Broke Danced?

Published Sep 5, 2024, 5:35 PM

In hour 4 of The Armstrong & Getty Show

  • Vibes or policy?
  • Fani Willis' daughter got in some trouble
  • A commie explains D.E.I.
  • Final Thoughts! 

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Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio, the George Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong, Joe, Katty.

Armstrong, and Jetty and he Armstrong and Yetty.

Something weird with that guy? He's a weird guy. JD is not weird. He's a solid rock. I happen to be a very solid rock. We're not weird. We're other things, perhaps, but we're not weird.

But he is a weird guy he walks on the stage. Is something wrong with that guy?

He called me weird? And then the fake news media picks it up. That was the word of the day, weird, weird, weird.

That will go. But we're not weird guys. We're very solid people. They want a country to be great again. I mean it's very simple.

Like that sounded like that sounded like twenty sixteen Trump, the energy he had there, you know, and that worked so well against Biden because you know, Trump seems so much younger than Biden. And that's one of the things that obviously changed when you got Kamala Harris because she comes off as young.

That whole advantage away young and mysterious, not in a good way.

Yeah, I just I don't know, we're two months away from the election today, and it still remains to be seen if it's all about vibes and personality or if a policy plays a role.

And I don't I don't actually know the answer to that question.

Yeah, I'm pretty confident policy is going to play a pretty big role. Kind of oversimplified, dopey electoral policy, but that's just the way democracies work. And I've been thinking about the election and how when Kamala jumped in, then immediately there was the convention and the post convention bump that never really materialized. But the she's brand new, She's not the die old guy who I had.

To pretend could be president again.

I mean, that was embarrassing for Democratic voters and leaders alike.

They didn't enjoy that because they felt stupid.

So there was an immediate bump in general positive feelings when Commonin got in. But it reminds me in a way of like a covid or strike shortened NFL season all of a sudden, Game eight wasn't Game eight, Game eight was Game one, and so anything to the effect of, boy, I'll tell you what, if they haven't solidified their offense by game eleven, blah blah blah.

That just doesn't apply anymore. And so.

The fact that she's skated into September now with nobody having any idea what she's in favor of to any significant extent. It's a strike shortened season. It'll come out, the games will be played in. The sport will look like the sport has always looked. But it's just going to be a compressed timetable.

I hope you're right. I'm not sure you are. Well. We shall see.

Just uh, Michael, if you were making a note of this, and and when, when, indeed, I turn out to be right, I would like a long and truly humiliating statement.

To that effect. Oh, I'd be happy to be wrong. I would love to be wrong.

I think the wild card is the incredibly compliant media.

I think that is the wild card. Yeah, I would agree completely. The only thing is.

Kamala Harris was the least popular vice president in modern history. Nobody even whispered the idea of her becoming a candidate because she is so terrible.

It was just assumed that if Biden has to step down, obviously not come. So let's have the grown up discussion of who it would be Joshua Barah blah blah blah. And now she's a candidate and.

Doing well well, but clearly they have put lipstick and foundation and mass scarra and blush.

And a wig on a pig. You've got a wig pig.

You've had two months to come up with a metaphor for a female candidate that doesn't call her a hog. You can't come up with a new one that isn't a hog.

Can improve on perfection. Don't you be bad mouthing hogs in front of me. I'm looking forward to a little bacon when the show is over. Anyway, Yeah, she is still a hog, and that will people will be reminded of that metaphorically speaking, right, I'm not going to go after body or wait a minute, as a dog or a hog.

Anyway, where was I what were you talking about?


Yeah, I think issues will matter. They've got to play the games. They are desperate too, as you're suggesting, keep her in the basement and or on the teleprompter and not let America be reminded of who this no talent is.

But it'll come out. I'm worried.

I'm worried as heck about Trump's performance at the debate.

Biben, encouraged by the clips from the town hall with Hannity, seems on his game.

He seems issues oriented.

That that was impressive, like I said, sounded like twenty sixteen Trump. But the Biden Trump debate, Biden being sold and bad obscured the fact that Trump was definitely older than he used to be.

Uh, yeah, that's true. And he has this habit.

I think it was Rich Lowry here, one of the guys from the National Review does a really good job explaining this, and this is one of Trump's great weak points. And I've got some really good news for Republicans right after this screed. But Trump has a habit of speaking in shorthand that the hardcore Trump thirty five percent gets, But nobody else knows what he's talking.

About, right. He makes just.

Vague references to Russia, Russia, Russia, or are you know woke is woke as well woke is stupid. But anybody who doesn't understand what he's driving at or needs to be brought under the tent. There's nothing for them. It's just the shorthand. He doesn't do a good job of explaining it.

If he can improve that he wins going away.

Yeah, he'll say things like with the abortion thing or the tariffs thing or whatever, and he doesn't explain it for people who don't already know.

Or like he said of Walls that he's with the transgender thing. He's way into stuff you wouldn't believe, stuff you couldn't even believe.

Well, tell me about it, right anyway.

Having said that, conservatives who are rightly concerned that DJT may somehow screw this up and lose to Kamala Harris should not be worried about the Senate. The lineup of states with competitive Senate races, combined with current pulling in historical relationships between presidential Senate outcomes, means that GOP has a near lock on winning Senate control. I almost hesitate to say those words out loud. It's like saying, boy, traffic's great today, Right then a tanker truck is getting ready overturn and block traffic for the next fourteen hours.


Democrats currently hold forty eight seats. They've got an effective fifty one to forty nine majority because there's three independents who are socialist communists and they always with the Democrats anyway, Republicans need to gain two net seats in the event that Harris and Walls prevail, and they mentioned that the Democrats are targeting their best targets. Their only real chances of grabbing Republican seats are Ted Cruz's seat in Texas and Rick Scott's in Florida. But for various statistical reasons, it's just not going to happen. Both states had already shown a very clear pro Republican tilt in twenty twenty, it's gotten even bigger. Just like remember when everybody was not everybody, but some people were taking Beto seriously and he just got his high end whooped. It's going to be the same. But on the other side of the ledger, Joe Manchin is not running for reelection and that is a shoe in Republican seat in West Virginia, they pick up that seat. Montana is the GOP's likeliest pick up of the other races because the state's heavy Republican tilt and the Republican challenger, Tim Sheehey already leads the incumbent John Tester in the polls, and Trump ought to win the state by fifteen to twenty points, so barring some sort of dramatic revelation in the final months she he should win this race going away. Ohio is another really good state. It's close, but Trump's probably gonna win by eight to ten points even if he loses nationwide. So anyway, looks really really good for the Senate, which would stop her from being able to get through a whole bunch of different things if she gets elected. That's a big deal, including the most ridiculous crap that she's been put pitching.


I have fallen in love with for all of my criticism of Trump through the years, and it's going on a decade now. Really, well, it is a decade. No, he came down the escalator in what O five June. Yeah, okay, so we're going on a decade anyway. I was so excited to hear this plan he has with Elon Musk for a Federal Government Efficiency Commission that is going to with the publicity that the richest man on Earth gets take a serious look at shrinking the federal government and making it more efficient. So you know, the GOP frequently when they get get power, fails to govern very effectively. But this could be an opportunity for some serious reform.

Well, and to hit you with that Elon Musk tweet again from yesterday. I have never been materially active in politics before.

He's in his fifties.

But this time, I think civilization as we know it is on the line. If we want to preserve freedom and a meritocracy in America, then Trump must win. And he had promised at one point forty million dollars a month to a Trump super pack. Who knows, I mean, he's got damn near three hundred billion dollars. Is the election gets closer and Trump's behind, who knows what? Elon if he believes that, and I think he does, who knows what stops he would pull out financially or otherwise to try to have an effect. And I don't mean anything you know, under the table or untwort or anything like that, but just you know, legal, above board stuff.

He might throw a ton of money into this.

Have party buses go through neighborhoods, bringing Trump voters to the polls, servant beer, having kid rock jamming, that sort of thing. I don't know, because there's a diminishing return with the campaign ads. I just glanced through his study yesterday about this very thing. And you know you don't need a study to figure this out, do you? Friends that after you've seen seventy five campaign ads, that's seventy sixth one is just it's nothing but an annoyance.

Hey, quick thing, just because prior won't get to it. Later.

They're doing the jury selection and the Hunter but Biden tax trial, which was going to be a really big deal if his dad was still present, but it's not a big deal because his dad's no longer president. But they're sitting in the jury and just in Hunter Biden has withdrawn his not guilty plea. Oh, so the assumption is they're going to come up with some sort of agreement before the trial starts.

Look for the cocaine cowboy breaking rocks in the hot Sun prison near you.

You think, so they still do that? No, oh yeah, he'll do time.

So he's going to come up with So he withdraws the not guilty so that he has.

He's going to it. He's going to plead guilty to something that's.

Not yeah, the classic eleventh hour plea deal. But he will go to jail, I think, so, oh yeah, and these are federal charges so his dad can pardon him.

Ah, yes, which will happen? You think, Oh, everybody the way out the door.

Yeah, everybody thinks that what's he got the louse at this point nothing, Yeah, everybody assumes that. So so then why would he why would he need to get a lesser sentence of his dad can pardon him, just don't play with fire.

That's an interesting question because you could get acquitted. Although he's as guilty as sixteen dogs as Hunter Thompson.

It's possible his lawyers have told him, look, you're guilty, and the reason you're guilty is because you did it.

So here's our situation.

And if your dad croaks in the night, who knows if Kamalo will do the right thing by us?

So probably ought to be careful. Wow, that's interesting.

So coming up follow up segment, a couple of notables in the news that we talked about yesterday, that dirty Chinese commie woman who had infiltrated the government of New York. We've got some archival tape of her lecturing America. Wow, you'll be fascinated with her point of view. Also, we talked to doctor Marty mckery yesterday. We came up with some tape of him talking about the greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic. Who do you think he thinks it is interesting?

All on the way? Stay here.

We have the breakout start of the Olympic breakdancing competition. Raygun, the Australian popper and locker who took the world by storm, issued an official apology to the breakdance community for the backlash.

Her performance caused.

Which to me, she was the best part of the whole Olympics. This poor woman got so much criticism.

I don't think I think people realize.

Do you have any idea how much harder it is to make the Olympic team when you're bad at your sport?

It's almost been possible.

So she broke. She broke dance. Is that the way you do? You passed into breakdancing, break danced, broke danced. I think broke. She danced bad on purpose, okay, and made her more famous than if she'd had tried and done Poorley. I guess that was a follow up segment. Here's another follow up segment. Do you remember old Fannie Willis down there and Georgia that was a big.

Deal for a cup of coffee.

And then she got discredited and everything like that because she was sleeping with the guy that was getting the money and all that sort of stuff. Fannie Willis, Fannie Willis, this is breaking news yesterday shows up on the side of the road with her, ex using quotes around it because she claims she was no longer with Nathan Wade. Remember that was part of her defense that they broke up long right, Yeah, she's married all along and they they never even had a relationship and if they did, it was long over her whatever. Anyway, yesterday she's on the side of the road with him after her daughter was arrested for a suspended license. Bodycam footage from the cops shows Willis and Wade, who she claims she was no longer in a relationship with. Willis's pregnant daughter was arrested in Georgia for driving with the suspended license. Willis comes under fire for her improper relationship with the Nathan Wade as we all know.

Then she's there.

She shows up when er and not quite sure how this happened, Like if her daughter called her mom, My, mom's a big deal, You're gonna be in trouble, and then mom shows up with Wade at her side and is on camera and you can listen to the whole conversation and everything like that bad look all the way around. It's you know, it's a da stepping in. It looks like to help her daughter who did something illegal with her supposed ex boyfriend, who was getting taxpayer money while they're having sex. Is all very ugly situation. Were they in the car with the suspended license? That is that has not been nailed down yet apparently either way, why she arguing with the cop about her daughter's suspended license if her daughter was the driver?

Right? Oh? Yeah? Would would your would your your adult kid?

Would you get out of the car and argue with the cops if you're Donny Willis?

Is so clearly a crook. Isn't that something?

Though? I Mean, she's at a pretty high level, you know, in the justice in the justice in America, and she's clearly didn't care. I mean, she's given money to people she's having sex with and willing to try to get her kid out of various traffic violations and all kinds of stuff.

Well, in a lot of US cities that have a huge percentage of black voters, if you are the black candidate, you will win. A lot of the voters will not vote for the other party or whatever over you because you're their person, and so you get you know, Kim Fox in Chicago, or a bunch of different examples. Congress people, they just can't lose. Part of it's a party thing, but a lot of it's a race thing. Fannie Willis sure is an example of that.

I have a prediction for the NFL season that has nothing to do with really sports or the teams or the x's and o's, or who wins and loses. But I think it's a prediction that is pretty obviously going to come true based on the promos I've been watching today.

The commy Spy in New York. Boy, did she like to lecture America? That's coming up in moments.

Armstrong and Getty.

The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government. Misinformation that COVID was spread through surface transmission, that vaccinated immunity was far greater than natural immunity, that masks were effective. Now we have the definitive Cochrane Review. What do you do with that review? Cochrane is the most authoritative evidence body in all of medicine and has been for decades. Do you just ignore it not talk about it?

That's Dartie doctor Marty McCarey, who we talked to yesterday, and it's been packaged very easy to find at Armstrong and getty dot com. That conversation. But he was one of those brave people during COVID. He's a surgeon, he's a director of this, that and the other. On Hopkins who was a staunch advocate for never mind the medical stuff, but the free speech stuff. We've got to be free to ask questions and answer them without undue government pressure because as always, always, always, the censors got it wrong.

Those are different ways. Those are some disturbing examples right there.

Yeah, and that was a very very short version of his screed. Part of me wishes we'd grab more of it, but it doesn't matter anyway. You can find that at Armstrong and giddy dot com. Really like Marty, he's a smart guy. Speaking of notable follow up, you know information, we're talking yesterday about the arrest of that former top aid to the last two New York governors, Kathy Hokeel and one of the many cuomos.

Too many cuomos running around indiged with cuomos, So many cuomos.

But this Lynn So, the former deputy chief of staff to Hokel and her Communist Chinese husband, yielded a Trevor trove of insights about Beijing's extensive influence campaign that Jack expertly outlined yesterday.

The number of times the two of them.

Especially, she got the state of New York, the Governor of New York to go super soft on Communist China and never utter the word Taiwan right, including downplaying the fact that Taiwan provided a million masks.

Turned it into.

China providing a million masks and helping to bolster China is like, you know, on board with helping us with all this when they were defying the world at every turn and trying to investigate the COVID. So some of the rosy glow about China that came out early in the pandemic from the governor came straight from this freaking spy who is living in multiple multimillion.

Dollar homes paid for by the Communist Party.

That's really frustrating, And just to remind you of a bit of the atmosphere of the time, you remember when the epicenter of COVID was New York and he Cuomo you remember Cuomo sexuals. He was the anti Trump who came out and with wisdom and calm and medical knowledge described the situation.

Every night. For New Yorkers, he was held up as a hero.

He would come out and do his little press conference thing every single day, and they would take that live every single day, and a lot of what he was saying was straight out of the mouth of a paid Chinese spy.

That's correct, Yeah, and absolutely, because the New York perspective became in the mainstream media, the American perspective, that cheerleading for the communist Chinese influenced the rest of the pandemics of government response and the discussion in the media about it. That was of enormous importance. She I tell you what she was worth, all the millions China was paying him in her communist husband, because they really struck a blow when China was the most vulnerable in favor.

Of the Communist it's a way to go.

So Linda's son, when she was not just defending her communist overlords, took the time to lecture the United States on how we ought to run our country.

How helpful of her. Let's tune into that.

I think, you know, when people say diversity and inclusion, I think everybody agrees or most people generally agree that it's a good thing, right, But I think right now we also need to bring in the word equity, right, diversities when you say that there's you know, many different types of people with different backgrounds, and they're all, you know, invited to the table. Inclusion is when you know, we include all of their ideas. But equity is when we make sure that all of the people who are at the table have equal access to making sure that their ideas and their thoughts are heard. And unfortunately, I think some of the statistics that you voted is that we don't have that much leadership.

Wow, and she was being employed by the Communists. So first of all, that's not what equity means. Secondly, what a shock that a communist agent would be hardcore for Deiro kidding. So you've got the Communist Party paying somebody to promote an idea, not because.

They think it's good for the United States. They think it's because they think it's damaging for the United States. Unbelievable. We left out the fact that she.

Lobbied hard for New York and the governor and the whole anybody she had influenced with not to bring up the slaughter of the Wigers at all, the genocide against the Ringers, dunt.

We should probably should stay out of that man.

She was an effective spy and at this point she's just being held as a money launderer and unregistered foreign agent and the rest of it.

Well, as you ask yesterday.

What needs to be explored more is why the Governor's office was willing to go along with it. Two different governors. If some Chinese aid comes to you and says, don't call Taiwana country, it doesn't make you a little suspicious.

Well right, it would be, and that's not racism. It's just that that position is indefensible, and then you would flow from there. But I'm sure she was very good at her job. I'm sure she you know, furnished them with some sort of twisted rationale for doing her bidding in that of the Chinese communists, But that's unbelievable. I just loved her lecturing all of us. And you need to understand how dei is really important in equity, which is communism. We really need to have equity. That just means equal access. No, equality means equal access, Equity means equal outcomes.

And you know it, you communist filth.

Well, right, So they are promoting that because they think that will help undermine our system. Yes, they don't want our system to be successful, did any one? Nobody on the left really is listening to our show. But people on the left realize the communist Chin Chinese Party is pushing your point of view. So are you in agreement with the Chinese Communist Party?

Yeah, DEI, critical theory, queer theory, all that stuff with neo Marxism. It is to capture institutions and tear down the system.

But don't most people who push DEI claim it's strengthening our capitalism.

The you stul idiots who have been converted by the activists. Yeah, yeah, they actually believe that because they lack the capacity for critical thinking, which.

Is a shame because it's really.

Handy and it is damned frustrating. One more thing I want to get to before we take a break. Happy to see this. This is in the Wall Street journ Well America's Space Force preparing for the risk of war and I like the sub headline. A military branch established by Trump emerges from the shadows of threats from Russia and China as China. Hmm, let me try it one more time. I'm thinking this is what you always say. I'm thinking while I'm reading. A military branch established by Trump emerges from the shadows as threats from Russia and China grow and emerges from underneath the mockery of late night comics. Do you remember when Trump announced a space force. It was a hilarious couple of days. Has ever been mocked it as obviously the sort of stupid thing Donald Trump does, right, and now everybody's recognizing, Oh yeah, the next front four warfare is going to be space where the satellites are on the moon, et cetera. And we need to be prepared for it. And that was a good idea. Trump had to make that a branch.

Of the military, and to be unprepared for it would literally be an existing threat.

That's correct.

Yeah, that's stupid, stupid Trump with this stupid space force.

Trump arrangement syndrome is a thing. Oh yeah, It's an actual thing. It makes people unable to critically look at something. Well, Trump's attached to it. It must be stupid and silly.

Ha ha ha. Space Force ha ha, that's really easy.

Kids going back to school even though the COVID won't hurt them, and other countries are back and private schools are back. No, we can't be in favor of that because Trump is for it. That is seriously mental illness plenty to walk about Trump. I mean, sell them the gold shoes or the various cards where he's dressed as a superhero.

That's mockable. But Space Force was a good idea. Kids going back to school is a good idea. Anyway, we will finish strong.

Next Silence, open the gate.

There's a lot of sound.

That's the new Pepsi commercial with Travis kelcey as a gladiator, remaking a Pepsi commercial from decades ago. I guess I don't remember that one. Anyway, Travis kelce comes out as a gladiator and Magan the Stallion is the something or other and he fights a lion or something. Anyway, it's a promo for a Pepsi and kind of because the NFL season is kicking off, and here's what I said. I said, here's my NFL prediction that has nothing to do with the games, like ESPN currently has a forty nine Ers ranked as the best team in the NFL, followed by the Chiefs.

Followed by the Ravens, Chiefs and the Ravens tonight.

But my non sports related prediction is everybody in America gets sick of Travis Kelcey. I mean just I don't know what you do with him. If you're him, that would be a tough situation to be in. Everybody's throwing money at you, everybody wants you to be in their commercial, everybody wants to interview. He was on for three minutes yesterday on CBS being interviewed, and just it'd be tough to like, what are you gonna see your your agent's gonna say say yes to all this stuff. I don't I don't know how you should handle that. Taylor's what the same situation. I'm really really popular, but I know if I do this like one more time, everybody's gonna hate me.

And I don't want people to hate me. Yeah, yeah, you're right.

That is an overexposure is difficult to see coming when you're on that track. On the other hand, if Travis Kelcey never played another down of football. He would still be a spectacularly wealthy man on the on the strength of his podcast deal that he his brother Jason just signed.

Right, one hundred million dollar podcast deal. Yeah, oh yeah, yeah, he's not gonna hurt for money. But I wouldn't want to be loathed. I wouldn't want to walk through airports and people say, oh God, not him.

I think he's too likable.

Right, And a reminder of this about predictions, By the way, there's many examples of this, but this is the most over the top. Remember when the Patriots went eighteen and one, losing by one play of the Super Bowl. Well, they were obviously the favorites for the next season and went into it as.

The number one most likely deemed to win the Super.

Bowl, And the first quarter of the first game, Tom Brady got his leg snapped into and had a season ending injury.

That was that.

Yeah, that was that, And that could happen to anybody's favorite team though, it's just always worth remembering in this sport. There was some breaking news while we were on the air today, Hunter Biden. The jury selection started in the whole tax trial. That's the one that is really interesting. Where'd the money come? From where did it go? Was your dad involved? So he has withdrawn his guilty plea and now is trying to do something different.

Here's Jonathan Turley commenting on that.

Well, this is another problem with waiting too long. Now convicted a person, he's going to go into sensing with a record, and so that never helps unsensing. I think that it would be very strange for the Department of Justice, after all of this history, not to seek some jail time. And if they seek jail time, they'll get it, very likely from this judge.

So that may ultimately prompt.

The President to pursue a pardoner commutation. We'll have to see. But the odds at this point favor jail time. They didn't when the Justice Department was still in favor of a plea agreement after it collapsed. So I just failed to see why this defense strategy was enlightened. It does not seem to have worked out particularly well for Hunter Biden.

That's interesting, I think the whole well, I don't know, but clearly his dad's going to pardon him.

Does he do it immediately? Here?

It is a frequent texture to me personally a Ken Apple expert. Ken the old Man has agreed to part the office prior to January. So Kamala runs as the Independent soon and that makes the time to pardon Hunter very very tight. And they couldn't wait for a many weeks long trial do unfold?

You said, Kamala runs as the Independent? I'm sorry? Is the incumbent? Oh okay, okay, I'm sorry. I was trying to keep it all in my jelly. Is stupid head.

Yeah, they're they're going to pull the old h I'm out of the White House.

But he doesn't. He's president of the United States. He could, he could, He could pardon Hunter two minutes after the gabble comes down, couldn't he sure?

You don't have to wait till you leave office? Right?

Oh no, no, you can't wait till you leave off. Well, you don't have to wait until that last time. That would be a terrible of miscounty.

Oh damn. Sorry, Now that I'm out of office, I'm going to pardon my son.

Sorry about that, my old friend the text, you know, he didn't realize it was always already noon twelve oh one. Sorry about that. Damn it. Maybe next time.

Nidan falls asleep and forgets to pardon him.

Right, But what was I gonna say, Oh, he pays no political price. I mean, so Hunter agrees to something tomorrow, he's found guilty, his dad pardons him. There's no political price to pay. I don't understand why he has to need to he needs to leave office. That's just like kind of a side thing. It's not involved with the pardon part. That tightens the timetable. Like I said, a many weeks long trial and then sentencing will come six weeks after that.

They don't have the time.

Could be, you know, the old man has not done anything for the last several weeks. He's made like two speeches and that's it. Could he be at you know.

DD deaths Door d D D squared death door Oblivion's threshold. I think history will record. The weirdest thing going on right now, ignored by everyone is that the president is still Joe Biden and and nobody has any idea what his mental capabilities are.

No, he's he's been on vacation for like well the entire time.

What's called on his schedule the last three weeks has been a stout. I just looked at it. One of our brilliant listeners, I think it was JT in Livermore was saying historian just wrote a big piece saying presidency is the hardest job in the world. And and and JT was making the point none ain't. Biden never shows up. And Kamm was not doing the work she's campaigning, right, So who is.

Right the fog with Armstrong and Geddy. Here's your host for final thoughts, Joe Getty.

Let's get a final thought from everybody on the crew to wrap up the show. There is our technical director, Michael Angelo. Michael final thought. Yeah, I'm gonna take my eight year old nephew to target, but I'm gonna carry a blindfold in my pocket.

So we get into a certain section.

I'm gonna just quickly blindfold and lead him out of the store. Yeah. Yeah, uncomfortable. Katie Greener esteemed Newswoman as a final thought, Katie, worst news ever.

Not only is the mcflurry changing their packaging to the cardboard.

Box, but they've also ditched the spoon.

Jack, Oh, the spoon is awesome. No more spoon for youang it.

Hope you've been saving your fing flurry spoons. No, those are short sighted, Jack. A final thought for us.

My two favorite dumb headlines today Malania Trump to write memoir.

Okay, I can't wait for that. And here's a really dumb one.

Prince William returns to duties with beard.


Wow, I have a stop and think we now have a bearded Prince William.

I realized yesterday I need a deadline for everything, even things I want to do.

I need deadlines desperately where you don't get them done right.

Yeah, it just always seems like something else. And it's not like I'm wasting time necessarily. Some of it's productive. But I am, as my mom used to say, postponing the important in favor of the urgent.

A right.

That is a common thing. We should discuss that. That's a common thing people do.

And so if I don't make the important urgent, I don't do it.

Armstrong and Getty wrapping up another ruling, four hour workday, so.

Many people to thank, so a little time, good Armstrong Yetty dot com, Holy cow, do we have some great hotlings for you there. Drop us a note mail bag at Armstrong in Getty dot com, pick up some swag.

See you tomorrow. God bless America. I'm strong and get ya. I'm done done with us, So I'm going to get some cheeks. Really, don't even play. I'm going to say one thing clearly.

They have put lipstick and a wig on a pig. You've got a wigged pig.

You've had two.

Months to come up with a metaphor for a female candidate that doesn't collor a hog.

You can't come up with a new one that isn't a hogs. Improve on perfection. Thanks you all very much. Armstrong and get it.

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