
Buy 5, Get the 6th Free?

Published Jan 28, 2025, 8:55 PM

On the Tuesday January 28, 2025 edition of The Armstrong & Getty One More Thing Podcast...

  • Jack further clarifies his thoughts on pet adoption
  • Joe reads some of the illuminating A&G listener responses!

Sir here at the pets shelter, do you have one of those cards like after I get five the six ones free, do you have something like that? It's one more thing I'm strong and getty.

One more thing that.

Was intentionally tasteless.

Okay, well well done, you aimed, you fired, you hit the bull's eye, tasteless, nailed this.

So do I understand? We're going to have follow up on a conversation I started on the radio the other day, and I can reset the premise here. It's really an ethical thing that I don't I don't think you can argue me out of being correct, even though nobody would actually do it. But it's about pets and people's loves for pets. The shelters across America are full of pets, great cats and dogs that would love a home and you know the next one to twelve years of their life of being loved and being your pet. But there are enough people to take them all in and they're going to be put to death. You have a pet already, so what would be the problem with like change them out on a regular basis. You have a dog you like, but you're gonna go on vacation rather than put it in this shelter or you know, getting a dog walker or whatever. You're gonna do a great expense. You take your dog, you put it to sleep, and when you come back from vacation, you go get a new dog. That dog wants love too, that dog wants so much. Yeah, I know, you're actually making two dogs lives great or many, depending on how often you go on vacation.

That's where the bonus card comes into play.

That's where Yeah, after the fifth one is the sixth one free?

Good lord? Is this not helping anything?

No, it's not. Well, the only argument against it is the whole you get attached to it. It gets attached to you. It's a member of your family thing.

Right, Yeah, that's the whole argument. That's a big argument, you monster. I'm sorry that was too much.

If you adopt a dog or you get a dog, it's a member of the family.

And that's just the way that it is.

So I want to get into some of the actual arguments against what the Monster Jack has proposed here, But first some reactions that we received via various social media and I'll listening to our four Friday's podcast where Jack argues the killing your sick dog before going on vacation getting into it. No, not a sick dog, a perfectly healthy dog. It's far worse than you thought. Try Troy blah bah bah makes good sense, lmao. The reactions from Katie are hilarious. Jack may be a Canis path or a Cannis path. It's like a well, it's a psychopath re dogs.

Oh, I'm sure I'm not.

You have no attachment or compassion toward dogs like a psychopath.

I make the argument that it is compassionate to take that dog that's going to be put to sleep at the pound and give it a good life for until your next vacation.

But you've said enough, murderer. Can I go on with the comments here?


Yes, Debbie writes, Omfg, Jack is officially a sick, heartless f talking about the dog situation.

I'm going to give this dog who's going to be put to sleep like tomorrow, a great life until my brother's wedding fourth of July because I'm going to be out of town.

Sheila writes. He's really off the rails this fry. Yay, Rebecca, Yeah, those are not the thoughts you say out loud man, Robert, what the hell was that shit?


I don't think he was serious, but it's a weird thing to say. Katie Green definitely spoke up Celestino.

He wanted to cook the dog. Whoa any dogs? You have voices in your hand.

Not killing them or not cooking them, or just killing them. That's what That's what we're doing.

Debbie Rights, I thought it was killing dogs. That's really the point is they're already killing dogs. Lots of really good go to the pound today. It's full of cute dogs that nobody's going to adopt that are going to be killed.

They're killing the dogs, they're killing the cats, They're killing the pets of the people who live here.

They're eating the dogs the people. Nobody there, nobody's proposing. And again not to get over, but whoever noticed that Trump's rhythm fit Schroeder's music? Shed get a Nobel prize up some sort like a special category.

Boy, let's see. Uh there's another comment. Would a dog prefers sitting in a shelter for a few years then be put down? Or a live fun, happy life for a year or so then put down? All right? So she's with you, Susette, not sticky for Jack, but he worked in cattle feed lots when he was young and on farms, and people that experienced stuff like that think about animals differently.

That fits in with the whole Christy Gnome South Dakota dog thing. There is a slightly different view. Yeah, Aaron writes, he's not wrong.

Annette says he said it to make people realize the tragedy of how many pets are constantly dumped at the shelter as disposable. That's the major problem that needs to be resolved. Reading honorable intent into your monstrous words.

I think there is I don't know what you would do about it, or you know, what are you supposed to do, But there is a certain amount of ignoring the fact that we have millions of puppies and kittens that get put to sleep all.

I think people have to keep that realization at arm's lengths, otherwise it would make them too sad or something.

Right, What do I want people to be sad all day every day? No?

Yeah, monster, Catherine, I just hope Katie Green sticks around a freaking love her and I've been listening since the dominic days. Never forget that Jack's reminded me of something Dominic might have said.

Whoa, that's in the dominant category.

You're a better person than Dominic, Katie. Congratulations, well for you, Jackson.

Yeah, somebody made a comment by email.

That I didn't molest Corey Haim. I guarantee you that, oh oh.

Congratulations, Yeah yeah, or any other children. Yeah, yeah, no kidding allegedly allegedly exactly. He's not here to uh defend himself because he's in hell. So uh, we got an email from somebody putting out I think you guys are forgetting the complexity of and and we're talking dogs here. Cats are a different ride to take. But the many facets of a dog's personality and your personalities and lifestyles and potty training and everything that hashed the mesh to have a good relationship. And sometimes it works, but often it doesn't very well. So you might be going from a fabulous dog that brings you nothing but joy. It's a responsibility blah blah blah. But you bond to a psycho dog that craps all over the place.

I've known people who do the opposite, though. You have a psychodog who craps all over the place, and you ride that out to the end because of the whole view of it's a family member as opposed to that really nice dog that's not a psycho dog, that's not going to crap in your house, that's gonna get put to sleep Friday if somebody doesn't adopt it.

Yeah, yeah, that is an interesting question as well. It's then you'd almost have to get into angels dancing on heads of pins, say territory in discussing sins of commission versus o mission and the value of a soul and the value of a dog soul? Does a dog have a soul?

I don't know how many people have ever been to a kill shelter. Lots of people have been to an SPCA, but those are no kill shelters like your pound where they're gonna put him down. That's where I got my dog, Boguard, who I had for a dozen years. At that pound. He was gonna be put to sleep that Friday. I think I got him on like a Tuesday for my birthday. And he was a fabulous dog. But man is rough walking through there and thinking about the decision I was making. Well, you're cute, so are you. You're you're smiling at me wagging your tail. So are you one of you is gonna be dead in a couple of days, one of you am gonna take home. I mean, that's a tough reality.

And you start thinking, well, two dogs would be fun, and.

Yeah, that's how you drive home with a fulse wagon full of dogs.

Yeah. Yeah, I don't recommend Jack's plan, but it was a it was a thought starter.

That was the conversation. Well, maybe the takeaway should be, uh, neuter and spay your pets so that they don't have a whole bunch of puppies or kittens that nobody's going to claim. And please don't go with that hole. We're gonna have puppies and we'll sell them or whatever there unless you got some really specific hot brand currently with papers. No they're not. You're not gonna have eight beagle husky crosses that are adorable that everybody wants to adopt. It just thinking about hegels are the best. They don't shed and they bark constantly. I like buskies. But whatever.

Labrski Deedles funniest podcast ever.

Good Night. No, Well, I guess that's it.

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