdened by what has been, so that they could see what could possibly be in the terms of a socialist utopia.
Interesting yet that rings true. Yeah, that's exactly.
I mean, that's why Orwell said, for instance, who controls the past controls the future, Who controls the present controls the past. The point is to obliterate people's sense of history. Who they are and how they got where they are, and that had not occurred to me because it just sounded like the sort of meaningless, dreamy crap that progressive spout.
But no, it's a call to erase history. That's interesting.
Yeah, yeah, like so much of what comes from Marxists, and this is intentional. It's not an oversight. They understand as as Lennon did. You can't get the masses to go along with Marxism. You have to force it on them. So there's a great deal of deception in it. It's like DEEI, diversity, equity and inclusion. None of those three words mean what you think they mean. It's all code. So now you know, let's hear Trump talking about her yesterday. We haven't spent enough time talking about his seventy minute press conference that he did yesterday, taking questions from some of the most hostile voices to him in all of journalism. He stands up there and takes their questions, and a couple of times multiple questions from people that hate him. Kamala Harris won't even take questions from people who like her. But anyway, here's a little Trump yesterday.
She's not doing any news conference. You know why she's not doing it because she can't do a news conference. He doesn't know how to do a news conference. She's not smart enough to do a news conference. And I'm sorry. We need smart people to leave this country because our country has never been in this danger before, both economically and from an outside From an outside perspective, Russia doesn't respect us anymore. China doesn't respect us anymore. North Korea, Kim Jong un liked me a lot. He doesn't like this group. We are in great danger. We're great danger of being in World War three.
That could happen.
If you sit through another one of somewhat substance, we will give you dessert of one of a Trump clip that is not substance really, but is entertaining.
Okay, here's another Trump from US today.
It's about policy, it's not about hers. I think she's incompetent because I've watched her. She destroyed California, she destroyed San France. Everything she's touched has turned to bad things. I want to use I'm not gonna use foul language, but everything she's touched is her in bad She's in competent. The reason she's not doing what I do and she's not doing what she should be doing. She won't even do interviews with friendly people. Yep, because she can't do better than Biden. Now, he had a reason for not doing well, and he was never twenty five years ago, the sharpest, what brightest bulb in the ceiling that I can tell you, Okay, he wasn't, but he could do interviews, at least not lately he couldn't. Perhaps, But she's she should be doing interviews. She doesn't want to do interviews. And the reason she doesn't is number one, or policies is so bad. Just to answer your question, I think that it's not going to change because it's really ultimately not about her as much as about her policies.
So the Trump warm tweeted President Trump has been answering questions from the media for over an hour. Where's Kamala the RNC research posts cowering in fear, hiding from the press because she'll know she'll humiliate herself as soon as she loses the script. She knows the Mayas will see her for the lunatic she is. And I added on to that this strategy will bear fruit. It's a shame. You need to shame the media. Into doing their jobs. But we he they everybody needs to hammer this in shame of the media. Yeah, I think so Trump rolled on with that thinking here question okay, yes, please.
Sing on pummel here is worse than President Biden. But I know you said, you figure very good.
I think she's actually not as smart as he is.
Well, you said you think very like he's very smart either.
I'm not a big fan of his brain, but I think that she's actually not as smart as he is.
Nope, yeah, being normal. And I don't know if you saw the press conference. You couldn't hear the questions. I don't know who did a good job of amplifying that question so you could hear it.
You couldn't hear in the questions.
She had to take it from the context of what he was saying and got to guess what the question was. And at one point he said, how come I can't hear anything in this room? This room costs seven million dollars. He's in his own hotel, mar A Lago, one of the ballrooms. He said, look at this beautiful room. This room costs seven million dollars. Why are the acoustics so batteries? Something which was kind of funny. But here's the one. Here's here's a payoff for you.
When they were out, I thought that was the tree that was the yummy treat. Uh.
This is when they are asking him about his ear and how his ear was coming along and not wearing the bandage anymore and all that sort of stuff.
Yeah, I'm a fast heeler.
Yeah pretty uh, pretty much recovered. Yeah, I'm a fast heelers the hell of a shot, but I'm a fast heeler. Yeah, pretty much pretty much recovered.
No, it didn't hit that. I got very lucky.
It just it just hit the lobe as they call it, the lobe as they call it, the lobe as they call it.
I listened to that my car driving around. I laughed out loud. The lobe as they call it. Well, that's that's.
It reminds me of like the late Great Abraham, Like this feels like he has to promote everything, put a little extrachine on everything, a little gold plate, if you will.
Very Trumpian.
What unique personality that guy is. It just hit the lobe as they call it. We've all heard of the lobe. I believe that part of the structure of the year is the pinna, by the way, the lobe is the hanging downy thing is everybody knows. Can we elect a president who doesn't understand ear geography?
Excellent ear knowledge on your part.
Oh hey, before I forget, I knew there was an even better or well quote. Getting back to Kamala wanting to obliterate our history the way Marxists do.
We're unburdened by what has been. We can imagine what is it?
That's it's it's called to eliminate history, and orwell said, the most effective way to destroy a people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history. It's worth contemplating, and that's exactly what she's calling on.
Us to do.
Interesting, does she know, unburdened by what has been, like the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence, or all of human history, of the norms of Western civilization, of the proof that the free market elevates billions of people around the world, we can be unburdened from all of that in our brave Marxist future. Of course, we get to the question that I think might be the crux of this whole thing. Does policy matter or is it just the personalities. Is it just you can tolerate Trump where you can't. Is that the only thing that matters?
I hope not.
I hope he they we you can steer this toward the very very important policy differences. I think so. Now, Trump's personality and his quirks and his tendency to spout tall tales or make stuff up, it doesn't.
Help him, no, and it will get in the way.
But you know, to the extent that the conversation is about things that matter, I don't think there's any comparison, although they will absolutely say we'll give you goodies.
In a way that Trump won't can't.
Some of my favorite analysis of the press conference yesterday I watched Mystery Political Science Theater with a Mark Alpern and a bunch of other really top level journalists discussing it while it went along, was nobody's gonna nobody's gonna watch it. They're gonna get the highlights, nobody is watching. A very very tiny percentage of people taking that whole thing like I did yesterday. The message that came out of it was one, He's going to debate, and two, look I stand up here and take questions for over an hour she won't answer a question, even from.
Friendly people, And I think that's probably right.
I think that was the only takeaway for ninety nine percent of people.
I would agree.
Yeah, I mean we could parse the rest of it, because some of it was pretty damned entertaining, including the helicopter trip that never was. But it doesn't matter. I mean, it's just fun and entertaining to talk about in the same way that sports enthusiasts like to talk about, you know, how the Denver Nuggets are running their offense.
But ultimately, no, it doesn't matter.
Yeah, what do you think text line four one five to nine five KFTC.
I can imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been, you know, you.
Know, armstrong and yetty Oh Curry for the lead out.
Tames the leap out hook it alun book her at Durrant with up Tames.
Hook Ron James.
Got too five to shoots the.
Foss the saw. He's not niether first.
Be Chick's gotta have to hurry Folk Donovan puts it up short at the United States trailing by as many as seventeen back from underneath the Grave advance to the gold medal.
Game, back from underneath the grave. Seems underneath the grave seems a little much? Is seventeen down to Serbia. That's the thing with me and the like these dream teams is you win. Yeah, you're supposed to win. That's kind of the whole thing. It's you know, it's exciting. He came back from seventeen down. But they're if you're beneath the grave, you're extra dead. I guess the dead guy's on top of you. He's looking down thinking, man, that guy's dead. It's the most expensive roster in the history of dream teams. I don't know if that's true adjusted for inflation, but over half a billion dollars, five hundred and fifty million dollar roster with Lebron and Steph and Durant and everybody, and they came back. Then their Hall of famers had to have Hall of Fame games for them to win in the end. But anyway, I just wanted to wish once in my life somebody would say of me, the cross the sauce.
I don't even know what that means, but it sounds cool.
Say here's a good one, aproposa. Nothing guy gets mouthy with a judge. He had to like people who've gotten away with get mouth of their whole lives and they're running too a judge, and the judge ain't putting up with it.
Let's hear how this went down. It's truspassing.
I could technically leave and you guys could issue a warrant as long as I'll return.
He kiss my ass. This is it?
You know what?
No, no, no, I'm gonna tell you what.
You don't come in. You don't. Okay, that's contempt. That's ninety three.
Keep going.
That's another ninety three.
That's another ninety three. That's another ninety three. That's another ninety three. That's six ninety three consecutive, which.
Adds up to five hundred and fifty eight days in jail, which is a well for doing the math for us. That's I was wondering. Yeah, that's a hell of a lung. And who was that yelling his wife or his lawyer cut it out.
If you're old enough to remember the movie The Breakfast Club with one John Nelson, Bender kept going after the principal and he kept adding days to his detention. That's what it reminded me of. At some point you realize, yeah, this hole being a kind of like anarchist. I'm gonna fight the man. Thing is not working out for it. You're not gonna tell me what to do. Other ninety three, Katie, your dad was a judge. You probably strikes you as a bad idea to yell at the judge like that can confirm don't do that.
You know there are people in the world who, for whatever reason, ah, will not submit to authority. I just can't do that, right because they're cyclical makeup and the only way to get him to do that is make the cost so high. Yeah, I because a guy like that, who in that situation, in that no win situation, is gonna keep pushing like that. He's not good for society. Yeah, at all in any interaction. No, No, he's unhinged. I doubt he serves a year and three quarters. But oh, I hope he does well. Unless he has a change of tude when he ends up back before a judge, it's going to continue.
I would assume, Well, that's the whole point we're trying to change.
Is too
Armstrong and getty