Hour 3 of A&G features...
Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio, the George Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty.
I'm Strong and Getty and he Armstrong and Getty.
The NBC and CBS pulling has the Democrat Party's fair abilities in the twenties. Chuck Schumer is fighting for his job here on the hel and they're taking this nothing story and trying to blow it out proportion. And every time something like this happens, they call on the Republicans to resign. But yet we heard nothing on them calling on a vegetable that was ruling the country for four years to resign.
Friend of the Armstrong and Getty Show, Senator Mark Wayne Mullen, doing what you got to do for your team. This nothing story, it's not a nothing story.
I don't know.
It's not watergnal scandal. That's right, it's not Watergate either, but it's not a nothing story. And if you haven't heard this, so Jeffrey Goldberg, not liking being challenged on the whole what were they war plans or not?
Thing? Has released and was it classified or not?
Yeah, was released a whole bunch more of the signal chat showing that it is absolutely war plans. Now you know, again, how long this scandal lasts, I don't know.
And number one did Mark Wayne Mullen just called the former president of vegetable I believe so, Yes.
It's overstated it somewhat but close and had it Yeah, non compassmentus definitely, but not quite a vegetable Anyway.
Where were we?
Yes, So last hour we were criticizing the Trump administrations handling of this crisis because they're they're fighting it and calling Goldberg a crackpot and saying there was nothing classified. It wasn't battle plans. And the more it gets released, the more they just they should have said, hey, it was a mistake, miscalculation, We've learned from it.
It will not be repeated.
Thank you to mister Goldberg for his restraint in not publishing the particulars to protect our troops.
It would have been over over over.
I wonder if some of this is lawyer stuff where we can't admit they were battle plans, because then we have committed a crime.
Wow, and we're in trouble. I'm looking up at CNN.
They've got more of this and says Intel chiefs testify as group chat fallout grows.
Do you think the group chat fallout is growing still? Uh? Yeah, it is.
Today just because of those details in the Atlantic. I mean that again, I don't think would have come out most of them if they had just confessed to their sins and mistakes and moved on. I mean, it was a great strike, successful for a good reason, and you know it certainly could have endangered our pilots what they did and how they did it.
So, oh my god, really uncool.
You talk a scandal if somehow because the one dude was in Russia while was this going on anyway, if they've been able.
To give it cough.
Yeah, if somehow the Huthi's had gotten tipped off and you could connect any dots that it made a difference.
Wooh, then this would be really a scandal, right.
I just if you live long enough, friends and a lot of you have. You know, sometimes you say I screwed up, I'm sorry, it's on me, and.
That makes things go away in a way. Anyway.
So we got a little bit of a reaction this from uh Paolo. It's clear that stupid concerning mistakes were made. Read them, Yeman strikes. Why aren't they trying to spend the particulars of the mistakes, and so unconcerned with making it clear that they're lying to save face. Even if you believe everything they're saying, they still look incompetent. Uh yeah, I agree. Obviously we got this from Kelly and Kansas. The Trump administration has already confirmed the signal meeting. Why do we need every detail of who's responsible? The Democrats have never admitted or taken responsibility for, or been held to account for anything. Hillary's private emare tapes in clinton sock drawer, Biden's unsecured classified documents, leaders of leakers of the Dobbs opinion, open Southern Border, et cetera, et cetera. So Sparris, the fake outrage Democrats, Well, that's politics, fake outrage. Yeah, and Kelly, I want my team to win. As we've said before, I often liken it to sports talk. My quarter throw quarterback throws three consecutive interceptions. I'm gonna say, hey, he needs to be more careful. That doesn't mean I liked Kamala Harris or that I want the Trump administration to fail.
They just have to do a better job. I don't even know if you need to go that far whose team?
Just let me know. I don't even need to know the team. All those things were bad, including this one.
Right agreed? Yeah, you're right.
Are they utterly inconsistent hypocrites? Yes, Kelly, Yes, they are my friend one hundred percent. So moving along. You know one of my favorite Bob Dylan songs. I still haven't seen that. Dang Nan old Timothy or Shallomey movie. Dylan movie.
Oh you haven't. You'll like it? And I thought I would hate it. I swear to god it.
Every time I think of going to a theater, I think, no, they showing the Joe Getty story, and I would think people talk.
And they rattle their their rappers and stuff, and now.
Unknown recordings of childhood athletic heroics they put in a film, and you think, nah.
No, what Getty hero to millions now in theaters? Ah wait, let's on Netflix. What keeps you out of the theater? I don't know, just the whole experience of getting there and driving, parking, waiting and sitting and watching a bunch of heads and then somebody's talking.
It's funny you are with that the way I am with flying. I hate flying. I hate it. I'm not scared of it or anything like that.
Just the whole thing, the driving, the parking, the bag, the security, just all of it.
I hate, Yeah, I sympathize anyway.
So where were we?
Oh, Bob Dylan, that's right, I'm tempted to tell a story. Isn't a side, but I want one of my favorite Bob Dylan songs from his Christian phase. I can't remember what album might have been, Slow Trained Coming Is, or maybe it's on Infidels, I don't know is Man of Peace, and the key line in it is sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.
Did you know this?
Bob Dylan born a Jew, living a Jew all of a sudden in the mid seventies. It happened in Albuquerque. I think I was reading about this the other day in a hotel room. He gets struck by the by Jesus and he goes full hundred percent Christian for quite a few years.
You got to save somebody.
It may be the devil and it may be the Lord, but you kind of have to save something.
You might be the heavyweight champion of the world. You gotta serve somebody, that's right. Anyway, Sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace. Sometimes Satan comes as a protector of children. And I speak of the teachers' unions suing the Trump administration this week for trying to a ball the Education Department, which is not a surprise because the Department of Education, as we've been detailing in the recent days, was created at the behest of the teachers unions by Jimmy Carter, who knew at the time it was a bad idea. He said, so Democratic Congress people we've quoted saying this is not a good idea.
And the Department of Education has mainly served to advance the agenda of the teachers union for more spending and less accountability through the years. They are perhaps have been formed with honest aims of protecting teachers and making sure teachers are paid adequately and not fired arbitrarily. I get that, but they have absolutely become what Bob Dylan was talking about. They have become a force for evil, and they would feed children into the wood chipper, perhaps not literally, but damn close to profit. I speak of Randy Weingarten, not your data day teachers, many of whom are very very good people, but the unions have become unspeakably evil.
And if you don't know how it works.
So among the chief duties of the Education Department is to dole out federal money, which is somewhere around ten percent of all education spunding funding. Rather spending funding spunding, I combine them. Ninety percent is state and local government. But as ms McMahon, Linda McMahon, who's running and soon shutting, I hope the Education Department points out, quote, a lot of the funding that goes into the states now goes with a lot of red tape, a lot of strings attached to it. And the Trump administration, and I want you to hear this loud and clear. If you have heard the local Teachers Union, which represents probably some of your friends and neighbors, say, welssa's going to yank the money away from the special needs kids and the poorer kids. You're going to have poor legless children starving because they can't get lunch at school sort of thing. Here's the evil aim of the Trump administration. They want to make sure that quote the funding continues, but that the states are allowed to spend the money where they need to spend it, instead of where the federal government says they must spend now the federal government which is dancing to the tune of the teachers' unions.
I hadn't heard this. This is not being covered well.
And you know what's really interesting, this is some great perspective. The bigger problem may be that the federal funding program for disadvantage students has a near perfect record of being ineffective in improving outcomes. It is absolutely shoving money down a rat.
Hole whatever that means. What hole in nineteen sixty six? Rat hole? Rat hole?
In nineteen sixty six, a year after Title one was I'm not going to give you the history. It's federal funding of education was created. A frustrated Robert F. Kennedy, not the new super tanned buff one with the weird voice, the old or the original the og exclaimed, what happened to the children? Do you mean you spent a billion dollars and you don't know whether they can read or not? Thirty five years later, Rod Page, you served under George W echoed that sentiment. Quote after spending one hundred and twenty five billion dollars of Title I money over twenty five years, we have virtually nothing to show for it.
It' sect the War on poverty a similar situation.
He's spent gazillions of dollars and haven't moved the needle poverty one. So as guardians of the status quo, quoting the Wall Street Journal, Now, teachers' unions want the government to force children into the school's union's control, and the Education Department is currently constituted helps him advance that agenda. The money continues to flow with little or no accounting whether it's being used responsibly, let alone effectively. Before you buy the argument that mister Trump's effort to eliminate the Education Department will be detrimental to students, you need to buy the argument that.
The department's creation.
Had anything to do with improving student outcomes.
That's a hard sell.
As usual, teachers' unions are acting in their own interests while pretending to act in the interests of students and families.
It's highly frustrating.
Sometimes Satan comes as a teachers union representative.
End of screed.
So my new favorite band name is Belgrade Sound Cannon. I'll tell you why that is coming up, among other things, stay tuned, Armstrong.
And these are not savings, they're schemes.
I would just buying toy paper the other day, and it was a five dollars discount if you had the digital coupon. Now, to get that coupon, I had to first download an app for Vaughan's. Then I had to sign up for an account. Then I had to scan the proper code to get the digital coupon, And once I was at the cash register, she had to manipulate my phone to figure out where the barcode was.
This is ridiculous.
Ah okay, that's what they're talking about. I've been in line behind people this with it slows down the line. San Diego who first city to ban these digital lonely coupons, which that guy there says a scam. I would never I've never done that. If you're gonna make me like make an account and sign up, I just know I'm getting stolen from.
So San Diego is banning them.
Why you can't ban that as a city and business can do what it wants if it says, look, you jump off through all these hoops, we'll give you five bucks on your toilet off your toilet paper.
If you're willing to let us steal all your personal information, we'll give you five bucks off. But that's a deal you make with all kinds of websites. I feel like I do like long, I feel like I do like one a day. Right, sound for another thing with another password, and make the trade off of there's benefits to this versus I know what the downsides are. NET sure a bunch of emails from companies I've never heard of.
Now, Well, and the nice lady there on Fox five in San Diego. Her tone of voice implied that, well, every American deserves that five dollars off, and I demand the right to not have to do that stuff for my five dollars off.
No, it's a quid pro quo.
They want access to you to promote their grocery store, and in return for you giving them that means they're giving you five bucks off on your toilet paper. That's the oh Man meddlesome America. Now, now we're gonna outlaw that because I don't like it. Then we're kind of outlawed that because I.
Don't like it.
Yeah, Okay, I got a couple of stories for you that don't need a whole bunch of time. Each Serbian sound cannons. I like the sound of that better than Belgrade. Belgrade in Serbia, Serbian sound Belgrade but whatever, Okay, Bellground said, what happened to vaguely European.
It's got sound in it. Cannon implies power, So.
We won't get into the politics of Serbia. But they got problem the president. Big protest they think is corrupt, trying to drive them out office. That had huge, just absolutely huge demonstrations. Well thousands and thousands were gathered in Belgrade the other day to protest the president. Then all of a sudden, something I've seen the video, something caused the crowd to like part and run away, and you can't really hear anything or seeing anything. And there are kinds of reports that the government used one of those weird sound wave things that maybe you've seen demonstrated online. Sixty Minutes had it years ago where they showed it like the Havana syndrome thing. I don't think so, it's I remember when sixty Minutes demonstrated. It's like a it's like a wave of sound.
That was heat.
But it's it's sure, yeah, it's just it's a sound might be the wrong way to describe it. You hear something, but that's not what makes you run away. You hear loud noises all the time don't make you run.
And this is energy. It's some sort of energy. Yeah, that makes you freak out and run away.
This woman had never heard anything quite so alarming and disturbing in a protest as a sound that broke a commemorative silence during a huge anti government rally in Serbia's capital, Belgrade, it was quiet and peace well, and then we heard something we could not see, like a sound rolling Towrdoise. People started rushing for safety toward the payment, feeling that something was moving towardoise down the street. Wow, so that's not just a sound. The perception that something's moving toward you down the street wouldn't just be a sound. I mean, I've heard a lot of really really loud.
Sounds in my life, and you instinctively find it menacing.
Hundreds of others offered similar accounts, triggering accusations at the police, military, or security services. Or somebody used an acoustic crowd control weapon to target peaceful protesters. These weapons are illegal in Serbia in most places. Well, they're illegal until you decide you need to use them. We'll probably use them on the battlefield, you know, against the Chinese. Someday and them some weapon against us that we've never heard of anyway. They can trigger sharp ear pain, disorientation, ear drum ruptures, even irreversible hearing damage.
And the president is denying it, saying if I use something like that, I'd be driven out of office immediately. Okay, Well that's what they're trying to do, is drive you out office. Yeah huh right, said the protesters. I find this interesting, Serbius. Police and government deny possessing the US made long range acoustic device l RAD when presented with photo blah blah blah blah blah. So they might have had this thing that we invented, and then one.
Other the drones and this and the laser beams and microwaves.
Well, the next war is going to be You'll constantly in the next big war, you'll constantly be reading about weapons you didn't even know existed. How much time I got, Michael Oh wanted to jam this in. Okay, got another unpleasant story. Probably doesn't need much time. Former NFL running back just busted in a dog fighting ring.
Thing. One hundred and ninety pit bulls uh seized.
It's the biggest single bust of dog fighting in American history against one guy. Horrifying detail that I won't get into. But what is it with NFL players and dog fighting?
Who's the dude?
I'd never heard of him? He played six years in the NFL with a bunch of different teams. Lashawn Johnson, Oh yeah, wow, crutal.
I'd say armstrong and getty.
I tended to get sidetracked by our last story that he did wrote before the commercial break, but just so ahead, just say this underappreciated cultural differences among different segments of society. They busted this dog fighting ring. Former NFL player he had one hundred and ninety dog whose biggest single dog fighting bust in US history? But just I mean, how many people had to be involved in the running of that, and then how many people are involved to make it worthwhile to have one hundred ninety dogs? I mean, there's gotta be thousands and thousands and thousands of people that are participating and attending and betting on for that to exist.
Has to be quite a few people. Anyway, I don't know that it needs to be that many, but well, certainly hundreds and hundreds it have to be. Yeah, it would be beneficial.
And who do you know that wouldn't just be absolutely shookingly horrified if they had to watch something like that, let alone enthusiastically participate.
Right, I mean, you talk about a cultural difference.
I know, I know way more people that would cry hearing this story than I've ever known that would enjoy watching.
Right. Yeah. Yeah.
One of the most useful and simple explanation of culture. Explanations of culture I've ever come across. Who the heck wrote this name will pop it into my head. Culture is how we do things around here. It's as simple and complicated as that. What's a husband's relationship with his wife in our culture? What's our relationship with a police officer? That's our relationship with the government. How do we treat each other when we pass a a stranger? How about a friend? How does one religious denomination interact with the other? That's all culture. Do you pet your dog and you love dogs and you like donate to rescue operations? Or do you have animals fight each other to the death for your entertainment and gambling?
I think it's hilarious cultural difference.
I gotta believe I don't know this, but I would assume that the crowd that can watch dog fights is also more okay with like domestic violence and violence in general. Shure, non kids or what I gotta be, doesn't it?
Sure? Yeah? I think so. Oh that's horrible anyway.
There are very few cultures around the world that have horrifyingly violent entertainment of this sort that.
Aren't more violent just in general.
Right anyway, speaking of violence and horror, I know what you're thinking, same thing I've been thinking forever. When are we going to get like a horror movie version of Mickey Mouse? Okay, nobody's ever thought that, but Michael, I guess apparently there's something like that out these days. Set sail for an adventure like no other meat Steamboat Willie.
He's wacky, he's wicked, and he's whistling his way into your heart. Literally, O d.
All aboard the Staton iveand ferry.
They're all going to die when their dream voyage turns into a nightmare. This is no fairy tam please please Steamer Screamboat. Screamboat.
So if you're not familiar, Mickey Mouse originally was Steamboat Willie nineteen twenty eight. I just looked it up almost one hundred years ago. The first Disney cartoon with Mickey Mouse, and they're calling it scream boat Michael.
Is that a parody because the voiceover doesn't fit with like an actual attempt to And.
They're going to get sued for using steamboat Willy in their advertisement.
It might be public domain at this point, it's almost one hundred years old.
It's not a parody.
They're and they're calling him screamboat Willie.
Have you ever seen the stuff that becomes at the first of the year. I always think this list is interesting stuff that becomes public domain, and it's different limits for different things, but like songs, books, poems, videos, that's the rules we have in the United States. After a certain amount of time, it's just out there and anybody can use it for whatever they want to.
Use it for. It's an interesting idea. Well, some people are against it, some people are for it.
And the director of this is actually a pretty great horror director. He did the Terrifier series, which if you're a horror fan.
You could have made that up. As far as I'm concerned, I don't have the horror fans. No, I'm not making it up.
It's a great it's a it's a series of horror movies and they're fantastic.
Huh, okay, you could bond with my son.
He's crazy into that sort of stuff.
Encyclopediachnology writes, like serious treatises on those series and what they mean, and ei they're effective and it's crazy anyway, So moving along, at least somewhat thought this was interesting. Joanna Stern writes a popular tech column and her headline is I quit Google Search for AI and I'm not going back. Oh wow, I love this, And obviously she goes into how ads and search optimized junkies made a mess of Google.
Yeah, it's amazing.
Like last night I was, I Googled a particular car dealer, like the name of it, and I get eight other options first, right, Yeah, that's ridiculous.
That's not what Google used to be.
Yeah, and she goes into, you know, the history of it and how it got kind of gummed up in the rest of it. I think we're all fairly familiar with that. At she says, with AI chatbots, it's really like having that personal search Butler Chat, GPT, Microsoft Copilot and Perplexity have real time web access, generating responses with citations to external websites.
Last week Anthropics Claude joined the club and Google's testing in AI mode built into search.
Woway, I need a smart person. Maybe I'll ask U my sitter house sitter. They're good with tech. I need somebody to walk through how I get this on my phone so I can use it. I absolutely would use this instead of Google. Uh.
Yeah, that's it's actually fairly easy because they have apps in the app Store.
But when is AI better? She says, I try to list all the places.
AI search beats old school search, shopping, people recipes, how tos, movie recommendations, places to stream a recommended movie. The rundown was longer than a CVS receipt, she said, that's long.
Oh so instance, who's streaming this movie?
Google's only going to give you the places that paid them to be at the top of the list. There might be other places that are cheaper or free.
Yeah. Sure, sure it doesn't sprize.
It is AI search the death of the Blue Links.
I'd say it's more a makeover than funeral. She writes.
Yes, these bots spar us from the click through marathons, but if they are good at grabbing useful information from the web, you'll get links you actually want to click. For instance, I asked all of the chatbots the same crucial parenting question, what three D printer under five hundred dollars should I buy my seven year old?
And the results were very, very useful.
Without a bunch of gummed up sales crap. Old school Google search was exactly what you'd expect, sponsored links, promoted products, links to best buy Amazon, YouTube videos, took several clicks to even get a baseline of credible options. And if you think I'm picking on Google bing was just as bad.
Well, this is the free market at worked.
This is similar to the conversation we had last hour about the whole coupon thing that you were rent and raving about.
This is fine. You know Google did that. They went too far.
They have practically killed the golden goose, I think, and it's going to drive a lot of us to try something else, and then they'll probably have to back off their sponsorships if they want to keep people around.
Oh, I needed to read a sentence and make a confession. For some searches like when is the first day of spring or the airtime of the Severance finale, the first answer is all I need. I was griping, I think it was yesterday about how I was watching Severance and it seemed to have a story arc that might continue forever.
Well, I could have.
Just Googled it or aied it or something and realized that, oh no, no, the season, the end of season two is the end of the series, and the finale's going to air tomorrow.
Oh it was decisive, It was.
Wild, satisfying, great sci fi ish twist. No spoilers here, but I apologize for questioning the creative geniuses behind the behind this.
They're in a booth at a pizza place and it just goes black and a journey song starts.
Oh you saw it anyway, So that's up with AI? When is Google better? And she writes, here's an easier list to draw. What Google Search is still good for for starters? Links to any web page you already know exists, Adam Scott's IMDb page.
I don't know who Adam Scott is.
Bob from Accounting's linked in a story you vaguely remember calling Bluie a juggernaut. Google's still your go, Tom. And while AI tools can recommend local restaurants and shopping, Google still excels at showing you accurate maps, addresses, and hours.
Interesting. Yeah, huh, I do think Google. I'll get used to this as it comes on.
Google pushed it too far and they're gonna have to pare it back if they don't want to lose everybody to to something else.
Interestingly, now and smartly, Google has its own AI.
Yeah, so they get either way, they get you.
Theoretically, Amazon has gone too far too But there's no competition for Amazon, which is what some people are arguing it's a monopoly or whatever.
I don't think so.
But man, you search on some specific thing and you get nineteen other.
Choices first, or your first twenty seven links are sponsored, and you know, okay, there it is for less per item with free shipping four pages in. Yeah, it's gotten a little obnoxious than come on, Jeff, Jeff Zebasos.
Nobody had comments on the fact that the world's first of all, how many times do I ever hear Elon Musk's name without World's richest man attached to it in the news?
No, I don't, and talked about it yesterday.
Elon Musk, the World's richest man, thinks we need to cut back social security checks. It's either a good idea or not. His personal wealth has nothing to do with it.
He ought to give away a couple hundred billion dollars. So he's the world second richest man, because if you're the world second richest man, you can do whatever the hell you want Beizo seems to care mostly about looking cool and yachts and hot chicks and stuff like that. He gets knocked never for being the world's second richest man.
Right right.
He's tried to reform the Washington Post at least a little bit, which is going to fail, but I appreciate the effort. Oh. Speaking of which, we got an email from a guy the other day. I wish I could give him credit. I don't remember the name, but pointing out that, all right, you hear twenty times a day. Elon Musk is the world's richest man. But MBS in Saudi Arabia has multiples of Elon's money, multiples. Vladimir Putin is believed to be, if not the richest man on earth, among the richest men on earth. So Elon is the richest guy whose income and wealth is disclosed earned.
That's what I go with, and that's why we'll continue to call him the world richest man. While that is technically true and interesting, I'm giving no credit to people who are thugs and thieves.
All right, the world's my most financially successful man would be yeah, one way to put it, you know, and he is.
I think he'd have to give away like I haven't looked recently. I'll look it up, but like three hundred billion dollars to drop the second place. He has really got a lot of money. He's likely, he's only fifty two or something. He's likely to become the first trillionaire. Weighty hits a trillion, you know how people like round numbers.
Oh, that'll really be a big deal. Then he's super evil.
A trillionaire is trying to cut your government services.
Right. I was listening to MSNBC this morning. They said, do you think Elon Musk, the world's richest man, has any idea what it's like for a grandmother's three hundred dollars social security check to matter?
All right?
Yeah, right, unless I'm also poor, I can't imagine it'd be impossible. Right, we'll finish. No, we're not done yet. I almost thought we were done.
How do you like that?
Oh, it's like when you wake up and you think it's Saturday and it turns out it's Tuesday. No more of the waste to hear.
So the task force is going to bring together all of the cases in attacks against Tesla facilities, vehicles for charging stations across the country. So that'll be FBI agents working with ATF agents. Now ATF has the premier lab when it comes to solving ARSON cases in the country, along with intelligence analysts, to develop a unified case intake system so that they can track the cases and use those intelligence analysts and investigators to find out is there a connection between the attacks, the attackers, or any particular network, and to make sure that they are gathering evidence and driving towards prosecutions.
You can't claim CNN, for instance, isn't taking the attacks on Tesla seriously because they've been going pretty big on it. It's domestic terrors and it should get a lot of attention. And we let this slide, you know, the other side will do it or other causes and it'll just grow and grow and wrong and it will be happening all the time. Absolutely undeniable. Yep, this stat yesterday bothered me. Consumer confidence index was down seven point two points, biggest drop in three years. So or go back to twenty one, so that's four years middle of the pandemic. So didn't like seeing that several months in a row.
Two? Yeah, what's that based on the whole tar thing?
Oh yeah, and people have maxed out credit cards.
Uh, defaults are on their eyes.
There are just savings are at a low since you know several years ago. There are just a number of not so great indicators.
Colorado, their state houses agreed to remove the quote bad painting of Trump after he complained about it.
I don't know what I think about this painting.
Painting deliberately painted to make him look fatter.
It's gotta be it looks like a fat little baby.
But was that the person's best effort or you think it was delivered? First of all, I'm amazed that anybody can ever sketch or paint someone and make it look enough like them that you would know what was them.
I mean, that's just stunning to me. Stunning.
But if you're walking through that Hall of the Presidents, there's not one person that would say, who's that?
You know it's Donald Trump.
It's just an odd painting of him, and I just think of lots of paintings I've seen, or that MLK.
Memorial they've got in Washington, d C. It doesn't Oh, is that who that is?
It doesn't look anything like MLKA that If you told me who's this, I wouldn't have been able to guess.
So, And that wasn't on purpose to make MLK look bad. It just was an artist rendering that didn't go. Oh well, right anyway, I don't think Trump's out of line to say, can I get one that's not quite so roundheaded?
He really looks like a fat toddler Trump. It reminds me of that big Trump and a diaper that was popular in Europe there for a while.
Oh right, a big balloon. Yeah.
Hey, Can I throw in one more quick note on the AI thing we were talking about a minute or two ago. The journalist points out that while I'm in favor of shifting the stale search paradigm, I do have AI reservations. These systems hoover up answers from the Internet, but rarely push you to the original source. Your trusted sources of information, like her publication in the Wall Street Journal, stand to lose visibility, subscribers, and traffic. If too many online platforms suffer, will end up losing the open web in exchange for one big answer machine with zero citations or accountability.
It's an interesting way to look at it. Yeah, it is.
And you said you're going to sign up for some AI and start dabbling. I think that great. I've been promising to do it, but I haven't. I've let the show down. I haven't done it yet.
Yes, again, mostly for search purposes. I love the idea of like playing around with image creation or video creation with the prompts, or music creation, I suppose, but honestly I should at least spend a day on it or something. I would rather make real music or watch the birds flying back and forth or whatever.
I don't know.
Yeah, I don't need writing do that, but I would love to get into spend more time with various AI chatbots, you know, asking it questions about historical facts or whatever, and just seeing kind of answers. Again, I'm pretty interested in that, and I certainly read about it A lot came across the shoesh today. I'm going to throw it out. One of those sayings you see every now and then.
I really liked this.
If you're worried about the cost of going for it, you should see the price of staying exactly where you are.
Mm I like it. I thought that was fantastic, Speaking of.
Fantastic, more intormation to come during our four. Wait what, you don't get our four? You've got to go somewhere.
That's fine. Grab it later.
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