Backflow & the Beaver

Published Jun 24, 2024, 5:29 PM

Hour 4 of A&G features...

  • Thieves descend upon the A&G Radio Ranch--a full report!...
  • 2
  • James O'Keefe's latest, featuring a Disney lawyer talking about their hiring practices...
  • Roadkill laws...
  • Final Thoughts.

Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio, the George Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong, Joe Getty.

Armstrong and Jetty, and he is Armstrong and Ytty.

It's like that this could be the most boring Lord could be quite exciting.

Who knows, But anyway, it'll be a good I'm sure he'll be prepared.

Whatever happened to all that cocaine.

That was missing a month ago from away?

Whatever happened.

Is is Trump gonna be able to transition to an empty room and not having any idea how.

The crowd is reacting. I have no idea.

I got some actually interesting debate nuggets to get to at some.

Point I think I'll be the judge of that. But so we rolled into today.

Actually got a text at home that there's no coffee because the coffee machine was broken. Well, that was not surprising because the coffee machine is always broking, so that didn't really mean anything. Got to work to find out that the reason the coffee machine wasn't working is there's no water in the building, like no water coming out of the faucet, and the sink can't flush, the toilets can't hands and I assumed it was non payment of bills. I worked at a radio station like that once. We were in this building. The building when the radio station moved into it was a health club and a restaurant. First the restaurant went under, then the health club went under and it was only the radio station in the building, which wasn't enough for the people who owned the building to make their payments. And they actually got all the plumbing shut off.

Oh wow.

And for the last several months of the radio station being there, if you wanted to use the bathroom, you had to go down into your car and drive like five blocks to a convenience store. It was away for months, like an entire summer that I like, Gosh, no toilets, which I'm sure is illegal.

Man, you have to manage your liquids like you're on an airplane.

Yeah, that's the best case scenario. Matter if you know anything about r ving in the blackwater. But so, got no toilets here? Well, you got toilets, you can't flush them, and some of the toilets have already been used and they can't be and we're running out of unused toilets. So what caused this problem? Well, our executive producer Mike Hanson has looked into it. He's on the scene, Mike, what is going on?

Oh, thank you, Jack and Joe. It's great to be with you here this morning.

I am, in fact live outside the radio ranch at the scene of the theft.

It is absolute mayhem out here.

Employees are huddled together, holding one another, utterly fearful of what they're gonna find inside our building this morning.

What theft? What was stolen?

So thieves took the backflow preventer that's the device that helps sure that water's going in the right direction into the building.

Happened sometime over the weekend.

It may have even happened this morning as we were entering the building to do our work just today.

So this is a We've talked about this a lot. If you've never heard it, well, I was about to say the area of town we're in, but name it an area of town where this isn't true in the capitol of California, where there aren't street people everywhere surrounded by piles of stolen stuff. And there is a former restaurant more or less across the street from us called the Elephant Bar. It went out of business during COVID. I guess anyway, the building's been sitting empty there forever, and they just street people just absolutely robbed that thing, stripped it to the ground.


Yeah, So is the backflow prevention device the new catalytic converter?

Yeah, in some ways it is.

Apparently the reason why this is such a hot commodity is due to the price of copper. So the device is made out of copper oftentimes, and it's about two bucks a pound. So if a thing weighs twenty pounds, and here's the thing, it's not just here. This has become an issue all over this neighborhood, so I'd imagine it's it's a much broader issue everywhere.

But if it's two bucks a pound and it weighs twenty pounds, you just got forty dollars.

Whoop? Do you do? What do you do to go word twice with that? You're just gonna get high. Yeah, you're not setting up a pension plan or no, no, but you got to multiply that.


Yeah, but we'ren't in an industrial park, so multiply that times all the buildings that exist over here. So they just hop from one building to the next and keep taking them. They're taking so many so quickly that they can't be replaced. So the workers are telling me down here, they don't even bother. They're just putting a junction in to allow, you know, the building to have functional water.

You know, it's interesting Joe brought bringing up the cataltic converter because this is the whole problem with the decriminalizing. There's all kinds of things that have been around that you could have stolen forever, but people didn't just because it wasn't worth you. Because for forty bucks, you're not gonna risk going to prison. And if you've already got a record, maybe it's your third strike. You mean, you just don't want to do that.

It's all the balance between risks and rewards exactly.

But now because there's no risk, the idea that you've got a you know, a meter on the back of your house, somebody might steal it. You got a piece of something inside your car that somebody can crawl underneath with a wrench and take it.

They're gonna steal it.

At light poles, just getting stolen park benches I've seen taken just because if you can, if you can get fifteen dollars for a park bench. You get to get high again because there's no penalty.

Somebody goes on vacation, they come home, all their wire pipes are are or i'm sorry, all their copper pipes are gone, or their wiring's been taken or whatever.

For the metal. Why wouldn't you.

Get caught inside that house as a junkie. It's not even a slap on a wrist. You get a notice to appear.

What you ignore?

What does it look like? Is it to a park that they have. Did they do a nice clean job or does it look like it was.

Just really no, very very clean.

It's four bolts, so uh, they likely just turn the valves on each side, turn the water off and then either you know, unbolt the device or just cut it or just cut it off.

All kinds of things around buildings or your home or whatever that are like that, that have always been there and.

It's never been a problem, and now.

You show up with the wrench and somebody's gonna steal it because there's no penalty, because crime is and Gavin Newsom stopped any opportunity to get a.

What do you call those things? Proposition? Proposition on the ballot, so we could change that. Yeah, yeah, yeap.

He crows about democracy constantly but secretly hates it.

So Hanson, your kids are younger than mine, but they're probably they're not young enough. Do you still have your old porta potties like the little kids use? Can you bring the little the little potties? I thought i'd one in the corner. I can have my knees up to my chin if I sit on that thing. But I gotta use something.

Yeah, I think that's a brilliant idea, and I will have it sent into the rant.

We can just put them in the news area.

Yeah, because I remember how those the little sea the little bowl thing comes out of them and then you can go empty.

We have a little.

Beautiful balconies, I advocate. Just sit and balance yourself on the railing. Just let him worry about it down on the ground. Yeah, you should have problem now, shouldn't have parked there?

Wow? All right? Well, thank you for that live report.

Absolutely, thank you Jack.

Excellent journalism. So how long before gangs of thieves? One guy, you know, like in La one guy. I'll probably have a gun. In other places not so much, but they just quick jack up a car, steal all four tires and disappear again. There there's almost no repercussion for getting caught, So why the hell wouldn't you.

Do it as long as you could. Yeah, and honestly, you get caught, do it again.

All of these things that you didn't lock up in the past that are going to have to now be. They'll have to have a cage around them or something, or you'll have to have locking bolts on your wheels.

Sure, how's your utopia coming along?

It is the It is civilization coming apart, is what it is. Ah, yeah, I would agree. I had a friend he was no longer a drug addict, but he was a drug addict back in the day. And this particular guy told me that back when he was he was a meth guy. He was a method He said, I'd steal anything that wasn't bolted down, and if it was bolted down, I'd go get my wrench. Yeah, and that's what's going on now. Fantastic, this can of oh yeah, oh yeah, this will continue. You realize unless there's a change in policy and until the scales are rebalanced.

Yes, the human beings are not angels. There is a significant chunk of humanity that will do whatever they can get away with, which is why you design a society that has incentives and disincentives for good and bad behavior.

Of course, some of your idiots on the left be like Margaret Brennan on the Face to the Nation yesterday talking about the border. What do you mean it's a choice as opposed to something that has happened to us, right, this is not a choice to have policies that allow this to happen. We have a systemic racism or inequality or something like that, and people have to steal to make ends meet.


Yeah, The inability to admit my policy was wrong and has wrought terrible consequences is practically universal.

I'm sure the person that unbolted that chunk of copper on the building that is now causing me to have to you'reinate in a waste basket. I'm sure he's going to use that forty dollars both to buy medicine his children and to attend his community college classes.

He's trying to better himself.

Of Course, many of us have dreamed of leaving a powerful and unmistakable symbolic message on our boss's desk, and perhaps today is the day.

You have an excuse, that is right, you can cover for it. I didn't have any choice.

I stopped by just to say hello if you were in early, and I was gripped by the need the nature.

Called burden of Damascus. You know how it works. Beautiful? It is, really though.

The point of this, going on and on about this with inappropriate jokes in between, is just another blue city, blue state policy where things are happening now that have never happened before. Parts of buildings are being stolen that you didn't used to have to lock down.

Unbelievable, very maddening.

I do have a couple of debate nuggets, and also something I came across over the weekend back when Trump ran in twenty sixteen, Brian Williams of NBC News tried to give Mark Hauprin some come upance for being too pro Trump.

I hadn't heard this before. I didn't remember it, anyway.

Play a clip of that pretty good, anyway, stay tuned. So drug fiends stole some sort of a piece of equipment off the buildings, so now we don't want to have water, and the toilets dole flush, and I just went in the bathroom and because you need water to run the air conditioner. It's like ninety degrees in there, and none of the toilets have been flushed in hours and hours, and lots of people use them.


I was in the Peace Corps in the Congo in the nineteen sixties, so I have some experience with this sort of thing.

But it is it's rough in there. I will just say, oh, it's my worldie yike, yeah it is.

Yeah wow.

Anyway, debate on Thursday, which I just my personal opinion, I think it's going to mostly be boring.

If Biden doesn't have a stumble, I think it's has no effect.


Here's Frank Luntz, famed polster, talking about it on one of the shows yesterday.

I'm very nervous about the outcome of this debate. A lot of people have made up their minds about the two candidates, but haven't made up their minds whether or not our democracy still works if we have another reaction like that first twenty twenty debate, but the two candidates just go at each other, at some point our system breaks, our democracy comes undone. And so I'm going to be watching, not just for the cute quip or trying to figure out who won or lost. But I'm going to be watching American reactions and whether or not this adds to our discontent and our division, or whether it begins to heal it.

So what's your guess?

Does the debate add to our discontented division or start to heal America?

Well, I'm gonna.

Accuse Frank of having his extra large panties in a wad.

Oh wow, A shot is a shot in his body shape. You know.

I immediately regretted that, and I retracted and apologized for it. No, if indeed that is what happens in the debate, then I believe the electorate will reject that sort of politics going forward, and we'll see a renaissance of the serious candidate.

It's at least possible. It's more likely than not, I think.

So that first debate last time, if you don't remember it, I'd forgot. I saw some clips yesterday. I'd forgotten how much they were talking over each other constantly. Chris Wallace completely had no control of them at all, which he doesn't need to control them. Let them be what they're gonna be, I think in a two person debate. Let them be or they're gonna be. They'll either be rewarded or pay a price. When you get the multi person debate, I think you need to herd the cats a little bit. But AnyWho, Trump kept interrupting Biden, and Biden, if you remember, famously said will you shut up?


Somebody pointed out yesterday he told the President of the United States to.

Shut up and paid no price for it politically. In fact, he got rewarded for it on his side. Yeah, but that's a heck of a thing. Well, that's why the First Amendment exists. And I love that. Honestly. It was certainly disrespectful, but Trump was being a prick, and everybody recognized as that, even Trump fans, And you know, honestly, I don't want a lot of that. But the President is not a king, and I don't like him treated as one.

So Byron York got to sit down with President Trump over the weekend, and it's a printed interview. In a recent conversation at Bar Lago, I said to Trump, a lot of people thought in the first debate with Biden that you were somewhat overamped, that he went after him too much. I interrupted him, said Trump, Yeah, I think do you agree with that? Trump answered, then, after a short pause, he defended the interruptions with conceding that, yes, there were too many. He lied so much, he's he's going on everything else. He said, everything he says is a lie, So would call him on it, because calling him out two minutes later is very tough because you know it's a lie. It's a lie, it's a lie. Everything is a lie. But I agree, though, I uh, the second debate, I handled it much differently, and I got good marks. So even Trump said he interrupted him too much the first debate. The other thing is uh. Trump says that the reason he agreed to this debate. I'll just read the quote on why he agreed to the terms, because we've wondered about that. What they did, I'm pretty sure is that they approached me with the debate that I couldn't take Dana Bash, Jake Tapper, fake Tapper. I call him no audience, sitting down, originally sitting down a dead debate, turn off the mics when you're not speaking so I can't interrupt him. They knew I couldn't accept that because it was CNN Dana Bash, Jake Tapper, and I like an audience, and he doesn't. So they thought they would present it and I would say no, and they would say, well, we can't debate because Trump said no. So I said yes before or they even gave me the terms. So he got roped into it. Trump is like he trapped him in a debate. I don't know if I agree with that, but I could see how you had I don't know that hangs.

Together together pretty well as as reasoning, except that the conventional wisdom at the time was that Biden really needed to debate to salvage's chances.

So I don't know.

I don't know and run out of time. I want to fit this said. This is from twenty sixteen. Mark Alperman was on NBC. Brian Williams given Halprin Goff for being too poor pro Trump.

When Donald Trump complains that he is not getting favorable coverage in the MSM, he has not been listening to you this cycle. I think you've gone out of your way to find the path, argue for the path, forge the path for him in an argumentative way with your co host to the nomination tonight. I thought you were interesting, interestingly optimistic.

Where are you getting.

The path of positivity you laid out on your broadcast.

Well, it's not a question to optimism question.

I'll look at the data and looking at what's going on in the Battle Grand States.

I agree with see she's still overwhelmingly the favorite.

So Brian Williams acting like it was just crazy that anybody who was giving Trumpe a chance to win.

Back then Armstrong and Getty.

Door dashed a chamber pott since the toilets don't work because some criminals stole something off the building over the weekend. I Door nashed the chamber pot and a malaria in net. So I'm getting full on prepared for jungle life. Excellent, get the large one the chamber pot. Trust me on this. Okay, pay the extra, you.

Don't want to come up short. It's a good tip.

So I'm sure all you folks are familiar with James O'Keefe Project Veritas, conservative activist filmographer sends undercover people and to talk to people, then releases the audio indoor videotape. He has been roundly criticized by the mass media for deceptive editing and his undercover techniques and all cast your minds back oh so long ago, like a week and a half when that air sandwich hold the bread was served to us the clandestine recordings of Justice Alito and his wife and Justice Roberts, in which they said absolutely nothing that could be objectionable to anybody on any point of the political spectrum. But that was trumpeted as like a big story for several days, right, I mean, that was a head scratcher anyway. So it seems that, oh and absolutely nobody decried the tactics of the young woman who showed up at the fundraiser and misled the Alitos into thinking she was somebody that she wasn't, even though again nothing was said.

So back to.

Project Veritas, they went undercover. And I've actually watched this video listen to the audio, and I don't see deceptive editing. I think this is precisely what it appears to be, and I'm quite confident on that score. But they're talking to an executive, perhaps kind of I got the idea, kind of mid levelly executive at Disney by the name of Michael Giordano talking about jobs and hiring, specifically in terms of race and white people, et cetera.

Let's start with the first clip.

Certainly there have been times where you know, where there's no way we're hunting away. Now those kind of unspoken. There are times where it's spoken, but what they say it there's no way we're hiring on what almost.

Say, thanks straight to you or okay, they'd be very careful how they message that to agents.

There's no way we're hiring a white male for this position. Internally they just say it out loud, but are very careful in how.

They message it to outsized people. Outside people I should say, wow, go on, Michael, as.

Far as Day's concerned on the white male and that's not who they're looking at promote them.

I've been the company eleven years now.

So I have friends in HR, and I have friends with those visions, and they're like.

Look, nobody else is going to tell you this why.

But they're not consimmering any white males for a shot.

That's not.

Where they want to.

They even passed over a qualified half black person for a promotion because they didn't look black enough.

That's actually in the next clip.

But what he said is, look, I'm a white male and I my friends in HR tell me, look, you're just not who we're looking to promote.

Right now that we all know that this has been happening lots of companies for years, so some of it quite open. Yeah, I mean that's you though it's highly illegal. Well, the reason you're not supposed to say it out loud is because it's illegal. But everybody knew that was happening. Uh So, I guess the crime here is they say it out loud.

I don't like it. It's awful. It's racism.

University's doing the same thing. Next clip. This is so so horrible.

We wanted to hire somebody at the bottom a few years ago. Now it was not black, but didn't like hear that black, And there was a creative executive who was like, you're not that's not that's not what's black?


They wanted somebody in meetings to work here a certain way and he wasn't gonna kind of.

Bring that to the mean, it kind.

Of feels like where at some point there's going to the elawsuit And that's kind of how he was just because of there.

Oh you think you think at some point there's gonna be a lawsuit? Why is that?

We really like your resume, but I don't know how to put this and we'll provide the shoe polish, but would you be.

Okay with every morning before you come to work, just like from the neck up, if you were a suit, just put on some shoe polish.

Used to be a little blacker, right, but you're not black enough.

Guy was half black, but he didn't well present black enough, and they really wanted somebody at a meeting who was clearly black. That's so sorry, crazy, it's effing evil.

One more, I'm yet saying that there's a acceptable code words and buzzwords that are used to.

The developed the park.

They might say something like, you know, we're not we're we're not looking at like the usual suspects for this Jeff enough.

So it's like not like a legally actionable thing. So everybody knows what it means. They you know, writers and actors from here all the time, like.

You know, looking to hire writers and actors who bring niversity if I'm not looking to bring on any more clients who or they're like.

So we're not looking for the usual suspects, We're looking for hires that can support diversity.

It's I mean, it's not even coded. So there's a couple of things wrong with this. It's so immoral, it's illegal. But maybe even most important of all, you're not going to get the best talent. And we need to have the best talent in all positions, all across America to compete with China.

We just really do so. Yeah, it's anti excellence.

And it also then casts doubt on the achievements of any black man, black woman, hispanic whatever did you earn that job or.

Was Disney just desperate to have a brown face at a meeting?

Oh what a burden for people to carry who did bust their ass and earn what they've got.

And I you know, conservatives get knocked regularly as being racists by idia who have no other argument. But I mean, what could be more conservative than I want the best talent, regardless of gender, height, skin color, religion, anything. I want the best people in every position.


Yeah, Well, Disney has really damaged itself by going wok like so many corporations have, because Disney's so outward facing. I mean, if they were making some sort of wires used in computer exchanges or something like that, Okay, you know, you might hear the name and think, wow, that's bad they're doing that. But Disney is such an enormous name, such enormous brand, household brand. They're really screwing themselves. I hear Disney now and I think, uugh right, yeah, honestly.

Yeah, looking up at CNN, it's lying to me with their headline at the bottom.

That's utterly unsurprising.

Small debate moments can make or break campaigns. No, they can't show me one time. Not only does it not happen regularly, show me one time. Mentioned this earlier. Sarah Isger the Dispatch, who's been involved in campaigns and super smart.

She did the research. She said, there's no.

Documentable evidence that there's ever been a debate that had an effect on an election. You're so wrong, you're so long. I could prove it. I could prove it.

You remember when Lloyd Benson just torched Dan Quill and said, Satura, I worked with John Kennedy. I knew John Kennedy, and you're no John Kennedy. He murdered it with that line. Yeah, that was a great answer. Eight successful heres as vice president.

That was a great line which gets a lot of play but has nothing to do with who ends up winning the debate. Right now, in CNN, they're running name wins the election?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, Now whin's the debate wins the debate is my least favorite phrase.

I've hated that forever. There's just gonna say, wait a minute.

There's no figuring out who wins the debate. It's just what are you talking about? You may better yourself or hurt yourself briefly, minorly. But so far there's been no instance where it is made or break a broken a campaign. But the one they're playing right now on TV. I'm looking at it. I don't even need to hear the audio.

I know what it is.

It's Ronald Reagan against Walter Mondale, and it's his famous line of I refuse to use my opponent's youth and inexperience against him to get out of his age problem.

And how much difference did it make?


I wonder if that's the whole reason that Reagan.

Went on to win forty nine freaking states.

He wasn't going to lose no matter what.

Happened to that debate, Right, come on, small debate moments can make or break campaigns.

Is just flat out a lie. They don't matter, or at least they never have.

We now have one candidate that's got dementia, and if he completely goes off the rails, it could doom him.

Yes, I would agree in.

A tied election, and that will be, ladies and gentlemen, the first time a debate has ever mattered in a presidential election.


I said, this might be the most impactful debate in a half century. I put my certainty that that's going to happen at one in three maybe one in four.

So not.

Terribly unlikely, but not terribly alike.

So, CNN, you're telling me that if Reagan hadn't gotten off that clever line, not only would it have helped Mondale, but he would have won instead of one state, like enough to become president. Absolutely true, state barely. The poor pastors have no viewers. They're trying desperately to promote their TV show. Okay, yeah, I watched all the other channels yesterday too. They're all acting like the debates matter. Oh yeah, yeah, so it's a promotion. It's their summer promotion.

Fine, viewership drops off of the summer. What can we do. Let's have a I know what sort of stunt.

How about we have both candidates argue at each other and we'll claim that it's incredibly important.

You know, one thing is interesting, as I heard, the audience for the last Trump Biden debate was seventy some million people, which is a giant audience, but it was roughly eighty million to eighty million in the election, So.

A ton of people that voted didn't watch the debate. That's interesting to see the echo chamber summary.

I think, but you're interested, you're gonna vote, but you don't even tune in the debate. I just I just find that interesting. But they've never mattered in the past, so why would they know? Meh, meh, is exactly right.


We'll finish strong next. So I don't remember what the current law is in California. We've talked about this a lot, but Virginia just passed a law that will let anyone harvest roadkill any time of the year.

Freedom. I like the term harvest.

So if you pick up a flat beaver from the freeway, is that harvesting the beaver?

Indeed? Yes, yes, this is the tradition of my people.

We use every part of the beaver, beaver, beaver, beaver to honor its soul, the part run over by a.

Car the part run over by a truck, all the parts.

So what was are we currently in California a state where you can't eat roadkiller can't? It's gone back and forth. I feel like, yeah, I don't remember the current state of things. First of all, it's every time I see roadkill I want to eat in California, I think, what is the law again?

I just don't know what to do.

The idea of the government telling me I can't eat a dead animal on the road, to me is ridiculous.

Ridiculous or or or saying yes, yes, you may pick up a dead beef eat it if you'd like.

Oh, thank you, yes, thank you.

I guess my position is a sort of libertarian is they don't need to weigh in on this at all exactly. But uh, I suppose in theory they're outlawing it to protect us against Well, if it's been there for two weeks, not hot son, it might be back for you.

How about you let grown ups make that decision. Or I remember reading this.

At one point in the flipping and flopping, I can't remember, somebody was suggesting that'll prevent people from intentionally hitting beasts with their cars or something.

No, that is not happening.

Nobody is trying to run over a squirrel because if they kill it, now they can eat a squirrel.

Well, you explain to me a reasonable, uh, you know, set of reasons for having any laws at all about this crap.

To protect me. There's something by the same of by the side of the highway, and I need.

The government to tell me not to eat said stinking courts like a lord. It's like a sign by the bridge says don't dive into the water. It's two hundred feet down. It looks like it's about six inches deep. You're probably right, I shouldn't. I mean, it's you know, it's protecting us from ourselves, but which I don't like. I don't like that sort of perternalism. It's not good for society.

But i've seemed like I remember it was California, someplace where they they claimed that it's some segment of society is more likely to want to eat roadkills. So they made it legal again because it would turned out, you know, it's it's some some aggrieved culture was not getting disproportionately affected.

You know, people of color who tend to enjoy a little day. Old raccoon or whatever or not somebody wasn't that I thought that was part of it at one point. Well, and I know folks in Texas absolutely love to pick up a flat and armadillo and just gnaw on it.

Jerkys re leave tension, armadillo, jerkey, you get a jerky you call it. I understand. If you hit a deer anything, Oh my god, you know I killed that deer. It's dead.

And then you load it onto your car and take it home and make venison out of it, the same thing as if you shot it. Is anybody eating the flat squirrel that you could throw like a frisbee?

Well what about this is really turning disgusting. What about when it's still fresh and has not been flattened by other cars?

Well, who's eating a squirrel anyway? A bunch of squirrel leaders around here. Um, people eat squirrels, they hunt squirrels. H all right, well it's legal. I should look into this. How's opossum meat? You see those? A fair amount?

They will now in Virginia Let anyone harvest roadkill any time of the year.

Again, I like the term hart.

That's Glenn youngkin way to go, way to fight for freedom Glenn President twenty twenty eight. Stay tuned, check you cloks, Tim stop, Jack and Jose.

Go and if they don't give Candy'll be back tomorrow. I am going to harvest this flattened black dry gopher it. Here's your host for final thoughts, Joe Getty.

Let's get a final thought from everybody on the crew to wrap up the day. There is Michaelangelow are the technical director. Michael final thought.

Yeah, as far as I'm concerned, if you hit it, you eat it. So if you're a fussy eater, make sure you hit something good. It's something that you can cook exactly here you go slow cook it. That's the key. Katie is ailing and has the day off jacket.

Final thought for us ah Cherish tradition, my son and his friends set up a lemonade stand on Saturday afternoon one hundred and five degree heat and they made about fifty two dollars with a fresh lemons from the orchard at the farm.

So it was like really good lemonade. It was actually among the better cups of lemonade I've ever had in my life.

Oh that's fantastic. My final thought is I look over all the stories we didn't get to It's.

Gonna be a blockbuster week. There's so many good things to talk about. Hey, Dana, We're not going to pour you to death with the debate prep or anything. This story's not getting enough attention. How about that Saudi video that came out of some Saudi casing buildings in DC prior to nine to eleven, clearly part of the whole nine eleven hijacker thing. This story got buried. He's back in Saudi Arabia something. There have been bloody Islamist attacks all over the world, including in Russia recently, so that whole Islam versus the West thing ain't over.

Armstrong and Giddy wrapping up another grueling four hour workday.

So many people to thanks, so a little time. Go to Armstrong and Giddy dot com. A lot of great hot links there for you.

You can pick up a T shirt for your favorite A and G fan drop us.

Nope, we'll see you. Oh God, bless America. I'm Strong and Getty. Is our job to take the fun out of everything for everyone. We're good at it. Okay, do you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? Put a time after blood? I can't play let's go with a bye?

What would James Madison say, I'm gonna scratch my butt and where's my check?

And I want to watch a real world right And.

On that possibly nightmare inducing note.

Thanks you all very much. Have a terrific day, Armstrong and Getty

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