Anyone With Eyes Could See

Published Nov 6, 2024, 3:42 PM

Hour 1 of A&G features...

  • History was made! Trump wins the election!
  • Mailbag!
  • Voting NOT based on skin color
  • Katie Green's Headlines!

Says, don't need to few down, So I say, oh my god, we've been partying all night long. I'm so tired from dancing, belongs everywhere, so drunk champagne guy has been flowing. I might not throw it down for just a little bit. You how are y'all doing? Saving? Oh my god, all the people passed out on the floor. It's been a long party to stay in. Do one more time in the arms? Here we go, one more time. We're dancing to Y m c A scenario. Yes, it's been to me theme song of the drunk Rally the entire time. Ironic. Hi, y'all doing, Welcome to the historic day. That's good, Michael, that's good. The party's over? Oh yes. I usually am the last person at the party where they are turning off the music and starting to clean up and wondering are you gonna leave? Or can we get you new verse, are we gonna have to call the police, or will you get the hint and leave? At some point, that's what happened. So I've been taken in a ton of info since I got up this morning, and it's mostly making me insane as I take it in from mainstream media, which is all left with their complete, complete misreading of last night, just complete misreading of last night, which is maybe one of the reasons why, as I've said many times, twenty sixteen election night was the happiest night of my life. I put it above you know, kids being born, cancer being cured, all kinds of things. But I didn't have that feeling last night because I just I felt like as as watching the news and taking it in and where we are, just like we are in such a bad spot. We are in such a bad spot as a country, and a normal one in my opinion, normal one, even with Trump at the top of the ticket, normal one, which is a good sign. But you know, based on the misreading of everything today, I'm not sure how much ground we're gonna gain.

One thing I think we've learned for certain is that the left, in particular the left media, is incapable of learning because they will not open themselves up to any ideas that they do not already hold. And they find the idea of actually mixing with regular Americans and even like befriending them or whatever just to be disgusting. They wouldn't admit that, but the fact that they are repeating the same totally unaware fantasy land and misunderstandings of what the vote meant this year. I mean, there are they practically just updated the date on the script from twenty sixteen in a lot of ways, explaining how America is racist to a prominent that we're working on this audio. But one of my favorite quotes was prominent columnists and commentator Jonathan K.

Peart, who is on I can't remember what channel.

Said, all I can guess is that Americans have abandoned democracy.

Right by voting right. I heard a number of things like that, that the message has been sent that people do not care about rule of law, that people do not care about no or well, if you wanted to have one headline, I mean, if I was going to try to dumb it down the most I could, if I was only allowed one reason for the election, it would be everything costs twenty five percent more than it did three years ago. V right track, wrong track? Do you know who loses when you have inflation?

Like that?

Everyone? Every freaking body in the history of the world, So that, I mean, you could just start there. But like guys watching MSNBC today, it's where I go to like it helps me wake up because I get all really angry and then the blood's flowing and the heart's bumping and everything like that. Sure. Yeah, but just just the march of with all the guests of well, misogyny and racism. I guess won the day seriously said that. I mean, you got to be can it's because she's black and a woman. That's it. Couldn't be inflation, couldn't be the insanity of Wolkeness, couldn't be the horrible candidate she was, couldn't be any of those things. Has to be misogyny and racism. Are you strong economy under Trump? Couldn't be the rampant immigration screwing up America's cities and towns. No, none of that. It's the other stuff. You know.

It's funny you said that we're in a hell of a spot as a nation or something like that.

We're really screwed up.

I wonder if you were to remove the the high handed intelligentsia of the American media who are making all these pronouncements, if you could somehow wipe them from the scene. And I'm not talking about some sort of fascist purge of the media, Jack, I'm just put them in the penalty box for six months and let regular people run the conversation, normal Americans, even you know, the America's mayors and governors and civic leaders, and a couple of business leaders, maybe sports star two and radio guys like ourselves. Have us in charge of the conversation instead of the Alphabet networks and the New York Times columnists.

What sense of America would you get? Then?

Well, would the fever pitch of politics still be there? Or would we go back to something closer to that?

Program? Strikes me as awfully big? Can we rein it in a little bit? Yeah, we could rain it in a little bit, but I think it's important. Okay, we want to cut the difference and move on with our lives. Wonder one of the things that uh, you know, and I don't want to rain on the enthusiasm and excitement for people who really wanted Trump to win. I wanted Trump to win as opposed to Harris. But sure Adam Schiff and Carrie Lake are now US senators.

For instance, Wow, Wow, you punched me right in the lung. I mean, you do what the hell punched your lung? I was sure she was gonna lose.

Well, she wrote the coattails of Trump's amazing victory, which cannot be overstated. I mean he not only so, I didn't see any counties where he didn't do better than he did last time.

So I mean anywhere, which district by district it was everyone but two wow.

I mean that's absolutely amazing. For one thing, Uh, the other thing is he came within a couple of points of winning New Jersey, of winning Illinois. I mean just stunning, absolutely stunning. And again everything costs like practically thirty percent more than it did in twenty nineteen. That's gonna cause the party in power to lose every single freaking time. You add into what a horrible candidate she was and the stuff she had been saying about. Well, then you add in the open border for three years, I mean, what would you expect to happen? Thank God, with all of the media aligned against him and trying to obscure those two things I just mentioned, people were still able to see through the fog.

I wish there were more we can do than just offer better ideas to combat the mainstream media. But that super performance in the bluest of states, you'd think, having seen that, are our media Betters would think, oh my god, there's a lesson here.

There's something going on that's very power. Nope, Nope, I'm.

Just gonna go with It's racism and America has abandoned Oh and sexism in America has abandoned democracy. Not that the Democratic Party is so wildly out of touch with America. All they have is condescension and judgment, the woke mind virus. That the postmodern academia thing wokeness, if you will, is so bitterly unpopular in America, and you you think it's twice as popular as it is because the media and academia have terrified so many Americans into not saying what I'm saying out loud, out loud. It's it's bitterly detested by normal people.

Man. If I ran a news organization and I was wanting to cover America properly, I don't think I would allow maybe nobody with a college degree, certainly nobody from a college degree from a it's even slightly fancy university unless you went to some small state school in the Midwest. I don't want you to have a college degree and work for my organization because you're so completely out of touch with reality. Like you just said, this stuff is not even close to as popular as you think it is. And you think it's not popular only because you got all these ivy league college people running every news organization and they're just completely out of touch with reality. Right. This is a bit of a tangent.

But you know how corporations go to all this time and expense to put you through all these psychological tests. It takes like three and a half hours and they ask you the same question six times, and it's all about, you know, are you a team player and a worker?

Logical? How about like a fifteen to ten question questionnaire.

Where you try to ascertain whether people are living in wack adoodle academia La La land or if they have a grasp of reality.

You know, you could call.

It an ideological you know, a test or something like that. But I think I don't want people who like believe fairies are real and Harry Potter was a documentary and that men can menstruate. I don't want them working for my company because we do real stuff for real people in exchange for real money.

Here, I've used the example many times of an academic friend of mine who came the whole pronouns on your resume thing came up and I said, who does that? And they said, does anybody not do that? And so in their world, everybody was putting pronouns at the bottom of their emails. And I said, the opposite is way closer to the truth. Nobody is. And so that's a pretty distinct different look at the world. And everybody that brings you your news is in that other camp that thinks everybody's doing it. And it's not just the pronoun thing, it's just all of the stuff that comes with that whole package. And well, I got more to say about the coverage last night and some of the coverage today, and we've got clips and stuff, and we'd love to hear from you, but we ought to start the show officially. I'm Jack Armstrong, He's Joe Getty on this It is Wednesday, the day after November sixth, year, twenty twenty four. We are Armstrong in getting and we approve of this program.

Let's speaking officially then, according to FCC rules and regulations, here we go at Mark.

Well, I want to thank you all very much. This is great. These are our friends. We have thousands of friends in this incredible movement. This was a movement like nobody's ever seen before. Frankly, this was I believe the greatest political movement of all time. There's ever been anything like this in this country and maybe beyond. That's actually true, and there is no disputing that this is the most amazing political comeback in the history of any kind of politics anywhere. It just there's nothing close. My whole life, it's always been Nixon the great comeback, because he lost in sixteen came back. Nothing compared to this. Engagements, ninety one felonies, the entire media stacked against you, being fined for like half a year, net worth shot. I mean, there's just the list is endless, and he comes back and wins. Accuse me of hyperbole if you like.

But Trump is the Grover Cleveland of our time. They will write guy to serve non consecutive elected terms. If we can continue to be a democracy or republic where you know, people write about presidential elections. It is the most amazing story of all time. A final thought will never be topped. Final thought. Then I'll shut up because we have to go to break. But the USA chant reminded me of something i'd left out of my brilliant analysis, and that is the vast majority of Americans love this country and understand what an amazing country.

It is.

Imperfect, of course, but you can express your your lover contempt of the government you did to free speech, the right of free elections.

It's a miracle of self governance that is endured. We're going on three hundred years and we love this country. The intelligentsia and the.

Media that we keep talking about, they hold this country in contempt. If you don't think that's a big factor, you don't understand how many of us think, Oh my god, Trump can be an a hole and I hope he doesn't do anything stupid, and I hope they rain in his worst impulses. Right, Yeah, a lot of us think that, But he says I love this country, and.

We love this country. That counts. Republicans have the Senate, looks like they might have the House, although that's still up in the air. That will be something. We got a lot more on the way, including mailbag text line's four one, five, two nine five KFTC. Trump did not win because he got more white males to vote. Got He won because he got a lot more everybody to vote, but he got a lot more Hispanic people to vote Black people to vote for him. I love this meme.

Principal Skinner from The Simpsons, which doesn't really matter, but he asks himself, am I out of touch?


No, it's the minorities who are the white supremacists. Now that's the explanation.

Here's your freado loving quote of the day, ree Kamala Harris's campaign Abe Lincoln, you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time.

You cannot fool all of the people all of the time, or enough of the people last night, right, If it's more endowed with a prediction in the New York Times today, that's pretty good. We'll get to later about the media mailbag. Like to hear that. Frank in San Diego.

Wooo guys, in whatever way you folks contributed to the Trump win Prop thirty six in California, the loss of George Gascone in La Thank you, thank you, thank you. Too bad we missed on shift. Maybe next time as a shift A US senator vomits.

I saw the gas going loss. That that is a good thing. Hallelujah. Scott's frequent correspondent, Scott Network talking head said, I hope Trump's victory speech is unifying. So now you want to be unified with Hitler. That's a good point. It was Hitler two days ago. How about freaking Kamala Harris going home and not speaking to her supporters who stood there for like six hours waiting for her to come out. You don't even come out and say anything. That's so weak. From the beginning of her career, she has been a week act. She's never not been a week act.

Moving along, mark rights as a show of unity, grace in love with the Democratic Party. President Donald Trump should give Kamala and Pelosi three things that they desperately wanted. Want expand the Supreme Court to twelve by all these two, eliminate the filibuster see three, get rid of the electoral College. I wouldn't do the third one. Yes, we can all get along. That is some finely tuned sarcasm, my friend.

How about Trump winning the popular vote by many millions? How about that?

It's amazing, Anthony writes, America has spoken. Donald Trump will be the next president. You too, claim to value freedom, liberty, the rule of law. You have a daily freedom loving quote of the day. You praise the wisdom of the founding fathers, the importance of the separation of powers, magnificence of our constitution.

You're pos students of history.

And understand the rise and fall of empires, et cetera, et cetera. On January twentieth, we will see what Donald Trump will do with his newly restored power. I know I will never regret my vote. Unfortunately, I know you will come to regret your votes.

Absolutely not, Anthony.

I might regret what Trump does, but the idea of Kamala Harris and the woke mind virus, and the destructive economic policies and the weak foreign policy continuing for another four years.

Is a nightmare.

I hope Trump is a good president, but if he's not, nitt, you're old the dice.

I was listening to NPR driving in and they had some Democratic Congress person on there talking about the march of fascism and how they're going to have to stand up to it. The march of fascism, but we're about to see sweep across the country. Seriously, he need.

To buy some specially built panties that don't wad up so quickly.

It's much more comfortable. We've got a lot more for you. Stay tuned, arm Strong and Getty. There's one of the things that made my head explode this morning when I flipped on the television. This is former Democratic Senator Claire mccaskell, who's a Morning Joe person, explaining how Trump went and how one and how sad it is for America. So, Claire mccaskell, your thoughts this morning.

Well, first, I think we have to acknowledge that Donald Trump knows our country better than we do. I think he figured out that anger and frankly, fear we're way more powerful than healing to people's better angels. The anger and fear were going to work in this election, whether you're afraid of immigrants or afraid of people who are trans He figured that out, and I think we all thought everyone's better angels would prevail. Turns out the better angels went on vacation when Donald Trump came down the escalator and they haven't returned.

There you go, there, you going that and you will never win another election.

Yeah, why don't you hold on to that idea of why Trump won and see if that works for you? Next? Time around you morons, or you just you're just so bubbled in Manhattan or wherever it is you hang out. I mean, fear of immigrants and trans people. Yeah, that's it. That's it. People are afraid of immigrants. It's got nothing to do with fifteen a million illegal immigrants coming into the country with nobody doing anything about it. Well, that's obviously.

I'm sorry we both got such a head esteem about that, but it's obvious.

That is the official accepted.

Whether you know it was distributed or not, or they all agreed on it serendipitously, that's the official line. Here's from the Washington of the New York Times. Trump played on fear and economic insecurity. Voters looked past his scandals. I love how because they are the protected class.

Claire mccaskell has no kids.

Or grandkids suffering in public schools because they've been inundated with illegal immigrants. She's not being victimized by Venezuelan gang members, et cetera. She is financially just fine. The inflation. She's read about it, but it hasn't really, you know, affected her life or her pocketbook.

To suggest that all anger is a sign of.

Bad character or lacking the better angels of our nature. As she said, to paraphrase Lincoln, that all anger is illegitimate. That's an interesting notion, that all fear is misplaced and merely the product of being a bigot. Can you imagine anything less true? Having come out of millions of illegal immigrants and crippling inflation?

How insulting is that? Why play that other clip? I asked for their sixty three Michael, Maria Teresa.

We have some national, broad national pulling about exit polling about let's Harris's strength among Latino men, and they seem to be breaking for Donald Trump, which is a very big difference from twenty twenty when they broke for Joe Biden by believe twenty three points.

They may be.

Breaking for Trump by as many as ten points.

Again, this is early, early, early, As I heard a number of pundits point out, you could narrow it down to Hispanic men winning the day for Donald Trump nationwide. So how does that fit in with the whole we're all just afraid of immigrants? The other is why we voted for Trump, except for Hispanic men voted for Trump like crazy. The best thing I heard last night of any punditry. I heard Alex Casnelano's who I have trouble saying his name. Long time really we longtime Republicans strategist and it comes from an immigrant family himself Hispanic of some sort. But him talking about he said, this is the great melting pot working in America to see so many black voters and Hispanic voters vote on issues other than their skin color, caring about their pocket book or some other culture issues or whatever that had nothing to do with their skin color. Just like every other American, they made a decision based on what they thought was best for them and their family. And that is exactly right. Latino men voted for the same reason white men or black men, are women or whatever color voted for Trump. A whole bunch of crazy s that was going on that you wanted to stop. It's got nothing to do with identity politics.

You know, virtually everything we say today might run through the lens of the distortions of the media and how you get misapprehensions of the way America really is. But we've been you know, as a show based in California for decades now. In fact, we got our first gig in talk radio kind of indirectly because a guy made an unfortunate joke about illegal immigrants and got booted, you know, a year and a half later or whatever it was.

We got the job.

But so we've been like hyper aware of some of the below the surface dynamics of this for a very long time, including, and this is my point, the fact that among Hispanic people, even twenty five thirty years ago, there was a real, significant minority that was strong border law and order, lawful immigration, not rampant illegal immigration. I mean Seesar Chavez, the great organizer, labor organizer, farm workers in California, he didn't like illegal immigration because because it drove down the wages of the people he was trying to represent. And that block of Hispanic people has been like the Yetti or the you know, the Bigfoot.

It's it's been rumored to.

Exist, but the mainstream media scoffs at the very idea that it's significant. It is significant, it's always been significant, and as the illegal immigration has grown and grown and grown, caused more and more problems in the very neighborhood where Hispanic people live because they're not the protected class like Claire McCaskill, for instance, or Kamala Harris. That attitude has gotten stronger and stronger, and then last night it was borne out in a massive move toward Trump among Hispanic people. It's funny nobody ever talked about Hispanic women. Do they vote anyway. It's not shocking to me at all that the talking heads in the media are scratching their head. They can't believe it, they can't fathom it.

Now. Hispanic people are in hard working, overwhelmingly Christian, patriotic, and they don't want chaotic immigration. By the way, markets up all around the world, Dow up a thousand points on the open today, Bitcoin hit a record high. So they don't seem to be freaked out by Trump winning. That's the fascism. Fascism is good for business. Jack. Here's another dumb explanation from Al Sharpton.

We also have to deal with the issue of race and gender. There was a lot of gender bias in this. There was a lot of race bias in this, and I think that we thought a lot of voters were more progressive in those areas than they were when you had the Dobs decision. And you see this kind of vote anyway, with the person that put the three justices on the Supreme Court. You have to ask yourself, are we fooling ourselves saying that Americans are further down the road toward dealing with gender bias and race bias that we thought.

Right people are. What he said was people are so racist and hate the idea of a female being president so much they are willing to overlook losing their sacred abortion rights.

Putting aside how convoluted that was, Uh, it's impressively taught a jackass to talk. Yeah, keep saying that you will never win another election. And I might respond to the Reverend Al Sharpton by saying, by asking him, do you think it was significant that this woman was a dumb ass? How about the fact that she wouldn't really talentless politicians, but facts.

She wouldn't take a position on anything, She wouldn't do a press conference. Al does that factor in course? I was just he's a professional pandurer. He doesn't mean this crap, but if he does, who cares? He's an idiot. I'll end my beating up on Morning Joe because it's just one cable news show, but it just got under my skin so much today. Their explanation that Kamala Harris was handled a near impossible task. I mean, she had basically ninety days to put together a presidential campaign, and she if she'd had more time, it's amazing what she accomplished in these small amount If she had had longer, she would have lost by more. She was not gonna get better, are you kidding me? The more time people would have had to see her, or or the more likely she would have had to finally say some things, she would have been in worse condition, not better.

Michael, I've been wanting to replay this clip and we haven't. If you can find Kevin McCarthy, we ran. It was a few weeks ago, right. Explaining Kamala Harris's entire political career was brilliant, speaking a brilliant many people's favorite clip of last night coming up from John King and Jake Tapper on CNN. But first a word from our friends at Prize Picks. They just do sports, all right. It's real money sports action. All you do is pick more or less on at least two players for shot to win up to one hundred times your cash.

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Listen to this headline the US stock market, Elon Musk's Tesla Banks and Bitcoin are storming higher as investors bet on what Donald Trump's return to the White House will mean for the economy and the world.

Okay, so everybody's favorite clip from CNN after this, Michael, thank you, buddy.

Fire it up.

If you watch Kamala's history, she starts really strong on a campaign. When she ran for president, she had the best opening, forty thousand people in Oakland, the most people online, and she never made it to Iowa. When she ran for US Senate in California's the top two, she ran against another Democrat and they had to retool their campaign even when the party in Doorster. When she ran for attorney general, it was the one seat. On the election night, Republicans thought we won. We actually came close, but they took it up. And what I'm finding now is she started strong here and you watch she's being outworked.

She can't talk to the press. No way.

Can you become the leader of the free world and be afraid where a city council member takes more questions than you do.

It's just not right.

Yeah, no, it was sexism or if she'd have had more time, yeah, yeah, all right. So this is John King and Jake Tapper on CNN last night, and they're looking at a map of counties across the United States, the entire United States, looking for counties where kam La outperformed Joe Biden.

Let her roll, Michael oh I said's sixty five.

So you asked, are there any price that said the vice president is overperforming Joe Biden twenty twenty. So we can show you that as well. We just bring that out here, Harris overperforming twenty twenty only smokes there you go. So let this go away and see if there's anything in.

The East Side. There literally nothing, literally nothing, literally not one county. So that is why, because everybody knew that on the West coast anyway, I don't know what it was for you, like you know, in the other time zones, it was so much later by but by eight point thirty, every network that I was watching was already into their autopsy mode because they knew how it was going to turn out. I don't know why they didn't have the guts to just call it. I was watching Mark Halpern's feed and he called it quite early. So it's over. I mean, there's just no way she can win at this point mathematically. And so was into the discussion in a West Coast time by like eight forty five of what this means we have, we've just sort of kind of buried the lead. We haven't mentioned that the electoral count was two seventy seven to two twenty four.

It'll be a while before the popular vote is known. I mean, like really really known. But Trump years, he won that want by a lot.

Yeah. Yeah. One of the reasons I'm just I have trouble being as happy as I'd like to be about this result is the fact that our media landscape is not going to get any better, And I just I don't know if we can ever get to anywhere near a consensus of moving in a certain direction. If people are so blinded to reality.

It's going to be a drag on that process, one hundred percent. But the media is sowing the seeds of their own demise. They got Trump elected.

That's what Mark Alprin signed off with on his zoom came asked last night, he said, I said it for a couple of years, nobody listened to me. It remains true. If anybody got Donald Trump elected, it was the dominant media in this country, and it was that might be the leading reason Donald Trump won is the dominant media pissing off so many people with their obvious thumb on the scale slash lies that anyone with eyes could see unbelievable about the various court cases and things he didn't say, good lord and just and it's difficult to describe. Well, we need to take a break.

I will take a moment to crast my description in a way that will wow you.

Gonna go through just a minute. I'm gonna go through some texts. Here's our text line and then make Katie's headlines four one, five, two nine five KFTC two different takes from New York newspaper The New York Post opinion piece about the election. He might not be the best person to address or fix these problems, but he was the only person who leveled with the American people about the mess were in, which is pretty good. I think The New York Times, however, went with after Donald Trump's win, the US is on the edge of authoritarian style of governance never before seen in its history. Right, all right, whatever, here's my favorite. Here's my favorite headline. We have been unburdened by what has been Yes, yeah, that's a popular one. And I have.

I have wisdom, I think for people who are concerned about a Trump presidency coming up, I tell you what. Let's just get right to Katie Green, who's reporting what it's the lead story?

Katie hit it.

Well, let's start with Drudge Report, just for fun, big headline in the very middle of the page, Trump wins world in shock.

Why some people are somewhat surprised, Yes, I don't know how you'd surprised.

I really don't know how you would be surprised. The overall arch of the thing. I'm very surprised. I mean you go back to January seventh, twenty twenty one. I'm beyond shocked. As I said yesterday, I would have bet every cent I had that Trump would never be president again, thinking wow, I'm gonna double my money. But has having observed this election, I don't know how you would be shocked.

From CNN where Harris's campaign all went wrong and pretty.

Much the beginning, the middle, in the end, Yeah, well the middle in the end.


They specifically mentioned when she was asked what she would do differently from Biden and her that biffing that that was.

You know, I've used football metaphors before, that's like forgetting to bring your quarterback to the game. It's it's an oversight so astounding, it's difficult to believe it actually happened.

So you hike the ball the first plane, it just lays there in the grass because there's no quarterback. Everybody's looking around. Worst chip, whor's chip number twelve? Where is he? I don't know.

You're the change candidate, but you're the incumbent, So why are you the change candidate? I nothing comes to mind.

Astounding from NBA see stocks sore after Trump victory because funny, ain't people like to invest in fascism or something.

Uniforms, Clearly they're gonna be flying off the shelves, mustaches, yeah, oh yeah place.

ABC Capitol Police warn of post election violence risk.

Uh. One good thing about the way it went down. This is what I was hoping for. Whoever won, they won pretty clearly, and Trump won very clearly. There's there's would be pretty difficult to go out there and make any argument that the election was unfair, rigged or anything like that.

From The Washington Post Moving out of the country A checklist for unhappy Americans.

Here's how to do it right. From the New York.

Post North Korean soldiers hooked on porn after getting internet access for the first time while helping Russia.

That doesn't surprise me. Oh golly, wow, hadn't seen that one coming. And this is the meme of the day.

It's kind of based off of yesterday's conversation about.

The calming jars.

Oh yeah, our listener Bill made this one. It's captioned across the top the only calming jar that I'll need. And then it's a picture of a jar of moonshine in his hand. All right, And finally from the Babylon b Joy Reid explodes live on air.

Yeah, we have some joy read to play for you next hour. I think you'll enjoy it thoroughly. All the poor college.

Kids in their brave rooms, in their petting labrador retrievers and coloring and the rest of it.

I hope you get through this difficult day. Yeah. A friend sent me a message last night that they were where they work, and it's a government office. They sent out a reminder that counseling was going to be available for people who needed it. If you, well, if you need counseling, and then if you're the sort of person who would say it out loud to anybody because of the way the election went. Wow, you're different than me, Armstrong and Getty

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